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- ;History:133,1
- version equ 8
- include defs.asm
- ; The following people have contributed to this code: David Horne, Eric
- ; Henderson, Bob Clements, Reinhard Strebler, Jan Engvald LDC, and Paul
- ; Kranenberg.
- ; Copyright, 1988-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- code segment byte public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- ; Stuff specific to the Western Digital WD8003E Ethernet controller board
- ; C version by Bob Clements, K1BC, May 1988 for the KA9Q TCP/IP package
- ; The EN registers - First, the board registers
- EN_CMD equ 000h ; Board's command register
- EN_REG1 equ 001h ; 8013 bus size register
- EN_REG5 equ 005h ; New command register (REGISTER 5)
- EN_REG6 equ 006h ; Ultra interrupt control register
- EN_SAPROM equ 008h ; Window on station addr prom
- EN_REGE equ 00eh ; Board Id (code) byte
- EN_OFF equ 10h
- ENDCFG_BM8 equ 48h
- include movemem.asm
- include 8390.inc
- ; Board commands in EN_CMD
- EN_RESET equ 080h ; Reset the board
- EN_MEMEN equ 040h ; Enable the shared memory
- EN_MEM_MASK equ 03fh ; B18-B13 of address of the shared memory
- ; Bits in REG1
- ENR1_BUS16BIT equ 001h ; Bus is 16 bits
- ; Commands for REG5 register
- ENR5_MEM16EN equ 080h ; Enable 16 bit memory access from bus (8013)
- ENR5_LAN16EN equ 040h ; Enable 16 bit memory access from chip (8013)
- ENR5_MEM_MASK equ 01fh ; B23-B19 of address of the memory (8013)
- ENR5_LA19 equ 001h ; B19 of address of the memory (8013)
- ENR5_EIL equ 004h ; Enable 8390 interrupts to bus (microchannel)
- ; Commands for REG6 register
- ENR6_EIL equ 001h ; Enable 8390 interrupts to bus (Ultra)
- ; Bits in the REGE register
- ENRE_MICROCHANEL equ 080h ; Microchannel bus (vs. PC/AT)
- ENRE_LARGERAM equ 040h ; Large RAM
- ENRE_SOFTCONFIG equ 020h ; Soft config
- ENRE_REVMASK equ 01eh ; Revision mask
- ENRE_ETHERNET equ 001h ; Ethernet (vs. Starlan)
- ; Shared memory management parameters
- SM_TSTART_PG equ 0 ; First page of TX buffer
- SM_RSTART_PG equ 6 ; Starting page of ring
- SM_RSTOP_PG equ 32 ; Last page +1 of ring
- ; End of WD8003E parameter definitions
- board_features db 0 ; Board features
- BF_MEM16EN equ 1 ; 16-bit board, enable 16-bit memory
- BF_16K equ 2 ; Board has 16 KB or shared memory
- BF_584 equ 4 ; Board has 584 interface chip
- BF_NIC_690 equ 32 ; Board has 690 NIC chip
- pause_ macro
- ; jmp $+2
- ;
- ; The reason for the pause_ macro is to establish a minimum time between
- ; accesses to the card hardware. The assumption is that the fetch and execution
- ; of the jmp $+2 instruction will provide this time. In a fast cache machine
- ; this may be a false assumption. In a fast cache machine, there may be
- ; NO REAL TIME DIFFERENCE between the two I/O instruction streams below:
- ;
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ; jmp $+2
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ;
- ; To establish a minimum delay, an I/O instruction must be used. A good rule of
- ; thumb is that ISA I/O instructions take ~1.0 microseconds and MCA I/O
- ; instructions take ~0.5 microseconds. Reading the NMI Status Register (0x61)
- ; is a good way to pause on all machines.
- ;
- ; The National 8390 Chip (NIC) requires 4 bus clocks between successive
- ; chip selects (National DP8390 Data Sheet Addendum, June 1990 -- it took them
- ; long enough to figure this out and tell everyone) or the NIC behaves badly.
