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- ; The EN registers - the DS8390 chip registers
- ; There are two (really 3) pages of registers in the chip. You select
- ; which page you want, then address them at offsets 00-0F from base.
- ; The chip command register (EN_CCMD) appears in both pages.
- ; EN_OFF is the offset from the board's base register to the EN registers.
- EN_CCMD equ 000h+EN_OFF ; Chip's command register
- ; Page 0
- EN0_CLDALO equ 001h+EN_OFF ; Low byte of current local dma addr RD
- EN0_STARTPG equ 001h+EN_OFF ; Starting page of ring bfr WR
- EN0_CLDAHI equ 002h+EN_OFF ; High byte of current local dma addr RD
- EN0_STOPPG equ 002h+EN_OFF ; Ending page +1 of ring bfr WR
- EN0_BOUNDARY equ 003h+EN_OFF ; Boundary page of ring bfr RD WR
- EN0_TSR equ 004h+EN_OFF ; Transmit status reg RD
- EN0_TPSR equ 004h+EN_OFF ; Transmit starting page WR
- EN0_NCR equ 005h+EN_OFF ; Number of collision reg RD
- EN0_TCNTLO equ 005h+EN_OFF ; Low byte of tx byte count WR
- EN0_FIFO equ 006h+EN_OFF ; FIFO RD
- EN0_TCNTHI equ 006h+EN_OFF ; High byte of tx byte count WR
- EN0_ISR equ 007h+EN_OFF ; Interrupt status reg RD WR
- EN0_CRDALO equ 008h+EN_OFF ; low byte of current remote dma address RD
- EN0_RSARLO equ 008h+EN_OFF ; Remote start address reg 0
- EN0_CRDAHI equ 009h+EN_OFF ; high byte of current remote dma address RD
- EN0_RSARHI equ 009h+EN_OFF ; Remote start address reg 1
- EN0_RCNTLO equ 00ah+EN_OFF ; Remote byte count reg WR
- EN0_RCNTHI equ 00bh+EN_OFF ; Remote byte count reg WR
- EN0_RSR equ 00ch+EN_OFF ; rx status reg RD
- EN0_RXCR equ 00ch+EN_OFF ; RX control reg WR
- EN0_TXCR equ 00dh+EN_OFF ; TX control reg WR
- EN0_COUNTER0 equ 00dh+EN_OFF ; Rcv alignment error counter RD
- EN0_DCFG equ 00eh+EN_OFF ; Data configuration reg WR
- EN0_COUNTER1 equ 00eh+EN_OFF ; Rcv CRC error counter RD
- EN0_IMR equ 00fh+EN_OFF ; Interrupt mask reg WR
- EN0_COUNTER2 equ 00fh+EN_OFF ; Rcv missed frame error counter RD
- ; Page 1
- EN1_PHYS equ 001h+EN_OFF ; This board's physical enet addr RD WR
- EN1_CURPAG equ 007h+EN_OFF ; Current memory page RD WR
- EN1_MULT equ 008h+EN_OFF ; Multicast filter mask array (8 bytes) RD WR
- ; Chip commands in EN_CCMD
- ENC_STOP equ 001h ; Stop the chip
- ENC_START equ 002h ; Start the chip
- ENC_TRANS equ 004h ; Transmit a frame
- ENC_RREAD equ 008h ; remote read
- ENC_RWRITE equ 010h ; remote write
- ENC_NODMA equ 020h ; No remote DMA used on this card
- ENC_PAGE0 equ 000h ; Select page 0 of chip registers
- ENC_PAGE1 equ 040h ; Select page 1 of chip registers
- ; Commands for EN0_RXCR - RX control reg
- ENRXCR_CRC equ 001h ; Save error pkts
- ENRXCR_RUNT equ 002h ; Accept runt pkt
- ENRXCR_BCST equ 004h ; Accept broadcasts
- ENRXCR_MULTI equ 008h ; Multicast (if pass filter)
- ENRXCR_PROMP equ 010h ; Promiscuous physical addresses
- ENRXCR_MON equ 020h ; Monitor mode (no packets rcvd)
- ; Bits in EN0_TXCR - transmit control reg
- ENTXCR_CRC equ 001h ; inhibit CRC, do not append crc
- ENTXCR_LOOP equ 002h ; Set loopback mode
- ENTXCR_LB01 equ 006h ; encoded loopback control
- ENTXCR_ATD equ 008h ; auto tx disable
- ENTXCR_OFST equ 010h ; collision offset enable
- ; Bits in EN0_DCFG - Data config register
- ENDCFG_WTS equ 001h ; word transfer mode selection
- ENDCFG_BOS equ 002h ; byte order selection
- ENDCFG_LAS equ 004h ; long addr selection
- ENDCFG_BMS equ 008h ; burst mode selection
- ENDCFG_ARM equ 010h ; autoinitialize remote
- ENDCFG_FT00 equ 000h ; burst length selection
- ENDCFG_FT01 equ 020h ; burst length selection
- ENDCFG_FT10 equ 040h ; burst length selection
- ENDCFG_FT11 equ 060h ; burst length selection
- ; Bits in EN0_ISR - Interrupt status register
- ENISR_RX equ 001h ; Receiver, no error
- ENISR_TX equ 002h ; Transmitter, no error
- ENISR_RX_ERR equ 004h ; Receiver, with error
- ENISR_TX_ERR equ 008h ; Transmitter, with error
- ENISR_OVER equ 010h ; Receiver overwrote the ring
- ENISR_COUNTERS equ 020h ; Counters need emptying
- ENISR_RDC equ 040h ; remote dma complete
- ENISR_RESET equ 080h ; Reset completed
- ENISR_ALL equ 03fh ; Interrupts we will enable
- ; Bits in received packet status byte and EN0_RSR
- ENRSR_RXOK equ 001h ; Received a good packet
- ENRSR_CRC equ 002h ; CRC error
- ENRSR_FAE equ 004h ; frame alignment error
- ENRSR_FO equ 008h ; FIFO overrun
- ENRSR_MPA equ 010h ; missed pkt
- ENRSR_PHY equ 020h ; physical/multicase address
- ENRSR_DIS equ 040h ; receiver disable. set in monitor mode
- ENRSR_DEF equ 080h ; deferring
- ; Bits in EN0_TSR - TX status reg
- ENTSR_PTX equ 001h ; Packet transmitted without error
- ENTSR_DFR equ 002h ; non deferred tx
- ENTSR_COLL equ 004h ; Collided at least once
- ENTSR_COLL16 equ 008h ; Collided 16 times and was dropped
- ENTSR_CRS equ 010h ; carrier sense lost
- ENTSR_FU equ 020h ; TX FIFO Underrun
- ENTSR_CDH equ 040h ; collision detect heartbeat
- ENTSR_OWC equ 080h ; out of window collision
- ; Description of header of each packet in receive area of memory
- EN_RBUF_STAT equ 0 ; Received frame status
- EN_RBUF_NXT_PG equ 1 ; Page after this frame
- EN_RBUF_SIZE_LO equ 2 ; Length of this frame
- EN_RBUF_SIZE_HI equ 3 ; Length of this frame
- EN_RBUF_NHDR equ 4 ; Length of above header area