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- version equ 4
- ;******************************************************************************;
- ;* *;
- ;* File: tiara.asm *;
- ;* Auth: Brian Fisher *;
- ;* Queens University *;
- ;* Computing and Communications Services *;
- ;* Rm 2-50 Dupuis Hall *;
- ;* Kingston Ontario *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Date: January 24 1990 *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Purp: (3C501) Packet driver for tiara Ethernet Card. *;
- ;* *;
- ;*============================================================================*;
- ;* Revs: January 25 1990 V 1.6.0 Clean up code and document. *;
- ;* Feb 24 1991 V 1.8.2 Gets IRQ and I/O info from MCH POS regs*;
- ;* *;
- ;*============================================================================*;
- ;* *;
- ;* Thanks, Mehdi Safipour, of tiara Computer Systems, who supplied the *;
- ;* programming manual and examples. *;
- ;* *;
- ;*============================================================================*;
- ;* *;
- ;* Logic - *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Initialization - classic, by-the-book initialization, with one *;
- ;* exception: The manual didn't mention the fact that receive *;
- ;* interrupts will not always work unless the receive buffer is *;
- ;* vacuumed. *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Byte/Word I/O mode was determined by code ruthlessly copied from *;
- ;* NI5010.ASM, auth: Russ Nelson. *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Transmit-no surprises, data goes whoosh! *;
- ;* *;
- ;* Receive-interrupt driven receive makes upcalls to inform the ULP of *;
- ;* its status. The 16 byte ethernet header is copied from the card to *;
- ;* a temporary buffer, to determine the ether-type. Recv_find is called *;
- ;* to acquire a buffer from the ULP. If no buffer, the packet is dropped.*;
- ;* If a buffer is acquired, the packet is copied into it, and recv_copy *;
- ;* informs the ULP that the data is there. *;
- ;* *;
- ;******************************************************************************;
- ;
- DLCR_XMIT_STAT EQU 0 ;NICE I/O Register offsets
- TMST EQU 80h
- TMT_OK EQU 80h
- card_disable equ 82h ; written to DLCR_CONFIG to disable card
- card_enable equ 02h ; written to DLCR_CONFIG to enable card
- clear_status equ 00000111B ; used to clear status info
- ; !!!!!!!!
- ; !!!!!!!+--------CLEAR BUS WRITE ERROR
- ; !!!!!!+---------CLEAR 16 COLLISION
- ; !!!!!+----------CLEAR COLLISION
- ; !!!!+-----------RES
- ; !!!+------------NC
- ; !!+-------------NC
- ; !+--------------NC
- ; +---------------NC
- ;
- no_tx_irqs equ 0 ; written to clear transmit IRQs
- clr_rcv_status equ 0CFh ; clears receive status
- en_rcv_irqs equ 10000000B ; enable receive interrupts
- ;
- ; !!!!!!!!--------
- ; !!!!!!!+--------ENABLE OVERFLOW
- ; !!!!!!+---------ENABLE CRC
- ; !!!!!+----------ENABLE ALIGN
- ; !!!!+-----------ENABLE SHORT PKT
- ; !!!+------------DISABLE REMOTE RESET
- ; !!+-------------RESERVED
- ; !+--------------RESERVED
- ; +---------------ENABLE PKT READY
- ;
- xmit_mode equ 00000010B
- ; !!!!!!!!---------ENABLE CARRIER DETECT
- ; !!!!!!!+---------DISABLE LOOPBACK
- ;
- ;
- recv_mode equ 00000010B ; set receive mode
- ;
- ; !!!!!!!!---------ACCEPT ALL PACKETS
- ; !!!!!!!+---------ACCEPT PHYSICAL, MULTICAST, AND
- ; !!!!!!+----------BROADCAST PACKETS
- ; !!!!!+-----------DISABLE REMOTE RESET
- ; !!!!+------------DISABLE SHORT PACKETS
- ; !!!+-------------USE 6 BYTE ADDRESS
- ; !!+--------------NC
- ; !+---------------NC
- ; +----------------DISABLE CRC TEST MODE
- debug = 0
- include defs.asm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- public int_no
- int_no db 3,0,0,0 ;must be four bytes long for get_number
- io_adr dw 300h,0 ; default I/O address
- extrn is_186: byte ;=0 if 808[68], =1 if 80[123]86.
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK,IEEE8023,0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 1 ;from the packet spec
- driver_name db 'tiara',0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none,
- public rcv_modes
- rcv_modes dw 7 ;number of receive modes in our table.
- dw 0 ;There is no mode zero
- dw rcv_mode_1
- dw 0
- dw rcv_mode_3
- dw 0 ;haven't set up perfect filtering yet.