- ; Therefor one I/O instruction should be inserted between each successive
- ; NIC I/O instruction that could occur 'back - to - back' on a fast cache
- ; machine.
- ; - gft - 910529
- ;
- push ax
- in al, 61h
- pop ax
- ;
- endm
- reset_8390 macro
- loadport ; First, pulse the board reset
- setport EN_CMD
- mov al,EN_RESET ;Turn on board reset bit
- out dx,al
- longpause
- xor al,al ;Turn off board reset bit
- out dx,al
- setport EN_REG5
- mov al,ENR5_EIL
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jz reset_no_mc
- out dx,al ; enable 8390 interrupts to bus
- reset_no_mc:
- setport EN_REG6
- mov al,ENR6_EIL
- out dx,al
- endm
- terminate_board macro
- endm
- ; The following three values may be overridden from the command line.
- ; If they are omitted from the command line, these defaults are used.
- public int_no, io_addr, mem_base
- int_no db 3,0,0,0 ; Interrupt level
- io_addr dw 0280h,0 ; I/O address for card (jumpers)
- mem_base dw 0d000h,0 ; Shared memory addr (software)
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 14 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 'SMC_WD',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- extrn sys_features: byte
- block_output:
- ;enter with cx = byte count, ds:si = buffer location, ax = buffer address
- assume ds:nothing
- mov es,mem_base ; Set up ES:DI at the shared RAM
- mov di,ax ; ..
- ; Can't use movemem which word aligns to the source, but needs to word
- ; align to the destination writing to WD8003ET/A. Fortunately works for
- ; all cards.
- inc cx ; if odd bytes round up.
- and cx,not 1
- call rcopy_subr
- clc
- ret ; End of transmit-start routine
- block_input:
- ;enter with cx = byte count, es:di = buffer location, ax = board address.
- ; Old version checked size, memory space, queue length here. Now done
- ; in higher level code.
- ; Set cx to length of this frame.
- assume ds:nothing,es:nothing
- push ds
- mov ds,mem_base ; ds:si points at first byte to move
- mov si,ax
- cmp cx,GIANT
- jbe rcv_size_ok ; is the size sane?
- cmp ch,cl ; is it starlan bug (dup of low byte)
- jne rcv_size_not_ok ; no.
- ;fix the starlan bug
- mov ch,ds:[si+EN_RBUF_NXT_PG] ; Page after this frame
- cmp ch,bl
- ja rcv_frm_no_wrap
- add ch,byte ptr cs:sm_rstop_ptr ; Wrap if needed
- dec ch
- rcv_frm_no_wrap:
- sub ch,bl
- dec ch
- cmp cx,GIANT
- jbe rcv_size_ok ; is the size sane?
- rcv_size_not_ok:
- mov cx,GIANT ; no, restore sanity.
- rcv_size_ok:
- add ax,cx ; Find the end of this frame.
- cmp ah,byte ptr cs:sm_rstop_ptr ; Over the top of the ring?
- jb rcopy_one_piece ; Go move it
- rcopy_wrap:
- ; Copy in two pieces due to buffer wraparound.
- mov ah,byte ptr cs:sm_rstop_ptr ; Compute length of first part
- xor al,al
- sub ax,si ; as all of the pages up to wrap point
- sub cx,ax ; Move the rest in second part
- push cx ; Save count of second part
- mov cx,ax ; Count for first move
- call rcopy_subr
- mov si,SM_RSTART_PG*256 ; Offset to start of first receive page
- pop cx ; Bytes left to move
- rcopy_one_piece:
- call rcopy_subr
- pop ds
- ret
- rcopy_subr:
- test board_features,BF_MEM16EN; Is this a WD8013?
- je sm_wd8003 ; no, no need to enable 16-bit access.
