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- Entombed for Windows 1.0 (shareware release)
- Copyright(C) 1993 Chaos Concepts.
- To install Entombed 1.0 for Windows on your hard drive:
- 1A. If you have downloaded Entombed as an archive, then make sure
- that you have download all four archives. These are named
- entv1_1.zip through to entv1_4.zip. Unzip the contents of
- these archives onto a floppy disk or separate directory.
- 1B. If you have received Entombed on a floppy disk directly from
- Chaos Concepts, then this has already been done for you.
- 2. Place the disk in the floppy drive of your computer.
- 3. Open the file menu of the Windows program manager and select Run.
- 4. In the Run dialogue box, type A:ESETUP or B:ESETUP, or as is
- appropriate.
- 5. Now that you are in the ESETUP utility, confirm that the
- installation directory matches the actual directory where the
- archives can be found. If it does not then enter the correct path
- in the installation directory text box.
- 6. Next you may choose to modify the drive Entombed will be installed
- on to.
- 7A. Next you choose the archives you wish to install. If you have
- downloaded entombed from a BBS then there will be four of these.
- One by one you must click on each Archive button to install the
- contents of each archive.
- 7B. If you received entombed on a disk directly from Chaos Concepts
- then all you need do is click on the first archive button.
- 8. Next select the sound options you require. If you are not sure
- which ones match your sound card then leave these options
- unchecked and consult your sound card documentation. You can
- change these options later from within the Entombed game
- application.
- 9. Finally the installation program will reboot your system to
- initialise the changes you have made.
- Note:
- From within Program Manager, you may need to select Arrange Icons
- from the window menu, in order to tidy up the desktop.
- How to start and quit entombed:
- To Start Entombed, open the Chaos Concepts program manager
- window, then double click on the Entombed icon.
- For more instructions press the F1 or H key from within entombed,
- to bring up on-line help.
- To Quit Entombed holding down the ALT key press the F4 key.
- Purchasing the commercial release of entombed.
- Chaos Concepts, the creators of Entombed believe entertainment
- software prices are too high. Our research indicates that many
- game players in fear of spending good money on a lousy game,
- pirate software before they buy it to try it out. They also
- jointly buy entertainment software with their friends in order to
- reduce the purchase cost. Some simply pirate game software
- because they can't afford to buy all the games that they would
- like to play. Because of this we decided to let you try out our
- game free of charge.
- If you like this program then you are free to use it for as long
- as you like. The Entombed ver 1.0 shareware release contains the
- entire first level of the Entombed game. If you want to see how
- the game continues and play it through to the end then you will
- have to purchase the commercial release of Entombed. The
- commercial release of Entombed is not shareware and you must
- purchase it in order to use it.
- If you think the shareware release is good, then wait till you see
- the commercial release, it contains three new game levels which
- include morphing, animation, fully rendered 3D graphics, digitised
- speech and comes in a designed box. ( There is a photo of it in
- the game ).
- Commercial release owners also have access to the hint line
- section of our BBS, this has been set up to give you clues on how
- to solve the many puzzles, should you get stuck. When you finish
- the commercial release of Entombed you can also send us your save
- game and you will receive a certificate of completion.
- Purchasing the commercial release will entitle you to telephone
- support, special access to our BBS, notification of updates and
- other worthwhile things. More to the point, it will make you feel
- good. We haven't infested the program with excessive beg notices,
- crippled it or had it verbally insult you after ten days so we
- trust you to support Entombed if you like it.
- Australian purchases:
- The purchase fee of Entombed is $54.95 (Aust) plus $5.00 postage.
- (allow 3 days)
- International purchases:
- The purchase price of Entombed is $45.95 (US) plus $10 postage.
- (allow 3 - 10 days)
- Please make your cheque or postal money order out to:
- If you pay us by cheque, please make sure that it's a cheque drawn
- on an international bank, and that it will be negotiable in
- Australia. If there's no bank clearance number along the bottom
- of the cheque, it will not clear.
- Paying by credit card:
- If you are interested in using a credit card service to purchase
- Entombed please contact our BBS for further information.
- We are will not ship commercial release copies of our software
- prior to receiving a payment. We are interested in dealer
- inquiries, but we cannot accept dealer priced orders for single
- unit quantities of software.
- Our address is:
- Chaos Concepts Pty. Ltd.
- G.P.O. Box 293
- Sydney, NSW,
- Australia 2001
- Our BBS number is:
- Internationally: +(61) 2 550 1728
- Within Australia: (02) 550 1728
- The bulletin board always has the most recent versions of all our
- shareware on it, free for downloading, it also has bug fixes,
- drivers and other relevant information. It only exists to support
- Chaos Concepts software and is available twenty-four hours a day.
- The protocol is 1200, 2400 baud, or 9600 baud v.32bis,
- eight data bits, no parity and one stop bit.
- ______________________________________________________________________
- Release notes:
- System requirements:
- Entombed 1.0 for Windows requires Windows 3.1 or better, a MS-
- mouse or compatible windows pointing device, 2 megabytes of system
- ram, a 512k SVGA display card and driver that supports the 640 x
- 480 256 colour SVGA mode, Dos 5.0 or better and 6 Mb of free hard
- disk space.
