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- version equ 0
- ;History:916,1
- ; Copyright, 1990-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- .286 ;the tcenet requires a 286.
- comment \
- We have to lock all the data structures accessed by the board. We
- also have to keep track of which ones have been locked and which have not.
- \
- include defs.asm
- pause_ macro
- ; jmp $+2
- ;
- ; The reason for the pause_ macro is to establish a minimum time between
- ; accesses to the card hardware. The assumption is that the fetch and execution
- ; of the jmp $+2 instruction will provide this time. In a fast cache machine
- ; this may be a false assumption. In a fast cache machine, there may be
- ; NO REAL TIME DIFFERENCE between the two I/O instruction streams below:
- ;
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ; jmp $+2
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ;
- ; To establish a minimum delay, an I/O instruction must be used. A good rule of
- ; thumb is that ISA I/O instructions take ~1.0 microseconds and MCA I/O
- ; instructions take ~0.5 microseconds. Reading the NMI Status Register (0x61)
- ; is a good way to pause on all machines.
- ;
- ; The National 8390 Chip (NIC) requires 4 bus clocks between successive
- ; chip selects (National DP8390 Data Sheet Addendum, June 1990 -- it took them
- ; long enough to figure this out and tell everyone) or the NIC behaves badly.
- ; Therefor one I/O instruction should be inserted between each successive
- ; NIC I/O instruction that could occur 'back - to - back' on a fast cache
- ; machine.
- ; - gft - 910529
- ;
- push ax
- in ax, 61h
- pop ax
- ;
- endm
- DMA_8MASK_REG equ 0Ah
- DMA_8MODE_REG equ 0Bh
- DMA_16MASK_REG equ 0D4h
- DMA_16MODE_REG equ 0D6h
- SET_DMA_MASK equ 4
- ;tcenet registers.
- EBASE equ 0
- CONFIG equ 0eh
- PORTPAGE equ 0fh
- SONICREG equ 10h
- ;we don't use setport to refer to Sonic registers, because of the crufty
- ;port paging.
- sncport macro new_port_no
- ; if ((new_port_no xor port_no) and (not 0fh)) or (port_no EQ 0)
- loadport
- setport PORTPAGE
- push ax
- mov al, (new_port_no shr 1)
- out dx,al
- in al,61h ;see pause_ macro.
- pop ax
- ; endif
- setport <(SONICREG+(new_port_no and 0fh))>
- endm
- RDA_COUNT equ 8
- RECEIVE_BUF_SIZE equ 1522*2
- EOL equ 1 ;descriptor EOL flag
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Sonic Register Definitions
- ; Sonic command register bits
- LCAM equ 0200h ;Load CAM
- RRRA equ 0100h ;Read RRA
- RST equ 0080h ;Software Reset
- ST equ 0020h ;Start Timer
- STP equ 0010h ;Stop Timer
- RXEN equ 0008h ;Receiver Enable
- RXDIS equ 0004h ;Receiver Disable
- TXP equ 0002h ;Transmit packets
- HTX equ 0001h ;Halt transmission
- ; Sonic Data Configuration Register Bits
- EXBUS equ 8000h ;Extended Bus mode
- LBR equ 2000h ;Latched Bus Retry
- PO1 equ 1000h ;Programmable Outputs
- PO0 equ 0800h ;. .
- SBUS equ 0400h ;Synchronous Bus Mode
- USR1 equ 0200h ;User Definable Pins
- USR0 equ 0100h ;. .
- WC1 equ 0080h ;Wait State Control
- WC0 equ 0040h ;. .
- DW32 equ 0020h ;Data Width Select
- BMS equ 0010h ;Block Mode Select for DMA
- RFT1 equ 0008h ;Receive FIFO Threshold
- RFT0 equ 0004h ;. .
- TFT1 equ 0002h ;Transmit FIFO Threshold
- TFT0 equ 0001h ;. .
