home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;History:14,1
- DR_TYPE equ 99
- DR_NAME equ 'Allied Telesis 1700'
- include ecoupler.asm
- public usage_msg
- ; we don't support -d (delay init till first open)
- ; since several of the config parameters come from the device's EEPROM
- usage_msg db "usage: at1700 [options] <packet_int_no> [io_addr]",CR,LF,'$'
- public copyright_msg
- copyright_msg db "Packet driver for Allied-Telesis AT-1700, version ",'0'+(majver / 10),'0'+(majver mod 10),".",'0'+version,CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1993, RF Nets,Cupertino,CA",CR,LF
- db "Portions Copyright 1993, Crynwr Software",CR,LF,'$'
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Ethercoupler specific data items - not needed after driver goes resident
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- extrn flagbyte: byte
- no_dopt_msg db "Error: -d option invalid for AT1700",CR,LF,'$'
- no_ec_msg db "No AT1700 found",CR,LF,'$'
- public parse_args
- parse_args:
- ;
- ; Only argument needed is the packet interrupt number.
- ; tail.asm routines took care of that one. Just need to check that
- ; -d option wasn't specified.
- ;
- ; exit with nc if all went well, cy otherwise.
- ;
- assume ds:code
- test flagbyte,D_OPTION ;delayed init option(-d) present?
- Jz PA_01
- Mov DX,offset no_dopt_msg
- Mov AH,9 ;DOS FC print $ term string
- Int 21h ;DOS Funct Call
- Stc ;error!
- Ret
- PA_01: ;-d option not found...we're okay
- mov di,offset io_addr
- call get_number
- clc
- ret
- iobtbl dw 260h,280h,2A0h,240h,340h,320h,380h,300h,0
- get_board_parameters:
- ; find the ethercoupler adapter
- assume ds:code
- cmp io_addr,-1 ;Did they ask for auto-detect?
- je find_board
- mov di,io_addr
- call verifyboard
- cmp ax,0ffffh
- jne find_board_found
- mov dx,offset no_ec_msg
- stc
- ret
- find_board:
- mov si,offset iobtbl ;Search for the Ethernet address.
- mov io_addr+2,0
- find_board_0:
- lodsw
- mov io_addr,ax
- push si ;is it here?
- mov di,io_addr
- call verifyboard
- pop si
- cmp ax,0ffffh ;did we find it?
- jne find_board_found ;yes.
- cmp word ptr [si],0 ;are there any more to look at?
- jne find_board_0 ;yes.
- mov dx,offset no_ec_msg ;no, return error.
- stc
- ret
- find_board_found:
- mov bmpr13_val,al
- mov int_no,ah
- clc
- ret
- code ends
- CODESEG EQU <code>
- DATASEG EQU <code>
- include eep17.inc
- end
- ; $Log: ecoupler.s%v $
- ;Revision 1.3 1993/02/10 06:30:26 N6RCE
- ;banner additions
- ;
- ;Revision 1.2 1993/01/18 03:49:10 N6RCE
- ;new recv ISR logic.
- ;
- ;Revision 1.1 1993/01/17 20:29:38 N6RCE
- ;Initial revision
- ;