home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;History:14,1
- DR_TYPE equ 100
- DR_NAME equ 'DK86965'
- include ecoupler.asm
- public usage_msg
- ; we don't support -d (delay init till first open)
- ; since several of the config parameters come from the device's EEPROM
- usage_msg db "usage: dk86965 [options] <packet_int_no>",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for Fujitsu EtherCoupler (86965) device, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1993, RF Nets,Cupertino,CA",CR,LF,'$'
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Ethercoupler specific data items - not needed after driver goes resident
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- iobtbl Dw 260h,280h,2A0h,240h,340h,320h,380h,300h
- ;table of all I/O base addresses to try. Count is 8.
- IRQ_table Db 3,4,5,9 ;INTSEL to real IRQ (for FM DK86965 kit)
- extrn flagbyte: byte
- no_dopt_msg db "Error: -d option invalid for dk86965",CR,LF,'$'
- no_ec_msg db "No dk86965 found",CR,LF,'$'
- ec_problem_msg db "dk86965 and EEPROM don't agree",CR,LF,'$'
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;
- ; Only argument needed is the packet interrupt number.
- ; tail.asm routines took care of that one. Just need to check that
- ; -d option wasn't specified.
- ;
- ; exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- ;
- assume ds:code
- test flagbyte,D_OPTION ;delayed init option(-d) present?
- Jz PA_01
- Mov DX,offset no_dopt_msg
- Mov AH,9 ;DOS FC print $ term string
- Int 21h ;DOS Funct Call
- Stc ;error!
- Ret
- PA_01: ;-d option not found...we're okay
- clc
- ret
- get_board_parameters:
- ; find the ethercoupler adapter
- mov io_addr+2,0 ;always search.
- Call SearchforEC
- ;search for EC signature, filling in io_addr variable
- ;if not found then, io_addr is set to zero.
- Mov DX,io_addr ;get EC base addres
- Or DX,DX ;EC found?
- Jnz ETO_01 ;make into long jump
- mov dx,offset no_ec_msg
- Jmp noEC ;Nyet..gripe and exit
- ETO_01:
- Mov AL,EEP_CONFIG_R0 ;read EEPROM config reg 0 (H/W setup)
- Call read_EEPROM_reg
- Mov BX,AX ;save - we'll cmpare to BMPR19 (J'less config)
- Mov DX,io_addr
- Add DX,BMPR19
- Xor AX,AX ;clear upper byte
- In AL,DX ;read EC's idea of J'less config
- Cmp BH,AL ;how can they differ?
- Jz ETC_02
- mov dx,offset ec_problem_msg
- Jmp EC_problem
- ETC_02:
- Shr AX,6 ;move INTSEL bits to lower byte
- Mov SI,AX
- Mov AL,IRQ_table[SI] ;get real IRQ number
- Mov int_no,AL
- ret
- read_mac_addr:
- ;enter with si -> place to store Ethernet address
- Mov AX,4 ;addr of word ot get
- Call read_EEPROM_reg ;read the word
- mov [si+0],ax
- Mov AX,5 ;addr of word ot get
- Call read_EEPROM_reg ;read the word
- mov [si+2],ax
- Mov AX,6 ;addr of word ot get
- Call read_EEPROM_reg ;read the word
- mov [si+4],ax
- ret
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; SearchforEC
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- SearchforEC Proc
- Push SI
- Push CX
- Push AX
- Mov CX,8 ;count of tbale entries
- Mov SI,0 ;index into I/O base addr table
- SEC_01:
- Mov DX,iobtbl[SI] ;get table entry
- Add DX,2 ;check DLCR2 first
- In AL,DX ;get DLCR2
- And AL,DLCR2_sig_mask ;0x71
- Jnz sig_fail ;if any bits left on, then not valid sig
- Add DX,2 ;DLCR4
- In AL,DX
- And AL,DLCR4_sig_mask ;0x08
- Jnz sig_fail
- Inc DX ;DLCR5
- In AL,DX
- And AL,DLCR5_sig_mask ;0x80
- Jnz sig_fail
- Add DX,2 ;DLCR7
- In AL,DX
- And AL,DLCR7_sig_mask ;0x10
- Jnz sig_fail
- ;
- ; valid EC signature found
- ;
- Mov DX,iobtbl[SI] ;get the base address back
- Jmp SEC_02 ;return to caller
- sig_fail: ;come here when one of the signature checks fails
- Inc SI
- Inc SI
- Loop SEC_01
- ;
- ; didn't find the EC signature..maybe a conflict exists, or it's dead!
