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- version equ 2
- ; File WINPKT.ASM 8 Dec 1991
- ; Provides a Packet Driver interface between Windows 3 Enhanced mode
- ; applications and a real Packet Driver. This attempts to solve the problem
- ; of Windows moving applications around in memory willy nilly. Install WINPKT
- ; after the Packet Driver and before starting Windows.
- ; Command line is:
- ; WINPKT WINPKT_interrupt number PD_interrupt_number
- ; with both in the range of 60h to 7fh.
- ; Build with the Clarkson Packet Driver Collection subprograms:
- ; masm WINPKT;
- ; link WINPKT;
- ; del WINPKT.EXE
- ;
- include defs.asm
- ; Copyright, 1988-1992, Russell Nelson
- ; Copyright, 1991, Roger F. James
- ; Code revised slightly, formatting cleaned up enormously, added
- ; documentation, Joe R. Doupnik, jrd@cc.usu.edu, Utah State Univ,
- ; 8 Dec 1991.
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code, es:nothing
- org 2ch
- phd_environ dw 0
- org 80h
- phd_dioa label byte
- org 100h
- start: jmp start_1
- even
- ;Debugging stuff
- ;total_pkts dw 0
- ;gvm_pkts dw 0
- ;bvm_pkts dw 0
- per_handle struc
- in_use db 0 ; non-zero if this handle is in use
- their_handle dw 0 ; lower layer handle
- recv_handler dd 0 ; receiver upcall
- vm_id dw 0 ; VM_ID for this handler
- per_handle ends
- handles per_handle MAX_HANDLE dup(<>)
- end_handles label byte
- is_186 db 0 ;=0 if 808[68], =1 if 80[123]86.
- is_286 db 0 ;=0 if 80[1]8[68], =1 if 80[234]86.
- is_386 db 0 ;=0 if 80[12]8[68], =1 if 80[34]86.
- regs struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
- _ES dw ?
- _DS dw ?
- _BP dw ?
- _DI dw ?
- _SI dw ?
- _DX dw ?
- _CX dw ?
- _BX dw ?
- _AX dw ?
- _IP dw ?
- _CS dw ?
- _F dw ? ; flags, Carry flag is bit 0
- regs ends
- CY equ 0001h
- EI equ 0200h
- bytes struc ; stack offsets of incoming regs
- dw ? ; es, ds, bp, di, si are 16 bits
- dw ?
- dw ?
- dw ?
- dw ?
- _DL db ?
- _DH db ?
- _CL db ?
- _CH db ?
- _BL db ?
- _BH db ?
- _AL db ?
- _AH db ?
- bytes ends
- old_isr dd 0 ; old pkt driver int
- their_2f_isr dd 0 ; original int 2f ISR
- ; The following are globals that assume that the code that access them
- ; single threads.
- MAX_BUFFER_LEN equ 1520
- our_buffer db MAX_BUFFER_LEN dup (0)
- buffer_flag db 0
- buffer_len dw 0
- their_handler dd 0 ; receiver handler to call
- their_bx dw 0
- ;
- ;
- vmm_running db 0 ; 386 virtual machine manager is running
- our_handle dw 0 ; current top level handle
- include movemem.asm
- our_isr:
- jmp our_isr_0 ; the required signature.
- db 'PKT DRVR',0
- db 'WINPKT',0
- our_isr_0: ; check if it one of the calls we
- assume ds:nothing ; want to intercept (passes addresses)
- cmp ah,2 ; f_access_type?
- je our_isr_2 ; e = yes
- cmp ah,3 ; f_release_type?
- je our_isr_2
- cmp ah,5 ; f_terminate
- je our_isr_2
- cmp ah,8 ; f_stop
- je our_isr_2
- our_isr_1: ; nothing needing intercepion
- jmp old_isr ; chain to the original Packet Driver
- our_isr_2:
- push ax ; We are interested in this one
- push bx ; so save some registers
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push bp
- push ds
- push es
- cld
- mov bx,cs ; set up DS
- mov ds,bx
- assume ds:code
- mov bp,sp ; use bp to access the original regs
- and _F[bp],not CY ; start by clearing the carry flag
- cmp ah,2 ; f_access_type?
- jne our_isr_3 ; ne = no (it's special here)
- jmp f_access_type
- our_isr_3:
- cmp ah,3 ; f_release_type?
- jne our_isr_4 ; ne = no
- jmp f_release_type
- our_isr_4:
- cmp ah,5 ; f_terminate?
