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- Recent Revision History
- -----------------------
- This file contains a list of changes to the current release and also to
- several recent releases. If you have used {COMMO} before, please make sure
- you are caught up on all the changes and improvements.
- See the file READ.ME for important announcements and {COMMO} product
- information.
- ----------- -------------
- {COMMO} 6.0 April 9, 1994
- ----------- -------------
- ATTENTION REGISTERED USERS: You must obtain a NEW PASSKEY to create your
- registered copy of {COMMO} 6.0. See sections 8 and 9 in READ.ME for
- instructions and special offers.
- IMPORTANT! Certain new features work only in the registered version of the
- program. These include:
- 1) Loading a new Dialing Directory within the program.
- 2) User-defined key labels.
- 3) Automatic entry to and exit from Doorway Mode.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- Setting the DOS time from Shell to DOS or EXECute would sometimes cause
- {COMMO}'s internal timers to become disabled (this would affect dialing count
- down, PAUSe, etc.).
- Using IRQ's higher than 7 didn't work.
- The NOOP function brought up the Setup File.
- Setup File Additions
- --------------------
- IMPORTANT! The following item is now REQUIRED if you use external protocols.
- See UPGRADE.DOC for additional information.
- "protodir" must be set to the path where your external protocol programs are
- located (they must all be in one directory). Example:
- *{set protodir,c:\commo} Path to find external protocols
- "sel_up" can be used to configure how files are selected for uploading. Set
- it to "yes" to go directly to the picklist.
- "dcn=" defines the method used to cancel dialing (when you press Esc or time
- out). The default is to send a carriage return, but you can have {COMMO} drop
- DTR or send a string that you specify.
- "mky=" lets you assign a key-label to virtually any key combination on the
- keyboard. See the revised Appendix H for details on user-defined key-labels.
- ** Registered version of {COMMO} only!
- The key used to enter and exit Doorway Mode is now fully configurable (default
- is Alt-=). You can redefine the key in COMMO.SET and you MUST have a macro to
- support it in COMMO.MAC.
- Enter the scan code in the new Setup File item:
- {dmk=8300} Scan code for Doorway Mode key (see COMMO.DOC)
- Then enter a macro in COMMO.MAC as follows:
- {:al=} {doorway} {}
- "slt=" lets you place the Status Line at the top or bottom of the Terminal
- Screen.
- "esf=" sets the amount of edit space for files that can be edited (see
- Appendix K for new support file information).
- "kes=" defines the colors used when editing the Setup File.
- See "Alt-G Edit Setup File" in COMMO.DOC for details on these items.
- Macro File Changes
- ------------------
- Execution of large macros will be much faster now (in most cases). {COMMO}
- will "remember" where the most recently used labels are located and will not
- have to search for them each time.
- You can now load a second Macro File (the "auxiliary") while the original file
- remains in memory (the "resident"). When an auxiliary is loaded, the two
- files behave as one Macro File.
- Note that the auxiliary is logically positioned AHEAD of the resident,
- allowing macros in the resident to be overridden if necessary. You can
- CALL and GOTO between files (but you can not execute sequentially off the
- end of the auxiliary).
- The auxiliary is loaded (or replaced) using a CALL or GOTO, which can now
- specify an auxiliary Macro File. Thus you can CALL a subroutine in a
- different file and simply RETUrn to the macro in the original file. Or you
- can GOTO a macro in another file when you don't want to return. A new
- function, UNLOad, has been provided to release the auxiliary Macro File
- from memory.
- The MACLoad function has been eliminated. Please update your macros to use
- A new macro function FONFile may be used to load a new Dialing Directory. For
- example: {fonf other.fon}. ** Registered version of {COMMO} only!
- The protocol macros have been generalized and placed in a special section of
- COMMO.MAC so that they can be CALLed from other macros, including the MOSTHOST
- and mailrun macros.
- Special labels are used that indicate the protocol type and direction. For
- example, the macro for Zmodem send has the label "z_send", while the macro
- for HSLink receive is "h_recv". The macros used by the protocol menus CALL
- these (the menu macros still have the same labels as before).
- Special variables must be set for the directory (upload or download), for
- the filespec (upload) and for the alarm. These are "pr_up", "pr_down",
- "pr_file" and "pr_alarm" respectively. See the macros themselves for which
- variables need to be set.
- You must also have "protodir" defined in your Setup File. This removes any
- ambiguity as to where the external protocols are located and allows them to
- be EXECuted with the "D" switch, which improves performance.
- The MOSTHOST has been updated to use the new protocol macros. SELECT.MAC is
- now contained in COMMO.MAC and also uses the new protocol macros.
- Macros have been added to the protocol section for MSKERMIT 3.0 or later.
- This is the Columbia University Kermit terminal program. {COMMO} will use it
- as an external protocol. You need only obtain this program from your favorite
- BBS and place the executable (KERMIT.EXE) in your protocol directory.
