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- ====== GIFLink 1.12 =========================== Order Form ======
- Please send cheque or money order made payable to "White River
- Software", overseas order in money order, please. (Note that the
- current postage from US to Canada is $0.40.) For multi-user
- license, please contact us.
- White River Software
- P.O.Box 73031
- Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
- Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
- Canada
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Qty. Item US/CAD Amount
- ___ GIFLink Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (with latest version and document on disk, and the
- registration number to remove any annoying functions)
- ___ Telemate Registration @ $49/$55 $________
- (Full feature integrated communication program,
- simply the best in the market)
- ___ GIFLITE Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (A GIF-to-GIF Compressor that reduces GIF size by 30%
- and yet preserves the same quality and resolution!)
- Less $10 discount if you order any two or
- $20 discount if you order all three $(______)
- Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ $4 $________
- Subtotal $________
- Ontario resident please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%) $________
- Canadian resident please add Goods & Services Tax (7%) $________
- Total US$________/CAD$________
- Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
- Name ________________________________________________________
- Address ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Country _____________________ Phone (______) _________________
- Where did you first hear about GIFLink ?_________________________
- Comments ________________________________________________________
- =================================================================
- ====== GIFLink 1.12 ======================== Special Offer ======
- We offer a special discount if you are a TELEMATE REGISTERED USER.
- So order GIFLink and GIFLITE now because this offer will not last
- long.
- Please send cheque or money order made payable to "White River
- Software", overseas order in money order, please. (Note that the
- current postage from US to Canada is $0.40.)
- White River Software
- P.O.Box 73031
- Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
- Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
- Canada
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Qty. Item US/CAD Amount
- ___ GIFLink Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (with registered version and document on disk)
- ___ GIFLITE Registration @ $30/$35 $________
- (A GIF-to-GIF Compressor that reduces GIF size by 30%
- and yet preserves the same quality and resolution!)
- Less $5 discount if you order any one
- $15 discount if you order both $(______)
- Shipping and handling outside US and Canada @ $4 $________
- Subtotal $________
- Ontario resident please add Prov. Sales Tax (8%) $________
- Canadian resident please add Goods & Services Tax (7%) $________
- Total US$________/CAD$________
- Disk size: [ ] 5.25 [ ] 3.5 (Please check one)
- Telemate Registration Number ____________________________________
- Name ________________________________________________________
- Address ________________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Country _____________________ Phone (______) _________________
- Comments ________________________________________________________
- =================================================================
- GIFLink (tm) 1.12
- ________________________________
- User Manual
- (c) Copyright 1993
- White River Software
- All Rights Reserved.
- 23 June 1993
- P.O.Box 73031
- Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
- Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
- Canada
- What is GIFLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
- Evaluation Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
- License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Multi-user License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
- Command Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
- rz Zmodem receive (batch protocol)
- rb Batch Ymodem receive (batch protocol)
- rb -g Ymodem-G receive (batch protocol)
- rg Ymodem-G receive (same as rb -g)
- ry Ymodem receive
- ro Xmodem-1K receive
- rx Xmodem receive
- sz Zmodem send (batch protocol)
- sb Batch Ymodem send (batch protocol)
- sb -g Ymodem-G send (batch protocol)
- sg Ymodem-G send (same as sb -g)
- sy Ymodem send
- so Xmodem-1K send
- sx Xmodem send
- qb CompuServe Quick B send and receive
- view View GIF images
- Running GIFLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
- [Esc] Abort transfer
- [K] Keep partial
- [D] Delete received
- [R] Resume aborted
- [S] Skip file
- -b Define the baud rate you want to use . . . . . . 7
- -c Define the connection you want to use . . . . . 7
- -d Delete received files . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
- -e Define the effective baud rate . . . . . . . . . 8
- -f Specify a file transfer directory . . . . . . . 8
- -fifo Disable 16550 FIFO buffer . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- -hs Enable slow handshake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
- -k Do not keep partially received files . . . . . . 9
- -l Specify a DSZ-type log file . . . . . . . . . . 9
- -m Use monochrome 64 grey scale display mode . . . 9
- -p Define the COM port you are using . . . . . . 10
- -p Define the COM base address and IRQ . . . . . 10
- -r Enable Zmodem crash recovery . . . . . . . . . 11
- -rg Enable Zmodem crash recovery and GIF recovery 11
- -tm Enable direct Telemate support . . . . . . . . 11
- -v Specify the display mode . . . . . . . . . . . 12
- -w Wait a number of seconds between files . . . . 12
- SET GIFLINK=<Options> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- SET TMCFG=<TM.CFG> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
- SET DSZPORT=<Port> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- SET DSZPORT=<Base,IRQ> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- SET DSZLOG=<DSZ.LOG> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
- SET DIRRX=<Download Directory> . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
- Installing GIFLink in Telemate . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
- Customizing your GIFLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- Auto Download Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
- What is Telemate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
- What's Special in Telemate?
