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- include defs.asm
- include 82595.inc
- version equ 0
- code SEGMENT word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- include lan595io.asm
- even
- extrn sys_features : byte
- extrn decout : near
- rx_buff_ptr dw ? ; Start of receive buffer.
- next_rx_ptr dw ? ; Points to the end of the receiver buffer
- ; i.e. the start of the next receive buffer
- inw_routine dw ? ; Address of subroutine to read in a word
- outw_routine dw ? ; Address of subroutine to write out a word
- repins dw ? ; Address of subroutine to do multiple word reads
- repouts dw ? ; Address of subroutine to do multiple word writes
- tx_buff_no dw ? ; The next Tx buffer to use
- buff_ptrs dw TX_BUF_CNT dup (?)
- ; a temp buffer for the received header
- ; needs to be 8 header bytes + 2 ethernet address bytes + 2 type bytes
- ; plus some room for IEEE802.3 bytes
- ;RCV_HDR_SIZE equ 30 ; header @8 + 2 ids @6 + type @2+8,
- RCV_HDR_SIZE equ 30 ; header @8 + 2 ids @6 + type @2+6,
- rcv_hdr db RCV_HDR_SIZE dup(0)
- lan_595_int db ? ; Int number on the LAN 595 board (0 - 4)
- public int_no
- int_no db 3,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
- io_addr dw 0,0 ; I/O address specified on the command line
- base_addr dw 0000h ; I/O address as located via the I/O scan
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK,IEEE8023,0 ;null terminated list of classes.
- driver_type db 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 10h dup(?) ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- ;-> current address
- extrn my_address: byte
- received_ours db 0
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 7 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0 ;There is no mode zero
- dw 0
- dw rcv_mode_2
- dw rcv_mode_3
- dw 0
- dw 0 ; dw rcv_mode_5 ; Multi-cast mode not available
- dw rcv_mode_6
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- send_pkt_toobig:
- mov dh,NO_SPACE
- stc
- ret
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- ;enter with es:di->upcall routine, (0:0) if no upcall is desired.
- ; (only if the high-performance bit is set in driver_function)
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;if we're a high-performance driver, es:di -> upcall.
- ;exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- assume ds:nothing
- cmp cx,GIANT ; Is this packet too large?
- ja send_pkt_toobig
- cmp cx, RUNT ; Minimum length for Ether
- jae oklen
- mov cx, RUNT ; Make sure size at least RUNT
- oklen:
- ; Get the next XT buffer address from the buff_ptr array
- mov ax, tx_buff_no ; Get the next buffer # to use
- mov bx, ax ; Make a copy
- inc ax ; Advance the buffer #
- cmp ax, TX_BUF_CNT ; Advanced too far ?
- jl count_ok ; No - the next count is ok
- xor ax, ax ; Next count will be zero
- count_ok:
- mov tx_buff_no, ax ; Store the updated buffer #
- sal bx, 1 ; Make bx a word count
- mov ax, buff_ptrs[bx] ; Get the buffer address
- push ax ; Store for later
- ; Setup the TX frame at the appropriate point in the TX area
- outw
- mov ax, XMT_CMD ; The command to be obeyed
- outw
- xor ax, ax
- outw ; Clear the status field
- outw ; No chaining of frames
- mov ax, cx ; Get the packet length
- outw ; Write the length into the packet frame
- ; Write the contents of the packet.
- call repouts ; Packet length is in CX
- ; Now check to see if the EXEC unit is ready for another XMIT command
- mov ax, 1
- call set_timeout
- wait_send:
- in al, dx ; Get the exec unit status
- test al, EXEC_STATUS ; Is the exec unit idle
- je wait_send_done ; Yes - then we can proceed
- call do_timeout
- jnz wait_send
- send_problem:
- pop ax ; Clear from the stack the buffer start address
- mov dh, CANT_SEND ; Indicate an error.
- stc
- ret
- ; Need to load the transmit register and issue a new transmit command.
- ; Load Transmit Pointer Register.
- wait_send_done:
- pop ax ; Get back the buffer start address
- outw
- ;initiate the transmission.
- mov ax, XMT_CMD
- outw ; Send out the command
- clc
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address, CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- call set_ether
- xor dh, dh ; Clear error conditions
- clc
- ret
- rcv_mode_2:
- mov al, MATCH_ID
- jmp short set_rcv_mode
- rcv_mode_3:
- jmp short set_rcv_mode
- rcv_mode_5:
- jmp short set_rcv_mode
- rcv_mode_6:
- mov al, MATCH_ALL
- set_rcv_mode:
- ; Need to protect against interrupts but they are currently off
- out dx, al
- ; Need to write to RE3 for the REV_MODES_REG command to take affect
- in al, dx
- out dx, al
- ; Interrupts could be reenabled here if they were disabled above
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- call reset_chip
- ret
- set_ether PROC NEAR
- ; Set the Individual address registers with the Ethernet address
- ; pointed to by si
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN/2
- next_ind_add:
- lodsw
- outw
- inc dx ; Advance to the next address word
- inc dx
- loop next_ind_add
- ret
- set_ether ENDP
- public reset_chip
- reset_chip PROC NEAR
- mov al, RESET_CMD
- out dx, al
- call wait_27ms ; need to wait at least 200 micro seconds
- ret
- reset_chip ENDP
- public wait_27ms
- wait_27ms:
- mov ax,1 ;only have to wait 4us.
- wait:
- call set_timeout
- wait_27ms_1:
- call do_timeout
- jne wait_27ms_1
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface:
- ;reset the interface.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we have copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- ;call this routine to schedule a subroutine that gets run after the
- ;recv_isr. This is done by stuffing routine's address in place
- ;of the recv_isr iret's address. This routine should push the flags when it
- ;is entered, and should jump to recv_exiting_exit to leave.
- ;enter with ax = address of routine to run.
- extrn schedule_exiting: near
- ;recv_exiting jumps here to exit, after pushing the flags.
- extrn recv_exiting_exit: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- extrn count_handles : near
- ;this macro writes the given character to the given row and column on
- ; an CGA.
- to_scrn macro r, c, ch
- local black,done
- if 0
- push bx
- push es
- mov bx,0b800h
- mov es,bx
- mov bx,es:[r*160+c*2]
- test bh,1
- jne black
- mov bh,07h
- jmp short done
- black:
- mov bh,70h
- done:
- mov bl,ch
- mov es:[r*160+c*2],bx
- pop es
- pop bx
- endif
- endm
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- to_scrn 23,74,'R'
- mov al, ALL_MASK ; Turn off the RC interrupt
- out dx, al
- in al, dx ; Get status of what interrupted
- test al, RX_INT ; Did we get a packet?
- jne recv_1 ; Yes
- jmp recv_exit
- recv_1:
- mov al, RX_INT ; Acknowledge (and hence clear) the
- out dx, al ; RX interrupt
- mov ax, rx_buff_ptr
- outw
- next_packet:
- mov cx, RCV_HDR_SIZE ;read the header in.
- mov ax, cs
- mov es, ax
- mov di, offset rcv_hdr
- call repins
- cmp WORD PTR rcv_hdr[RBUF_CMD], RCV_DONE ; End of chain ?
- je not_chain_end ; No - deal with it
- found_zero:
- jmp recv_exit ; Yes - jne is too far
- not_chain_end:
- mov ax, WORD PTR rcv_hdr[RBUF_NEXT_LOW]
- mov next_rx_ptr, ax ; Remember where the next one is.
- ; Did we receive our own broadcast?
- mov di, offset rcv_hdr+RBUF_HEAD_LEN+EADDR_LEN
- mov si, offset my_address
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN/2
- repe cmpsw
- jne not_our_own ; Jump if not
- to_scrn 23,79,'O'
- inc received_ours ;remember that we received it.
