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- NeoPaint - Version 2.2
- (C)1992-93 OSCS Software Development, Inc.
- --------
- --------
- * About NeoPaint
- * New Features in Version 1.1
- * New Features in Version 2.0/2.1/2.2
- * System Requirements
- * Supported Video Cards
- * Starting NeoPaint
- * Command Line Options
- * NeoGrab Screen Capture Utility
- * Optimizing NeoPaint
- * Acquiring Additional Fonts
- * Microsoft Windows Considerations
- * Mouse Driver Problems
- * Problem Images
- * Notice to Programmers and creators of Game software
- * Customer Services & Technical Support
- * Registering NeoPaint
- * Other Products from OSCS
- --------------
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- NeoPaint is the ultimate image editing program for DOS!
- Until now sophisticated image editing has required
- spending hundreds of dollars on software and hardware. At
- $45 (U.S.), NeoPaint sets a new standard in
- price/performance. NeoPaint is as simple to use as any
- paint program, yet with many powerful features usually
- found only in high-end picture publishing systems. Better
- still, NeoPaint is NOT a Microsoft Windows program, so
- it's easy to install, set up and use. NeoPaint's state of
- the art GUI interface allows you to edit and view
- multiple images at the same time in resolutions as high
- as 1024x768.
- When you compare NeoPaint with high end graphics packages
- costing hundreds of dollars we think you'll discover that
- NeoPaint gives you tremendous power at any price!
- -----------------
- o File Formats: PCX, GIF and TIFF
- o Video Modes: Hercules (720x348x2), EGA (640x350x16),
- VGA (640x480x2, 640x480x16), Super VGA (640x480x256,
- 800x600x16, 800x600x256, 1024x768x256) *
- o Multiple Images: View and Edit multiple images in
- adjustable on-screen windows
- o Drawing Tools: Brush, Air Brush, Eraser, Color
- Eraser, Flood Fill, Tile Fill, Gradient Fill, Color
- Convert, Text, Line, Bezier Line, K-Line, Rectangle,
- Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse/Circle, Polygon, Freehand
- Polygon, Editable Polygon, Grid, 3D Cube, 3D Pyramid,
- Gradient Rectangle, Gradient Ellipse/Circle, Magic
- Marker, Smudge Tool, Blend Tool, Charcoal Pencil,
- Crayon, Water Color Brush, Clone, Color Similarity,
- Stamp Pad, Solid and Transparent Patterns
- o Fonts: Multiple Styles and Sizes with Bold, Italic,
- Underline, Outline and Shadow effects; Additional
- fonts available from OSCS and third party vendors
- o Selection Tools: Rectangle, Polygon and Freehand
- Polygon/Lasso (Transparent and Solid)
- o Effects: Invert, Flip, Rotate, Scale, Stretch, Skew,
- Distort, Blend, Screen, Smear, Pixelize, Border,
- รท Lattice, Blur, Darken, Lighten, Fade, and more.
- o Zoom: Multilevel Zoom allows precise editing;
- Scrolling and most drawing tools also work in Zoom
- Mode.
- o Color Control: Works with 2, 16 and 256 Color Images;
- Color Balance, Brightness, Contrast and Color
- Reduction/Conversion are supported
- o Output: Supports over 300 printers! Produce high
- quality halftones on HP DeskJet, HP LaserJet and
- Postscript or compatible printers; Scaling and
- Orientation controls; also supports Epson/IBM
- compatible dot matrix and color printers such as HP
- DeskJet 500/550C.
- o Memory Management: Supports Expanded (EMS), Extended
- (XMS) and Virtual Disk Memory for working with very
- large images
- ------------
- ------------
- The following features were new to version 1.1:
- o In the Color Palette you will notice two small icons
- marking the currently selected fill and line colors.
- The "F" icon marks the fill color and the "L" icon
- marks the line color.
- o The Picture Info option has been expanded to show
- additional information. Original file size, memory
- size and the type of memory being used by the image
- are now displayed. Possible memory types include:
- conventional (DOS), expanded (EMS), extended (XMS)
- and virtual (Disk).
- The following features are new to version 2.0/2.1/2.2:
- o Enhanced printer drivers. NeoPaint now includes
- support for over 300 printers including many 24-pin
- dot matrix, laser, ink jet and color printers.
- o A full screen editing function has been added. This
- can be accessed by pressing F3 or by choosing Edit
- Screen from the Picture menu.
- o A Crop function has been added to the Edit menu. This
- can be used after selecting a region with the
- scissors tool.
