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- The standard packet drivers allow applications such as Novell and TCP/IP
- to share a single ethernet card in a workstation. A user logged onto
- a Novell fileserver may run TCP/IP to connect to a TCP/IP host on the
- same network. However, there are a number of circumstances in which
- this cannot be done:
- 1. If the workstation is connected to a Novell fileserver or bridge
- rather than the network backbone. Packet drivers are not available
- for most non-ethernet topologies, and Novell servers and bridges will
- only forward IPX packets, not TCP/IP packets which they do not
- recognise.
- 2. Packet drivers are not available for all ethernet cards e.g.
- Univation (we still have a few which haven't yet died).
- A solution to the above problems has been developed by Paul Kranenburg of
- Leiden University in Holland. His IPXPKT program is a packet driver which sends
- and receives packets via Novell's IPX.COM rather than directly from the network
- card. It receives packets from an application, adds the IPX headers and passes
- them to IPX for transmission. It also does the converse i.e. receives packets
- >from IPX, strips off the IPX header and forwards the packet to the application.
- IPXPKT allows any application configured with a packet driver interface
- (e.g. NCSA Telnet) to function from any workstation anywhere on a Novell
- network regardless of the network topology.
- A typical network setup might be:
- +-------------+ +----------+ +--------+
- | IPX <-> IP | | Unix Box | | VAX |
- |router using | | TCP/IP | | TCP/IP |
- | IPXPKT | | | | |
- +-------------+ +----------+ + -------+
- Ethernet | | | |
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- |
- +----------+
- | Novell | Arcnet, token ring, ethernet or whatever
- |fileserver|---------------------------------------------------
- | | | |
- +----------+ +------------+ +------------+
- | work | | work |
- | station | | station |
- | 1 | | 2 |
- +------------+ +------------+
- Because the packets are transmitted by IPX.COM, IPXPKT works on any
- topology supported by Netware. Version 2 of IPXPKT allows packets to
- be transmitted through Novell fileservers and bridges.
- The IPX <-> IP router on the network backbone receives the IPX packets, strips
- off the IPX headers and retransmits Ethernet II packets which can be picked up
- by TCP/IP hosts. Additional software is required in the router to route the
- packets between the two interfaces. Phil Karn's NET.EXE is commonly used, but
- PCROUTE configured for one or two packet driver interfaces is an alternative.
- NET.EXE is available via anonymous FTP from THUMPER.BELLCORE.COM (
- An autoexec.bat for the IPX <-> IP router is:
- wd8003e 0x60 0x7 0x360 0xd000
- ipx
- ipxpkt 0x61
- net
- NET is configured to use two Packet driver interfaces. The first sends and
- receives Ethernet II packets via the wd8003e packet driver which uses the WD
- Ethernet card configured to IRQ 7 and I/O Base 360h. The second sends and
- receives Ethernet II packets via IPXPKT using software interupt 0x61. IPXPKT
- sends and receives packets via IPX.COM, wrapping IPX headers around packets to
- be transmitted before passing them to IPX.COM, and stripping off IPX headers
- >from packets received from IPX.COM before passing them to NET. IPX.COM is
- configured to match the second Ethernet card in the router.
- Note that NET could be configured to communicate with the first WD card
- directly. I got it working first using the packet driver, and haven't
- bothered to change it.
- The configuration I'm using for the second ethernet card is:
- LAN Option: WD Star/Ethercard PLUS v2.11.3 (111188)
- Hardware configuration: IRQ=3, I/O Base=280h, ram at C400:0 for 8k, no DMA
- NET requires a configuration file named AUTOEXEC.NET. An example is:
- ip address []
- hostname ipxrouter
- #
- # Our VAX cluster and link to Canterbury use the network
- # Workstations using WD cards on the network backbone also use
- # All other Novell w/s (GNET, Univation etc) use
- #
- # This router uses the address on the VAX side and
- # on the IPXPKT side
- #
- attach packet 0x60 wd0 15 1500 []
- ifconfig wd0 ipaddress netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- #
- attach packet 0x61 pkt 15 1500 []
- ifconfig pkt ipaddress netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
- #
- route add [138.75.30]/24 pkt
- route add [138.75.10]/24 wd0
- #
- arp add [] ether ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- arp add [] ether ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
- #
- start rip
- #
- rip add [] 30
- rip add [] 30
- #
- ip ttl 16
- #
- tcp window 1024
- #
- tcp mss 1024
- #
- start echo
- start discard
- As mentioned above, version 2.0 or higher of IPXPKT must be used to
- establish connections with TCP/IP hosts through Novell servers or
- bridges. If version 2.0 is not in the packet driver distribution set
- (it wasn't in the 6.0a set), it can be obtained from Leiden University.
- Send a message to archive-server@cs.leidenuniv.nl containing
- 'send source ipxpkt.asm' as the first and only line.
- To assemble IPXPKT, you will need the packet driver distribution and
- Borland's Turbo Assembler. Issue the following commands
- tasm head ;head.asm is in the packet driver distribution
- tasm ipxpkt ;requires defs.asm from the packet driver distribution
- tasm tail ;tail.asm is from the packet driver distribution
- tlink head ipxpkt tail
- exe2bin head.exe ipxpkt.com
- Once the router is functioning, any application which uses a packet driver
- may be run from anywhere on the network. The bat file I use to run
- NCSA's FTP is:
- @echo off
- map w:=sys:ncsa
- w:ncsacfg
- if not errorlevel 1 goto skip
- w:marknet f:marknet.mrk
- w:ipxpkt 0x60
- :skip
- w:ftpbin %1
- del config.tel
- if exist f:marknet.mrk w:relnet f:marknet.mrk
- The program ncsacfg creates config.tel in the users current directory. It
- uses the workstations network address and physical station number to
- determine whether or not ipxpkt is needed, and concocts a unique IP
- address accordingly. Note that this program is specific to Lincoln's setup.
- Marknet and Relnet are used to remove ipxpkt from memory.
- John Baird
- j.baird@lincoln.ac.nz