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- #!/bin/sh
- # mkboot: make the system bootable
- # Debian GNU/Linux
- # Copyright 1996-1997 Guy Maor <maor@debian.org>
- # This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2
- # or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
- set -e
- PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin
- # basic devfsd support
- if [ -e /dev/.devfsd ]; then
- FLOPPY=/dev/floppy/0
- else
- FLOPPY=/dev/fd0
- fi
- # root partition
- if [ $(mount | grep -o "^proc") ] && [ -e /proc/cmdline ]; then
- rootpart=$(grep -o "root=[^ ]*" /proc/cmdline | cut -d \= -f 2)
- else
- which rdev >/dev/null && rootpart=$(rdev | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
- fi
- # temporary directory
- tmpdir=${TMPDIR-/tmp}
- # check whether ELILO is installed
- elilocheck() {
- printf "\nChecking for ELILO..."
- if [ -f /etc/elilo.conf ] && [ -x /usr/sbin/elilo ]; then
- echo "Yes"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "No"
- return 1
- }
- # check whether SILO is installed
- silocheck() {
- printf "\nChecking for SILO..."
- if [ -f /etc/silo.conf ] && [ -x /sbin/silo ]; then
- echo "Yes"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "No"
- return 1
- }
- # check whether GRUB is installed
- grubcheck () {
- if ! which grub >/dev/null; then return 1; fi
- }
- # check whether LILO is installed
- lilocheck () {
- printf "\nChecking for LILO..."
- if [ $(whoami) != root ] ; then
- echo "Only root can check for LILO"
- return 1;
- fi
- if [ ! -f /etc/lilo.conf ] || [ ! -x /sbin/lilo ] ; then
- echo "No"
- return 1;
- fi
- bootpart=$(perl -ne 'print $1 if /^\s*boot\s*=\s*(\S*)/' /etc/lilo.conf)
- if [ -z "$bootpart" ] ; then
- # lilo defaults to current root when 'boot=' is not present
- bootpart=$rootpart
- fi
- if [ ${bootpart#/dev/md} != $bootpart ] ||
- [ ${bootpart#/dev/evms/md} != $bootpart ]; then
- echo " - on software RAID device $bootpart - assuming LILO is installed and working."
- return 0;
- fi
- if ! dd if=$bootpart ibs=16 count=1 2>&- | grep -q LILO ; then
- printf "\nYes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on $bootpart\n"
- echo "Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand."
- return 1;
- fi
- echo "Yes, on $bootpart"
- return 0;
- }
- # check whether PALO is installed
- palocheck() {
- printf "\nChecking for PALO..."
- if [ -f /etc/palo.conf ] && [ -x /sbin/palo ]; then
- echo "Yes"
- return 0
- fi
- echo "No"
- return 1
- }
- # make a lilo boot disk
- makelilo () {
- (
- b=$tmpdir/boot$$
- trap "set +e; cd /; umount $FLOPPY; rmdir $b" EXIT
- mkdir $b
- mke2fs -q $FLOPPY
- mount -t ext2 $FLOPPY $b
- if [ -e /boot/boot.b ]; then
- cp /boot/boot.b $b/boot.b
- fi
- cp $1 $b/vmlinuz
- # if a symbolic link, look for the real file
- kfile=`readlink -f $1`
- # see if we need an "initrd=" line in lilo.conf
- kdir=`dirname $kfile`
- if [ $kdir = . ]; then kdir=$PWD # full path
- elif [ $kdir = boot ]; then kdir=/boot; kfile="/$kfile"; fi
- # make sure directory exists
- if [ -d $kdir ]; then
- # extract version
- case $kfile in
- *-*) kvers=${kfile#*-} ;;
- *) kvers="" ;;
- esac
- # look for matching initrd.img
- if [ "$kvers" = "" ]; then ifile="$kdir"/initrd.img
