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- version equ 1
- include defs.asm
- ; Packet driver for Cabletron DNI Exxxx series cards.
- ; Portions Copyright 1992-1993 Kai Getrost.
- ;
- ; Since I have no official programming info on the DNI cards, nor do I
- ; have a Microchannel version of the card, this driver doesn't work on
- ; an MCA bus (to my knowledge). There's code in here to do stuff when
- ; running on an MCA bus, but most of it is guesswork. To enable it,
- ; uncomment the MCA_STUFF define below, and move the 6 lines of code
- ; before "include 8390.asm" to the head of recv in 8390.asm.
- ; -KNG 930924
- ;
- ; Define for MCA code:
- ;MCA_STUFF equ 1
- ;For brain-dead assemblers:
- REP_INSB equ db 0f3h, 06ch
- REP_INSW equ db 0f3h, 06dh
- REP_OUTSB equ db 0f3h, 06eh
- REP_OUTSW equ db 0f3h, 06fh
- EN_OFF equ 0
- CT_DATAPORT equ 10h ; data transfer port
- SM_TSTART_PG equ 1
- SM_RSTART_PG equ 9
- SM_RSTOP_PG equ 20h ; 40h on MCA cards
- TEST_VAL equ 1234h
- include 8390.inc
- ;This used to be in 8390.asm:
- pause_ macro
- push ax
- in al, 61h ;use al, not ax!
- pop ax
- endm
- reset_8390 macro
- local foo
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD
- mov al, ENC_STOP
- pause_
- out dx, al
- mov cx, 80h
- foo:
- pause_
- loop foo
- endm
- terminate_board macro
- stc
- endm
- code segment word public
- assume cs:code, ds:code
- public int_no, io_addr
- int_no db 3, 0, 0, 0 ;IRQ #; must be dword for get_number
- io_addr dw 300h, 0 ;IO port to use
- public driver_class, driver_type, driver_name, driver_function, parameter_list
- driver_class db BLUEBOOK, IEEE8023, 0 ;from the packet spec
- driver_type db 51 ;from Cabletron's driver
- driver_name db "Cabletron DNI", 0 ;name of the driver.
- driver_function db 2 ;2 = basic/extended
- parameter_list label byte
- db 1 ;major rev of packet driver
- db 9 ;minor rev of packet driver
- db 14 ;length of parameter list
- db EADDR_LEN ;length of MAC-layer address
- dw GIANT ;MTU, including MAC headers
- dw MAX_MULTICAST * EADDR_LEN ;buffer size of multicast addrs
- dw 0 ;(# of back-to-back MTU rcvs) - 1
- dw 0 ;(# of successive xmits) - 1
- int_num dw 0 ;Interrupt # to hook for post-EOI
- ;processing, 0 == none
- is_16bit db 0 ;set to 1 if 16 bit card
- out_jmp dw out_88 ;block_output method
- in_jmp dw in_88 ;block_input method
- shmem_seg dw ? ;shared memory segment
- extrn sys_features: byte
- extrn is_186: byte
- public block_input
- ;enter with AX = board address, CX = count, ES:DI -> buffer to copy to
- ;buffer-wraparound added 920901 -kng
- block_input:
- assume ds:nothing ; force CS overrides for data refs
- ;First check for buffer wraparound:
- mov si, ax ;save start page
- add ax, cx ;compute end of this frame
- mov dh, cs:sm_rstop_ptr
- or dh, dh
- jz in_okcpy ;no mem, ok to copy (?)
- xor dl, dl
- cmp ax, dx ;is it beyond end of buffer?
- jbe in_okcpy ;jump if not
- ;Frame is wrapped around; do copy in 2 parts:
- push cx ;save total length
- mov cx, dx
- sub cx, si ;get length of first part
- push cx ;save it
- call get_block
- pop bx
- pop cx
- sub cx, bx ;get length of second part
- mov si, SM_RSTART_PG*256 + 0
- in_okcpy:
- call get_block
- ret
- ;Copy contiguous block of data. SI = page, CX = len, ES:DI = buffer
- ;From ne1000.asm, modified (shared mem added for MCA cards).
