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- ; PC/FTP Packet Driver source, conforming to version 1.09 of the spec,
- ; for the Ottawa PI card.
- ; Dave Perry, VE3IFB, October 16, 1991
- ; Portions (C) Copyright 1991, 1992 David G Perry
- ;
- ; Copyright, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Russell Nelson
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ; Change history:
- ; October 16, 1991 (dp) - Creation
- ; January 8, 1992 (dp) - Fixed bug in set_acc_delay (rewritten).
- ; - Improved high speed performance by decreasing the amount
- ; of time DMA is disabled in scc routines.
- ; - Added new options to command line to allow more clocking
- ; options (see documentation file).
- ; - Added transmit buffer queue.
- ; - Added command line option to specify number and size of
- ; DMA buffers.
- ; - Optional support for "pseudo" ethernet class
- ; - Fixed bug in internal clocking mode
- include 8530inc.asm
- include piinc.asm
- ETHER equ 1 ; This driver will "pretend" the PI card is an ethernet
- ; card. I have used this method to run QVT/NET
- ; using back-to-back PI cards between
- ; two PCs. Do not use this feature on a radio link,
- ; as no call signs would be transmitted.
- ; To use it, reassemble with MYCLASS equ ETHER
- ; and etheraddr = desired ethernet address
- AX25 equ 9 ; Driver class
- MYCLASS equ AX25
- PITYPE equ 1 ; Driver type
- ; transmitter states
- IDLE equ 0 ; Transmitter off
- TXDELAY equ 1 ; Sending leading flags
- ACTIVE equ 2 ; Transmitter on, sending data
- UNDERRUN equ 3 ; Transmitter on, flushing CRC
- FLAGOUT equ 4 ; CRC sent - attempt to start next frame
- DEFER equ 5 ; DCD Active - DEFER Transmit
- CRCOUT equ 6 ; Waiting for CRC bytes to clear the fifo
- version equ 2
- include defs.asm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- etheraddr db 00h,00h,00h,00h,00h,00h
- tstate db 0
- ; Short pointers to DMA buffers.
- rxbufptr dw 0 ; Current rx buffer
- altbufptr dw 0 ; Alternate receive buffer
- bufptr1 dw 0 ; DMA approved buffer
- bufptr2 dw 0 ; DMA approved buffer
- txbufptr dw 0 ; Current tx buffer
- freelist dw 0 ; Head of free list
- txqueue dw 0 ; Head of transmit queue
- txlength dw 0 ; Save area for length of incoming packet
- public acc_delay
- acc_delay dw 0,0
- diff dw 0,0
- tick1 dw 0,0
- tick2 dw 0,0
- tx_tc dw 0,0 ; Time constant for baud rate generator (transmit)
- rx_tc dw 0,0 ; Time constant for baud rate generator (receive)
- random db 0 ; Pseudo random number
- ; The following values may be overridden from the command line.
- ; If they are omitted from the command line, these defaults are used.
- ; All of them occupy 4 bytes to satisfy the call to get_number.
- public int_no, io_addr, dma_channel
- int_no db 7,0,0,0 ; HW Interrupt
- io_addr dw 0380h,0 ; I/O address for card (jumpers)
- dma_channel db 1,0,0,0 ; DMA channel for card (jumpers)
- speed dw 0,0 ; Baud rate (0 for external clock)
- txdelayparm dw 15,0 ; TX delay (length of flags before data)
- persist dw 128,0 ; P - persistance probability out of 256
- slottime dw 10,0 ; Slot time for backoff
- tailtime dw 1,0 ; Depends on baud rate
- clkmode dw 0,0 ; Clocking mode
- bufsiz dw DEFAULTBUFSIZE,0; Buffer size
- numbufs dw 5,0 ; Number of buffers
- ; The following 3 values are calculated at initialization and depend
- ; on which DMA channel has been selected
- page_addr dw 83h ; To be calculated from dma channel
- dma_dest dw 2 ; Defaults are for channel 1
- dma_wcr dw 3
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db MYCLASS,0 ; null terminated list of classes.(ax25)
- driver_type db PITYPE ;Assigned by FTP Software Inc.
- driver_name db 'pi',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 1 ;Only basic functionality
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db 0 ;length of MAC-layer address
- parm_mtu label word
- dw DEFAULTBUFSIZE ; MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3
- ; Switch receive buffers so we can quickly set up DMA again
- public switchbuffers
- switchbuffers:
- mov ax,rxbufptr
- cmp ax,bufptr1
- jnz sw_1
- mov ax,bufptr2
- mov rxbufptr,ax
- mov ax,bufptr1
- mov altbufptr,ax
- ret
- sw_1:
- mov ax,bufptr1
- mov rxbufptr,ax
- mov ax,bufptr2
- mov altbufptr,ax
- ret
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- ; Append buffer pointed to by ax to queue specified by bx
- public enqueue
- enqueue:
- pushf
- cli
- push si
- push bp
- mov si,cs:bufsiz
- mov bp,ax
- mov word ptr cs:[bp+si],0 ; Make sure next pointer is null
- cmp word ptr cs:[bx],0 ; Is list empty?
