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- What is Drag And View Gold?
- Drag And View Gold is a program that lets you view the contents
- of a file or files without having to run the program that
- created them. Drag And View Gold can view the files created by
- popular word processors, databases, spreadsheets and bitmapped
- or vector graphic programs in their native format. You can
- also view any file in plain ASCII or hexadecimal format. Drag
- And View Gold allows you to open multiple windows so you can
- easily compare files. You can search for text in any file or a
- hexadecimal string in the Hex viewer. You can also go to any
- cell in a spreadsheet, any record in a database and any address
- in the hexadecimal view of a file. Drag And View Gold allows
- you to select all or any part of a viewed file and copy it to
- the Windows clipboard or print it. Printing of text files will
- be done in the default font of the printer and will not
- necessarily be formatted the same way as the file when
- displayed by its parent program. You can also Zoom in your
- view of a file up to 5 times the original file size.
- You can view files with Drag And View Gold in two different
- ways. You can drag the selected files from any file manager
- that supports drag and drop to the Drag And View Gold icon or
- to any open Drag And View Gold window. Or, you can click on
- the "Fmlaunch" menu item that is added to Windows File
- Manager's menu bar and choose "View files".
- Using the view files option will not open a new window if a
- window is already open. The same is true if you drag files to
- an open Drag And View Gold window. However, dragging files to
- the Drag And View Gold icon will always open a new window with
- the files displayed.
- Every Drag And View Gold window maintains a listing of the
- files that you dragged to it in its "Filelist" menu. You can
- use the "Filelist" menu to choose a particular file in the list
- to view or you can use the "Last" and "Next" buttons to scroll
- through the list of files.
- Also, part of the Drag And View Gold utilities is Fileman
- Launcher. Fileman Launcher installs itself as a file manager
- accessory. Fileman Launcher will run Drag And View Gold
- automatically everytime you run Windows File Manager and it
- will exit Drag And View Gold everytime that you exit File
- Manager. Fileman Launcher will prevend the Drag And View Gold
- icon from being covered when you are working in File Manager.
- And, Fileman Launcher will remember the place where you last
- left the DV icon and will place it there the next time you run
- File Manager. You can add up to 9 other programs to Fileman
- Launcher and have it manage them the same way as it manages
- Drag And View Gold. You can access Fileman Laucher from the
- "Fmlaunch" menu item that it adds to Windows File Manager. To
- add or remove programs or change the way Fileman Launcher runs
- programs, select "Modify program list" from the ôFmlaunchö menu.
- Drag And View Gold supports multiple page DCX\DCF and
- spreadsheet files. If a file has more than one page, there
- will be an active ôPageö menu where you can choose which page
- to view.
- File Formats Supported by Drag And View Gold
- File formats supported in version 1.0 Drag And View Gold are:
- Hex
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Word for Windows, including version 6
- Microsoft Works
- Microsoft Works for Windows, including version 3
- Windows Write
- Word Perfect
- Word Perfect for Windows, including version 6
- Ami Pro
- Q&A Write
- Q&A Write for Windows
- dBase
- FoxPro
- Clipper
- Paradox
- Paradox for Windows
- Excel, including Excel version 5
- Lotus 123
- Symphony
- Quattro, Quattro Pro
- Quattro Pro for Windows
- Windows Metafile (WMF)
- The following file formats are only in the registered version
- of Drag And View Gold
- CorelDraw version 3 (CDR)
- AutoCad (DXF)
- Micrografix Designer (DRW)
- Harvard Graphics 3 (CH3/ST3)
- Encapulated Post Script/Adobe Illustrator (EPS/AI)
- Hewlett Packard Graphics Language (HPGL)
- Lotus (PIC)
- Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM/CTM)
- WordPerfect Graphics (WPG)
- Installing Drag And View Gold
- Installation of Drag And View Gold is very easy with the setup
- program provided. From Program Manager, choose "File" from the
- menu bar and then choose "Run" from the pull down menu. In the
- dialog box type the full path where the files are, and the
- program name DVSETUP.EXE. For example, if you were installing
- from drive A:, you would enter "A:\DVSETUP.EXE". If you were
- installing from the "DV" directory of drive C:, you would enter
- The DVSetup Program gives you two install and two uninstall
- options.
- Install options
- 1. You can install Drag And View Gold with
- Fileman Launcher. Fileman Launcher installs itself as a file
- manager extension and runs Drag And View Gold every time you
- run File Manager. Fileman Launcher will also keep Drag And
- View Gold's icon uncovered when you are working in File Manager.