- What is GIFLink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- What is GIFLITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
- __________________________________________________________________
- High resolution VGA's and full color scanners have led to the
- availability of a mass volume of high quality digitized
- images. Most of the images found on Bulletin Board Systems
- (BBS's) are stored in the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF).
- Do you spend a lot of time in transferring those GIF images?
- Would you like to preview the images while you are downloading
- them? Or maybe abort the transfer (or skip the images) as soon
- as you realize you do not like the GIF images? (Think about
- all the download credit you can save!)
- GIFLink is an easy to use external protocol driver that allows
- you to view the transmitting GIF images in stunning SuperVGA
- graphics. And it is the first protocol driver that uses full
- screen computer graphics in SuperVGA mode.
- GIFLink supports most of the popular file transfer protocols
- such as Zmodem, Batch Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem and CompuServe
- QuickB. If the files being transmitted are not GIF images,
- GIFLink will work just like a normal protocol drivers. This
- allows GIFLink to transmitted any files, not just GIF images.
- GIFLink also has a special VIEW mode so that you can look at
- the received GIF images in a slideshow format or preview the
- images you are going to sent.
- Using GIFLink is much like using the other protocol drivers.
- If you have used any external protocol driver, you will find
- yourself already familiar with the command structure and
- options. And it is easy to install as an external protocol for
- most communication softwares.
- If you have any questions, you can write to us, or leave e-
- mail to "Winfred Hu" in the following BBSs' TELEMATE
- conference or in CompuServe to [72070,3515]. We appreciate
- suggestions and ideas.
- PC Connect: Toronto, Canada (416)733-9052 2400
- Land of the Gypsy's: Oregon, USA (503)297-0626 14400V.32
- User To User #1: Dallas, USA (214)492-6565 USR-HST/ds
- User To User #2: Dallas, USA (214)492-5695 HAYES V.42
- __________________________________________________________________
- GIFLink is NOT FREE. You MUST REGISTER after the 15-day
- evaluation time period.
- Registration Fee : $ 30.0 US
- or $ 35.0 CAD
- GIFLink is a Shareware product. It is distributed through
- public access channels so that you can have the opportunity to
- evaluate the product before making a decision to buy. If you
- decide to use this software, then you are under both legal and
- moral obligation to register it with the author. It is fully
- protected by State, Federal and International copyright laws.
- To register your copy of GIFLink, fill in the order form and
- mail along with a cheque or money order of US$30 / CAD$35
- payable to "White River Software" to
- White River Software
- P.O.Box 73031
- Limeridge Mall Postal Outlet
- Hamilton, Ont. L9A 5H7
- Canada
- CompuServe users can register GIFLink through the new
- Shareware registration service. GO SWREG and search for
- GIFLink.
- When you register, you will receive the program diskette of
- the latest version and your registration number. Registration
- entitles you to continue using the current version and all
- future versions. The registration number will remove any
- limitation and annoying functions in the unregistered version
- of the current and the FUTURE releases.
- The evaluation version or the unregistered version distributed
- through the Shareware channel has the following limitation and
- annoying functions:
- 1. Only the first 2 images are shown in SuperVGA full color.
- The rest are shown in 64 grey-scale level.
- 2. An ending screen and a flashing 'PLEASE REGISTER' label
- appears reminding you that it is a evaluation copy.
- 3. A random time delay is added at the end of the program.
- All limitation and annoying functions are removed in the
- registered version.
- You are free to copy and distribute GIFLink for NON-COMMERCIAL
- use IF:
- Computer user groups or clubs may make copies of GIFLink for
- distribution to members for a fee that covers copying and
- other administrative costs. Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) that
- operate through subscription fees may post GIFLink for
- download by its subscribers.
- Shareware vendors distribute GIFLink, which includes the
- program and the document, for a fee under US$8 which covers
- copying and other administrative costs. Otherwise, the
- distributors have to obtain a written permission from the
- CD-ROM producers have to obtain a written permission from the
- author.
- We offers multi-user licenses to schools, companies and other
- associations. Orders for less than 10 users include the same
- amount of GIFLink programs on disk. For orders of more than 10
- users, a master copy of GIFLink is provided and the licensee
- is responsible for copying the disks. The prices are as
- follows:
- Number of Users: Price (US) Discount
- 1 - 10 @ $ 30 (no discount)
- 11 - 20 @ $ 27 10 %
- 21 - 50 @ $ 24 20 %
- 51 - 100 @ $ 21 30 %
- 100+ $ 3000 (one time fee)
- This program is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed
- or implied, including but not limited to fitness for a
- particular use.
- GIFLink, GIFLITE and Telemate are trademarks of White River
- Software. Graphics Interchange Format and GIF are trademarks
- of CompuServe Inc. Many specific products found in this manual
- are trademarks of specific companies.
