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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # A bit of hackery to update everything that is humanly possible
- # that maybe related to an older version of python. This script can
- # be run as many times as you like. It will log the results in
- # /tmp/python-updater.log
- #
- # OLD_PY_VER = old python version we are upgrading from
- # NEW_PY_VER = new python version we are upgrading to
- # PKGS_EXCEPTIONS = packages that should NOT be re-emerged for any reason
- # PKGS_MANUAL = packages that should be re-emerged even if they don't
- # fit the criteria (eg. ones that have python compiled
- # statically) - FIXME
- #
- # Runtime Variables:
- #
- # PKGS_TO_REMERGE = list of packages we deem to need re-emerging
- # PKGS_OK = list of packages that should be merged without any problems
- # PKGS_MISSING = list of packages that are installed, but cannot be merged
- # because they have been pruned from portage
- # PKGS_MASKED = list of packages that are installed, but masked.
- #
- NEW_PY_VER=$(python -V 2>&1 | sed 's:Python ::' | cut -d. -f1-2)
- PKGS_EXCEPTIONS="dev-lang/python sys-apps/portage"
- PKGS_MANUAL="app-office/gnumeric app-office/dia x11-libs/vte"
- LOGFILE="/var/log/python-updater.log"
- # portage variables
- PKG_DBDIR=/var/db/pkg
- PORTDIR=`portageq portdir`
- PORTDIR_OVERLAYS=`portageq portdir_overlay`
- PORTAGE_PYTHON="/usr/bin/python"
- # load the gentoo-style info macros, but hack to get around
- # it thinking this is an rc script
- EBUILD="1"
- source /sbin/functions.sh
- for old in 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1; do
- if [ "${old}" != "${NEW_PY_VER}" ]; then
- if [ -e /usr/bin/python${old} ] ; then
- OLD_PY_VER=${old}
- break;
- fi
- fi
- done
- if [ -z "${OLD_PY_VER}" ] ; then
- eerror "Can't determine any previous Python version(s)."
- exit 1
- fi
- # misc helper functions
- eloginfo() {
- einfo $*
- DATESTRING=`date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`
- echo "${DATESTRING} - ${*}" >> ${LOGFILE}
- }
- elogecho() {
- echo -n " "
- echo $*
- DATESTRING=`date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`
- echo "${DATESTRING} - ${*}" >> ${LOGFILE}
- }
- elogerr() {
- eerror $*
- DATESTRING=`date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`
- echo "${DATESTRING} ! ${*}" >> ${LOGFILE}
- }
- elog() {
- DATESTRING=`date +"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"`
- echo "${DATESTRING} - ${*}" >> ${LOGFILE}
- }
- usage() {
- echo "usage: python-updater [-h|-p|-o X.X|-n X.X]"
- echo " -h help"
- echo " -p pretend (don't do anything)"
- echo " -o X.X set old python version to upgrade from [default: ${OLD_PY_VER}]"
- echo " -n X.X set new python version to upgrade to [default: ${NEW_PY_VER}]"
- }
- #
- # Sanity check
- #
- if [ -z "${PORTDIR}" ]; then
- eerror "Unable to proceed. Can not find PORTDIR. Make sure the command:"
- eerror " "
- eerror " portageq portdir"
- eerror " "
- eerror "returns a value. If it doesn't, make sure you have updated to"
- eerror "latest portage version."
- eerror " "
- eerror "Report bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org/"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ ! -f ${LOGFILE} ]; then
- if ! touch ${LOGFILE} 2>&1 > /dev/null; then
- ewarn "Logging disabled due to permissions"
- LOGFILE=/dev/null
- fi
- elif [ ! -w ${LOGFILE} -o ! -L ${LOGFILE} ]; then
- ewarn "Logging disabled due to permissions"
- LOGFILE=/dev/null
- fi
- #
- #
- # Command Line Parsing
- #
- #
- while [ -n "$1" ]; do
- case "$1" in
- -h)
- usage
- exit 0
- ;;
- -p)
- ;;
- -o)
- shift
- OLD_PY_VER="$1"
- ;;
- -n)
- shift
- NEW_PY_VER="$1"
- ;;
- *)
- usage
- echo "unrecognised option: $1"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- #
- # Test where portage is, in python2.2 or somewhere else?
- #
- for py in /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python${OLD_PY_VER} /usr/bin/python${NEW_PY_VER}; do
- if ${py} -c "import portage"; then
- break;
- fi
- done
- #
- #
- # Find all packages that have installed something in
- # /usr/lib/python${OLD_PY_VER}
- #
- #
- OLD_MODULES_DIRS="/usr/lib/python${OLD_PY_VER} /usr/lib32/python${OLD_PY_VER} /usr/lib64/python${OLD_PY_VER}"
- OLD_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python${OLD_PY_VER}
- eloginfo "Starting Python Updater from ${OLD_PY_VER} to ${NEW_PY_VER} :"
- eloginfo "Searching for packages with files in ${OLD_MODULES_DIRS} .."