- o Three Gradient tools (rectangle, circle and fill)
- were added.
- o A Skew/Distort feature has been added to the Picture
- menu. This option can be used after selecting a
- region with the scissors tool to reshape, bend, warp
- and/or distort portions of an image.
- o The polygon editor now allows polygons to be dragged
- from the center and repositioned inside the drawing
- area. Polygons may also be rotated on the Z axis.
- o Added a tool to create and rotate squares and
- rectangles.
- o Added a tool to create and rotate circles and
- ellipses. Ellipses can be distorted and stretched to
- create a variety of different shapes.
- o The Bezier line function has been enhanced. It now
- uses a node editor similar to the one used for
- editing polygons. Bezier lines may also be rotated.
- o Three-D objects can now be dragged from the center
- and repositioned inside the drawing area.
- o Several new tools were added beneath the Marker tool
- in the tool bar. These are:
- * Charcoal
- * Crayon
- * Water Color
- * Smudge/Smear
- * Blend
- * Clone
- o The Zoom tool now magnifies from 2 to 100 times.
- o An option to create transparent cutouts has been
- added to the Options menu. When selected, areas
- containing white will become transparent. Other areas
- remain unchanged.
- o Added a Drag from Center command to the Options menu.
- This replaces the separate tools used in version 1.x.
- o Version 2 now supports the international characters
- used in most languages (German, French, Spanish,
- etc.)
- o A custom line width option was added to the line
- width menu. You can now adjust the line width from 1
- to 40 pixels.
- o The Clear option in the Picture menu now allows you
- to clear an image using the current fill color or
- white.
- o An Undo button was added to the main screen next to
- the video mode selector. Undo may also be selected by
- pressing F4, ALT/U or by choosing Undo from the Edit
- menu.
- o An option was added to save default palette and
- pattern files.
- o A Color similarity (range) option was added for use
- with the fill and color eraser tools.
- o When converting an image to a resolution with fewer
- colors an option was added to select a dither method.
- o Stamps that are larger than 64x64 can now be
- previewed in the Stamp Pad window.
- o We've also added dozens of other small enhancements
- not listed here...
- -------------------
- -------------------
- To use NeoPaint you will need the following:
- o IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible computer. A
- 286 or better CPU is highly recommended.
- o EGA, VGA, Super VGA, Hercules monochrome or
- compatible graphics card and monitor. See Supported
- Video Cards below for information on compatible Super
- VGA cards.
- o 640K minimum RAM
- o A hard disk
- o MS-DOS, PC-DOS 3.1 (or higher) or DR-DOS
- o Microsoft, Logitech or compatible pointing device
- o Printer (optional)
- ---------------------
- ---------------------
- NeoPaint will run on any computer system equipped with a
- 100% compatible EGA, VGA, Super VGA or Hercules graphics
- card. To operate NeoPaint in 256 color, 800x600 or
- 1024x768 modes you must have a super VGA video card
- equipped with one of the following chipsets (or a close
- compatible):
- Tseng ET3000
- Tseng ET4000
- Paradise/Western Digital
- Video Seven
- Trident
- VESA *
- NOTE: Due to severe limitations inherent in their design,
- CGA video cards are not supported. This includes many
- Tandy 1000 systems which are essentially CGA.
- * For instructions on using a VESA compatible chipset see
- Command Line Options below.
- -----------------
- -----------------
- For the steps below, we assume that you have installed
- NeoPaint in the directory C:\NEOPAINT. If you installed
- NeoPaint in a different DOS subdirectory, then substitute
- that name for C:\NEOPAINT below.
- o Your mouse driver (usually MOUSE.COM) must be loaded
- before running NeoPaint. Please refer to your mouse's
- user manual for more information.
- o To change to the NeoPaint directory, at the DOS
- prompt (C:\), type CD\NEOPAINT and press Enter. This
- places you in the NeoPaint subdirectory.
- o Once you have switched to the proper directory,
- NeoPaint can be started from the DOS command line by
- typing NEOPAINT followed by the Enter key.
- --------------------
- --------------------
- You can specify several command options when starting
- NeoPaint. An option consists of a slash (/) followed by
- an option letter and information about that option.
- -----------------------------------------------
- PURPOSE: NeoPaint's overlay file (NEOPAINT.OVR) can be
- loaded into expanded memory, thus speeding up
- execution of some NeoPaint functions. When
- exiting NeoPaint the overlay is removed from
- memory. This option requires approximately
- 300K of expanded (EMS) memory.