- __________________________________________________________________
- GIFLink requires an IBM PC/AT/fully compatible computer, DOS
- 3.0 or higher, VGA or SuperVGA display card, a modem and a
- minimum of 240K bytes of memory.
- GIFLink supports most major SuperVGA adapters, including
- Ahead, ATI, Chips & Tech, Everex, Genoa, Paradise, Oak,
- Trident (both 8800 and 8900, 9000), Tseng (both 3000 and 4000
- chipsets), Video7 and video cards with VESA capability.
- Note: If your communication program have the ability to swap
- itself out when running an external program, you should enable
- the feature so that GIFLink can have enough memory to run.
- All the commands used can be entered on the command line at
- the DOS prompt. These options tell GIFLink to carry out
- certain commands when the program is loaded.
- The GIFLink command line structure is:
- GIFLINK [Options] Command [Files] [@ListFile]
- Parameters lists in [] are optional. If no option and command
- is specified, GIFLink will display a help screen listing the
- basic options, commands and examples.
- [Options] are the GIFLink options that you can specify. The
- following is a summary of all options available.
- -b Define the baud rate you want to use
- -c Define the connection you want to use
- -d Delete received files
- -e Define the effective baud rate
- -f Specify a file transfer directory
- -fifo Disable 16550 FIFO buffer
- -hs Enable slow handshake
- -k Do not keep partially received files
- -l Specify a DSZ-type log file
- -m Use monochrome 64 grey scale display mode
- -p Define the COM port you are using
- -r Enable Zmodem crash recovery
- -rg Enable Zmodem crash recovery and GIF recovery
- -tm Enable direct Telemate support
- -v Specify the display mode
- -w Wait a number of seconds between files
- <Command> tells GIFLink to receive or send files using one of
- the many file transfer protocols, or view GIF images. It is
- not optional and must be present in the GIFLink command line.
- The following is a summary of the commands:
- rz Zmodem receive (batch protocol)
- rb Batch Ymodem receive (batch protocol)
- rb -g Ymodem-G receive (batch protocol)
- rg Ymodem-G receive (same as rb -g)
- ry Ymodem receive
- ro Xmodem-1K receive
- rx Xmodem receive
- sz Zmodem send (batch protocol)
- sb Batch Ymodem send (batch protocol)
- sb -g Ymodem-G send (batch protocol)
- sg Ymodem-G send (same as sb -g)
- sy Ymodem send
- so Xmodem-1K send
- sx Xmodem send
- qb CompuServe QuickB send and receive
- view View GIF images
- [Files] is one of more file names to be transferred. It can
- contains wildcard character '*' and '?' in a batch protocol.
- [@ListFile] is a file containing a list of the files to be
- sent. It can only be used when you are sending or viewing the
- files. You should used this list file when the files cannot be
- expressed as a wildcard easily. The names in the list file are
- separated by a space or a carriage return and the names can
- contain wildcard characters.
- Starting GIFLink is easy, just type
- GIFLINK -p2 rz
- in the DOS command line. It tells GIFLink to use COM2 at the
- current speed and receive files using Zmodem. More advanced
- options will be described in the next section, the CALLING
- When GIFLink is running, it shows the transmitting GIF images
- in the optimal size so that the full image always fits in the
- screen. And it also displays a number of useful information
- such as COM port, baud rate, file name, estimated transfer
- time, image resolutions and so on.
- Now let's look at what you can do inside GIFLink.
- [Esc] Abort transfer
- To abort the transfer, press the [Esc] key. GIFLink will abort
- the transfer and exit. If you are calling GIFLink from a
- communication program, it will return to the communication
- program. You may need to press [Ctrl X] several times to abort
- the transfer.
- [K] Keep partial
- Pressing the [K] key will toggle the 'Keep partial' option. It
- is equivalent to the -k command line option. When this option
- is on, GIFLink will keep the aborted or skipped files.
- Otherwise, the partially received files will be deleted.
- [D] Delete received
- Pressing the [D] key will toggle the 'Delete received' option.
- It is equivalent to the -d command line option. When this
- option is on, the current file will be deleted after it is
- received! It is very useful when you have limited disk space
- or do not wish to keep the GIF images being transmitted.
- This option does not delete all the received files. It only
- deletes the current file after it is received. On the other
- word, you can choose which files you want to keep and which
- ones you want to delete during the transmission.
- [R] Resume aborted
- Pressing the [R] key will toggle the 'Resume aborted' option
- (Zmodem crash recovery and GIF recovery). This option is
- equivalent to the -rg command line option and it is available
- for Zmodem receive command only.
- [S] Skip file
- Zmodem has a special mechanism to skip a file without aborting
- a batch transfer. Pressing the [S] key will skip the current
- file and start to receive the next file. This option is
- available for Zmodem receive command only.
- __________________________________________________________________
- All command options must be preceded by a '-' or '/'
- character. Of the many options, the -p<Port> option is the
- most important one and should be included in the command line.
- All the options are described below.
