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- PAGE ,132
- version equ 1
- ;History:106,1
- ; Russell Nelson, Clarkson University.
- ; Copyright, 1988-1991, Russell Nelson
- ; The following people have contributed to this code: David Horne, Eric
- ; Henderson, and Bob Clements.
- ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ; the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- ;
- ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ; GNU General Public License for more details.
- ;
- ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- ; Modified 910516 by Glenn Talbott, Hewlett-Packard Roseville Networks
- ; Division, to support the HP 27247A assembly number 27247-60002. This
- ; new version of the HP 27247A has a jumper which allows operation in PCs
- ; which violate the ISA specification for IOCHRDY by expecting the card
- ; to assert IOCHRDY early (actually before the card can fully decode the
- ; IO Address). This change does not affect this driver, however the following
- ; changes do.
- ;
- ; The card ID byte changes from 0x81 to 0x91.
- ;
- ; Added support for interrupt IRQ numbers 10 and 11.
- ;
- ; Comments in this code refer to 27247 rev 1.
- include defs.asm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- ;*****************************************************************************
- ;
- ; hppclan controller board offsets
- ; IO port definition (BASE in io_addr)
- ;*****************************************************************************
- NE_DATAPORT EQU 0ch ; hppclan Port Window.
- HP_PROM equ 00h
- HP_OPTION equ 08h
- EN_OFF equ 10h
- ENDCFG_BM8 equ 48h
- OPTION_RUN equ 01h
- OPTION_DATA equ 10h
- include 8390.inc
- ; Shared memory management parameters
- SM_TSTART_PG EQU 0h ; First page of TX buffer
- SM_RSTART_PG EQU 6h ; start at page 6
- ifndef debugxx
- SM_RSTOP_PG EQU 80h ; end at page 80
- ; add larger memory constant for 16 bit cards - gft - 910528
- SM_RSTOP_PG16 EQU 0FFh ; end at page 0xff if 16 bit card
- else
- ; Make problems occur sooner and faster by having a smaller ring
- ; - gft - 910618
- endif
- pause_ macro
- ; jmp $+2
- ;
- ; The reason for the pause_ macro is to establish a minimum time between
- ; accesses to the card hardware. The assumption is that the fetch and execution
- ; of the jmp $+2 instruction will provide this time. In a fast cache machine
- ; this may be a false assumption. In a fast cache machine, there may be
- ; NO REAL TIME DIFFERENCE between the two I/O instruction streams below:
- ;
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ; jmp $+2
- ; in al,dx in al,dx
- ;
- ; To establish a minimum delay, an I/O instruction must be used. A good rule of
- ; thumb is that ISA I/O instructions take ~1.0 microseconds and MCA I/O
- ; instructions take ~0.5 microseconds. Reading the NMI Status Register (0x61)
- ; is a good way to pause on all machines.
- ;
- ; The National 8390 Chip (NIC) requires 4 bus clocks between successive
- ; chip selects (National DP8390 Data Sheet Addendum, June 1990 -- it took them
- ; long enough to figure this out and tell everyone) or the NIC behaves badly.
- ; Therefor one I/O instruction should be inserted between each successive
- ; NIC I/O instruction that could occur 'back - to - back' on a fast cache
- ; machine.
- ; - gft - 910529
- ;
- push ax
- in al, 61h
- pop ax
- ;
- endm
- mc_chan_on macro
- mov al,chan_sel
- mov dx,96h
- out dx,al ; select channel
- mov dx,94h
- ; See comments where 94h is used below - gft - 911220
- ; mov al,0a0h
- mov al,0ffh
- out dx,al ; protect system board
- mov dx,102h ; point dx at option reg
- endm
- mc_chan_off macro
- mov dx,96h
- xor al,al
- out dx,al
- endm
- reset_8390 macro
- local is_mc_b
- local not_mc_c
- local not_mc_d
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jne is_mc_b
- jmp not_mc_c
- is_mc_b:
- mc_chan_on
- in al,dx ;capture and save option register
- and al, not OPTION_RUN ;reset the 8390
- out dx,al
- longpause
- or al, OPTION_RUN ;turn it back on
- out dx,al
- mc_chan_off
- loadport ;Set DX the way we expect it
- setport HP_OPTION
- jmp not_mc_d
- not_mc_c:
- loadport
- setport HP_OPTION ;hard reset 8390.