- jne en1 ; No - find the end
- mov cs:[bx],ax ; Yes - add it
- pop bp
- pop si
- popf
- ret
- en1: mov bp,word ptr cs:[bx] ; get pointer to first element
- en2:
- cmp word ptr cs:[bp+si],0 ; Is next pointer null?
- je en3 ; Yes, append our buffer
- mov bp,cs:[bp+si] ; No - advance to next element
- jmp en2
- en3: mov cs:[bp+si],ax
- pop bp
- pop si
- popf
- ret
- public dequeue
- dequeue:
- pushf
- cli
- push si
- mov si,cs:bufsiz
- cmp word ptr cs:[bx],0 ; Is list empty?
- jne deq1
- xor ax,ax ; Yes, return error
- pop si
- popf
- stc
- ret
- deq1:
- push bp
- mov bp,cs:[bx] ; No, dequeue buffer
- mov ax,cs:[bp+si]
- mov cs:[bx],ax
- mov ax,bp
- pop bp
- pop si
- popf
- clc
- ret
- ; Check to see if we should transmit or DEFER
- ; Return: Carry set - DEFER
- public check_dcd
- check_dcd:
- ; Check DCD - see if we should DEFER transmission
- cmp tstate,FLAGOUT
- je go ; The transmitter is already on - don't defer
- mov bx,R0+RES_EXT_INT
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R0+RES_EXT_INT
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R0
- call rdscc
- test al,DCD
- jne check_dcd_1 ; Carrier detected - we have to DEFER
- mov al,21 ; Generate pseudo random number
- mul cs:random
- add ax,53
- mov cs:random,al ; Save it for next one in sequence
- xor ah,ah
- cmp ax,cs:persist ; Should we DEFER?
- jle go ; No
- mov cs:tstate,DEFER ; We have to wait
- mov ax,cs:slottime ; Yes - DEFER 1 slot time
- call tdelay
- stc ; We are DEFERring
- ret
- go: clc ; We don't have to wait
- ret
- check_dcd_1:
- mov cs:tstate,DEFER ; We have to wait
- mov ax,1000 ; In case DCD int. missed (shouldn't happen)
- call tdelay
- ; Defer until dcd transition or 1S timeout or abort
- call wrtscc
- stc ; We are DEFERring
- ret
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- ;enter with es:di->upcall routine, (0:0) if no upcall is desired.
- ; (only if the high-performance bit is set in driver_function)
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;if we're a high-performance driver, es:di -> upcall.
- ;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- assume ds:nothing
- ; Copy packet into local DMA approved buffer
- ; Enqueue it for transmission. If the queue is full, return error.
- ; If the transmitter is not active and the channel is free, start
- ; transmission, else defer. Return as soon as buffer can be released.
- pushf
- cli
- mov ax,cs ; Point es at the code segment
- mov es,ax
- mov bx,offset freelist ; Get a buffer from the freelist
- call dequeue
- jc send_error ; None left
- mov di,ax ; Use newly aquired DMA buffer
- push bp
- push si
- mov bp,ax
- mov si,cs:bufsiz
- mov cs:[bp+si+2],cx ; Tack on length
- pop si
- pop bp
- cld
- rep movsb ; Copy packet
- mov bx,offset txqueue ; Append it to the tx queue
- call enqueue
- mov al,cs:tstate ; Is transmitter idle?
- cmp al,IDLE
- je send_pkt_1 ; Yes - start transmitting
- popf ; Else return without error
- clc
- ret
- send_error:
- popf
- stc ; Return error
- ret
- send_pkt_1:
- cli
- mov bx,offset txqueue; Get a buffer from the txqueue
- call dequeue
- jc none_to_send ; None left
- mov cs:txbufptr,ax ; Make it the active tx buffer
- push bp
- push si
- mov bp,ax
- mov si,cs:bufsiz
- mov cx,cs:[bp+si+2] ; Get length
- pop si
- pop bp
- mov cs:txlength,cx
- ; Check DCD - see if we should DEFER transmission
- call check_dcd
- jc send_pkt_exit ; DEFER
- mov ax,cs ; Set up for TX DMA
- mov cx,ax
- mov bx,cs:txbufptr
- mov ax,cs:txlength
- call setup_tx_dma
- mov cs:tstate,TXDELAY
- call tx_on ; Start sending flags
- mov ax,cs:txdelayparm ; generate an exint after TXDELAY
- call tdelay
- send_pkt_exit:
- popf
- clc ; No error
- ret
- none_to_send:
- call tx_off
- mov cs:tstate,IDLE
- popf
- clc ; No error
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- rcv_mode_3:
- ;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, cx = number of addresses.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface:
- ;reset the interface.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- ;call this routine to schedule a subroutine that gets run after the
- ;recv_isr. This is done by stuffing routine's address in place
- ;of the recv_isr iret's address. This routine should push the flags when it
- ;is entered, and should jump to recv_exiting_exit to leave.
