Chip 2007 January, February, March & April
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Text File
1,001 lines
Initialization file for JOE
Standard Joe
JOE looks for this file in:
1 - $HOME/.joerc
2 - /etc/joe/joerc
This file can include other files by placing the following include command
in the first column:
:include filename
FIRST SECTION: Default global options (these options can also be specified
on the command line. Also the NOXON, LINES, COLUMNS, DOPADDING and BAUD
options can be specified in environment variables):
Override colors of lexical classes specified in syntax files:
Put each color override you want in the first column.
Valid colors:
bold inverse blink dim underline
white cyan magenta blue yellow green red black
bg_white bg_cyan bg_magenta bg_blue bg_yellow bg_green bg_red bg_black
Other colors are available: see syntax/c.jsf for documentation.
Override all instances of class Idle:
=Idle red
Override Idle only for c syntax file:
=c.Idle red
The following list is from c.jsf. Look at other syntax files for more classes.
=Bad bold red
=Preproc blue
=Define bold blue
=IncLocal cyan
=IncSystem bold cyan
=Constant cyan
=Escape bold cyan
=Type bold
=Keyword bold
=CppKeyword bold
=Brace magenta
Put each option you want set in the first column:
-option Sets the option
--option Clears the option
-help_is_utf8 Set if help text is in UTF-8 format. Leave clear if it's a raw 8-bit format.
-mid Cursor is recentered when scrolling is necessary
-marking Text between ^KB and cursor is highlighted (use with -lightoff)
-asis Characters 128 - 255 shown as-is
-force Force final newline when files are saved
-nolocks If you don't want file locks to be used
-nomodcheck Disable periodic checking of disk file newer than buffer
(this checking happens on save even with this option).
-nocurdir Do not prompt with current directory
-nobackups If you don't want backup files to be created
-break_links Delete file before writing, to break hard links
-lightoff Turn off highlighting after block copy or move
-exask ^KX always confirms file name
-beep Beep on errors and when cursor goes past extremes
-nosta Disable top-most status line
-keepup %k and %c status line escape sequences updated frequently
-pg nnn No. lines to keep for PgUp/PgDn
-undo_keep nnn Number of undo records to keep. 0 for infinite.
-csmode ^KF after a pervious search does a ^L instead
-backpath path
Directory to store backup files (one space between
'backpath' and the 'path', no trailing spaces or comments
after the path).
-floatmouse Clicking past end of line moves the cursor past the end
-rtbutton Use the right mouse button for action, instead of the left
-nonotice Disable copyright notice
-noxon Attempt to turn off ^S/^Q processing
-orphan Put extra files given on command line in orphaned buffers
instead of in windows
-dopadding Output pad characters (for when there is no tty handshaking)
-lines nnn Set no. screen lines
-baud nnn Set baud rate for terminal optimizations
-columns nnn Set no. screen columns
-help Start with help on
-skiptop nnn Don't use top nnn lines of the screen
-notite Don't send terminal initialization and termination strings:
prevents restoration of screen on exit.
-usetabs Use tabs to help optimize screen update.
-assume_color Assume terminal has ANSI color support even if termcap/terminfo entry
says that it doesn't. This only applies if the terminal otherwise
looks like an ANSI terminal (support bold and capability starts with
ESC [).
Assume terminal has xterm 256 color support (ESC [ 38 ; 5 ; NNN m and
ESC [ 48 ; 5 ; NNN m).
-guess_non_utf8 Allow guess of non-UTF-8 file encoding in a UTF-8 locale.
-guess_utf8 Allow guess of UTF-8 file encoding in non-UTF-8 locale.
-guess_crlf Automatically detect MS-DOS files and set -crlf appropriately
-guess_indent Guess indent character (tab or space).
-menu_above Position menu/list above prompt when enabled. Otherwise position
below prompt.
-transpose Transpose rows with columns in all menus.
-menu_explorer Stay in menu system when a directory is selected (otherwise
directory is added to path and menu is closed).
-menu_jump Jump into file selection menu when tab is hit (otherwise, menu
comes up, but cursor stays in file name prompt).
-icase Search is case insensitive by default.
