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- ;DBGINT3 equ 0
- ;DEBUG equ 1 ; FOR NOW
- version equ 5 ; version of this file
- s8005_version equ 1 ; SEEQ 8005 stuff (not separate (yet))
- ;version
- ; 1 = initially from Mark Dye
- ; 2 = Fix spin loop bug (cx=0 ->65536), broke on slower systems (6MHz)
- ; 3 = Fix '-n' bug, fix warnings
- ; 4 = Fix Compaq DOS bug (we must do STI after set_recv_isr)
- ; Also, compile with DBGINT3 commmented out.
- ; I thought that 0=false, 1=true, but they were IFDEFfed!
- ; Also, Fix section to ignore broadcasts that we initiated
- ; 5 = Release version (nothing changed)
- ;s8005_version
- ; 0 = Initially from MD
- ; 1 = Fix 8-bit insb bug (broke on 8088 PCs)
- ; Copyright 1991 DAVID Systems, Inc (Sunnyvale, CA) and Marc S Dye
- ; (d.b.a. ayuda Company - Camarillo, CA). Distribution of this code
- ; including any derivation thereof, shall be made so as to afford the
- ; recipient of such distribution a copy of this source code, including
- ; any alterations, at no charge (except for copying, media, and shipping
- ; costs). Any distribution of this source or derivations must contain
- ; this copyright notice. Documentation describing this work or its
- ; derivations must acknowledge the copyright holders herein. The names
- ; of the copyright holders may not be used to advertise, signify, or
- ; otherwise characterize any derived work, except for the aforementioned
- ; copyright acknowledgement. This work is provided AS IS, with NO
- ; WARRANTIES expressed or implied, NOR any representations made as to
- ; its suitability or fitness for any purpose whatsoever. The recipient
- ; assumes full responsibility for use of this work.
- ; Some patches made by:
- ; Jeff Douglass
- ifdef DEBUG
- private macro SYM
- public SYM
- endm
- else
- private macro SYM
- endm
- endif
- include defs.asm
- ; Ethernet-2 header length defined
- ;#
- ENET_HDR equ 2*EADDR_LEN + 4 ;was +2
- ; assemble a select few instructions (16-bit i/o) from the extended set
- ; otherwise, must do only 8086-compatible stuff!
- .286p
- ; Definitions of interface to the SEEQ 8005 EDLC. See the SEEQ data book
- ; for complete details of this device.
- ; 8005 directly-addressable register offsets (from i/o base address)
- REA_PTR_R equ 6 ; Receive End Area Pointer
- BUFWIN_R equ 8 ; Buffer Window
- RX_PTR_R equ 10 ; Receive Pointer
- TX_PTR_R equ 12 ; Transmit Pointer
- DMA_ADDR_R equ 14 ; DMA Address
- ; 8005 COMMAND register
- DMA_INT_EN equ 0001h
- RX_INT_EN equ 0002h
- TX_INT_EN equ 0004h
- WINDOW_INT_EN equ 0008h
- DMA_INT_ACK equ 0010h
- RX_INT_ACK equ 0020h
- TX_INT_ACK equ 0040h
- WINDOW_INT_ACK equ 0080h
- SET_DMA_ON equ 0100h
- SET_RX_ON equ 0200h
- SET_TX_ON equ 0400h
- SET_DMA_OFF equ 0800h
- SET_RX_OFF equ 1000h
- SET_TX_OFF equ 2000h
- FIFO_READ equ 4000h
- FIFO_WRITE equ 8000h
- ; 8005 STATUS register
- DMA_INT equ 0010h
- RX_INT equ 0020h
- TX_INT equ 0040h
- WINDOW_INT equ 0080h
- DMA_ON equ 0100h
- RX_ON equ 0200h
- TX_ON equ 0400h
- FIFO_FULL equ 2000h
- FIFO_EMPTY equ 4000h
- FIFO_DIR equ 8000h
- ; 8005 CONFIGURATION 1 register
- MATCH_BITS_M equ 0C000h
- MATCH_ONLY equ 0000h
- MATCH_BROAD equ 4000h
- MATCH_MULTI equ 8000h
- MATCH_ALL equ 0C000h
- ALL_STATIONS equ 3F00h
- STATION_0_EN equ 0100h
- STATION_1_EN equ 0200h
- STATION_2_EN equ 0400h
- STATION_3_EN equ 0800h
- STATION_4_EN equ 1000h
- STATION_5_EN equ 2000h
- DMA_LENGTH_M equ 00C0h
- NBYTES_1 equ 0000h
- NBYTES_2 equ 0040h
- NBYTES_4 equ 0080h
- NBYTES_8 equ 00C0h
- DMA_INTERVAL_M equ 0030h
- CONTINUOUS equ 0000h
- DELAY_800 equ 0010h
- DELAY_1600 equ 0020h
- DELAY_3200 equ 0030h
- BUFFER_CODE_M equ 000Fh
- STATION_0_SEL equ 0000h
- STATION_1_SEL equ 0001h
- STATION_2_SEL equ 0002h
- STATION_3_SEL equ 0003h
- STATION_4_SEL equ 0004h
- STATION_5_SEL equ 0005h
- PROM_SEL equ 0006h
- TEA_SEL equ 0007h
- BUFFER_MEM_SEL equ 0008h
- INT_VECTOR_SEL equ 0009h
- ; Ether-T PC/AT device configuration register -- access is overloaded onto
- ; the set of registers accessible via the reserved range in CONFIGURATION 1
- SET_16BITMODE_M equ 0080h ; OR mask for 16 bit mode
- ; 8005 CONFIGURATION 2 register
- BYTE_SWAP equ 0001h
- AUTO_UPDATE_REA equ 0002h
- CRC_ERR_EN equ 0008h
- DRIBBLE_EN equ 0010h
- SHORT_FRAME_EN equ 0020h
- SLOT_TIME_SEL equ 0040h
- XMIT_NO_PREAM equ 0080h
- ADDR_LENGTH equ 0100h
- RECEIVE_CRC equ 0200h
- XMIT_NO_CRC equ 0400h
- LOOPBACK_EN equ 0800h
- KILL_WATCHDOG equ 1000h
- RESET equ 8000h
- ; 8005 TRANSMIT HEADER COMMAND BYTE (byte 3 of transmit packet header)
- BABBLE_INT_EN equ 01h
- COLL_INT_EN equ 02h
- COLL_16_INT_EN equ 04h
- XMIT_OK_INT_EN equ 08h
- TX_HEADER_Z equ 4 ; # of bytes in a TX header
- ; 8005 TRANSMIT HEADER STATUS BYTE (byte 4 of transmit packet header)
- BABBLE_ERR equ 01h
- COLL equ 02h
- COLL_16_ERR equ 04h
- HDR_DONE equ 80h
- ; 8005 RECEIVE HEADER COMMAND BYTE (byte 3 of receive packet header)
- ; 8005 RECEIVE HEADER STATUS BYTE (byte 4 of receive packet header)
- OVERSIZE equ 01h
- CRC_ERR equ 02h
- DRIBBLE_ERR equ 04h
- SHORT_FRAME equ 08h
- ; 8005 Receive Area Base Pointer
- RCV_PTR equ ((4 + GIANT + 4 + 255) AND NOT 0FFh)