- jmp recv_update
- not_our_own:
- mov ax, WORD PTR rcv_hdr[RBUF_STAT_LOW]
- and ax, RX_OK or RX_ERROR ; check for errors.
- cmp ax, RX_OK
- je recv_noerrs
- call count_in_err
- to_scrn 23,72,'E'
- jmp recv_update
- recv_noerrs:
- ; Check against the 82595 truncating a packet with a too small type/size
- mov cx, WORD PTR rcv_hdr[RBUF_SIZE_LOW] ; Get the size of the frame
- cmp cx, RCV_HDR_SIZE-RBUF_HEAD_LEN ; Should be at least this size
- jl recv_update ; Too small - discard with no error
- length_ok:
- push cx
- mov ax, cs ; Set ds = code
- mov ds, ax
- mov es, ax
- assume ds:code
- mov di, offset rcv_hdr+RBUF_HEAD_LEN+EADDR_LEN+EADDR_LEN
- push dx ; Need to save the port address
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di] ; Get the packet type
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket:
- call recv_find ; See if type and size are wanted
- pop dx ; Get back the port address
- pop cx
- mov ax, es ; Did recv_find give us a null pointer?
- or ax, di ; ..
- je recv_update_discard ; If null, don't copy the data
- push cx ; We will want the count and pointer
- push es ; to hand to client after copying,
- push di ; so save them at this point
- push cx ; move the receive header in.
- mov si, offset rcv_hdr + RBUF_HEAD_LEN
- mov cx, (RCV_HDR_SIZE - RBUF_HEAD_LEN)/2
- rep movsw ;move rest of packet
- pop cx
- ;subtract off what we've already copied.
- call repins ; read the rest of the packet in.
- pop si ; Recover pointer to destination
- pop ds ; Tell client it's his source
- pop cx ; And it's this long
- assume ds:nothing
- call recv_copy ; Give it to him
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds: code
- jmp short recv_update
- recv_update_discard:
- to_scrn 23,73,'D'
- recv_update:
- mov ax, next_rx_ptr
- mov rx_buff_ptr, ax
- ; Need to reload the host address register as the host address will not always
- ; be pointing to the next frame. Need a LOAD_PORT as DX could have been
- ; modified by the recv_copy routine however the bank is still OK.
- outw
- ; Stop register updated to 1 less than the first free location
- or ax, ax
- jne no_wrap
- mov ax, RX_AREA_END + 1
- no_wrap:
- dec ax
- outw
- to_scrn 23,75,'A'
- jmp next_packet ; Go back and get more packets.
- recv_exit:
- mov al, ALL_MASK AND NOT RX_MASK ; Reenble the RX interrupt
- out dx, al
- to_scrn 23,74,' '
- ret
- include timeout.asm
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept after initialization. Buffers
- ;used by the program, if any, are allocated from the memory between
- ;end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: lan595 [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_addr>",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for the Intel LAN 595, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db "Portions written by Morien W. Roberts",CR,LF,'$'
- this_board_msg db "This board is an ",'$'
- memory_bad_msg db "Ethernet buffer memory bad",CR,LF,'$'
- testing_mem_msg db CR,LF,"Testing memory .",'$'
- tp_msg db "Using twisted pair cable",CR,LF,'$'
- bnc_msg db "Using coax cable",CR,LF,'$'
- byte_msg db "Performing 8 bit I/O transfers",CR,LF,'$'
- word_msg db "Performing 16 bit I/O transfers",CR,LF,'$'
- int_bad_msg db "That interrupt number is not supported.",CR,LF
- db "The LAN 595 EEPROM is currently configured to use IRQs "
- dummy_msg db '$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- specified_failed db "An 82595 Ethernet adapter was not found at specified address.",CR,LF,'$'
- scan_failed db "Scan of I/O space did not find an 82595 Ethernet adapter.",CR,LF,'$'
- found_two db "Found two 82595 Ethernet controller cards.",CR,LF,'$'
- board_name db 02h, "Intel LAN 595 ",0,48
- irq_map dw ? ; Read from the eeprom - holds mapping of the 5 82595 IRQs
- no_prom db 0 ; <> 0 if ethernet address specified on the command line
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> wword to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> argument string, di -> wword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;-> the Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- ;print the character in al.