- -b<Baud> Define the baud rate you want to use.
- This option allows you to define the baud rate you want to
- use. The valid <Baud> values are
- 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200
- For example, -b2400 tells GIFLink to use 2400 baud.
- If you are using a high speed modem which has a 14400 bps or
- higher throughput, you should use the 19200 or 38400 baud rate
- in GIFLink and lock the modem at that transfer rate. Please
- refer to the modem manual for locking the transfer rate.
- Normally, there is no need to specify this option because
- GIFLink will detect which baud rate the COM port is currently
- using.
- -c<Connection> Define the connection you want to use.
- GIFLink can use a number of methods to talk to the remote
- system (connections), namely Modem, Computer, FOSSIL and BIOS.
- The valid <Connection> values are
- M Direct modem connection
- C Direct computer-to-computer connection
- F Connect through FOSSIL driver
- B Connect through BIOS 14H
- For example, -cF specifies a FOSSIL connection.
- The default method is Modem connection and GIFLink will use
- its own high performance COM interrupt routines to send and
- receive data. RTS/CTS flow control is used if the CTS signal
- is active initially.
- You should use the Computer connection if you are using a null
- modem or a direct computer-to-computer cable. With this
- connection, GIFLink will skip detecting the carrier signal
- which may not present in the null modem or cable. Like the
- Modem connection, the Computer connection uses the RTS/CTS
- flow control if the CTS signal is active initially.
- A FOSSIL driver is a COM interrupt driver which is commonly
- used by Bulletin Board System softwares. There is no need to
- use the driver unless you encounter some compatibility problem
- with the GIFLink's internal COM interrupt routines or you need
- a special service in a FOSSIL driver (e.g. IRQ sharing).
- A BIOS connection is only useful if you use a computer network
- and your network driver overrides the BIOS 14H interrupt and
- provides high performance data transmission. Otherwise, you
- should not use this option because you will encounter data
- lost at 2400 baud or above.
- -d Delete received files.
- This special option allows you to delete the files after it is
- received! It is very useful when you have limited disk space
- or do not wish to keep the GIF images being transmitted.
- You can also press the [D] key to toggle this option when
- GIFLink is running. The GIF image is not deleted until it is
- received.
- -e<Baud> Define the effective baud rate.
- Some modems allows you to lock the COM port at a higher baud
- rate then the actual baud rate in order to yield the maximum
- throughput. However, this influences the estimation of the
- maximum cps (character per second) rate. This option corrects
- the estimation.
- For example, -e14400 tells GIFLink to estimate the maximum cps
- rate at 14400 baud.
- -f<Directory> Specify a file transfer directory.
- Depends on the transfer command, this option specifies either
- the upload (for send command) or download (for receive
- command) directory. For example, -fD:\TRANSFER specifies
- D:\TRANSFER as the file transfer directory.
- All files are assumed in the file transfer directory unless a
- pathname is specified. If both the file transfer directory and
- a pathname are not given, the current directory will be used.
- The DIRRX environment variable also indicate where GIFLink
- should put the received files. For example,
- have the same effect as the -fD:\DOWNLAOD option for a receive
- command. The -f option always overrides the environment
- variable.
- -fifo Disable 16550 FIFO buffer.
- By default, GIFLink will use the FIFO buffer when a 16550 UART
- chip is found. The FIFO buffer will provide extra protection
- against data lost. If this option is specified, the FIFO
- buffer will be disabled.
- This option has no effect on a FOSSIL or BIOS connection. The
- FOSSIL driver or the network driver should have its own option
- to control the FIFO buffer.
- -hs Enable slow handshake.
- Some computers encounter COM data lost during disk I/O. In
- this case, you should specify this option so that GIFLink will
- lower the RTS signal (which suspend COM activity) during disk
- I/O.
- If you are using a disk cache program, you should also disable
- the caching mechanism before running GIFLink.
- -k Do not keep partially received files.
- By default, GIFLink keeps partially received files. This
- option allows you to delete an aborted files.
- You can press the [K] key to toggle this option when GIFLink
- is running.
- -l<DSZ.LOG> Specify a DSZ-type log file.
- GIFLink can generate a DSZ-type log file if you specify this
- options. For example, -l\COMM\DSZ.LOG will put the usage log
- into the \COMM\DSZ.LOG file.
- The DSZLOG environment variable can indicate where GIFLink
- should put the usage log. For example,
- have the same effect as the -l\COMM\DSZ.LOG option. The -l
- option always overrides the environment variable.
- If both the DSZLOG environment variable and the -l option are
- NOT present, GIFLink will not generate a DSZ-type log file.
- -m Use monochrome 64 grey-scale display mode.
- Normally, GIFLink displays the GIF images in SuperVGA 256
- color display mode. If you have a black and white monitor, you
- may want to specify this option.
- -p<Port> Define the COM port you are using.