- 2. You can install Drag And View Gold without Fileman
- Launcher. Without Fileman Launcher, you will have to run Drag
- And View Gold manually when you want to use it.
- Uninstall options 1. You can remove Fileman Launcher. This
- option will remove the line from your WINFILE.INI that runs
- Fileman Launcher whenever you run File Manager.
- 2. You can completely remove the Drag And View Gold
- installation from your computer. Do not use this option to
- remove a previous installation of Drag And View Gold. It can
- only be used to remove a copy of Drag And View Gold that was
- installed with this installation program. Windows will not let
- you delete a program while it is running. Therefore the
- DVSetup program will not be deleted during uninstallaion. You
- will have to delete DVSETUP.EXE and the Drag And View Gold
- directory manually.
- Installing The DVSetup program will ask you which drive and
- directory you would like to install Drag And View Gold to. If
- the destination is different from where you are installing
- from, all files will be copied over to the new path. If the
- files on the installation diskette are compressed, the DVSetup
- program will decompress them while copying them. The DVSetup
- program will then create a program group called Drag And View
- Gold and put the Drag And View Gold and Drag And View Gold
- Setup icons in it. DVSetup will also install Fileman
- Launcher. Fileman Launcher is a File Manager accessory that
- will run Drag And View Gold everytime that you run File Manager
- and exit Drag And View Gold everytime that you exit File
- Manager. Using Drag And View Gold
- You can use Drag And View Gold two different ways. You can
- drag files from the file manager to its icon or, if you're
- running Windows 3.1 File Manager, you can use the ôFmlaunchö
- menu that Fileman Launcher adds to File Manager's menu bar.
- When you run Drag And View Gold it will load and show its icon
- at the bottom left of your screen. If you want to drag files to
- Drag And View Gold's icon, Drag And View Gold must be running.
- It will not work if you try to drag files to its icon in
- Program Manager. If you run Drag And View Gold from Fileman
- Launcher, Fileman Launcher will keep the Drag And View Gold
- icon from being covered when File Manager is the active
- program. If you are not running Drag And View Gold from
- Fileman Launcher and you want to keep its icon from being
- covered, you can do so by choosing "Icon always visible" from
- the Drag And View Gold settings dialog. First click on the
- Drag And View Gold icon and bring up the System menu. Click on
- the menu selection that says "Settings". In the resulting
- dialog box, see that ôIcon always visibleö is checked. That
- will cause the Drag And View Gold icon to show through anything
- that is trying to cover it. The state of the Always Visible
- option will be saved when you exit Drag And View Gold and will
- become active the next time you run it.
- Fileman Launcher will remember the last position of the Drag
- And View Gold icon and put it there the next time you run File
- Manager. If you choose not to run Drag And View Gold from
- Fileman Launcher, you can also have Drag And View Gold save its
- icon position from the settings dialog.
- To view files with Drag And View Gold, you drag files from any
- file manager that supports drag and drop to the Drag And View
- Gold icon and Drag And View Gold will open a window displaying
- those files. The first file in the group that you dragged will
- be the one that is displayed. All the files will be listed in
- the window's "Filelist" menu and you can use that menu to
- display the other files. Additionally if you're running
- Windows' File Manager or any file manager that supports file
- manager extensions, you can choose ôFmlaunchö from the menu bar
- and then choose "View files" from the pull down menu.
- If you want to view two or more files in the file listing
- simultaneously, you can choose the "New" button and Drag And
- View Gold will open up a new window with the same file list.
- You can open up as many windows this way as your computer's
- memory will support. You can also drag more files to any open
- Drag And View Gold window; they will be added to the "Filelist"
- menu and the first one in the group will be displayed. The
- "Filelist" menu will hold up to 20 files. After 20, as you
- drag new files, the older ones will be dropped off the list.
- When Drag And View Gold displays a file, it first tries to
- determine if it can display the file in one of its special
- viewers. If there is no special viewer for the file, it will
- be shown with either the ASCII viewer (if the file is made up
- chiefly of readable characters) or the Hex viewer.
- The Drag And View Gold icon will still remain at the bottom of
- your screen even after you've dragged files to it and opened up
- a viewing window. You can continue to drag files to the icon
- and each time that you do, a new window will be opened.
- Any open Drag And View Gold window can be closed, maximized or
- minimized to an icon. You can drag files to a minimized Drag
- And View Gold window and it will be restored and display your
- files.
- To exit the Drag And View Gold program, you must choose "Close"
- from the system menu of the Drag And View Gold icon. You
- activate the system menu by clicking your mouse on the icon.