- extrn chrout: near
- ;print a crlf
- extrn crlf: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string.
- ;skip spaces and tabs. Exit with si -> first non-blank char.
- extrn skip_blanks: near
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- call skip_blanks
- cmp al,CR ;does an Ethernet address follow?
- je parse_args_1 ;no.
- inc no_prom ;we don't have an Ethernet PROM.
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address to parse, es:di -> place to put it.
- movseg es,ds
- mov di,offset rom_address
- call get_eaddr
- parse_args_1:
- clc
- ret
- public etopen
- etopen:
- ;Initialize the driver.
- ;Fill in rom_address with the assigned address of the board.
- assume ds:code
- call etopen_82595
- jnc etopen_ok
- ret
- ; First check to see if this interrupt is available for the board
- etopen_ok:
- mov cl, int_no
- cmp cl, 09h ; Need to change an IRQ9 back to an IRQ2
- jne not_irq9
- mov cl, 02h
- not_irq9:
- mov bl, cl ; Make a copy of the interrupt no
- mov ax, 0001h
- shl ax, cl
- test irq_map, ax ; If bit is set then this IRQ is OK
- jne int_no_ok ; Yes this interrupt is OK
- ; This code simply goes through the irq_map an informs which interrupts are
- ; available. The irq_map was obtained form the eeprom and should always have
- ; 5 bits set. The interrupt list is generated one by one and separated by
- ; commas except the last two interrupts which are separted with an '&'.
- mov dx, offset int_bad_msg
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov ax, 0001h
- mov cx, 10h
- xor dx, dx
- mov si, dx
- check_next:
- test irq_map, ax
- je not_available
- inc si
- push ax
- push cx
- mov ax, 10h
- sub ax, cx
- ; cmp al, 02h ; Need to display an IRQ2 as an IRQ9
- ; jne irq_no_ok
- ; test sys_features,TWO_8259 ; 2nd 8259 ?
- ; je irq_no_ok ; No, no mapping needed
- ; add al, 07h
- ;irq_no_ok:
- push si
- call decout
- pop si
- cmp si, 0004h
- jg no_output
- je output_&
- mov al, ','
- jmp output_it
- output_&:
- mov al, ' '
- call chrout
- mov al, '&'
- output_it:
- call chrout
- mov al, ' '
- call chrout
- no_output:
- pop cx
- pop ax
- not_available:
- shl ax, 1
- loop check_next
- call crlf
- mov dx, offset dummy_msg ; No more message to print
- stc
- ret
- int_no_ok:
- ; Need to find which LAN 595 interrupt this is
- xor dl, dl
- mov cl, bl ; Get back the copy of the int_no
- jcxz found_it
- mov ax, irq_map
- next_irq_map_bit:
- sar ax, 1
- jnc not_set
- inc dl
- not_set:
- loop next_irq_map_bit
- found_it:
- mov lan_595_int, dl
- mov si, offset board_name+1 ; skip the board revison number
- mov dx, offset this_board_msg
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- movseg es,ds ;copy the driver name to where we need it.
- mov di, offset driver_name
- check_board_copy:
- lodsb
- stosb
- or al, al
- je check_board_done_print
- call chrout ;print the character.
- jmp check_board_copy
- check_board_done_print:
- lodsb ;copy the driver type number over
- mov driver_type, al
- mov dx, offset testing_mem_msg
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- adapter_verify:
- mov al, '.'
- call chrout
- mov bx, 0aa55h ;aa55
- xor si, si
- call test_memory
- jc adapter_verify_bad
- mov al, '.'
