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- Instructions for Registering Grammar Expert
- ===========================================
- Why should I register?
- ----------------------
- 1. You will receive a copy of the most current version of Grammar
- Expert.
- 2. We will mail the next upgrade to Grammar Expert to you, free of
- charge.
- 3. You will receive a free copy of Wintertree Software's Guide to
- Frequently Confused Words, an addition to Grammar Expert that
- contains quick, online definitions of words people frequently
- confuse.
- 4. You can receive support for using Grammar Expert from Wintertree
- Software Inc.
- 5. You will be supporting continued development of and improvements to
- Grammar Expert.
- How can I register?
- -------------------
- 1. By phone, using a credit card.
- 2. By mail.
- Registering by Phone
- --------------------
- You can order your registration of Grammar Expert with MC, Visa, Amex, or
- Discover from the Public (software) Library by calling 1-800-2424-PsL
- or (713) 524-6394. You can also order by sending a FAX to (713) 524-6398,
- or by sending CompuServe EMail to 71355,470. NOTE: These numbers
- are for orders only! Any questions about the status of your order,
- registration options, product details, technical support, volume
- discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc. must be directed to
- Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.
- When you order by phone, PsL will notify us the day of your order
- and we will ship the product directly to you.
- Registering by Mail
- -------------------
- Via check or money order: Fill in the order form at the end of this
- document and send it with a check or money order for the indicated
- amount to:
- Wintertree Software Inc.
- Attn: Order Dept.
- 43 Rueter St.
- Nepean, Ontario
- Canada K2J 3Z9
- We will accept personal checks drawn on a US or Canadian bank. We
- also accept international money orders.
- Via credit card: Fill in the order form at the end of this document and
- send it to:
- PsL
- P.O. Box 35705
- Houston, TX
- USA 77235-5705
- Via purchase order: Please call Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.
- If You Have Questions
- ---------------------
- Please call Wintertree Software Inc. at (613) 825-6271.
- Wintertree Software Inc. Order Form
- Name: ____________________________________________________________
- Company: _________________________________________________________
- Address: _________________________________________________________
- City: __________________________ State/Prov: ____________________
- Country : ______________________ Zip/Postal Code: _______________
- Phone: _________________________
- Please send me ____ copies of Grammar Expert at $30.00 each: __________
- (Note that the registration fee includes shipping & handling)
- Ontario residents please add 8% PST: __________
- TOTAL: __________
- Diskette: ____ 5 1/4" ____ 3 1/2"
- Method of Payment:
- ____ Check/Money Order ____ Credit card (Type: _______________)
- Card number: ___________________________
- Expiry Date: ___________________________
- Signature: ___________________________
- Send Check/Money-Order Orders to: | Send Credit-Card Orders to:
- Wintertree Software Inc. | PsL
- Attn: Order Dept. | P.O. Box 35705
- 43 Rueter St. | Houston, TX
- Nepean, Ontario | USA 77235-5705
- Canada K2J 3Z9 |