- ; Sonic Receive Control Register bits
- ERR equ 8000h ;Accept Packet with Errors
- RNT equ 4000h ;Accept Runt Packets
- BRD equ 2000h ;Accept Broadcast Packets
- PRO equ 1000h ;Accept all Physical Packets (Promiscuous Mode)
- AMC equ 0800h ;Accept all Multicast Packets
- LB1 equ 0400h ;Loopback Control 1
- LB0 equ 0200h ;Loopback Control 0
- MCRx equ 0100h ;Multicast Packet Received
- BCRx equ 0080h ;Broadcast Packet Received
- LPKT equ 0040h ;Last Packet in RBA
- CRS equ 0020h ;Carrier Sense Activity
- COL equ 0010h ;Collision Activity
- CRCR equ 0008h ;CRC Error
- FAER equ 0004h ;Frame Alignment Error
- LBK equ 0002h ;LoopBack Packet Received
- PRX equ 0001h ;Packet Received OK
- ; Transmit Control Register bits
- PINTR equ 8000h ;Programmable Interrupt
- POWC equ 4000h ;Program 'Out of Window Collision' Timer
- CRCI equ 2000h ;CRC Inhibit
- EXDIS equ 1000h ;Disable Excessive Deferral Timer
- EXD equ 0400h ;Excessive Deferral
- DEF equ 0200h ;Deferred Transmission
- NCRS equ 0100h ;No CRS
- CRSL equ 0080h ;CRS Lost
- EXC equ 0040h ;Excessive Collisions
- OWC equ 0020h ;Out of Window Collision
- PMB equ 0008h ;Packet Monitored Bad
- FU equ 0004h ;Tx FIFO UnderRun
- BCM equ 0002h ;Byte Count Mismatch
- PTX equ 0001h ;Packet Transmitted OK
- TXDONE equ EXD or CRSL or EXC or PTX ;nonzero when transmit done.
- ; Interrupt Mask Register bits
- BREN equ 4000h ;Bus Retry Occurred Enable
- HBLEN equ 2000h ;HeartBeat Lost Enable
- LCDEN equ 1000h ;Load CAM Done Interrupt Enable
- PINTEN equ 0800h ;Programmable Interrupt Enable
- PRXEN equ 0400h ;Packet Received Enable
- PTXEN equ 0200h ;Packet Transmitted OK Enable
- TXEREN equ 0100h ;Transmit Error Enable
- TCEN equ 0080h ;Timer Complete Enable
- RDEEN equ 0040h ;Receive Descriptors Exhausted Enable
- RBEEN equ 0020h ;Receive Buffers Exhausted Enable
- RBAEEN equ 0010h ;Receive Buffer Area Exceeded Enable
- CRCEN equ 0008h ;CRC Tally Counter Warning Enable
- FAEEN equ 0004h ;FAE Tally Counter Warning Enable
- MPEN equ 0002h ;MP Tally Counter Warning Enable
- RFOEN equ 0001h ;Receive FIFO Overrun Enable
- ; these are the interrupts we enable:
- enabled_IMR equ (PTXEN or TXEREN or PRXEN or RBEEN or BREN)
- ; Interrupt Status Register bits
- BR equ 4000h ;Bus Retry Occurred
- HBL equ 2000h ;HeartBeat Lost
- LCD equ 1000h ;Load CAM Done
- PINT equ 0800h ;Programmable Interrupt
- PKTRX equ 0400h ;Packet Received
- TXDN equ 0200h ;Transmission Done
- TXER equ 0100h ;Transmit Error
- TC equ 0080h ;Timer Complete
- RDE equ 0040h ;Receive Descriptors Exhausted
- RBE equ 0020h ;Receive Buffers Exhausted
- RBAE equ 0010h ;Receive Buffer Area Exceeded
- CRC equ 0008h ;CRC Tally Counter Rollover
- FAE equ 0004h ;FAE Tally Counter Rollover
- MP equ 0002h ;Missed Packet Tally Counter Rollover
- RFO equ 0001h ;Receive FIFO Overrun
- ;SONIC registers. The registers are sixteen-bit registers that are also
- ;byte-addressable. So, the word addresses must be multiplied by two.
- ; Command and Status Register Offsets
- SonicCR equ (0 * 2)
- SonicDCR equ (1 * 2)
- SonicRCR equ (2 * 2)
- SonicTCR equ (3 * 2)
- SonicIMR equ (4 * 2)
- SonicISR equ (5 * 2)
- ; Transmit Registers
- SonicUTDA equ (6 * 2)
- SonicCTDA equ (7 * 2)
- ; Receive Registers
- SonicURDA equ (0dh * 2)
- SonicCRDA equ (0eh * 2)
- SonicEOBC equ (13h * 2)
- SonicURRA equ (14h * 2)
- SonicRSA equ (15h * 2)
- SonicREA equ (16h * 2)
- SonicRRP equ (17h * 2)
- SonicRWP equ (18h * 2)
- SonicRSC equ (2bh * 2)
- ; CAM Registers
- SonicCEP equ (21h * 2)
- SonicCAP2 equ (22h * 2)
- SonicCAP1 equ (23h * 2)
- SonicCAP0 equ (24h * 2)
- SonicCE equ (25h * 2)
- SonicCDP equ (26h * 2)
- SonicCDC equ (27h * 2)
- ; Tally Counters
- SonicCRCT equ (2ch * 2)
- SonicFAET equ (2dh * 2)
- SonicMPT equ (2eh * 2)
- ; Watchdog Counters
- SonicWT0 equ (29h * 2)
- SonicWT1 equ (2ah * 2)
- ; Silicon Revision
- SonicSR equ (28h * 2)
- ;Receiver Resource Area
- rra_struc struc
- rra_ptr dd ?