- call chrout
- mov bx, 055aah ;55aa
- xor si, si
- call test_memory
- jc adapter_verify_bad
- mov al, '.'
- call chrout
- mov bx, 0 ;incrementing
- mov si, 1
- call test_memory
- jc adapter_verify_bad
- jmp short adapter_ok
- adapter_verify_bad:
- mov dx, offset memory_bad_msg
- stc
- ret
- adapter_ok:
- call crlf
- mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
- add al, 8
- cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
- jb set_int_num ; No.
- add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
- set_int_num:
- xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
- mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.
- movseg es,ds
- mov si,offset rom_address
- mov di,offset my_address
- repmov EADDR_LEN
- call set_recv_isr
- call set_RX_TX_areas
- clc
- ret
- public set_RX_TX_areas
- ; Sets up all the RX and TX buffers variables as well as setting the buffer
- ; registers in the 82595 chip.
- ; Enables the 82595 interrupt and masks all but the RX interrupt.
- ; Issues a selective rest command and then a receive enable command.
- ; Code works on one bank at a time to minimize bank swapping.
- set_RX_TX_areas PROC NEAR
- ; Allow interrupts to occur - the 82595 interrupt mask will be cleared later
- mov al, lan_595_int
- out dx, al
- ; Partion the 82595 RAM into a RX area and TX area with the RX area first.
- ; Partition the RAM (RAM_SIZE = 32k) to have a RX_AREA_SIZE receive buffer and a
- ; 32k - RX_AREA_SIZE transmit buffer
- mov al, RX_AREA_BEG
- out dx, al
- mov al, RX_AREA_END / 256
- out dx, al
- mov al, TX_AREA_BEG / 256
- out dx, al
- mov al, (RAM_SIZE / 256) -1
- out dx, al
- in al, dx
- or al, INT_ENABLE
- out dx, al
- ; Allow only RX events to interrupt
- mov al, ALL_MASK AND NOT RX_MASK ; Enable only RX interrupts
- out dx, al
- ; Perform the RCV initialization
- SET_BANK_PORT BANK0, BAR_LOW ; Specify start of the receive area
- mov ax, RX_AREA_BEG
- outw
- mov rx_buff_ptr, ax ; Initialize the receive buffer pointer
- SET_BANK_PORT BANK0, RCV_STOP_LOW ; Specify end of receive area
- mov ax, RX_AREA_END
- outw
- ; Perform the TX initialization - no chip registers to set, only buffers
- ; Set up the various TX buffers, each one will have the maximum size
- mov ax, cs ; Need to set es to cs
- mov es, ax
- mov di, offset buff_ptrs ; Start of buffer pointer array
- mov cx, TX_BUF_CNT ; Number of buffers
- mov ax, TX_AREA_BEG ; Start of the first buffer
- buff_set:
- stosw ; Store the address of the buffer
- add ax, TX_FRAME_SIZE ; Add the max buffer size
- loop buff_set
- mov tx_buff_no, 0 ; The next TX buffer to use
- ; Issue a selective reset command
- mov al, SEL_RESET
- out dx, al
- call wait_27ms
- ; Issue a RCV_ENABLE command
- mov al, RCV_ENABLE
- out dx, al
- ret
- set_RX_TX_areas ENDP
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di,offset int_no
- mov dx,offset int_no_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- mov dx,offset io_addr_name
- call print_number
- ret
- test_memory:
- ; Enter with bx = pattern to write, si = increment for pattern.
- ; Set Host address to start of memory
- xor ax, ax
- outw
- mov ax, bx ;get the pattern word
- mov cx, RAM_SIZE/2 ;number of words to write
- test_memory_write:
- outw ;write our pattern.
- add ax, si ;increment the pattern.
- loop test_memory_write
- mov al, '.'
- call chrout
- xor ax,ax ;start at zero again.
- outw
- mov cx, RAM_SIZE/2 ;number of words to read
- test_memory_read:
- inw
- cmp ax, bx ;does it compare correctly?
