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- /*
- exe2com - exe2bin replacement by Chris Dunford/Cove Software
- usage: exe2com [/I] infile [outfile]
- usage is the same as exe2bin except:
- 1. Output defaults to COM rather than BIN
- 2. Binary fixup option not supported
- 3. Checksum not verified
- 4. Provides more useful error messages and a warning if a
- COM file is being created with initial IP != 0x100
- 5. /I switch provides EXE file info instead of converting
- Compiler notes:
- This source was written for Microsoft C version 5.0. It
- should be reasonably portable. Watch out for fseek();
- what it returns seems to vary widely between compilers.
- To compile with MSC, use:
- cl exe2com.c (no switches necessary)
- We have checked that the source (as of version 1.04) compiles
- without error under Turbo C 1.5. It appears to operate correctly,
- but we ran only some quick tests; there may be subtle errors here.
- The original version of this program was knocked together in about
- an hour in response to the removal of EXE2BIN from the standard DOS
- distribution disks. Improvements/corrections are encouraged, but
- please try to coordinate public releases through me.
- Program donated to the public domain by the author.
- cjd 4/17/87
- Version history
- ---------------
- Version 1.04 03/02/88 (CJD)
- Cleaned up some ugly code from the original quickie. Added
- /I (info) switch. In previous versions, we defined an
- error code for nonzero CS but didn't actually check it; now
- we do. Source will now compile under either Microsoft C or
- Turbo C.
- Version 1.03 12/30/87 (CJD)
- C86 version converted to Microsoft C (5.0) by Chris
- Dunford. Increased size of I/O buffer to 4K to improve
- speed; EXE2COM 1.03 is twice as fast as 1.02 and is now
- slightly faster than EXE2BIN. The C86 version will no
- longer be distributed.
- Version 1.02 11/22/87
- by Chris Blum (CompuServe 76625,1041)
- Fix for even 512-byte boundary file losing last 512 bytes.
- Also corrected signon per request of Chris Dunford (his name
- was lost in the translation to Turbo C). Version 1.02
- existed in both Turbo C and C86 versions, although only
- the C86 executable was "officially" distributed.
- Version 1.01 was a Turbo C conversion.
- Version 1.00 04/17/87
- Original C86 version by Chris Dunford
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* Version coding */
- #define MAJVER 1
- #define MINVER 0
- #define REVISION 4
- /* Conversion error codes */
- #define BADREAD 0
- #define BADWRITE 1
- #define BADSIG 2
- #define HASRELO 3
- #define HAS_SS 4
- #define HAS_CS 5
- #define BAD_IP 6
- #define TOO_BIG 7
- /* This must be the last code */
- #define UNKNOWN 8
- /* Define size of console output buffer */
- #define CONBUFSIZ 2048
- /*
- ** Define structure of fixed-format part of EXE file header
- */
- struct exe_header {
- char exe_sig[2]; /* EXE file signature: "MZ" */
- unsigned excess, /* Image size mod 512 (valid bytes in last page) */
- pages, /* # 512-byte pages in image */
- relo_ct, /* Count of relocation table entries */
- hdr_size, /* Size of header, in paragraphs */
- min_mem, /* Min required memory */
- max_mem, /* Max required memory */
- ss, /* Stack seg offset in load module */
- sp, /* Initial value of SP */
- cksum, /* File checksum */
- ip, /* Initial value of IP */
- cs, /* CS offset in load module */
