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- version equ 4
- NCB_NOWAIT equ 80h ; Command wait flag
- NCB_RESET equ 32h ; Reset adapter
- NCB_CANCEL equ 35h ; Cancel command
- NCB_STATUS equ 33h ; Get NETBIOS intf status
- NCB_UNLINK equ 70h ; Unlink (RPL)
- NCB_ADDNAME equ 30h ; Add name
- NCB_ADDGNAME equ 36h ; Add group name
- NCB_DELNAME equ 31h ; Delete name
- NCB_FINDNAME equ 78h ; Find name
- NCB_CALL equ 10h ; Call
- NCB_LISTEN equ 11h ; Listen
- NCB_HANGUP equ 12h ; Hang up
- NCB_SEND equ 14h ; Send
- NCB_CHSEND equ 17h ; Chain send
- NCB_RECEIVE equ 15h ; Receive
- NCB_RECANY equ 16h ; Receive any
- NCB_SESSTATUS equ 34h ; Get session status
- NCB_SDATAGRAM equ 20h ; Send datagram
- NCB_SBROADCAST equ 22h ; Send broadcast
- NCB_RDATAGRAM equ 21h ; Receive datagram
- NCB_RBROADCAST equ 23h ; Receive broadcast
- NCB_TRACE equ 79h ; Start trace
- ;
- ; Network Control Block structure
- ;
- ncb struc
- ncb_command db ?
- ncb_retcode db ?
- ncb_lsn db ?
- ncb_num db ?
- ncb_buffer dd ?
- ncb_length dw ?
- ncb_callname db 16 dup(?)
- ncb_name db 16 dup(?)
- ncb_rto db ?
- ncb_sto db ?
- ncb_post dd ?
- ncb_lana_num db ?
- ncb_cmd_cplt db ?
- ncb_reserve db 14 dup(?)
- ncb ends
- ;
- ; ARP packet structure
- ;
- arp struc
- arp_hw dw ? ; Hardware address length, bytes
- arp_prot dw ? ; Protocol type
- arp_hwalen db ? ; hardware address length, bytes
- arp_pralen db ? ; Length of protocol address
- arp_opcode dw ? ; ARP opcode (request/reply)
- arp_shwaddr db 6 dup(?) ; Sender hardware address field
- arp_sprotaddr dd ? ; Sender Protocol address field
- arp_thwaddr db 6 dup(?) ; Target hardware address field
- arp_tprotaddr dd ? ; Target protocol address field
- arp ends
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- ;***************************************************************
- prefix db "TCPIP"
- public int_no
- int_no db 0,0,0,0
- ip_adress dw 2 dup(0)
- rq_size dw 3
- padding dd 0
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db 1,0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 'netbios',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw 1500 ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 4 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0,0,0,rcv_mode_3
- lana_num db 0
- local_ncb_num db 0 ; handle returned by add_name
- public nbsend, nbrcv1, nbrcv2, rcv_buffer1 ; MAP
- nbsend ncb <>
- nbrcv1 ncb <>
- nbrcv2 ncb <>
- MAX_DG equ 1500
- rcv_buffer1 db MAX_DG dup(?)
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- ;
- ; recv_find() requires a pointer to the Ethernet packet type. Since
- ; the incoming packet does not contain an Ethernet packet type field,
- ; memory must be allocated to hold the Ethernet packet type. Space is
- ; required for both IP and ARP types.
- ;
- ip_type label byte
- db 08
- db 00
- arp_type label byte
- db 08
- db 06
- gw_switch db 00
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- assume ds: nothing
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- cmp cx,GIANT ; Is this packet too large?
- ja send_pkt_toobig
- push es
- push bx
- push ds
- ;strip off Ethernet header
- add si,12
- mov ax, word ptr ds:[si]
- add si,2
- sub cx,14
- ;
- ; Check packet type. If an ARP packet then construct an ARP reply
- ; packet. Otherwise, process the incoming IP packet.
- ;
- cmp ax,0608h
- jne noarp
- call arp_reply
- jmp send_ok
- noarp:
- push cs
- pop es
- ;
- ; Set up NCB for a "SEND DATAGRAM" operation
- ;
- mov bx,offset cs:nbsend
- mov cs:[bx].ncb_buffer.offs,si
- mov ax,ds
- mov cs:[bx].ncb_buffer.segm,ds
- mov cs:[bx].ncb_length,cx
- push bx
- lea di,cs:nbsend.ncb_callname
- ;
- ; If gateway switch set then contruct NETBIOS name based on the destination
- ; IP address in the IP packet. Otherwise, construct the NETBIOS name
- ; based on the destination Ethernet address.
