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- ; Copyright (C) 1993, RF Nets, Cupertino, CA
- ; All Rights Reserved
- ; Author:kevinr@Solaris.com
- ;
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- ; f965.inc - definitions include for for Fujitsu 86965 EtherCoupler
- ;
- ; $Id$
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- ; $Log$
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- ;
- ; DLCR0 - Transmit Status - offset 0x00
- ;
- TX_DONE Equ 10000000b ;all packets in buffer transmitted <I>
- NET_BSY Equ 01000000b ;real time image of carrier detect line
- TX_PKT_RCD Equ 00100000b ;no collison on last pkt xmitted
- CR_LOST Equ 00010000b ;carrier lost on last pkt xmitted (collison!)
- JABBER Equ 00001000b ;jabber timer expired <I>
- COL Equ 00000100b ;collision occurred <I>
- COL16 Equ 00000010b ;16 collisions occurred on one packet <I>
- ;
- ; DLCR1 - Receive Status - offset 0x01
- ;
- RX_PKT Equ 10000000b ;packet arrived in receive buffer <I>
- BUS_RD_ERR Equ 01000000b ;bus read error - empty buffer <I>
- DMA_EOP Equ 00100000b ;host asserted DMA done. <I>
- RMT_0900 Equ 00010000b ;pkt rcved with type field = 0900H <I>
- RUNT_PKT Equ 00001000b ;packet less than 60 bytes rcved <I>
- ALIGN_ERR Equ 00000100b ;last byte didn't have 8 bits <I>
- CRC_ERR Equ 00000010b ;last pkt rcved had incorrect CRC <I>
- RX_BUF_OVFL Equ 00000001b ;rcv buffer overflow <I>
- ;
- ; DLCR2 - Transmit Interrupt Enable - offset 0x02
- ;
- TX_DONE_IE Equ 10000000b ;generate interrupt on TX DONE
- JABBER_IE Equ 00001000b ;interrupt on JABBER
- COL_IE Equ 00000100b ;interrupt on 1 Collision
- COL16_IE Equ 00000010b ;interrupt on 16 Collisions
- ;
- ; DLCR3 - Receive interrupt enable - offset 0x03
- ;
- ; generate interrupt on:
- RX_PKT_IE Equ 10000000b ;rcv pkt
- BUS_RD_ERR_IE Equ 01000000b ;bus read error (buffer empty)
- DMA_EOP_IE Equ 00100000b ;host DMA assert done
- RMT_0900_IE Equ 00010000b ;remote link test pkt
- RUNT_PKT_IE Equ 00001000b ;runt pkacet received
- ALIGN_ERR_IE Equ 00000100b ;<8 bit byte received
- CRC_ERR_IE Equ 00000010b ;packet CRC incorrect
- RX_BUF_OVFL_IE Equ 00000001b ;rcv buffer overflow
- ;
- ; DLCR4 - Transmit Mode - offset 0x04
- ;
- COL_CTR Equ 11110000b ;count of tx collisions (mask)
- CNTRL Equ 00000100b ;control output line
- LBC Equ 00000010b ;loopback (0)
- EN_TX_DEFER Equ 00000001b ;enable carrier sense before xmit
- ;
- ; DLCR5 - Receive Mode - offset 0x05
- RX_BUF_EMPTY Equ 01000000b ;receive buffer empty
- ACPT_BAD_PKT Equ 00100000b ;accept pkts with CRC,alig,runt errors
- RX_SHORT_ADDR Equ 00010000b ;40 bit MAC address length
- ACPT_RUNT_PKT Equ 00001000b ;accept pkts <60 bytes in length
- RMT_RST Equ 00000100b ;enable remote reset of rcver
- AF1 Equ 00000010b ;address filter mode bit 1
- AF0 Equ 00000001b ;address filter mode bit 0
- ;
- ; DLCR6 - Configuration 0 - offset 0x06
- ;
- DLC_EN Equ 10000000b ;DLC enable (0)
- SRAM_CYCLE_CLK Equ 01000000b ;SRAM cycle time 1=100ns;0=150ns
- SYSTEM_BUSW Equ 00100000b ;system bus width 1=8bit;0=16bit
- BUFFER_BUSW Equ 00010000b ;buffer bus width
- TX_BUF_SIZE Equ 00001100b ;Tx buffer size
- BUF_SIZE Equ 00000011b ;packet buffer size
- ;
- TBS_1_2 Equ 00000000b ;Tx Buff count = 1, size = 2K
- TBS_2_2 Equ 00000100b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 2K
- TBS_2_4 Equ 00001000b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 4K
- TBS_2_8 Equ 00001100b ;Tx Buff count = 2, size = 8K
- BS_32 Equ 00000010b ;total buffer size = 32K
- ;
- ; DLCR7 - Configuration 1 - offset 0x07
- ;
- ECID Equ 11000000b ;EtherCoupler Chip ID
- PWRON Equ 00100000b ;Powerdown Mode 1=on;0=down
- RDYPNSEL Equ 00010000b ;Ready Pin Polarity Select
- RBS Equ 00001100b ;register bank select
- RBS_DLCRH Equ 00000000b ;DLCR8-15
- RBS_HT Equ 00000100b ;Hash Table 8-15 (HT8-15)
- RBS_BMPR Equ 00001000b ;BMPR8-15
- EOPPOL Equ 00000010b ;DMA done polarity
- BYTE_ORDER Equ 00000001b ;Byte Ordering Control
- ;