- loadport ; Base of device
- setport EN_REG5 ; Enable 16-bit access
- mov al,ENR5_MEM16EN+ENR5_LAN16EN+ENR5_LA19
- out dx,al
- call movemem ; Copy packet
- mov al,ENR5_LAN16EN+ENR5_LA19 ; Disable 16-bit access to WD8013
- out dx,al
- ret
- sm_wd8003:
- call movemem ; Copy packet
- ret
- include 8390.asm
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage:",CR,LF
- db " SMC_WD [options] <packet_int_no> [-o] <hardware_irq> <io_addr> <mem_base>",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for SMC/WD/IBM Ethernet adapters, version "
- db '0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,".",'0'+dp8390_version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1988, Robert C. Clements, K1BC",CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1992, 1993, Crynwr Software",CR,LF,'$'
- not_our_msg label byte
- db "The memory present at this address does not belong to WD/SMC/IBM",CR,LF,'$'
- no_board_msg label byte
- db "WD/SMC/IBM apparently not present at this memory address.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_cksum_msg label byte
- db "WD/SMC/IBM not at this I/O address (or address PROM bad). Re-set parameters",CR,LF
- db "with EZSETUP, or check jumpers.",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_board_msg label byte
- db "Suggested WD/SMC/IBM memory address is invalid.",CR,LF,'$'
- occupied_msg label byte
- db "Suggested WD/SMC/IBM memory address already occupied.",CR,LF,'$'
- addr_bad_msg db "Memory address should be less than 65536.",CR,LF,'$'
- using_16bits db "Accessing the board using 16 bits of data.",CR,LF,'$'
- needs_16k_msg db "Please reconfigure the board to use 16K of RAM",CR,LF,'$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- mem_base_name db "Memory address ",'$'
- nic_name db "NIC ",'$'
- occupied_switch db 0 ;if zero, don't use occupied test.
- nic_number dw ?
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- extrn skip_blanks: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;enter with dx:ax = number to print
- extrn decout: near
- ;print a crlf.
- extrn crlf: near
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,'-' ;did they specify a switch?
- jne not_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'o' ;did they specify '-o'?
- je got_occupied_switch
- stc ;no, must be an error.
- ret
- got_occupied_switch:
- mov occupied_switch,1
- add si,2 ;skip past the switch's characters.
- jmp parse_args ;go parse more arguments.
- not_switch:
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jnz do_mc_defaults
- jmp just_parse_args
- do_mc_defaults:
- ; channel selector resides at io 96h
- ; POS register base is at io 100h
- ; WD8003E ID is one of 6FC0h, 6FC1h or 6FC2h
- ; SMC ID is one of 61c8h or 61c9h.
- ; IBM Ethernet Adapter A is EFE5h
- ; search thro' the slots for a wd8003e card
- mov cx, 8 ; for all channels(slots)
- ; channel select value for slots 0,1,2.. is 8,9,A etc
- ; start with slot 0, and then 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
- get_05:
- mov ax, cx ; channel number
- or ax, 08h ; reg. select value
- mov dx, 96h ; channel select register
- out dx, al ; select channel
- ; read adapter id
- mov dx, 101h
- in al, dx ; adapter id - ms byte
- mov ah, al
- dec dx
- in al, dx ; adapter id - ls byte
- ; Check if wd8003e
- cmp ax, 06FC0h ;WD8003E/A or WD8003ET/A
- je get_10
- cmp ax, 06FC1h ;WD8003ST/A (Starlan)
- je get_10
- cmp ax, 06FC2h ;WD8003W/A
- je get_10
- ;SMC's new IDs:
- cmp ax, 061C8h ;WD8013EP/A
- je get_20
- cmp ax, 061C9h ;WD8013WP/A
- je get_20
