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- ; Subroutine to check if an address range is available for allocation
- ; as shared memory.
- ; Input: bx = segment start address
- ; di = # of bytes / 16
- ; Returns with carry set if range is occupied
- ; All registers saved and restored
- ;
- public occupied_chk
- occupied_chk:
- push ax ; save registers
- push bx
- push cx
- push dx
- push si
- push di
- push ds
- ;
- ; first check if there is any ROM in our range
- ;
- add di,bx ; end of range to check
- mov dx,0c000h-(2048 shr 4) ; start of possible ROM area
- occ_next2k:
- add dx,2048 shr 4 ; next 2k segment
- occ_nextROM:
- cmp dx,di ; ROM addr above our range?
- jae occ_chk_RAM ; -yes, go check for RAM
- mov ds,dx ; -no, check for ROM
- xor si,si
- mov cx,0aa55h ; ROM signature
- mov ax,[si]
- cmp ax,cx ; any signature?
- jne occ_next2k
- mov ch,[si+2] ; ROM length in 512 byte blocks
- xor cl,cl
- push cx
- shl cx,1 ; # of bytes to checksum
- xor ah,ah ; clear accumulated checksum
- occ_chksum:
- lodsb ; get a byte
- add ah,al ; add modulo 100h
- loop occ_chksum ; repeat for all bytes
- pop cx
- or ah,ah ; is checksum zero?
- jnz occ_next2k ; -no, check next 2k addr
- shr cx,1 ; -yes, valid ROM found
- shr cx,1
- shr cx,1
- add dx,cx ; end of ROM
- cmp dx,bx ; does it reach into our area?
- ja occ_is_ROM
- jmp occ_nextROM
- ;
- ; no ROM found in our range, check for RAM
- ;
- occ_chk_RAM:
- mov ds,bx ; point segment at start of range
- sub di,bx ; compute # of bytes
- mov cl,4
- shl di,cl
- xor bx,bx ; clear word pointer
- mov ax,0a5a5h ; test pattern
- mov si,05a5ah ; and its complement
- occ_nextword:
- pushf
- cli ; disable interrupts
- mov cx,[bx] ; save original contents
- mov dx,[bx+2] ; save original contents
- mov [bx],si ; put our pattern
- mov [bx+2],ax ; drain any capacitive memory
- cmp [bx],si ; is our pattern still there?
- mov [bx],cx ; restore original contents
- mov [bx+2],dx ; restore original contents
- jne occ_no_RAM
- mov [bx],ax ; put the complement pattern
- mov [bx+2],si ; drain capacitive memory
- cmp [bx],ax ; our pattern still there?
- mov [bx],cx ; restore original contents
- mov [bx+2],dx ; restore original contents
- je occ_is_RAM ; -yes, range is occupied
- occ_no_RAM:
- popf ; enable interrupt
- add bx,2 ; check next word
- cmp bx,di ; at end of range?
- jb occ_nextword
- clc ; clear carry - range is available
- jmp short occ_return
- occ_is_RAM:
- popf ; enable interrupts
- occ_is_ROM:
- stc ; set carry - range is occupied
- occ_return:
- pop ds ; restore registers
- pop di
- pop si
- pop dx
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret