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- version equ 1
- ;History:306,1
- ; Copyright, 1989-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- include defs.asm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- org 2h
- phd_memsize label word
- org 80h
- phd_dioa label byte
- org 100h
- start:
- jmp start_1
- copyleft_msg label byte
- db "Packet sender version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version," copyright 1990-92, Russell Nelson.",CR,LF
- db "This program is free software; see the file COPYING for details.",CR,LF
- db "NO WARRANTY; see the file COPYING for details.",CR,LF
- crlf_msg db CR,LF,'$'
- their_isr dd ?
- entry_point db ?,?,?,?
- handle dw ?
- packet_flag dw 0
- repeat_switch db 0
- quiet_switch db 0
- async_switch db 0
- delay_count dd 1
- delay_counter dd 0
- pkt_length dw ?,?
- pkt_count dd 1
- driver_class db ?
- async_iocb1 iocb <0, 0, DONE> ;Two iocbs
- async_iocb2 iocb <0, 0, DONE>
- signature db 'PKT DRVR',0
- signature_len equ $-signature
- no_signature_msg db "No packet driver at that address",'$'
- usage_msg db "usage: pktsend <packet_int_no>",CR,LF
- db "[-r [-q] | -n number] [ -d delay ] [-f filename | -l length | packet]",'$'
- sending_msg label byte
- db "Press space to send packet(s). Any other key exits.",CR,LF,'$'
- repeat_msg label byte
- db "Sending repeat packets. Any key exits.",CR,LF,'$'
- file_not_found db "File not found",'$'
- read_trouble db "Trouble reading the file",'$'
- non_number_msg db "Non-numeric input found",'$'
- mem_trashed_msg db CR,LF,"Found trashed memory at ",'$'
- line_buffer db 128 dup(?)
- usage_error:
- mov dx,offset usage_msg
- error:
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- int 20h
- start_1:
- mov dx,offset copyleft_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov si,offset phd_dioa+1
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,CR ;end of line?
- je usage_error
- mov di,offset entry_point
- call get_number
- another_switch:
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,'-' ;did they specify a switch?
- je have_switch
- jmp not_switch
- have_switch:
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'r' ;did they specify '-r'?
- je got_repeat_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'q' ;did they specify '-q'?
- je got_quiet_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'n' ;did they specify '-n'?
- je got_number_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'l' ;did they specify '-l'?
- je got_length_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'f' ;did they specify '-f'?
- je start_file
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'a' ;did they specify '-a'?
- je got_async_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'d' ;did they specify '-d'?
- je got_delay_switch
- jmp usage_error ;no, must be an error.
- got_repeat_switch:
- mov repeat_switch,1
- add si,2
- jmp another_switch
- got_quiet_switch:
- mov quiet_switch,1
- add si,2
- jmp another_switch
- got_number_switch:
- add si,2
- mov di,offset pkt_count
- call get_number
- jmp another_switch
- got_delay_switch:
- add si,2
- mov di,offset delay_count
- call get_number
- mov ax,delay_count.offs
- or ax,delay_count.segm
- jne another_switch
- mov delay_count.offs,1
- mov delay_count.segm,0
- jmp another_switch
- got_length_switch:
- add si,2
- mov di,offset pkt_length
- call get_number
- mov di,offset our_buffer
- add di,pkt_length
- jmp start_gotit
- got_async_switch:
- mov async_switch,1
- add si,2
- jmp another_switch
- not_switch:
- jmp start_inline ;yes.
- start_file:
- add si,2
- call skip_blanks
- mov dx,si ;remember where the filename starts.
- start_3:
- lodsb
- cmp al,' '
- je start_4
- cmp al,CR
- jne start_3
- start_4:
- dec si
- mov byte ptr [si],0
- ;read the packet bytes from the named file.
- mov ax,3d00h ;open for reading.
- int 21h
- jnc file_found
- mov dx,offset file_not_found
- jmp error
- file_found:
- mov handle,ax
- mov di,offset our_buffer
- start_line:
- mov si,offset line_buffer
- again_line:
- mov ah,3fh ;read a single character.