- ;
- mov al,gw_switch
- cmp al,0
- je use_hw_addr
- mov bx, word ptr ds:[si+16]
- mov dx, word ptr ds:[si+18]
- jmp conv_addr
- use_hw_addr:
- mov bx, word ptr ds:[si-12]
- mov dx, word ptr ds:[si-10]
- conv_addr:
- push cs
- pop ds
- call ip_to_nbname
- pop bx
- ;
- ; Pass "Send Datagram" NCB to NETBIOS
- ;
- int 5ch
- ;
- ; If "Send Datagram" operation is unsuccessful then print return code and
- ; set carry bit. Otherwise, clear the carry bit.
- ;
- cmp al,0
- jz send_ok
- add ax,32
- call tty
- mov al,'S'
- call tty
- stc
- jmp send_done
- send_ok:
- clc
- send_done:
- pop ds
- pop bx
- pop es
- ret
- send_pkt_toobig:
- mov dh,NO_SPACE
- stc
- ret
- ;
- ; Formulate a dummy ARP reply packet. ds:si points at the incoming
- ; IP packet.
- ;
- arp_reply:
- ;
- ; Save the registers. Not sure that we need to but it works and I
- ; don't want to change it right now.
- ;
- push ds
- push es
- push si
- push di
- push cx
- ;
- ; Check to see if the ARP request is to find the hardware address
- ; of the local host. If so, then don't formulate a reply packet.
- ;
- mov cx,4
- mov ax,si
- mov di,ax
- mov ax,ds
- mov es,ax
- add di,arp_sprotaddr
- add si,arp_tprotaddr
- repe cmpsb ; Compare source and target
- ; protocol address
- jnz arp_reply_2
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- arp_reply_2:
- ;
- ; Restore registers.
- ;
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- push si
- push di
- push cx
- ;
- ; Restore Ethernet header.
- ;
- add cx,14
- sub si,14
- ;
- ; Ask application layer for a memory buffer in which to store
- ; incoming packet.
- ;
- push ds
- push si ;save si in case we reject it.
- push bx
- push cx
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov ds,ax
- mov di, offset arp_type
- mov dl,cs:driver_class
- call recv_find ;look up our type.
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop si
- pop ds
- mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
- or ax,di
- je arp_reply_1 ;yes - just free the frame.
- push cx
- push es
- push di
- ;
- ; Save si,di for future use.
- ;
- mov bx,si
- mov dx,di
- ;
- ; Set up ARP Reply by first copying the ARP Request packet.
- ;
- rep movsb
- ;
- ; Skip Ethernet header
- ;
- add bx,14
- add dx,14
- ;
- ; Swap target and source protocol addresses from ARP request to ARP
- ; reply packet.
- ;
- mov si,bx
- mov di,dx
- mov cx,4
- add si,arp_tprotaddr
- add di,arp_sprotaddr
- rep movsb
- mov si,bx
- mov di,dx
- mov cx,4
- add si,arp_sprotaddr
- add di,arp_tprotaddr
- rep movsb
- ;
- ; Swap target and source hardware addresses from ARP request to ARP
- ; reply packet.
- ;
- mov si,bx
- mov di,dx
- mov cx,6
- add si,arp_shwaddr
- add di,arp_thwaddr
- rep movsb
- ;
- ; Load source hardware address in ARP reply packet.
- ;
- mov si,bx
- mov di,dx
- add di,arp_shwaddr
- mov es:[di],word ptr 0000h
- add di,2
- mov cx,4
- add si,arp_tprotaddr ; Set Ethernet address in ARP reply
- ; to target IP address
- rep movsb
- ;
- ; Set opcode to REPLY.
- ;
- mov di,dx
- mov word ptr es:[di].arp_opcode,0200h
- ;
- ; Give ARP reply packet that has been constructed to the application
- ; layer.
- ;
- pop si
- pop ds
- pop cx
- assume ds:nothing
- call recv_copy
- assume ds:code
- arp_reply_1:
- pop cx
- pop di
- pop si
- pop es
- pop ds
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- rcv_mode_3:
- ;receive mode 3 is the only one we support, so we don't have to do anything.
