home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* History:126,1 */
- /* public domain by Russell Nelson, nelson@crynwr.com. Politeness dictates
- * that you leave this notice intact */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include "pktdrvr.h"
- char buffer[1514]; /* single buffer */
- int packet_len; /* the length of data in buffer */
- int intno; /* our handle */
- int oldmode;
- char myeaddr[6]; /* our Ethernet address */
- /* Borland C pushes registers in the following order. MS-C may push them
- ** in a different order.
- */
- int interrupt receiver(bp, di, si, ds, es, dx, cx, bx, ax, ip, cs, flags)
- {
- if (packet_len || cx > sizeof(buffer)) {
- es = di = 0; /* discard this packet */
- } else if (ax == 0) {
- es = FP_SEG(buffer); /* tell them to stick it in our buffer */
- di = FP_OFF(buffer);
- } else {
- packet_len = cx; /* second upcall -- remember size. */
- }
- }
- dump_bytes(char *bytes, int count)
- {
- int n;
- char buf[16];
- int address;
- void fmtline();
- address = 0;
- while(count){
- if (count > 16) n = 16;
- else n = count;
- fmtline(address,bytes,n);
- address += n;
- count -= n;
- bytes += n;
- }
- }
- /* Print a buffer up to 16 bytes long in formatted hex with ascii
- * translation, e.g.,
- * 0000: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0123456789:;<=>?
- */
- void
- fmtline(addr,buf,len)
- int addr;
- char *buf;
- int len;
- {
- char line[80];
- register char *aptr,*cptr;
- unsigned register char c;
- void ctohex();
- memset(line,' ',sizeof(line));
- ctohex(line,addr >> 8);
- ctohex(line+2,addr & 0xff);
- aptr = &line[6];
- cptr = &line[55];
- while(len-- != 0){
- c = *buf++;
- ctohex(aptr,c);
- aptr += 3;
- c &= 0x7f;
- *cptr++ = isprint(c) ? c : '.';
- }
- *cptr++ = '\n';
- fwrite(line,1,(unsigned)(cptr-line),stdout);
- }
- /* Convert byte to two ascii-hex characters */
- static
- void
- ctohex(buf,c)
- register char *buf;
- register int c;
- {
- static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- *buf++ = hex[c >> 4];
- *buf = hex[c & 0xf];
- }
- int
- main()
- {
- int handle;
- char idle_chars[] = "-/|\\";
- int idle_index = 0;
- /* search for the first packet driver in memory */
- for (intno = 0x60; intno <= 0x80; intno++) {
- if (test_for_pd(intno))
- break;
- }
- /* if there is none, crap out */
- if (!test_for_pd(intno)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "No packet driver found");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* get a handle so that we can receive packets */
- handle = access_type(intno,
- CL_ETHERNET, /* has to be an Ethernet driver */
- 0xffff, /* we don't care whose it is. */
- 0, /* we want the first piece of hardware */
- NULL, /* doesn't matter because we want all */
- 0, /* zero type length, that is, all. */
- receiver); /* -> our upcall */
- /* get the adaptor's Ethernet address */
- get_address (intno,handle,myeaddr,sizeof myeaddr);
- /* put the interface into promiscuous mode */
- oldmode = set_mode(intno,handle,6);
- while (!kbhit()) {
- #if 0
- printf("%c\b", idle_chars[idle_index++]);
- idle_index %= (sizeof(idle_chars)-1);
- #endif
- if (packet_len) {
- dump_bytes(buffer, packet_len);
- #if 0
- /* send packet back */
- memcpy(buffer,buffer+6,6);
- memcpy(buffer+6,myeaddr,6);
- send_pkt(intno,buffer,packet_len);
- #endif
- packet_len = 0;
- }
- }
- getch();
- set_mode(intno,handle,oldmode);
- release_type(intno, handle);
- return 0;
- }