- ; Check if IBM Ethernet Adapter A
- cmp ax, 0EFE5h ;long card
- je get_12
- cmp ax, 0EFD4h ;short card, BNC
- je get_20
- cmp ax, 0EFD5h ;short card, RJ_45
- je get_20
- loop get_05
- mov dx,offset no_WD8003E_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,37
- stc
- ret
- no_WD8003E_msg:
- db "WD/SMC/IBM board apparently not found.",CR,LF,'$'
- int_xlate db 03,04,10,15
- get_20:
- jmp get_21
- get_10:
- ; found our Adapter
- ; Get WD8003E I/O Address ( read POS Register 0 )
- mov dx,102h
- in al,dx
- and ax,0F0h
- jmp short get_17
- get_12:
- ; Get long Ethernet Adapter/A I/O address
- mov dx,102h
- in al,dx
- and ax,0FEh
- get_17:
- mov cl,4
- shl ax,cl
- mov io_addr,ax
- ; Get WD8003E shared RAM memory address (read POS Register 1 )
- xor ax,ax
- mov dx,103h
- in al,dx
- and al,0FCh
- xchg al,ah
- mov mem_base,ax
- ; Get WD8003E IRQ (read POS Register 3 )
- xor ax,ax
- mov dx,105h
- in al,dx
- and al,003h
- mov bx,offset int_xlate
- xlat
- mov int_no,al
- jmp short just_parse_args
- int_xlate_20 db 03,04,10,14
- get_21:
- ; Get short Ethernet Adapter/A I/O Address ( read POS Register 0 )
- mov dx,102h
- in al,dx
- and ax,00F0h
- or al,08h
- xchg al,ah
- mov io_addr,ax
- ; Get short Ethernet Adapter/A shared RAM memory address (read POS Register 1 )
- mov dx,103h
- in al,dx
- test al,10000b
- je get_21_needs_16k
- and ax,0fh
- shl al,1
- or al,0c0h
- xchg al,ah
- mov mem_base,ax
- ; Get short Ethernet Adapter/A IRQ (read POS Register 3 )
- xor ax,ax
- mov dx,105h
- in al,dx
- shr al,1
- shr al,1
- and al,003h
- mov bx,offset int_xlate_20
- xlat
- mov int_no,al
- just_parse_args:
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- mov di,offset mem_base
- call get_number
- clc
- ret
- get_21_needs_16k:
- mov dx,offset needs_16k_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- stc
- ret
- extrn etopen_diagn: byte
- addr_not_avail:
- mov dx,offset occupied_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,34
- stc
- ret
- bad_cksum:
- mov dx,offset bad_cksum_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,37
- stc
- ret
- bad_memory:
- mov dx,offset bad_board_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,37
- stc
- ret
- not_our_memory:
- mov dx,offset not_our_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,37
- stc
- ret
- no_memory:
- mov dx,offset no_board_msg
- mov etopen_diagn,37
- stc
- ret
- ENC_PAGE2 equ 080h ; select page 2 of chip registers
- TCR_TST_690 equ 018h ; 690 xmit config test value
- test_tcr:
- ;see if TXCR, when modified, also appears on page 2.
- ;enter with the bit value to test in cl.
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD ; select page 0.
- pause_
- out dx,al
- setport EN0_TXCR ; write test value to xmit
- pause_
- mov al,cl ; config register
- out dx,al
- setport EN_CCMD ; select page 2
- pause_
- out dx,al
- setport EN0_TXCR ; read xmit config register
- pause_
- in al,dx
- and al,TCR_TST_690
- cmp al,cl
- ret
- init_card:
- ; Now get the board's physical address from on-board PROM into card_hw_addr
- assume ds:code
- mov nic_number, 8390 ; assume 8390
- if 0 ;the following screws up on a 486/50, and the 690 support code doesn't
- ;seem to be really necessary anyway.
- mov cl,0h
- call test_tcr
- jne check_690_1
- mov cl,ENTXCR_ATD
- call test_tcr
- jne check_690_1
- mov cl,ENTXCR_OFST
- call test_tcr
- jne check_690_1
- call test_tcr
- je check_690_2
- check_690_1:
- or board_features, BF_NIC_690
- mov nic_number, 690 ; yes, it's a 690
- mov rcv_modes+2[4*2],0 ;nuke mode 4 -- the 690 has no hash tbl.
