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- ;input a word from I/O port
- inw macro
- call inw_routine
- endm
- ; Input a word from I/O port, 16 bits at one time
- inw_16 PROC NEAR
- in ax,dx
- ret
- inw_16 ENDP
- ; Input a word from I/O port, 2 8 bits reads
- inw_2_8 PROC NEAR
- in al, dx ; Read low address byte
- mov ah, al ; Save byte
- inc dx ; Next I/O address
- in al, dx ; Read high address byte
- xchg ah, al ; Swap bytes
- dec dx ; Restore I/O address
- ret
- inw_2_8 ENDP
- ; Write a word to an I/O port
- outw macro
- call outw_routine
- endm
- ; Output a word to I/O port, 16 bits at one time
- outw_16 PROC NEAR
- out dx, ax ; Write to the I/O port
- ret
- outw_16 ENDP
- ; Output a word to I/O port, 2 8 bit writes
- outw_2_8 PROC NEAR
- out dx, al ; Write low address byte
- xchg ah, al ; Get next byte
- inc dx ; Next I/O address
- out dx, al ; Write high address byte
- xchg ah, al ; Restore AX
- dec dx ; Rrestore DX
- ret
- outw_2_8 ENDP
- extrn is_186: byte ;=0 if 808[68], =1 if 80[123]86.
- .286
- quick_rep_ins_16 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated in instruction by performing 16 bit reads (186 or better)
- ; CX holds the number of ins - no minimum value
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- rep insw ; Does the entire transfer to the buffer
- jnc done_q_i_16 ; Jump if cx was initially even
- insb ; Read the last byte
- done_q_i_16:
- ret
- quick_rep_ins_16 ENDP
- .8086
- rep_ins_16 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated in instruction by performing 16 bit reads.
- ; CX holds the number of ins - no minimum value
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- jcxz rep_i_16_1 ; Jump if no words to copy
- next_i_16:
- in ax, dx ; Get the next word from the port
- stosw ; Store this word in the buffer
- loop next_i_16 ; Continue if there are more words
- jnc done_i_16 ; Jump if cx was initially even
- rep_i_16_1:
- in al, dx ; Get the last byte from the low address
- stosb ; Store this last byte in the buffer
- done_i_16:
- ret
- rep_ins_16 ENDP
- .286
- quick_rep_ins_2_8 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated in instruction by performing 2 8 bit writes (186 or better)
- ; CX holds the number of ins - no minimum value
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- jcxz rep_q_i_2_8_1 ; Jump if no words to copy
- next_q_i_2_8:
- insb ; Store the byte from the low address port
- inc dx ; Advance to the high address port
- insb ; Store the byte from the high address port
- dec dx ; Go back to the low address port
- loop next_q_i_2_8 ; Continue if more words to read
- rep_q_i_2_8_1:
- jnc done_q_i_2_8 ; Jump if cx was initially even
- insb ; Store the last byte from the low address port
- done_q_i_2_8:
- ret
- quick_rep_ins_2_8 ENDP
- .8086
- rep_ins_2_8 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated in instruction by performing 2 8 bit writes.
- ; CX holds the number of ins - no minimum value
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- jcxz rep_i_2_8_1 ; Jump if no words to copy
- next_i_2_8:
- in al, dx ; Get the byte from the low address port
- mov ah, al ; Store the low byte
- inc dx ; Advance to the high adress port
- in al, dx ; Get the byte from the high address port
- xchg al, ah ; Swap the bytes
- stosw ; Store the word
- dec dx ; Go back to the low address port
- loop next_i_2_8 ; Continue if more words to read
- rep_i_2_8_1:
- jnc done_i_2_8 ; Jump if cx was initially even
- in al, dx ; Get the last byte from the low address
- stosb ; Store this last byte in the buffer
- done_i_2_8:
- ret
- rep_ins_2_8 ENDP
- .286
- quick_rep_outw_16 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated out instruction by performing 16 bit writes (186 or better)
- ; CX holds the number of outs and will be at least RUNT
- inc cx ; To cope with odd packet lengths
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- rep outsw ; Does the entire transfer
- ret
- quick_rep_outw_16 ENDP
- .8086
- rep_outw_16 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated out instruction by performing 16 bit writes.
- ; CX holds the number of outs and will be at least RUNT
- inc cx ; To cope with odd packet lengths
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- next_o_16: ; Do the transfer of the buffer, a word at a time
- lodsw ; Get the next word form the buffer
- out dx, ax ; Send it to the port
- loop next_o_16 ; Continue if there are more bytes
- done_o_16:
- ret
- rep_outw_16 ENDP
- .286
- quick_rep_outw_2_8 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated out instruction by performing 2 8 bit writes (186 or better)
- ; CX holds the number of outs and will be at least RUNT
- inc cx ; To cope with odd packet lengths
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- next_q_o_2_8:
- outsb ; Output 8 bits to the low address
- inc dx ; Advance to the high address port
- outsb ; Output 8 bits to the high address
- dec dx ; Restore the low address port
- loop next_q_o_2_8 ; Continue if there are more bytes
- ret
- quick_rep_outw_2_8 ENDP
- .8086
- rep_outw_2_8 PROC NEAR
- ; Does a repeated out instruction by performing 2 8 bit writes.
- ; CX holds the number of outs and will be at least RUNT
- inc cx ; To cope with odd packet lengths
- shr cx, 1 ; Convert the byte count to a word count
- next_o_2_8:
- lodsw ; Load the next word from the buffer
- out dx, al ; Outputs 8 bits to the low address
- inc dx ; Advance to the high address port
- mov al, ah ; Get teh next byte to ouput
- out dx, al ; Output 8 bits to the high address
- dec dx ; Restore the low address port
- loop next_o_2_8 ; Continue if there are more bytes
- ret
- rep_outw_2_8 ENDP