- dw 0
- dw rcv_mode_6
- ;
- ; Receive Packet Header Buffer: Required because addresses and e-type
- ; must be read from tiara card before upcall to find a buffer can be
- ; made. Need the number of bytes, and the e-type for the call...
- ;
- ether_buff db EADDR_LEN dup(?)
- db EADDR_LEN dup(?)
- ether_type db 4 dup(?)
- usr_ptr dd ? ; temp storage or recv_buff ptr
- writebport macro from_base,value
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr] ; write byte value to port
- add dx,from_base
- mov al,value
- out dx,al
- endm
- ;sends $ terminated string to screen
- print$ macro string
- mov ah,9
- mov dx,offset &string& ; print $ terminated string
- int 21h
- endm
- mark = 0F90h ; marker debug pos on screen 25
- marker macro st,nd
- IF debug NE 0 ; do marker if debug <> 0
- pushf ; show 2 char marker on
- push es ; 25th line, 1st column
- push ax
- mov ax,0B800h
- mov es,ax
- mov al,'&st&'
- mov byte ptr es:[mark],al
- mov al,byte ptr es:[mark+1] ; get color value
- inc al
- and al,0Fh
- or al,1
- mov byte ptr es:[mark+1],al ; advance it to show activity
- mov al,'&nd'
- mov byte ptr es:[mark+2],al
- mov al,byte ptr es:[mark+3]
- inc al
- and al,0Fh
- or al,1
- mov byte ptr es:[mark+3],al
- pop ax
- pop es
- popf
- endm
- include timeout.asm
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public as_send_pkt
- ; The Asynchronous Transmit Packet routine.
- ; Enter with es:di -> i/o control block, ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length,
- ; interrupts possibly enabled.
- ; Exit with nc if ok, or else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- ; es:di and interrupt enable flag preserved on exit.
- as_send_pkt:
- ret
- public drop_pkt
- ; Drop a packet from the queue.
- ; Enter with es:di -> iocb.
- drop_pkt:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public xmit
- ; Process a transmit interrupt with the least possible latency to achieve
- ; back-to-back packet transmissions.
- ; May only use ax and dx.
- xmit:
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public send_pkt
- send_pkt:
- ;enter with ds:si -> packet, cx = packet length.
- ;exit with nc if ok, pr else cy if error, dh set to error number.
- assume ds:nothing
- marker T,X
- if 1
- mov ax,18
- call set_timeout
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr]
- add dx,BMPR_PKT_LEN
- wait_tmt:
- in al,dx ; read count register until timeout...
- or al,al
- jz send_ok
- call do_timeout
- jnz wait_tmt
- mov dh,CANT_SEND
- stc
- ret
- send_ok:
- endif
- cmp cx,RUNT ; big enough?
- jae send_runt_ok
- mov cx,RUNT ; at least runt!
- send_runt_ok:
- cmp cx,GIANT ; small enough?
- jbe send_size_ok
- mov dh,NO_SPACE
- stc ; Error
- ret
- send_size_ok:
- ;
- ; 8086/8088 byte mode send
- ;
- mov ax,cx
- inc cx
- shr cx,1 ; words to send
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr]
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT
- cmp cs:is_186,0 ; use BYTE or WORD mode?
- jne send_w_mode
- out dx,al
- xchg ah,al
- out dx,al
- xb:
- lodsw ; load word, ind ds:si
- out dx,al
- xchg ah,al
- out dx,al
- loop xb ; set packet length (byte mode)
- jmp wait_tmt_ok
- send_w_mode:
- out dx,ax
- .286
- rep outsw
- .8086
- wait_tmt_ok:
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr] ;tell the board that we've loaded one packet.
- add dx,BMPR_PKT_LEN
- mov al,TMST + 1
- out dx,al
- clc
- ret
- public set_address
- set_address:
- ;enter with ds:si -> Ethernet address,CX = length of address.
- ;exit with nc if okay, or cy, dh=error if any errors.
- assume ds:nothing
- mov dh,CANT_SET
- stc
- ret
- rcv_mode_1:
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MODE,0 ; don't receive any packets
- ret
- rcv_mode_3:
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MODE,2 ; receive mine, broads, and multis.
- ret
- rcv_mode_6:
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MODE,3 ; receive all packets.
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- ;return nc if we set all of them, or cy,dh=error if we didn't.
- stc
- ret
- public terminate
- terminate:
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MODE,0 ; don't receive any packets
- ret
- public reset_interface
- reset_interface: ;reset the interface.
- assume ds:code
- ret
- ;called when we want to determine what to do with a received packet.
- ;enter with cx = packet length, es:di -> packet type, dl = packet class.
- extrn recv_find: near
- ;called after we've copied the packet into the buffer.