- relo_start, /* Offset of first relo item */
- ovl_num; /* Overlay number */
- } xh;
- FILE *fi, /* Input file stream */
- *fo; /* Output file stream */
- char fin[129], /* Input file name */
- fon[129]; /* Output file name */
- int info=0; /* Nonzero if /I found */
- char buf[CONBUFSIZ]; /* printf I/O buffer */
- char defext[] = ".com"; /* Default output extension - change if you want */
- unsigned long code_start, /* Offset of program image in EXE file */
- code_size; /* Size of program image, in bytes */
- /* Function prototypes */
- void init (unsigned, char *[]);
- void read_hdr (void);
- void disp_info (void);
- void convert (void);
- void err_xit (unsigned);
- void usage (void);
- /*
- ** program mainline
- */
- main(argc, argv)
- unsigned argc;
- char *argv[];
- {
- init (argc, argv);
- read_hdr ();
- if (info)
- disp_info ();
- else
- convert ();
- }
- /*
- ** Initialize - parse arguments, get filenames, open/create files
- */
- void init (argc, argv)
- unsigned argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char c, *cp;
- int i;
- /* Set up buffered output, display logo */
- setvbuf (stdout, buf, _IOFBF, CONBUFSIZ);
- printf ("exe2com %u.%u%u by Chris Dunford/The Cove Software Group\n",
- /* Get arguments */
- cp = *(++argv);
- for (i=1; i < argc; i++) {
- while ( (cp = strchr (cp, '/')) != (char *) NULL) {
- *cp++ = '\0';
- c = *cp++;
- switch (toupper (c)) {
- case 'I':
- info = 1;
- break;
- default:
- usage ();
- }
- }
- if (**argv)
- if (fin[0] == '\0')
- strcpy (fin, strlwr (*argv));
- else if (fon[0] == '\0')
- strcpy (fon, strlwr (*argv));
- else
- usage ();
- cp = *(++argv);
- }
- /* Check to ensure that an input filename was found *.
- if (fin[0] == '\0') usage ();
- /* If the input file has no extension, add .EXE */
- if (strchr (fin, '.') == (char *) NULL)
- strcat (fin, ".exe");
- /* Copy input name to output if unspecified */
- if (fon[0] == '\0')
- strcpy (fon, fin);
- /* Check output extension--change EXE to COM, or add COM */
- if ((cp = strchr (fon, '.')) == (char *) NULL)
- strcat (fon, defext);
- else if (strcmp (cp, ".exe") == 0)
- strcpy (cp, defext);
- /* Try to open input file */
- if ((fi = fopen (fin, "rb")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "exe2com: can't find input file %s\n", fin);
- exit (1);
- }
- /* Try to create output file, if INFO not requested */
- if (!info)
- if ((fo = fopen (fon, "wb")) == (FILE *) NULL) {
- fprintf (stderr, "exe2com: can't open output file %s\n", fin);
- exit (1);
- }
- }
- /*
- ** usage display
- */
- void usage (void)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "usage: exe2com [/I] infile [outfile]\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- ** Read and check the EXE file header
- */
- void read_hdr(void)
- {
- char *cp;
- /* Read the formatted portion of the header */
- if (!fread (&xh, sizeof (struct exe_header), 1, fi))
- err_xit (BADREAD);
- /* Check for "MZ" signature */
- if (strncmp (xh.exe_sig, "MZ", 2))
- err_xit (BADSIG);
- /* Compute offset of program image in module, and program size.
- **
- ** The program size is computed as follows; it cannot exceed 64K bytes:
- ** 512 * (# EXE pages - 1)
- ** + valid bytes in last EXE page
- ** - offset of program image in EXE file
- **
- ** Note that if the IP is nonzero, we will skip the first
- ** IP bytes of the program image, and copy IP bytes fewer
- ** than the actual size.