- rra_cnt dd ?
- rra_struc ends
- ;Receiver Descriptor Area
- rda_struc struc
- rda_status dw ?
- rda_byte_count dw ?
- rda_ptr dd ?
- rda_seq_number dw ?
- rda_link dw ?
- rda_in_use dw ?
- rda_backlink dw ? ;for our own purposes, not SONIC's.
- rda_forelink dw ? ;for our own purposes, not SONIC's.
- rda_struc ends
- ; Transmit Descriptor structure
- tda_struc struc
- tda_status dw ?
- tda_config dw ?
- tda_size dw ?
- tda_frag_count dw ?
- tda_frag_ptr dd ?
- tda_frag_size dw ?
- tda_link dw ?
- tda_struc ends
- ; Content-Addressible Memory descriptor.
- cam_struc struc
- cam_entry_ptr dw 0
- cam_addr0 dw 0
- cam_addr1 dw 0
- cam_addr2 dw 0
- cam_struc ends
- dds_struc struc
- dds_size dd 0 ;region size.
- dds_offset dd 0 ;offset (using 32 bits)
- dds_seg dw 0 ;segment or selector
- dds_buffer_id dw 0
- dds_physical dd 0 ;physical address
- dds_struc ends
- ;MAX8023LENGTH equ 1514
- MAX8023LENGTH equ 1520
- code segment para public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- public int_no
- int_no db 3,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
- io_addr dw -1,-1
- port_addr dw ?
- dma_no db ?
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 89 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 'TCENET',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2 ;basic, extended
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT-1 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- align 2
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 7 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0 ;There is no mode zero
- dw rcv_mode_1
- dw rcv_mode_2 ;only ours.
- dw rcv_mode_3 ;ours plus broadcast
- dw 0 ;some multicasts
- dw rcv_mode_5 ;all multicasts
- dw rcv_mode_6 ;all packets
- my_dds dds_struc<>
- vds_active db ? ;<>0 if memory mapping is on.
- tdaptr dw tda1 ;-> the TDA's we're using.
- rraptr dw rra1
- camptr dw cam1 ;-> the CAM we're using.
- camcount dw 1 ;always has our address.
- rdaptr dw rda1
- next_rda dw ?
- include timeout.asm
- include movemem.asm
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- assume ds:nothing
- mov bx,tdaptr
- mov ax,18
- call set_timeout
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- send_pkt_1:
- in ax,dx
- test ax,TXP
- je send_pkt_2 ;zero means yes, done transmitting.
- ; test code:[bx].tda_status,TXDONE ;Is the SONIC done transmitting it?
- ; jne send_pkt_2 ;any non-zero means yes.
- call do_timeout
- jne send_pkt_1
- mov dh,CANT_SEND
- stc
- ret
- send_pkt_2:
- mov ax,cx ;store the count.
- cmp ax,RUNT ; minimum length for Ether
- ja oklen
- mov ax,RUNT ; make sure size at least RUNT
- oklen:
- mov code:[bx].tda_frag_size,cx
- mov code:[bx].tda_size,cx
- mov code:[bx].tda_config,0
- mov ax,code:[bx].tda_frag_ptr.offs ;store the packet.
- mov dx,code:[bx].tda_frag_ptr.segm
- call phys_to_segmoffs
- call movemem
- lea di,code:[bx].tda_status ;get the address of the TDA.
- movseg es,cs
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- loadport ;point the CTDA to the TDA.
- sncport SonicCTDA
- out dx,ax
- sncport SonicCR ;command SONIC to transmit.
- mov ax,TXP
- out dx,ax
- clc
- ret
- public get_address
- get_address:
- ;get the address of the interface.
- ;enter with es:di -> place to get the address, cx = size of address buffer.
- ;exit with nc, cx = actual size of address, or cy if buffer not big enough.
- assume ds:code
- cmp cx,EADDR_LEN ;make sure that we have enough room.
- jb get_address_2
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- loadport ; Get our Ethernet address base.
- setport EBASE
- cld
- get_address_1:
- insb ; get a byte of the eprom address
- inc dx ; next register
- loop get_address_1 ; go back for rest
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- clc
- ret
- get_address_2:
- stc
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- cmp cx,EADDR_LEN ;ensure that their address is okay.
- je set_address_4
- mov dh,BAD_ADDRESS
- stc
- jmp short set_address_done
- set_address_4:
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,camptr ;point di to our Ethernet adddr.
