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- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* EEP15.INC *;
- ;* *;
- ;* EEPROM configuration routines for the ATI AT-1500 Adapters. *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Copyright (c) 1992, 1993, Allied Telesis, Inc. All Rights Reserved.*;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- ifdef CODE386 ; 386 "flat" model (Novell 386 server driver)
- else ; all other models
- endif
- ifndef @Version
- @Version equ 000
- endif
- ; Bit definitions for the PCNetISA "Vendor Specific Word", which on the
- ; AT-1500 controls the on-board serial EEPROM (National Semiconductor NMC95C12).
- DATA_IN equ 001h ; EEPROM serial data in (DI) - write/only
- CLOCK equ 002h ; EEPROM serial clock (SK) - write/only
- DATA_OUT equ 004h ; EEPROM serial data out - read/only
- CHIP_SEL equ 008h ; EEPROM Chip Select - write/only
- JUMPER_STATE equ 008h ; Alternate Address Jumper state - read/only
- ; EEPROM command codes.
- READ equ 80h ; Read EEPROM memory at specified address
- WEN equ 30h ; Write Enable
- WRITE equ 40h ; Write EEPROM memory at specified address
- WRALL equ 10h ; Write to all EEPROM locations
- WDS equ 00h ; Write Disable
- SB equ 01h ; "Start Bit" (command follows)
- ADDR_MASK equ 3Fh ; EEPROM memory address mask
- ; EEPROM locations used for AT-1500 configuration data (all are word addresses):
- BOARD_TYPE_LOC equ 0 ; ASCII product name: 12 bytes
- BOARD_REV_LOC equ 6 ; board rev. level: low-order byte
- BOARD_SUBTYPE_LOC equ 6 ; board subtype code: high-order byte
- FLAG_WORD_LOC equ 32 ; Flag bits - see below
- SCR_SAVE_ADDR equ 61 ; SCR (below) power-up value save loc.
- SCR_ADDR equ 62 ; "Switch Configuration Register"
- SRR_ADDR equ 63 ; "Switch Readback Register"
- ; Configuration values for the SCR and the SCR_SAVE (word locations 61 & 62):
- IRQ_MASK equ 0003h ; bits 0-3 (switch 1): IRQ: see below
- DMA_MASK equ 0030h ; bits 4-7 (switch 2): DMA: see below
- IO_BASE_MASK equ 0300h ; bits 8-11 (switch 3): IO: see below
- BOOT_EN_MASK equ 1000h ; bits 12-15 (switch 4): BOOT: see below
- MAU_SEL_MASK equ 2000h ; bits 12-15 (switch 4): PORT: see below
- ; SCR Bits 0-3: IRQ configuration:
- IRQ_CHOICE_A equ 0000h
- IRQ_CHOICE_B equ 0001h
- IRQ_CHOICE_C equ 0002h
- IRQ_CHOICE_D equ 0003h
- IRQ_10 equ IRQ_CHOICE_A ; AT-1500xx-20 only
- IRQ_11 equ IRQ_CHOICE_B ; AT-1500xx-00/20 only
- IRQ_14 equ IRQ_CHOICE_C ; AT-1500xx-20 only
- IRQ_15 equ IRQ_CHOICE_D ; AT-1500xx-00/20 only
- ; SCR Bits 4-7: DMA configuration:
- DMA_3 equ 0000h
- DMA_5 equ 0010h
- DMA_6 equ 0020h
- DMA_7 equ 0030h
- ; SCR Bits 8-11: IO BASE configuration:
- BASE_IO_300 equ 0000h
- BASE_IO_320 equ 0100h
- BASE_IO_340 equ 0200h
- BASE_IO_360 equ 0300h
- ; SCR Bits 12-15: BOOT PROM and PORT SELECTION configuration:
- BOOT_ENA equ 1000h ; bit 12 = 1: Enable boot PROM
- BOOT_DIS equ 0000h ; bit 12 = 0: Disable boot PROM
- UTP_PORT equ 2000h ; bit 13 = 1: Select UTP Port
- OTHER_PORT equ 0000h ; bit 13 = 0: Select "Other" Port
- ; Flag Word (location 32):
- AUTO_SENSE_BIT equ 0001h