- xor al,al ;reset the 8390
- out dx,al
- longpause
- ; Revised int_no setting to use table lookup for 27247 rev 1
- push bx ;paranoia?
- xor bh,bh ;clear high half of bx
- mov bl,int_no ;get the index
- add bx,cs:int_bits ;add the address of table
- ; the superfluous segment override prevents
- ; one of those #$%^&! phase errors in MASM
- mov al,byte ptr [bx] ;properly adjusted bits for int_no
- or al, OPTION_RUN ;turn it back on
- out dx,al
- pop bx
- not_mc_d:
- endm
- terminate_board macro
- local is_mc_a
- local not_mc_a
- local not_mc_b
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jne is_mc_a
- jmp not_mc_a
- is_mc_a:
- ; I can't believe this ever worked right, so it's probably not necessary
- ; to put the card into reset for a terminate. Never the less the
- ; call to the mc_chan_on macro was missing from here - gft - 910529
- ;
- ; New comment: When I wrote the above 910529 comment I couldn't figure out
- ; how it ever worked, now I know; It never did. In a microchannel machine
- ; the system boots and the option register is set with the proper IRQ, I/O
- ; address, and OPTION_RUN on by system initialization code. When we terminate
- ; the packet driver we leave the OPTION_RUN bit OFF. When the OPTION_RUN bit
- ; is OFF you can't read the station address from ROM, hence the code which
- ; identifies the card fails! Therefor you can't ever re-start the packet
- ; driver after a terminate!
- ;
- ; To fix this, and leave the card in the same state as at bootup, I modified
- ; the below code to reset, then restore the option register for MCA machines.
- ;
- ; - gft - 910610
- ;
- mc_chan_on
- in al,dx ;capture and save option register
- and al, not OPTION_RUN ;reset the 8390
- out dx,al
- longpause
- or al, OPTION_RUN ;turn the card back on for future access
- out dx,al
- mc_chan_off
- loadport ;Set DX the way we expect it
- setport HP_OPTION
- jmp not_mc_b
- not_mc_a:
- loadport
- setport HP_OPTION ;hard reset 8390.
- xor al,al
- out dx,al
- not_mc_b:
- endm
- extrn sys_features: byte
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;enter with al = single character
- extrn chrout: near
- public int_no, io_addr
- int_no db 3,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number.
- io_addr dw 0300h,0 ; I/O address for card (jumpers)
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db ? ;Wild card matches any type
- driver_name db "HP ",20 dup(?) ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- extrn is_186: byte ;=0 if 808[68], =1 if 80[123]86.
- chan_sel db 0 ;Channel select for SYS_MCA machines
- ; Block input routine
- ; CX = byte count, es:si = buffer location, ax = buffer address
- public block_input
- block_input:
- push ax ; save buffer address
- loadport
- setport HP_OPTION
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- je not_mc_1
- jmp is_mc_1
- not_mc_1:
- in al,dx
- or al,OPTION_DATA ;Enable the data port except on MCA
- out dx,al
- is_mc_1:
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx,al
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- mov al,cl
- out dx,al
- setport EN0_RCNTHI
- pause_
- mov al,ch
- out dx,al
- pop ax ; get our page back
- setport EN0_RSARLO
- pause_
- out dx,al ; set as hi address
- setport EN0_RSARHI
- pause_
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al,ENC_RREAD+ENC_START ; read and start
- out dx,al
- setport NE_DATAPORT
- pause_
- cmp is_186,0
- jnz read_186
- shr cx,1
- read_loop:
- in ax,dx ; get a word
- stosw ; save it
- loop read_loop
- jnc read_done
- in al,dx
- stosb
- jmp short read_done
- read_186:
- shr cx,1
- .286
- rep insw
- jnc read_done
- insb
- read_done:
- .8086
- setport HP_OPTION
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- je not_mc_2
- ret
- not_mc_2:
- in al,dx
- and al,not OPTION_DATA
- out dx,al
- ret
- ;
- ; Block output routine
- ; CX = byte count, ds:si = buffer location, ax = buffer address
- block_output:
- assume ds:nothing
- push ax ; save buffer address
- loadport
- setport HP_OPTION
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- je not_mc_3
- jmp is_mc_3
- not_mc_3:
- in al,dx
- or al,OPTION_DATA ; enable the data port except on MCA
- out dx,al
- is_mc_3:
- inc cx ; make even
- and cx,0fffeh
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx,al ; stop & clear the chip
- ; To quote from the National DP8390 Datasheet Addendum, June 1990
- ;
- ; 11.0 Remote DMA Write
- ;
- ; Under certain conditions the NIC may issue /MWR and /PRD before
- ; PRQ for the first DMA transfer. This causes an extraneous byte to be
- ; written inot memory at the first Remote DMA Write location. [...]