- ; 8005 Transmit End Area Pointer (upper 8-bits)
- TEA_INIT equ (((RCV_PTR - 1) / 256) AND 0FFh)
- ; macro to provide a delay after dinking w/ 8005 registers
- io_delay macro CNTVAR
- local io_delay_loop, skip_delay
- push cx
- mov cx, CNTVAR
- jcxz skip_delay
- io_delay_loop: nop
- loop io_delay_loop
- skip_delay: pop cx
- endm
- ; macros to get and set the various device registers
- ; these assume that a proper 'loadport' context exists, that input/output
- ; register values are in AX (for word i/o) or AL (for byte i/o)
- get_r macro R
- setport R
- call inb_8005
- endm
- getw_r macro R
- setport R
- call [inw_fn]
- endm
- set_r macro R
- setport R
- call outb_8005
- endm
- setw_r macro R
- setport R
- call [outw_fn]
- endm
- ; wait for the 8005 FIFO to be free
- fifo_wait macro
- local fifo_wait_loop
- setport COMSTAT_R ; fix access within the loop
- fifo_wait_loop: getw_r COMSTAT_R ; wait for the FIFO to be free to use
- cmp ax, FIFO_EMPTY
- jne fifo_wait_loop ; loop
- endm
- CODE segment byte public
- assume cs:CODE, ds:CODE
- public INT_NO, IO_ADDR
- INT_NO db 3, 0, 0, 0 ; interrupt number
- IO_ADDR dw 300h, 0 ; (factory) i/o port address
- DRIVER_TYPE db 70 ; Ether-T PC/AT, specifically
- DRIVER_NAME db "Ether-T PC/AT", 0 ; name of the driver
- DRIVER_FUNCTION db 2 ; standard plus extensions (except
- ; specific multicast)
- PARAMETER_LIST label byte
- db 1 ; major rev of packet driver spec
- db 9 ; minor rev of packet driver spec
- db 14 ; length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ; length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ; MTU, including headers
- ; buffer size of multicast addresses
- dw 0 ; (# of back-to-back MTU recvs) - 1
- dw 0 ; (# of successive xmits) - 1
- INT_NUM dw 0 ; interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ; processing, 0 == none
- public RCV_MODES
- ; Receive mode set-up dispatch table. Refers to actual code frags below that
- ; do the job.
- RCV_MODES dw 7 ; number of receive modes in our table
- dw 0 ; none exists
- dw rcv_mode_1 ; receiver off
- dw rcv_mode_2 ; only packets for this station
- dw rcv_mode_3 ; mode 2 plus broadcast
- dw 0 ; mode 3 plus limited multicast
- dw rcv_mode_5 ; mode 3 plus all multicast
- dw rcv_mode_6 ; all packets
- ; per-device instance structures -- keep state of the device -- ones marked
- ; as (copy) are soft copies of things actually on the device
- private command_r
- command_r dw 0 ; COMMAND (copy, sort of)
- private config1_r_copy
- config1_r_copy dw 0 ; CONFIGURATION 1 (copy)
- private config2_r_copy
- config2_r_copy dw 0 ; CONFIGURATION 2 (copy)
- private cardconfig_r
- cardconfig_r db 0 ; CARD CONFIGURATION (copy)
- private rcv_errors
- rcv_errors db 0 ; want to receive even flawed packets
- private rcv_ptr_copy
- rcv_ptr_copy dw 0 ; current (next) received packet ptr
- private transmit
- transmit db 0 ; currently transmitting
- db ?
- station_0 db 6 dup(0) ;current address (for disallowing
- ; broadcast packets)(JLD)(9-25-91)
- ; i/o instruction processing variables
- private delay_mult
- delay_mult dw 10, 0 ; delay multiplier / divisor - is
- ; a tens fraction: delay becomes
- ; (calibrated_delay * delay_mult) / 10
- private io_16
- io_16 db 0 ; do 16-bit i/o?
- db ?
- private io_delay_cnt
- io_delay_cnt dw 1, 0 ; # of NOP spins to do to effect the
- ; required delay (2000 ns) for the
- ; worst-case i/o access
- private iowm_delay_cnt
- iowm_delay_cnt dw 1, 0 ; # of NOP spins to effect the required
- ; delay (800 ns) for a write to the
- ; buffer memory in the window register
- private inw_fn
- inw_fn dw OFFSET inwb_8005 ; function to input a word (w/ delay)
- private outw_fn
- outw_fn dw OFFSET outwb_8005 ; function to output a word (w/ delay)
- ; interrupt processing variables
- private int_test
- int_test db 0 ; in the initial interrupt testing?
- private int_tested
- int_tested db 0 ; was initial interrupt test successful?
- ifdef DEBUG
- public ghost_int_c, send_wait_c
- ghost_int_c dw 0 ; ghost (empty) interrupt counter
- rx_restart dw 0 ; stalled receiver restart counter
- send_wait_c dw 0 ; previous send completion wait counter
- endif
- extrn THEIR_ISR : dword
- extrn COUNT_IN_ERR : near
- extrn COUNT_OUT_ERR : near
- extrn GET_NUMBER : near
- extrn MASKINT : near
- extrn PRINT_NUMBER : near
- extrn RECV_COPY : near
- extrn RECV_FIND : near
- extrn SET_RECV_ISR : near
- extrn UNMASKINT : near
- public bad_command_intercept
- bad_command_intercept:
- ;called with ah=command, unknown to the skeleton.
- ;exit with nc if okay, cy, dh=error if not.
- mov dh,BAD_COMMAND
- stc
- ret
- public AS_SEND_PKT
- ; Asynchronous packet transmit routine (high-performance drivers only).
- ; Entry with:
- ; ES:DI control block pointer
- ; DS:SI packet to send
- ; CX packet length
- ; Interrupts *may* be enabled. Returns:
- ; ES:DI preserved from call (control block pointer)
- ; and
- ; NC if OK
- ; or
- ; CY if transmission error
- ; DH error code
- ; Interrupt disablement on entry is preserved on exit.
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- public DROP_PKT
- ; Drop a packet from the queue (high-performance drivers only.)