- ----------------------------------
- PURPOSE: NeoPaint has the ability to use a VESA
- compatible video card. Without the /V option
- NeoPaint will attempt to autodetect the
- chipset employed by your video card.
- Generally, directly detecting the chipset is
- preferable to using VESA emulation. Some VESA
- implementations can be extremely slow and
- compatibility between VESA cards can vary
- widely. Some VESA cards provide exceptional
- performance other do not.
- -------------------
- USAGE: /S[file]
- EXAMPLE: NEOPAINT /Sf:\users\cindy.set
- PURPOSE: Normally NeoPaint stores its setup information
- in the NEOPAINT.SET file in the NeoPaint
- directory. This file contains information
- about the default settings such as video mode
- and memory usage options. In a multi-user
- environment with PCs of vastly different
- configurations it is necessary to specify
- setup files for different users and/or
- different machine types. The /S option allows
- users to load NeoPaint with their own
- personalized setup file.
- For example: if Cindy keeps her personal files
- in the PAINT directory on her C: drive then
- she might start NeoPaint by typing:
- NEOPAINT /Sc:\paint\cindy.set
- ------------------------------------
- You can also load images into Neopaint directly from the
- DOS command line. Simply run NeoPaint with the names of
- the files you wish to load as parameters. For example:
- You may load as many files as will fit on the DOS command
- line.
- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- Included as part of the NeoPaint Package is a simple
- screen capture utility called NeoGrab. NeoGrab will
- capture graphics displayed on your monitor and convert
- them into PCX format files which may be used in NeoPaint.
- To load NeoGrab, at the DOS prompt type:
- NEOGRAB [Options]
- To capture a graphics screen, press <Ctrl> <Print
- Screen>. Two short beeps means the screen was captured
- successfully. One long beep means an error occurred and
- the screen could not be captured. An error will occur if
- you are in text mode, an unsupported graphics mode, or if
- your disk is full. NeoGrab supports all standard video
- modes and most super VGA modes so you shouldn't have any
- trouble using it with popular software. NeoGrab will not,
- however, work with Microsoft Windows.
- Screen captures are stored as PCX files and placed in the
- directory where the NEOGRAB.EXE file is located. Files
- are numbered sequentially starting with 00000001. For
- example the first captured screen will be named
- 00000001.PCX the second 00000002.PCX and so on. NeoGrab
- will not delete files to make room - it simply selects
- the next available file name in the sequence. Deleting
- files is up to you.
- ----------------------------
- You can specify several options when starting NeoGrab. An
- option consists of a forward slash (/) followed by an
- option letter.
- ----------------
- PURPOSE: Changes the hotkey from the default <Ctrl>
- <Print Screen> to <Alt> <Scroll Lock>. This is
- useful if another program is already using the
- default hotkey.
- --------------------
- USAGE: /P[path]
- PURPOSE: This option allows you to specify a drive and
- directory for captured PCX images. By default
- captured screens are stored in the directory
- that contains the NEOGRAB.EXE file.
- -----------------
- PURPOSE: Use this option to unload NeoGrab from memory.
- This will only work if NeoGrab is the last TSR
- loaded in memory.
- -------------------
- -------------------
- NeoPaint has been designed to run acceptably on a wide
- range of DOS based systems and will automatically try and
- take optimal advantage of all supported hardware
- resources available to it. Some machines have processing
- speed, disk space, and memory limitations which will
- affect how NeoPaint can perform. Graphics programs by
- their nature are demanding of system resources. Some
- images, particularly 256 color pictures in larger sizes,
- can easily use more than 1 megabyte of memory and storage
- space.
- If you have a system with speed and memory limitations,
- one or more of the following suggestions may offer
- relief:
- o If you have a choice between configuring your
- system's memory as either EMS (expanded memory) and
- XMS (extended memory) on your system, use EMS for
- NeoPaint. Using EMS memory can dramatically speed up
- many NeoPaint functions including rotating, flipping
- and special effects.
- o Turn off the UNDO command under the SET PREFERENCES
- selection in the OPTIONS menu. UNDO keeps a record of
- the image prior to the last change you made. This
- takes up memory. If your system has limited RAM and
- disk memory available, you may want to disable this
- in any case. If your system is limited to 640K of
- RAM, then UNDO may use your hard disk to store
- changed items. Using hard disk storage is slower than
- using RAM, and turning off UNDO will increase
- NeoPaint's performance.
- o Do not run NeoPaint as a DOS application under
- Windows. Windows will slow NeoPaint's execution, as
- Windows will still be using up your system's
- resources while NeoPaint is running.