-wrap Search wraps
-autoswap Swap markb with markk when necessary
-joe_state Use ~/.joe_state file
-mouse Enable xterm mouse support. When enabled, left-click will
position the cursor and left-click-drag will select blocks
For normal xterm cut and paste, hold the shift key down.
-joexterm If you are using XTerm version 212 or higher, and if it was
configured with --enable-paste64, set this flag: it allows
mouse cut & paste to work properly (text selected with the
mouse can be pasted into other application, and middle
button clicks paste into JOE).
-square Rectangular block mode
-text_color color
Set color for text.
-status_color color
Set color for status bar.
-help_color color
Set color for help.
-menu_color color
Set color for menus.
-prompt_color color
Set color for prompts.
-msg_color color
Set color for messages.
For example: -text_color bg_blue+white
Sets the background color to blue and foreground color to white.
-restore Restore previous cursor position when files are opened
Search prompts with previous search request.
Status line definition strings. -lmsg defines the left-justified string and
-rmsg defines the right-justified string. The first character of -rmsg is
the background fill character. The following escape sequences can be used
in these strings:
%t 12 hour time
%u 24 hour time
%T O for overtype mode, I for insert mode
%W W if wordwrap is enabled
%I A if autoindent is enabled
%X Rectangle mode indicator
%n File name
%m '(Modified)' if file has been changed
%* '*' if file has been changed
%R Read-only indicator
%r Row (line) number
%c Column number
%o Byte offset into file
%O Byte offset into file in hex
%a Ascii value of character under cursor
%A Ascii value of character under cursor in hex
%p Percent of file cursor is at
%l No. lines in file
%k Entered prefix keys
%S '*SHELL*' if there is a shell running in window
%M Macro recording message
%y Syntax
%x Context (first non-indented line going backwards)
These formatting escape sequences may also be given:
\i Inverse
\u Underline
\b Bold
\d Dim
\f Blink
-lmsg \i%k%T%W%I%X %n %m%y%R %M %x
-rmsg %S Row %r Col %c %t Ctrl-K H for help
SECOND SECTION: File name dependant local option settings:
Each line with '*' in the first column indicates the modes which should be
set for files whose name matches the regular expression. If more than one
regular expression matches the file name, then the last matching one is
A file contents regular expression may also be specified on a separate line
with '+regex'. If this regular expresssion is given, then both the file name
regex and the file contents regex must match for the options to apply.
Here are the modes which can be set:
-cpara >#!;*/%
Characters which can indent paragraphs.
-encoding name
Set file coding (for example: utf-8, iso-8859-15)
-syntax name
Specify syntax (syntax file called
'name.jsf' will be loaded)
-hex Hex editor mode
-highlight Enable highlighting
-smarthome Home key first moves cursor to beginning of line,
then if hit again, to first non-blank character.
-indentfirst Smart home goes to first non-blank character first,
instead of going the beginning of line first.
-smartbacks Backspace key deletes 'istep' number of
'indentc's if cursor is at first non-space
-tab nnn Tab width
-indentc nnn Indentation character (32 for space, 9 for tab)
-istep nnn Number of indentation columns
-spaces TAB inserts spaces instead of tabs.
-purify Fix indentation if necessary for rindent, lindent and backs
(for example if indentation uses a mix of tabs and spaces,
and indentc is space, indentation will be converted to all
-crlf File uses CR-LF at ends of lines
-wordwrap Wordwrap
-autoindent Auto indent
-overwrite Overtype mode
-picture Picture mode (right arrow can go past end of lines)
-lmargin nnn Left margin
-rmargin nnn Right margin
-french One space after '.', '?' and '!' for wordwrap
and paragraph reformat instead of two. Joe
does not change the spacing you give, but
sometimes it must put spacing in itself. This
selects how much is inserted.
-linums Enable line numbers on each line
-rdonly File is read-only
-keymap name
Keymap to use if not 'main'
-lmsg Status line definition strings-
-rmsg see previous section for more info.
-mfirst macro
Macro to execute on first modification
-mnew macro
Macro to execute when new files are loaded
-mold macro
Macro to execute when existing files are loaded
-msnew macro
Macro to execute when new files are saved
-msold macro
Macro to execute when existing files are saved
Macros for the above options are in the same format as in the key
binding section below- but without the key name strings.