- ;enter with ds:si ->the packet, cx = length of the packet.
- extrn recv_copy: near
- extrn count_in_err: near
- extrn count_out_err: near
- public recv
- recv:
- ;called from the recv isr. All registers have been saved, and ds=cs.
- ;Upon exit, the interrupt will be acknowledged.
- assume ds:code
- marker R,X
- ;clear receive masks to prevent further IRQs
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MASK,0
- recv_0:
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- writebport DLCR_RECV_STAT,clr_rcv_status
- ;are there any packets to read?
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr]
- in al,dx
- test al,BUF_EMPTY
- jz recv_1 ; 0 if at least one valid pkt..
- jmp recv_99
- ;yes, read out a receive packet...
- recv_1:
- cmp cs:is_186,0
- jne recv11
- jmp read_b_mode
- ;
- ; read packet out in word mode
- ;
- recv11:
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr] ; get status and reserved byte
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT
- in ax,dx
- in ax,dx ; get packet size
- push ax
- ;read first 16 bytes from receive buffer into ether_buff
- mov ax,cs
- mov es, ax
- mov di,offset ether_buff
- mov cx,16/2 ; word mode, remember...
- .286
- rep insw ; read words into ether_buff
- .8086
- ;
- ; If the sender is myself, ignore the packet. This allows async
- ; send/receive without messing up...
- ;
- mov si,offset ether_buff+EADDR_LEN ; we want the SOURCE
- mov di,offset my_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
- repe cmpsw
- jne not_mine
- jmp word_flush ; mine, so flush it
- ;
- ; cx = length, es:di = pointer to ethertype
- ;
- not_mine:
- pop cx
- push cx
- mov di,offset ether_type
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax ; es:di -> ether type, cx = size# bytes
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket:
- call recv_find ; got a buffer?
- mov ax,es
- or ax,di ; pointer zero?
- je word_flush ; no pointer, discard data
- ;
- ; es:di -> users buffer, do copy...
- ; ds:si -> source of copy
- ;
- mov cs:[usr_ptr.segm],es; save ULP pointer
- mov cs:[usr_ptr.offs],di
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov si,offset ether_buff ; copy header to users buffer
- mov cx,16/2 ; 8 words to copy
- rep movsw
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr] ;copy rest of data to user
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT ; buffer in es:di ->
- pop cx
- push cx
- sub cx,16
- shr cx,1
- .286
- rep insw ; read word, store at es:di ->
- .8086
- jnc word_even
- in ax,dx
- stosb
- word_even:
- pop cx ;call recv_copy to say copy done
- lds si,cs:[usr_ptr]
- call recv_copy
- jmp recv_0 ; go get another packet
- word_flush:
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr]
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT
- pop cx
- sub cx,16 ; adjust word count
- shr cx,1
- word_f:
- in ax,dx
- loop word_f
- jmp recv_0
- ;
- ; go see of any more packets comming....
- ;
- ;
- read_b_mode:
- mov dx,cs:[io_adr] ;get status and reserved byte
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT
- in al,dx ; vacuum status and reserved
- in al,dx
- in al,dx ; get packet size
- xchg al,ah ; low byte in ah
- in al,dx ; get packet size
- xchg al,ah ; fix size ah/al order
- push ax ; keep number of bytes
- ; read first 16 bytes from receive buffer into ether_buff
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov di,offset ether_buff
- mov cx,16 ; byte mode, 16 byte header
- rdb:
- in al,dx ; read 16 bytes into ether_buff
- stosb
- loop rdb
- ;
- ; If the sender is myself, ignore the packet.
- ;
- mov si,offset ether_buff+EADDR_LEN ; we want the SOURCE
- mov di,offset my_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN/2
- repe cmpsw
- jne not_mineb
- jmp byte_flush ; mine, so flush it
- ;
- ; cx = length, es:di = pointer to ethertype
- ;
- not_mineb:
- pop cx
- push cx
- mov di,offset ether_type
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax ; es:di -> ether type, cx = size#bytes
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket1
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket1:
- call recv_find ; got a buffer?
- mov ax,es
- or ax,di ; pointer zero?
- je byte_flush ; no pointer, discard data
- ;
- ; es:di -> users buffer, do copy...
- ; ds:si -> source of copy
- ;
- mov cs:[usr_ptr.segm],es ; save ULP pointer
- mov cs:[usr_ptr.offs],di
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov si,offset ether_buff ; copy header to users buffer
- mov cx,16/2 ; 16 bytes in header to copy
- rep movsw
- mov dx,cs:io_adr ; copy rest of data to users
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT ; buffer in es:di ->
- pop cx
- push cx
- sub cx,16
- cpyb:
- in al,dx ; read byte
- stosb ; store at es:di ->
- loop cpyb
- pop cx ; call recv_copy to say copy done
- lds si,cs:[usr_ptr]
- call recv_copy
- jmp recv_0 ; go get another packet...