- add di,2
- rep movsb
- movseg ds,cs
- assume ds:code
- call load_cam ;initialize with our new address.
- mov dh,CANT_SET ;just in case.
- jc set_address_done
- set_address_okay:
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN ;return their address length.
- clc
- set_address_done:
- ret
- load_cam:
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- load_cam_1:
- in ax,dx ;wait for transmit done.
- test ax,TXP
- jne load_cam_1 ;nonzero means still transmitting.
- movseg es,ds
- mov di,camptr ;point the Descriptor Pointer Register
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- sncport SonicCDP ; to our CAM area.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicCDC ;load the CAM descriptor table length.
- mov ax,camcount
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicCR
- mov ax,LCAM ;load the CAM.
- out dx,ax
- ret
- rcv_mode_2:
- mov ax,0 ;accept only mine
- jmp short rcv_mode_set
- rcv_mode_3:
- mov ax,BRD ;accept mine + broadcast
- jmp short rcv_mode_set
- rcv_mode_5:
- mov ax,AMC ;accept any multicast frames.
- jmp short rcv_mode_set
- rcv_mode_6:
- mov ax,RNT or PRO or BRD or AMC ;promiscuous mode (runts also)
- rcv_mode_set:
- loadport
- sncport SonicRCR
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- mov ax,RXEN ;enable reception.
- jmp short rcv_mode_set_1
- rcv_mode_1:
- mov ax,RXDIS ;disable the receiver.
- rcv_mode_set_1:
- loadport ;enable or disable reception.
- sncport SonicCR
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = address byte count.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- mov cx,ax
- inc ax ;one more for our Ethernet address.
- mov camcount,ax
- mov ax,1
- mov di,camptr
- add di,8 ;skip first entry (our address).
- set_multicast_list_1:
- stosw ;store the CAM entry number.
- movsw ;move the address over.
- movsw
- movsw
- loop set_multicast_list_1
- mov cx,camcount ;compute the enable mask.
- mov ax,-1 ;shift zeroes in, then turn them
- shl ax,cl
- not ax ; into ones.
- stosw ;store the enable mask.
- call load_cam ;now stick it to the hardware.
- mov dh,NO_MULTICAST ;for some reason we can't do multi's.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- mov ax,RST or STP or RXDIS ;reset the sonic, stop timer, stop rcv.
- out dx,ax
- ;This routine will remove the (host) DMA controller from
- ;cascade mode of operation.
- mov al,dma_no
- or al,SET_DMA_MASK
- cmp dma_no,4 ;If channel 5 or 6,
- ja terminate_16 ; use sixteen bit dma.
- terminate_8:
- out DMA_8MASK_REG,al
- jmp short terminate_done
- terminate_16:
- out DMA_16MASK_REG,al
- terminate_done:
- ; unlock the dma block.
- mov di,offset my_dds
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov dx,0
- mov ax,8104h
- int 4bh
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface:
- ;reset the interface.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- ;call this routine to schedule a subroutine that gets run after the
- ;recv_isr. This is done by stuffing routine's address in place
- ;of the recv_isr iret's address. This routine should push the flags when it
- ;is entered, and should jump to recv_exiting_exit to leave.
- ;enter with ax = address of routine to run.
- extrn schedule_exiting: near
- ;recv_exiting jumps here to exit, after pushing the flags.
- extrn recv_exiting_exit: near
- ;enter with dx = amount of memory desired.
- ;exit with nc, dx -> that memory, or cy if there isn't enough memory.
- extrn malloc: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- loadport
- sncport SonicIMR
- in ax,dx
- pause_
- mov cx,ax ;remember the interrupt mask.
- xor ax,ax ;clear interrupt requests.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicISR
- in ax,dx ;now match the IMR against the ISR.
- and cx,ax
- jnz recv_1 ;if they overlap, then we have a real interrupt.
- ret ;spurious interrupt.
- recv_1:
- ;check out and get rid of interrupt causes.
- test ax,PKTRX ;packet received?
- jne recv_2 ;yes.
- jmp recv_rbe ;no, go see if we ran out of buffers.
- recv_2:
- and ax,PKTRX or RBAE ;clear the PKTRX and RBAE flags.
- out dx,ax
- ; handle received packet
- recv_do_next:
- mov bx,next_rda ;point to the rda that the sonic filled.
- cmp [bx].rda_in_use,0 ;did they really fill it?
- je recv_do_next_1 ;yes.
- jmp recv_rbe
- recv_do_next_1:
- if 0
- cmp TossRxFlag,0 ;should we toss this one?
- je recv_do_next_2 ;no.