- ;enter with ax = address of routine to run.
- extrn schedule_exiting: near
- ;recv_exiting jumps here to exit, after pushing the flags.
- extrn recv_exiting_exit: near
- ;enter with dx = amount of memory desired.
- ;exit with nc, dx -> that memory, or cy if there isn't enough memory.
- extrn malloc: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- wcrsave dw 0
- rsesave db 0
- public rxint
- rxint:
- assume ds:code
- mov bx,R1 ; Get special condition bits from R1
- call rdscc
- mov rsesave,al
- ; save length of frame from 8237 */
- xor al,al
- out DMA_RESETFF,al ; Reset byte pointer flipflop
- mov dx,dma_wcr ; Get address of word count register
- in al,dx ; Input low byte of word
- mov bl,al ; Save it
- in al,dx ; Input high byte
- mov bh,al ; Save it - bx = bytes left
- mov wcrsave,bx
- call switchbuffers ; Switch buffers so we can get DMA happening
- ; Error reset lets the receive fifo empty out using dma. There can be a few
- ; garbage bytes left in there so it is important to 'drain' them by
- ; issuing the error reset *before* we set up DMA for the next receive.
- mov bx,R0+ERR_RES ; Error reset
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,cs ; Setup for next receive
- mov cx,ax
- mov bx,rxbufptr
- mov ax,cs:bufsiz
- call setup_rx_dma
- mov al,rsesave ; Recover status
- test al,END_FR ; Is this an end of packet int?
- jz rxint_exit ; no
- test al,CRC_ERR ; CRC ok?
- jnz rxint_exit ; No - toss frame
- mov bx,wcrsave ; Recover frame length
- mov ax,cs:bufsiz ; ax = buf size - 1
- sub ax,1
- sub ax,bx ; minus bytes left = byte count
- cmp ax,10 ; Runt?
- jl rxint_exit ; Yes, ignore it
- ; Valid frame
- sub ax,2 ; Subtract 2 CRC bytes from byte count
- mov cx,ax ; Load packet length
- mov dl,MYCLASS ; Load packet class
- mov ax,cs ; Get our segment
- mov es,ax ; into es
- mov di,rxbufptr ; Point to type field (not needed for AX25)
- add di,12
- call recv_find ; Try to get a buffer to send it up in.
- mov ax, es ; Did recv_find give us a null pointer?
- or ax, di ; ..
- je rxint_exit ; If null, we must throw this one away
- cld ; Copies which follow are forward
- push ds ; Save our data seg
- push cx ; We will want the count and pointer
- push es ; to hand to client after copying,
- push di ; so save them at this point
- mov si,altbufptr
- rep movsb ; Do the copy
- pop si ; Recover pointer to destination
- pop ds ; Tell client it's his source
- pop cx ; And it's this long
- call recv_copy ; Give it to him
- pop ds ; Recover our data seg
- rxint_exit:
- ret
- txint:
- assume ds:code
- ret
- exint:
- assume ds:code
- pushf
- cli
- mov bx,R0 ; Get status
- call rdscc
- ; reset external status latch
- mov bx,R0+RES_EXT_INT
- call wrtscc
- mov al,cs:tstate ; Is transmit IDLE?
- cmp al,IDLE
- jnz exint_1 ; No
- mov bx,R0+ERR_RES ; TX IDLE - unlock fifo to flush any garbage
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,cs ; Assume abort - Reset receive DMA
- mov cx,ax
- mov bx,rxbufptr
- mov ax,cs:bufsiz
- call setup_rx_dma
- jmp exint_exit ; exit
- exint_1:
- mov al,cs:tstate
- cmp al,ACTIVE
- jne exint_2
- ; Transmitter is ACTIVE
- mov cs:tstate,FLAGOUT
- mov ax,tailtime
- call tdelay
- jmp exint_exit
- exint_2:
- cmp al,FLAGOUT
- jne exint_3
- ; Transmitter in FLAGOUT state
- mov ax,cs:txbufptr ; Free the tx buffer
- mov bx, offset freelist
- call enqueue
- jmp send_pkt_1 ; Go see if there are more to send
- exint_3:
- cmp al,TXDELAY
- jne exint_4
- ; Transmitter is in TXDELAY
- mov bx,R0+RES_Tx_CRC+RES_Tx_P ; reset CRC, txint pending
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R15+TxUIE ; Allow underrun int only
- call wrtscc
- ; Enable TX DMA
- call wrtscc
- ; Unmask channel n (enable DMA controller chip)
- mov al,Byte Ptr dma_channel ; Enable DMA for this channel
- add al,DMA_ENABLE
- out DMA_MASK,al
- mov bx,R0+RES_EOM_L ; Send CRC on underrun
- call wrtscc
- mov cs:tstate,ACTIVE ; Packet going out now
- jmp exint_exit
- exint_4:
- ; Transmitter must be in DEFER
- call check_dcd ; See if we should DEFER again
- jc exint_exit ; DEFER
- mov ax,cs ; Set up for TX DMA
- mov cx,ax
- mov bx,txbufptr
- mov ax,txlength
- call setup_tx_dma
- mov cs:tstate,TXDELAY
- call tx_on ; Start sending flags
- mov ax,txdelayparm ; generate an exint after TXDELAY
- call tdelay
- popf
- ret
- exint_exit:
- popf
- ret
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- ; Read interrupt status register from channel A
- ; Process all pending interrupts in a loop
- recv_1:
- mov bx,R3
- call rdscc
- cmp al,0
- jz recv_exit
- test al,CHARxIP ; Is channel A receive int pending?