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- private inb_8005
- ; input a byte from an arbitrary 8005 port
- inb_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- in al, dx
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ret
- private inwb_8005
- ; input a word from an arbitrary 8005 port -- 8 bit version
- inwb_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- in al, dx
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- inc dx
- xchg al, ah
- in al, dx
- xchg al, ah
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- dec dx ; to keep 'setport' in synch
- ret
- private inw_8005
- ; input a word from an arbitrary 8005 port -- 16 bit version
- inw_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- in ax, dx
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ret
- private outb_8005
- ; output a byte to an arbitrary 8005 port
- outb_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- out dx, al
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ret
- private outwb_8005
- ; output a word to an arbitrary 8005 port -- 8 bit version
- outwb_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- out dx, al
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- inc dx
- xchg al, ah
- out dx, al
- xchg al, ah
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- dec dx ; to keep 'setport' in synch
- ret
- private outw_8005
- ; output a word to an arbitrary 8005 port -- 16 bit version
- outw_8005:
- assume ds:nothing
- out dx, ax
- io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ret
- private rcv_mode_1
- private rcv_mode_2
- private rcv_mode_3
- private rcv_mode_5
- private rcv_mode_6
- ; Receive mode set-up routines. Dispatched to out of the RCV_MODES
- ; switch (above) or called directly by ETOPEN (once).
- assume ds:CODE
- rcv_mode_1: ; turn off receiver
- call turn_rx_off
- ret
- rcv_mode_2: ; only packets to this station address
- mov ax, MATCH_ONLY ; config 1
- mov dx, 0 ; config 2
- jmp SHORT rcv_mode_common
- rcv_mode_3: ; mode 2 plus broadcast packets
- mov ax, MATCH_BROAD ; config 1
- jmp SHORT rcv_mode_common
- rcv_mode_5: ; mode 3 plus all multicast packets
- mov ax, MATCH_MULTI ; config 1
- jmp SHORT rcv_mode_common
- rcv_mode_6: ; all packets (promiscuous, including errors)
- mov ax, MATCH_ALL ; config 1
- rcv_mode_common:
- push dx ; save the changes while we
- push ax ; wang on the receiver
- call turn_rx_off ; shut down whilst we play
- loadport
- pop bx ; alter the CONFIGURATION 1 register
- mov ax, config1_r_copy
- and ax, NOT MATCH_BITS_M
- or ax, bx
- mov rcv_errors, 0
- cmp bx, MATCH_ALL ; figure if we want to see errors
- jne rcv_mode_common_1
- mov rcv_errors, 1
- rcv_mode_common_1:
- mov config1_r_copy, ax
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- pop bx ; alter the CONFIGURATION 2 register
- mov ax, config2_r_copy
- or ax, bx
- mov config2_r_copy, ax
- setw_r CONFIG2_R
- call turn_rx_on ; drop trou now, brown cow
- ret
- private turn_rcv_on
- ; turn the receiver back on, as per the COMMAND register atop the stack
- ; removes the COMMAND register upon return
- rcv_on:
- assume ds:CODE
- mov bx, sp ; get former COMMAND register
- mov ax, ss:[bx+2]
- test ax, SET_RX_OFF ; see if it's to go back on
- jnz rcv_on_1
- mov command_r, ax ; restore it
- call turn_rx_on
- rcv_on_1: ret 2 ; clear stack of COMMAND register too
- private rcvxmt_off
- ; forcibly turn off the receiver and/or transmitter -- if the transmitter
- ; is running, this will abort the transmission
- ; leaves the prior COMMAND register on top of the stack (for use by a
- ; matching 'rcv_on' call)
- rcvxmt_off:
- assume ds:CODE
- pop bx ; return address
- push command_r ; left for 'rcv_on'
- or command_r, SET_TX_OFF
- mov transmit, 0 ; not doing it now
- call turn_rx_off
- jmp bx ; return
- public RECV
- ; Part one of the ISR receive packet processing. Called before interrupt
- ; acknowledgement. All registers have been saved, DS == CS, and we're
- ; running on a private stack with interrupts disabled.
- assume ds:CODE
- ifdef DBGINT3
- int 03h ; Danger, Will Robinson!
- endif
- loadport
- ; check for and acknowledge the 8005 receive Interrupt
- ifdef DEBUG
- getw_r COMSTAT_R
- test ax, RX_INT
- jnz recv_1
- inc ghost_int_c ; ghost interrupt counter
- recv_1:
- endif
- mov ax, command_r ; acknowledge the Rx Interrupt
- or ax, RX_INT_ACK
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- cmp int_test, 0 ; is this interrupt a test one?
- je recv_setup
- inc int_tested ; indicated tested and be done
- ret
- recv_setup: ; set-up DMA access of the buffer read memory
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select BUFFER MEMORY in BUFWIN
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- setport DMA_ADDR_R ; code block port state synch
- ; COME HERE w/ port @ DMA_ADDR_R
- recv_rcvptr: mov ax, rcv_ptr_copy ; address the next RECEIVE HEADER
- setw_r DMA_ADDR_R
- mov ax, command_r ; set the FIFO to READ now
- or ax, FIFO_READ
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- setport BUFWIN_R ; code block port state synch
- ; COME HERE w/ port @ BUFWIN_R
- recv_loop: ; check for an end-of-list header (0 next pointer)
- getw_r BUFWIN_R ; get the HEADER pointer
- cmp al, 0 ; check for end of receive list
- je recv_loop_1 ; looking only at first byte
- xchg al, ah ; swap to proper host order
- mov cx, ax ; save pointer away
- getw_r BUFWIN_R ; get the HEADER & PACKET STATI
- test al, CHAIN_CONTINUE ; test for completion
- xchg al, ah ; AL now holds PACKET STATUS byte
- jnz recv_continue
- recv_loop_1: jmp recv_done
- recv_continue: ; process a new frame - compute length and check it
- push cx ; squirrel away HEADER POINTER
- sub cx, rcv_ptr_copy ; compute length, checking for wrappage
- jae recv_continue_1
- sub cx, RCV_PTR ; adjust for wrap, sans xmit area
- recv_continue_1:
- sub cx, 4 ; less size of 8005 garf
- cmp cx, ENET_HDR ; < a header is tallied and pitched
- jb recv_continue_2
- cmp cx, GIANT ; > GIANT likewise
- ja recv_continue_2
- jz recv_alloc ; no error is a-OK
- cmp rcv_errors, 0 ; see if we have to allow bad ones
- jne recv_alloc ; yes, keep this dreck too
- recv_continue_2:
- call COUNT_IN_ERR ; tally this error
- jmp recv_sail_it
- recv_alloc: ; this one we want - allocate enough space on the stack
- ; to hold the Ethernet-2 packet header (so we can upcall
- ; pointing at the type field)
- mov bx, cx ; save the real length
- mov cx, ENET_HDR
- sub sp, cx ; allocate a header on the stack
- mov di, sp ; and point at it w/ DI
- mov ax, ss ; set-up ES too
- mov es, ax
- cmp io_16, 0 ; do we do it fast or slow?
