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- The following freely copyable software supports the packet driver
- spec. All of these files are available to customers of Crynwr
- Software (see SUPPORT.DOC) for a nominal copying fee. All of the
- following directory names and files are valid as of September 9, 1993.
- The Packet Driver Specification, version 1.09
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet-d.ascii
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet-d.mss
- The Crynwr collection of packet drivers.
- SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/00index.txt
- SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/drivers.zip
- SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/drivers1.zip
- SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/drivers2.zip
- NCSA's Telnet.
- ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/INDEX
- ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/tel2306b.zip
- ftp.ncsa.uiuc.edu:PC/Telnet/msdos/tel2306s.zip
- CUTCP, Rutger's version of Clarkson's version of NCSA Telnet.
- ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/cutcp/current
- Archie, Clarkson's archie client
- ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/archie.zip
- Charon, IPX - TCP/IP email/printer gateway.
- ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/charon-3.4/charon.zip
- ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/cutcp/charon40.zip
- PDEther, Don Provan's ODI-over-packet-driver shim.
- sjf-lwp.novell.com:odi/pdether/pde103.zip
- Odipkt, Dan Lanciani's packet-driver-over-ODI shim.
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/net.cfg
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.8
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.asm
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/odipkt/odipkt.com
- Oditrpkt, Ben James' packet-driver-over-ODI-token-ring shim. It
- makes an ODI token ring driver appear as Ethernet to the
- packet driver client.
- datacomm.ucc.okstate.edu:pub/oditrpkt/beta9.zip
- datacomm.ucc.okstate.edu:pub/oditrpkt/beta1116.zip
- Phil Karn's TCP/IP package (freely copyable only for radio amateurs and
- educational institutions. Others should contact him.)
- Phil's latest version of NOS is always available for FTP from
- ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/ka9q/rcsdsrc.zip
- Also get rcs:
- ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/ka9q/rcs56b.zip
- Many people also publish modified versions of NOS:
- ucsd.edu:hamradio/packet/tcpip/*
- BYU's older packet driver IPX.COM.
- A copy is kept in SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/novell.zip
- Intel's newer packet driver IPX.COM.
- A copy is kept in SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/pdipx103.zip
- Vance Morrison's PCROUTE and PCBRIDGE.
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcbridge1.21.src.tar.Z
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcbridge1.21.tar.Z
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcroute2.24.src.tar.Z
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/pcroute/pcroute2.24.tar.Z
- NuPOP, Phil `pib' Burns POP/FTP/Telnet/Finger/Gopher client.
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/nupop/README.1ST
- ftp.acns.nwu.edu:pub/nupop/nupop103.zip
- IRC, an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client.
- biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpet/irc100.zip
- TRUMPET, an NNTP newsreader.
- TRUMPET is a DOS based news reader which has a nice
- front-end. It does NOT require Windows, but only requires a
- packet driver.
- The release as of this writing is 1.06b. Note that the version
- number is reflected in the filename.
- ftp.utas.edu.au:pc/trumpet
- biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpet/00index
- biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/wintrump
- TRUMPET WinSock, a shareware winsock-compatible Windows TCP/IP stack
- biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/trumpwsk/winsock.zip
- SLIPPER and CSLIPPER, SLIP packet drivers
- ftp.utas.edu.au:pc/trumpet
- Jan Engvald's PDCLKSET, a program to set the time on a PC from a TIME server.
- It can use BOOTP to supply IP number and other info.
- PDCLKSET can assign the proper normal or dls timezone name to
- an environment variable (TZ is used by most systems).
- There is also a powerful buildt in ping client and server.
- The PDTBUILD program, which is included in the ZIP package, looks
- at all ARP broadcasts and generates a table with all the IP hosts
- on this (sub)net.
- PDCLKxxx.ZIP is available at SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/
- and at ftp.lu.se:pub/network/pdclkset.
- Columbia University's Kermit:
- MS-KERMIT 3.13 and up includes a TCP/IP telnet client.
- kermit.columbia.edu:kermit/bin/msvibm.zip
- kermit.columbia.edu:kermit/a/msr313.pch
- Harry Stox's DLLPKT, a shim that implements a packet driver over
- ftp.stack.urc.tue.nl:pub/msdos/dllpkt/dllpkt.zip
- ftp.stack.urc.tue.nl:pub/msdos/dllpkt/dllpksrc.zip
- Brian Angus's PKTDLL (effectively an assembly language TSR rewrite of
- DLLPKT) loads over any DLL driver to provide a packet driver API.
- kermit.cc.columbia.edu:/packet-drivers/new/pktdll.*
- IPXTCPIP, Jerzy Tarasiuk's automatic IP assigner
- A copy is kept in SimTel's msdos/pktdrvr/ipxtcpip.zip
- Broadcast, Kai Getrost's PC Broadcast client. Broadcast is a
- Macintosh talk program.
- The release as of this writing is 1.1. Note that the version
- number is reflected in the filename.
- caisr2.caisr.cwru.edu:pub/net/bdcst11.zip
- CIRCA RARP server, a program to automatically assign IP addresses
- based on Ethernet address.
- pine.circa.ufl.edu:pub.pc.rarp/rarp.zip
- UNC's WAIS client.
- sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/wais/DOS/*
- Joe Doupnik's version of Dan Lanciani's Harvard version of CMU's version of MIT's PC-IP.
- netlab.usu.edu:netwatch/pcip96.zip
- Dan Lanciani's Harvard version of CMU's version of MIT's PC-IP.
- The source for PC-IP is available from
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/pcip.tar.Z
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/doc.tar.Z
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/readme
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/readme.cmu
- The binaries for PC-IP compiled for packet drivers are:
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/bin/packet/*.exe
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/pcip/bin/general/*.exe
- Stan's Own Server (NFS server).
- spdcc.com:pub/sos/soss.zoo
- spdcc.com:pub/sos/sossexe.zoo
- A version "couple of bugs fixed: IP numbers and subdirectories with
- extensions)" is available from:
- hilbert.wharton.upenn.edu:pub/tcpip/soss.zip
- PC-NFS drivers.
- Available from same place as Clarkson collection of packet drivers.
- Look for compat.tar.Z, or compat.zip (identical contents, different
- archiver). Note that you need to purchase PC-NFS from Sun in order
- to use this package.
- NDIS shim, provides a packet driver over an NDIS driver. There are
- several versions of it.
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/dis_pkt.asm
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/dis_pkt.dos
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/protman.sys
- vax.ftp.com:pub/packet.driver/pubdom/ndis/readme
- netlab.usu.edu:[.novell]dis_pkt.zip
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/dis_pkt/dis_pktx.asm (Experimental)
- hsdndev.harvard.edu:pub/dis_pkt/dis_pktx.dos (Experimental)
- Windows QVT Telnet
- The release as of this writing is 3.81. Note that the version
- number is reflected in the filename.
- biochemistry.cwru.edu:pub/qvtnet/qvtnt39.zip
- Erick Engele's Waterloo TCP (freely copyable TCP/IP library), telnet
- server, ftp client, smtp server, whois client, finger client,
- ping client/server.
- ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/wattcp/*
- Luigi Rizzo's GNU tar modified to write over a network.
- pical3.iet.unipi.it:pub/deit_wattcp (tcp-ip libraries) and
- pical3.iet.unipi.it:pub/net_tar (the modified tar program)
- Luigi Rizzo's PCSERVER, a program to remotely access Transputer
- networks via TCP/IP
- pical3.iet.unipi.it:pub/pcserver
- Bruce Campbell's resident BOOTP service. A TSR that fakes a bootp
- response, returning parameters it was given on its command line.
- ftp-ns.rutgers.edu:pub/msdos/wattcp/readme.1st
- University of Minnesota's Gopher client. The Internet Gopher is a
- distributed document delivery service. See GOPHER.DOC.
- boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/gopher/PC_client/docs/pcgopher.txt
- boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/gopher/PC_client/00README
- University of Minnesota's POPmail POP2 client.
- POPmail is a POP2 client that will let you read your mail stored
- on a machine running a POP2 server. Fetch
- boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/POPmail/msdos/00README
- to decide which files to get.
- University of Minnesota's SLIPDIAL.
- SLIPDIAL is a program to dial a SLIP server, log in, capture
- the assigned IP address, stuff it into NCSA Telnet's
- config.tel, and run slip8250. Fetch
- boombox.micro.umn.edu:pub/slipdial/README
- to decide which files to get.
- Bob Crosson's SNMP monitor. See SNMP.NOT.
- enh.nist.gov:misc/snmpsrc.zip
- enh.nist.gov:misc/snmpsup.zip
- Mississippi State University's LPD server.
- A beta test version of a freeware LPD for MSDOS can be found
- in the ftp-archive. It uses some version of Clarkson or NCSA
- libraries and workes quite well in some first tests here.
- tacky.cs.olemiss.edu:pub/lpd/lpd.zip
- tacky.cs.olemiss.edu:pub/lpd/lpdsrc.zip
- computone.com:pub/other/lpd/lpd.zip
- computone.com:pub/other/lpd/lpdsrc.zip
- DNPAP's Network analyzers.
- dnpap.et.tudelft.nl:/pub/Fergie/frgbin2.zip
- The DNPAP ethernet monitor, using packet drivers to capture frames
- from the net. Statistics are displayed on the screen. It can run
- either standalone or using SNMP. It supersedes out previous monitors
- Netmon, Spectre and Beholder. Contains the executables of Fergie and
- Gobbler with some configuration and documentation files.
- dnpap.et.tudelft.nl:/pub/Fergie/frgsrc2.zip
- Contains full source code. You will need a Borland C compiler
- to compile it. We are very interested to be kept informed
- on further developments, and people who succeed in
- recompiling the software. So if you do, send a mail to
- fergie@dnpap.et.tudelft.nl
- PCS's Linda, TP/Linda parallel processing system
- The release as of this writing is 1.1. Note that the version
- number is reflected in the filename.
- SimTel's msdos/lan/pcprl11.zip
- DJGPP (free 32-bit C compiler) (coming in version 1.11).
- ftp.clarkson.edu:pub/msdos/djgpp/*
- Merit's PPP packet driver
- merit.edu:/pub/ppp/ncsappp.txt
- merit.edu:/pub/ppp/ncsappp.zip
- merit.edu:/pub/ppp/etherppp.zip