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- phd_enviorn equ 2ch
- getenv:
- ;enter with si->environ string to search for.
- ;exit with cy if not found, or nc, es:di->value if found.
- mov es,cs:[phd_enviorn] ;get our enviornment segment.
- xor di,di
- getenv_1:
- push si
- push di
- getenv_2:
- lodsb ;get a character.
- or al,al ;end of string?
- je getenv_3 ;yes.
- scasb ;did it match?
- je getenv_2 ;yes.
- getenv_3:
- je getenv_4
- pop di
- pop si
- xor al,al ;skip to the next string.
- mov cx,100h ;no string can be longer than 256 bytes.
- repnz scasb
- jne getenv_5 ;go if environment is trashed.
- cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 ;is this the last one?
- jnz getenv_1 ;no - try again.
- getenv_5:
- stc
- ret
- getenv_4:
- add sp,4 ;pop the old stuff off the stack.
- clc
- ret