- jz recv_2 ; no
- call rxint ; yes
- jmp recv_eoi
- recv_2: test al,CHATxIP ; Is channel A tx int pending?
- jz recv_3 ; no
- call txint ; yes
- jmp recv_eoi
- recv_3: test al,CHAEXT ; Is channel external/status int pending?
- jz recv_eoi ; no
- call exint ; yes
- ; Reset highest interrupt under service
- recv_eoi:
- mov bx,R0+RES_H_IUS
- call wrtscc
- jmp recv_1 ; Loop for more int processing
- recv_exit:
- ret
- ; This routine is used for all writes to the SCC. It satisfies the
- ; The SCCs access time restriction by using delay loops. These loops
- ; are processor speed dependent and are determined by acc_delay.
- ; Enter with bh = register, bl = value
- public wrtscc
- wrtscc:
- pushf ; Save current interrupt state
- cli ; Wouldn't do to be interrupted now
- push ax
- push cx
- push dx
- push di
- push si
- push bp
- mov di,acc_delay; Load this into a register for speed
- mov dx,io_addr ; Get card address
- add dx,CTL_A ; Point to channel A control reg
- mov bp,dx ; Save it
- mov dx,io_addr ; get address of dma enable port
- add dx,DMAEN
- mov si,dx ; save it
- mov cx,di ; For loop below
- mov ax,100h ; Write a 0 to disable DMA while we touch the scc
- out dx,al
- ; ******** DMA off
- Loop1: loop Loop1 ;[5]
- mov dx,bp ;[2] Get pointer to ch A control reg
- mov al,bh ;[2] Select register
- out dx,al ;[8]
- mov cx,di ;[2]
- Loop2: loop Loop2 ;[5]
- mov dx,si ;[2] get address of dma enable port
- mov al,ah ;[2] Enable DMA in between accesses
- out dx,al ;[8]
- ; ******** DMA on - was off for 36 cycles
- nop ; Leave extra time for XT ram refresh cycle to finish
- nop
- nop
- mov cx,di ; For loop below
- mov al,0 ; now disable DMA in between accesses
- out dx,al ;
- ; ******** DMA off
- Loop2a: loop Loop2a ;[5]
- mov dx,bp ;[2] Get pointer to ch A control reg
- mov al,bl ;[2] Output value
- out dx,al ;[8]
- mov cx,di ;[2]
- Loop3: loop Loop3 ;[5]
- mov dx,si ;[2] get address of dma enable port
- mov al,ah ;[2] Enable DMA
- out dx,al ;[8]
- ; ******** DMA on - was off for 36 cycles
- pop bp
- pop si
- pop di
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop ax
- popf
- ret
- ; Enter with bh = reg
- public rdscc
- rdscc:
- pushf
- cli
- push cx
- push dx
- push di
- push si
- push bp
- mov di,acc_delay; Save it
- mov dx,io_addr ; Get card address
- add dx,CTL_A ; Point to channel A control reg
- mov bp,dx ; Save it
- mov dx,io_addr ; get address of dma enable port
- add dx,DMAEN
- mov si,dx ; save it
- mov cx,di ; For loop below
- mov ax,100h ; Disable DMA while we touch the scc
- out dx,al
- ; ******** DMA off
- Loop4: loop Loop4 ;[5]
- mov dx,bp ;[2] Get address of SCC control reg
- mov al,bh ;[2] Select register
- out dx,al; ;[8]
- mov cx,di ;[2]
- Loop5: loop Loop5 ;[5]
- mov dx,si ;[2] get address of dma enable port
- mov al,ah ;[2] Enable DMA
- out dx,al ;[8]
- ;********* DMA on - was off for 36 cycles
- nop ; Leave extra time for XT ram refresh cycle to finish
- nop
- nop
- mov cx,di ; For loop below
- mov al,0
- out dx,al
- ;********* DMA off
- Loop5a: loop Loop5a ;[5]
- mov dx,bp ;[2] Get address of SCC control reg
- in al,dx ;[8] read register
- mov bl,al ;[2] save return value
- mov cx,di ;[2]
- Loop6: loop Loop6 ;[5]
- mov dx,si ;[2] get address of dma enable port
- mov al,ah ;[2] Enable DMA
- out dx,al ;[8]
- ; ******** DMA on - was off for 36 cycles
- mov al,bl ; recover return value
- pop bp
- pop si
- pop di
- pop dx
- pop cx
- popf
- ret
- public delay8253
- delay8253:
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- ret
- ; Setup for DMA
- ; Initializes certain DMA chip registers - called by setup_rx_dma