- ;
- ; To prevent this condition, write a non-zero value into RBCR0 and
- ; issued [sic] the Remote Read DMA command to the NIC (CR=0AH), but
- ; do not give any Read Acknowledges (/RACK). (This causes PRQ to go high.)
- ; Then write the desired byte count into RBCR0 and RBCR1 and give the
- ; Remote Write DMA command (CR=12H). The Remote Write DMA will operate as
- ; normal.
- ;
- ; My interpretation of the above is - gft - 910603
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- mov al,0ffh ; a non-zero value
- out dx,al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al,ENC_RREAD+ENC_START ; read and start
- out dx,al ; starts the read setting PRQ for the first
- ; DMA transfer, now reprogram everything
- ; and start a write instead.
- ;
- ;
- ; When the read is started, the remote byte count register is decremented
- ; (in this case from 0ffh to 0feh). This takes a finite amount of time.
- ; IF you are TOO QUICK in re-programming the remote byte count 0 register
- ; to the correct value, the NEW VALUE GETS DECREMENTED INSTEAD! Then when
- ; you reach the last byte of the buffer and you output it to the IO port,
- ; the NIC has already reached a count of zero and WON'T HANDSHAKE THE LAST
- ; BYTE!. Result, computer HUNG, powercycle to recover. Therefore a stall is
- ; required here, I use at least 1.5uS
- ; - gft - 910603
- ;
- in al,61h ; read from NMI Status register for IO delay
- in al,61h ; ~ 0.5uS on Microchannel and ~ 1.0 on ISA
- in al,61h ; for a total of ~1.5uS or 3.0uS.
- ; we now return you to your regularly scheduled block_output routine.
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- mov al,cl
- out dx,al
- setport EN0_RCNTHI
- pause_
- mov al,ch
- out dx,al
- pop ax ; get our page back
- setport EN0_RSARLO
- pause_
- out dx,al ; set as lo address
- setport EN0_RSARHI
- pause_
- mov al,ah
- out dx,al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al,ENC_RWRITE+ENC_START ; write and start
- out dx,al
- setport NE_DATAPORT
- pause_
- shr cx,1
- cmp is_186,0
- jnz write_186
- write_loop:
- lodsw ; get a word
- out dx,ax ; save it
- loop write_loop
- jmp short write_done
- write_186:
- .286
- rep outsw
- .8086
- write_done:
- mov cx,0
- setport EN0_ISR
- tx_check_rdc:
- in al,dx
- test al,ENISR_RDC ; dma done ???
- clc
- jnz tx_start
- loop tx_check_rdc
- stc
- tx_start:
- setport HP_OPTION
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- je not_mc_4
- ret
- not_mc_4:
- lahf ;save cy.
- in al,dx
- and al,not OPTION_DATA
- out dx,al
- sahf ;restore cy.
- ret
- include 8390.asm
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: hppclan [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_addr>",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for HP PC LAN cards, version "
- db '0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,".",'0'+dp8390_version,CR,LF,'$'
- no_hp_msg db "No HP PC LAN card found (matching io_addr or int_no if spedified).",CR,LF,'$'
- cfg_err_msg db "Configuration failed. Check parameters.",CR,LF,'$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- comment \
- Here are the ID byte values for all released cards. Bit 7 of the ID byte
- for AT cards indicates bus width (as well as RAM buffer size).