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface:
- ;reset the interface.
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- extrn dwordout: near
- extrn error: near
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- public nbint ; MAP
- nbint proc far
- push ds
- ;
- ; Set data segment to code segment so that we can reference local
- ; variables.
- ;
- push cs
- pop ds
- ;
- ; Retrieve size of received packet
- ;
- mov cx,[bx].ncb_length
- ;
- ; Check return code. If there was an error then don't process the
- ; packet any further.
- ;
- mov al,[bx].ncb_retcode
- cmp al,0 ; ok
- jnz bad_nbint
- ;
- ; Add Ethernet header. As well, ensure that minimum packet size is 60
- ; bytes; some application packages actually check for minimum packet size.
- ;
- add cx,14
- cmp cx,60
- jge recv_next
- mov cx,60
- recv_next:
- push si ;save si in case we reject it.
- push bx
- push cx
- movseg es,cs
- mov di, offset ip_type
- mov dl,cs:driver_class
- call recv_find ;look up our type.
- pop cx
- pop bx
- pop si
- mov ax,es ;is this pointer null?
- or ax,di
- jne nb_next
- jmp skip_copy
- nb_next:
- push bx
- push cx
- push es
- push di
- ;
- ; Fix up the Ethernet header added to the incoming packet.
- ;
- call fix_header
- ;
- ; Copy the received packet into buffer allocated by the application
- ; software.
- ;
- sub cx,14
- mov si,[bx].ncb_buffer.offs
- rep movsb
- pop si
- pop ds
- pop cx
- assume ds:nothing
- call recv_copy
- push cs
- pop ds
- assume ds:code
- pop bx
- skip_copy:
- mov [bx].ncb_length,MAX_DG ; reestablish dg-length
- ;
- ; Set up to receive another packet. Construct "receive datagram"
- ; NCB.
- ;
- push ds
- pop es
- int 5ch
- ;
- ; Check return code. Print error indication if NETBIOS does not
- ; accept NCB.
- ;
- mov al,[bx].ncb_retcode ; JS added return code
- cmp al,0ffh
- jz nbint_pending_ok1
- mov al,'?'
- call tty
- add ax,32
- call tty
- mov al,'.'
- call tty
- nbint_pending_ok1:
- jmp short nbint_done
- bad_nbint:
- add ax,32
- call tty
- mov al,'R'
- call tty
- jmp skip_copy
- nbint_done:
- pop ds
- iret
- nbint endp
- ;
- ; Set destination and source addressess and packet type in an
- ; Ethernet header.
- ;
- fix_header:
- ;
- ; Set destination address.
- ;
- push cx
- mov ax,0000h
- stosw
- mov ax,ip_adress.offs ;was 0c3c4h
- stosw
- mov ax,ip_adress.segm ;was 0c2cch
- stosw
- ;
- ; Set source address. NCB callname contains the string "TCPIP" +
- ; source host IP address. Extract host IP address and copy into
- ; Ethernet header as the source address.
- ;
- mov ax,0000h
- stosw
- mov ax,word ptr [bx].ncb_callname+5
- stosw
- mov ax,word ptr [bx].ncb_callname+7
- stosw
- ;
- ; Set packet type to IP.
- ;
- mov ax, 0008h
- stosw
- pop cx
- ret
- public nb_stop
- nb_stop:
- ; unregister name
- push cs
- pop es
- lea bx,nbrcv1
- mov [bx].ncb_command,NCB_DELNAME
- ; mov al,lana_num
- ; mov [bx].ncb_lana_num,al
- int 5ch
- cmp al,0
- jz good_delete
- add ax,32
- call tty
- mov al,'I'
- call tty
- good_delete:
- ret
- public tty
- tty:
- push bx
- mov ah,14
- int 10h
- pop bx
- ret
- ip_to_nbname:
- ; call with es:di = *ncb_name
- ; bx and dx = ip_address
- mov cx,5
- mov si,offset prefix
- rep movsb
- mov [di],bx
- mov [di+2],dx
- ret
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: nb [options] <packet_int_no> <ip.ad.dr.ess> [receive queue size]",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for a netbios device, version ",'0'+version,CR,LF,'$'
- db "Portions Copyright 1990, Michael Haberler",CR,LF,'$'
- ip_adress_name db "IP Adress ",'$'
- rq_size_name db "Receive Queue ",'$'
- bad_name_msg db " bad returncode from nb add_name",CR,LF,'$'
- bad_rcv_msg db " bad returncode from nb receive dg",CR,LF,'$'
- good_name_msg db " good returncode from nb add_name",CR,LF,'$'
- good_rcv_msg db " good returncode from nb receive dg",CR,LF,'$'
- temp_dw dw ?