- mov bx,handle
- mov cx,1
- mov dx,si
- int 21h
- jnc no_trouble
- mov dx,offset read_trouble
- jmp error
- no_trouble:
- cmp ax,1 ;did we actually read one?
- je not_eof
- cmp si,offset line_buffer ;did we read anything this time?
- je start_file_eof ;no, it's really eof this time.
- mov [si],byte ptr CR ;add an extra CR, just in case.
- jmp short done_reading
- not_eof:
- lodsb ;get the character we just read.
- cmp al,1ah ;^Z?
- je start_file_eof ;yes, eof now.
- cmp al,LF ;got the LF?
- jne again_line ;no, read again.
- done_reading:
- mov si,offset line_buffer
- again_chars:
- call get_number
- jnc got_a_number
- mov dx,offset non_number_msg
- jmp error
- got_a_number:
- inc di
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,CR
- jne again_chars ;keep going to the end.
- jmp start_line
- start_file_eof:
- mov ah,3eh ;close the file.
- mov bx,handle
- int 21h
- jmp short start_gotit
- start_inline:
- ;read the packet bytes off the command line.
- mov di,offset our_buffer-1
- start_2:
- inc di ;pre-increment
- call get_number ;get a byte.
- jnc start_2 ;keep going to the end.
- start_gotit:
- sub di,offset our_buffer
- mov pkt_length,di
- mov sp,offset start ;now that we're finished with
- ;the parameters, put our stack there.
- mov di,offset our_buffer + GIANT * 2
- inc di
- and di,not 1
- movseg es,cs
- init_memory:
- mov ax,055aah ;initialize a segment to 055aah.
- mov cx,di
- neg cx
- shr cx,1
- stosw
- sub cx,2
- rep stosw
- mov ax,es
- add ax,1000h
- mov es,ax
- add ax,1000h
- cmp ax,phd_memsize ;don't go past the end of memory.
- jbe init_memory
- mov ah,35h ;get their packet interrupt.
- mov al,entry_point
- int 21h
- mov their_isr.offs,bx
- mov their_isr.segm,es
- lea di,3[bx]
- mov si,offset signature
- mov cx,signature_len
- repe cmpsb
- je signature_ok
- jmp no_signature_err
- signature_ok:
- mov ax,1ffh ;driver_info
- call int_pkt
- call fatal_error
- mov driver_class,ch
- mov ah,2 ;access all packets.
- mov al,ch ;their class from driver_info().
- mov bx,dx ;their type from driver_info().
- mov dl,cl ;their number from driver_info().
- mov cx,0 ;type length of zero.
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset our_recv
- call int_pkt
- call fatal_error
- mov handle,ax
- cmp driver_class,1 ;Ethernet II?
- je get_address
- cmp driver_class,11 ;IEEE 802.3?
- jne no_get_address
- get_address:
- mov ah,6 ;get the destination's address.
- mov bx,handle
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset our_buffer+6 ;set the 'from' address.
- call int_pkt
- call fatal_error
- no_get_address:
- cmp repeat_switch,0
- je send_not_repeat
- mov dx,offset repeat_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- jmp short load_count
- send_not_repeat:
- mov dx,offset sending_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- wait_for_event:
- ; Did we receive a packet?
- cmp packet_flag,0
- je no_packet ;no.
- mov al,'R'
- call chrout
- mov packet_flag,0
- no_packet:
- ; Did they press a key?
- mov ah,1
- int 16h
- jz no_key ;no.
- mov ah,0 ;get the key.
- int 16h
- cmp repeat_switch,0 ;are they repeating?
- jne no_packet_1 ;yes, any key means exit.
- cmp al,' ' ;space means retransmit.
- je load_count
- no_packet_1:
- jmp send_done ;send a packet.
- no_key:
- ; Time to send another packet?
- mov ax,delay_counter.segm
- or ax,delay_counter.offs
- jne count_not_zero
- cmp repeat_switch,0 ;are we auto-repeating?