- ; and setup_tx_dma
- ; Enter with cx:bx = buffer, ax = length
- ; Writes the dma chip word count reg, dest reg, and the dma page reg
- ;
- public setup_dma
- setup_dma:
- pushf ; Save interrupt state
- cli ; Disable interrupts
- sub ax,1 ; adjust length for DMA chip
- push ax ; Save it for later
- mov al,Byte Ptr dma_channel ; Disable DMA for this channel
- add al,DMA_DISABLE
- out DMA_MASK,al
- xor al,al
- out DMA_RESETFF,al ; Reset byte pointer flipflop
- ; Calculate high order 4 bits of the buffer area and store
- ; them in the DMA page register
- mov ax,cx ; Make a working copy of the seg reg
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- add ax,bx ; add offset - we have bottom word of abs. address
- pushf ; Save carry bit
- mov dx,dma_dest ; Output buf start (source) address
- out dx,al
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- mov ax,cx ; Get another copy of the seg reg
- mov cl,12 ; shift it down
- shr ax,cl ; to get page register
- popf ; Recover carry bit
- adc ax,0 ; add any carry from previous add
- mov dx,page_addr ; Set up DMA page register
- out dx,al
- mov dx,dma_wcr ; Get address of word count register
- pop ax ; Recover length and output it
- out dx,al
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- popf ; restore interrupt state
- ret
- ; Setup receive dma
- ; Enter with cx:bx = buffer, ax = length
- ;
- public setup_rx_dma
- setup_rx_dma:
- pushf ; Save interrupt state
- cli ; Disable interrupts
- call setup_dma
- ; Get ready for RX DMA
- call wrtscc
- ; Set DMA mode register to single transfers, incrementing address,
- ; auto init, writes
- mov al,dma_channel ; Put dma chip in transmit for this channel
- add al,DMA_RX_MODE
- out DMA_MODE,al
- ; Unmask channel n (enable DMA controller chip)
- mov al,Byte Ptr dma_channel ; Enable DMA for this channel
- add al,DMA_ENABLE
- out DMA_MASK,al
- ; If a packet is already coming in, this line is supposed
- ; to mess up the crc to avoid receiving a partial packet
- mov bx,R0+RES_Rx_CRC
- call wrtscc
- ; Enable RX dma in SCC chip
- call wrtscc
- popf
- ret
- ;
- ; Set up for transmit DMA
- ; Enter with cx:bx = buffer, ax = length
- ;
- public setup_tx_dma
- setup_tx_dma:
- pushf ; Save interrupt state
- cli ; Disable interrupts
- call setup_dma
- ; Set DMA mode register to single transfers, incrementing address,
- ; no auto init, reads
- mov al,dma_channel ; Put dma chip in transmit for this channel
- add al,DMA_TX_MODE
- out DMA_MODE,al
- popf
- ret
- ; Set up 8253 chip for time delay
- ; enter with time to delay (mS) in ax
- ;
- public tdelay
- tdelay:
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push ax ; Save delay time
- mov dx,io_addr
- add dx,TMRCMD
- mov al,SC1+LSB_MSB+MODE0 ; Setup timer sc
- out dx,al
- call delay8253 ; Satisy access time restriction
- mov dx,io_addr
- add dx,TMR1
- pop ax ; Recover delay time
- sal ax,1 ; Times 2 to make milliseconds
- out dx,al ; Write low byte
- call delay8253
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al ; then high byte
- mov bx,R15+CTSIE ; Enable interrupt for timeout
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R1+EXT_INT_ENAB
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R0+RES_EXT_INT
- call wrtscc
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- ret
- public tx_off
- tx_off:
- pushf
- cli
- push bx
- mov bx,R5+Tx8+DTR ; TX off
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,speed ; Internally clocked?
- cmp ax,0
- jz tx_off_1 ; Externally clocked, don't change BRG
- mov ax,clkmode ; Clocking mode 1?
