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- From: burley@geech.gnu.ai.mit.edu (Craig Burley)
- In describing what I do for "ordinary" folks -- those who _use_ computers
- rather than program them (if they use them at all) -- I've found their
- interests prioritize as follows:
- 1. Can I get your software for free?
- A: Yes, though there might be easier ways for you to get it if you're
- willing to spend money. (Though, for some people, the _easiest_ way
- of all is also the free way -- it requires only access to certain
- networks.)
- 2. Do I have to pay anything if I use the software a lot?
- A: No. You can also use it on as many machines as you like, and make
- copies of it for friends (as long as you copy the stuff altogether,
- not bits and pieces, and don't pretend you wrote it).
- 3. So it's not like shareware then?
- A: Right, except that, like shareware, you can evaluate the product
- for free -- with FSF software, it _stays_ free if you keep on using
- it. With shareware, you really should pay the author what he or
- she asks if you keep using the software.
- 4. How is it different from public domain?
- A: It always comes with source code.
- 5. Which means?
- A: If you need to change it, you can, either yourself, or by hiring a
- programmer -- any qualified programmer. Public-domain software
- often comes with no source code, and thus cannot be changed, at least
- not without mammoth effort.
- 6. How do you earn a living from this?
- A: Primarily two ways: one, because the few people who want to make
- changes to my software will probably want me to make the changes if
- they can't do them themselves (since I am obviously an expert on my
- own software); two, because others who have lots of money and see
- that they can benefit from lots of free software donate money to
- those of us who promise to write it.
- 7. There's got to be a downside -- what is it?
- A: Primarily that if you make changes to it and then want to distribute
- the changes outside your own organization or home, you have to obey
- certain requirements.
- 8. Like what?
- A: You have to give anyone to whom you distribute the changed product
- the same rights you had to the original, which means they can freely
- copy the product and have the source code to it, including your
- changes.
- Note that I've _never_ had anyone balk at the answers to #s 7 and 8, even
- though I've pointed out that some people in the industry dislike those
- restrictions, because I've also pointed out that it's those very restrictions
- that help keep the software free (in, as I've said before, any reasonable
- sense of the word) for everyone. In fact, only one or two people have ever
- asked questions 7 and 8 out of the 50 or so with whom I've discussed the
- issues.
- What I have seen is that the _programmers_ with whom I've talked include a few
- that somehow think that the answers to #s 7 and 8 make FSF software not only
- "not free" but rather useless, not only to them but to everyone else.
- But it has long been the case that programmers have thought that everyone
- else had the exact same needs and wants as they. Fortunately, probably over
- 99% of the population of users who have access to computers such that they
- not only use, but can install, software care not one whit whether they can
- both change that software _and_ distribute their changed versions to the
- outside world withno encumbrances. Of those who do care, only a few seem
- to really hate the idea that they can't so distribute FSF software with
- their changes.
- And, fortunately for everyone, anyone who really feels that "truly free"
- software, not requiring source-code distribution and/or equivalent-licensing
- of distribution of derivations, can choose to set up competing organizations
- and products, so everyone can see which ends up winning. Just as the FSF,
- Cygnus, and the many supporters of FSF-style free software already are
- competing with the vast, existing proprietary-software community and the
- smaller, ad-hoc public-domain and shareware communities -- and holding their
- own (if not winning outright in a few areas).
- Personally, I'd love to see someone set up a "Public-Domain Software
- Foundation" and write stuff released via the PD mechanism, get funding for
- it, etc, so we can all see whether the software would compete effectively
- against FSF stuff. (Nothing would prevent the FSF from snarfing it
- and releasing it under the GPL, perhaps, but that's hardly an argument
- that such a PDSF couldn't effectively compete due to the FSF, because the
- FSF is hardly the only organization that would do such snarfing.) Or,
- set up an FSF-like organization using a GPL-like license that has fewer
- restrictions (like dropping the source-code and/or derived-work requirements).
- Given all the hoopla about how bad the GPL and FSF are in "pretending" to
- be free, undoubtedly anyone really willing to put their money where their
- mouth is would have no trouble finding others sharing their beliefs and
- willing to contribute funds and/or effort towards _their_ idea of a "free"
- body of software. Either that or they're in such a minority as makes little
- or no difference.
- Fortunately, rather than simply froth at the mouth, rms actually _did_
- something, creating the FSF, and here we are. Of course, he (and some others
- of us) had previously done an equivalent of "truly free" software, and he
- (and a few others) ended up feeling somewhat burned by it, but that doesn't
- mean others shouldn't try.
- I'll close with a quote that I think is most apropos in this situation:
- "So much has been given to me; I have no time to ponder over that
- which has been denied."
- -- Hellen Keller