- mov TossRxFlag,0 ;yes, just toss it.
- jmp recv_err
- recv_do_next_2:
- endif
- test ax,RBAE ;did we exceed the size of the buffer?
- je recv_do_next_3 ;no.
- ;;; inc ReceiveBufferExceeded ;yes.
- jmp recv_err
- recv_do_next_3:
- mov ax,[bx].rda_status
- test ax,CRCR ;checksum error?
- je recv_do_next_4 ;no.
- ;;; inc CRCErrors
- jmp recv_err
- recv_do_next_4:
- test ax,FAER ;alignment error?
- je recv_do_next_5 ;no.
- ;;; inc FrameAlignmentErrors
- jmp recv_err
- recv_do_next_5:
- test ax,PRX ;otherwise okay?
- jne recv_do_next_6 ;yes.
- jmp recv_err
- recv_do_next_6:
- ; get logical address of the buffer.
- mov cx,[bx].rda_byte_count ; bp := # of bytes received
- sub cx,4 ;leave the FCS behind.
- mov ax,[bx].rda_ptr.offs
- mov dx,[bx].rda_ptr.segm
- call phys_to_segmoffs ;make es:di -> packet.
- push bx
- push es
- push di
- add di,EADDR_LEN+EADDR_LEN ;skip the ethernet addreses and
- ; point to the packet type.
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket:
- push cx
- call recv_find
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop ds
- pop bx
- assume ds:nothing
- mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
- or ax,di
- je recv_free ;yes - just free the frame.
- push es
- push di
- push cx
- call movemem
- pop cx
- pop si
- pop ds
- assume ds:nothing
- call recv_copy
- jmp short recv_free
- recv_err:
- call count_in_err
- recv_free:
- movseg ds,cs
- assume ds:code
- test [bx].rda_status,LPKT ;is it the last packet in the RBA?
- je recv_not_last ;no, go deal with it.
- push bx ;we filled up all the RDAs, have
- call update_rwp ; to clean up.
- pop bx
- recv_not_last:
- or [bx].rda_link,EOL ; this RDA is now new EOL.
- mov [bx].rda_in_use,0ffffh ; sonic now has this one.
- mov si,[bx].rda_backlink
- and [si].rda_link,not EOL ;clear EOL in previous RDA.
- sncport SonicCR
- mov ax,RXEN
- out dx,ax ; re-enable Receive
- mov bx,[bx].rda_forelink ; now move to next rda.
- mov next_rda,bx
- sncport SonicISR ; setup for next check
- in ax,dx
- jmp recv_do_next
- recv_rbe:
- ;we get here with dx = SonicISR
- in ax,dx ; get interrupt status
- test ax,RBE ; is it a Receive Buf Exhaust?
- jz recv_txdn
- ; SONIC thinks its out of receive bufs. ReRead the RDA
- ; inc RxBufferExhaustedCount
- call update_rwp
- loadport
- sncport SonicISR
- mov ax,RBE
- out dx,ax ; clr int & reread the RDA
- pause_
- recv_txdn:
- ;we get here with dx = SonicISR
- in ax,dx
- and ax, (TXDN or TXER) ;done sending pkts?
- jz recv_txdn_1 ;go if not.
- pause_
- out dx,ax ;clear this cause.
- recv_txdn_1:
- ;we get here with dx = SonicISR
- ; cli
- add dx,-2 ;point dx to SonicIMR
- mov ax,enabled_IMR ;re-enable our ints.
- out dx,ax
- ret
- update_rwp:
- loadport
- sncport SonicRSA
- in ax,dx
- pause_
- mov si,ax ;get the RSA into si.
- sncport SonicREA
- in ax, dx
- pause_
- mov di,ax ;get the REA into di.
- sncport SonicRWP
- in ax,dx ; get RWP
- add si,(RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT * (size rra_struc))/2
- ; assume we'll set @ 1/2
- cmp ax,di ; if at end set to 1/2
- je update_rwp_1
- mov si,di ; else its at 1/2 - set to end
- update_rwp_1:
- mov ax,si
- out dx,ax ; update RWP
- pause_
- ret
- phys_to_segmoffs:
- ;enter with dx:ax as the physical address of the buffer,
- ;exit with es:di -> buffer.
- cmp vds_active,0
- jne phys_to_segmoffs_1
- shl dx,16-4 ;move the upper four bits into position.
- mov di,ax ;now get the low 12 bits of the segment.
- shr di,4
- or dx,di ;combine them.
- mov es,dx
- mov di,ax
- and di,0fh ;now compute the offset.
- ret
- phys_to_segmoffs_1:
- sub ax,my_dds.dds_physical.offs ;make into physical addresses.