- ; Board "Subtypes" (location 6):
- SUBTYPE_00 equ 1
- SUBTYPE_10 equ 2
- SUBTYPE_20 equ 3
- ; PCNetISA I/O Ports:
- ADDR_PROM_OFFSET equ 0 ; MAC (datalink) Address PROM
- RDP_OFFSET equ 16 ; Register Data Port
- RAP_OFFSET equ 18 ; Register Address Port
- ISACR_OFFSET equ 22 ; ISA-Bus Control Register
- VSW_OFFSET equ 24 ; Vendor Specific Word
- ISACR2 equ 2 ; ISACR2 (out RAP register == ISACR2)
- MC_UTP_OTHER equ 001h ; value to select UTP or "Other" port
- MC_AUTO_SEL equ 002h ; value to select "Auto Select" function
- ; Possible AT-1500 IRQ choices (varies depending on board "subtype"):
- IRQ_RANGE MACRO range_name, irq_a, irq_b, irq_c, irq_d
- range_name equ (irq_a SHL 12) + (irq_b SHL 8) + (irq_c SHL 4) + irq_d
- IRQ_RANGE HIGH_IRQ_RANGE, 10, 11, 14, 15
- if @Version GE 600
- endif
- endif
- ifdef STACKSEG
- endif
- ; One CPU clock cycle = 25ns at 40Mhz CPU clock frequency
- ; jmp short = (min) 8 cycles on a 386 = 200ns per jump
- ; times 4 = at least 800ns on a 40Mhz 386
- ; times 8 = at least 800ns on an 80Mhz 386 (!!)
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- ; times 2 = at least 400ns on a 40Mhz 386
- ; times 4 = at least 400ns on an 80Mhz 386 (!!)
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- jmp short $+2
- DEBUG_DISPLAY MACRO display_char
- push AX
- push DX
- mov AH, 02h
- mov DL, '<'
- int 21h
- mov DL, display_char
- int 21h
- mov DL, '>'
- int 21h
- pop DX
- pop AX
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* VerifyBoard *;
- ;* Function: Read the configuration of the AT-1500 board. *;
- ;* Input: DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board. *;
- ;* Output: stc (carry set) if not an AT-1500 or config error; *;
- ;* clc (carry clear) if successful, and: *;
- ;* BH = configured DMA channel. *;
- ;* BL = configured IRQ. *;
- ;* CX = value to be output to the ISACR2 register. *;
- ;* Other registers used are preserved. *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- VerifyBoard proc near
- push AX ; save caller's registers
- push DX
- ; Verify that this really is an AT-1500 board.
- mov DX, DI ; DX = address prom I/O address
- in AX, DX ; read the first 2 bytes of MAC address
- cmp AX, 0 ; it better be 0000
- je VB_go_on
- jmp scr_error
- VB_go_on:
- add DX, 2
- in AX, DX ; read the next 2 bytes of MAC address
- cmp AL, 0F4h ; the third byte better be F4
- je VB_its_ours
- jmp scr_error
- VB_its_ours:
- ; Read the SCR to get the state of the configuration "switches".
- mov BX, SCR_ADDR
- call rd_oper ; read the Switch Configuration Register
- mov DX, AX ; save SCR value for later
- ; Read this board's rev level and "subtype" codes.
- mov BX, BOARD_REV_LOC ; read "board rev code" at EEPROM loc 6
- call rd_oper ; AL=rev level code, AH=Subtype code
- ; Determine the configured IRQ and return this value in BL.
- mov BX, HIGH_IRQ_RANGE ; (assume this is a Subtype 20 board)
- cmp AH, SUBTYPE_20 ; is this a Subtype 20 board ?
- je got_irq_range ; yes, uses High range of IRQ choices
- cmp AH, SUBTYPE_00 ; is this a Subtype 00 board ?