- je recv_8bit_hdr
- sar cx, 1 ; turn into words
- ; rep insw
- recv_16bit_hdr:
- insw ; 16-bit input
- io_delay iowm_delay_cnt ; reduced delay w/i loop
- loop recv_16bit_hdr
- jmp SHORT recv_upcall1
- recv_8bit_hdr: ; 8-bit input
- in al, dx
- mov es:[di], al
- inc di
- loop recv_8bit_hdr
- recv_upcall1:
- ;# ; check to make sure this isn't our own broadcast(JLD)(9-25-91)
- push di
- mov di, sp ; point at the destination
- add di, 2 ; which is 2 bytes away(remember push di?)
- mov ax, 0ffffh
- mov cx, 6/2
- repe scasw
- jne NotBroadcast
- push si
- mov si, offset station_0
- mov cx, 6/2
- repe cmps word ptr cs:[si], word ptr es:[di]
- pop si
- jne NotBroadcast
- pop di
- add sp, ENET_HDR ; pop the Ethernet-2 header from stack
- ; I forgot this until it bit me (11-6)
- jmp recv_sail_it ; if it's us, bail out!
- NotBroadcast:
- pop di
- ; prepare an upcall with CX == length, ES:DI pointing at type,
- ; DL == packet class number (V8)
- mov di, sp ; point at the type field
- add di, EADDR_LEN*2
- mov cx, bx ; get the real length for RECV_FIND
- push bx ; save the real length
- push dx ; and save our precious port setup too
- ;#
- mov dl, BLUEBOOK ;assume bluebook Ethernet.
- mov ax, es:[di]
- xchg ah, al
- cmp ax, 1500
- ja BlueBookPacket
- inc di ;set di to 802.2 header
- inc di
- mov dl, IEEE8023
- BlueBookPacket:
- ;;;; mov dl, BLUEBOOK ; Ethernet-2 'Bluebook' (V8)
- call RECV_FIND
- pop dx ; get back port setup
- pop bx ; and true packet length
- mov ax, es ; see if the client passed on this one
- or ax, di
- jz recv_sail_pop
- mov si, sp ; prepare to MOVS the Ethernet-2 header
- mov ax, ss
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:nothing
- mov cx, ENET_HDR
- push di ; save client packet base pointer
- rep movsb
- pop si ; restore client packet base pointer
- add sp, ENET_HDR ; pop the Ethernet-2 header from stack
- mov cx, bx ; compute residual length to bring in
- sub cx, ENET_HDR
- cmp io_16, 0 ; do we do it fast or slow?
- je recv_8bit_data
- sar cx, 1 ; /2: compute # of words to transfer
- ; rep insw ; loosely termed "full-bandwidth i/o"
- recv_16bit_data:
- insw
- io_delay iowm_delay_cnt ; reduced delay w/i loop
- loop recv_16bit_data
- mov cx, bx ; get length back one more time
- test bl, 1 ; see if there's a dangling byte
- jz recv_upcall2
- mov cx, 1 ; set-up to fall through to 8-bit
- recv_8bit_data: in al, dx
- mov es:[di], al
- inc di
- loop recv_8bit_data
- mov cx, bx ; get length back one more time
- xor bl, bl ; for sail testing after upcall2
- recv_upcall2: ; prepare an upcall with CX == length, DS:SI pointing at
- ; client-allocated and now filled packet
- mov ax, es
- mov ds, ax
- push dx ; save our precious port setup
- call RECV_COPY
- pop dx ; get back port setup
- mov ax, cs ; and set DS back to CODE
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:CODE
- ; have to check if 16-bit i/o processed an odd-length packet
- ; - if so, we MAY have blown the harmony of the 8005 DMA
- ; (may now be off by one) so just sail it
- test bl, 1
- jnz recv_sail_it
- pop cx ; pop squirreled next HEADER POINTER
- mov rcv_ptr_copy, cx ; and make that the new pointer
- mov al, ch ; update the REA PTR register, making
- set_r REA_PTR_R ; room for more inbound packets
- setport BUFWIN_R
- jmp recv_loop
- recv_sail_pop: add sp, ENET_HDR ; pop the Ethernet-2 header from stack
- recv_sail_it: ; rid ourselves of this frame the hard way: by resetting the
- ; DMA, in addition to our own bookkeeping stuff
- loadport
- mov ax, command_r ; release the DMA FIFO
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- pop cx ; pop squirreled next HEADER POINTER
- mov rcv_ptr_copy, cx ; and make that the new pointer
- mov al, ch ; update the REA PTR register, making
- set_r REA_PTR_R ; room for more inbound packets
- setport DMA_ADDR_R
- jmp recv_rcvptr
- recv_done: ; all inbound frames processed
- loadport
- mov ax, command_r ; release the DMA FIFO
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- ; restart a stalled receiver
- getw_r COMSTAT_R ; grab the STATUS register
- test ax, RX_ON ; receiver still on?
- jnz recv_done_1
- ifdef DEBUG
- inc rx_restart
- endif
- call turn_rx_on
- recv_done_1:
- ret
- ; Part two of the ISR receive packet processing. Called after interrupts
- ; have been acknowledged. Only DS and AX have been saved, DS == CS and
- ; we're running on the original stack (i.e. not the private one). On
- ; entry, interrupts are still disabled but it is possible to intelligently
- ; turn them back on.
- assume ds:CODE
- ret
- ; Reset the interface.
- assume ds:CODE
- loadport
- mov ax, RESET
- setw_r CONFIG2_R
- ; wait a good, long while
- mov ax, 1
- call set_timeout
- call do_timeout
- ;;;; ; delay another 4 microseconds
- ;;;; io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ;;;; io_delay io_delay_cnt ; generic delay
- ret
- private turn_rx_off
- ; Turn off the receiver portion of the device. Undoes 'turn_rx_on'.
- turn_rx_off:
- assume ds:CODE
- loadport
- mov ax, command_r
- and ax, NOT RX_INT_EN
- or ax, SET_RX_OFF
- mov command_r, ax
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- ret
- private turn_rx_on
- ; Turn on the receiver portion of the device. Assumes the station address
- ; has already been programmed, receive ISR registered, etc. Just brings it
- ; all to life on the wire. Undone by 'turn_rx_off'.