- cmp ax,1
- jz tx_search ; Mode 1, don't change BRG
- ; But enter search mode
- ; Reprogram BRG for 32x clock for receive DPLL
- mov bx,R14+BRSRC ; BRG off, keep Pclk source
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,rx_tc ; Get receive time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R12 ; Write low byte of time constant to R12
- mov bl,al
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,rx_tc ; Get receive time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R13 ; Write high byte of time constant to R13
- mov bl,ah
- call wrtscc
- tx_search:
- mov bx,R14+BRSRC+SEARCH ; SEARCH mode, BRG source
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R14+BRSRC+BRENABL ; Enable the baud rate generator
- call wrtscc
- tx_off_1:
- mov bx,R3+RxENABLE+RxCRC_ENAB+Rx8 ; RX on
- call wrtscc
- push cs ; Set up RX DMA
- pop cx
- mov bx,rxbufptr
- mov ax,cs:bufsiz
- call setup_rx_dma
- mov bx,R15+BRKIE
- call wrtscc ; allow abort interrupt
- pop bx
- popf
- ret
- public tx_on
- tx_on:
- pushf
- cli
- push bx
- mov bx,R15+0 ; Exints off first to avoid abort interrupt
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R3+Rx8 ; Rx off
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R1+WT_FN_RDYFN+EXT_INT_ENAB ; Set up for TX DMA
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,speed ; Internally clocked?
- cmp ax,0
- jz tx_on_1 ; Externally clocked, don't change BRG
- mov ax,clkmode ; Clocking mode 1?
- cmp ax,1
- jz tx_on_1 ; Clocking mode 1, don't change BRG
- mov ax,tx_tc ; Get transmit time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R12 ; Write low byte of time constant to R12
- mov bl,al
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,tx_tc ; Get transmit time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R13 ; Write high byte of time constant to R13
- mov bl,ah
- call wrtscc
- tx_on_1:
- call wrtscc
- pop bx
- popf
- ret
- include popf.asm
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- db 30000 dup(?)
- end_free_mem label byte
- ; Initialize the SCC registers
- public scc_init
- scc_init:
- pushf
- cli
- mov cs:tstate,IDLE
- mov bx,R9+CHRA ; reset channel A
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R2+0ffh ; Set interrupt vector
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R1+0 ; Deselect all Rx and Tx interrupts
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R15+0 ; Turn off external interrupts
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R4+SDLC+X1CLK ; SDLC mode and times 1 clock
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,speed ; Get baud rate
- cmp ax,0
- jz scc_init_1 ; Jump if externally clocked
- mov ax,clkmode ; Clocking mode 1?
- cmp ax,1
- jnz scc_init_5 ; No - must be internal clocking
- mov bx,R10+CRCPS ; Clock mode 1, CRC preset, not NRZI mode
- call wrtscc
- ; Receive clock = RTxC pin
- ; Transmit clock = baud rate generator
- ; Transmit clock is output on TRxC pin
- call wrtscc
- jmp scc_init_2
- scc_init_5:
- mov bx,R10+CRCPS+NRZI ; Internal clock, CRC preset, NRZI mode
- call wrtscc
- ; Receive clock = DPLL
- ; Transmit clock = baud rate generator
- ; Transmit clock is output on TRxC pin
- call wrtscc
- jmp scc_init_2
- scc_init_1: ; Externally clocked
- mov bx,R10+CRCPS ; CRC preset
- call wrtscc
- ; Receive clock = RTxC pin
- ; TRxC pin is input for transmit clock
- mov bx,R11+TCTRxCP ; Rcv clk is from Rtxcl, TRxC pin is input
- call wrtscc
- scc_init_2:
- mov bx,R6+0 ; Null out SDLC start address
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R7+FLAG ; SDLC flag
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R5+Tx8+DTR ; Set up tx but don't enable it yet
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R3+Rx8 ; Initial rx setup
- call wrtscc
- mov bx,R14+BRSRC
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,rx_tc ; Get receive time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R12 ; Write low byte of time constant to R12
- mov bl,al
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,rx_tc ; Get receive time constant for BRG
- mov bx,R13 ; Write high byte of time constant to R13
- mov bl,ah
- call wrtscc
- mov ax,speed ; Internal clocking?
- cmp ax,0
- jz scc_init_3 ; Jump if External
- mov ax,clkmode
- cmp ax,1
- jnz t1
- call wrtscc
- jmp scc_init_4
- t1:
- call wrtscc
- jmp scc_init_4
- scc_init_3:
- mov bx,R14+BRSRC+SSRTxC ; Set DPLL source = RTxC
- call wrtscc
- scc_init_4:
- call tx_off ; Set up and enable RX
- popf
- ret
- ; This routine calculates the constant to be used in the delay loops
- ; which satisfy the SCC's access recovery time. This needs to be timed and
- ; calculated because a fixed value would not work in a 4.77mhz XT
- ; to a 40mhz 486 (and beyond).