- A new function SFICtrl controls the Speech Friendly Interface (for users with
- speech sythesizer equipment). SFI can now be turned on or off
- during program operation. See MACRO.DOC for details.
- Three predefined key-labels have been added: Alt-Return (not keypad) [art],
- Alt-Keypad(-) [ak-], Alt-Keypad(+) [ak+].
- A new built-in variable "_aux" has the name of the current auxiliary Macro
- File. "_mac" has the name of the resident file.
- A new built-in variable "_ent" represents the code(s) sent when the Enter key
- is pressed. Usually it's just "^m", but if New Line Mode is set in ANSI or
- VT102 emulation it will be "^m^j". This variable is primarily for use in the
- VT102/VT220 keyboard files.
- Other Improvements/Changes
- --------------------------
- A new command line switch "/b" will turn on the Speech Friendly Interface for
- the current session.
- The feature to execute a macro when carrier detect is lost now operates at all
- times (except in the Swap to Disk). If a macro is running, it will be
- terminated, then the carrier lost macro will run. If a window is open, the
- macro will run when the window is exited.
- The macro field in the Dialing Directory can now specify both a label and a
- Macro File to load when a connection is made. See "Alt-D Dialing Directory"
- in COMMO.DOC for details.
- Press "L" in the Dialing Directory window to load a new directory file.
- ** Registered version of {COMMO} only!
- Press "L" in either the resident or auxiliary Macro File windows to load a new
- auxiliary. Press "T" or Alt-M in either window to toggle between the two
- files.
- {COMMO} will now switch to and restore the 80x50 (VGA) and 80x43 (EGA) display
- modes. Use the "avm" setup item and the VIDEo macro function to define and
- switch modes.
- Each file window (Dialing Directory, Macro File, etc.) will now maintain its
- own horizontal position and cursor position (in the editor) between openings.
- The Setup File now has its own edit window (and colors, add the "kes" item)
- and will also save its positions.
- The sizes of the Dialing Directory, resident Macro File and auxiliary Macro
- File may now be up to 64k in size each.
- {COMMO} will now automatically switch to Doorway Mode when the Doorway program
- (version 2.22 or later) is run on the host system. It will switch back when
- Doorway exits. ** Registered version of {COMMO} only!
- The Usage Log will now show the phone number field with variables expanded,
- instead of showing the variable names (override prefix and suffix will be
- included, if present).
- A keyboard file, VT220.MAC, has been provided for VT220 emulation. Note that
- {COMMO} does NOT support the enhanced display functions of the VT220 terminal.
- Therefore the results may not be satisfactory in all cases. The keyboard file
- for VT102 emulation, VT102.MAC, has been improved. See Appendix E for more
- information and a new way to use these files.
- Emulation parameters (colors, modes, etc.) are now reset when a connection is
- made after dialing. This ensures a clean initial display.
- The Alt-P (Terminal Parameters) window now comes up with the Dialing Defaults
- displayed first (instead of the Current Settings). You still press F2 to
- toggle between the two sets.
- The string search function in the file windows has been enhanced. The "find"
- line is now partway down the screen (instead of always at the top). And the
- blinking cursor is used to show the found string, even in Scrollback, Online
- Help, etc.
- The file windows now have only one "help" line at the bottom of the screen.
- Just press [F1] to see all of the keys available in the window. You may now
- set a third color combination for all file windows: highlight colors, used for
- bottom line inputs and messages as well as the Selector Bar.
- The Spacebar can now be used to scroll down in the Help, Scrollback and
- Variable Space windows (same as down arrow).
- ------------ ----------------
- {COMMO} 5.52 October 14, 1993
- ------------ ----------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- Time slice management in multi-tasking environments has been adjusted once
- again. Performance in other windows should now be improved (with little, if
- any, sacrifice to performance in the {COMMO} window).
- If the INPUt macro function was used without a second argument (the prompt),
- {COMMO} would behave unpredictably (sometimes crashing the system).
- The cursor in the INPUt window would be in the wrong place when returning from
- the SETEsc prompt.
- The "gfnu" and "gfnu_x" macros have been updated once again. These now do
- additional checking for the case when there are no files to upload.
- Some timing adjustments have been made to the internal Xmodem and Ymodem
- protocols.
- Improvements/Changes
- --------------------
- There is an "auto" option for Hardware Flow Control (now the default).
- Observe the following changes:
- If you set {hfc=auto} in your Setup File, {COMMO} will automatically
- enable or disable Hardware Flow Control based on the state of the CTS
- signal.
- A new Status Line indicator (≈) in the Modem Lights shows that HFC is on.
- IMPORTANT! The HFLOw and SFLOw macro functions have been eliminated.
- Please check your macros!
- The Enter key is now a valid selection in the MENU system. A separate
- variable, "_menter", is used to supply a label to GOTO when Enter is pressed.
- The "_msn" built-in variable is set to 0 when Enter is pressed.
