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- (tm)
- Version 5.5
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- TRIUS, Inc.
- P.O. Box 249
- N. Andover, MA 01845-0249
- Tel. (508) 794-9377
- Fax. (508) 688-6312
- BBS (508) 794-0762
- CIS. 71333,103
- Copyright 1985 - 1992, TRIUS, Inc.
- All Rights Reserved Worldwide
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | This document is for evaluating the Shareware copy of AS-EASY-AS! |
- | Use of the software package and this document beyond a 30-day |
- | evaluation period requires registration! |
- | ---------------------------------------- |
- | Distribution of printed copies of this manual is Prohibited! |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS(tm) is a copyrighted software product developed and owned
- by TRIUS, Inc. located in North Andover, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
- You may make and keep back-up copies of the software for your personal
- use, provided that you copy all the copyright, trademark, and other
- information indicated on the initial screen display, on each backup
- copy label.
- The rights to receive any financial or other benefit, and to modify
- the product or employ its components in any kind of derivative work,
- are reserved exclusively by TRIUS, Inc.
- You may not reverse-engineer, disassemble, modify, decompile or create
- derivative works of the product. You acknowledge that the product
- includes certain trade secrets and confidential information, all of
- which is the copyrighted intellectual property of TRIUS, Inc.
- AS-EASY-AS is a trademark of TRIUS Inc. and the TRIUS Logo is a
- trademark of TRIUS, Inc. All rights are reserved worldwide.
- The AS-EASY-AS User's Manual is copyrighted and all rights are
- reserved. The reproduction of this document, in whole or part, its
- conversion to electronic medium or its distribution in printed form
- (hard copy) are prohibited unless prior consent, in writing, has been
- given by TRIUS, Inc.
- EPSON is a trademark of Epson America Inc.
- IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines, Inc.
- LOTUS 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation
- HERCULES is a trademark of Hercules Corporation
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- SYMPHONY is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [2]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This program is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any
- kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied
- warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
- The entire risk as to quality and performance of these programs is
- with you. Should the program prove defective, you (not TRIUS, Inc.)
- assume the entire cost of all necessary repair, servicing, or
- correction. In no event will TRIUS, Inc. be liable to you for any
- damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental
- or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use
- these programs, even if TRIUS, Inc. has been advised of the
- possibility of such damages. This warranty gives you specific legal
- rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to
- state. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties
- or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages so
- the above may not apply to you. You acknowledge that you have read
- this agreement, understand it, and agree to be bound by its terms and
- conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive
- statement of the agreement between us, which supersedes any proposal
- or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communications
- between us.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [3]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- COPYRIGHT NOTICE......................................... 2
- LIMITED WARRANTY......................................... 3
- 1. INTRODUCTION............................................. 6
- WHAT IS A SPREADSHEET.................................... 7
- 2. OPERATING REQUIREMENTS................................... 7
- PROGRAM INSTALLATION..................................... 8
- MOUSE INTERFACE.......................................... 8
- STARTING THE PROGRAM..................................... 10
- COMMAND LINE SWITCHES.................................... 10
- MENUS.................................................... 14
- VIEWS/WINDOWS............................................ 16
- SMART CURSOR............................................. 18
- FUNCTION KEYS............................................ 18
- 3. BASICS................................................... 21
- ENTERING LABELS.......................................... 21
- ENTERING VALUES.......................................... 21
- ENTERING FORMULAS........................................ 21
- ENTERING GRAPHICS CHARACTERS............................. 22
- EDITING A CELL........................................... 23
- METHODS FOR ENTERING FORMULAS............................ 23
- WHAT IS A RANGE.......................................... 24
- DEFINING A RANGE......................................... 25
- POINTING WITH THE ARROW KEYS............................. 25
- POINTING WITH THE MOUSE.................................. 25
- TYPING................................................... 26
- NAMING A RANGE........................................... 26
- SETTING FORMATS.......................................... 27
- WHY DO YOU NEED FORMATS?................................. 27
- RELATIVE VERSUS ABSOLUTE ADDRESSES....................... 27
- COPY VALUES.............................................. 29