- je got_irq_range ; yes, uses Mixed range of IRQ choices
- mov BX, LOW_IRQ_RANGE ; must be Subtype 10: uses Low IRQ range
- got_irq_range:
- mov AX, DX ; get the SCR value again
- and AX, IRQ_MASK ; isolate IRQ configuration bits
- mov CL, 12
- cmp AX, IRQ_CHOICE_A ; switch based upon on of 4 IRQ choices
- je got_irq
- mov CL, 8
- je got_irq
- mov CL, 4
- je got_irq
- xor CL, CL
- je got_irq
- jmp scr_error
- got_irq:
- shr BX, CL ; compute actual IRQ value
- and BL, 0Fh ; and return in register BL
- ; Determine the configured DMA channel and return this value in BH.
- mov AX, DX ; get the SCR value again
- and AX, DMA_MASK ; isolate DMA channel configuration bits
- mov BH, 3
- cmp AX, DMA_3 ; is it DMA channel 3 ?
- je got_dma ; yes
- mov BH, 5
- cmp AX, DMA_5 ; is it DMA channel 5 ?
- je got_dma ; yes
- mov BH, 6
- cmp AX, DMA_6 ; is it DMA channel 6 ?
- je got_dma ; yes
- mov BH, 7
- cmp AX, DMA_7 ; is it DMA channel 7 ?
- je got_dma ; yes
- jmp scr_error
- got_dma:
- ; Determine the proper value to be used for ISACR2 and return it in CX.
- mov CX, 0001h ; assume ISACR2 = XMAUSEL (ext. hdw)
- test DX, UTP_PORT ; check SCR value: is "UTP" selected ?
- jz got_mau ; no, "Other" port (BNC/FOIRL/AUI)
- push bx
- mov BX, FLAG_WORD_LOC ; not the "other" port, but ...
- call rd_oper ; read the flag word from the EEPROM
- pop bx
- test DX, AUTO_SENSE_BIT ; is "Auto Select" configured ?
- jz got_mau ; no, must be the UTP port
- mov CX, 0002h ; yes, ISACR2 = ASEL (Auto Select)
- got_mau:
- clc ; set CF=0 == "success"
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- scr_error:
- stc ; set CF=1 == "error"
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- VerifyBoard endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* read_adr_prom *;
- ;* Function: read the MAC (datalink) address of the board. *;
- ;* Input: DS:(E)SI = pointer to caller's mac address buffer. *;
- ;* DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: the board's MAC address is placed in the caller's bfr. *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- read_adr_prom proc near
- if @Version GE 600
- endif
- push ax ; save caller's registers
- push dx
- mov DX, DI ; DX = address prom I/O address
- in ax, dx
- mov word ptr [POINTER_REGISTER], ax
- add dx, 2
- in ax, dx
- mov word ptr [POINTER_REGISTER+2], ax
- add dx, 2
- in ax, dx
- mov word ptr [POINTER_REGISTER+4], ax
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- read_adr_prom endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* rd_oper *;
- ;* Function: do a complete word READ operation. *;
- ;* Input: BX = EEPROM address to be read. *;
- ;* DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: AX = data read from EEPROM. *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- rd_oper proc near
- push bx ; save caller's registers
- push cx
- push dx
- mov cx, bx
- call pulse_cs
- call prep_load ; prepare the EEPROM for a new command
- mov dx, SB
- call wr_bit ; write a Start Bit
- mov dl, READ
- and cl, ADDR_MASK
- or dl, cl
- call wr_byte ; write a READ command code with the address
- xor bx, bx ; bx = data read
- mov cx, 16 ; reading 16 bits
- rd_next_bit1:
- shl bx, 1
- call rd_bit ; read a bit
- or bx, ax ; merge it with accumulated bits so far
- loop rd_next_bit1
- call pulse_cs ; pulse CHIP SELECT to terminate the command
- mov ax, bx ; return EEPROM value in AX
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop cx
- pop bx
- ret ; return to caller
- rd_oper endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* rd_bit *;
- ;* Function: Read 1 bit from the eeprom DO pin. *;
- ;* Input: AX = the least significant bit (bit 0) is the data bit *;
- ;* read. *;
- ;* DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- rd_bit proc near
- push dx
- xor ax, ax
- mov al, CHIP_SEL
- or al, CLOCK
- mov dx, DI
- add dx, VSW_OFFSET
- out dx, al ; make CLOCK go high