- public set_acc_delay
- set_acc_delay:
- pushf
- cli
- push ax
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- mov cx,1000
- mov al,0 ;latch counter zero.
- out 43h,al
- in al,40h ;read counter zero.
- mov ah,al
- in al,40h
- xchg ah,al
- mov tick1,ax
- h1: loop h1
- mov al,0 ;latch counter zero.
- out 43h,al
- in al,40h ;read counter zero.
- mov ah,al
- in al,40h
- xchg ah,al
- mov tick2,ax
- mov ax,tick1
- sub ax,tick2
- mov diff,ax ; Elapsed counts
- mov bx,ax
- mov dx,0
- mov ax,5000 ; Divide by
- div bx ; the number of counts elapsed
- cmp al,0
- jne set_acc_2
- mov al,1 ; Delay constant must be at least 1
- set_acc_2:
- xor ah,ah
- mov acc_delay,ax
- mov di, offset acc_delay ; Processor speed constant
- mov dx, offset acc_delay_name ; Message for it
- call print_number
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- popf
- ret
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: pi <packet_int_no> [hardware_irq] [io_addr] [dma] [baud] [TXD] [P] [slot] [tail] [clock mode] [buf size] [number of buffers]",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for the Ottawa PI card, version ",'0'+majver,".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1991, 1992 Dave Perry",CR,LF,'$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- dma_name db "DMA channel ",'$'
- acc_delay_name db "Processor constant ",'$'
- diff_name db "diff ",'$'
- tick1_name db "tick1 ",'$'
- tick2_name db "tick2 ",'$'
- speed_name db "Baud rate ",'$'
- txdelay_name db "TX delay ",'$'
- persist_name db "P value ",'$'
- slottime_name db "Slot time ",'$'
- tailtime_name db "Tail time ",'$'
- clkmode_name db "Clocking mode ",'$'
- bufsiz_name db "Buffer size ",'$'
- numbufs_name db "Number of buffers ",'$'
- baud_err_msg db "Error: Selected baud rate is out of range",CR,LF,'$'
- no_memory_msg db "Unable to allocate enough memory, look at end_resident in PI.ASM",CR,LF,'$'
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> wword to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> argument string, di -> wword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;-> the assigned Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- mov di,offset int_no ; May override interrupt channel
- call get_number
- mov di,offset io_addr ; May override I/O address
- call get_number
- mov di,offset dma_channel ; May override channel
- call get_number
- mov di,offset speed ; May override speed
- call get_number
- mov di,offset txdelayparm ; May override TX delay time
- call get_number
- mov di,offset persist ; May override P value
- call get_number
- mov di,offset slottime ; May override Slot time
- call get_number
- ; Calculate address of dma page register
- mov al,Byte Ptr dma_channel
- cmp al,2
- jne parse_1
- mov ax,81h
- jmp parse_3
- parse_1:
- cmp al,3
- jne parse_2
- mov ax,82h
- jmp parse_3
- parse_2:
- mov ax,83h
- parse_3:
- mov page_addr,ax
- ; Calculate address of dma destination and dma word count regs
- mov ax,Word Ptr dma_channel
- shl ax,1
- mov dma_dest,ax
- add ax,1
- mov dma_wcr,ax
- ; Calculate time constants for baud rate generator
- mov ax,word ptr speed
- cmp ax,0
- jz parse_4
- mov dx,1ch ; Load SCC clock freq into dx:ax
- mov ax,2000h
- div speed ; Divide by baud rate
- sub ax,2 ; sub 2 - this is the BRG time constant
- mov tx_tc,ax ; for Transmit - save it
- mov dx,0h ; Load SCC clock freq/32 into dx:ax
- mov ax,0e100h
- div speed ; Divide by baud rate
- sub ax,2 ; sub 2 - this is the BRG time constant
- mov rx_tc,ax ; for receive - save it
- ; Calculate tail time. This is the time required for the CRC and closing
- ; flag to be sent, during which the transmitter must be held on.
- mov dx,0 ; Magic number
- mov ax,8ca0h
- div speed
- add ax,1 ; Tail time is at least 1 ms
- mov tailtime,ax
- parse_4:
- mov di,offset tailtime ; May override Tail time
- call get_number
- mov di,offset clkmode ; May override clocking mode
- call get_number
- mov di,offset bufsiz ; May override buffer size
- call get_number
- mov ax,bufsiz
- mov parm_mtu,ax
- mov di,offset numbufs ; May override number of buffers
- call get_number
- cmp numbufs,3 ; But we need at least 3
- jge parse_4a
- mov numbufs,3
- parse_4a:
- clc ; Return without error
- ret
- baud_error:
- mov dx,offset baud_err_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- stc
- ret
- ; Return offset of a buffer which does not cross a DMA page boundary.