- get_block:
- cld ; set right direction
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jnz in_mem
- endif
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx, al
- mov ax, cx ;get the count to be output.
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_RCNTHI
- pause_
- mov al, ah
- out dx, al
- mov ax, si ; get our page back
- setport EN0_RSARLO
- pause_
- out dx, al ; set as hi address
- setport EN0_RSARHI
- pause_
- mov al, ah
- out dx, al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al, ENC_RREAD + ENC_START ; read and start
- out dx, al
- setport CT_DATAPORT
- pause_
- jmp [in_jmp] ; do the copy
- in_88: ; Default, use 8088 I/O
- in al, dx ; get a byte
- stosb ; save it
- loop in_88
- ret
- in_186: ; Use 80[123]86 I/O
- ret
- in_16bit: ; Use 16 bit I/O
- inc cx
- shr cx, 1 ; round up to nearest word count
- ret
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- in_mem: ; Copy from shared memory
- push ds
- mov ds, shmem_seg
- inc cx
- shr cx, 1
- rep movsw
- pop ds
- endif
- ret
- public block_output
- ;enter with AX = board address, CX = length, DS:SI -> buffer
- ;From ne1000.asm, modified for shared mem.
- block_output:
- assume ds:nothing
- cld
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jnz out_mem
- endif
- push ax ; save buffer address
- inc cx ; make even
- and cx, 0fffeh
- loadport
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx, al ; stop & clear the chip
- ;There's some funkiness to remote DMA writes under certain conditions,
- ;according to the National DP8390 Datasheet Addendum and comments in
- ;the hppclan driver. A description and solution to the problem, from
- ;Glenn Talbott's additions to hppclan.asm, are reproduced here. -KNG
- ;; To quote from the National DP8390 Datasheet Addendum, June 1990
- ;;
- ;; 11.0 Remote DMA Write
- ;;
- ;; Under certain conditions the NIC may issue /MWR and /PRD before
- ;; PRQ for the first DMA transfer. This causes an extraneous byte to be
- ;; written inot memory at the first Remote DMA Write location. [...]
- ;;
- ;; To prevent this condition, write a non-zero value into RBCR0 and
- ;; issued [sic] the Remote Read DMA command to the NIC (CR=0AH), but
- ;; do not give any Read Acknowledges (/RACK). (This causes PRQ to go high.)
- ;; Then write the desired byte count into RBCR0 and RBCR1 and give the
- ;; Remote Write DMA command (CR=12H). The Remote Write DMA will operate as
- ;; normal.
- ;;
- ;; My interpretation of the above is - gft - 910603
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- mov al,0ffh ; a non-zero value
- out dx,al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al,ENC_RREAD+ENC_START ; read and start
- out dx,al ; starts the read setting PRQ for the first
- ; DMA transfer, now reprogram everything
- ; and start a write instead.
- ;;
- ;; When the read is started, the remote byte count register is decremented
- ;; (in this case from 0ffh to 0feh). This takes a finite amount of time.
- ;; IF you are TOO QUICK in re-programming the remote byte count 0 register
- ;; to the correct value, the NEW VALUE GETS DECREMENTED INSTEAD! Then when
- ;; you reach the last byte of the buffer and you output it to the IO port,
- ;; the NIC has already reached a count of zero and WON'T HANDSHAKE THE LAST
- ;; BYTE!. Result, computer HUNG, powercycle to recover. Therefore a stall is
- ;; required here, I use at least 1.5uS
- ;; - gft - 910603
- ;;
- in al,61h ; read from NMI Status register for IO delay
- in al,61h ; ~ 0.5uS on Microchannel and ~ 1.0 on ISA
- in al,61h ; for a total of ~1.5uS or 3.0uS.