- check_690_2:
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD ; back to page 0
- pause_
- out dx, al
- mov al, ENTXCR_LOOP ; back to loopback mode
- setport EN0_TXCR
- pause_
- out dx, al
- endif
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jz etopen_no_mc
- or board_features,BF_16K
- or endcfg,ENDCFG_WTS
- loadport
- setport EN_REG5
- mov al,ENR5_EIL
- out dx,al ; enable 8390 interrupts to bus
- jmp etopen_have_id
- etopen_no_mc: ; Check for WD8013EBT
- loadport ; WD8013EBT doesn't have register alaasing
- setport EN_CMD ; Register 0 may be aliased to Register 8
- mov bx, dx
- setport EN_SAPROM
- mov cx, EN_SAPROM-EN_CMD ; Check 8 bytes
- alias_loop:
- in al, dx ; Get one register
- mov ah, al
- xchg bx, dx ; Switch to other register
- in al, dx ; Get other register
- cmp al, ah ; Are they the same?
- jne not_aliased ; Nope, not aliased
- inc bx ; Increment register pair
- inc dx
- dec cx ; Decrement loop counter
- jne alias_loop ; Finished?
- jmp etopen_have_id ; Aliased; not WD8013EBT
- not_aliased: ; Not aliased; Check for 16-bit board
- loadport
- setport EN_REG1 ; Bit 0 must be unmodifiable
- in al, dx ; Get register 1
- mov bl, al ; Store original value
- xor al, ENR1_BUS16BIT ; Flip bit 0
- out dx, al ; Write it back
- and al, ENR1_BUS16BIT ; Throw other bits away
- mov ah, al ; Store bit value
- in al, dx ; Read register again
- and al, ENR1_BUS16BIT ; Throw other bits away
- cmp al, ah ; Was it modified?
- jne board16bit ; No; board is a WD8013EBT !
- mov al, bl ; Get original value
- out dx, al ; Write it back
- jmp etopen_have_id
- board16bit: ; But is it plugged into a 16-bit slot?
- and al, ENR1_BUS16BIT ; Throw other bits away
- je etopen_have_id ; Nope; silly board installer!
- mov dx,offset using_16bits
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- or board_features,BF_MEM16EN+BF_16K
- or endcfg,ENDCFG_WTS
- loadport
- setport EN_REG5
- mov al,ENR5_LAN16EN+ENR5_LA19 ; Write LA19 now, but not MEM16EN
- out dx,al ; enable 8390 interrupts to bus
- etopen_have_id:
- loadport ; base of device
- setport EN_SAPROM ; Where the address prom is
- cld ; make sure string mode is right
- movseg es,cs
- mov di, offset rom_address
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN ; Set count for loop
- xor bx, bx ; Clear the addr ROM checksum
- ini_addr_loop:
- in al,dx ; Get a byte of address
- stosb ; Feed it to caller
- add bl,al ; Compute the checksum
- inc dx ; Next byte at next I/O port
- loop ini_addr_loop ; Loop over six bytes
- in al, dx ; Get seventh byte
- add bl, al ; Add it in
- inc dx ; Step to eighth byte
- in al, dx ; Get last byte
- add bl, al ; Final checksum
- cmp bl, 0ffh ; Correct?
- je good_cksum
- jmp bad_cksum ; No, board is not happy
- good_cksum:
- cmp mem_base.offs,0 ;low word of segment can't be zero.
- je mem_base_bad
- cmp mem_base.segm,0 ;high word of segment must be zero.
- je mem_base_ok
- mem_base_bad:
- mov dx,offset addr_bad_msg
- stc
- ret
- mem_base_ok:
- ; Check if the shared memory address range is available to us
- mov bx,mem_base
- cmp occupied_switch,0 ; did they insist?
