ocr: TM GIFLInk 1.00 Copyright (c) 1993 thite River Sottware GIF Porta Bauds COMZ 38400 Keep Conection: partial: On Modem 1643 CPS Link Flow: On Delete receiveds Off 857 Fifos On kesume aborteds Un SCHIFEULSIF Protocol Zmodem Keceiving Statuse File SCHIFFU1.61F 72697 Received: 62464 To order the amazing GIFLink, Time pleasesend USS30/CADS35 Estimateds 00 :00:44 to Kemaining: White River Software 00: EUUEUB P.O.Box 73031 Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet Dimmension Ont. L9A5H7 Width: 640 Hamilton, Height: 480 Canada Color: 256