- turn_rx_on:
- assume ds:CODE
- loadport
- ; load up Receive End Area Pointer
- mov al, TEA_INIT + 1
- set_r REA_PTR_R
- ; load up the Receive Pointer Register
- mov ax, RCV_PTR
- setw_r RX_PTR_R
- mov rcv_ptr_copy, ax
- ; now turn it on
- mov ax, command_r
- and ax, NOT SET_RX_OFF
- or ax, RX_INT_EN
- mov command_r, ax
- or ax, SET_RX_ON
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- ret
- public SEND_PKT
- ; Send one packet. Entry with:
- ; DS:SI packet buffer to xmit
- ; CX packet length
- ; ES:DI upcall routine (0:0 if no upcall is desired) -- only supported
- ; if the high-performance bit is set in 'driver_function' byte
- ; Returns:
- ; NC if OK
- ; or
- ; CY if transmission error
- ; DH error code
- assume ds:nothing
- ifdef DBGINT3
- int 03h ; Danger, Will Robinson!
- endif
- mov ax, ds ; restore DS usage right here, saving
- mov es, ax ; it in ES (as we don't do upcalls)
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:CODE
- cmp cx, ENET_HDR ; firewall against trivia
- jae SEND_PKT_1
- jmp send_pkt_ret
- cmp cx, GIANT ; see if too big
- jbe SEND_PKT_2
- jmp send_pkt_NOSPACE
- cmp cx, RUNT ; see if too small
- jae SEND_PKT_3 ; ... sounds like the Three Bears
- mov cx, RUNT ; transmit at least this much
- ; mask receiver interrupts (note the receiver is still
- ; running however) -- this also arbitrates use of the FIFO
- push cx ; push stuff so MASKINT won't bite us
- mov al, INT_NO
- call MASKINT
- loadport
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select BUFFER MEMORY in BUFWIN
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- ; check status of the previous transmission
- cmp transmit, 0 ; see if a transmit is incomplete
- je send_pkt_load
- send_pkt_wait:
- loadport ; synch for the loop
- mov ax, 3 ; address the TRANSMIT STATUS byte
- setw_r DMA_ADDR_R
- mov ax, command_r ; set the FIFO to READ now, also
- or ax, FIFO_READ+TX_INT_ACK ; ACKs any TX int bit
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- get_r BUFWIN_R ; get the STATUS byte
- mov bl, al ; save the gotten STATUS byte
- mov ax, command_r ; set the FIFO back to WRITE (aborts,
- or ax, FIFO_WRITE+DMA_INT_ACK ; drains, ACKs FIFO int bit)
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- test bl, HDR_DONE ; check for transmit done
- ifdef DEBUG
- jnz send_pkt_wait_1
- inc send_wait_c ; count send completion waits
- jmp send_pkt_wait ; loop
- send_pkt_wait_1:
- else
- jz send_pkt_wait ; loop
- endif
- ; done -- check for transmit error & count if so
- test bl, BABBLE_ERR+COLL_16_ERR
- jz send_pkt_load
- call COUNT_OUT_ERR ; count the error
- send_pkt_load: ; load the new packet into the transmit area
- pop cx ; revive stuff pushed for MASKINT
- ; load up the transmit buffer -- allows only a single
- ; transmit (doesn't chain 'em); however, this transmission
- ; is overlapped with the preparation of the next
- loadport ; synch the state
- xor ax, ax ; TRANSMIT NEXT HEADER word
- setw_r DMA_ADDR_R
- mov ax, cx ; calculate xmit request length
- add ax, 4 ; including 8005 garf
- xchg ah, al ; SWAP
- setw_r BUFWIN_R
- xor ah, ah ; TRANSMIT STATUS byte
- setw_r BUFWIN_R ; both in one SWAPPED swoop
- ; semi-quick programmed output here -- direct use of macros
- mov ax, es ; go back to DS-relative packet data
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:nothing
- cmp io_16, 0 ; can do 16-bit i/o?
- je send_pkt_8bit
- test cx, 1 ; odd length?
- jz send_pkt_load_1
- inc cx ; make even for 16-bit mode output
- send_pkt_load_1:
- sar cx, 1 ; /2: compute # of words to transfer
- cmp iowm_delay_cnt, 0 ; check for full-tilt boogie
- jne send_pkt_load_2 ; nope, need delays
- rep outsw ; blow-out clearance i/o
- jmp SHORT send_pkt_xmt
- send_pkt_load_2:
- mov ax, [si] ; Note: DS-relative packet here
- out dx, ax
- io_delay iowm_delay_cnt ; reduced delay w/i loop
- inc si
- inc si
- loop send_pkt_load_2
- jmp SHORT send_pkt_xmt ; done w/ buffer load
- send_pkt_8bit: ; 8 bit packet load
- cmp iowm_delay_cnt, 0 ; check for full-tilt boogie
- jne UpHere_1 ; nope, need delays
- ;the following replaces rep outsb, which doesn't work too well on 8088-based PCs
- ;; rep outsb ; blow-out clearance i/o
- UpHere: lodsb ; Note: DS-relative packet here
- out dx, al
- loop UpHere
- jmp SHORT send_pkt_xmt
- UpHere_1:
- mov al, [si] ; Note: DS-relative packet here
- out dx, al
- io_delay iowm_delay_cnt ; reduced delay w/i loop
- inc si
- loop UpHere_1
- send_pkt_xmt: ; packet now loaded, finish up and transmit it
- mov ax, cs ; restore our DS
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:CODE
- ; set TRANSMIT POINTER (overlap as FIFO drains)
- xor ax, ax ; start chain at address 0
- setw_r TX_PTR_R
- ; wait for DMA FIFO to drain
- fifo_wait
- ; now transmit it
- mov ax, command_r ; remove default transmitter off cmd
- and ax, NOT SET_TX_OFF
- mov command_r, ax
- or ax, SET_TX_ON
- setw_r COMSTAT_R ; Send!