These define the language syntax for ^G (goto matching delimiter):
-single_quoted Text between ' ' should be ignored (this is
not good for regular text since ' is
normally used alone as an apostrophe)
-c_comment Text between /* */ should be ignored
-cpp_comment Text after // should be ignored
-pound_comment Text after # should be ignored
-vhdl_comment Text after -- should be ignored
-semi_comment Text after ; should be ignored
-text_delimiters begin=end:if=elif=else=endif
Define word delimiters
Default local options
-istep 2
Perforce macro: use this macro (put in first column) to have joe "p4 edit"
a file you're about to change.
-mfirst if,"rdonly && joe(sys,\"p4 edit \",name,rtn)",then,mode,"o",msg,"executed \"p4 edit ",name,"\"",rtn,endif
File type table is now in a separate file. You can copy this file to ~/.joe and customize it.
:include ftyperc
RPM spec file
-syntax spec
THIRD SECTION: Named help screens:
Use \i to turn on/off inverse video
Use \u to turn on/off underline
Use \b to turn on/off bold
Use \d to turn on/off dim
Use \f to turn on/off flash
Use \| to insert a spring: all springs in a given line are set to the same
width such that the entire line exactly fits in the width of the screen (if
it's not an exact multiple so that there are N spaces remaining, the
rightmost N springs each get one extra space). Hint: if you want vertical
alignment, each line should have the same number of springs.
Use the '-help_is_utf8' global option to allow UTF-8 sequences in the help
text. Otherwise, the locale 8-bit character set is assumed.
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH more help with ESC . (^[.) \i
\i \i\|\uCURSOR\u \|\uGO TO\u \|\uBLOCK\u \|\uDELETE\u \|\uMISC\u \|\uEXIT\u \|\i \i
\i \i\|^B left ^F right \|^U prev. screen \|^KB begin \|^D char. \|^KJ reformat \|^KX save \|\i \i
\i \i\|^P up ^N down \|^V next screen \|^KK end \|^Y line \|^KA center \|^C abort \|\i \i
\i \i\|^Z previous word \|^A beg. of line \|^KM move \|^W >word \|^T options \|^KZ shell \|\i \i
\i \i\|^X next word \|^E end of line \|^KC copy \|^O word< \|^R refresh \|\uFILE\u \|\i \i
\i \i\|\uSEARCH\u \|^KU top of file \|^KW file \|^J >line \|\uSPELL\u \|^KE edit \|\i \i
\i \i\|^KF find text \|^KV end of file \|^KY delete \|^_ undo \|^[N word \|^KR insert\|\i \i
\i \i\|^L find next \|^KL to line No. \|^K/ filter \|^^ redo \|^[L file \|^KD save \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \i\|^KO Split the window in half \|^KE Load file into window \|\i \i
\i \i\|^KG Make current window bigger \|^KT Make current window smaller \|\i \i
\i \i\|^KN Go to the window below \|^KP Go to the window above \|\i \i
\i \i\|^[V Switch to next buffer \|^[U Switch to previous buffer \|\i \i
\i \i\|^C Eliminate the current window \|^KI Show all windows / Show one window\|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \i\|\uMACROS\u \|\uMISC\u \|\uSCROLL\u \|\uSHELL\u \|\uGOTO\u \|\uI-SEARCH\u \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K[ 0-9 Record \|^K SPACE status \|^[W Up \|^K' Window \|^[B To ^KB \|^[R Backwards\|\i \i
\i \i\|^K] Stop \|^K\\ Repeat \|^[Z Down \|^[! Command \|^[K To ^KK \|^[S Forwards \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K 0-9 Play \|\uINSERT\u \|^K< Left \|\uQUOTE\u \|\uDELETE\u \|\uBOOKMARKS\u \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K? Query \|^] split line \|^K> Right \|^[' Ctrl- \|^[Y yank \|^[ 0-9 Goto \|\i \i
\i \i\|^[D Dump \|^SPACE ins space\| \|^\\ Meta- \|^[O line< \|^[^[ Set \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \i\|\uGOTO\u \|\uINDENT\u \|\uCOMPILING\u \uQUICK\u \|\i \i