- else ifile="$kdir"/initrd.img-$kvers ; fi
- #
- if [ ! -f $ifile ]; then ifile=""; fi
- else
- kdir="" ; ifile=""
- fi
- # kfile is now the full path to the kernel image, and
- # ifile is now the initrd.img that matches the kernel, or null
- #
- echo "Kernel is at $kfile in $kdir"
- if [ "$ifile" != "" ]; then echo "Matching initrd image is $ifile";fi
- #
- lilo_conf="# floppy lilo.conf
- boot = $FLOPPY
- install = boot.b
- map = map"
- state=G
- usesinitrd=n
- # examine /etc/lilo.conf
- while read line
- do
- case $line in
- "#"* | "" ) continue ;; # skip comments and blank lines
- *boot*=* | *root*=* | *install*=* ) continue ;;
- *map*=* | *message*=* ) continue # skip these files as well
- ;;
- *image*=* ) if [ $state = L ]; then
- break
- fi # done
- #
- case $line in
- *$1 ) kimg=`echo ${line#*=}`
- state=L # found correct kernel
- ;;
- *linu*) kimg=`echo ${line#*=}`
- # see if this is the right Linux kernel
- if [ `ls -l $kimg |
- awk '{print $NF}'` = $kfile ]; then
- state=L # found right kernel
- else
- state=I # Ignore wrong kernel
- fi
- ;;
- * ) state=I # Ignore this stanza
- ;;
- esac
- #
- if [ $state = L ]; then
- lilo_conf="$lilo_conf
- # kernel-specific:
- $line"
- fi
- ;;
- *other*=* ) state=I # ignore non-Linux stanza
- ;;
- * ) if [ $state != I ]; then
- lilo_conf=`printf "$lilo_conf\n$line\n"`
- fi
- #
- case $line in
- *initrd*=* ) lcinitrd=`ls -l ${line#*=} |
- awk '{print $NF}'`
- if [ $lcinitrd = "$ifile" ]; then
- usesinitrd=y
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- done < /etc/lilo.conf
- #
- lilo_conf=`printf "$lilo_conf\nroot = $rootpart\n"`
- #
- if [ $state = L ]; then
- echo "Found kernel image $kimg in existing /etc/lilo.conf"
- if [ "$liloOK" != n ] && [ $usesinitrd = y ] && [ "$ifile" != "" ]; then
- echo " and the correct initrd.img as well."
- problems=n
- elif [ "$liloOK" != n ] && [ $usesinitrd = n ] && [ "$ifile" = "" ]; then
- problems=n # no initrd needed
- elif [ "$liloOK" != n ] && [ $usesinitrd = n ] && [ "$ifile" != "" ]; then
- echo " but it does not invoke $ifile ."
- problems=y
- elif [ "$liloOK" = n ] && [ $usesinitrd = y ]; then
- echo " and the correct initrd.img as well,"
- echo " but there were problems in installing from it."
- problems=y
- else
- echo "but it does not mention the required initrd.img ."
- problems=y
- fi
- else
- echo "Could not find the requested kernel in your"
- echo " current /etc/lilo.conf ."
- problems=y
- fi
- #
- if [ $problems = n ]; then
- echo "Your current /etc/lilo.conf looks good, and can be used"
- echo " as the basis for the boot-floppy lilo.conf."
- else
- echo "The mkboot script can probably do better."
- fi
- sleep 8
- #
- echo
- echo "Here is the proposed lilo.conf:"
- echo
- echo "$lilo_conf"
- echo
- echo "You can install the boot-loader from this best guess,"
- echo "or you can try to install from a \`vanilla\' lilo.conf ."
- echo
- reply=""
- while [ "$reply" = "" ]
- do
- printf "Which do you choose? (Enter B for best, V for vanilla): "
- read reply
- done
- #
- if [ $reply = B ] || [ $reply = b ]; then
- echo "Installing the best-guess lilo.conf..."
- cd $b
- echo "$lilo_conf" > lilo.conf
- else
- echo "Installing the vanilla lilo.conf..."