- The ID byte was added to give a unique number to every revision of every card
- produced. However, it is a little more than just a flat assignment; there is
- some fields. For driver software it is assumed the driver knows what bus it
- is on (eg. AT verses MC):
- The format of the ID byte (offset 0x07 from I/O base) is:
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- a b b b c c c c
- where,
- "a" is the AT bus width bit
- 0 = 8 bit AT cards (32K bytes of buffer RAM)
- 1 = 16 bit AT cards (64K bytes of buffer RAM)
- "bbb" is for board revisions
- "ccc" is the LAN Media type
- 000 = HP StarLAN-10
- 001 = 10-Base-T (Ethertwist)
- 002 = 10-Base-2 (ThinLAN)
- ??? = reserved for future
- The current ID bytes assigned are:
- 0x00 = (obsolete) HP27240 AT8 StarLAN
- 0x10 = (obsolete) HP24240 AT8 StarLAN rev B
- 0x00 = (obsolete) HP27241 MC16 StarLAN
- 0x01 = HP27245 AT8 10-Base-T
- 0x01 = HP27246 MC16 10-Base-T
- 0x02 = HP27250 AT8 ThinLAN
- 0x81 = HP27247 AT16 10-Base-T
- 0x91 = HP27247 AT16 10-Base-T rev 1
- NOTE: All Microchannel cards are 16 bits wide.
- All 8 bit cards have 32K bytes of buffer RAM.
- All 16 bit cards (AT & MC) have 64K bytes of buffer RAM.
- \
- this_board_msg db "This board is an HP",'$'
- ISA_name_list dw board_00ISA, board_10, board_01ISA, board_02, board_81
- dw board_91
- dw board_unk
- MCA_name_list dw board_00MCA, board_01MCA
- dw board_unk
- board_00ISA db 00h, "27240",0,60 ;AT8 StarLAN
- board_10 db 10h, "24240",0,60 ;AT8 StarLAN rev B
- board_00MCA db 00h, "27241",0,60 ;MC16 StarLAN
- board_01ISA db 01h, "27245",0,60 ;AT8 10-Base-T
- board_01MCA db 01h, "27246",0,60 ;MC16 10-Base-T
- board_02 db 02h, "27250",0,60 ;AT8 ThinLAN
- board_81 db 81h, "27247",0,60 ;AT16 10-Base-T
- board_91 db 91h, "27247",0,60 ;AT16 10-Base-T rev 1
- board_unk db -1h, "Unknown HP272xx",0,60 ;just a guess.
- ; ISA DEFAULTS for io_addr and int_no,
- ; MCA DEFAULTS to first found.
- DEF_IO_ADDR equ 0300h
- DEF_INT_NO equ 3
- MC_DEF_IO equ 1
- MC_DEF_INT equ 2
- mc_def_req db 0
- int_no_table db 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
- ; Added for 27247 rev 1, interrupt numbers are no longer simply left shifted
- ; one for writing into the option register. Use a lookup table instead.
- ; Entries of 0xff are not valid for the card.
- ; Table for AT cards except 27247 rev 1
- int_bits_0 db 0ffh, 0ffh, 04h, 06h, 08h, 0ah, 0ffh, 0eh ;ints 0-7
- db 0ffh, 04h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh ;ints 8-f
- ; Table for 27247 rev 1
- int_bits_1 db 0ffh, 0ffh, 04h, 06h, 08h, 0ah, 0ffh, 0eh ;ints 0-7
- db 0ffh, 04h, 02h, 0ch, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh ;ints 8-f
- int_bits dw int_bits_0
- ; First 3 bytes of the LAN Addres will identify the board as HP
- hp_vendor_id db 08h,00h,09h
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA
- jne parse_args_mc
- jmp parse_args_1
- parse_args_mc:
- ; first determine if non-default values have been requested
- ; get_number will return requested value, -1, or carry flag set
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- mov BYTE PTR [di+1], 0
- mov WORD PTR [di+2], 0
- jnc parse_args_mc2
- mov BYTE PTR [di], 0ffh ; error return, use -1 value
- parse_args_mc2:
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- mov WORD PTR [di+2], 0
- jnc parse_args_mc3
- mov WORD PTR [di], 0ffffh ; error return, use -1 value
- parse_args_mc3:
- xor al,al
- cmp io_addr,0ffffh
- jne parse_args_mc4
- mov al,MC_DEF_IO
- parse_args_mc4:
- cmp int_no,0ffh
- jne parse_args_mc5
- or al,MC_DEF_INT
- parse_args_mc5:
- mov mc_def_req,al
- ;The following code to read the POS registers is courtesy of Racal-Interlan.