- jne test_memory_fail ;no, quit.
- add bx, si ;increment the pattern.
- loop test_memory_read ; Otherwise, continue
- clc
- ret
- test_memory_fail:
- stc
- ret
- etopen_82595 PROC NEAR
- call find_base ; Go and find the chip
- jc exit_etopen_82595
- call reset_chip
- call get_ethernet_address ; Fetch ethernet address if necessary
- call get_IRQ_map ; Fetch the IRQ map from teh eeprom
- call config_chip ; Configure chip
- clc ; No errors to report at this point
- exit_etopen_82595:
- ret
- etopen_82595 ENDP
- config_chip PROC NEAR
- ; Set the correct transfer routines
- in al, dx ; Get current value (8 bits)
- test al, WORD_WIDTH ; Is chip configured for word transfers
- je eight_bit ; No then do 8 bit transfers
- ; Setup the 16 bit routines
- mov dx, offset word_msg ; Using word transfers message
- mov inw_routine, offset inw_16
- mov outw_routine, offset outw_16
- cmp is_186,0 ; Can we use fast routines ?
- je slow_16_bit ; No - have to do use the slower routines
- mov repins, offset quick_rep_ins_16
- mov repouts, offset quick_rep_outw_16
- jmp routines_are_set
- slow_16_bit:
- mov repins, offset rep_ins_16
- mov repouts, offset rep_outw_16
- jmp routines_are_set
- eight_bit: ; Setup the 8 bit routines
- mov dx, offset byte_msg ; Using byte transfers message
- mov inw_routine, offset inw_2_8
- mov outw_routine, offset outw_2_8
- cmp is_186,0 ; Can we use fast routines ?
- je slow_8_bit ; No - have to do use the slower routines
- mov repins, offset quick_rep_ins_2_8
- mov repouts, offset quick_rep_outw_2_8
- jmp routines_are_set
- slow_8_bit:
- mov repins, offset rep_ins_2_8
- mov repouts, offset rep_outw_2_8
- routines_are_set:
- mov ah, 09h ; Announce which routines we are using
- int 21h
- ; DX has been corrupted
- ; Partition the RAM to have a 32k receive buffer and a 32 transmitter buffer
- ; As there is actually only 32k of RAM available the receive buffer has it all
- ; so that during the memory test there will be undesirable autmated wrap-around
- ; of the host address register.
- mov al, 0
- out dx,al
- mov al, (RAM_SIZE / 256) -1
- out dx,al
- mov al, (RAM_SIZE / 256)
- out dx,al
- mov al, 2*(RAM_SIZE / 256) - 1
- out dx,al
- ; Set the Individual address registers with the Ethernet address
- mov si, offset rom_address
- call set_ether
- LOAD_BANK_PORT BANK2, RECV_MODES_REG ; Set default receive modes
- out dx, al
- ; Delay for the hardware to work out if the TP cable is present - 150ms
- mov ax,18 ;wait a half a second.
- call wait
- in al, dx ; Get current value
- and al, TEST_MODE_MASK ; Clear the test modes bits
- out dx, al
- ; Determine what connector type has been selected
- mov dx, offset tp_msg
- test al, TPE_BIT ; Using a twisted pair ?
- jne using_tp
- mov dx, offset bnc_msg
- using_tp:
- mov ah, 09h
- int 21h
- LOAD_BANK_PORT BANK0, COMMAND_REG ; Issue a selective reset command
- mov al, SEL_RESET
- out dx, al
- call wait_27ms
- ret
- config_chip ENDP
- public find_base
- find_base PROC NEAR
- mov bh, R_ROBIN_BITS ; The mask bits for the round robin counter
- cmp io_addr, 0h ; Has a base address been specified
- jz full_scan ; No - start scan from the begining
- mov dx, io_addr ; Start scan from specified address
- add dx, ID_REG
- mov di, dx ; DI holds last I/O address to examine
- jmp f_b_cont
- full_scan:
- mov dx, FIRST_IO ; First I/O Address to examine
- mov di, LAST_IO ; DI holds last I/O address to examine
- f_b_cont:
- in al, dx
- mov bl, al ; Keep a copy
- and al, ID_REG_MASK ; Mask off bits not required
- cmp al, ID_REG_SIG ; Do we have the signature
- jz check_sig ; Looks promising go and check it
- f_b_cont1:
- add dx, 10h ; Advance the I/O address
- cmp dx, di ; Have we checked them all ?
