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- open:
- ;Set line control register: 8 bits, no parity
- mov al,LCR_8BITS
- mov dx,io_addr ; point to chip
- add dx,LCR ; add offset to line control register
- out dx,al ; set characteristics
- ;Set modem control register: assert DTR, RTS
- mov al,MCR_DTR or MCR_RTS
- mov dx,io_addr ; point to chip
- add dx,MCR ; add offset to modem control register
- out dx,al ; set characteristics
- ;compute the divisor given the baud rate.
- mov dx,baudclk+2
- mov ax,baudclk
- mov bx,0
- asy_speed_1:
- inc bx
- sub ax,baud_rate
- sbb dx,baud_rate+2
- jnc asy_speed_1
- dec bx
- add ax,baud_rate
- adc dx,baud_rate+2
- or ax,dx
- ;Purge the receive data buffer
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip
- add dx,RBR
- in al,dx
- mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn on divisor latch access bit
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip
- add dx,LCR
- call setbit
- mov al,bl ;Load the two bytes of the divisor.
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip
- add dx,DLL
- out dx,al
- mov al,bh
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip
- add dx,DLM
- out dx,al
- mov ah,LCR_DLAB ;Turn off divisor latch access bit
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip transmit
- add dx,LCR
- call clrbit
- clc ;indicate no errors.
- ret
- pr_ch:
- push ds ; save ds so we can restore later
- push cs ; push cs and pop into ds
- pop ds
- push dx ; save dx so we can use it to point at i/o port
- pushf ; save flags then inhibit interrupts
- cli
- push ax ; save ax (al contains or character)
- ;
- ; Now wait for holding register to empty
- ;
- mov dx,io_addr ;point to chip line status register
- add dx,LSR ; set up to check for an empty buffer
- xmit_top:
- in al, dx ; get line status
- test al,LSR_THRE ; check if holding register empty
- jnz xmit_done ; yes so we can go and output
- jmp xmit_top ; holding register full still so loop
- xmit_done: ; end of loop - holding register now empty
- pop ax ; now get our character
- mov dx,io_addr ; point to chip
- add dx,THR ; add offset to transmit holding register
- ; xmit a character
- out dx, al ; and output our character
- popf ; restore flags (and interrupt state)
- pop dx ; restore dx
- pop ds ; restore ds to original value
- ret
- ;
- ;
- io_addr dw 03f8h,0 ; I/O address for COM1.
- baud_rate dw 4b00h,0 ; We support baud rates higher than 65535.
- baudclk label word
- dd 115200 ;1.8432 Mhz / 16