- Entombed for Windows has been written in Microsoft C++ and has
- been tested with Microsoft Windows 3.1, If you have any problems
- with Entombed.. or just some comments.. we'd like to hear from you.
- Compression:
- As you may have realised the Entombed 1.0 graphics are
- uncompressed and so consequently take up 6 megabytes of hard disk
- space. The Entombed program does support on the fly decompression
- of it's graphic files. However because compressed files do not
- archive as efficiently as uncompressed files the designers decided
- to disable file compression in order to make the archive as small
- as possible seeing Entombed 1.0 is a shareware release. So
- although Entombed 1.0 takes up a more hard disk space, the archive
- will fit on one 1.44 mb floppy disk and also requires less time to
- download from bulletin boards. The commercial version of the game
- has the compression enabled, and only requires 8 megabytes of hard
- disk space for the entire game which is over 30 megabytes of
- graphics uncompressed.
- Entombed Error Messages:
- type (1) files missing
- This error will be reported if files required by Entombed are
- missing. The solution is to re-install Entombed using the ESETUP
- program. However leave the "Install to program manager" option
- unchecked.
- type (2) memory low
- This error message indicates that windows system resources are
- low. If this happens, save your game and close Entombed. Then
- from the windows desktop close any open applications that you are
- currently not using. Alternatively you could create a larger
- virtual drive using the "386 Enhanced" utility within the windows
- control panel.
- If you ignore this error and continue to use Entombed while memory
- is low, then the Entombed application will automatically close if
- memory runs out.
- type (3) display detection error (message box)
- This error appears if the Entombed game application didn't detect
- a 256 colour display adaptor. Entombed does this by checking the
- display.drv entry in your System.ini under the heading boot
- description. Your system.ini should have an entry that looks like
- this...
- [boot.description]
- display.drv=Video 7 1Mb, 640x480 256 colours
- What Entombed does, is search for the characters "256" in the
- display.drv entry. If it doesn't find them it prompts you with a
- type (3) error message before starting the game. If you have a 256
- colour display but it is not set to a 256 colour mode, please use
- your windows setup program to do so. If your display is set to a
- 256 colour mode and you still receive this error message, you can
- either choose to ignore it or edit your system.ini. If you want to
- edit the system.ini, use the windows program sysedit in the system
- directory and simply add "256" to the end of the display.drv entry
- under the boot description heading.
- type (4) required files missing (message box)
- This error will be reported if files required by Entombed are
- missing or if you have renamed the Entombed directory. The simple
- solution is to re-install Entombed using the ESETUP program. When
- Entombed is installed ESETUP creates a file in your windows
- directory called Entombed.ini which contains information used by
- Entombed. The Entombed path is stored in an entry called Dir under
- the startup heading.
- [Startup]
- If your choose to change or rename the Entombed directory, then
- be sure to update the startup entry in the Entombed.ini file.
- type (5) save game file missing (message box)
- Entombed comes with a save game file called "ENTOMBED.SAV" you
- may exchange this with friends, or make backups of it etc.
- However do not run the Entombed game application without the
- "ENTOMBED.SAV" file. Never try to edit your Entombed save game
- data. This is a binary data file and if it becomes corrupted,
- the Entombed game application will become unstable.
- Midi problems:
- In the event that your sound driver fails, you will need to reload
- your midi driver. Do this by running the "drivers" utility within
- the windows control panel. Click on "add" and select your existing
- sound driver from the list. Click on "current" and then select
- "restart windows". This will reset your midi driver.
- Midi mapping:
- If you have a midi sound device, you will need to map it to
- general midi using the "MIDI mapper" utility within the windows
- control panel. If you have a sound blaster card then we recommend
- you map your midi to "Adlib general".
- Reporting bugs:
- While we have tested Entombed 1.0 thoroughly, it's possible that
- you may encounter a situation we haven't anticipated. If this
- happens, we would be interested in knowing about it so we can fix
- it.
- Here's how to report a bug to us.
- CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files onto a floppy. Provide a
- description of what you did and what happened, and tell us with
- as much detail as possible what sort of hardware you're using.
- Alternately, ZIP up the relevant files and upload them to our
- bulletin board.
- If we can't recreate it, we probably won't be able to fix it.
- Before you contact us with a problem, please make sure you've read
- this document thoroughly and that you understand the system
- requirements and how the software should work.
- Technical support:
- We will attempt to answer questions from shareware users who write
- to us to the extent that their answers are needed for them to
- determine whether they wish to purchase the commercial release of
- Entombed.
- We can also be reached through the Chaos Concepts bulletin board.
- If you have a question about Entombed, feel free to leave it on
- the bulletin board. We try to answer all questions within twenty-
- four hours. But note that you must call back to retrieve your
- answer... we enjoy getting mail.
- Commercial release users of Entombed will receive our voice number
- for immediate technical support. The voice number is only
- available for use from 10:00am to 5:00pm EST (Australia). If you
- call and get our answering machine... it does happen... please leave
- us a message or call back later. We are only able to return long
- distance calls if we can call you back collect. We ask that in
- contacting us you appreciate that we are a small company with
- limited resources and that extensive technical support is not
- available.
- Copyright(C) 1993 Chaos Concepts.