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- #! /bin/sh
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2001-2002 SuSE Linux AG, Nuernberg, Germany.
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # /etc/init.d/boot.localfs
- #
- # Provides: boot.localfs
- # Required-Start: boot.udev boot.rootfsck
- # Should-Start: boot.md boot.lvm dasd_devfs_compat boot.scsidev boot.multipath boot.evms boot.loadmodules
- # Required-Stop:
- # Default-Start: B
- # Default-Stop:
- # Description: check and mount local filesystems except /
- . /etc/rc.status
- # to get max number of parallel fsck processes
- . /etc/sysconfig/boot
- . /etc/sysconfig/kernel
- . /etc/sysconfig/sysctl
- if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/dump ]; then
- . /etc/sysconfig/dump
- fi
- export FSCK_MAX_INST
- # helper shell function
- #
- reverse ()
- {
- local _line
- while read -r _line ; do
- reverse
- echo "$_line"
- break
- done
- }
- list_missed ()
- {
- local dev
- local mount_opts="-t nonfs,nonfs4,noproc,nodevpts,nosmbfs,nocifs -O no_netdev"
- mount -afnv $mount_opts 2> /dev/null | while read line ; do
- dev="${line%% *}"
- case "$line" in
- *mounted*)
- continue ;;
- *) test -b $dev && continue
- echo "${dev}" ;;
- esac
- done
- }
- wait_for_udev ()
- {
- missing=$(list_missed)
- if [ -z "$missing" ]; then
- return
- fi
- echo -n "Waiting for $missing "
- timeout=30
- while [ "$timeout" -gt 0 ] ; do
- sleep 1
- echo ". "
- still_missing=""
- for dev in $missing; do
- if [ ! -b $dev ] ; then
- still_missing="$dev $still_missing"
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "$still_missing" ]; then
- echo "ok"
- break;
- fi
- missing="$still_missing"
- if [ ! -d /dev/.udev/queue ] ; then
- echo "no more events"
- break;
- fi
- timeout=$(( $timeout - 1 ))
- done
- if [ "$timeout" -eq 0 ] ; then
- echo "timeout"
- fi
- }
- rc_reset
- case "$1" in
- start)
- # handle DMAPI_PROBE here, boot.sysctl is too late
- if test "$DMAPI_PROBE" = "yes" ; then
- test -d /proc/sys/fs/xfs || modprobe xfs
- test -e /proc/sys/fs/xfs/probe_dmapi && echo 1 > /proc/sys/fs/xfs/probe_dmapi
- fi
- # rootfs is mounted rw, lvm et al should be up now
- wait_for_udev
- #
- # If we use a serial console, don't use the fsck progress bar
- #
- [ -x /sbin/showconsole ] && [ "`/sbin/showconsole`" = "/dev/tty1" ] && FSCK_PROGRESSBAR="-C"
- #
- # do fsck and start sulogin, if it fails.
- #
- if test ! -f /fastboot -a -z "$fastboot" ; then
- test -f /forcefsck && FSCK_FORCE="-f"
- echo "Checking file systems..."
- fsck $FSCK_PROGRESSBAR -R -A -m -a $FSCK_FORCE -t noopts=hotplug
- # A return code of 1 indicates that file system errors
- # were corrected, but that the boot may proceed.
- # A return code of 2 or larger indicates failure.
- test $FSCK_RETURN -lt 4
- rc_status -v1 -r
- if test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 1 -a $FSCK_RETURN -lt 4 ; then
- # if appropriate, switch bootsplash to verbose
- # mode to make text messages visible.
- test -f /proc/splash && echo "verbose" > /proc/splash
- echo
- echo "fsck succeed, but reboot is required."
- echo
- sleep 1
- sync
- reboot -f
- elif test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 3; then
- # if appropriate, switch bootsplash to verbose
- # mode to make text messages visible.
- test -f /proc/splash && echo "verbose" > /proc/splash
- # Stop blogd since we reboot after sulogin
- test -x /sbin/blogd && killproc -QUIT /sbin/blogd
- if test -x /etc/init.d/kbd ; then
- /etc/init.d/kbd start
- fi
- echo
- echo "fsck failed for at least one filesystem (not /)."
- echo "Please repair manually and reboot."
- echo "The root file system is is already mounted read-write."