- mov transmit, 1 ; note to check completion next time
- ; unmask receiver interrupts, releasing FIFO
- mov al, INT_NO
- send_pkt_ret:
- clc ; OK
- ret
- send_pkt_NOSPACE:
- mov dh, NO_SPACE
- stc ; error
- ret
- public SET_ADDRESS
- ; Set the MAC station receiver address. Entry with:
- ; DS:SI the new MAC address to adopt
- ; CX length of address at DS:SI
- ; Returns:
- ; DS restored to point at CODE segment
- ; plus
- ; NC if OK
- ; or
- ; CY if error
- ; DH error code
- assume ds:nothing
- mov ax, ds ; undo the twisted DS usage
- mov es, ax ; back to addressing our memory
- mov ax, cs
- mov ds, ax
- assume ds:CODE
- cmp cx, EADDR_LEN ; check for proper address length
- jne set_addr_BADADDRESS
- test BYTE PTR es:[si], 1 ; deny broadcast or multicast
- jnz set_addr_BADADDRESS
- ;# ; set the new station address (JLD)(9-25-91)
- mov ax, ds:[si][0]
- mov word ptr ds:station_0[0], ax
- mov ax, ds:[si][2]
- mov word ptr ds:station_0[2], ax
- mov ax, ds:[si][4]
- mov word ptr ds:station_0[4], ax
- ; disable receiver and/or transmitter
- call rcvxmt_off ; leaves COMMAND register on stack
- ; set the new station address
- loadport
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select STATION address reg 0
- or ax, STATION_0_SEL
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- xor ax, ax
- setw_r DMA_ADDR_R
- setport BUFWIN_R ; fix access within the loop
- mov al, es:[si] ; output bytes of the new address
- inc si
- set_r BUFWIN_R
- loop SET_ADDRESS_1
- ; reenable the receiver if it was on before
- call rcv_on ; removes COMMAND register from stack
- clc ; OK
- ret
- set_addr_BADADDRESS:
- mov dh, BAD_ADDRESS ; improper address
- stc ; error
- ret
- public set_multicast_list
- set_multicast_list:
- ;enter with ds:si ->list of multicast addresses, ax = number of addresses,
- ; cx = number of bytes.
- assume ds:CODE
- jmp SHORT set_multicast_err ; FOR NOW: no multicast support
- clc ; OK
- ret
- set_multicast_err:
- mov dh, NO_MULTICAST
- stc ; error
- ret
- public TERMINATE
- ; Terminate the packet driver. Nothing special to do.
- assume ds:CODE
- ret
- public XMIT
- ; Routine to process a queued transmission with the least possible latency.
- ; Called immediately within the receive ISR. The attempt here is to effect
- ; back-to-back transmissions. This routine may only use AX and DX freely
- ; and is running whatever stack exists at interrupt time (not the private
- ; one). This routine isn't necessary on the 8005, because it can chain
- ; transmissions (if anyone really cared).
- assume ds:nothing
- ret
- include popf.asm
- include timeout.asm
- ; Everything above this line is resident upon successful load.
- public timer_isr
- timer_isr:
- ;if the first instruction is an iret, then the timer is not hooked
- iret
- ;any code after this will not be kept. Buffers used by the program, if any,
- ;are allocated from the memory between end_resident and end_free_mem.
- public end_resident,end_free_mem
- end_resident label byte
- end_free_mem label byte
- ; Everything below this line is discarded upon installation.
- public USAGE_MSG
- USAGE_MSG db "usage: davidsys [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_addr> <delay_mult>",CR,LF,'$'
- COPYRIGHT_MSG db "Packet driver for the Ether-T PC/AT ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,".",'0'+s8005_version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1991 DAVID Systems, Inc and Marc S Dye",CR,LF,'$'
- badint_msg db "Specified device interrupt not supported for"
- db " your installation",CR,LF,'$'
- int8_msg db " Try: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7",CR,LF,'$'
- int16_msg db " Try: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, or 15"
- db CR,LF,'$'
- inttimedout_msg db "Timed out awaiting device test interrupt",CR,LF,'$'
- nodev_msg db "No device found at specified i/o address",CR,LF,'$'
- setaddr_msg db "Unable to set initial station address",CR,LF,'$'
- delay_mult_name db "Delay multipler (x10) ",'$'
- int_no_name db "Interrupt number ",'$'
- io_addr_name db "I/O port ",'$'
- ifdef DEBUG
- count_del_name db "Incremental i/o delay spin (nsec x10) ",'$'
- delay_del_name db "Basic i/o delay (nsec x100) ",'$'
- io_delay_name db "I/O delay (spins) ",'$'
- iowm_delay_name db "I/O write memory delay (spins) ",'$'
- null_bias_name db "Null (overhead) cost (nsec x100) ",'$'
- null_spin_name db "Null spin count ",'$'
- ref_spin_name db "Reference spin count ",'$'
- unit_spin_name db "Single spin count ",'$'
- endif
- ;-> the assigned Ethernet address of the card.
- extrn rom_address: byte
- private int_map
- ; Interrupt number to Ether-T PC/AT configuration register code mapping table
- ; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- int_map db 00h, 00h, 02h, 01h, 03h, 04h, 05h, 06h
- ; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- db 00h, 02h, 07h, 08h, 09h, 00h, 0Ah, 0Bh
- REF_DELAY equ 64
- private count_delay
- count_delay dw ?, 0 ; # of 10 nsecs in each io_delay spin
- private delay_delay
- delay_delay dw ?, 0 ; # of 100 nsecs in the basic io_delay
- private null_bias
- null_bias dw ?, 0 ; # of 100 nsecs in a null spin
- private null_spins
- null_spins dw ?, 0 ; # of spins for without io_delay macro
- private ref_spins
- ref_spins dw ?, 0 ; # of spins for io_delay of 1+REF_DELAY
- private test_delay
- test_delay dw ? ; holding tank for current sample count
- private unit_spins
- unit_spins dw ?, 0 ; # of spins for io_delay of 1
- ; macro to sample timer zero's counter register
- timer0_sample macro
- xor al, al ; latch timer zero counter
- out 43h, al
- in al, 40h ; sample timer zero counter
- mov ah, al
- in al, 40h
- xchg ah, al
- endm
- private calibrate_one
- calibrate_one:
- assume ds:CODE
- mov test_delay, ax
- ; find the timer near zero
- mov cx, 100h
- calibrate_one_1:
- timer0_sample
- cmp ax, cx
- ja calibrate_one_1
- ; now find the timer above that value (after wrapping to max)
- calibrate_one_2:
- timer0_sample
- cmp ax, cx
- jbe calibrate_one_2
- ; wait till it gets to the one quarter point
- mov cx, 0C000h
- calibrate_one_3:
- timer0_sample
- cmp ax, cx
- ja calibrate_one_3
- ; calibration time - disable interrupts, watch for half a
- ; clock period to elapse
- pushf
- cli
- xor bx, bx
- mov cx, 4000h
- cmp test_delay, 0 ; see if measuring overhead?
