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- The drivers are distributed in three files:
- drivers.zip, which contains executables and documentation,
- drivers1.zip, which contains the first half of the sources, and
- drivers2.zip, which contains the second half of the sources.
- 3C501.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C501.
- 3C501.COM
- 3C503.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C503.
- 3C503.COM
- 3C505.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C505.
- 3C505.COM
- 3C507.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C507.
- 3C507.COM
- 3C507.DOC Notes on installing the 3C507 in a system.
- 3C509.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C509.
- 3C509.COM
- 3C523.ASM Driver for 3COM 3C523.
- 3C523.COM
- 8250DEFS.ASM Definitions for the Intel 8250.
- 82586.ASM Include file for drivers based on Intel's 82586.
- 8390.ASM Include file for drivers based on National's 8390.
- 8390.INC Definitions for National's DP8390 Ethernet controller.
- 8530INC.ASM Definitions for Intel's 8530 SCC.
- AQUILA.ASM Driver for ADI's Aquila cards.
- AR450.ASM Driver for Telesystems SLW ARLAN 450.
- AR450.COM
- ARCETHER.ASM Driver for ARCNET that simulates an Ethernet driver.
- ARCNET.COM (requires a recompiled version of Phil Karn (KA9Q)'s NOS.)
- AT&T.ASM Driver for AT&T Ethernet and Starlan.
- AT&T_LP.ASM Driver for AT&T LanPACER/StarStation.
- AT1500.ASM Driver for Allied-Telesis 1500T and 1500BT
- AT1500.COM
- AT1700.ASM Driver for Allied-Telesis 1700T and 1700BT
- AT1700.COM
- BIBLIO.DOC Bibliography of published packet driver articles.
- BUGS.DOC Possible bugs to be aware of.
- CHANGES.DOC Changes from release to release.
- CHROUT.ASM Subroutine to print a single character.
- COPYING.DOC The Free Software Foundation's General Public License.
- CRLF.ASM Subroutine to print a CRLF.
- CRYNWR.WAV .WAV audio file of a native Welsh speaker pronouncing Crynwr.
- CTRONDNI.ASM Driver for Cabletron DNI Exxxx.
- DAVIDSYS.ASM Driver for David Systems Inc Ether-T.
- DE600.ASM Driver for D-Link Pocket LAN Adapter.
- DE600.COM
- DECOUT.ASM Subroutine to print a 32 bit decimal number.
- DEFS.ASM Definitions and macros.
- DEPCA.ASM Driver for Digital Equipment DEPCA.
- DESQVIEW.ASM Code to get IBMTOKEN working under DESQView.
- DESQVIEW.DOC Documentation on running the packet drivers with DESQView.
- DIGOUT.ASM Subroutines to print 1, 2, 4, and 8 digit hex numbers.
- DK86960.ASM Driver for Fujitsu's NICE demo card
- DK86960.COM
- DK86965.ASM Driver for Fujitsu's EtherCoupler demo card
- DK86965.COM
- DLLPKT.NOT Notes on Harry Stok's packet driver-over-DLL (Pathworks driver).
- DUMP.C Source of the trace dumper.
- DUMPHEX.ASM Subroutine to print a line of sixteen bytes in hex and ASCII
- ECOUPLER.ASM Include file for drivers based on Fujitsu's EtherCoupler.
- EEP15.INC Include file for Allied Telesis AT1500.
- EEP17.INC Include file for Allied Telesis AT1700.
- EN301.ASM Driver for Multitech EN-301.
- EN301.COM
- ES3210.ASM Driver for Racal/Interlan's ES3210 EISA adapter.
- ES3210.COM
- ETHERSL.ASM Driver for SLIP that emulates an Ethernet driver
- ETHIIE.ASM Driver for ICL EtherTeam16 (formerly Nokia Data Ethernet IIe).
- EXE2COM.C Chris Dunford's Exe2bin replacement.
- EXOS205.ASM Driver for Microdyne (formerly EXOS/Excelan) EXOS205T
- EXP16.ASM Driver for Intel EtherExpress.
- EXPRESS.ASM Driver for Mitel Express ISDN adapter.