- This is the most important option for GIFLink. It tells
- GIFLink which COM port it should use. The range for <Port> is
- 1 to 8. For example, if you are using COM2, you should use -p2
- in the GIFLink command line.
- The DSZPORT environment variable can indicate which COM port
- GIFLink should use. For example,
- have the same effect as the -p2 option. The -p option always
- overrides the environment variable. If you are using only one
- modem, you should use the DSZPORT environment variable so that
- you do not need to specify the -p<Port> option every time.
- By default, GIFLink use COM1 if both the -p<Port> option and
- the DSZPORT environment variable are not specified.
- -p<Base,IRQ> Define the COM base address and IRQ you are using.
- GIFLink uses the following base address and IRQ number:
- Port Base address IRQ
- ---- ------------ ---
- COM1 3F8 (Hex) 4
- COM2 2F8 3
- COM3 3E8 4
- COM4 2E8 3
- COM5 3220 4
- COM6 3228 3
- COM7 4220 4
- COM8 4228 3
- If you have a different setting, you can use the -p<Base,IRQ>
- option to specify the base address and IRQ number. For
- example, -p3E8,5 tells GIFLink to use 3E8 as the COM base
- address and IRQ5. GIFLink will indicate COM5 is being used
- because it always redefines COM5 to the new base address and
- IRQ, although the actual COM port may not be COM5.
- You should NOT use the -p<Port> option when you are using the
- -p<Base,IRQ> option.
- The DSZPORT environment variable can indicate which COM base
- address and IRQ number GIFLink should use For example,
- have the same effect as the -p3E8,5 option. The -p<Base,IRQ>
- option always overrides the environment variable.
- -r Enable Zmodem crash recovery.
- This option enables Zmodem crash recovery which allows you to
- resume an aborted transfer. It is available for the Zmodem
- receive command only. Before resuming an aborted transfer,
- GIFLink performs a date check to ensure that it is the same
- file. If the date check fail, GIFLink renames the new file
- instead of resuming the transfer.
- -rg Enable Zmodem crash recovery and GIF recovery.
- In addition to the Zmodem crash recovery, GIFLink have a
- special option called GIF recovery. When a GIF file is being
- resumed, GIFLink will display the interrupted GIF image before
- starting the recovery process. It is available for the Zmodem
- receive command only.
- Without this option, the recovering GIF image will not be
- displayed.
- -tm<TM.CFG> Enable direct Telemate support.
- GIFLink supports Telemate (the best communication program)
- directly. It will read a Telemate configuration file and
- enable or disable certain options.
- If the configuration file is not found, this option is discard
- and do not generate any error. If it is found, GIFLink will
- write the log into the Telemate usage log file TM.USE directly
- using the proper format. If you want to generate a DSZ-type
- log file instead, you must specify the -l<DSZ.LOG> option to
- override the -tm option.
- For example, -tmC:\TELEMATE\TM.CFG tells GIFLink where to find
- the Telemate configuration file.
- If you have defined the TMCFG environment variable, you can
- simply specify the -tm option without the filename. For
- example, -tm will read the Telemate configuration file
- indicated by the TMCFG environment variable. If the
- environment variable is not defined, GIFLink will attempt to
- read TM.CFG from the current directory. The following option
- in the Telemate configuration file have effect on GIFLink:
- COM port
- Connection
- Zmodem crash recovery
- 16550 FIFO
- RTS/CTS flow control
- Upload directory
- Download directory
- Log directory
- Usage log
- You should specify the -tm option as the first option and then
- use the other options to override the setting in the Telemate
- configuration file.
- -v<Width,Height,Color> Specify the display mode.
- GIFLink supports a broad range of SuperVGA adapters and
- display modes. The following display modes are supported:
- 1024,768,256
- 800,600,256
- 640,480,256
- 640,400,256
- 1024,768,16 (grey-scale)
- 800,600,16 (grey-scale)
- 640,480,16 (grey-scale)
- All 16 color modes displays the GIF images in 16 grey-scale
- level. 256 color modes displays the GIF images in full colors.
- (UNREGISTERED version only displays the first 2 GIF images in
- full colors. The rest are displayed in 64 grey-scale level.)
- For example, -v1024,768,16 tells GIFLink to switch to 1024x768
- in 16 grey-scale display mode. If the display mode you
- specified is not supported by your display adapter, GIFLink
- will switch to a lower resolution automatically.
- You can also use abbreviate resolution. For example, -v800
- specifies 800x600 256 color display mode and -v640,400
- specifies the 640x400 256 color display mode.
- If GIFLink cannot find the display mode your display adapter
- actually support, you should look for a VESA driver in the
- driver diskette that come with your adapter. If you do not
- have one, please contact your dealer for the VESA driver. Most
- major SuperVGA producers have their own drivers to ensure
- compatibility with other programs.
- -w<Second> Wait a number of seconds after each file.
- You can define a delay after each file transfer. The delay
- allows you to look at the GIF image before the next transfer.