\i \i\|^G Matching ( [ { \|^K, less \|^[C Compile & parse ^G find word under cursor \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K- Previous place \|^K. more \|^[G Grep & parse ^[ENTER complete word \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K= Next place \| \|^[= To next error ^[Y paste deleted text \|\i \i
\i \i\|^K; Tags file search \| \|^[- To prev. error ^[^Y cycle through deleted \|\i \i
\i \i\| \| \|^[ SP Jump to error \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \iSpecial search sequences: \|\i \i
\i \i \\^ \\$ matches beg./end of line \\? match any single char \|\i \i
\i \i \\< \\> matches beg./end of word \\* match 0 or more chars \|\i \i
\i \i \\c matches balanced C expression \\\\ matches a \\ \|\i \i
\i \i \\[..] matches one of a set \\n matches a newline \|\i \i
\i \i \\+ matches 0 or more of the character which follows the \\+ \|\i \i
\i \iSpecial replace sequences: \|\i \i
\i \i \\& replaced with text which matched search string \|\i \i
\i \i \\0 - 9 replaced with text which matched Nth \\*, \\?, \\c, \\+, or \\[..] \|\i \i
\i \i \\\\ replaced with \\ \\n replaced with newline \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \iSearch options: \|\i \i
\i \i r Replace \|\i \i
\i \i k Restrict search to highlighted block, which can be rectangular \|\i \i
\i \i b Search backward instead of forward \|\i \i
\i \i i Ignore case \|\i \i
\i \i a Search across all loaded files \|\i \i
\i \i e Search across all files in Grep or Compile error list \|\i \i
\i \i w Wrap to beginning of file for this search \|\i \i
\i \i n Do not wrap to beginning of file for this search \|\i \i
\i \i nnn Perform exaclty nnn replacements \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \i \uCOMMANDS\u (hit ESC m for math) \uFUNCTIONS\u \|\i \i
\i \i hex hex display mode sin cos tab asin acos atan \|\i \i
\i \i dec decimal mode sinh cosh tanh asinh acosh atanh \|\i \i
\i \i ins type result into file sqrt cbrt exp ln log \|\i \i
\i \i eval evaluate block int floor ceil abs erg ergc \|\i \i
\i \i 0xff enter number in hex joe(..macro..) - runs an editor macro \|\i \i
\i \i 3e-4 floating point decimal \uBLOCK\u \|\i \i
\i \i a=10 assign a variable sum cnt Sum, count \|\i \i
\i \i 2+3:ins multiple commands avg dev Average, std. deviation \|\i \i
\i \i e pi constants \uOPERATORS\u \|\i \i
\i \i ans previous result ! ^ * / % + - < <= > >= == != && || ? :\|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, next screen ^[. \i
\i \i Hit TAB at file name prompts to generate menu of file names \|\i \i
\i \i Or use up/down keys to access history of previously entered names \|\i \i
\i \i Special file names: \|\i \i
\i \i !command Pipe in/out of a shell command \|\i \i
\i \i >>filename Append to a file \|\i \i
\i \i - Read/Write to/from standard I/O \|\i \i
\i \i filename,START,SIZE Read/Write a part of a file/device \|\i \i
\i \i Give START/SIZE in decimal (255), octal (0377) or hex (0xFF) \|\i \i
\i Help Screen \|turn off with ^KH prev. screen ^[, \i
\i \i Send bug reports to: http://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor \|\i \i
\i \i \|\i \i
\i \i default joerc file is here /etc/joe/joerc \|\i \i
\i \i additional documentation can be found here /etc/joe/doc \|\i \i
FOURTH SECTION: Key bindings:
Section names you must provide:
:main For editing window
:prompt For prompt lines
:query For single-character query lines
:querya Singe-character query for quote
:querysr Search & Replace single-character query
Other sections may be given as well for organization purposes or for
use with the '-keymap' option.
:inherit name To copy the named section into the current one
:delete key To delete a key sequence from the current section
Use ^@ through ^_ and ^? for Ctrl chars
Use SP for space
Use a TO b to generate a range of characters
Use MWDOWN, MWUP for wheel mouse motion
Use ^# for 0x9B (for Amiga). But warning: this breaks UTF-8 keyboards.