- ; channel selector resides at io 96h
- ; POS register base is at io 100h
- ; search thro' the slots for a 9210 card
- mov cx, 8 ; for all channels(slots)
- ; channel select value for slots 0,1,2.. is 8,9,A etc
- ; start with slot 0, and then 7,6,5,4,3,2,1
- get_01:
- mov ax, cx ; channel number
- or ax, 08h ; reg. select value
- mov chan_sel,al ; save each one, the LAST will right
- mov dx, 96h ; channel select register
- out dx, al ; select channel
- mov dx, 94h ; protect system board
- ; The new PS/2 Model 57 doesn't work when 0a0h is used here. The IBM BIOS
- ; writes a 0ffh to this register and just leaves it this way. IBM seems to
- ; indicate that 0ffh or 07fh should be written, but details are hard to
- ; come by. We have tested 0ffh in our other drivers in all the PS/2s we
- ; could lay our hands on, so I am fairly confident that 0ffh is OK here.
- ; - gft - Hewlett-Packard - 911220
- ;
- ; mov al, 0a0h
- mov al, 0ffh
- out dx, al
- ; read adapter id
- mov dx, 100h
- in al, dx ; adapter id - ms byte
- mov ah, al
- inc dx
- in al, dx ; adapter id - ls byte
- ; Check if HP
- cmp ax, 0ca63h ;actually 63ca.
- je get_03
- get_02:
- ; come back to here if card found does not match user
- ; requirements below
- loop get_01
- mc_chan_off
- mov dx,offset no_hp_msg
- jmp error
- get_03: ; found an HP adapter, is it the right one?
- comment \
- The only POS registers defined for the Microchannel card (HP27246) are:
- 0x100 = Adapter Identification LSB (0xCA) Read only
- 0x101 = Adapter Identification MSB (0x63) Read only
- 0x102 = Option Register Read/Write
- The Option register bits are defined as:
- 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- a a a - b b b c
- where,
- "aaa" is the I/O Base Address Relocation bits
- 000 = 0x0400 to 0x041f
- 001 = 0x1400 to 0x141f
- 010 = 0x2400 to 0x241f
- 011 = 0x3400 to 0x341f
- 100 = 0x4400 to 0x441f
- 101 = 0x5400 to 0x541f
- 110 = 0x6400 to 0x641f
- 111 = 0x7400 to 0x741f
- "bbb" is the Interrupt Level bits
- 000 = INT 3
- 001 = INT 4
- 010 = INT 5
- 011 = INT 7
- 100 = INT 9
- 101 = INT 10
- 110 = INT 11
- 111 = INT 12
- "c" is the Card Enable / NIC Reset bit
- 0 = NIC held in reset (eg. cannot access its registers)
- 1 = NIC not reset (eg. regster can be accessed)
- NOTE: Access to the PROM should only occur while NIC is held in reset.
- \
- mov dx,102h
- in al,dx
- and ax,00e0h ;leave only the base address bits
- push cx
- mov cl,12-5 ;now ends at bit 5, should end at bit 12
- shl ax,cl
- pop cx
- or ax,400h
- mov di,ax ; temporary save
- in al,dx
- shr al,1
- and al,7
- mov bl,al
- xor bh,bh
- mov al,int_no_table[bx]
- ; check for matches with user selects
- mov ah,mc_def_req
- test ah,MC_DEF_IO
- jz get_04
- mov io_addr,di ; user wants default, copy temp address
- get_04:
- test ah,MC_DEF_INT
- jz get_05
- mov int_no,al ; user wants default, copy temp int number
- get_05:
- cmp di,io_addr
- je get_06
- jmp get_02 ; correct io_addr not found, keep looking
- get_06:
- cmp al,int_no
- je get_07
- jmp get_02 ; correct io_addr not found, keep looking
- get_07: ; if we get here we now have the io_addr and int_no
- ; that the user wanted
- mc_chan_off
- jmp parse_args_5
- ;
- ; Much simpler code for ISA machine parse_args
- ;
- parse_args_1:
- mov di,offset int_no
- call get_number
- jc parse_args_2
- cmp WORD PTR [di],0
- jl parse_args_2
- jmp parse_args_3
- parse_args_2:
- mov WORD PTR [di],DEF_INT_NO
- mov WORD PTR [di+2],0
- parse_args_3:
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- jc parse_args_4
- cmp WORD PTR [di],0
- jl parse_args_4
- jmp parse_args_5
- parse_args_4:
- mov WORD PTR [di+2],0