- jne no_lim_chk ; yes, don't check.
- cmp bh,080h ; low limit is 8000
- jae fr_8000
- bad_memory_j_1:
- jmp bad_memory
- fr_8000:
- cmp bh,0f0h ; upper limit is F000
- jae bad_memory_j_1
- test bx,01ffh ; must be on a 8 k boundary
- jnz bad_memory_j_1
- no_lim_chk:
- mov di,8*1024/16 ; 8 kbyte
- mov sm_rstop_ptr,32
- test board_features,BF_16K
- jz just_8k
- test bx,03ffh ; must be on a 16K boundary
- jnz bad_memory_j_1
- mov di,16*1024/16 ; 16 kbytes
- mov sm_rstop_ptr,64
- just_8k:
- cmp occupied_switch,0 ; did they insist?
- jne is_avail ; yes, don't check.
- call occupied_chk ; check if address range is available
- jnc is_avail
- jmp addr_not_avail ; we HAVE to have at least 8/16 kbyte
- is_avail:
- test board_features,BF_16K
- jnz not_32k
- mov di,32*1024/16 ; may be there is space for 32 kbyte
- call occupied_chk
- jc not_32k ; no, then don't try it later either
- and bh,7
- jnz not_32k ; must be on a 32k boundary
- mov sm_rstop_ptr,128 ; yes, there is space for a WD8003EBT
- not_32k:
- ; Turn on the shared memory block
- loadport
- setport EN_CMD ; Point at board command register
- mov ax, mem_base ; Find where shared memory will be mapped
- mov al, ah ; Shift to right location
- shr al, 1 ; in the map control word
- and al, EN_MEM_MASK ; Just these bits
- or al, EN_MEMEN ; Command to turn on map
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jz AT_card
- mov al,EN_MEMEN ; membase handled different for MC card
- AT_card:
- out dx, al ; Create that memory
- ; Find how much memory this card has (without destroying other memory)
- mov si,ax ; save bord command value
- mov es,mem_base
- mov bl,0FFH ; first try 32 kbyte (WD8003EBT)
- mov bh,sm_rstop_ptr ; or what is available
- dec bh
- memloop:
- dec bx ; use even address
- cli ; disable interrupts
- mov cx,es:[bx] ; save old memory contents
- mov word ptr es:[bx],05A5Ah ; put testpattern
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD ; drain the board bus for any
- in al,dx ; capacitive memory
- cmp word ptr es:[bx],05A5Ah ; any real memory there?
- jne not_our_mem ; no
- setport EN_CMD ; yes
- mov ax,si
- and al,not EN_MEMEN
- out dx,al ; turn off our memory
- jmp short $+2
- or al,EN_MEMEN
- cmp word ptr es:[bx],05A5Ah ; was it OUR memory?
- out dx,al ; turn on our memory.
- jmp short $+2
- mov es:[bx],cx ; restore the original contents.
- sti
- jne our_mem ; yes, it wasn't there any more
- not_our_mem: ; no, it was still there
- shr bx,1 ; test if half as much memory
- cmp bx,1FFFh ; down to 8 kbyte
- jae memloop
- jmp not_our_memory ; no memory at address mem_base
- our_mem: ; it IS our memory!
- inc bh
- mov sm_rstop_ptr,bh ; # of 256 byte ring bufs + 1
- mov ch,bh
- xor cl,cl
- mov ax,mem_base
- call memory_test ; check all of that memory
- je mem_ok
- jmp no_memory
- mem_ok:
- clc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- mov di,offset int_no
- mov dx,offset int_no_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- mov dx,offset io_addr_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset mem_base
- mov dx,offset mem_base_name
- call print_number
- mov dx,offset nic_name ;print the number in decimal.
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,nic_number
- xor dx,dx
- call decout
- call crlf
- ret
- include memtest.asm
- include occupied.asm
- code ends
- end