- ;Now the rest of block_output: -KNG 921208
- setport EN0_RCNTLO ; remote byte count 0
- pause_
- mov al, cl
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_RCNTHI
- pause_
- mov al, ch
- out dx, al
- pop ax ; get our page back
- setport EN0_RSARLO
- pause_
- out dx, al ; set as lo address
- setport EN0_RSARHI
- pause_
- mov al, ah
- out dx, al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- mov al, ENC_RWRITE + ENC_START ; write and start
- out dx, al
- setport CT_DATAPORT
- pause_
- jmp [out_jmp] ; do the copy
- out_88: ; Default: loop for 8088/8086
- lodsb
- out dx, al
- loop out_88
- jmp short block_out_1
- out_186: ; Use 80[123]86 I/O
- jmp short block_out_1
- out_16bit: ; Use 16 bit I/O
- inc cx
- shr cx, 1 ; convert to word count
- jmp short block_out_1
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- out_mem: ; Copy to shared mem
- push es
- mov es, shmem_seg
- inc cx
- shr cx, 1
- rep movsw
- pop es
- endif
- block_out_1:
- mov cx, 0
- setport EN0_ISR
- tx_check_rdc:
- in al, dx
- test al, ENISR_RDC ; dma done ?
- jnz tx_start ; jump if so
- loop tx_check_rdc ; otherwise loop
- stc
- ret
- tx_start:
- clc
- ret
- ; The following 6 lines seem to be needed at the start of the recv
- ; routine in 8390.asm, for PS/2s. -KNG 930924
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- xxxxxx Move to start of recv in 8390.asm: xxxxxx
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jz check_isr
- loadport
- setport 23h
- mov al, 4
- out dx, al
- endif
- include 8390.asm
- int_no_list db 3, 7, 9 ; IRQ list for MCA
- out_jmp_list dw out_88, out_186, out_16bit
- in_jmp_list dw in_88, in_186, in_16bit
- slot_no db 0 ; BIOS slot number
- tmp_pag db 0 ; used in do_test
- testbyte db 0 ; used in test_mem
- BUF_SIZ equ 100h
- buf db BUF_SIZ dup(?) ; used for diags in test_mem
- EOM equ CR, LF, '$'
- public usage_msg
- usage_msg db "Usage: ctrondni [options] <packet_int_no> <hardware_irq> <io_addr>", EOM
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for Cabletron DNI cards, version "
- db '0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,".",'0'+dp8390_version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1992-1993, Kai Getrost", EOM
- cant_find_msg db "** Can't find Ethernet controller **", EOM
- mem_failed_msg db "** Board memory test failed **", EOM
- mem_msg db "; mem size in kb is ", '$'
- bus_msg db "Bus is ", '$'
- bus_8_msg db "8 bit", '$'
- bus_16_msg db "16 bit", '$'
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- bus_MCA_msg db "microchannel", '$'
- else
- no_MCA_msg db "Microchannel bus unsupported", EOM
- endif
- int_no_msg db "Interrupt number ", '$'
- ioaddr_msg db "I/O address ", '$'
- extrn set_recv_isr: near
- extrn get_number: near
- extrn print_number: near
- extrn decout: near
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;Exit with cy if error, nc if OK. Reads IRQ, IO port numbers.
- mov di, offset int_no
- call get_number ;read IRQ number
- jc parse_err ;jump if error
- mov di, offset io_addr
- call get_number ;read I/O address
- jc parse_err
- clc ;no error
- ret
- parse_err:
- stc ;error
- ret
- public init_card
- init_card:
- ;Returns with nc if ok; cy if error. Determines bus/mem size, tests mem,
- ;reads Ethernet address, etc.
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jz init_1 ;jump if not MCA
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- call do_MCA_stuff
- jb init_err
- jmp init_2
- else
- ; Microchannel bus detected, but no MCA code:
- mov dx, offset no_MCA_msg
- stc
- jmp init_err
- endif
- init_1:
- call get_bus_size ;get bus size (if not MCA)
- init_2:
- init_3:
- ;Set block_input/output mode (8-bit loop, 8-bit 80186 I/O, 16-bit 80186)
- ;MCA is not checked since block_output/input checks it
- xor bx, bx
- cmp is_186, 0
- jz init_cont
- inc bx
- cmp is_16bit, 0
- jz init_cont
- inc bx
- init_cont:
- shl bx, 1 ;offsets are words
- mov ax, out_jmp_list[bx]
- mov out_jmp, ax
- mov ax, in_jmp_list[bx]
- mov in_jmp, ax
- call read_address ;get Ethernet address
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jnz init_5 ;jump if MCA; we know mem size
- endif
- call get_mem_size
- init_5:
- call test_mem ;test board memory
- jb init_err
- clc ;no error return
- ret
- init_err:
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h ;print error msg
- stc ;error return
- ret
- public print_parameters
- ;Prints command line parameters, bus/mem info.