- jne calibrate_io
- ; calibrating the overhead of this timing stuff only
- calibrate_one_4:
- inc bx
- jc calibrate_exit ; overflow - exit w/ 0
- timer0_sample
- cmp ax, cx
- ja calibrate_one_4
- jmp SHORT calibrate_exit
- calibrate_io: io_delay test_delay
- inc bx
- jc calibrate_exit ; overflow - exit w/ 0
- timer0_sample
- cmp ax, cx
- ja calibrate_io
- calibrate_exit: popf
- mov ax, bx
- ret
- private calibrate_delay
- calibrate_delay:
- assume ds:CODE
- ; if user wanted no delays, skip all this stuff
- cmp delay_mult, 0
- jne calibrate_delay_1
- xor ax, ax ; normalize to zero
- jmp calibrate_store
- calibrate_delay_1:
- ; calibrate the overhead of the time sampling loop
- xor ax, ax
- call calibrate_one
- or ax, ax
- jz calibrate_dj ; can't time -- default it all
- mov null_spins, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET null_spins
- mov dx, OFFSET null_spin_name
- endif
- ; calibrate a unit (single spin) loop
- mov ax, 1
- call calibrate_one
- or ax, ax
- jz calibrate_dj ; can't time -- default it
- mov unit_spins, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET unit_spins
- mov dx, OFFSET unit_spin_name
- mov ax, unit_spins ; reload AX
- endif
- cmp null_spins, ax ; ensure null >= unit
- jb calibrate_dj ; bogonic -- default it
- ; now one with some teeth in it
- mov ax, 1+REF_DELAY
- call calibrate_one
- or ax, ax
- jz calibrate_dj ; can't time -- default it all
- mov ref_spins, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET ref_spins
- mov dx, OFFSET ref_spin_name
- mov ax, ref_spins ; reload AX
- endif
- cmp unit_spins, ax ; ensure unit > ref
- ja calibrate_dj_1
- calibrate_dj: jmp SHORT calibrate_def ; bogonic -- default it
- calibrate_dj_1:
- ; now do the math - compute the overhead of the timing code
- ; (in units of 100 nsec)
- mov cx, null_spins
- call compute_100nsecs
- jc calibrate_def
- mov null_bias, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET null_bias
- mov dx, OFFSET null_bias_name
- endif
- ; compute cost of the basic i/o delay macro (in units of
- ; 100 nsec)
- mov cx, unit_spins
- call compute_100nsecs
- jc calibrate_def
- sub ax, null_bias
- mov delay_delay, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET delay_delay
- mov dx, OFFSET delay_del_name
- endif
- ; compute cost of the reference spin in the i/o delay
- ; macro (this time, in units of 10 nsec)
- mov cx, ref_spins
- call compute_100nsecs
- jc calibrate_def
- sub ax, null_bias
- sub ax, delay_delay ; now delay for REF_COUNT spins
- mov cx, 10
- mul cx
- jnc calibrate_dj_2
- ; this machine is *sooo* slow, a minimum delay is fine
- mov ax, 1
- jmp SHORT calibrate_store
- calibrate_dj_2:
- mov cx, REF_DELAY
- div cx
- mov count_delay, ax
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET count_delay
- mov dx, OFFSET count_del_name
- endif
- ; now, see if basic i/o delay (w/o extra spins) is enough
- mov bx, 1 ; basic macro includes one spin
- mov ax, delay_delay
- sub ax, 22 ; >= 2.2 usec ?
- jae calibrate_dj_3
- neg ax ; correct sign of residual
- mov cx, 10 ; scale to 10 nsec units
- mul cx
- jc calibrate_def
- div count_delay
- inc ax
- add bx, ax ; back into spin count result
- calibrate_dj_3:
- mov ax, bx ; the calibrated basic result
- jmp SHORT calibrate_store
- calibrate_def: ; this processor is *sooo* fast that we can't calibrate it!?
- ; just use a conservative default (should be good to about a
- ; 400MHz 80486)
- mov ax, 120
- ; scale the delay by the user-request multiplier (if any)
- calibrate_store:
- mul delay_mult ; a tens multiple
- mov cx, 10 ; so reduce / 10
- div cx ; allowed to be zero
- mov io_delay_cnt, ax
- ; compute the .9 usec 'iowm_delay_cnt'
- mov cx, 9
- mul cx
- mov cx, 20
- div cx
- mov iowm_delay_cnt, ax
- ret
- private compute_100nsecs
- ; Given a value in CX (representing spin counter during a 1/36.04 timing
- ; run), compute the number of hundreds of nanoseconds per unit spin. Return
- ; result in AX, or set CY and return if algorithm won't scale.
- compute_100nsecs:
- assume ds:CODE
- mov ax, 9 ; compute spins * 9 (36.04/4)
- mul cx
- jc compute_100n_err ; won't fit -- return error
- mov cx, ax ; prepare for division
- mov dx, 26h ; put 2,500,000 into DX,AX
- mov ax, 25a0h
- div cx ; compute 10M / (spins*36.04)
- clc
- ret
- compute_100n_err:
- ret
- public ETOPEN
- ; Perform initial open of the device. Called only once: immediately prior to
- ; hooking the packet driver service interrupt and TSRing. Device interrupts
- ; are to be hooked (if this routine deems reasonable to do so). No registers
- ; are given on entry. On return:
- ; NC if OK
- ; DX offset of the end of the resident portion of the driver
- ; or
- ; CY if error
- assume ds:CODE
- ifdef DBGINT3
- int 03h ; Danger, Will Robinson!
- endif
- ; calibrate the i/o delays needed
- call calibrate_delay
- ifdef DEBUG
- mov di, OFFSET io_delay_cnt
- mov dx, OFFSET io_delay_name
- mov di, OFFSET iowm_delay_cnt
- mov dx, OFFSET iowm_delay_name
- endif
- ; test for access to the device; check for 16-bit i/o
- call try_io
- jnc ETOPEN_1
- jmp etopen_err
- ; try out the interrupt channel & leave hooked if successful
- call try_interrupt
- jnc ETOPEN_2
- jmp etopen_err
- ; get the PROM Ethernet address
- call RESET_INTERFACE ; reset the device (again!)
- loadport
- mov ax, command_r ; everything still off
- or ax, FIFO_WRITE
- setw_r COMSTAT_R
- xor ax, ax ; reset the DMA address to 0
- setw_r DMA_ADDR_R
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select the PROM
- or ax, PROM_SEL
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- mov ax, config2_r_copy ; blast the watchdog
- setw_r CONFIG2_R
- push ds
- pop es
- mov di,offset rom_address
- setport BUFWIN_R ; fix access within the loop
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN ; allocate some space for the address
- get_r BUFWIN_R ; next byte of PROM Ethernet address
- stosb
- loop ETOPEN_3
- ; set the PROM address as the default STATION 0 address
- call RESET_INTERFACE ; reset the device (yet again!)
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN ; size of Ethernet address
- mov si, offset rom_address
- ; load up Transmit End Area Pointer
- loadport
- mov ax, config1_r_copy
- or ax, TEA_SEL
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- mov al, TEA_INIT
- set_r BUFWIN_R
- ; set up a few other default goodies once only here:
- ; config 1 : STATION 0 address (Matchmode by 'rcv_mode_3')
- ; config 2 : defaults are OK
- or config1_r_copy, STATION_0_EN
- mov ax, config1_r_copy
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- ; we're go now -- wake up and smell the roses!