- ; TO acces any BMPR register, DLCR7.RBS must be set to RBS_BMPR
- ;
- ; BMPR10 - Transmit Start - offset 0x0A
- ;
- TX_START Equ 10000000b ;start transmitting a packet
- TX_PKT_CNT Equ 01111111b ;count of pkts to transmit
- ;
- ; BMPR11 - 16 Collisions Control - offset 0x0B
- ;
- COL_16_CTL2 Equ 00000100b ;control 1 mask enable
- COL_16_CTL1 Equ 00000010b ;control 0 mask enable
- COL_16_CTL Equ 00000001b ;re-xmit or discard after 16 col
- ;
- ; BMPR12 - DMA Enable - offset 0x0C
- ;
- RX_DMA_EN Equ 00000010b ;enable receive side DMA (READ)
- TX_DMA_EN Equ 00000001b ;enable transmit side DMA (WRITE)
- ;
- ; BMPR13 - DMA Burst and Transceiver Mode - offset 0x0D
- ;
- IO_BASE_UNLOCK Equ 10000000b ;increment I/O Base Decode
- SQ_THLD Equ 01000000b ;reduce squelch threshold
- LINK_TEST_EN Equ 00100000b ;link integrity test
- AUI_TP_SEL Equ 00010000b ;select between AUI and TP
- AUTO_PORT_SEL Equ 00001000b ;manual or auto port select
- STP_UTP Equ 00000100b ;100 (UTP) or 150 (STP) ohm termination
- BURST_CTL Equ 00000011b ;burst length control
- BUSRT_LEN1 Equ 00000000b ; len = 1
- BUSRT_LEN4 Equ 00000001b ; len = 4
- BUSRT_LEN8 Equ 00000010b ; len = 8
- BUSRT_LEN12 Equ 00000011b ; len = 12
- ;
- ; BMPR14 - Filter Self Receive - offset 0x0E
- ;
- RLD_IE Equ 10000000b ;RLD interrupt enable
- LLD_IE Equ 01000000b ;LLD "" ""
- RJAB_IE Equ 00100000b ;RJAB interrupt enable
- SKIP_PKT Equ 00000100b ;Skip received Packet
- SQE_IE Equ 00000010b ;SQE error interrupt enable
- FILTER_SELF_RX Equ 00000001b ;Rcv transmitted packets
- ;
- ; BMPR15 - Transceiver Status Register
- ;
- RLD Equ 10000000b ;Remote Link Down
- LLD Equ 01000000b ;Local Link Down
- RJAB Equ 00100000b ;Remote port in Jabber condx
- RMT_PORT Equ 00010000b ;remote port compatible
- RXI_POL_REV Equ 00001000b ;reverse receive polarity
- SQE Equ 00000010b ;SQE error
- ;
- ; BMPR16 thru 19 can be addressed regardless of the DLCR7.RBS setting
- ;
- ;
- ; BMPR16 - EEPROM Control - offset 0x10
- ;
- EEP_ESK Equ 01000000b ;EEPROM Shift Data Clock
- EEP_ECS Equ 00100000b ;EEPROM chip select
- ;
- ; BMPR17 - EEPROM Data - offset 0x11
- ;
- EEP_EDIO Equ 10000000b ;EEPROM Data I/O port
- ;
- ; BMPR19 - Jumperless Configuration
- ;
- INTSEL Equ 11000000b ;Interrupt Line selected
- INTSEL_0 Equ 00000000b ;IRQ0 (wired to ?)
- INTSEL_1 Equ 01000000b ;IRQ1 (wired to ?)
- INTSEL_2 Equ 10000000b ;IRQ2 (wired to ?)
- INTSEL_3 Equ 11000000b ;IRQ3 (wired to ?)
- MEMSEL Equ 00111000b ;Memory decode selection
- IOSEL Equ 00000111b ;I/O base decode selection
- IOSEL_0 Equ 00000000b ;260-27f
- IOSEL_1 Equ 00000001b ;280-29f
- IOSEL_2 Equ 00000010b ;2A0-2Bf
- IOSEL_3 Equ 00000011b ;240-25f
- IOSEL_4 Equ 00000100b ;340-35f
- IOSEL_5 Equ 00000101b ;320-33f
- IOSEL_6 Equ 00000110b ;380-39f
- IOSEL_7 Equ 00000111b ;300-31f
- ;
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Register offset equates
- ;
- DLCR0 Equ 0
- DLCR1 Equ 1
- DLCR2 Equ 2
- DLCR3 Equ 3
- DLCR4 Equ 4
- DLCR5 Equ 5
- DLCR6 Equ 6
- DLCR7 Equ 7
- ;
- DLCR8 Equ 8
- DLCR9 Equ 9
- DLCR10 Equ 10
- DLCR11 Equ 11
- DLCR12 Equ 12
- DLCR13 Equ 13
- DLCR14 Equ 14
- DLCR15 Equ 15
- ;
- NID0 Equ DLCR8
- NID1 Equ DLCR9
- NID2 Equ DLCR10
- NID3 Equ DLCR11
- NID4 Equ DLCR12
- NID5 Equ DLCR13
- ;
- TDR0 Equ DLCR14
- TDR1 Equ DLCR15
- ;
- HT8 Equ 8
- HT9 Equ 9
- HT10 Equ 10
- HT11 Equ 11
- HT12 Equ 12
- HT13 Equ 13
- HT14 Equ 14
- HT15 Equ 15
- ;
- BMPR8 Equ 8
- BMPR9 Equ 9
- BMPR10 Equ 10
- BMPR11 Equ 11
- BMPR12 Equ 12
- BMPR13 Equ 13
- BMPR14 Equ 14
- BMPR15 Equ 15
- ;
- BMPR16 Equ 16
- BMPR17 Equ 17
- BMPR18 Equ 18
- BMPR19 Equ 19
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; EEPROM command codes
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- EEP_CMD_READ Equ 10000000b ;read 16 bit register
- ;
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; EEPROM register layout
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; -- end -- f965.inc
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