- cd $b
- cat > lilo.conf <<- EOF
- lba32
- boot = $FLOPPY
- install = boot.b
- map = map
- compact
- prompt
- timeout = 50
- read-only
- image = vmlinuz
- label = linux
- root = $rootpart
- fi
- #
- lilo -C lilo.conf
- cat <<EOF
- If you need to modify the floppy's lilo.conf, run the following:
- mount $FLOPPY /mnt
- cd /mnt
- vi lilo.conf # edit the file
- lilo -C lilo.conf # run lilo on floppy
- cd
- umount $FLOPPY
- )
- }
- # make a simple boot disk
- makesimple () {
- (
- dd if=$1 of=$FLOPPY
- rdev $FLOPPY $rootpart
- rdev -R $FLOPPY 1
- )
- }
- # make a boot disk
- makedisk () {
- kernel=${1:-/vmlinuz}
- if [ ! -r $kernel ] ; then
- echo "Error: Can't read $kernel."
- exit 1
- fi
- boottype="lilo"
- if [ $(whoami) != root ] ; then
- echo "Since you don't have root permissions, I can't put LILO on the diskette."
- echo "I will make a non-LILO diskette instead, but it won't be as useful. You"
- echo "can hit <Ctrl-C> to cancel."
- boottype="simple"
- fi
- printf "\nInsert a floppy diskette into your boot drive, and press <Return>. "
- read input
- diskok=0
- while [ "$diskok" != 1 ] ; do
- printf "\nCreating a $boottype bootdisk...\n"
- make$boottype $kernel
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
- diskok=1
- else
- printf "\nThere was a problem creating the boot diskette. Please make sure that\n"
- echo "you inserted the diskette into the correct drive and that the diskette"
- echo "is not write-protected."
- printf "\nWould you like to try again? (y/n) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" != "y" ] ; then
- return 1
- fi
- fi
- done
- echo "...Success."
- return 0
- }
- usage="$0 [-r rootpartition] [-i] [-d device] [kernel]"
- while getopts "r:id:h-" opt ; do
- case "$opt" in
- r) rootpart="$OPTARG" ;;
- i) installkernel=1 ;;
- d) FLOPPY="$OPTARG" ;;
- h) echo $usage ; exit 0 ;;
- -) break ;;
- *) echo $usage 1>&2 ; exit 1 ;;
- esac
- done
- shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
- if [ "$installkernel" ] ; then
- echo "In order to use the new kernel image you have just installed, you"
- echo "will need to reboot the machine. First, however, you will need to"
- echo "either make a bootable floppy diskette, re-run LILO, or have GRUB"
- echo "installed."
- if elilocheck; then
- printf "\nShould I run /usr/sbin/elilo? (y/N) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "y" ] ; then
- /usr/sbin/elilo && exit 0
- echo "There was a problem running /usr/sbin/elilo."
- fi
- fi
- if grubcheck; then
- printf "\nGRUB is installed. To automatically switch to new kernels, point your\n"
- echo "default entry in menu.lst to $1"
- exit 0
- fi
- if lilocheck; then
- liloOK=y
- printf "\nShould I run /sbin/lilo? (y/N) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "y" ] ; then
- /sbin/lilo && exit 0
- echo "There was a problem running /sbin/lilo."
- liloOK=n
- fi
- fi
- if silocheck; then
- printf "\nSILO is installed. To automatically switch to new kernels, point your\n"
- echo "default entry in silo.conf to $1"
- exit 0
- fi
- if palocheck; then
- printf "\nPALO is installed. To automatically switch to new kernels, point your\n"
- echo "default entry in palo.conf to $1"
- exit 0
- fi
- printf "\nShould I make a bootdisk? (y/N) "
- read input
- if [ "$input" = "y" ] ; then
- makedisk $1 && exit 0
- fi
- printf "\nWARNING: Your system is probably unbootable now. After correcting any\n"
- echo "problems, rerun this script with the command \`mkboot -installkernel'."
- exit 1
- fi
- makedisk $1