- jl f_b_cont ; No - then continue
- cmp base_addr, 0h ; Did we find a controller ?
- jz f_b_failed ; No - then go and complain
- mov ax, base_addr ; Yes - then copy it over
- mov io_addr, ax
- ret
- f_b_failed:
- cmp io_addr, 0h ; Has a base address been specified
- jz f_b_failed1 ; No - then the scan failed
- mov dx, offset specified_failed
- jmp f_b_failed2
- f_b_failed1:
- mov dx, offset scan_failed ; Message to announce later
- f_b_failed2:
- stc ; Set carry and return
- ret
- check_sig:
- ; Routine to check the round robin counter at the ID register
- ; FIrst task is to sync the counter bits to 0
- and bl, bh ; Get only the round_robin counter bits
- rol bl, 1 ; Bits are required in B1 and B0 of BL
- rol bl, 1
- mov cx, 03h ; Get into cl the number of INs that are
- sub cl, bl ; to sync the round robin counter
- jcxz sync_ok ; Jump if already synchronized
- cont_sync:
- in al, dx ; Read from the ID Register
- loop cont_sync
- ; Now it is synchronized the count can be checked.
- ; A loop would be more compact but this code is faster and will not be kept by
- ; the TSR.
- sync_ok:
- in al, dx ; Get the next value of the ID Register
- and al, bh ; Leave only the round_robin counter bits in al
- cmp al, 00h ; Check if it is the expected count
- jnz f_b_cont1 ; No - move on to consider the next IO port
- in al, dx ; Get the next value of the ID Register
- and al, bh ; Leave only the round_robin counter bits in al
- cmp al, 40h ; Check if it is the expected count
- jnz f_b_cont1 ; No - move on to consider the next IO port
- in al, dx ; Get the next value of the ID Register
- and al, bh ; Leave only the round_robin counter bits in al
- cmp al, 80h ; Check if it is the expected count
- jnz f_b_cont1 ; No - move on to consider the next IO port
- in al, dx ; Get the next value of the ID Register
- and al, bh ; Leave only the round_robin counter bits in al
- cmp al, 0C0h ; Check if it is the expected count
- jnz f_b_cont1 ; No - move on to consider the next IO port
- ; Check that another 82595 has not been found
- cmp base_addr, 0h ; Value should initially be zero
- jz first_found ; Ok to proceed
- mov dx, offset found_two ; Message to announce later
- stc ; Set carry and return
- ret
- first_found:
- sub dx, ID_REG ; Get the read base
- mov base_addr, dx ; Store the base address
- add dx, ID_REG ; Point back to the ID register
- jmp f_b_cont1 ; Continue the scan of IO addresses
- find_base ENDP
- get_eeprom_data PROC NEAR
- ; Called with :
- ; bx = starting offset address in the EEPROM
- ; cx = number of bytes to read
- ; di = buffer to place the data
- ; si is use for temporary storage
- LOAD_BANK_PORT BANK2, EEPROM_REG ; Set the eeprom port
- get_next_eeprom_byte:
- mov al, EECS ; EEPROM chip select
- out dx, al ; Enable the eeprom
- ;get_next_eeprom_byte:
- push cx ; Number of bytes left to read
- push bx ; Address of next byte in eeprom
- ; First select eeprom for reading
- eeprom_ok:
- mov al, EEDI OR EECS ; Set a 1 in the data bit
- write_eeprom_bit ; Write a 1
- write_eeprom_bit ; Write a 1
- mov al, EECS ; Set a 0 in the data bit
- write_eeprom_bit ; Write a 1
- pop bx ; Next eeprom address bits
- inc bx
- push bx ; Store eeprom address bits
- dec bx