- o If disk storage space is a problem (and in many cases
- even if you have plenty of disk space) turn off the
- selection of the OPTIONS menu. Graphic files tend to
- take up a large amount of disk space, and creating a
- backup file (.BAK) each time you SAVE a picture can
- rapidly deplete the free space available on your
- drive. You might want to turn this feature back on,
- however, when working with particularly important
- images.
- o Try using the 640x480 VGA resolution in 16 colors as
- your default. Some video cards use a TSR program to
- display VESA compatible higher resolutions. Using a
- TSR program is a much slower method of interacting
- with your hardware.
- o When using the 3-D OBJECT icon, use the Wire Frame
- mode.
- o Turn the PREVIEW option off for STAMP PAD images.
- If none of the above seem to help, you may wish to
- consider upgrading your system's hardware. Four hardware
- options are listed below, in ascending order of cost:
- o Add 2 or more megabytes of (RAM) memory to your
- system. NeoPaint supports both the XMS and EMS
- specifications.
- o Use a graphics card containing a chipset supported by
- NeoPaint. Cards containing chipsets compatible with
- ATI, Trident, Hercules monochrome, Paradise/Western
- Digital, Tseng (ET3000 or ET4000), or Video Seven can
- be addressed directly by NeoPaint.
- o Add a larger, faster hard drive.
- o Upgrade your CPU.
- --------------------------
- --------------------------
- NeoPaint comes with a variety of fonts. Additional fonts
- are available on OSCS' electronic bulletin board. You may
- download these via modem at no charge. The number for the
- bulletin board is (503) 383-7195.
- Third party software that can generate GEM screen fonts
- (used by the DOS version of Ventura Publisher) may also
- be used to create fonts for NeoPaint. Simply follow the
- program's instructions for generating screen fonts. Copy
- the fonts to your NeoPaint directory and rename them so
- that they use the .GFT extension.
- --------------------------------
- --------------------------------
- NeoPaint may be run as a DOS application under Windows
- 3.1, subject to certain limitations. We are not
- recommending that you use NeoPaint under Windows, and
- believe you will prefer using the program under the
- quicker DOS environment. However, should you need to work
- from within Windows:
- o NeoPaint does not support the Windows clipboard, OLE,
- etc. If you need to bring an image from NeoPaint into
- a Windows program, this will best be done by
- importing the saved NeoPaint image file directly.
- Most Windows programs which can display graphic
- images will support one or more of NeoPaint's image
- file formats (i.e., PCX, TIFF, or GIF).
- o The NeoGrab screen capture utility is not designed to
- capture Windows screens.
- o Occasionally, using some keyboard shortcuts will
- cause Windows to corrupt the NeoPaint screen. You
- will need to exit NeoPaint to be able to continue.
- o Windows limits the memory resources available to the
- DOS programs it runs. This may cause problems in such
- operations as converting an image to a higher
- resolution or working with very large images.
- o NeoPaint under Windows will tend to run noticeably
- slower than when run as a DOS application.
- ---------------------
- ---------------------
- If your mouse behaves strangely when using NeoPaint, you
- may need to update your mouse driver software. Problems
- such as an invisible cursor or a pointer that leaves a
- trail of pigment on the screen are typical of certain
- older mouse drivers. Contact the computer store where you
- purchased your mouse or the manufacturer for information
- about updating your mouse driver.
- --------------
- --------------
- NeoPaint is designed to read and write the popular PCX,
- GIF and TIFF file formats. We tested literally hundreds
- of images during the design phase of NeoPaint. However,
- even with the best testing, it's entirely possible that
- there are some images that either don't follow the rules
- or employ a compression algorithm that is not supported
- by NeoPaint.
- During our research we discovered, much to our surprise,
- that there is no real consensus or standard among
- programs that use 16 Color TIFF images. Images created by
- one program frequently cannot be loaded by another
- program. With NeoPaint we employed what we believed to be
- the most popular format for 16 color TIFF images. If you
- have problems using 16 color TIFF images with other
- programs, try saving them as PCX or GIF files instead. 2
- color and 256 color TIFF images are not effected by this
- problem.
- Another dilemma facing connoisseurs of TIFF images is the
- fact that there are so many different types. At last
- count there were over 30 distinct dialects of TIFF. It
- would be a tremendous task for NeoPaint to support all
- those varieties. Even the most expensive image processing
- software only support a few TIFF formats. So if you run
- across a TIFF image that is unreadable then you may need
- to translate it into a more basic format first. Better
- yet use PCX or GIF files! All formats, PCX, GIF and TIFF,
- are exactly the same when it comes to image quality, but
- vastly different when if comes to compatibility.