- # iterate thru all the installed package's contents
- for content in `find ${PKG_DBDIR} -name CONTENTS`; do
- # extract the category, package name and package version
- CATPKGVER=$(echo ${content} | sed "s:${PKG_DBDIR}/\(.*\)/CONTENTS:\1:")
- # exclude packages that are an exception, like portage and python itself.
- exception=0
- for exp in ${PKGS_EXCEPTIONS}; do
- if [ -n "$(echo ${CATPKGVER} | grep ${exp})" ]; then
- exception=1
- break;
- fi
- done
- if [ ${exception} = 1 ]; then
- continue;
- fi
- if fgrep "${OLD_MODULES_DIR}" ${content} > /dev/null; then
- elogecho "Adding to list: ${CATPKGVER}"
- elif fgrep "${OLD_INCLUDE_DIR}" ${content} > /dev/null; then
- fi
- done
- done
- # now we have to do each emerge seperately because if an installed version
- # does not have the corresponding ebuild in portage, then it will bail.
- eloginfo "Calculating Upgrade Package List .."
- PKGS_OK=""
- MASKED_STRING="been masked"
- MISSING_STRING="there are no masked or unmasked ebuilds to satisfy"
- for pkg in ${PKGS_TO_REMERGE}; do
- emerge_output="$(emerge -p \=$pkg 2>&1)"
- if $(echo "${emerge_output}" | grep "${MASKED_STRING}" > /dev/null); then
- elogecho "$pkg is masked"
- elif $(echo "${emerge_output}" | grep "${MISSING_STRING}" > /dev/null); then
- elogecho "$pkg is missing from portage"
- else
- PKGS_OK="${PKGS_OK} $pkg"
- fi
- done
- #
- # Use my super dumb package reordering algorithm that works most of the time
- #
- eloginfo "Re-ordering packages to merge .."
- PKGS_OK_SORTED="$(${PORTAGE_PYTHON} ${PORTDIR}/dev-lang/python/files/depreorder.py ${PKGS_OK} | xargs)"
- eloginfo "Preparing to merge these packages in this order:"
- for pkg in $PKGS_OK_SORTED; do
- elogecho "$pkg"
- done
- # we emerge each package seperately to ensure we know exactly which ones might
- # cause an error, and then report it at the end
- if [ "${PRETEND}" != "1" ]; then
- for pkg in ${PKGS_OK_SORTED}; do
- eloginfo "Starting to merge ($COUNT/$PKGS_COUNT_REMERGE) $pkg .."
- if ! emerge --oneshot --nodeps =$pkg; then
- elogerr "Failed merging $pkg ($COUNT/$PKGS_COUNT_REMERGE)!"
- fi
- COUNT=$((COUNT+1))
- done
- fi
- # final output stuff
- for pkg in ${PKGS_MASKED}; do OUTPUT_PKGS_MASKED="${OUTPUT_PKGS_MASKED} \=$pkg"; done
- for pkg in ${PKGS_FAILED}; do OUTPUT_PKGS_FAILED="${OUTPUT_PKGS_FAILED} \=$pkg"; done
- if [ -n "${PKGS_FAILED}" -o -n "${PKGS_MISSING}" -o -n "${PKGS_MASKED}" ]; then
- echo
- ewarn "************************************************************"
- ewarn "* Packages that still need to be manually emerged : *"
- ewarn "************************************************************"
- if [ -n "${OUTPUT_PKGS_MASKED}" ]; then
- echo
- ewarn " Masked Packages:"
- ewarn " ----------------"
- ewarn " Unmask the following packages (at your own risk) and "
- ewarn " emerge them using this command after removing the '-p'"
- ewarn " parameter."
- echo
- ewarn " emerge -p ${OUTPUT_PKGS_MASKED}"
- echo
- fi
- if [ -n "${OUTPUT_PKGS_MISSING}" ]; then
- echo
- ewarn " Missing Packages:"
- ewarn " -----------------"
- ewarn " These packages need to be updated because their versions do"
- ewarn " not exist in portage anymore."
- echo
- for x in ${OUTPUT_PKGS_MISSING}; do
- echo " ${x}"
- done
- fi
- if [ -n "${OUTPUT_PKGS_FAILED}" ]; then
- echo
- ewarn " Failed Packaged:"
- ewarn " ----------------"
- ewarn " These packages have failed and need to be re-emerged again."
- ewarn " Alternatively, try re-running this script again to see if it"
- ewarn " can be fixed."
- echo
- ewarn " emerge -p ${OUTPUT_PKGS_FAILED}"
- echo
- fi
- elog "Python update completed with errors."
- elog "Masked Packages:"
- for x in ${PKGS_MASKED}; do
- elog $x
- done
- elog "Missing Packages:"
- for x in ${PKGS_MISSING}; do
- elog $x
- done
- elog "Failed Packages:"
- for x in ${PKGS_FAILED}; do
- elog $x
- done
- elog "Update script completed."
- else
- eloginfo "Python update completed successfully."
- fi