- byte_flush:
- mov dx,cs:io_adr
- add dx,BMPR_MEM_PORT
- pop cx
- sub cx,16 ; adjust byte count header
- byte_f:
- in al,dx
- loop byte_f
- jmp recv_0 ; go to see if any more packets comming...
- recv_99:
- ; receive ok, restore recive mask and exit
- ;
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MASK,en_rcv_irqs
- ret
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- io_adr_msg db "I/O Base Address: ",'$'
- int_no_msg db "Interrupt Level: ",'$'
- no_card_msg db "INIT: No card at I/O address specified",CR,LF,'$'
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "usage: tiara [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_adr>",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg label byte
- db CR,LF
- db "tiara: Driver for tiara Card, Version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version, CR,LF
- db " - for PC, PC-AT, and Micro Channel (IBM tm)",CR,LF
- db "portions Copyright 1993, Crynwr Software",CR,LF
- db "portions - Copyright 1990, 1991 Queens University",CR,LF
- db " Written by Brian Fisher",CR,LF
- db CR,LF,'$'
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- ;enter with si-> argument string,di->wword to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- ;enter with si -> argument string, di -> word to store.
- ;if there is no number, don't change the number.
- extrn get_number: near
- ;enter with dx -> name of word, di -> dword to print.
- extrn print_number: near
- ;-> the assigned Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- ;-> the current Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn my_address: byte
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ; parse hardware interrupt number and I/O base address from the
- ; command line.
- ;
- mov di,offset int_no ; interrupt level?
- call get_number
- jc _parse_exit
- mov di,offset io_adr ; first comes the I/O base address
- call get_number
- _parse_exit:
- clc
- ret
- public etopen
- etopen:
- writebport DLCR_CONFIG,card_disable ; disable etherstar
- writebport DLCR_XMIT_STAT,clear_status ; clr xmit status
- writebport DLCR_XMIT_MASK,no_tx_irqs ; disable xmit IRQ's
- writebport DLCR_RECV_STAT,clr_rcv_status ; clear rcv status
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MASK,en_rcv_irqs ; enable rcv IRQ's
- writebport DLCR_XMIT_MODE,xmit_mode ; set xmit mode
- writebport DLCR_RECV_MODE,recv_mode ; set receive mode
- writebport DLCR_RBNK,020h ;turn on IDR8-IDR15.
- ;
- ; Set Node ID:
- ;
- movseg es,cs
- mov di,offset rom_address
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN ; calc base of I/O regs for node id
- mov bx,cs:io_adr
- mov dx,bx
- add bx,DLCR_NODE_ID
- add dx,PROM_ID ; and base of PROM for copy
- mov ah,0ffh ;start with all bits set.
- etopen0:
- in al,dx ; read byte of factory address
- stosb
- and ah,al ;remove any bits that are zeroes.
- xchg bx,dx
- out dx,al ; write to register
- xchg bx,dx
- inc dx
- inc bx
- loop etopen0 ; until copy is done...
- ;
- ; Verify card address is not all 1's
- ;
- cmp ah,-1
- jne etopen0a
- jmp etopen_nocard ; all 1's, no card found
- etopen0a:
- ;
- ; Verify card exists by comparing address to PROM
- ;
- mov cx,EADDR_LEN
- etopen1:
- dec dx
- dec bx
- in al,dx
- xchg bx,dx
- mov ah,al
- in al,dx
- xchg bx,dx
- cmp al,ah
- jne etopen_nocard ; no card found
- loop etopen1
- writebport DLCR_RBNK,028h ;turn on BMR8-BMR15
- writebport DLCR_CONFIG,card_enable
- call set_recv_isr ; install receive IRQ routine
- mov al, int_no ; Get board's interrupt vector
- add al, 8
- cmp al, 8+8 ; Is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
- jb set_int_num ; No.
- add al, 70h - 8 - 8 ; Map it to the real interrupt.
- set_int_num:
- xor ah, ah ; Clear high byte
- mov int_num, ax ; Set parameter_list int num.
- clc
- ret
- etopen_nocard:
- mov dx,offset no_card_msg ; couldn't verify card exists...
- stc
- ret
- public print_parameters
- print_parameters:
- ;echo our command-line parameters
- mov di,offset int_no ; interrupt level.
- mov dx,offset int_no_msg
- call print_number
- mov di,offset io_adr ; now comes the I/O base address
- mov dx,offset io_adr_msg
- call print_number
- ret
- code ends
- end