- F965.INC Fujitsu 86965 (EtherCoupler) definitions.
- GETDIG.ASM Subroutine to convert an ASCII character into 0..15.
- GETEA.ASM Subroutine to convert an ASCII Ethernet address into six bytes.
- GETENV.ASM Subroutine to get a string from the environment.
- GETNUM.ASM Subroutine to convert ASCII digits into four bytes.
- GOPHER.DOC Notes on UMinn's Gopher, a distributed document delivery service.
- GPL.DOC Notes on the GNU General Public License, by Craig Burley
- HEAD.ASM Resident device independent generic code.
- HEXOUT.ASM Subroutines for debugging code
- HOWTOGET.IT Instructions on obtaining that which you already have.
- HPPCLAN.ASM Driver for HP EtherTwist.
- HPPCLANP.ASM Driver for HP EtherTwist, HP27242B and HP27250A.
- IBMTOKEN.ASM Driver for IBM Token Ring Adapter.
- IBMTOKEN.NOT Notes on installing the IBMTOKEN driver.
- INSTALL.DOC ASCII installation documentation.
- INSTALL.PS PostScript installation documentation.
- INTCHK.ASM Subroutine to compare against the packet driver signature.
- IO16.ASM Subroutine for 16-bit I/O loops.
- IO8.ASM Subroutine for 8-bit I/O loops.
- IPXPKT.ASM Driver for Novell IPX code (IP over IPX).
- IPXPKT.DOC Instructions for using IPXPKT.
- IPXPKT.NOT Some notes from the author.
- IPXSTAT.C Statistics for the IP over IPX packet driver.
- ISOLAN.ASM Driver for BICC Isolan 4110-0.
- ISOLINK.ASM Driver for BICC Isolan 4110-2/3.
- KODIAK.ASM Include file for Kodiak's drivers based on SEEQ 8005
- KODIAK.INC Definitions for Kodiak's drivers based on SEEQ 8005
- KODIAK16.ASM Driver for Kodiak Technology's Kodiak~16 10BT
- KODIAK8.ASM Driver for Kodiak Technology's Kodiak~8 10BT
- KODIAKK.ASM Driver for Kodiak Technology's Kombo
- LANCE.ASM Include file for drivers based on AMD's LANCE and PC-Net/ISA.
- LANCE.INC Include file for the NTI16 driver.
- LINE.ASM Subroutine to draw a graphics line.
- LOCALTLK.ASM Driver for Apple LocalTalk PC Card, Sun/TOPS FlashCard.
- LOCALTLK.COM (requires a modified version of Phil Karn (KA9Q)'s NOS.
- MAKEFILE Makefile. Uses tasm and tlink, but MS may work.
- MAKEFILE.AWK AWK Script and batch file to keep makefile in sync with itself.
- MAKEFILE.BAT I use oak.oakland.edu:/pub/msdos/awk/awk320.zip.
- MANIFEST.DOC This file.
- MANIFEST.AWK AWK script to help create this file.
- MEMTEST.ASM Subroutine to test for the presence of RAM.
- MOVEMEM.ASM Subroutine to quickly do a memory-to-memory copy.
- MULTICRC.ASM Subroutine to calculate a 64-bit hash table for multicasts.
- MYLEX.ASM Driver for Mylex's LNE-890B
- NB.ASM Driver for NetBIOS.
- NB.NOT NetBIOS instructions.
- NCRET105.ASM Driver for NCR ET-105.
- NE1000.ASM Driver for Novell NE1000.
- NE1000.COM
- NE2.ASM Driver for Novell NE/2.
- NE2000.ASM Driver for Novell NE2000.
- NE2000.COM
- NE2100.ASM Driver for Novell NE2100 and other PC-Net/ISA adapters.
- NE2100.COM
- NI5010.ASM Driver for Interlan NI5010.
- NI5010.COM
- NI5210.ASM Driver for MICOM-Interlan NI5210.
- NI5210.COM
- NI6510.ASM Driver for Racal/Interlan NI6510.
- NI6510.COM
- NI9210.ASM Driver for MICOM-Interlan NI9210.
- NI9210.COM
- NOVELL.DOC Instructions for running NetWare over packet drivers.