- and command_r, NOT SET_RX_OFF
- ; reload the CARD CONFIGURATION register
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select CARD CONFIGURATION register
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- mov al, cardconfig_r
- set_r BUFWIN_R ; writes CARD CONFIGURATION register
- ; turn on the receiver now, in (default) mode 3
- call rcv_mode_3
- clc ; OK
- ret
- etopen_err:
- stc ; error
- ret
- public PARSE_ARGS
- ; Parse the device-specific portion of the invokation command line (after
- ; the packet driver vector number). Entry with:
- ; DS:SI residual command line
- ; Can emit device-specific bitches as necessary (using DOS i/o) and exit
- ; without returning. If it returns:
- ; NC if OK
- ; or
- ; CY if usage error
- ; Returning w/ carry set will cause a usage error, then exit without further
- ; processing.
- assume ds:CODE
- mov di, OFFSET INT_NO
- mov di, OFFSET IO_ADDR
- mov di, OFFSET delay_mult
- clc ; OK
- ret
- ; Spew out all of the configuration parameters to the console device.
- ; Called within the main program, just prior to deciding to TSR. Should
- ; dump out each device-specific parameter, parsed by PARSE_ARGS (just to
- ; make the user warm-and-fuzzy I suppose...) Entry with:
- ; no special register contents
- ; Returns:
- ; nothing
- assume ds:CODE
- mov di, OFFSET INT_NO
- mov dx, OFFSET int_no_name
- mov di, OFFSET IO_ADDR
- mov dx, OFFSET io_addr_name
- mov di, OFFSET delay_mult
- mov dx, OFFSET delay_mult_name
- ret
- private try_interrupt
- ; try out the receiver interrupt (once at the outset); in the process,
- ; sets up the CARD CONFIGURATION register
- try_interrupt:
- assume ds:CODE
- loadport
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; program CARD CONFIGURATION register
- setw_r CONFIG1_R
- ; map interrupt number to card config enumeration value
- mov bx, WORD PTR INT_NO
- mov al, [bx + OFFSET int_map]
- or al, al
- jz try_int_badint_err
- ; check for 16-bit i/o usage; include in card config value
- cmp io_16, 0
- je try_interrupt_1
- or al, SET_16BITMODE_M
- try_interrupt_1:
- set_r BUFWIN_R ; writes CARD CONFIGURATION register
- mov cardconfig_r, al ; save soft-copy of this
- ; install the 'recv_isr' handler
- mov int_test, 1 ; flag that we're testing only
- ; cause a receiver interrupt
- loadport
- mov ax, command_r ; SET_RX_OFF in here now
- or ax, RX_INT_EN+SET_RX_ON
- setw_r COMSTAT_R ; Interrupt!
- ;# Compaq DOS leaves CPU ints disabled!
- sti
- mov ax, 1 ; wait one tick
- call set_timeout
- try_interrupt_2:
- call do_timeout
- jz try_int_timedout
- cmp int_tested, 0 ; did it happen?
- je try_interrupt_2
- ; the interrupt worked -- leave w/ the receiver off, the
- ; ISR hooked but masked
- mov ax, command_r ; SET_RX_OFF in here now
- setw_r COMSTAT_R ; shut up!
- mov al, INT_NO
- call MASKINT
- mov int_test, 0 ; from now on, it's the real thing
- clc ; OK
- ret
- try_int_timedout:
- ; timed-out (bummer dude!) -- turn receiver back off
- mov ax, command_r ; SET_RX_OFF in here now
- or ax, RX_INT_ACK ; just in case ...
- setw_r COMSTAT_R ; shut up!
- ; deregister handler and boogie
- ; This should be a standard call -- I've asked Russ ...
- mov al, INT_NO
- add al, 8
- cmp al, 8+8 ; is it a slave 8259 interrupt?
- jb try_int_timedout_1; no.
- add al, 70h - (8+8) ; map it to the real interrupt
- try_int_timedout_1:
- push ds
- assume ds:nothing
- lds dx, THEIR_ISR
- mov ah, 25h
- int 21h
- pop ds
- assume ds:CODE
- mov dx, OFFSET inttimedout_msg
- jmp SHORT try_int_err
- try_int_badint_err:
- mov dx, OFFSET badint_msg
- mov ah, 9 ; blab to the user
- int 21h
- cmp io_16, 0 ; tell him/her/it what's legit
- jne try_int_badint_err_1
- mov dx, OFFSET int8_msg
- jmp SHORT try_int_err
- try_int_badint_err_1:
- mov dx, OFFSET int16_msg
- try_int_err:
- stc ; error
- ret
- private try_io
- ; try out i/o to the device; in the process, determines if 16-bit i/o is OK
- ; NOTE: This code was transliterated from the C source for DAVID's NDIS driver.
- ; In the absence of any written documentation on the CARD CONFIGURATION
- ; register, the many magic numbers herein remain a mystery.
- try_io:
- assume ds:CODE
- mov command_r, SET_TX_OFF+SET_RX_OFF+SET_DMA_OFF
- loadport
- mov ax, config1_r_copy ; select CARD CONFIGURATION register
- set_r CONFIG1_R ; BYTE-size only here!
- ; first taunting of the device ...
- mov al, 05h ; C sez: "4 bit is LSBS value"
- set_r BUFWIN_R ; " ... and ... "
- get_r BUFWIN_R ; C sez: "comes back in the 4 MSBs"
- and al, 0F0h
- cmp al, 50h ; this has to compare
- jne try_io_err
- ; second taunting of the device ...
- mov al, 0Ah ; "Your mother was a hamster ..."
- set_r BUFWIN_R
- get_r BUFWIN_R ; "... and your father smelt of"
- and al, 0F0h ; "ELDERBERRIES!"
- cmp al, 0A0h
- jne try_io_err
- ; now for something completely different -- ask the CARD
- ; CONFIGURATION register if it's plugged into an 8- or
- ; 16-bit slot; mark it well
- get_r BUFWIN_R
- and al, 1 ; bit on means 8-bit slot
- xor al, 1 ; complement sense for 'io_16'
- mov io_16, al
- jz try_io_1
- ; set-up 16-bit versions of word i/o functions
- ; N.B. From this point forward, we MUST to 16 bit i/o
- ; on 16 bit objects if the card told us to!
- mov inw_fn, OFFSET inw_8005 ; input function
- mov outw_fn, OFFSET outw_8005 ; output function
- try_io_1:
- clc ; OK
- ret
- try_io_err:
- mov dx, OFFSET nodev_msg
- stc ; error
- ret ; "Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time-uh!"
- CODE ends
- end
- ; eof