- ; Returns nc, ax=offset of buffer, or cy if no mem. Buffers are in code segment.
- public getbuffer
- getbuffer:
- push dx
- push cx
- push bx
- mov ax,cs ; get buffer segment
- mov cx,ax
- get1: mov ax,cs:bufsiz
- add ax,4 ; Leave room for next pointer and length
- mov dx,ax
- call malloc
- jc get_exit
- mov bx,dx
- call test_buffer
- jnc get_exit ; found one
- add numbufs,1 ; Account for it
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop dx
- jmp getbuffer
- get_exit:
- mov ax,dx ; recover pointer
- pop bx
- pop cx
- pop dx
- ret ; return buffer found
- public etopen
- etopen:
- ; Not meaningful for AX25 class - this code assumes DIX ethernet
- ;get the address of the interface.
- mov si,offset etheraddr
- movseg es,ds
- mov di,offset rom_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- rep movsb
- ; Set up DMA buffer pool
- mov cx,numbufs ; We want this many
- et1:
- call getbuffer ; Get a DMA buffer
- jc etopen_error
- mov bx,offset freelist ; Append it to the free list
- call enqueue
- loop et1
- mov bx,offset freelist ; Get a buffer from the freelist
- call dequeue
- jc etopen_error ; None left
- mov bufptr1,ax ; Remember as primary
- mov rxbufptr,ax ; Make it current
- mov bx,offset freelist ; Get a buffer from the freelist
- call dequeue
- jc etopen_error ; None left
- mov bufptr2,ax ; Use it for secondary rx buffer
- ; Adjust scc delay for speed of host cpu
- call set_acc_delay
- mov bx,R9+FHWRES ; Hardware reset SCC
- call wrtscc
- ; Disable interrupts with Master interrupt ctrl reg */
- mov bx,R9+0
- call wrtscc
- call scc_init
- mov bx,R9+MIE+NV ; master interrupt enable
- call wrtscc
- ; Set up counter chip
- mov dx,io_addr
- add dx,TMRCMD
- mov al,SC0+LSB_MSB+MODE3 ; 500 uS square wave
- out dx,al
- call delay8253 ; Satisfy access time restriction
- mov ax,922 ; time constant
- mov dx,io_addr
- add dx,TMR0
- out dx,al ; LSB
- call delay8253 ; Satisy access time restriction
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al ; MSB
- call delay8253 ; Satisy access time restriction
- call set_recv_isr ; Hook the board int
- ;if all is okay,
- clc
- ret
- etopen_error:
- mov dx,offset no_memory_msg
- stc
- ret
- dma_page_save dw 0
- dma_dest_save dw 0
- dma_wcr_save dw 0
- ; Test a buffer to see if it crosses a DMA page boundary.
- ; Enter with cx:bx = buffer, ax = length
- public test_buffer
- test_buffer:
- sub ax,1 ; adjust length for DMA chip
- mov dma_wcr_save,ax ; Save it for the dma_wcr register
- ; Calculate high order 4 bits of the buffer area and store
- ; them in the DMA page register
- mov ax,cx ; Make a working copy of the seg reg
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- shl ax,1
- add ax,bx ; add offset - we have bottom word of abs. address
- pushf ; Save carry bit
- mov dma_dest_save,ax ; save this for the dma_dest register
- mov ax,cx ; Get another copy of the seg reg
- mov cl,12 ; shift it down
- shr ax,cl ; to get page register
- popf ; Recover carry bit
- adc ax,0 ; add any carry from previous add
- mov dma_page_save,ax ; Save this for the dma_page register
- ; Now do the test: add the buffer size to the destination address
- ; and see if we're still in the same page
- mov ax,dma_dest_save ; recover bottom 16 bits of absolute addr
- add ax,cs:bufsiz ; add the buffer size
- ; if carry is set, we spilled over the page
- ret ; return carry clear on success
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di, offset int_no ; Interrupt channel
- mov dx, offset int_no_name ; Message for it
- call print_number
- mov di, offset io_addr ; I/O address
- mov dx, offset io_addr_name ; Message for it
- call print_number
- mov di, offset dma_channel ; DMA channel
- mov dx, offset dma_name ; Message for it
- call print_number
- mov di, offset speed ; Baud rate
- mov dx, offset speed_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset txdelayparm ; TX delay
- mov dx, offset txdelay_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset persist ; P persistance
- mov dx, offset persist_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset slottime ; Slot time
- mov dx, offset slottime_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset tailtime ; Tail time
- mov dx, offset tailtime_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset clkmode ; Clocking mode
- mov dx, offset clkmode_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset bufsiz ; Buffer size
- mov dx, offset bufsiz_name
- call print_number
- mov di, offset numbufs ; Number of buffers
- mov dx, offset numbufs_name
- call print_number
- ret
- code ends
- end