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- extrn skip_blanks: near
- ;-> the assigned Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,'-' ;did they specify a switch?
- jne not_switch
- cmp byte ptr [si+1],'g' ;did they specify '-g'?
- je got_gw_switch
- stc ;no, must be an error.
- ret
- got_gw_switch:
- mov gw_switch,1
- add si,2 ;skip past the switch's characters.
- jmp parse_args ;go parse more arguments.
- not_switch:
- mov di, offset temp_dw
- mov bx, offset ip_adress_name
- call get_number
- mov ax,temp_dw
- mov byte ptr ip_adress+0,al
- inc si
- mov di, offset temp_dw
- mov bx, offset ip_adress_name
- call get_number
- mov ax,temp_dw
- mov byte ptr ip_adress+1,al
- inc si
- mov di, offset temp_dw
- mov bx, offset ip_adress_name
- call get_number
- mov ax,temp_dw
- mov byte ptr ip_adress+2,al
- inc si
- mov di, offset temp_dw
- mov bx, offset ip_adress_name
- call get_number
- mov ax,temp_dw
- mov byte ptr ip_adress+3,al
- ret
- public etopen
- etopen:
- ;if all is okay,
- ; mov bx,offset nbsend
- lea bx,nbsend
- mov [bx].ncb_command,NCB_ADDNAME
- mov al,lana_num
- mov [bx].ncb_lana_num,al
- push ds
- push cs
- push cs
- pop ds
- pop es
- push bx
- lea di,nbsend.ncb_name
- mov bx,ip_adress
- mov dx,ip_adress+2
- call ip_to_nbname
- pop bx
- ;fake up an Ethernet address.
- mov word ptr rom_address[0],word ptr 0000h
- mov bx,cs:ip_adress
- mov word ptr rom_address[4],bx
- mov bx,cs:ip_adress+2
- mov word ptr rom_address[2],bx
- ; mov di, offset nbsend.ncb_name
- ; mov cx,16
- ;mike:
- ; mov al, [di]
- ; call tty
- ; inc di
- ; dec cx
- ; jnz mike
- mov cx,16
- mov di,offset nbrcv1.ncb_name
- mov si,offset nbsend.ncb_name
- rep movsb
- mov cx,16
- mov di,offset nbrcv2.ncb_name
- mov si,offset nbsend.ncb_name
- rep movsb
- int 5ch ; add_name, -> returns rc in al
- cmp al,0
- jz good_name
- mov dx,0
- mov ah,0
- call dwordout
- mov dx,offset bad_name_msg
- pop ds
- stc
- ret
- good_name:
- ; mov dx,offset good_name_msg
- ; call say
- mov al,[bx].ncb_num
- mov local_ncb_num,al
- mov [bx].ncb_command,NCB_SDATAGRAM ;set send command code
- ; start receive operations
- ; mov bx,offset nbrcv1
- lea bx,nbrcv1
- mov al,NCB_RDATAGRAM+NCB_NOWAIT ;set rcv command
- mov [bx].ncb_command,al
- mov al,local_ncb_num
- mov [bx].ncb_num,al
- mov ax,MAX_DG
- mov [bx].ncb_length,ax
- mov ax,ds
- mov [bx].ncb_buffer.segm,ax
- mov [bx].ncb_buffer.offs,offset rcv_buffer1
- mov [bx].ncb_post.segm,ax
- mov [bx].ncb_post.offs,offset nbint
- mov al,lana_num
- mov [bx].ncb_lana_num,al
- int 5ch
- cmp al,0ffh
- jz pending_ok1
- cmp al,00h
- jnz bad_init
- pending_ok1:
- mov dx,offset good_rcv_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- pop ds
- clc
- ret
- ;if we got an error,
- bad_init:
- mov ah,0
- mov dx,0
- call dwordout
- call nb_stop
- pop ds
- mov dx,offset bad_rcv_msg
- stc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ret
- say:
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- ret
- code ends
- end