- in al, dx ; read D0
- and al, DATA_OUT
- DELAY_750 ; chip requires about 750ns hold time here
- push ax
- mov al, CHIP_SEL
- out dx, al ; make CLOCK go low again
- pop ax
- shr ax, 1
- shr ax, 1 ; return DO in LSB (bit 0) of AX
- pop dx
- ret
- rd_bit endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* wr_byte *;
- ;* Function: Write a byte to the eeprom. *;
- ;* Input: DL = data byte to be written. *;
- ;* DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board. *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- wr_byte proc near
- push ax ; save caller's registers
- push cx
- mov al, dl
- mov cx, 8
- next_bit:
- rol al, 1
- mov dl, al
- and dl, 01h ; DL bit 0 = bit to write
- call wr_bit ; write one bit of the byte
- loop next_bit ; loop to write all bits
- pop cx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- wr_byte endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* wr_bit *;
- ;* Function: Write a bit to the EEPROM Data In pin. *;
- ;* Input: DL = the least significant bit (bit 0) is the data bit *;
- ;* to be written. *;
- ;* DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board. *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- wr_bit proc near
- push ax ; save caller's registers
- push bx
- push dx
- mov bl, dl
- mov al, CHIP_SEL
- and bl, 01h
- or al, bl
- mov dx, DI
- add dx, VSW_OFFSET
- out dx, al ; write CS and DI out
- or al, CLOCK
- out dx, al ; present data bit with CLOCK high
- DELAY_750 ; chip requires about 750ns hold time here
- mov al, CHIP_SEL
- out dx, al ; make the CLOCK go low again
- pop dx ; restore registers
- pop bx
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- wr_bit endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* prep_load *;
- ;* Function: Generate one clock cycle as required before sending *;
- ;* a new command code to the EEPROM. *;
- ;* Input: DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- prep_load proc near
- push ax
- push dx
- mov dx, DI
- add dx, VSW_OFFSET
- mov al, CHIP_SEL + CLOCK
- out dx, al ; turn on CHIP SELECT and CLOCK
- DELAY_250 ; chip requires about 250ns hold time here
- and al, NOT CLOCK ; wait for 1 clock cycle
- out dx, al ; turn off CLOCK
- pop dx
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- prep_load endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* pulse_cs *;
- ;* function: to make CS pin in the eeprom go low for a short time, *;
- ;* then go high again (required between commands). *;
- ;* input: DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- pulse_cs proc near
- pushf ; save interrupt state
- cli ; disable interrupts
- call cs_low ; drop CHIP_SEL for about 250ns
- call cs_high ; raise CHIP_SEL again
- popf ; re-enable interrupts (if they were enabled)
- ret ; return to caller
- pulse_cs endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* cs_low *;
- ;* Function: to make the Chip Select pin in the EEPROM go low. *;
- ;* Input: DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- cs_low proc near
- push ax ; save caller's registers
- push dx
- mov dx, DI
- add dx, VSW_OFFSET
- xor ax, ax
- out dx, al ; turn off CHIP SELECT
- DELAY_250 ; chip requires about 250ns between instructions
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- cs_low endp
- ;************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* cs_high *;
- ;* Function: to make the Chip Select pin in the EEPROM go high. *;
- ;* Input: DI = base I/O address of the AT-1500 board *;
- ;* Output: nothing *;
- ;* registers used are preserved *;
- ;* *;
- ;************************************************************************;
- cs_high proc near
- push ax ; save caller's registers
- push dx
- mov dx, DI
- add dx, VSW_OFFSET
- mov al, CHIP_SEL
- out dx, al ; turn on CHIP SELECT
- pop dx ; restore caller's registers
- pop ax
- ret ; return to caller
- cs_high endp