- If you happen to run across an image file in either PCX,
- GIF or TIFF format that you are unable to load with
- NeoPaint, upload the file to our BBS (503) 383-7195
- (N/8/1/300-9600) or place the image on a diskette and
- mail it to:
- OSCS Software Development, Inc,
- Customer Support
- 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108
- Bend, Oregon 97701-4631
- Include a brief note describing the image, where it came
- from and if possible what program was used to create it.
- ---------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------
- You can use NeoPaint to create 320x200x256 screens! In
- fact you can create screens of any size using NeoPaint.
- As you know, the mode you create your art work in need
- not be the same as the screen you are creating. Why
- suffer in 320x200 when you don't need to? The only thing
- you really need to be concerned about is the number of
- colors. You can easily run NeoPaint in 640x480, 800x600
- or 1024x768 with 256 colors and open several 320x200
- images. Switch between them, load multiple palettes, cut,
- paste, zoom, etc. If you need to see how your work looks
- in lower resolutions, try simulating them with NeoPaint's
- zoom feature. Even in zoom mode you'll still have more
- tools than other paint programs have in normal mode.
- We are currently considering creating a utility that
- would allow C and Pascal programmers to incorporate
- NeoPaint images into their source code. For product
- availability on this or any other OSCS product, contact
- the OSCS Sales Department at (503) 389-5489 or call our
- BBS at (503) 383-7195.
- -------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------
- OSCS provides its registered software customers with free
- technical support. We also provide limited technical
- support to persons evaluating our products during the 30
- day evaluation period.
- We do, however, strongly encourage people to register.
- Software development and support is very expensive and we
- need your help if we are to continue to provide quality
- programs at affordable prices. If you haven't already,
- please take a few moments to register. This will assure
- you of eligibility for technical support, product update
- notification, special discounts, announcements, etc.
- If you should encounter a technical problem or question
- not covered in the manual, you may use one of the
- following avenues to obtain technical assistance:
- ------------------------------
- OSCS Software Development, Inc.
- Customer Support
- 354 NE Greenwood Avenue, Suite 108
- Bend, OR 97701-4631
- U.S.A.
- ------------------
- Technical support and product update information are
- available between the hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM
- (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday.
- Please have the following information available for the
- support staff when you call:
- o Brand name and model of your computer system, mouse,
- video adapter and monitor.
- o Operating system (DOS) version number.
- o A listing of the contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and
- CONFIG.SYS files.
- o A description of the problem, how it occurred, and
- how to reproduce it.
- Telephone support may be obtained by calling (503)
- 389-5489. You may also FAX your questions to (503)
- 388-8221.
- ----------------------------------
- Up to date product information, evaluation programs and
- supplements may be obtained via modem from our BBS. The
- telephone number is (503) 383-7195. The bulletin board
- operates using N/8/1/300-9600 Baud.
- --------------------
- --------------------
- If you purchased NeoPaint in a shrink wrapped box with an
- OSCS logo on the back, a registration card was included
- in the package. Please take a moment to fill out the
- lower portion of the card and mail it to:
- OSCS Software Development, Inc.
- Customer Registration
- 354 NE Greenwood Ave. Suite 108
- Bend, Oregon 97701-4631.
- This will enter you as a registered user in our records
- and insure that you receive technical support, upgrade
- notices and information about future products.
- If you received NeoPaint from a friend, BBS, catalog or
- anywhere other than from OSCS or an authorized commercial
- software dealer or distributor, you may try the program
- for a trial period of up to 30 days before registering.
- To obtain a complete commercial package including
- registration number and typeset manual call OSCS at (503)
- 389-5489. We can process your order with VISA or
- MasterCard over the phone. The purchase price of NeoPaint
- is $45 + shipping and handling. Shipping charges are $5
- for U.S. Mail or $7 for Federal Express 2 Day service.
- Outside the United States $10 for Air Mail or $17.50 for
- Federal Express. If you prefer, FAX your order to us at
- (503) 388-8221. If you would like to mail a check or
- money order, make sure it's drawn against a U.S. bank in
- U.S. funds. Our address is:
- OSCS Software Development, Inc.
- 354 NE Greenwood Ave. Suite 108
- Bend, Oregon 97701-4631
- You may also purchase NeoPaint from any one of our many
- dealers world wide. For a list of dealers see the
- DEALER.DOC file accompanying this program.