- MOVE VALUES.............................................. 29
- MOVE FORMULAS............................................ 30
- RECALCULATION MODES...................................... 30
- CIRCULAR REFERENCES...................................... 31
- SAVING THE WORKSHEET..................................... 31
- SAVING PART OF THE WORKSHEET............................. 32
- RETRIEVING THE WORKSHEET................................. 32
- COMBINING WORKSHEETS..................................... 33
- IMPORTING FILES.......................................... 33
- LEAVING THE WORKSHEET.................................... 37
- 4. PRINTING................................................. 38
- PRINTER BORDERS.......................................... 39
- MARGINS & PAGE LENGTH - PRINTER OPTIONS.................. 39
- PRINTER OPTIONS - HEADERS & FOOTERS...................... 41
- PRINTER OPTIONS - EMBEDDED CODES......................... 42
- PRINTER OPTIONS - TYPE................................... 42
- CONTROLLING THE PRINTER.................................. 43
- ASEASY.PRT............................................... 43
- PRINT TO A FILE.......................................... 44
- PRINTING COMBINED TEXT AND GRAPHICS...................... 45
- USING PRINT VIEW......................................... 45
- 5. GRAPHICS COMMANDS........................................ 46
- GRAPH RANGES............................................. 47
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [4]
- TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- FORMAT................................................... 47
- OPTIONS.................................................. 47
- CUSTOM................................................... 47
- COMBINING TEXT AND GRAPHICS.............................. 51
- SAVING A GRAPH........................................... 51
- 6. DATA COMMANDS............................................ 53
- DATA FILL................................................ 53
- DATA TABLE............................................... 53
- DATA TABLE - 1 INPUT..................................... 53
- DATA TABLE - 2 INPUTS.................................... 54
- DATA SORT................................................ 54
- DATA BIN................................................. 55
- DATA GOAL SEEK........................................... 55
- DATA REGRESSION.......................................... 56
- DATA INPUT RANGE......................................... 57
- DATA INPUT FORM.......................................... 57
- 7. DATABASE OPERATIONS...................................... 59
- INPUT RANGE.............................................. 59
- CRITERION RANGE.......................................... 59
- OUTPUT RANGE............................................. 60
- 8. MATRIX OPERATIONS........................................ 61
- MATRIX EQUATION.......................................... 62
- 9. FUNCTIONS................................................ 63
- STRING FUNCTIONS......................................... 63
- MATH FUNCTIONS........................................... 69
- FINANCIAL FUNCTIONS...................................... 72
- LOGICAL FUNCTIONS........................................ 77
- STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS.................................... 79
- SPECIAL FUNCTIONS........................................ 83
- DATE AND TIME FUNCTIONS.................................. 89
- 10.MACROS................................................... 92
- DEFINING A MACRO......................................... 92
- EXECUTING A MACRO........................................ 93
- MACRO MENU ESCAPE SEQUENCE............................... 94
- MACRO KEYWORDS........................................... 94
- ADVANCED MACROS.......................................... 94
- 11.CONFIGURATION FILE....................................... 106
- INDEX .................................................. 111
- ORDER FORM............................................... 119
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [5]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Thank you for trying out AS-EASY-AS, an excellent spreadsheet program,
- packed with features that can't be found in other packages that cost
- many times more. Before you rest your fingers on the keyboard and
- start using AS-EASY-AS, its useful to have an overview of the
- capabilities of the program. Of course, the list below represents
- just a sampling of the many features. However, it will give you an
- idea of the versatility of AS-EASY-AS:
- * Large size (8,192 Rows by 256 Columns)
- * Easy to use, Pull Down Menu Interface
- * Significantly Enhanced dBASE file querying capabilities
- * Math, Statistical, Logical, Financial, String, Date, Time,
- File, Status and User Definable Functions
- * Matrix Operations, Frequency Distribution Tables (Bins)
- * File Linking for worksheet consolidation
- * Powerful Graphics Capabilities
- * Bar, Line, X-Y, Pie, Stacked Bar, Hi-Lo, Polar, Area, Delta,
- Cumulative, Strip, Wall, Semi-Log, Contour and Log-Log Graphs
- * X-Y Data Regression (Up to 5-th order, Ln[x], Exp[x] and Sqrt[x])
- * Keyboard and Mouse-based Operation
- * Multiple Graphics modes (Display Text & Graphics)
- * Preview Mode With Combined Text and Graphics, Page Breaks, etc
- * 9/24-pin dot matrix pin, HP Laserjet and Postscript Support
- * Windows! Up to six resizeable and moveable spreadsheet views
- * Database Operations, Data Input Forms, Read/Write dBASE Files
- * Text Search, Replace, Justify
- * Goalseeking - Need an answer? AS-EASY-AS will solve for the input value!