- ror bl,1 ; Align the address bits so that the MSB
- ror bl,1 ; is at the EEDI position
- ror bl,1
- mov cx, 06h ; Number of bits in each address is 6
- next_add_bit:
- mov bh, bl ; Save a copy of the address bits
- and bl, EEDI ; Clear all bits except EEDI
- and al, NOT EEDI ; Clear the EDIT bit
- or al, bl ; EDDI bit in al is now set as required
- write_eeprom_bit ; Write the address bit
- jz eeprom_address_done ; no need to do all 6 bits
- mov bl, bh ; Retrive the address bits
- rol bl, 1 ; Rotate the address bits
- loop next_add_bit ; Write out all 6 bits
- eeprom_address_done: ; Now ready to read the EEPROM data
- xor si, si ; Byte will be assembled in si
- mov cx, 10h ; Number of bits to fetch
- get_next_bit:
- read_eeprom_bit ; Value of eeprom bit returned in bl
- and bx, EEDO ; Clear all but the eeprom data output bit
- or si, bx ; Add the bit to the assembled byte
- rol si, 1 ; Advance byte ready for next bit
- loop get_next_bit ; Continue until all 16 bits have been read
- mov cl, 4h ; Final rotate for SI gets the word aligned
- ror si, cl ; correctly
- mov [di], si ; Store the word
- add di, 2 ; Advance the buffer pointer
- pop bx ; Next EEPROM address to read from
- pop cx ; Remaining bytes to read
- dec cx ; Two bytes are read each time
- dec cx ; So cx is decremented by two
- mov al, 0 ; Disable the EEPROM
- out dx, al ; Perform the operation
- jcxz no_more ; If zero then we have finished
- jmp get_next_eeprom_byte
- no_more:
- mov al, 0 ; Disable the EEPROM
- out dx, al ; Perform the operation
- SET_BANK_PORT BANK0, COMMAND_REG ; Setup the default bank
- ret
- get_eeprom_data ENDP
- get_ethernet_address PROC near
- cmp no_prom, 0 ; User specified ethernet address
- jne no_need ; Yes - no need to read the eeprom address
- mov bx, 02h ; Offset into eeprom for start of address
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN ; Number of bytes to read
- mov di, offset rom_address ; Where to write the ethernet address
- call get_eeprom_data ; Get the ethernet address
- call reverse_address ; Need to reverse the address
- no_need:
- ret
- get_ethernet_address ENDP
- reverse_address PROC NEAR
- ; Routine that reverses the ethernet address read from the eeprom.
- ; Originally read in LSB to MSB, required in MSB to LSB order for rom_address
- mov si, offset rom_address ;
- mov di, si ; Will be written back to the same address
- mov ax, ds ; ES needs to be correct
- mov es, ax
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN / 2 ; Number of words to be reversed
- ; 1'st phase of reversing code pushes the words onto the stack
- reverse_1:
- lodsw
- xchg ah, al ; Need to swap the bytes
- push ax
- loop reverse_1
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN/2 ; Number of words to be reversed
- ; 2'nd phase of reversing code pops the words back from the stack
- reverse_2:
- pop ax
- stosw
- loop reverse_2
- ret
- reverse_address ENDP
- get_IRQ_map PROC near
- mov bx, 07h ; Offset into eeprom for start of map
- mov cx, IRQ_MAP_LEN ; Number of bytes to read
- mov di, offset irq_map ; Where to write the ethernet address
- call get_eeprom_data ; Get the ethernet address
- ret
- get_IRQ_map ENDP
- extrn get_hex: near
- include getea.asm
- code ENDS