- If you would like to give a copy of this program to a
- friend or associate please do so, but you may NOT give
- anyone your registration/serial number. We hope you enjoy
- the program and share it with your friends.
- ------------------------------
- ------------------------------
- The following exciting products are available from OSCS.
- Evaluation copies may be obtained from better shareware
- disk vendors or downloaded from most major on-line
- services or from the OSCS BBS service at (503) 383-7195.
- For additional information, pricing or dealer information
- contact the OSCS Sales Department at (503) 389-5489.
- NeoShow - Graphical Slide Show Editor for DOS
- NeoShow allows you to combine PCX and GIF format
- images into stunning slide show presentations.
- Applications include group presentations,
- self-running exhibits, displaying scanned images,
- sales tracts, etc.
- Slide shows may be designed to run automatically, to
- await prompts from a presenter or to run in a
- continuous loop. Thumbnail images of each slide are
- displayed on a storyboard, allowing the user to
- visually rearrange the presentation using simple drag
- and drop commands. NeoShow includes a debug mode for
- fine tuning and can produce shows for exhibition on
- target devices having a different video resolution.
- A variety of screen wipes, fades and dissolves allow
- the user to produce professional looking transitions
- between images. You can even include VOC sound clips
- in your presentation if you have a Sound Blaster (TM)
- compatible sound card. The program supports 2, 16 and
- 256 color images at up to 1024x768 resolution
- (depending on your video card and monitor).
- Makes a great companion product to NeoPaint.
- Price: $35.00 plus shipping and handling
- A commercial version, which includes a run time com-
- piler to turn your slide shows into stand alone EXE
- files, is also available. Price: $89.95 plus shipping
- and handling. Includes run time license.
- QuikMenu - Graphical Desktop for DOS
- QuikMenu is a powerful graphical menuing system for
- the IBM PC that allows you to use your computer
- without the arcane syntax associated with DOS and
- without the dull me-too look of traditional menu
- systems. QuikMenu takes complex DOS commands and
- replaces them with easy-to-use 3D buttons, pop-up
- windows and dialog boxes. With QuikMenu, running
- programs becomes as easy as pressing a single key or
- clicking the mouse.
- QuikMenu graphical interface makes working with your
- computer a snap. QuikMenu can even design a menu for
- you by scanning your hard drive and automatically
- creating an icon for any program it recognizes.
- Additional programs can be added at any time -
- quickly and easily - without programming.
- With your choice of button styles, sizes, shapes,
- colors and fonts, QuikMenu gives you unequaled
- control over the structure, format and appearance of
- your menu. Because QuikMenu has such a wide range of
- powerful tools, menus can be as simple or as complex
- as you desire.
- The built-in File Manager is one of QuikMenu's most
- powerful features. With the File Manager, QuikMenu
- can perform most common DOS functions, as well as
- several functions you cannot do with DOS. File
- Manager's graphical structure makes copying, moving,
- renaming and even deleting files easy. You can also
- create, copy, move and delete directories, view and
- print ASCII text files and display information about
- files, directories and drives. A unique Find option
- allows you to search for a specific file or group of
- files across an entire drive. These files can then be
- copied, moved or deleted as easily as if they were
- all in the same directory. The File Manager, combined
- with QuikMenu's ability to run any program from an
- icon, means you may never need to see the DOS prompt
- again.
- QuikMenu's Utility features include a desktop
- Calculator which displays a paper tape for quick
- verifiable calculations, a Calendar with a free-form
- Note Pad to plan your day and remind you of important
- events, Network E-Mail, a Phone Book database to keep
- track of business associates, friends or anyone you
- contact frequently and an Auto-Dialer that lets you
- use your modem to dial the telephone.
- QuikMenu's Time Tracking is a valuable resource for
- consultants, secretaries, lawyers or anyone who keeps
- track of expenses on the basis of time. The Time Log
- allows you to view, sort and print a variety of
- reports based on how long and how often you use your
- computer.
- QuikMenu is available in both Shareware and
- Commercial versions. The commercial version, QuikMenu
- III, retains the power and ease-of-use of the
- shareware product but adds additional features. The
- most significant of these is the ability to use icons
- to represent program selections. We've also included
- an integrated icon editor, keyboard stuffing, a macro
- recorder and a longer command line.
- Price: Shareware version (QuikMenu 1.07): $35.00
- Commercial version (QuikMenu III): $89.95
- Prices do not include shipping and handling.
- All prices are in US Dollars and subject to change.