You can also use termcap string capability names. For example:
.ku Up
.kd Down
.kl Left
.kr Right
.kh Home
.kH End
.kI Insert
.kD Delete
.kP PgUp
.kN PgDn
.k1 - .k9 F1 - F9
.k0 F0 or F10
.k; F10
Simple macros can be made by comma seperating 2 or more command names. For
eof,bol ^T Z Goto beginning of last line
Also quoted matter is typed in literally:
bol,">",dnarw .k1 Quote news article line
Macros may cross lines if they end with ,
Commands or named macros may be created with :def. For example, you can
:def foo eof,bol
To define a command foo which will goto the beginning of the last line.
:windows Bindings common to all windows
type ^@ TO Type a character
abort ^C Abort window
abort ^K Q
abort ^K ^Q
abort ^K q
arg ^K \ Repeat next command
explode ^K I Show all windows or show only one window
explode ^K ^I
explode ^K i
help ^K H Help menu
help ^K ^H
help ^K h
hnext ^[ . Next help window
hprev ^[ , Previous help window
math ^[ m Calculator
math ^[ M Calculator
math ^[ ^M Calculator
msg ^[ h Display a message
msg ^[ H Display a message
msg ^[ ^H Display a message
nextw ^K N Goto next window
nextw ^K ^N
nextw ^K n
pgdn .kN Screen down
pgdn ^V
pgdn ^[ [ 6 ~
pgdn ^# S
pgup .kP Screen up
pgup ^U
pgup ^[ [ 5 ~
pgup ^# T
play ^K 0 TO 9 Execute macro
prevw ^K P Goto previous window
prevw ^K ^P
prevw ^K p
query ^K ? Macro query insert
record ^K [ Record a macro
retype ^R Refresh screen
rtn ^M Return
shell ^K Z Shell escape
shell ^K ^Z
shell ^K z
stop ^K ] Stop recording
Mouse handling
defmdown MDOWN Move the cursor to the mouse location
defmup MUP
defmdrag MDRAG Select a region of characters
defm2down M2DOWN Select the word at the mouse location
defm2up M2UP
defm2drag M2DRAG Select a region of words
defm3down M3DOWN Select the line at the mouse location
defm3up M3UP
defm3drag M3DRAG Select a region of lines
xtmouse ^[ [ M Introduces an xterm mouse event
if,"char==65",then,"it's an A",else,"it's not an a",endif ^[ q
:main Text editing window
:inherit windows
Spell-check macros
:def ispellfile filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp </dev/tty >/dev/tty;cat ispell.tmp;/bin/rm ispell.tmp",rtn,retype
:def ispellword psh,nextword,markk,prevword,markb,filt,"cat >ispell.tmp;ispell ispell.tmp </dev/tty >/dev/tty;tr -d <ispell.tmp '\\012';/bin/rm ispell.tmp",rtn,retype,nextword
:def aspellfile filt,"SPLTMP=ispell.tmp;cat >$SPLTMP;aspell --lang=",language,".",charset," -x -c $SPLTMP </dev/tty >/dev/tty;cat $SPLTMP;/bin/rm $SPLTMP",rtn,retype
:def aspellword psh,nextword,markk,prevword,markb,filt,"SPLTMP=ispell.tmp;cat >$SPLTMP;aspell --lang=",language,".",charset," -x -c $SPLTMP </dev/tty >/dev/tty;tr -d <$SPLTMP '\\012';/bin/rm $SPLTMP",rtn,retype,nextword
aspellfile ^[ l
aspellword ^[ n
:def compile mwind!,mfit!,querysave,query,scratch,"* Build Log *",rtn,bof,markb,eof," ",markk,blkdel,build
:def grep_find mwind!,mfit!,scratch,"* Grep Log *",rtn,bof,markb,eof," ",markk,blkdel,grep
Man page
:def man scratch,"* Man Page *",rtn,bof,markb,eof," ",markk,blkdel," ",ltarw,run,"man -P cat -S 2:3 "
Here we guess some common key sequences which either do not have termcap
sequences or which are frequently wrong. Note that if the termcap entry is
correct, it will override these later on.