- NOVELL.NOT Brian Meek's explanation of ECONFIG for Novell users.
- NTI16.ASM Driver for NTI 1002/DP-16.
- OCCUPIED.ASM Subroutine to test for occupied memory.
- ORDER.DOC Packet driver support order form.
- PACKET.DOC Joe R. Doupnik's "Packet drivers made simple"
- PACKET_D.109 Packet driver spec version 1.09
- PDIPX103.ZIP Intel's packet driver shell for IPX-over-packet-drivers.
- PI.ASM Driver for the Ottawa PI Amateur Radio board.
- PIXEL.ASM Subroutine to draw pixels on EGA/VGA screen.
- PKTADDR.ASM Program to get/set the packet driver address.
- PKTALL.ASM Program to receive and discard all packets.
- PKTCHK.ASM Source of the packet driver installation checker.
- PKTD35.SYS SunSelect's PC-NFS drivers.
- PKTD40A.SYS SunSelect's PC-NFS drivers.
- PKTDRVR.C Turbo C interface code.
- PKTDRVR.H Turbo C interface code.
- PKTERR.ASM Subroutine to print packet driver error messages.
- PKTMODE.ASM Program to get/set the packet driver receive mode.
- PKTMULTI.ASM Program to get/set the packet driver multicast list.
- PKTSEND.ASM Program to send arbitrary packets.
- PKTSTAT.ASM Program to print the statistics.
- PKTTRAF.ASM Program to display traffic graphically.
- PKTWATCH.ASM Program to display packets as they arrive.
- PLIP.ASM Parallel port IP. Very similar to SLIP, except that it has the
- PLIP.COM Ethernet header and connects two PC's via parallel ports.
- POPF.ASM Include file to fix the early 80286 POPF bug.
- PRINTEA.ASM Subroutine to print Ethernet addresses.
- PRINTNUM.ASM Subroutine to print a number in decimal and hex.
- PROMBOOT.NOT Notes on booting off Novell and switching to the packet driver.
- QUEUE.ASM Subroutine to queueing things in a FIFO.
- READ.ME A Very Important File.
- SEEPKT.C Source of a sample program to print packets. Shows how you can
- SEEPKT.EXE interface to packet drivers from C.
- SERSUB.ASM Serial port debugging code, used by Express.
- SKELETON.ASM Skeleton for a packet driver.
- SKIPBLK.ASM Subroutine to skip past blanks.
- SLIP8250.ASM Driver for SLIP driver using IBM-PC 8250.
- SLIP8250.COM
- SLIPMERG.ASM Include file for SLIP drivers.
- SMC_WD.ASM Driver for Western Digital WD-80?3*, SMC Elite series, and
- SMC_WD.COM IBM Ethernet Adapter/A.
- SNMP.NOT Notes on Bob Crosson's free SNMP monitor.
- SOFTWARE.DOC Notes on software that works with packet drivers.
- SUPPORT.DOC How to get support for packet drivers.
- T7231.ASM Include file for drivers based on AT&T's T7231.
- TAIL.ASM Non-resident device independent generic code.
- TCENET.ASM Driver for Thomas-Conrad's TC5045 adapter.
- TERMIN.ASM Source of the packet driver terminator.
- TIARA.ASM Driver for Tiara LANcard/E.
- TIMEOUT.ASM Subroutine to check for excessive time spent looping.
- TRACE.ASM Source of the packet driver tracer.
- UBNICPC.ASM Driver for Ungermann-Bass PC/NIC.
- UBNICPS2.ASM Driver for Ungermann-Bass NIC-PS/2.
- UUNET.DOC Notes on getting sources from uunet.uu.net via UUCP
- VAXMATE.ASM Driver for DEC's Vaxmate.
- VERIFYPI.ASM Subroutine to verify the packet interrupt.
- WD8003E.ASM Points people to the new name for the driver, smc_wd.
- WD8003E.COM
- WINPKT.ASM Shim for Windows Enhanced mode.
- WORKERS.DOC People who've put effort into the packet drivers.
- ZNOTE.ASM Driver for Zenith Data Systems' Z-Note.