- jne our_isr_5 ; ne = no
- jmp f_terminate
- our_isr_5:
- jmp f_stop ; must be f_stop
- our_isr_error:
- mov _DH[bp],dh ; error code
- or _F[bp],CY ; return their carry flag
- our_isr_return:
- pop es
- pop ds
- pop bp
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- iret
- ; Windows (and many many other programs) use the Int 2Fh Multiplexor link,
- ; and each is supposed to grab it's own calls as seen in AX, or chain them
- ; to the previous Int 2Fh owner. Windows 3 uses function 16h for most work.
- ; This is our Int 2Fh routine.
- our_2f_isr:
- assume ds:nothing, es:nothing
- cmp ax,1608h ; Windows Enhanced "Init completed" broadcast?
- jne our_2f_1 ; ne = not that function, chain it
- mov vmm_running,1 ; remember that Windows has started
- jmp their_2f_isr ; pass it on down the chain
- our_2f_1:
- cmp ax,1609h ; Windows Enhanced "Begin Exit" broadcast?
- jne our_2f_2 ; ne = no
- mov vmm_running,0 ; remember that Windows has stopped
- our_2f_2:
- jmp their_2f_isr ; propagate broadcasts down the Int 2Fh chain
- our_handler: ; Receive upcalls from the Packet Driver
- or ax,ax ; first (AX=0) call to get buffer?
- jnz our_handler_2 ; nz = no, must be second upcall
- cmp buffer_flag,1 ; must buffer, is it free?
- je our_handler_1 ; e = no, busy
- cmp cx,MAX_BUFFER_LEN ; pkt larger than our buffer?
- ja our_handler_1 ; a = yes, too large
- mov buffer_flag,1 ; mark buffer as busy now
- mov buffer_len,cx ; store pkt length
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax ; segment of our buffer
- mov di,offset our_buffer ; tell PD es:di is the buffer address
- retf
- our_handler_1:
- xor ax,ax ; reject the packet by returning es:di = NULL
- mov es,ax
- xor di,di
- retf
- our_handler_2: ; second upcall, packet transfer complete
- mov their_bx,bx ; save their registers
- mov dx,bx
- mov bx,cs ; set our data segment
- mov ds,bx
- assume ds:code
- mov bx,offset handles ; array of PD handles
- our_handler_3:
- cmp [bx].their_handle,dx ; dx is upcoming handle
- je our_handler_4 ; found their handle
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb our_handler_3 ; b = no, continue.
- ; get here if no matching handle
- mov buffer_flag,0 ; mark the buffer free
- retf
- our_handler_4: ; found the handle
- ; inc total_pkts
- mov ax,[bx].recv_handler.segm ; appliation's call address
- mov their_handler.segm,ax
- mov ax,[bx].recv_handler.offs
- mov their_handler.offs,ax
- push bx
- mov ax,1683h ; Windows, get current vir mach ident
- int 2fh
- mov ax,bx ; ident returned in bx
- pop bx
- cmp ax,[bx].vm_id ; same as the one the app is using?
- je our_handler_5 ; e = yes, correct VM is running
- jmp our_handler_7 ; no, another VM is running, switch to wanted
- our_handler_5:
- ; inc gvm_pkts
- call pass_to_app ; copy buffer to application, via double call
- retf
- pass_to_app:
- xor ax,ax ; set up register for first upcall to app
- mov bx,their_bx ; handle from Packet Driver
- mov cx,buffer_len ; packet size
- push ds
- call their_handler ; do first upcall (request buffer address)
- pop ds
- mov ax,es ; check for 0:0 as reject value
- or ax,ax
- jnz pass_to_app_1 ; nz = have an address
- or di,di ; check for 0:offset (rather unlikely)
- jnz pass_to_app_1 ; nz = have an offset
- mov buffer_flag,0 ; packet is being declined, free our buffer
- ret
- pass_to_app_1: ; copy from our buffer to app's es:di
- push di
- mov cx,buffer_len
- mov si,offset our_buffer
- cld
- call movemem ; copy frame into apps buffer
- mov ax,1 ; set up regs for second upcall
- mov bx,their_bx ; handle
- mov cx,buffer_len ; report packet length too
- pop si
- mov dx,es
- push ds
- mov ds,dx
- assume ds:nothing
- call their_handler ; call the application
- pop ds
- assume ds:code
- mov buffer_flag,0 ; free buffer
- ret
- ; Windows Enhanced, request virtual machine in bx, and call back at es:di
- ; when it's ready (which, knowing Windows, may take quite a while, hence
- ; the requirement to buffer the packet to clear the lan board and ints).