- add ax,offset begin_dma
- mov di,ax ;make dx:ax be offset into dma region.
- movseg es,cs
- ret
- segmoffs_to_phys:
- ;enter with es:di -> buffer.
- ;exit with dx:ax as the physical address of the buffer,
- cmp vds_active,0
- jne segmoffs_to_phys_1
- mov dx,es ;get the high 4 bits of the segment,
- shr dx,16-4
- mov ax,es ;and the low 12 bits of the segment.
- shl ax,4
- add ax,di ;add in the offset.
- adc dx,0
- ret
- segmoffs_to_phys_1:
- xor dx,dx ;make dx:ax be offset into dma region.
- mov ax,di
- sub ax,offset begin_dma
- add ax,my_dds.dds_physical.offs ;make into physical addresses.
- adc dx,my_dds.dds_physical.segm
- ret
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;beginning of the area of memory that the SONIC knows about (and that we will
- ; have to lock down for DMA).
- begin_dma label byte
- ;we have two tda's because one of them might cross a physical 64K boundary.
- ;If that happens, then we use the other.
- align 2
- tda1 db (TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT * size tda_struc) dup(?)
- align 2
- tda2 db (TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT * size tda_struc) dup(?)
- ;the rra and cam share a common upper 16 bits of address, therefore they
- ;must be on the same 64K physical segment. There's also alignment
- ;considerations.
- align 2
- rra1 dw RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT * 4 dup(?)
- cam1 dw 0 ;our address is always zero.
- db EADDR_LEN dup(?) ;leave room for our address.
- dw 1 ;for the CAM Enable register.
- db (EADDR_LEN+2)*15 dup(?) ;leave room for up to 15 more.
- RRA1SIZE equ $ - rra1
- align 2
- rra2 dw RECEIVE_BUF_COUNT * 4 dup(?)
- cam2 dw 0 ;our address is always zero.
- db EADDR_LEN dup(?) ;leave room for our address.
- dw 1 ;for the CAM Enable register.
- db (EADDR_LEN+2)*15 dup(?) ;leave room for up to 15 more.
- ;we have two rda's because one of them might cross a physical 64K boundary.
- ;If that happens, then we use the other.
- align 2
- rda1 db (RDA_COUNT * size rda_struc) dup(?)
- align 2
- rda2 db (RDA_COUNT * size rda_struc) dup(?)
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- align 4 ;just for efficiency's sake.
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- ;end of the area of memory that the SONIC knows about (and that we will
- ; have to lock down for DMA).
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: tcenet [options] <packet_int_no> <int_no> <io_addr>",CR,LF,'$'
- no_board_msg db "No tcenet detected.",CR,LF,'$'
- io_addr_funny_msg label byte
- db "No tcenet detected, continuing anyway.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_reset_msg db "Unable to reset the tcenet.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_init_msg db "Unable to initialize the tcenet.",CR,LF,'$'
- vds_ver_msg db "Using VDS version ",'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for a Thomas-Conrad tcenet, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db '$'
- io_addrs dw 100h,120h,140h,160h,300h,320h,340h,0
- io_addrs_end label word
- int_nos db 2,3,5,7,10,11,12,15 ;interrupt numbers.
- dma_nos db 1,5,6,7 ;dma channel numbers
- our_address db 6 dup(?) ;temporarily hold our address
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- extrn maskint: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> dword to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- extrn decout: near
- extrn chrout: near
- ;print a crlf
- extrn crlf: near
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- assume ds:code
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- clc
- ret
- public etopen
- etopen:
- assume ds:code
- cmp io_addr,-1 ;Did they ask for auto-detect?
- je find_board
- call detect_board ;no, just verify its existance.
- je find_board_found
- mov dx,offset io_addr_funny_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- jmp find_board_found
- find_board:
- mov bx,offset io_addrs ;Search for the Ethernet address.
- mov io_addr+2,0
- find_board_0:
- mov ax,[bx]
- mov io_addr,ax
- call detect_board
- je find_board_found
- find_board_again:
- add bx,2 ;not at this port, try another.
- cmp bx,offset io_addrs_end ;last address?
- jb find_board_0
- mov dx,offset no_board_msg ;Tell them that we can't find it.
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- stc
- ret
- find_board_found:
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- mov ax,RST or STP or RXDIS ;reset the sonic, stop timer, stop rcv.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- setport CONFIG ;get the configuration register and
- in ax,dx ; determine the interrupt number.
- and ax,7
- mov bx,ax
- mov al,int_nos[bx]
- mov int_no,al
- ;This routine will put the (host) DMA controller into
- ;cascade mode of operation.
- in ax,dx ;get the dma channel field.