- ;
- Mov DX,0 ;return base address, none
- SEC_02:
- Mov io_addr,DX ;save for future use
- Pop AX
- Pop CX
- Pop SI
- Ret
- DLCR2_sig_mask Equ 71h
- DLCR4_sig_mask Equ 08h
- DLCR5_sig_mask Equ 80h
- DLCR7_sig_mask Equ 10h
- SearchforEC endp
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; read_EEPROM_reg - read one of 16 registers in the EEPROM
- ;
- ; input - register address in AL
- ; output - register value in AX
- ;
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- read_EEPROM_reg:
- Push DX
- Push CX
- Push BX
- Push AX ;used to save data value
- Mov DX,io_addr
- Add DX,BMPR16 ;get offset to EEPROM ctl reg
- Xor AX,AX ;clear CS and SK
- Out DX,AL ;
- Inc DX ;BMPR17
- Out DX,AL ;clear EDIO bit
- Dec DX ;BMPR16
- Mov AL,EEP_ECS ;set chip select
- Out DX,AL
- Mov AL,80h ;set data start bit
- Inc DX ;set DX to address of BMPR17
- Out DX,AL
- Mov AL,EEP_ECS+EEP_ESK ;set CS and clock high
- Dec DX ;back to addr of BMPR16 (EEPROM CTL Reg)
- Out DX,AL
- Pop AX ;get desired address back
- Or AX,EEP_CMD_READ ;combine reg addr and EEPROM opcode
- Mov CX,8 ;# of bits in data byte
- RRE_01: ;top of serial shift out data to EEPROM loop
- Inc DX ;EEPROM Data register addr
- Out DX,AL ;set upper bit into serial data register
- Dec Dx
- Mov BX,AX ;save AL
- Mov AL,EEP_ECS ;clock low
- Out DX,AL
- Or AL,EEP_ESK ;clock high
- Out DX,AL
- ; bit clocked out, now shift in next bit
- Mov AX,BX ;get data byte back
- Shl AL,1 ;shift left
- Loop RRE_01 ;
- ; command byte clocked out, now clock in data bits.
- ; Note: the initial zero bit for data read overlaps the last bit of
- ; command byte, and hence is lost.
- Mov CX,16 ;16 bits
- Xor BX,BX ;need lower byte cleared
- rre_02: ;top of loop for shifting in data bits (17 total)
- Mov AL,EEP_ECS ;clock low
- Out DX,AL
- Or AL,EEP_ESK ;clock high
- Out DX,AL
- Inc DX ;addr to BMPR17 (EEPROM data reg)
- In AL,DX ;get a data bit
- shr al,8 ;get into cy
- rcl bx,1 ;move into LSB of bx.
- dec dx ;back to BMPR16 (EEPROM ctl)
- loop rre_02
- ; done, put output data into AX, pop stack, and disappear
- Mov AX,BX
- Pop BX
- Pop CX
- Pop DX
- Ret
- code ends
- end
- ; $Log: ecoupler.s%v $
- ;Revision 1.3 1993/02/10 06:30:26 N6RCE
- ;banner additions
- ;
- ;Revision 1.2 1993/01/18 03:49:10 N6RCE
- ;new recv ISR logic.
- ;
- ;Revision 1.1 1993/01/17 20:29:38 N6RCE
- ;Initial revision
- ;