- our_handler_7:
- ; inc bvm_pkts
- mov ax,1685h ; request switch VMs and callback
- mov bx,[bx].vm_id ; virtual machine of the app
- xor cx,cx ; flags (bits 0 and 1), zero is don't wait
- mov dx,40h ; dx:si is priority boost
- xor si,si
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset our_callback
- int 2fh
- retf
- assume ds:nothing
- our_callback: ; get here with correct virtual machine
- push ax ; call application twice (a la PD) to deliver
- push bx ; the buffered packet
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- push es
- push bp
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax ; set up our ds
- assume ds:code
- call pass_to_app
- pop bp
- pop es
- pop ds
- assume ds:nothing
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- iret
- assume ds:code
- f_access_type: ; register for a packet Type
- mov bx,offset handles ; array of PD handles
- access_type_1:
- cmp [bx].in_use,0 ; is this handle in use?
- je access_type_2 ; e = yes, found a free one
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb access_type_1 ; b = no, continue
- jmp access_type_space ; no handle found, return error
- access_type_2:
- mov our_handle,bx ; save our handle
- mov [bx].in_use,1 ; make handle as in-use
- cmp vmm_running,0 ; is Windows Enhanced mode running?
- je access_type_3 ; e = no, don't bother to redirect
- mov [bx].recv_handler.segm,es
- mov [bx].recv_handler.offs,di
- mov bx,cs
- mov es,bx
- mov di,offset our_handler
- access_type_3:
- push ds
- mov bx,_DS[bp]
- mov ds,bx
- assume ds:nothing
- mov bx,_BX[bp] ; restore callers registers
- pushf
- call old_isr ; call Packet Driver
- pop ds
- assume ds:code
- mov bx,our_handle
- jnc access_type_4 ; nc = success
- mov [bx].in_use,0 ; failed, free our handle
- jmp our_isr_error
- access_type_4:
- mov [bx].their_handle,ax ; handle returned in ax
- mov _AX[bp],ax ; save return handle
- cmp vmm_running,0 ; Windows Enhanced mode running?
- je access_type_5 ; e = no
- push bx ; Windows "Get Current Virtual Mach"
- mov ax,1683h
- int 2fh ; get current VM_ID to bx
- mov ax,bx
- pop bx
- mov [bx].vm_id,ax ; save ident as part of our handle
- access_type_5:
- jmp our_isr_return
- access_type_space:
- mov dh,NO_SPACE
- jmp our_isr_error
- f_release_type:
- mov bx,_BX[bp] ; restore callers registers
- pushf
- call old_isr
- jnc release_type_1 ; nc = success
- jmp our_isr_error
- release_type_1:
- mov ax,_BX[bp] ;just in case
- mov bx,offset handles
- release_type_2:
- cmp [bx].their_handle,ax ; compare handles
- je release_type_3 ; e = found a match
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb release_type_2 ; b = no, continue
- jmp err_bad_handle ; no handle found, return error
- release_type_3:
- mov [bx].in_use,0 ; say handle is no longer in use
- jmp our_isr_return
- err_bad_handle:
- mov dh,BAD_HANDLE ; dh is error code
- jmp our_isr_error
- f_terminate:
- mov bx,_BX[bp] ; restore callers registers
- pushf
- call old_isr
- jnc terminate_1 ; nc = success
- jmp our_isr_error
- terminate_1:
- mov ax,_BX[bp] ; just in case
- mov bx,offset handles
- terminate_2:
- cmp [bx].their_handle,ax ; compare handles
- je terminate_3 ; e = found a match
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb terminate_2 ; b = no, continue
- jmp err_bad_handle ; no match, return error
- terminate_3:
- mov [bx].in_use,0 ; mark handle as free
- mov bx,offset handles ; check that all handles are free
- terminate_4:
- cmp [bx].in_use,0 ; is this handle free?
- jne terminate_5 ; ne = no, so can't exit completely
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; examined all handles?
- jb terminate_4 ; b = no, continue examination
- mov ah,35h ; got owner of Int 2Fh
- mov al,2fh
- int 21h ; to see if it's still us
- mov ax,es
- mov cx,cs
- cmp ax,cx ; our segment?
- jne terminate_5 ; ne = no, can't terminate
- cmp bx,offset our_2f_isr ; our offset?