- parse_args_5: ;Finally verify HP Vendor ID in 1st 3 bytes of station addr
- loadport
- setport HP_PROM
- mov di,offset hp_vendor_id
- mov cx,3
- id_card_loop:
- in al,dx
- cmp al, BYTE PTR [di]
- je id_card_loop1
- mov dx,offset no_hp_msg
- jmp error
- id_card_loop1:
- inc di
- inc dx
- loop id_card_loop
- ; for 27247 rev 1, delete the next two instructions to allow inline execution
- ; of id_card
- ; clc
- ; ret
- ; for 27247 rev 1, changed this routine from "init_card" to "id_card" and
- ; called it from parse_args to verify argument int_no and print out all
- ; the driver name. This allows full verification of int_no before init_card
- ; is called. init card then becomes a big NOP, but must be declared so that it
- ; can be called from 8390.asm
- id_card:
- ;Read PROM contents
- loadport
- setport HP_PROM
- mov di,offset rom_address
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- xor ah,ah
- id_card_1:
- in al,dx
- add ah,al
- inc dx
- stosb
- loop id_card_1
- in al,dx ;now get the checksum.
- xor ah,al ;add it in.
- cmp ah,-1 ;now it should have all ones set.
- ;ugh. The checksum was botched on some boards, so we can't use it.
- ; jne id_card_2 ;did it match? Nope, return error.
- inc dx
- in al,dx ;get the hardware revision number.
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA ;ISA or MCA?
- jne is_16bit ;MCA - all MCA cards are 16-bit cards.
- test al,80h ;16-bit system?
- je check_16bit
- ; Only AT 16 bit cards get here, check for extended IRQ support on 27247 rev 1
- cmp al,91h
- jne is_16bit
- mov bx, offset int_bits_1
- mov int_bits,bx
- is_16bit:
- or endcfg,ENDCFG_WTS ;yes, use word transfer mode.
- ; also use larger on-card memory for 16 bit -gft 910528
- mov sm_rstop_ptr,SM_RSTOP_PG16
- check_16bit:
- mov bx,offset MCA_name_list ;assume MCA
- test sys_features,SYS_MCA ;ISA or MCA?
- jne check_board_name ;MCA.
- ; ISA board here, verify interrupt value parameter, added for 27247 rev 1
- xor bh,bh ; clear hi half of bx
- mov bl,int_no ; index to the interrupt number
- add bx,int_bits ; get pointer to proper int_bits table
- cmp byte ptr [bx],-1 ; check for not valid
- jne check_board_ISA_name ; int_no OK
- mov dx, offset cfg_err_msg ; int_no not valid, tough luck
- error:
- mov ah,9 ; Type the msg
- int 21h
- stc ; Indicate error
- ret ; Return to common code
- check_board_ISA_name:
- mov bx,offset ISA_name_list ;Get the ISA name list now
- check_board_name:
- push si ; for 27247 rev 1, save si
- check_board_name_loop:
- mov si,[bx] ;get a pointer to a string.
- add bx,2
- cmp byte ptr [si],-1 ;is this the end?
- je check_board_found
- cmp al,[si] ;is this the right one?
- jne check_board_name_loop
- check_board_found:
- inc si ;skip the board revision number.
- mov dx,offset this_board_msg
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- mov ax,ds ;copy the driver name to where
- mov es,ax ; we need it.
- mov di,offset driver_name+3
- check_board_copy:
- lodsb
- stosb
- or al,al
- je check_board_done_print
- call chrout ;print the character.
- jmp check_board_copy
- check_board_done_print:
- lodsb ;copy the driver type number over
- mov driver_type,al
- pop si ; for 27247 rev 1, restore si for caller
- mov al,CR
- call chrout
- mov al,LF
- call chrout
- clc
- ret
- id_card_2:
- stc
- ret
- ; for 27247 rev 1, new init_card: the big NOP
- extrn etopen_diagn: byte
- init_card:
- clc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di,offset int_no
- mov dx,offset int_no_name
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_addr
- mov dx,offset io_addr_name
- call print_number
- ret
- code ends
- end