paste ^[ ] 5 2 ; Bracketed paste
insc ^[ [ 2 ~
insc ^[ [ L SCO
delch ^[ [ 3 ~
pgup ^[ [ I SCO
pgdn ^[ [ G SCO
home ^[ [ 1 ~ Putty, Linux, Cygwin
home ^[ [ H Xterm, Konsole, SCO
home ^[ O H gnome-terminal
home ^[ [ 7 ~ RxVT
home ^# SP A Amiga
eol ^[ [ 4 ~ Putty, Linux, Cygwin, ssh
eol ^[ [ F Xterm, Konsole, SCO
eol ^[ O F gnome-terminal
eol ^[ [ 8 ~ RxVT
eol ^# SP @ Amiga
rtarw,ltarw,begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 5 C Mark right Xterm
rtarw,ltarw,begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 5 C Mark right Gnome-terminal
(Almost all termcap entries have ^[ O C as an arrow key).
rtarw,ltarw,begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ O C Mark right Putty Ctrl-rtarw
rtarw,ltarw,begin_marking,rtarw,toggle_marking ^[ O c Mark right RxVT Ctrl-rtarw
ltarw,rtarw,begin_marking,ltarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 5 D Mark left
ltarw,rtarw,begin_marking,ltarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 5 D Mark left
ltarw,rtarw,begin_marking,ltarw,toggle_marking ^[ O D Mark left Putty Ctrl-ltarw
ltarw,rtarw,begin_marking,ltarw,toggle_marking ^[ O d Mark left RxVT Ctrl-ltarw
uparw,dnarw,begin_marking,uparw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 5 A Mark up
uparw,dnarw,begin_marking,uparw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 5 A Mark up
uparw,dnarw,begin_marking,uparw,toggle_marking ^[ O A Mark up Putty Ctrl-uparw
uparw,dnarw,begin_marking,uparw,toggle_marking ^[ O a Mark up RxVT Ctrl-uparw
dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 1 ; 5 B Mark down
dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking ^[ [ 5 B Mark down
dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking ^[ O B Mark down Putty Ctrl-dnarw
dnarw,uparw,begin_marking,dnarw,toggle_marking ^[ O b Mark down RxVT Ctrl-dnarw
blkdel,nmark ^[ [ 3 ; 5 - Gnome-terminal Ctrl-Del
blkdel,nmark ^[ [ 3 ; 5 ~ Xterm Ctrl-Del
yank ^[ [ 2 ; 5 - Gnome-terminal Ctrl-Ins
yank ^[ [ 2 ; 5 ~ Xterm Ctrl-Ins
Extra functions not really part of JOE user interface:
delbol ^[ o Delete to beginning of line
delbol ^[ ^O Delete to beginning of line
dnslide ^[ z Scroll down one line
dnslide ^[ Z Scroll down one line
dnslide ^[ ^Z Scroll down one line
dnslide,dnslide,dnslide,dnslide MWDOWN
compile ^[ c Compile
compile ^[ C
compile ^[ ^C Compile
grep_find ^[ g Grep
grep_find ^[ G Grep
grep_find ^[ ^G Grep
execmd ^[ x Prompt for command to execute
execmd ^[ X Prompt for command to execute
execmd ^[ ^X Prompt for command to execute
finish ^[ ^I Complete word in document
finish ^[ ^M Complete word: used to be math
mwind,mfit,jump,bol ^[ SP
isrch ^[ s Forward incremental search
isrch ^[ S Forward incremental search
isrch ^[ ^S Forward incremental search
notmod ^[ ~ Not modified
mwind,mfit,prevw,nxterr ^[ = To next error
parserr ^[ e Parse errors in current buffer
parserr ^[ E Parse errors in current buffer
parserr ^[ ^E Parse errors in current buffer
mwind,mfit,prevw,prverr ^[ - To previous error
rsrch ^[ r Backward incremental search
rsrch ^[ R Backward incremental search