- jne terminate_5 ; ne = no, can't terminate
- mov al,2fh ; restore Int 2f
- mov ah,25h
- push ds
- lds dx,their_2f_isr ; previous owner now is current owner
- int 21h
- pop ds
- movseg es,cs
- mov ah,49h ; free our memory
- int 21h
- jmp our_isr_return
- terminate_5:
- mov dh,CANT_TERMINATE ; error code
- jmp our_isr_error
- ; Stop the packet driver doing upcalls. Also a following terminate will
- ; always succed (no in use handles any longer).
- f_stop:
- mov bx,_BX[bp] ; restore caller's registers
- pushf
- call old_isr
- mov bx,offset handles
- f_stop_2:
- mov [bx].in_use,0 ; say handle is free
- add bx,(size per_handle) ; next handle
- cmp bx,offset end_handles ; done all?
- jb f_stop_2 ; b = not yet
- clc
- ret
- end_resident label byte
- include printnum.asm
- include decout.asm
- include digout.asm
- include chrout.asm
- usage_msg label byte
- db ' Usage: WINPKT <packet_int_number>',CR,LF
- db ' Install WINPKT after the regular Packet Driver, but'
- db CR,LF,' before starting Windows 3.$'
- copyright_msg label byte
- db "Virtual packet driver for Windows 3.x, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1991 Roger F. James",CR,LF,'$'
- copyleft_msg label byte
- db "Packet driver skeleton copyright 1988-90, Russell Nelson.",CR,LF
- db "This program is free software; see the file COPYING for details."
- db CR,LF
- db "NO WARRANTY; see the file COPYING for details.",CR,LF
- db CR,LF
- crlf_msg db CR,LF,'$'
- entry_point db 0,0,0,0
- not_found_msg db CR,LF,'There is no packet driver at $'
- new_int_msg db CR,LF,'Virtual packet driver installed on interrupt $'
- not_found_error:
- mov dx,offset not_found_msg
- mov di,offset entry_point
- call print_number
- mov ax,4c05h ; exit to DOS with errorlevel = 5
- int 21h
- usage_error:
- mov dx,offset usage_msg
- error: mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,4c0ah ; give errorlevel 10
- int 21h
- start_1:cld
- mov dx,offset copyright_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov dx,offset copyleft_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov si,offset phd_dioa+1
- call skip_blanks ; end of line?
- cmp al,CR
- je usage_error ; e = yes
- chk_options:
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,'-' ; any options?
- jne no_more_opt
- usage_error_j_1:
- jmp usage_error
- no_more_opt:
- mov di,offset entry_point
- call get_number
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,CR
- jne usage_error
- mov al,entry_point
- call verify_packet_int
- jnc packet_int_ok ; nc = success
- jmp error
- packet_int_ok:
- jne not_found_error ; error if no Packet Driver
- ;Determine the processor type. The 8088 and 8086 will actually shift ax
- ;over by 33 bits, while the 80[123]86 use a shift count mod 32.
- mov cl,33
- mov ax,0ffffh
- shl ax,cl ;186 or better?
- jz processor_identified ;no.
- mov is_186,1
- push sp
- pop ax
- cmp ax,sp ;286 or better?
- jne processor_identified ;no.
- mov is_286,1
- pushf
- pop ax
- or ax,7000h ;the 386 lets us set these bits
- push ax
- popf ;this should be a real popf.
- pushf
- pop ax
- test ax,7000h ;did the bits get set?
- je processor_identified
- mov is_386,1
- processor_identified:
- mov ah,35h ; get Packet Driver interrupt routine
- mov al,entry_point
- int 21h
- mov old_isr.offs,bx ; save here
- mov old_isr.segm,es
- mov ah,25h ; install our packet interrupt
- mov dx,offset our_isr
- int 21h
- mov ah,35h ; get Int 2Fh interrupt routine
- mov al,2fh
- int 21h
- mov their_2f_isr.offs,bx ; save here
- mov their_2f_isr.segm,es
- mov ah,25h ;install our 2f interrupt
- mov dx,offset our_2f_isr
- int 21h
- mov ah,49h ; free our environment, because
- mov es,phd_environ ; we won't need it
- int 21h
- mov bx,1 ; get the stdout handle
- mov ah,3eh ; close it in case they redirected it
- int 21h
- mov dx,offset end_resident
- add dx,0fh ; round up to next highest paragraph
- mov cl,4
- shr dx,cl
- mov ah,31h ; terminate, stay resident
- xor al,al
- int 21h
- include verifypi.asm
- include getnum.asm
- include getdig.asm
- include skipblk.asm
- include printea.asm
- include crlf.asm
- code ends
- end start