Chip 1994 February
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Telemate is NOT FREE. You MUST REGISTER after the 30-day evaluation
Telemate is a Shareware product. It is distributed through public
access channels so that prospective buyers can have the opportunity to
evaluate the product before making a decision to buy. If you decide to
use this software, then you are under both legal and moral obligations
to register it with the author. It is fully protected by State,
Federal and International copyright laws.
If you continue to use Telemate after the 30-day evaluation period you
must register it.
Registration Fee : US$ 49 / CAD$ 55
To register your copy of Telemate, fill in the order form and mail it
along with your cheque or money order in US or CAD funds to the
address indicated in the form. Because of the high service charge to
collect cheques from overseas, we only accept overseas orders in the
form of international money order.
For MasterCard or Visa card order, please call the Public (Software)
Library (PSL) at 1-800-2424-775 or 1-713-524-6394 (order only please)
or by writing PSL; P.O. Box 35705; Houston, TX 77235-5705. For
technical support, please call our Support BBSs listed in the
CompuServe users can register Telemate with CompuServe's new shareware
registration service. GO SWREG and search for Telemate.
When you register, you will receive the program diskettes of the the
latest version and your registration number. Registration entitles you
continue using the current version and all future versions. The
registration number will remove any annoying functions in the
unregistered version of any Telemate releases.
As a registered user, you can write to us or call the support BBS's if
you have any questions or problems. We appreciate suggestions and
ideas. Most new Telemate features come from user feedback.
====== Telemate 4.12 ============================== Order Form ======
Please send cheque or money order payable to "White River Software"
in US or CAD. Overseas order in money order, please. (Note that the
current postage from US to Canada is $0.40.) For multi-user licenses,
please contact us.
White River Software
P.O.Box 73031
Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
Qty. Item US/CAD Amount
___ Telemate Registration @ $49/$55 $________
(with latest version and document on disk, and the
registration number that remove the ending screen)
___ GIFLink Registration @ $30/$35 $________
(Look! A X/Y/Zmodem/QuickB external protocol driver that
displays transmitting GIF images in SuperVGA 256 colors!)
___ GIFLITE Registration @ $30/$35 $________
(A GIF-to-GIF Compressor that reduces GIF size by 30%
and yet preserves the same quality and resolution!)
Less $10 discount if you order any two or
$20 discount if you order all three $(______)
Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ $4 $________
Subtotal $________
Ontario resident please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%) $________
Canadian resident please add Goods & Services Tax (7%) $________
Total US$________/CAD$________
Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Country _____________________ Phone (______)_____________________
Comments ____________________________________________________________
====== Telemate 4.12 ======================= Credit Card Order ======
For MasterCard or Visa card order, please call the Public (Software)
Library at 1-800-2424-775 or 1-713-524-6394 (order only please) and
ask for TELEMATE or by writing to
Public (Software) Library
P.O. Box 35705
Houston, TX 77235-5705
Qty. Item Amount
___ Telemate Registration in 5.25 disk @ US $49 $________
(with latest version and document on disk, and the
registration number that remove the ending screen)
___ Telemate Registration in 3.5 disk @ US $49 $________
(with latest version and document on disk, and the
registration number that remove the ending screen)
Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ US $4 $________
Total US$________
Name ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Country _____________________ Phone (______)_____________________
Card # _______________________________ Expiry date________________
Name of cardholder___________________________________________________
===== Telemate German Edition ============ Bestellformular =====
Bitte senden Sie Ihre Bestellung zusammen mit einem Scheck,
Bargeld oder unter Angabe Ihrer Kreditkarte (Visa, EUROCARD
oder MasterCard) an die unten stehende Adresse. Wenn Sie eine
Multi-User-Lizenz möchten, setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung.
MicroServe GmbH
Postfach 13 68
D-28860 Lilienthal (bis 30.6.93 gilt die alte Postleitzahl 2804)
Tel: 04298/30557
Fax: 04298/30558 M.I.X Support Mailbox: 04298/30086
Anzahl Artikel DM Betrag
___ Telemate deutsche Vollversion, DM 249,00 DM________
Komplettpaket mit ausführlichem Handbuch
___ GIFLink Registrierung DM 65,00 DM________
(Ein X/Y/Zmodem/QuickB externer Protokoll-
treiber, der während der Übertragung GIF-Bilder
in SuperVGA 256 Farben zeigt.)
Aktuelle Version und Anleitung auf Diskette.
___ GIFLITE Registrierung DM 65,00 DM________
(Ein GIF-zu-GIF Komprimierer, komprimiert bis zu
30% bei gleichbleibender Qualität und Auflösung!)
___ Telemate Registrierung, engl.Version DM 99,00 DM________
(with latest version and document on disk, and the
registration number that remove the ending screen)
DM 10,00 Rabatt, wenn Sie zwei Programme oder
DM 20,00 Rabatt, wenn Sie alle drei Programme
bestellen - DM(______)
Versandpauschale DM 5,00, außerhalb der EG DM 10,00 DM________
Für Versand per Nachnahme zzgl. DM 3,00, außerhalb
der EG zzgl. DM 6,00 DM________
Gesamtbetrag DM________
Diskettenformat: [ ] 5,25" [ ] 3,5" (Bitte wählen Sie eins)
Name ________________________________________________________
Adresse ________________________________________________________
Land _____________________ Telefon (______) _________________
Ich zahle per:
Nachnahme [ ] beiliegendem Scheck [ ] beiliegendem Bargeld [ ]
VISA Card [ ] EUROCARD/MasterCard [ ] Verfalldatum ___________
Karten-Nr.:_____________________ Karteninhaber __________________
Datum _______________ Unterschrift ______________________________