- * User-configurable Printer Setup File
- * Spreadsheet Auditing Capabilities
- * Named Range, Function, Macro Selection Lists
- * Multiple Planes (3-D Simulation)
- * Macro Programming Language (over 70 powerful macros)
- * Macro Record/Playback Capability and Single Stepping Through Macros
- * Support of Hercules/CGA/EGA/AT&T/VGA, and SVGA graphics cards
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [6]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS is designated to operate on any IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or
- fully compatible computer, as described below:
- AS-EASY-AS will operate using DOS Version 2.11 or later. It has also
- been tested and works under Windows 3.0/3.1 as a DOS application.
- 384k minimum RAM. Spreadsheet data is stored using a sparse matrix
- technique which only allocates space required by each cell.
- Expanded Memory is automatically detected and used by AS-EASY-AS.
- If you don't have EMS, you can instruct AS-EASY-AS to use Virtual
- Memory, whereby a hard disk or diskette may be used to emulate EMS.
- If you don't have EMS memory and don't use virtual memory, only
- conventional DOS memory will be used.
- The minimum files required to run AS-EASY-AS are listed under
- file installation, in this section and require less that 360K.
- As a result, AS-EASY-AS will run on single floppy (720K
- minimum), dual floppy, or hard disk system. This enables AS-
- EASY-AS to run on older PCs and laptops without hard disks.
- MONOCHROME - 80x25 text resolution.
- HERCULES - 720x348 resolution.
- COLOR GRAPHICS ADAPTER (CGA) - 640x200 resolution.
- ENHANCED GRAPHICS ADAPTER (EGA) - 640x350 resolution.
- VIDEO GRAPHICS ARRAY (VGA) - 640x480 resolution.
- SUPER VIDEO GRAPHICS ARRAY (SVGA) - 800x600 resolution.
- AS-EASY-AS will print text and graphics to Epson and compatible 9/24-
- and, Okidata 24-pin dot matrix printers, Hewlett Packard
- LaserJet II and compatible laserjet printers, Toshiba P1351, and
- Postscipt printers (Graphics Only). It will also work with daisy
- wheel printers, but they will not be able to print graphics.
- AS-EASY-AS may optionally be used with a Microsoft or compatible
- mouse.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [7]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Before using AS-EASY-AS, we recommend that a working copy of the
- program be made either on your hard disk or on a separate floppy
- diskette. An installation program provided on the AS-EASY-AS diskette
- makes the process simple. It will transfer the necessary files from
- the original diskette to your working disk/directory. There are no copy
- protection schemes or hidden files to wrestle with.
- If you are making a working disk, first format two blank diskettes and
- label them AS-EASY-AS #1 and #2.
- To make a working copy of the program:
- 1. Place the AS-EASY-AS program disk in drive A:
- 2. At the DOS prompt, type A: and press [ENTER]
- 3. Type INSTALL and press [ENTER].