- The delay should not be more than 10 seconds. Otherwise, the
- remote system may abort the file transfer. For example, -w5
- specifies a 5 seconds delay. The default delay is 1 second.
- __________________________________________________________________
- GIFLink supports a number of common environment variables used
- by other external protocol drivers. It makes the GIFLink
- command line a lot shorter, and easier to set up if you are
- using other external protocol drivers.
- You should put the statements in the AUTOEXEC.BAT so that they
- are defined automatically every time you turn on your
- computer. In case if DOS reports that it is running out of
- environment space, you can put the following line in the
- SHELL=\COMMAND.COM /p /e:1200
- The /e:1200 enlarges the environment space to 1200 bytes. Use
- a larger number of you run out of space again.
- The environment variables are read in the following order and
- the later options will override an earlier ones.
- (GIFLink command line options)
- SET GIFLINK=<Options>
- You can put the most frequently used options in the GIFLINK
- environment variable. For example,
- SET GIFLINK=-tm -v800 -rg
- enables direct Telemate support, specifies 800x600 256 color
- display mode and enables Zmodem crash recovery and GIF
- recovery.
- You should not put the receive command or send command (e.g.
- rz/rb/sz/sb) in the variable. Otherwise, you will not be able
- to override it in the GIFLink command line.
- This environment variable helps GIFLink and Telemate to locate
- the Telemate configuration file. If you use the -tm option in
- GIFLink which enables direct Telemate support, GIFLink will
- find the Telemate configuration file automatically if you have
- this environment variable defined. For example
- tells GIFLink to use C:\TELEMATE\TM.CFG as the Telemate
- configuration file.
- Note: This environment variable is not read until you specify
- the -tm option.
- This environment variables defines the COM port you want to
- use. For example,
- tells GIFLink to use COM2. You can use the -p<Port> option in
- the GIFLink command line to override this variable.
- If you are using only one modem, you should use the DSZPORT
- environment variable so that you do not need to specify the -p
- option every time.
- This environment variables defines the COM base address and
- IRQ you want to use. For example,
- tells GIFLink to use 3E8 as the COM base address and IRQ5. You
- can use the -p<Base,IRQ> option in the GIFLink command line to
- override this variable.
- Again, if you are using only one modem, you should use this
- environment variable so that you do not need to specify the -p
- option every time.
- This environment variable defines the location of the DSZ-type
- log file. For example,
- tells GIFLink to put the DSZ-type log in C:\COMM\DSZ.LOG. You
- can use the -l<DSZ.LOG> or -tm<TM.CFG> option to override this
- variable.
- SET DIRRX=<Download Directory>
- This environment variable specifies the download directory.
- For example,
- tells GIFLink to put the received file into the D:\DOWNLOAD
- directory. You can use the -f<Directory> option to override
- this variable.
- __________________________________________________________________
- GIFLink can be installed easily as an external protocol in
- most modern communication programs. Normally, a batch file is
- called to run an external protocol. And we will use the batch
- files GIFZ-U.BAT and GIFZ-D.BAT in the following example.
- The GIFZ-U.BAT contains the Zmodem send command:
- GIFLINK -p%2 sz %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- where %2 is the COM port currently used by Telemate. %3 and
- the rest are the files to be sent. Other communication
- programs may pass the COM port and file name in different
- orders. Please refer to the document of your communication
- program for details on parameter passing.
- Similarly, the GIFZ-D.BAT contains the Zmodem receive command:
- GIFLINK -p%2 rz
- GIFLink supports a rich number of file transfer protocols and
- Zmodem is generally recommended because of its reliability and
- flexibility. That is why we put the Zmodem send and receive
- commands in the batch files respectively. You can put other
- protocol commands (e.g. sb/rb) into your own batch files.
- IMPORTANT: If your communication program have the ability to
- swap itself out when running an external program, you should
- enable the feature so that GIFLink can have enough memory to
- run.
- If GIFLink cannot find the display mode your display adapter
- actually support, you should look for a VESA driver in the
- driver diskette that come with your adapter. If you do not
- have one, please contact your dealer for the VESA driver. Most
- major SuperVGA producers have their own drivers to ensure
- compatibility with other programs.
- Installing GIFLink in Telemate
- If you are using Telemate 4.00 or higher, the default Telemate
- configuration has already set up GIFLink as an external
- protocol. All you have to do is to customize your GIFLink
- setting in the GIFZ-U.BAT and GIFZ-D.BAT batch files or the
- GIFLINK environment variable.
- Note: You should enable the 'Maximize DOS Shell' option under
- the Options/General dialog so that GIFLink can have enough
- memory to run.
- If your Telemate configuration does not have GIFLink, please
- following the steps below:
- First, copy GIFLINK.EXE, GIFZ-D.BAT and GIFZ-U.BAT into your
- Telemate directory, or into a directory included in your PATH
- environment variable.
