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- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- assume ds:code
- mov cx,ax ;keep a count of addresses in cx.
- mov di,offset mcast_list_bits
- xor ax,ax
- mov [di+0],ax
- mov [di+2],ax
- mov [di+4],ax
- mov [di+6],ax
- jcxz set_mcl_2
- set_mcl_1:
- call add_mc_bits
- loop set_mcl_1
- set_mcl_2:
- call set_hw_multi ; Set the multicast mask bits in chip
- clc
- ret
- add_mc_bits:
- ;entry: ds:si -> multicast address, di-> sixty-four bit multicast filter.
- ;preserve cx, di, increment si by EADDR_LEN
- push cx
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- mov dx,0ffffh ; this is msw.
- mov bx,0ffffh ; set 32 bit number
- add_mcb_1:
- lodsb
- call upd_crc ; update crc
- loop add_mcb_1 ; and loop.
- mov cl,8
- add_mcb_2:
- shl dh,1
- rcr dl,1
- loop add_mcb_2
- mov dh,dl
- endif
- mov al,dh ; get ms 8 bits,
- rol al,1
- rol al,1
- rol al,1 ; put 3 bits at bottom
- and al,7
- mov bl,al ; save in bl
- xor bh,bh ; make bx into an index to the byte.
- mov al,dh ; get ms 8 bits,
- ror al,1
- ror al,1 ; but at bottom
- and al,7
- mov cl,al ; save in cl
- mov al,1
- shl al,cl ; set the correct bit,
- or [bx+di],al
- pop cx
- ret
- ;
- ; dx is high,
- ; bx is low.
- ; al is data
- upd_crc:
- push cx
- mov cx,8 ; do 8 bits
- mov ah,0
- upd_crc1:
- shl bx,1 ; shift bx
- rcl dx,1 ; through dx
- rcl ah,1 ; carry is at bottom of ah
- xor ah,al ; xor with lsb of data
- rcr ah,1 ; and put in carry bit
- jnc upd_crc2
- ;
- ; autodin is x^32+x^26+x^23x^22+x^16+x^12+x^11+x^10+x^8+x^7+x^5+x^4+x^2+x^1
- ;
- xor dx,0000010011000001b
- xor bx,0001110110110110b + 1 ;plus one for end-around carry.
- upd_crc2:
- shr al,1 ; shift the data
- loop upd_crc1
- pop cx
- ret