- */
- code_start = ((unsigned long) xh.hdr_size) << 4;
- code_size = (unsigned long) (xh.pages-1) * 512
- + (xh.excess ? xh.excess : 512) /* fixed 11/19/87 - CJB */
- - code_start;
- /* Don't check anything else if /I requested */
- if (info) return;
- /* Check header; to be convertible, must have:
- ** -- no relocatable items
- ** -- no stack segment
- ** -- no code segment
- ** -- IP == 0 or 100
- ** -- code size < 65536
- */
- if (xh.relo_ct)
- err_xit (HASRELO);
- if (xh.ss || xh.sp)
- err_xit (HAS_SS);
- if (xh.cs)
- err_xit (HAS_CS);
- if (xh.ip != 0 && xh.ip != 0x100)
- err_xit (BAD_IP);
- if (code_size > 65536L)
- err_xit (TOO_BIG);
- /* Issue a warning if COM file and IP != 0x100 */
- if (!strcmp (strchr (fon, '.'), ".com") && xh.ip != 0x100)
- fprintf (stderr, "exe2com warning: COM file, initial IP not 100H\n");
- }
- /*
- ** /i output: display EXE file info
- */
- void disp_info (void)
- {
- char *cp;
- unsigned long k;
- cp = strrchr (fin, '\\');
- if (!cp) cp = strchr (fin, ':');
- cp = cp ? cp++ : fin;
- printf ("\n%-20s (hex) (dec)\n",cp);
- k = (unsigned long) (xh.pages-1) * 512 + (xh.excess ? xh.excess : 512);
- printf (" EXE file size %5lX %7lu\n", k, k);
- printf (" EXE header size (para) %4X %7u\n", xh.hdr_size, xh.hdr_size);
- putchar (code_size > 65536L ? '*' : ' ');
- printf (" Program image size (bytes) %5lX %7lu\n", code_size, code_size);
- k = (unsigned long) xh.min_mem * 16 + code_size;
- printf (" Minimum load size (bytes) %5lX %7lu\n", k, k);
- printf (" Min allocation (para) %4X %7u\n", xh.min_mem, xh.min_mem);
- printf (" Max allocation (para) %4X %7u\n", xh.max_mem, xh.max_mem);
- putchar (xh.cs || (xh.ip != 0x100) ? '*' : ' ');
- printf (" Initial CS:IP %04X:%04X\n", xh.cs, xh.ip);
- putchar (xh.ss || xh.sp ? '*' : ' ');
- printf (" Initial SS:SP %04X:%04X %7u (stack size)\n", xh.ss, xh.sp, xh.sp);
- putchar (xh.relo_ct ? '*' : ' ');
- printf (" Relocation count %4X %7u\n", xh.relo_ct, xh.relo_ct);
- printf (" Relo table start %04X %7u\n", xh.relo_start, xh.relo_start);
- printf (" EXE file checksum %04X %7u\n", xh.cksum, xh.cksum);
- printf (" Overlay number %4X %7u\n", xh.ovl_num, xh.ovl_num);
- printf ("* = this item prevents conversion to BIN/COM\n");
- }
- /*
- ** Convert the file. Nothing to do, really, other than
- ** reading the image (which follows the header), and
- ** dumping it back out to disk.
- */
- void convert (void)
- {
- #define BUFSIZE 16384
- static char buffer[BUFSIZE]; /* Forces buffer out of program stack */
- unsigned bsize;
- /* Seek to start of program image, skipping IP bytes */
- if (fseek (fi, code_start+xh.ip, 0))
- err_xit (BADREAD);
- /* Read blocks and copy to output */
- for (code_size -= xh.ip; code_size; code_size -= bsize) {
- /* Set count of bytes to read/write */
- bsize = code_size > BUFSIZE ? BUFSIZE : code_size;
- /* Read and write block */
- if (!fread (buffer, bsize, 1, fi))
- err_xit (BADREAD);
- if (!fwrite (buffer, bsize, 1, fo))
- err_xit (BADWRITE);
- }
- /* All done, close the two files */
- fclose (fi);
- fclose (fo);
- }
- /*
- ** Display an error message, delete output file, exit.
- */
- void err_xit (code)
- unsigned code;
- {
- static char *msg[UNKNOWN+1] = {
- "error reading EXE header",
- "error writing output file",
- "invalid EXE file signature",
- "EXE has relocatable items",
- "EXE has stack segment",
- "EXE has nonzero CS",
- "IP not 0 or 100H",
- "program exceeds 64K",
- "unknown internal error"
- };
- if (code > UNKNOWN) code = UNKNOWN;
- fprintf (stderr, "exe2com: %s, can't convert\n", msg[code]);
- /* Close two files and delete partial output */
- fclose (fi);
- fclose (fo);
- unlink (fon);
- /* Exit with errorlevel 1 */
- exit (1);
- }