- shr ax,3
- and ax,3
- mov bx,ax
- mov al,dma_nos[bx]
- mov dma_no,al
- mov ah,al ;save a copy.
- or al,SET_DMA_MASK
- cmp ah,4 ;If channel 5 or 6,
- ja dma_16 ; use sixteen bit dma.
- dma_8:
- out DMA_8MASK_REG,al ;mask the channel off.
- mov al,ah
- or al,CASCADE_MODE ;put it into cascade mode.
- out DMA_8MODE_REG,al
- mov al,ah ;turn the channel on.
- out DMA_8MASK_REG,al
- jmp short dma_done
- dma_16:
- and ah,DMA_CHANNEL_FIELD ;turn off the extra bits.
- out DMA_16MASK_REG,al ;mask the channel off.
- mov al,ah
- or al,CASCADE_MODE ;put it into cascade mode.
- out DMA_16MODE_REG,al
- mov al,ah ;turn the channel on.
- out DMA_16MASK_REG,al
- dma_done:
- mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
- add al, 8
- cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
- jb set_int_num ; No.
- add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
- set_int_num:
- xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
- mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.
- mov al,int_no
- call maskint ;disable these interrupts.
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- xor ax,ax ;take sonic out of reset.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicDCR
- mov ax,PO1 or USR1 or WC1 or WC0 or BMS or RFT1 or TFT0
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicRCR
- mov ax,BRD ; accept broadcast
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicTCR
- ;;;voodoo programming -- these bits are read-only.
- ;;; mov ax,04eh ; national's value
- xor ax,ax ;normal Ethernet.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicIMR
- xor ax,ax ; disable all, for now.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicISR
- mov ax,-1 ; clear all
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- ;
- ; now we lock down the memory that we'll be using for DMA. That is,
- ; assuming we're running under some sort of memory mapper.
- ;
- mov ax,40h ;is some program providing VDS?
- mov es,ax
- test byte ptr es:[7bh],20h
- jz memory_locked ;no.
- mov ax,08102h ;get version information.
- mov dx,1010b ;no auto-remap, copy data into buffer.
- int 4bh
- cmp ax,8102h ;did it change into version number?
- je memory_locked ;no, must not be there...
- push ax
- mov dx,offset vds_ver_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- pop ax
- push ax
- mov al,ah ;print major version number.
- xor ah,ah
- xor dx,dx
- call decout
- mov al,'.'
- call chrout
- pop ax ;print minor version number.
- xor ah,ah
- xor dx,dx
- call decout
- call crlf
- mov vds_active,1
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset my_dds
- mov dx,0
- call malloc
- sub dx,offset begin_dma
- mov [di].dds_size.offs,dx
- mov [di].dds_size.segm,0
- mov [di].dds_offset.offs,offset begin_dma
- mov [di].dds_offset.segm,0
- mov [di].dds_seg,cs
- mov [di].dds_buffer_id,0
- mov ax,08103h ;request that the memory be locked.
- mov dx,1010b ;no auto-remap, copy data into buffer.
- int 4bh
- memory_locked:
- ;
- ; We need to keep the all the TDAs in the same physical 64K segment. So, if the
- ; first crosses a segment, the second cannot, so we'll use it.
- ;
- mov di,offset tda1
- movseg es,cs
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- add ax,TRANSMIT_BUF_COUNT * (size tda_struc)
- jnc no_tda_overflow
- mov di,offset tda2
- no_tda_overflow:
- mov tdaptr,di ;remember where the tda's are.
- mov bx,di
- init_tdas:
- call malloc
- mov di,dx
- mov [bx].tda_size,0
- mov [bx].tda_status,0
- mov [bx].tda_frag_count,1 ;packet driver spec only allows one.
- mov [bx].tda_link,EOL
- call segmoffs_to_phys ;convert es:di into physical address.
- mov [bx].tda_frag_ptr.offs,ax ;store the packet's physical address.
- mov [bx].tda_frag_ptr.segm,dx
- add bx,(size tda_struc)
- loop init_tdas
- ; init transmit regs UTDA
- mov di,tdaptr
- call segmoffs_to_phys ; get physical
- push dx ;save the high word.
- loadport
- sncport SonicUTDA
- pop ax ; hi word phys
- out dx,ax
- ;
- ; We need to keep the all the RDAs in the same physical 64K segment. So, if the
- ; first crosses a segment, the second cannot, so we'll use it.
