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- /* Copyright, 1988-1992, Russell Nelson, Crynwr Software */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ** the Free Software Foundation, version 1.
- **
- ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- **
- ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /* comments are an admission that your code isn't clear enough */
- /* History:86,1 */
- /* Fri Dec 15 11:08:53 1989 send_pkt was also dumping two bytes too many. */
- /* Thu Dec 14 14:31:36 1989 receive_upcall was dumping another two bytes too many */
- /* Wed Aug 09 12:22:30 1989 receive_upcall was dumping two bytes too many */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- /* the format of the following struct is dependent upon trace.asm */
- struct {
- unsigned length;
- unsigned char function;
- unsigned long time;
- unsigned char error;
- union {
- int handle;
- unsigned char bytes[2000];
- struct {
- unsigned version;
- unsigned char class;
- unsigned type;
- unsigned char number;
- unsigned char basic;
- } di;
- struct {
- unsigned char if_class;
- unsigned if_type;
- unsigned char if_number;
- unsigned typelen;
- unsigned handle;
- } at;
- struct {
- unsigned handle;
- unsigned length;
- } ga;
- struct {
- unsigned handle;
- unsigned mode;
- } srm;
- } data;
- } record;
- char *functions[] = {
- "function_0",
- "driver_info",
- "access_type",
- "release_type",
- "send_pkt",
- "terminate",
- "get_address",
- "reset_interface",
- "function_8",
- "function_9",
- "get_parameters",
- "as_send_pkt",
- "function_12",
- "function_13",
- "function_14",
- "function_15",
- "function_16",
- "function_17",
- "function_18",
- "function_19",
- "set_rcv_mode",
- "get_rcv_mode",
- "set_multicast_list",
- "get_multicast_list",
- "get_statistics",
- "set_address",
- };
- enum {
- bad_function,
- driver_info,
- access_type,
- release_type,
- send_pkt,
- terminate,
- get_address,
- reset_interface,
- get_parameters = 8,
- as_send_pkt,
- set_rcv_mode = 20,
- get_rcv_mode,
- set_multicast_list,
- get_multicast_list,
- get_statistics,
- set_address,
- receive_upcall = 255
- };
- char *errors[] = {
- "no_error",
- "bad_handle",
- "no_class",
- "no_type",
- "no_number",
- "bad_type",
- "no_multicast",
- "cant_terminate",
- "bad_mode",
- "no_space",
- "type_inuse",
- "bad_command",
- "cant_send",
- "cant_set",
- "bad_address",
- };
- main()
- {
- FILE *inf;
- static first_time = 1;
- unsigned long time_zero;
- char args[80], results[80];
- inf = fopen("trace.out", "rb");
- if (!inf) {
- fprintf(stderr, "dump: cannot open \"trace.out\"\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOFBF, 4096);
- for(;;) {
- if (fread(&record.length, 2, 1, inf) != 1)
- break;
- fread(&record.function, 1, record.length - 2, inf);
- if (first_time) {
- first_time = 0;
- time_zero = record.time;
- }
- args[0] = '\0';
- switch(record.function) {
- case get_statistics:
- case terminate:
- case reset_interface:
- case release_type:
- case get_address:
- case receive_upcall:
- sprintf(args, "%d", record.data.handle);
- break;
- case set_rcv_mode:
- sprintf(args, "%d %d", record.data.srm.handle, record.data.srm.mode);
- break;
- case access_type:
- sprintf(args, "%d %d %d %d", record.data.at.if_class,
- record.data.at.if_type,
- record.data.at.if_number,
- record.data.at.typelen);
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(args, "");
- }
- if (record.error != 0) {
- sprintf(results, "%s (%d)",
- record.error >= (sizeof errors)/(sizeof errors[0])?"?":errors[record.error],
- record.error);
- } else switch(record.function) {
- case driver_info:
- sprintf(results, "%d %d %d %d %d",
- record.data.di.version, record.data.di.class,
- record.data.di.type, record.data.di.number,
- record.data.di.basic);
- break;
- case access_type:
- sprintf(results, "%d", record.data.at.handle);
- break;
- case send_pkt:
- sprintf(results, "%d bytes", record.length - 8);
- break;
- case receive_upcall:
- sprintf(results, "%d bytes", record.length - 10);
- break;
- default:
- strcpy(results, errors[0]);
- }
- printf("%7.2f %s(%s) = %s\n",
- (float)(record.time - time_zero) / 18.2,
- record.function == receive_upcall?"receive_upcall":
- functions[record.function], args, results);
- switch(record.function) {
- case get_address:
- dump_bytes(&record.data.bytes[4], record.data.ga.length);
- break;
- case receive_upcall:
- dump_bytes(&record.data.bytes[2], record.length - 10);
- break;
- case send_pkt:
- dump_bytes(&record.data.bytes[0], record.length - 8);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- dump_bytes(unsigned char *bytes, int count)
- {
- int n;
- char buf[16];
- int address;
- void fmtline();
- address = 0;
- while(count){
- if (count > 16) n = 16;
- else n = count;
- fmtline(address,bytes,n);
- address += n;
- count -= n;
- bytes += n;
- }
- }
- /* Print a buffer up to 16 bytes long in formatted hex with ascii
- * translation, e.g.,
- * 0000: 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f 0123456789:;<=>?
- */
- void
- fmtline(addr,buf,len)
- int addr;
- char *buf;
- int len;
- {
- char line[80];
- register char *aptr,*cptr;
- unsigned register char c;
- void ctohex();
- memset(line,' ',sizeof(line));
- ctohex(line,addr >> 8);
- ctohex(line+2,addr & 0xff);
- aptr = &line[6];
- cptr = &line[55];
- while(len-- != 0){
- c = *buf++;
- ctohex(aptr,c);
- aptr += 3;
- c &= 0x7f;
- *cptr++ = isprint(c) ? c : '.';
- }
- *cptr++ = '\n';
- fwrite(line,1,(unsigned)(cptr-line),stdout);
- }
- /* Convert byte to two ascii-hex characters */
- static
- void
- ctohex(buf,c)
- register char *buf;
- register int c;
- {
- static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
- *buf++ = hex[c >> 4];
- *buf = hex[c & 0xf];
- }