- Then run Telemate and go to the Options/External protocol
- dialog. You can install GIFLink in one of the empty slot.
- Press [Tab] to go to the field and fill in the content as
- follows:
- Field Content
- ----- -------
- Protocol Name GIFLink
- Key F
- Upload Batch GIFZ-U
- Download Batch GIFZ-D
- Prompt Download name (blank)
- Auto Download Sequence (blank)
- Then press [Enter] to end the dialog and select the Save
- Options in the Options menu to save the changes.
- Now you have installed GIFLink as an external protocol in
- Telemate.
- Customizing your GIFLink
- Although you can edit the GIFZ-U.BAT and GIFZ-D.BAT to
- customize your GIFLink, you can use the GIFLINK environment
- variable to define the default setting. For example, you can
- put the following in your AUTOEXEC.BAT.
- SET GIFLINK=-tm -v800 -k
- This command enables direct Telemate support, uses 800x600 256
- color display modem and erases partially received files.
- Auto Download Sequence
- If you are using GIFLink as your Zmodem protocol driver, you
- should turn OFF the 'Zmodem Auto-Download' option under the
- Telemate Options/Protocol dialog. Otherwise, Telemate internal
- Zmodem will kick in before you can activate GIFLink.
- You can define the Auto Download Sequence as "*^XB00" under
- the Telemate Options/External protocol dialog to activate the
- download process whenever the sequence is received.
- __________________________________________________________________
- When exit, GIFLINK sets the ERRORLEVEL exit value to one of
- the following:
- 0, Success: All files are transferred successfully.
- 1, Failure: Any error that aborts the program, for example,
- invalid command line, file not found, not enough memory or a
- failure in transmission.
- __________________________________________________________________
- 1. The simplest form of GIFLINK is
- In this example, GIFLink receives (downloads) from the remote
- system using Zmodem. It uses the following default setting:
- COM Port COM1 (unless DSZPORT is defined)
- Baud rate Current speed in COM1
- Connection Modem
- Display mode 640x480 256 color (or lower)
- Zmodem recovery Off
- GIF recovery Off
- Direct Telemate support Off
- 16550 FIFO buffer On (if found)
- RTS/CTS flow control On (if CTS is active initially)
- Slow handshake Off
- Keep partial On
- Delete received Off
- DSZ-type Log Off (unless DSZLOG is defined)
- Wait time after file 1 seconds
- 2. The following illustrates the use of COM2 and Zmodem crash
- recovery.
- GIFLINK -p2 rz -r
- In this example, GIFLink receives files using COM2 at the
- current speed. Zmodem with crash recovery is used. Although it
- resumes an aborted transfer, it does not display an interrupt
- GIF image. If you want to display the interrupted GIF image
- before the resume process, you should use the -rg GIF recovery
- options. For example,
- GIFLINK -p2 rz -rg
- 3. For Ymodem-G with slow handshake,
- GIFLINK -hs -fD:\DOWNLOAD rb -g
- Both commands use Ymodem-G with slow handshake. COM activity
- is suspended during disk I/O. It prevents any conflict of the
- COM and disk activity. If you are using a disk cache software,
- you should disable the caching mechanism before running
- GIFLink.
- The -fD:\DOWNLOAD option also tells GIFLink to put the
- received file into the D:\DOWNLOAD directory.
- 4. For Xmodem with a FOSSIL connection,
- This example uses Xmodem and saves the received file into
- D:\DOWNLOAD\GIFLINK.GIF. The -cF option tells GIFLink to use a
- FOSSIL driver to talk to the modem. The -k option erases
- partially received file.
- 5. In case if you do not want to keep the received files,
- GIFLINK -d rb
- This example uses Batch Ymodem to transfer the files. The -d
- option allows you to delete the current file after it is
- received! It is very useful when you have limited disk space
- or do not wish to keep the GIF images being transmitted.
- 6. If you are using a black and white monitor,
- This example sends GIFLINK.GIF files using Ymodem. The -m
- option tells GIFLink to display the GIF image in 64 grey-scale
- level. The -fifo option disables the 16550 FIFO buffer.
- 7. To generate a DSZ-type log file,
- This example sends all the files specified in LIST.TXT using
- Batch Ymodem and creates a \COMM\DSZ.LOG log file in DSZ
- format. If you want to create a Telemate usage log, you should
- use the -tm option. For example,
- The command creates a Telemate usage log TM.USE in the
- Telemate log directory.
- 8. To send or receive file using CompuServe QuickB, you should
- first select upload or download and enter the file name in the
- CompuServe command line, then run GIFLink.
- Note: You should NOT use the internal CompuServe QuickB as the
- default protocol in your communication programs.
- 9. If you want to preview the GIF images you are going to sent,
- or look at the received images,
- GIFLINK -v800 -w10 view *.GIF
- The view command displays all the GIF images in the current
- directory. The -v800 option specifies the 800x600 256 color
- display mode. The -w10 option specifies a 10 seconds delay
- after each GIF image.