- print_parameters:
- mov ah, 9
- mov dx, offset bus_msg
- int 21h
- ;print bus size:
- mov dx, offset bus_8_msg
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- test sys_features, SYS_MCA
- jz pr_not_MCA
- mov dx, offset bus_MCA_msg
- jmp pr_bus
- endif
- pr_not_MCA:
- cmp is_16bit, 0
- jz pr_bus
- mov dx, offset bus_16_msg
- pr_bus:
- mov ah, 9
- int 21h
- mov al, cs:sm_rstop_ptr ;
- add al, 3 ;
- shr al, 1 ; calculate memory size in Kb =
- shr al, 1 ; (sm_rstop_ptr + 3) / 4
- xor ah, ah ;
- mov word ptr buf, ax ;
- mov dx, offset mem_msg
- mov di, offset buf
- call print_number ;print mem size
- mov dx, offset int_no_msg
- mov di, offset int_no
- call print_number ;print int_no
- mov dx, offset ioaddr_msg
- mov di, offset io_addr
- call print_number ; and IO port
- ret
- read_address:
- ;Gets board address into rom_address. From ne1000.asm init_card,
- ;modified. Board data is 16 bytes starting at remote dma address 0.
- ;Put it in a buffer called board_data.
- assume ds:code
- mov cx, 10h ; get 16 bytes,
- push ds
- pop es ; set es to ds
- mov di, offset board_data
- mov si, 0 ; from address 0
- call get_block
- push ds ; Copy to current address:
- pop es
- mov si, offset board_data ; address is at start of board_data
- mov di, offset rom_address
- mov cx, EADDR_LEN ; one address length
- cld
- rep movsb
- ret ;Cabletron checks if address starts w/00:00:1D; we don't care
- ifdef MCA_STUFF
- do_MCA_stuff:
- ;Called only if microchannel card. Returns CY, DX = error msg if error.
- ;I don't really know what this does...
- cli
- mov dx, 100h
- mov al, slot_no
- or al, al
- jz dm_check
- dec al
- or al, 8
- out 96h, al ;select MCA channel ?
- inc dx
- pause_
- in al, dx
- mov ah, al
- dec dx
- pause_
- in al, dx
- cmp ah, 56h
- je dm_cont
- jmp dm_cantfind
- dm_check:
- mov cx, 8
- mov bl, 8
- dm_loop:
- mov al, bl
- out 96h, al
- inc dx
- pause_
- in al, dx
- mov ah, al
- dec dx
- pause_
- in al, dx
- cmp ah, 56h
- je dm_cont
- inc bl
- loop dm_loop
- dm_cantfind:
- xor al, al
- out 96h, al
- sti
- mov dx, offset cant_find_msg
- stc ;error
- ret
- dm_cont:
- mov sm_rstop_ptr, 0
- test al, 1
- jnz dm_1
- mov sm_rstop_ptr, 40h ;16K board mem
- dm_1:
- mov dx, 102h
- mov al, 81h
- out dx, al
- inc dx
- in al, dx
- mov bl, al
- inc dx
- in al, dx
- mov bh, al
- xor al, al
- out 96h, al
- sti
- mov endcfg, ENDCFG_FT10 + ENDCFG_BMS + ENDCFG_WTS ;word transfer
- mov ah, bl
- and ah, 0f0h
- mov cl, 2
- shr ah, cl
- or ax, 0c000h
- mov shmem_seg, ax
- mov ah, bl
- and ah, 0eh
- mov cl, 3
- shl ax, cl
- or ax, 300h
- mov io_addr, ax ;set IO address
- loadport
- setport EN0_IMR
- xor al, al
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_ISR
- pause_
- out dx, al
- mov bl, bh
- and bx, 3
- mov al, int_no_list[bx]
- mov int_no, al ;set IRQ
- ;PIC stuff was here
- setport 20h
- mov al, 12h
- out dx, al
- setport 23h
- mov al, 7ch
- out dx, al
- setport 22h
- mov al, 4
- out dx, al
- clc
- ret
- endif
- get_bus_size:
- ;Determines bus size. Not called on MCA cards; they use shared mem.
