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- version equ 2
- ;History:37,1
- include defs.asm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- KOMBO equ 1
- ;This source code is for both 8-bit and 16-bit boards. The 8-bit boards
- ;must be accessed 8 bits at a time, and the 16-bit boards must be accessed
- ;16 bits at a time. Since the 16-bit access is a one-byte instruction
- ;(out dx,ax), it seems too wasteful to use a subroutine. Therefore, we
- ;compile two different drivers. Modify the following equate for the
- ;current driver:
- BIT_8_NOT_16 equ 0 ;=1 for 8-bit, =0 for 16-bit.
- if BIT_8_NOT_16
- include io8.asm
- repouts equ repoutsb
- repins equ repinsb
- else
- include io16.asm
- repouts equ obufeven
- repins equ ibufeven
- endif
- TP_XCVR equ 0
- BNC_XCVR equ 1
- AUI_XCVR equ 2
- AUTO_XCVR equ 3
- current_xcvr db ?
- ; Registers
- K2WR equ 07h ;ksetup 2 write
- KSTAT equ 07h ;kombo status
- ; Status Register (STAT, read only)
- ;
- C04_SQE equ 0800h ;only on 80c04
- C04_COLL16 equ 1000h ;only on 80c04
- ;
- ; on the Kombo, the following bits have the following definitions
- UTPDIS equ 0800h
- SELECT_16_BIT equ 1000h
- ;
- ; Kombo Setup 1 (K1RD)
- ;
- BASEBIT1 equ 1h ; First I/O bit
- BASEBIT2 equ 2h ; Second I/O bit
- BASEBIT3 equ 4h ; Third I/O bit
- ROMBIT1 equ 10h ; First rom bit
- ROMBIT2 equ 20h ; Second rom bit
- ROMBIT3 equ 40h ; Third rom bit
- ;
- ; Kombo Setup 2 (K2RD & K2WR)
- ;
- MODESELECT equ 01h ;=0 for PROM, =1 for RUN.
- INTBIT1 equ 02h ;First IRQ bit
- INTBIT2 equ 04h ;Second IRQ bit
- INTBIT3 equ 08h ;Third IRQ bit
- COMPATIBILITY equ 10h ;bus compatibility select mode
- EEPROMWRITEENABLE equ 20h ;enable eeprom for writing
- ADDRESSBUMP equ 40h ;enable snoop
- COAXDIS equ 80h ;disable coax
- ;
- ; Kombo Setup 3 (K3RD)
- ;
- AUIEN equ 1h ; aui is selected
- ;
- ; Kombo Status 1 (KSTAT)
- ;
- LINKDETECT equ 1 ; Link detect for 10baseT
- include kodiak.inc
- even
- test_packet label byte
- db EADDR_LEN dup(?)
- db EADDR_LEN dup(?)
- db 00h,2eh ;A 46 in network order
- db 0,0 ;DSAP=0 & SSAP=0 fields
- db 0f3h,0 ;Control (Test Req + P bit set)
- autosense:
- cmp bx,-1
- jne autosense_2
- mov bl,current_xcvr
- xor bh,bh
- ret
- autosense_2:
- cmp bl,AUTO_XCVR
- je autosense_1
- call set_transceiver
- clc
- ret
- autosense_1:
- and setup2_reg,not COAXDIS ;turn on TW transceiver
- and config2_reg,not (UTPDIS or SELECT_16_BIT)
- ;turn on TP transceiver, use 8 bits.
- call set_hardware
- or config2_reg,SELECT_16_BIT ;go back to 16 bits next time.
- call delay_150ms ;wait for them to power up.
- loadport
- setport KSTAT ;look for link beat.
- mov ax,1 ;(27.5 ms per increment).
- call set_timeout
- wait_for_TW:
- in al, dx
- test al, LINKDETECT ;Do we have link detect?
- jnz cable_type_not_TP ;yes, it must be TP.
- mov bl,TP_XCVR
- call set_transceiver
- clc
- ret
- cable_type_not_TP:
- call do_timeout
- jnz wait_for_TW
- mov bl,AUI_XCVR ;Try this one first.
- ;
- ; Try sending a packet on each interface. Configure ourselves to one that it
- ; works on.
- ;
- send_test_start:
- ;here with bl = transceiver
- call set_transceiver
- mov ax,(20000+274)/275 ;compute count (27.5 ms per increment).
- call delay_while
- mov received_ours,0
- mov si,offset my_address ;set the destination address.
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset test_packet
- repmov EADDR_LEN
- mov si,offset my_address ;set the source address.
- repmov EADDR_LEN
- mov cx,6 ;try six times.
- send_test_again:
- push cx
- mov cx,60
- mov si,offset test_packet
- call send_pkt
- pop cx
- mov ax,2 ;wait 27.5ms
- call set_timeout
- send_test_wait:
- push cx
- call recv
- pop cx
- cmp received_ours,0 ;did we get it?
- jne send_test_exit ;yes, it worked.
- loadport ;get the status and see if it's COLL16.
- setport STAT
- inw
- test ax,C04_COLL16 ;if this bit is a zero, we failed this
- je send_test_failed1 ; test.
- call do_timeout
- jnz send_test_wait
- send_test_failed1:
- to_scrn 23,78,'T'
- loop send_test_again
- ;it failed multiple times. Try again on a different interface.
- cmp current_xcvr,BNC_XCVR ;did we just try this one?
- je send_test_fail ;yes, no more to try, give up.
- mov bl,BNC_XCVR
- jmp send_test_start
- send_test_fail:
- to_scrn 23,77,'F'
- mov bl,AUI_XCVR ;turn off both power supplies.
- call set_transceiver
- mov dh,CANT_SET
- mov bl,AUTO_XCVR
- stc
- ret
- send_test_exit:
- mov bl,current_xcvr
- xor bh,bh
- clc
- ret
- delay_150ms:
- mov ax,(1500+274)/275 ;compute count (27.5 ms per increment).
- delay_while:
- call set_timeout
- delay_150ms_1:
- call do_timeout
- jnz delay_150ms_1
- ret
- set_transceiver:
- ;enter with bl = desired transceiver type.
- assume ds:code
- cmp bl,BNC_XCVR
- jne set_transceiver_TP
- and setup2_reg,not COAXDIS ;turn on the TW transceiver
- or config2_reg,UTPDIS ;turn off TP transceiver
- jmp short set_transceiver_done
- set_transceiver_TP:
- cmp bl,TP_XCVR
- jne set_transceiver_AUI
- or setup2_reg,COAXDIS ;turn off the TW transceiver
- and config2_reg,not UTPDIS ;turn on TP transceiver
- jmp short set_transceiver_done
- set_transceiver_AUI:
- or setup2_reg,COAXDIS ;turn off the TW transceiver
- or config2_reg,UTPDIS ;turn off TP transceiver
- set_transceiver_done:
- mov current_xcvr,bl ;remember which one we're using.
- set_hardware:
- loadport ;inform the hardware of our decision.
- setport K2WR
- mov al,setup2_reg
- out dx,al
- setport CONFIG2
- mov ax,config2_reg
- outw
- ret
- include kodiak.asm
- code ends
- end