- echo
- echo "Attention: Only CONTROL-D will reboot the system in this"
- echo "maintanance mode. shutdown or reboot will not work."
- echo
- PS1="(repair filesystem) # "
- export PS1
- /sbin/sulogin /dev/console
- # if the user has mounted something rw, this should be umounted
- echo "Unmounting file systems (ignore error messages)"
- umount -avn
- # on umsdos fs this would lead to an error message.
- # so direct errors to /dev/null
- mount -no remount,ro / 2> /dev/null
- sync
- reboot -f
- fi
- if test $FSCK_RETURN -gt 0; then
- sync
- touch /fsck_corrected_errors
- fi
- fi
- #
- # clean up
- #
- rm -f /etc/nologin /nologin /fastboot /forcefsck /success
- rc_status -v -r
- #
- # Mount local filesystems in '/etc/fstab' (and create an entry
- # for / and /proc).
- #
- echo "Mounting local file systems..."
- mount -fv -t proc proc /proc
- mount -fv -t sysfs sysfs /sys
- while read a b ; do
- if test "$b" = "debugfs" ; then
- mount -fv -t debugfs debugfs /sys/kernel/debug
- fi
- done < /proc/filesystems
- mount -fv -t tmpfs udev /dev
- rc_status
- if test ! -d /sys/block/loop0 ; then
- /sbin/modprobe loop
- fi
- optpts="-o mode=0620,gid=5"
- mount -fv -t devpts $optpts devpts /dev/pts
- rc_status
- mount -av -t nonfs,nonfs4,noproc,nodevpts,nosmbfs,nocifs -O no_netdev
- rc_status -v1 -r
- ;;
- stop)
- mounts=/etc/fstab
- test -r /proc/mounts && mounts=/proc/mounts
- # move to intermezzo package ?
- # First umount intermezzo filesystems
- if test -x /usr/sbin/umountizo ; then
- while read line ; do
- case "$line" in
- *[Ii][Nn][Tt][Ee][Rr][Mm][Ee][Zz][Zz][Oo]*)
- /usr/sbin/umountizo >/dev/null 2>&1
- esac
- done < $mounts
- fi
- reverse < $mounts | \
- while read des fs type rest; do
- case "$des" in
- ""|\#*) continue ;;
- /dev/loop*)
- umount $fs
- losetup $des &> /dev/null
- test $? -eq 0 && losetup -d $des ;;
- esac
- case "$fs" in
- /proc) continue ;;
- /dev/pts) continue ;;
- /dev) continue ;;
- /dev/shm) continue ;;
- esac
- case "$type" in
- proc) umount -t proc $fs ;;
- devpts) umount -t devpts $fs ;;
- tmpfs) umount -t tmpfs $fs ;;
- usbfs) umount -t usbfs $fs ;;
- esac
- done
- while read major minor blocks name ; do
- des=/dev/$name
- case "$name" in
- ""|\#*) continue ;;
- loop*)
- des=/dev/loop/${name#loop}
- losetup $des &> /dev/null
- test $? -eq 0 && losetup -d $des
- des=/dev/$name
- losetup $des &> /dev/null
- test $? -eq 0 && losetup -d $des
- esac
- done < /proc/partitions
- echo "Unmounting file systems"
- umount -avt noproc,nonfs,nonfs4,nosmbfs,nocifs,notmpfs || {
- rc_status
- }
- rc_status -v1 -r
- if test "$UMOUNT_FAILED" = true ; then
- echo "Oops: umount failed :-( -- trying to remount readonly..."
- mounts=/etc/fstab
- test -r /proc/mounts && mounts=/proc/mounts
- # Use cat and a pipe because umount changes
- # /proc/mounts during direct read call
- cat $mounts | \
- while read des fs type rest; do
- case "$des" in ""|\#*) continue ;; esac
- case "$type" in
- swap) continue ;; # No umount on swap devices
- proc) continue ;; # Required
- nfs|nfs4) continue ;; # Avoid hanging reboot/halt
- smbfs|cifs) continue ;; # Avoid hanging reboot/halt
- esac
- mount -v -n -o remount,ro $fs
- done
- echo "extra sync..."
- sync; sync
- echo "... hope now it's ok to reboot."
- fi
- ;;
- restart)
- rc_failed 3
- rc_status -v
- ;;
- status)
- rc_failed 4
- rc_status -v
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart}"
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
- rc_exit