- Trailing spaces (as well as leading ones) will now be trimmed from the "_nam"
- built-in variable. The variable is still limited to 40 characters in length.
- The PAUSe function can now be set for clock ticks (18 per second) as well as
- seconds, using the "T" switch: {pause-t 9} will pause for one half second.
- The "D0" switch is no longer necessary on Xmodem and Ymodem internal protocol
- transfers. This switch was needed when there was no carrier detect signal in
- a null modem cable. Now {COMMO} will ignore carrier detect if it is off when
- the transfer is started.
- The default size of String Variable Space has been increased to 3072.
- Macro processing has been speeded up by about 15%.
- ------------ --------------
- {COMMO} 5.51 August 7, 1993
- ------------ --------------
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- HS/Link downloads didn't work if there were no files to upload. COMMO.MAC and
- SELECT.MAC have been revised to correct this (and to work better in other
- ways). If you customized COMMO.MAC, make sure you cut and paste the protocol
- macros into your Macro File.
- Time slice management in multi-tasking environments was causing some macros to
- run slow. Performance should now be improved.
- ----------- -------------
- {COMMO} 5.5 July 24, 1993
- ----------- -------------
- The documentation files (COMMO.DOC and MACRO.DOC) have a new format.
- Bugs fixed
- ----------
- If carrier detect dropped during a Ymodem-G transmit, the transfer was not
- cancelled promptly.
- Zero byte files could not be received in Xmodem or Ymodem.
- ASCII Uploads and SENDs will now be faster in DESQview (and other mult-tasking
- environments) when a program is running in another window.
- The macros for OZBEXT had the wrong program name.
- New Macro Functions
- -------------------
- See MACRO.DOC for details on new macro functions:
- FILE is used to get information about disk directory entries. This
- information can be used to display directory information, pick lists for
- uploading, etc. The macros for uploading (internal and external protocols)
- now use the macro file SELECT.MAC which makes use of this feature.
- The WINDow function will prevent the Terminal Screen from being restored after
- a window (file or pop-up) is exited. It is used primarily to smooth
- transitions between windows.
- INFOrm provides several ways of displaying a message from a macro to the local
- user via a pop-up box:
- 1) You can wait for the user to "Press Esc."
- 2) You can query the user for a yes/no response and test the result with
- IFCOndition.
- 3) You can display the message for a fixed length of time, then continue.
- New Built-in Variables
- ----------------------
- "_nam" and "_num" contain the System Name and Phone Number fields (from the
- Dialing Directory). These are set whenever a number is dialed.
- "_dsk" has the current disk (e.g., C:)
- "_dir" has the current directory (e.g., \COMMO).
- "_ffn", "ffs", "ffd" and "fft" have directory information after executing the
- FILE function.
- "_msn" has the number of the selection after a MENU function is
- executed. F1=1, Z=26, etc.
- Other New Features
- ------------------
- There is a new command line switch to override the "ddp=" parameters in the
- Setup File. Just place a parms string after a "/". Missing parameters will
- default to the values in "ddp=". For example:
- /{19200,7e1,4,V,10}
- A new function switch "C" may be used on all "IF" functions. This will tell
- {COMMO} to CALL the label instead of doing a GOTO. Control will return to the
- function following the IF when RETUrn is executed.
- Improvements
- ------------
- It is now easier to control the Color Mode of the video display using the new
- Setup File item:
- {clm=auto} Color Mode (auto/color/mono)
- This is especially handy for users of laptops with LCD displays. Note that
- the item {ema=...} is no longer supported. See COMMO.DOC for details.
- The MACLoad function will no longer reset the Macro Stack. This means that a
- new Macro File can now be "called" (by setting a variable to the return
- label) and the current nesting sequence will be preserved. See the TIPS
- section under MACLoad in COMMO.MAC for additional information.
- The default size of String Variable Space has been changed from 1536 bytes to
- 2048 bytes.
- The Usage Log and the built-in variable "_ela" will now show minutes and
- seconds for the elapsed time (instead of just minutes).
- The arithmetic functions can now handle much larger numbers (4,294,967,295).
- The multiplier in the MULTiply function and the divisor in the DIVIde function
- (the second arguments) are still limited to 65535.
- You can now have up to 16 Auto Receive Strings active at any one time (instead
- of 8).
- A switch "N" has been added to the CAPTure function. This switch means
- "nowait" if the disk fills up while capturing (the "disk full" message will
- display for up to 3 seconds instead of waiting for Esc to be pressed).
- The Screen Image Save feature will no longer compress blank lines, allowing
- for accurate extraction of data from the screen dump (SCREEN Capture,
- Scrollback and Print Log will still compress blank lines).
- The Ctrl-Right-Arrow and Ctrl-Left-Arrow keys (next/previous field) in the
- Internal Editor will now align the cursor with the center of the screen
- (instead of near the left edge).
- The Tab key in the Internal Editor will now insert spaces as it moves to the
- next tab stop if insert mode is on.
- -end-