rsrch ^[ ^R Backward incremental search
run ^[ ! Run a program in a window
tomarkb ^[ b Go to beginning of marked block
tomarkb ^[ ^B Go to beginning of marked block
tomarkk ^[ k Go to end of marked block
tomarkk ^[ ^K Go to end of marked block
tomarkk ^[ K Go to end of marked block
txt ^[ i Prompt for text and insert it
txt ^[ I Prompt for text and insert it
upslide ^[ w Scroll up one line
upslide ^[ ^W Scroll up one line
upslide ^[ W Scroll up one line
upslide,upslide,upslide,upslide MWUP
yank ^[ y Undelete text
yankpop ^[ ^Y Undelete text
yank ^[ Y Undelete text
toggle_marking ^@ Ctrl-space block selection method
insc ^@ Ctrl-space used to insert a space
bufed ^[ d Menu of buffers
nbuf ^[ v Next buffer
nbuf ^[ V Next buffer
nbuf ^[ ^V Next buffer
pbuf ^[ u Prev buffer
pbuf ^[ U Prev buffer
pbuf ^[ ^U Prev buffer
query ^[ q Quoted insert
byte ^[ n Goto byte
col ^[ c Goto column
abortbuf ^[ k Kill current buffer- don't mess with windows
ask ^[ a Ask to save current buffer
bop ^[ p Backwards paragraph
bos ^[ x Bottom of screen
copy ^[ ^W Copy block into yank
dupw ^[ \ Split window
eop ^[ n Forwards paragraph
format ^[ j Format paragraph ignore block
markl ^[ l Mark line
nmark ^[ @ Turn off ^KB ^KK
pop ^[ > Pop ^KB ^KK
psh ^[ < Push ^KB ^KK
swap ^[ x Swap ^KB and cursor
tomarkbk ^[ g Switch between beginning and end of marked
tos ^[ e Top of screen
tw0 ^[ 0 Kill current window (orphans buffer)
tw1 ^[ 1 Kill all other windows (orphans buffers)
uarg ^[ u Universal argument
yank ^[ ^Y Undelete previous text
yapp ^[ w Append next delete to previous yank
Standard JOE user interface
quote8 ^\ Enter Meta chars
quote ` Enter Ctrl chars
quote ^[ ' Enter Ctrl chars
quote ^Q
backs ^? Backspace
backs ^H
backw ^O Backspace word
bknd ^K ' Shell window
blkcpy ^K C Copy marked block
blkcpy ^K ^C
blkcpy ^K c
blkdel ^K Y Delete marked block
blkdel ^K ^Y
blkdel ^K y
blkmove ^K M Move marked block
blkmove ^K ^M
blkmove ^K m
blksave ^K W Save marked block
blksave ^K ^W
blksave ^K w
bof ^K U Goto beginning of file
bof ^K ^U
bof ^K u
bol .kh Goto beginning of line
bol ^A
bol ^# SP A
home .kh
home ^A
home ^[ [ H
home ^[ [ 1 ~
home ^[ [ 7 ~
center ^K A Center line
center ^K ^A
center ^K a
crawll ^K < Pan left
crawlr ^K > Pan right
delch .kD Delete character
delch ^D
deleol ^J Delete to end of line
dellin ^Y Delete entire line
delw ^W Delete word to right
dnarw .kd Go down
dnarw ^N
dnarw ^[ O B
dnarw ^[ [ B
dnarw ^# B
edit ^K E Edit a file
edit ^K ^E
edit ^K e
eof ^K V Go to end of file
eof ^K ^V
eof ^K v
eol .kH Go to end of line
eol .@7
eol ^E
eol ^[ [ F
eol ^[ [ 4 ~
eol ^[ [ 8 ~
exsave ^K X Save and exit
exsave ^K ^X
exsave ^K x
ffirst ^K F Find first
ffirst ^K ^F
ffirst ^K f
filt ^K / Filter block
finish ^K ^M Complete text under cursor
fnext ^L Find next
fmtblk ^K J Format paragraphs in block
fmtblk ^K ^J
fmtblk ^K j
gomark ^[ 0 TO 9 Goto bookmark
groww ^K G Grow window
groww ^K ^G
groww ^K g
insc .kI Insert a space
insc ^@
insf ^K R Insert a file
insf ^K ^R
insf ^K r
lindent ^K , Indent to left
line ^K L Goto line no.
