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- Packet Driver for Apple LocalTalk PC Card, Sun/TOPS FlashCard
- =============================================================
- LOCAL.ARC and NETPKT.ARC are available via anonymous FTP from
- ucdavis.ucdavis.edu:/dist/packet
- LOCAL.ARC contains the source and compiled code for the LocalTalk
- packet driver. NETPKT.ARC contains the patches and compiled code
- for the KA9Q NOS software package. This patched KA9Q NOS code
- works with the LocalTalk packet driver.
- Parameters for starting the LocalTalk packet driver:
- ===================================================
- usage: LOCALTLK <packet_int_no> [ <IP address> ]
- The LocalTalk packet driver requires no additional parameters;
- all hardware parameters are known by the ATALK.SYS hardware driver.
- If an IP address is given on the command line, the LocalTalk packet
- driver will attempt to register with the LocalTalk Name Binding
- authority node with that IP address. If no IP address is given on
- the command line, the LocalTalk packet driver will request a
- dynamic assignment of its IP address from the LocalTalk Name Binding
- authority node.
- Hardware Configuration/ATALK.SYS specifications:
- ===============================================
- The LocalTalk PC Card must be installed with IRQ level disabled
- (i.e. polled mode).
- Implementation Notes:
- ====================
- The LocalTalk packet driver supports the Apple LocalTalk PC Card,
- Sun/TOPS FlashCard, and other hardware controlled by the ATALK.SYS
- LocalTalk/AppleTalk driver. The ATALK.SYS driver must be installed
- before starting the LocalTalk packet driver. For the LocalTalk PC
- Card, the ATALK.SYS driver is installed by a combination of programs
- that come with the AppleShare software. I found that this combination
- of programs was required: LSL, LTALKP, ATALK, COMPAT. The INSTALL
- program that comes with AppleShare creates a batch file that calls
- these programs with the appropriate parameters.
- The ATALK.SYS driver is accessed via software interrupts; the ATALK.SYS
- driver then issues hardware commands to complete I/O requests. The
- LocalTalk packet driver locates the ATALK.SYS driver by scanning the
- vectors in the user program software interrupt range for the ATALK.SYS
- signature string.
- IMPORTANT: The LocalTalk packet driver allows a PC to attach to an
- AppleTalk network. It assumes you have a IP gateway node already
- on the AppleTalk network (e.g. FastPath, GatorBox or some other
- gateway box). The LocalTalk packet driver will *not* work without a
- gateway node.
- The packet driver class/type values are AppleTalk (class 5) and
- ATALK.SYS adapter (type 1).
- The LocalTalk packet driver opens only one DDP socket - for IP use.
- Use of the LocalTalk packet driver for other protocols is not supported.
- Networking packages which support the LocalTalk packet driver:
- =============================================================
- Several networking packages which support the packet driver spec
- only allow Bluebook Ethernet packet drivers (i.e. Class 1);
- because the LocalTalk packet driver is not an Ethernet driver
- (i.e. it does not use the Ethernet frame format or ARP),
- these packages will not recognize the LocalTalk packet driver.
- The KA9Q NOS networking package (by Phil Karn) does support the
- various classes of packet drivers. A patched version of KA9Q
- that supports the LocalTalk packet driver is available at
- ucdavis.ucdavis.edu:/dist/packet/netpkt.arc. This file contains
- source code patches (very minor) and compiled code for using the
- KA9Q package with the LocalTalk packet driver.
- By default, the LocalTalk packet driver asks for dynamic assignment
- of node IP address. The assigned address is displayed during
- packet driver initialization. Alternately, you can pass the IP
- address to the packet driver as a command line parameter.
- The ATALK.SYS hardware driver controls maximum packet size. This
- should be switchable and has a minimum value of 603 bytes. I was
- unable to raise that the max packet size above 603 bytes (I'm not
- sure why, any clues would be appreciated). You must limit packet
- size with packet parameters in the KA9Q package:
- attach packet 0x66 pk0 5 500 ; packet driver buffer size = 500 bytes
- tcp mss 472 ; TCP max segment size (outgoing)
- tcp window 954 ; TCP window
- Software Updates:
- ================
- The very most recent updates to the LocalTalk packet driver are available
- at ucdavis.ucdavis.edu:/dist/packet. If you are interested in the LocalTalk
- packet driver source code you will also need the DRIVERSS.ARC file.
- The LocalTalk archives contain the following files:
- Files in LOCAL.ARC
- ------------------
- README.LOC -- this file
- LOCALTLK.COM -- compiled LocalTalk packet driver version 7.2
- LOCALTLK.ASM -- driver dependent source code
- Files in NETPKT.ARC
- -------------------
- NET.EXE -- compiled code; KA9Q NOS v900418 (LocalTalk.01)
- AUTOEXEC.NET -- sample configuration file
- CONFIG.H -- add switch for LocalTalk packet driver support
- CONFIG.C -- add LocalTalk support to iftypes and network daemon
- PKTDRVR.C -- add LocalTalk support to pk_attach
- VERSION.C -- note LocalTalk support in version display
- note: packet driver patches should apply to new releases of KA9Q
- source code. look for the most current release at
- thumper.bellcore.com:/pub/ka9q/nos
- -- Katie Stevens
- dkstevens@ucdavis.edu
- Computing Services
- University of California, Davis