- ;
- mov si,offset rda1
- mov ax,si
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- add ax,RDA_COUNT * (size rda_struc)
- jnc no_rda_overflow
- mov si,offset rda2
- no_rda_overflow:
- mov rdaptr,si ;remember which one we're using
- mov next_rda,si
- mov di,rdaptr
- mov cx,RDA_COUNT
- xor si,si
- init_rda_1:
- push di
- add di,(size rda_struc)
- call segmoffs_to_phys ;get physical offset of next link.
- pop di
- mov [di].rda_link,ax ;make a pointer to the next.
- mov [di].rda_backlink,si ;make a pointer to the previous.
- mov [di].rda_in_use,0ffffh ;set ownership to SONIC.
- lea ax,[di]+(size rda_struc)
- mov [di].rda_forelink,ax ;make a pointer to the next.
- mov si,di ;remember where we were.
- add di,(size rda_struc) ;point di to next.
- loop init_rda_1
- mov di,rdaptr
- mov [si].rda_forelink,di ;succ(end) = begin.
- mov [di].rda_backlink,si ;prev(begin) = end.
- call segmoffs_to_phys ;get physical offset of first link.
- mov [si].rda_link,ax
- or [si].rda_link,EOL ;mark this one as the last.
- ;set SONIC receive descriptor area pointers.
- push dx ;save upper word.
- loadport
- sncport SonicCRDA ;set current
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- sncport SonicURDA ;set upper.
- pop ax ;restore upper word (pushed as dx).
- out dx,ax
- ; Init the RRA. The RRA and CAM share the same upper address bits, so they,
- ; like all the TDAs and RDAs, must be in the same physical segment.
- mov si,offset rra1
- mov ax,si
- call segmoffs_to_phys ;get the physical address
- add ax,RRA1SIZE ;fits in one segment?
- jnc no_rra_overflow ;yes.
- mov si, offset rra2 ;no, the second *must*.
- no_rra_overflow:
- mov rraptr,si ;save the pointer to the right rra.
- add si,cam1-rra1 ;compute the pointer to the CAM.
- mov camptr,si
- mov bx,rraptr ;point di to our rra.
- InitRRALoop:
- call malloc
- mov di,dx
- call segmoffs_to_phys ; get physical
- mov [bx].rra_ptr.offs,ax ;low word address
- mov [bx].rra_ptr.segm,dx ;high word address
- mov [bx].rra_cnt.offs,MAX8023LENGTH ;count low word
- mov [bx].rra_cnt.segm,0 ;count high word.
- add bx,(size rra_struc)
- loop InitRRALoop
- loadport
- sncport SonicEOBC
- mov ax, (MAX8023LENGTH)/2 ;count of words.
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- mov di,rraptr ;init the pointers.
- call segmoffs_to_phys
- push ax ;preserve the low word.
- mov ax,dx
- loadport
- sncport SonicURRA
- out dx,ax ;high word.
- pause_
- pop ax
- sncport SonicRSA ;output the low word.
- out dx,ax
- sncport SonicRRP
- out dx,ax
- add ax,cam1-rra1 ;point to the end of the RRA.
- sncport SonicREA
- out dx,ax ;set the end pointer.
- setport SonicRWP
- out dx,ax ; write reg gets it
- ; Init SONIC internal counters
- mov ax,-1 ;clear registers (inverted on write)
- sncport SonicCRCT
- out dx,ax ;CRC Tally
- sncport SonicFAET
- out dx,ax ;FAE Tally
- sncport SonicMPT
- out dx,ax ;Missed Packet Tally
- ;take SONIC out of reset.
- sncport SonicCR
- xor ax,ax
- out dx,ax
- pause_
- mov ax, RRRA ;Start the RRA.
- out dx,ax
- ; get our address out of ROM, and stuff it into the CAM.
- movseg es,ds
- mov di,offset our_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- call get_address
- mov si,offset our_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- call set_address
- loadport
- sncport SonicCR
- mov ax,RXEN ;Enable receive.
- out dx,ax
- sncport SonicIMR ;Enable interrupts.
- mov ax,enabled_IMR
- out dx,ax
- call set_recv_isr
- clc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di,offset int_no
- mov dx,offset int_no_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- mov dx,offset io_addr_name
- call print_number
- ret
- ;TCC's manufacturer prefix is 13:80:00. They've also used the token
- ;ring version of the prefix (bit-reversed) , which is 00:01:8c. Oops.
- detect_board:
- ;test to see if a board is located at io_addr.
- ;return nz if not.
- loadport
- setport EBASE
- in ax,dx
- setport EBASE+2
- cmp ax,00h + 01h*256
- jne detect_board_1
- in al,dx
- cmp al,0c8h
- ret
- detect_board_1:
- cmp ax,13h + 80h*256
- jne detect_board_exit
- in al,dx
- cmp al,0
- detect_board_exit:
- ret
- code ends
- end