- je wait_for_event ;no, wait for an event.
- load_count:
- mov ax,delay_count.offs
- mov dx,delay_count.segm
- mov delay_counter.offs,ax
- mov delay_counter.segm,dx
- count_not_zero:
- ; Finished with delay?
- dec delay_counter.offs
- jne wait_for_event
- cmp delay_counter.segm,0
- je send_delay_1
- dec delay_counter.segm
- jne wait_for_event
- send_delay_1:
- mov ax,pkt_count.offs ;send another series of packets.
- mov dx,pkt_count.segm
- send_again:
- push ax
- push dx
- mov ah,4 ;send_pkt
- mov si,offset our_buffer ;ds:si -> buffer.
- mov cx,pkt_length
- cmp async_switch,0 ;async?
- je send_pkt ;no
- mov ah,12 ;as_send_pkt
- find_iocb: ;find a free iocb
- mov di,offset async_iocb1 ;try first
- test [di].flags,DONE ;free?
- jnz got_iocb ;yes
- mov di,offset async_iocb2 ;no, try second
- test [di].flags,DONE ;free?
- jz find_iocb ;no, try first again
- got_iocb: ;set up iocb
- mov word ptr [di].buffer,si
- mov word ptr [di].buffer+2,ds
- mov es,word ptr [di].buffer+2
- mov [di].len,cx
- mov [di].flags,0 ;clear flags (i.e. DONE bit)
- send_pkt:
- call int_pkt
- jnc pkt_sent_ok
- mov al,'X'
- call chrout
- cmp dh,CANT_SEND ;did the driver just complain a little?
- je pkt_sent_ok ;yes, pretend all is okay.
- jmp pkt_sent_bad
- pkt_sent_ok:
- pop dx
- pop ax
- sub ax,1 ;decrement low word
- sbb dx,0 ;decrement high word
- mov bx,ax ;check if we reached zero
- or bx,dx
- jne send_again ;we didn't
- check_repeat:
- cmp quiet_switch,0
- jne chrout_done
- mov al,'T'
- call chrout
- chrout_done:
- jmp wait_for_event
- send_done:
- mov ah,3 ;release the handle.
- mov bx,handle
- call int_pkt
- call fatal_error
- mov di,offset our_buffer + GIANT * 2
- inc di
- and di,not 1
- movseg es,cs
- compare_memory:
- mov ax,055aah ;compare a segment against 055aah.
- mov cx,di
- neg cx
- shr cx,1
- scasw
- jne memory_bad
- sub cx,2
- repe scasw
- jne memory_bad
- mov ax,es
- add ax,1000h
- mov es,ax
- add ax,1000h
- cmp ax,phd_memsize ;don't go past the end of memory.
- jbe compare_memory
- int 20h
- pkt_sent_bad:
- call print_error
- mov ah,3 ;release the handle.
- mov bx,handle
- call int_pkt
- call fatal_error
- int 20h
- memory_bad:
- mov dx,offset mem_trashed_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,es
- call wordout
- mov al,':'
- call chrout
- mov ax,di
- dec ax
- call wordout
- mov dx,offset crlf_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- int 20h
- no_signature_err:
- mov dx,offset no_signature_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- int 20h
- our_recv:
- or ax,ax ;first or second call?
- jne our_recv_1 ;second -- we ignore the packet
- cmp cs:packet_flag,0 ;Do we already have one?
- jne our_recv_2 ;yes - return zero.
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset our_buffer + GIANT
- retf
- our_recv_2:
- xor di,di
- mov es,ax
- mov cx,0
- loop $
- retf
- our_recv_1:
- inc cs:packet_flag
- retf
- int_pkt:
- push ds
- push es
- pushf
- cli
- call their_isr
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- include pkterr.asm
- include getnum.asm
- include getdig.asm
- include skipblk.asm
- include chrout.asm
- include digout.asm
- align 4
- our_buffer label byte
- code ends
- end start