- __________________________________________________________________
- If you enjoy this Shareware, we invite you to try out the rest
- of our high quality Sharewares. We produce top rated programs
- and those who try them love them. And we believe you will like
- them too.
- You will find our Sharewares under the following file names
- (or similar ones if an update is available).
- Telemate TM411-1.ZIP TM411-2.ZIP TM411-3.ZIP TM411-4.ZIP
- If you cannot find them in a local BBS, you can find them in
- our Support BBS's and most large BBS's:
- PC Connect: Toronto, Canada (416)733-9052 2400
- Land of the Gypsy's: Oregon, USA (503)297-0626 14400V.32
- User To User #1: Dallas, USA (214)492-6565 USR-HST/ds
- User To User #2: Dallas, USA (214)492-5695 9600 V.32
- Telemate is a full featured communications program with an
- easy-to-learn and easy-to-use integrated environment. Its
- multithreading feature allows you to prepare messages, view
- files while you are downloading and printing files. Each task
- run in its own movable and resizable window. The Windows-like
- mouse interfaces let you complete a connection and select
- options without touching a key.
- The back scroll buffer works just like the built-in editor and
- viewer and you can save parts of the content to files. Through
- the clipboard, you can cut and paste text among windows and
- quote message from the back scroll buffer to the remote
- system.
- Telemate has the most popular protocols built-in, including
- Zmodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Kermit and CompuServe QuickB.
- Writing a script program is as simple as writing a BASIC or
- PASCAL program. The learn script mode can also generate script
- files for you.
- What's Special in Telemate?
- Integrated Environment: Telemate is much more than a tele-
- communications program. Telemate is a flexible, full featured
- environment, with an interface that is easy to learn and use.
- An editor, viewer and mouse support are built into Telemate.
- All of these features are accessible from menus and keyboard.
- Multithreading: Telemate has multithreading (or internal
- multitasking) built-in. While you are dialing or downloading,
- you can prepare messages, view files, or scroll back to the
- last connection. You can have them all at the same time,
- running in their own windows.
- Mouse Support: While the other communication programs still
- require a mouse-menu TSR to emulate their function keys,
- Telemate considers the mouse as an integral part of its
- design, providing a smooth user interface, regardless of the
- input method you prefer.
- Built-in Editor and Viewer: The editor allows you to prepare
- your messages, edit documents or type letters. And the viewer
- can display files without disturbing the editor.
- Back Scroll: The very large back scroll buffer works just like
- an editor. Portions of the buffer can be saved to disk. By
- pressing just a few keys, you can tag file names, quote a
- message and search the buffer for matches.
- Clipboard: Through the clipboard, you can cut and paste text
- among windows. You can prepare a message in the editor and
- then copy or paste it to the terminal, or you can tag file
- names from the back scroll buffer and paste them to the
- terminal.
- File Transfer Protocols: Telemate has the most popular protocols
- built-in, including Zmodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem, Kermit and
- CompuServe QuickB. In addition, there are eight slots for
- external protocols.
- Easy-to-learn Script Language: Writing a Telemate script program
- is as simple as writing a BASIC or PASCAL program. If you
- don't have any programming experience, the Learn Script mode
- can generate script files for you.
- Enhanced Video support: Without any additional hardware,
- Telemate lets you select a screen height from 25 to 32 lines
- on your normal CGA adapter and 7 choices of screen height on
- an EGA or VGA adapter.
- GIFLink is an easy to use protocol driver that allows you to
- view the transmitting GIF images in stunning SuperVGA
- graphics. And it is the first protocol driver that uses full
- screen computer graphics in SuperVGA mode.
- GIFLink supports most of the popular file transfer protocols
- such as Zmodem, Batch Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Xmodem and CompuServe
- QuickB. If the files being transmitted are not GIF images,
- GIFLink will work just like a normal protocol driver. So
- GIFLink will transmit any files, not just GIF images.
- GIFLink also has a special VIEW mode so that you can look at
- the received GIF images in a slideshow format or preview the
- images you are going to sent.
- GIFLITE is a high quality GIF-to-GIF image compression
- program. It compresses the GIF files so that they will require
- much less disk space yet still preserve the same quality and
- resolution.
- With GIFLITE, digitized GIF images can be further compressed
- by an average of 30%. What makes GIFLITE special is that the
- resulting GIF files are almost identical to the original file.
- Human eyes can hardly tell them apart.
- GIFLITE conforms to both GIF87a and GIF89a standards. All non-
- image information is preserved in the resulting GIF files. The
- compressed images can be read by standard GIF decoders, such
- as VPIC v4+, CSHOW v8.3+ and GIFLink.
- Using GIFLITE is much like using the other file compressors.
- If you have used any file compressor, you will find yourself
- already familiar with the command structure and options.