line ^K ^L
line ^K l
ltarw .kl Go left
ltarw ^B
ltarw ^[ O D
ltarw ^[ [ D
ltarw ^# D
macros ^[ d Dump keyboard macros
macros ^[ ^D
markb ^K B Set beginning of marked block
markb ^K ^B
markb ^K b
markk ^K K Set end of marked block
markk ^K ^K
markk ^K k
mode ^T Options menu
nextpos ^K = Goto next position in position history
nextword ^X Goto next word
open ^] Split line
prevpos ^K - Previous position in history
prevword ^Z Previous word
redo ^^ Redo changes
rindent ^K . Indent to right
rtarw .kr Go right
rtarw ^F
rtarw ^[ O C
rtarw ^[ [ C
rtarw ^# C
run ^K ! Run a shell command
save ^K D Save file
save ^K S
save ^K ^D
save ^K ^S
save ^K d
save ^K s
setmark ^[ ^[ Set bookmark
shrinkw ^K T Shrink window
shrinkw ^K ^T
shrinkw ^K t
splitw ^K O Split window
splitw ^K ^O
splitw ^K o
stat ^K SP Show status
tag ^K ; Tags file search
tomatch ^G Goto matching parenthasis
undo ^_ Undo changes
uparw .ku Go up
uparw ^# A
uparw ^P
uparw ^[ O A
uparw ^[ [ A
:prompt Prompt windows
:inherit main
if,"byte>size",then,complete,complete,else,delch,endif ^D
complete ^I
dnarw,eol .kd Go down
dnarw,eol ^N
dnarw,eol ^[ O B
dnarw,eol ^[ [ B
dnarw,eol ^# B
uparw,eol .ku Go up
uparw,eol ^# A
uparw,eol ^P
uparw,eol ^[ O A
uparw,eol ^[ [ A
:menu Selection menus
:inherit windows
pgupmenu ^[ [ I
pgdnmenu ^[ [ G
bolmenu ^[ [ 1 ~ Putty, Linux, Cygwin
bolmenu ^[ [ H Xterm, Konsole
bolmenu ^[ O H gnome-terminal
bolmenu ^[ [ 7 ~ RxVT
bolmenu ^# SP A Amiga
eolmenu ^[ [ 4 ~ Putty, Linux, Cygwin, ssh
eolmenu ^[ [ F Xterm, Konsole
eolmenu ^[ O F gnome-terminal
eolmenu ^[ [ 8 ~ RxVT
eolmenu ^# SP @ Amiga
abort ^[ ^[ Why?
backsmenu ^?
backsmenu ^H
bofmenu ^K U
bofmenu ^K ^U
bofmenu ^K u
bolmenu .kh
bolmenu ^A
dnarwmenu .kd
dnarwmenu ^N
dnarwmenu ^[ [ B
dnarwmenu ^[ O B
dnarwmenu ^# B
dnarwmenu MWDOWN
eofmenu ^K V
eofmenu ^K ^V
eofmenu ^K v
eolmenu .kH
eolmenu ^E
ltarwmenu .kl
ltarwmenu ^B
ltarwmenu ^[ [ D
ltarwmenu ^[ O D
ltarwmenu ^# D
pgdnmenu .kN Screen down
pgdnmenu ^V
pgdnmenu ^[ [ 6 ~
pgdnmenu ^# S
pgupmenu .kP Screen up
pgupmenu ^U
pgupmenu ^[ [ 5 ~
pgupmenu ^# T
rtarwmenu .kr
rtarwmenu ^F
rtarwmenu ^[ [ C
rtarwmenu ^# C
rtarwmenu ^[ O C
rtn SP
rtn ^I
rtn ^K H
rtn ^K h
rtn ^K ^H
tabmenu ^I
uparwmenu .ku
uparwmenu ^P
uparwmenu ^[ [ A
uparwmenu ^[ O A
uparwmenu ^# A
uparwmenu MWUP
defm2down M2DOWN Hits return key
:query Single-key query window
:inherit windows
:querya Single-key query window for quoting
type ^@ TO
:querysr Search & replace query window
type ^@ TO