- ;If 16 bit bus, sets endcfg to ENDCFG_WTS (word transfer mode), is_16bit to 1
- loadport
- setport EN0_RSARLO
- mov ax, 100h
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_RSARHI
- pause_
- mov al, ah ;Cabletron bug: does AL -> DX, not AH
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_RCNTLO
- mov ax, 40h
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_RCNTHI
- mov al, ah
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx, al
- xor cx, cx
- setport EN0_CRDALO
- pause_
- in al, dx
- or al, al
- jnz gbs_1
- gbs_2:
- loadport
- setport CT_DATAPORT
- pause_
- out dx, ax ;should this be AL instead of AX?
- gbs_1:
- inc cx
- loadport
- setport EN0_CRDALO
- pause_
- in al, dx
- cmp al, 40h
- jne gbs_2
- setport EN_CCMD
- pause_
- out dx, al
- setport EN0_ISR
- mov al, 0ffh
- out dx, al
- cmp cx, 30h
- jb gbs_ret ; jump if 8-bit bus
- or endcfg, ENDCFG_WTS ; use word transfer
- mov is_16bit, 1
- gbs_ret:
- ret
- get_mem_size:
- ;Determines size of on-board memory.
- ;Call only if not MCA (do_MCA_stuff determines mem size on MCA).
- ;Write 0's to first word of all possible pages (1-255):
- mov tmp_pag, 1
- mov word ptr buf, 0
- gms_2:
- mov si, offset buf
- mov ah, tmp_pag
- xor al, al
- mov cx, 2
- call block_output
- inc tmp_pag
- jnz gms_2
- ;Write TEST_VAL to first word of page 1:
- mov si, offset buf
- mov [si], TEST_VAL
- mov ax, 100h
- mov cx, 2
- call block_output
- ;Starting at page 11h, look for TEST_VAL every 10h pages (4kb). Page found
- ;(rounded to 4kb) is on-board mem size:
- mov tmp_pag, 11h
- gms_3:
- mov ah, tmp_pag
- xor al, al
- mov si, ax
- mov di, offset buf
- mov cx, 2
- call get_block
- cmp word ptr buf, TEST_VAL
- je gms_1
- add tmp_pag, 10h
- jnb gms_3
- gms_1:
- mov al, tmp_pag
- and al, 0f0h ;trunc mem size to nearest 4Kb
- mov sm_rstop_ptr, al
- ret
- test_mem:
- ;Returns CY, DX = msg if failed.
- ;Tests board memory by writing and reading bit patterns.
- mov testbyte, 0ffh
- call do_test
- jb tm_err
- mov testbyte, 0
- call do_test
- jb tm_err
- clc
- ret
- tm_err:
- mov dx, offset mem_failed_msg
- stc
- ret
- do_test:
- ;Writes `testbyte' to board memory and reads it back.
- ;Returns CY if failure.
- mov tmp_pag, SM_TSTART_PG ;? probably
- dt_loop:
- mov al, testbyte
- mov di, offset buf
- mov cx, BUF_SIZ
- cld
- rep stosb ;set buf = testbyte
- mov si, offset buf
- mov ah, tmp_pag
- xor al, al
- mov cx, BUF_SIZ
- call block_output ;write pattern to page
- mov ah, tmp_pag
- xor al, al
- mov si, ax
- mov di, offset buf
- mov cx, BUF_SIZ
- call get_block ;read it back
- mov al, testbyte
- mov di, offset buf
- mov cx, BUF_SIZ
- cld
- rep scasb ;check mem we read
- jne dt_failed ;jump if != testbyte
- inc tmp_pag ;go to next page
- mov al, tmp_pag
- cmp al, sm_rstop_ptr ;have we done all pages?
- jne dt_loop ;jump if not
- clc ;no error
- ret
- dt_failed:
- stc ;error
- ret
- code ends
- end