Chip 1994 March
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186 lines
BUG: Win32s 1.1 Bug List [P_W32dev]
ID: Q113739 CREATED: 13-APR-1994 MODIFIED: 28-APR-1994
ENDUSER | buglist1.10
The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Win32s version 1.1
The following is a list of known problem in Win32s version 1.1. Microsoft
has confirmed these to be problems in Win32s version 1.1. Problems marked
with a hyphen ("-") will be corrected in Win32s version 1.15. Problems
marked with an asterisk ("*") will be corrected in Win32s version 1.2.
- Setup fails if there are 40 groups in Program Manager.
- WinFile generates a general protection (GP) fault while viewing file
- The Universal Thunk (UT) callback returns a WORD, rather than a DWORD.
- The LA (linear address) Table is limited to 256 entries. This limits the
number of VirtualAlloc() calls that will succeed.
- Win32s does not handle paths that contain an ampersand ("&") or a number
sign ("#").
- FP (floating point) exceptions are not trapped by SEH (structured
exception handling. FP exceptions in 32-bit code which are called from
16-bit code via UT can cause a GP fault in WIN87EM.
- Thread Local Storage (TLS) data is allocated from a limited heap size.
This can cause applications that use a lot of TLS data to fail to load.
- CB_FINDSTRING and LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT are not thunked correctly from a
16-bit application to a 32-bit application.
- Dialog templates passed from a 32-bit applications are corrupted.
- If a DDE client responds to INITIATE for which it is also the server,
lParam is packed incorrectly.
* fstat() always returns that rt_mode is read/write.
* chdrive() does not retain the current working directory. chdrive()
always uses the root directory.
- ChooseFont()'s referenced CHOOSEFONT structure has blue value set to 0
- CopyFile() uses the current time rather than the file time.
- CreateFile() does not parse UNC names correctly.
- CreateProcess() does not set current directory correctly.
- CreateProcess() ignores window size and window position.
- CreateProcess() debug version corrupts the environment if
lpApplicationName != NULL.
- CreateProcess() returns failure if the child does not call GetMessage()
or yield in some way before control goes to the parent.
- CreateProcess()'s dwFlags is ignored when starting Win16 applications,
while wShowWindow is always passed.
- CreateWindowEx()'s CW_USEDEFAULT flag is not handled, which causes
problems with using WM_VISIBLE.
- EnumMetaFile()'s handles array is corrupted.
- EnumPropsEx() enumerates non-existing properties.
- EqualRect() returns TRUE for rectangles that are lines.
- FindFirstFile() error code is set to ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES instead of
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND if there are no matches for the search pattern.
- FindFirstFile() may use a bad DTA, causing stack corruption.
- GetClassInfo() WNDCLASS buffer is corrupted if passed an invalid class.
* GetFileInformationByHandle() support added in version 1.15, but file
attribute returned is always 0.
- GetFilePointer() returns valid value when given invalid handle.
- GetFileSize() moves the file pointer.
- GetFileVersionSize() causes a GP fault when 16-bit applications for
Windows call the function from a 32-bit DLL.
- GetKerningPairs() results are not in Win32 format.
- GetModuleFileName() causes the OFSTRUCT structure to be truncated in 16-
bit applications calling this function on a 32-bit DLL.
- GetModuleFileName()'s char count returned includes the terminating NULL
- GetOpenFileName() call fails with OFN_ENABLETEMPLATEHANDLE.
- GetOpenFileName() has a hook you can use to trap WM_INITDIALOG to get
the address of OPENFILENAME struct, but the pointer is corrupted by the
next message.
- GetOutlineTextMetrics() returns OUTLINETEXTMETRIC structure with Windows
3.1 format rather than Win32 format.
- GetOutlineTextMetrics()'s OUTLINETEXTMETRIC UnderscorePosition,
UnderscoreSize, and otmItalicAngle are incorrect.
- GetSystemInfo() returns an incorrect lpMinimumApplicationAddress and an
incorrect lpMaximumApplicationAddress.
- GlobalCompact() exception occurs when the value is larger than available
- HeapAlloc/malloc() are slow because debug check was left in the code.
- IsCharAlpha() returns 0 for characters 128-255.
- LoadLibrary() fails to report unsucessful load of 16-bit DLLs (should
- LoadLibrary() fails after 4591 calls due to a memory leak.
- LoadLibrary() was fixed to work from a 32-bit DLL called by a 16-bit
- LoadModule() does not pass cmdshow so applications get SW_SHOWNORMAL.
- LocalAlloc() fixed to work from a 32-bit DLL called by a 16-bit
- MultiByteToWideChar() has the wrong string returned with USE_GLYPHCHARS.
- NetAccessAdd(), NetApiBufferAllocate(), NetUseGetInfo(), and
NetUserSetGroups() all are not exported by NETAPI32.DLL.
NOTE: These functions are not supported.
- OpenFile() does not parse UNC names correctly.
- PeekMessage() causes RIP in debug windows if hwnd is NULL.
- PlayMetaFileRecord()'s handles array is corrupted.
- PolyPolygon() fails with more than 16 polygons.
- PrintDlg() incorrectly frees global memory and fails with MFC sample.
- SetClipboardData()'s 32-bit memory is not freed when clipboard is
- SetErrorMode()'s SEM_NOOPENFILEERRORBOX does not work. The message box
still appears.
- SetFilePointer() returns a valid value if given an invalid handle.
- SetProp()'s seventeeth call fails if lpsz is a string rather than an
- SetWindowLong()'s GWL_USERDATA always returns 1.
- TrackMenuPopup()'s optional lprc parameter is not handled correctly.
- waveOutGetDevCaps()'s WAVEOUTCAP buffer not filled correctly for the
- waveOutWrite()'s WOM_DONE messages are not posted with multiple buffers
and loop play.
* WinExec() will cause 16-bit applications which are launched to GP fault.
Additional reference words: 1.10
KBCategory: Prg
KBSubCategory: Win32s