- When Drag And View Gold exits, all the open windows will be
- closed. You can choose to just close all the open Drag And
- View Gold windows and not exit Drag And View Gold by choosing
- "Close All Windows" from the Drag And View Gold icon system
- menu.
- You can also run Drag And View Gold from the File/Run menu of
- any program manager. If you use a file name as a command line
- argument, Drag And View Gold will run and display the file that
- you specified in a window. You can also install Drag And View
- Gold as the viewer for other programs such as our Zip manager,
- Drag And Zip.
- Selecting and Copying to the Clipboard Selecting areas of views
- to copy to the clipboard is very easy with Drag And View Gold.
- Simply place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the area
- that you want to copy. Then press the left button and drag the
- mouse to the end of the area that you want to copy, still
- holding down the left button until you are finished selecting.
- You can also select the entire file by choosing ôSelect Allö
- from the ôEditö menu. To copy a selected area to the
- clipboard, click on the copy button or press Ctl+C or Alt+C and
- the selected area will be copied. Text, spreadsheet or
- database files will be copied as text. All graphics files will
- be copied as bitmaps.
- All viewers allow selecting and copying except the WAV file
- player and the Hex viewer.
- Your registered version of Drag And View Gold will come with
- additional viewers for
- AutoCad (DXF)
- CorelDRAW version 3 (CDR)
- Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM)
- Micrografx Designer (DRW)
- Adobe Illustrator/Encapsulated Postscript (AI/EPS)
- HP Graphics Language
- Word Perfect Graphics (WPG)
- Lotus (PIC)
- Harvard Graphics (CH3/SY3)
- ____ Drag And View Gold version 1.0 with Fileman Launcher,
- diskette, manual and shipping anywhere in the world @
- $35 ea $________
- ____ Drag And View Gold DWG version 1.0 with Fileman Launcher,
- diskette, In addition to all the other viewers, this version also
- views, zooms and pans AutoCAD DWG files. @ $65 ea $________
- ____ Drag And View Gold with Drag And Zip (Our Windows Zipper)
- both regularly $65 @ $55 ea $________
- Subtotal $________
- California residents please add 7.25% sales tax: $________
- Total $________
- Diskette size 3 1/2" [ ] 5 1/4" [ ]
- All orders will be send by US mail unless requested otherwise.
- Master Card ,Visa Orders and AMEX. You may call in your
- registrations to Canyon Software at (415) 415 382-7999 fax them
- (415) 382-7998 or send in this form with the information below.
- Name As It Appears On Credit Card
- ________________________________________________________
- MC/VISA # ______________________________________________
- MC [ ] VISA [ ] Amex[ ]
- Expiration Date ___/___
- Name:__________________________________________________
- Company:_______________________________________________
- Address:________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- Where did you obtain Drag And View Gold________________
- Any comments, suggestions or bugs?
- _______________________________________________________
- _______________________________________________________
- ________________________________________________________
- Please make checks payable to:
- Canyon Software
- 1537 Fourth Street Suite 131
- San Rafael, CA 94901
- My name is Dan Baumbach I am a member of ASP., The Association
- of Shareware Professionals. I can be reached either at the
- above address, on CompuServe electronic mail 71320,1277,
- America OnLine at DanBCAN or at (415) 382-7999, fax (415)
- 382-7998. Thank you for your registration.
- Overseas Orders
- You can purchase copies of Drag And View and Drag And View Plus
- and get technical for them from the following overseas
- locations.
- Australia
- PO BOX 496
- Phone (02) 519-4233
- Fax (02) 516-4236
- Manaccom Pty Ltd
- 9 Cramford Street Milton
- Queensland
- Australia
- Phone 617 368 2366
- Fax 617 369 7589
- Denmark
- v/ Jens Rex
- Benloese Skel 4 G
- DK-4100 Ringsted
- Denmark
- Germany
- Gerd Z÷ttlein
- Schulstra▀e, 13
- D-86666 Burgheim
- Germany
- Phone 0 8432-1296
- Fax 0 8432-8674
- England
- Nildram Software
- 82 Akeman Street
- Tring
- Herts HP23 6AF
- United Kingdom
- Phone 0442 891331
- Fax 0442 890303
- France
- Jean-Guy DUCREUX (aka Winnie)
- WindowShare SARL
- B.P. 2078
- 57051-METZ cedex 2
- France
- Phone 87 30 85 57
- Fax 87 32 37 75
- The program author, Dan Baumbach, is an active member of the
- Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make
- sure that the Shareware principle works for you. If you are
- unable to resolve a Shareware-related problem with an ASP member
- by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
- ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
- ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members'
- products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road,
- Muskegon, MI 49442, or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe
- Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.