- Follow the simple on-screen instructions to specify where to
- install the program. If you are installing the program on 360K
- diskettes, you will be prompted to change the diskettes as
- needed.
- When the operation is complete, the DOS prompt will reappear on your
- screen. Place the original diskette in a safe place. If your working
- diskette later becomes damaged, repeat the above process to make a new
- working disk.
- The following files are the minimum required to run AS-EASY-AS:
- The rest of the files do not need to be present in your working
- disk/directory to run the program.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS may be used with a Microsoft or compatible 2 or 3 button
- mouse. Some mice have three buttons, while others have two. AS-
- EASY-AS uses only two buttons on the mouse. The left button is
- functionally equivalent to the [ENTER] key on the keyboard, and the
- middle and/or right mouse buttons both represent the [ESC] key. You
- can use the keyboard and mouse equivalents interchangeably.
- In text modes, the mouse cursor appears on the AS-EASY-AS screen as a
- block one character in width and height. The cursor may be moved
- around the screen through corresponding movement of the mouse.
- If the left mouse button is "tapped" or "clicked" while on a
- worksheet cell, the worksheet cell pointer will relocate to the cell
- occupied by the mouse cursor.
- If the left button is held down while moving the mouse, and the mouse
- cursor reaches a border, the worksheet will start scrolling in the
- direction of mouse movement. This motion will continue until the
- outer limits of the worksheet are reached. The cell pointer will be
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [8]
- positioned in the last cell where movement was stopped.
- The sensitivity of the mouse while scrolling may cause overshoot of
- the desired window on some fast computers. If this happens, you can
- move the cell pointer one cell at a time by clicking on the scroll
- bar pointers in the right and bottom borders.
- Throughout this manual, when a reference is made to the [ENTER] key,
- the left mouse button will also be implied. Similarly, when
- reference is made to the [ESC] key, the right mouse button should be
- assumed to perform the same function.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [9]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The system configuration and certain default parameters can be
- specified when the program is started. Various configuration options
- can be invoked by a number of command line switches (each switch is
- preceded by a slash [/] character). Note that most of the same
- defaults can also be changed in the AS-EASY-AS Configuration file.
- See User, Install in Section 11 for further information.
- The general form to start the program is:
- ASEASY /switch1/switch2/switch3...
- where switch1, switch2,... are explained below
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Switches are limited to a maximum of 47 characters on the command line.
- The following command line switch options can appear in any order.
- ATT - AT&T Monochrome System.
- Set this switch if you are using AS-EASY-AS on an AT&T System to
- produce graphics with a resolution of 640x400 (video mode $48)
- ATT2 - AT&T Monochrome System.
- Set this switch if you are using AS-EASY-AS on some Toshiba laptops
- (and some Olivetti systems) to produce graphics with a resolution of
- 640x400 (video mode $40).
- AUTO=Filename - Autoload Worksheet.
- This switch instructs AS-EASY-AS to automatically load a worksheet
- upon program startup. Be sure to specify the file's .WKS extension
- and path, if the file is not located in the default directory.
- Note: File names containing a hyphen "-" can not be auto-
- loaded. However, the underscore character "_" is
- acceptable.
- BM - Bypass Mono
- This switch overrides the equipment autodetection and is used in
- combination with /EM or /EVM.
- BK=X - Screen Blanking Time
- This switch sets the screen blanking time. If your computer is left
- inactive (no key pressed) for X-seconds, the screen will blank out to
- prevent phosphor burnout due to long periods of reverse video (i.e.
- the BORDERS). Pressing any key will re-display the sheet. (We suggest
- using the ESCAPE key).
- The default blank out time is set to 5 minutes (i.e., X=300). If a
- blanking time of 0 is used, screen blanking will be disabled.
- CFG=Path\File - Specifies the configuration file to be used.
- This allows using multiple configuration files for specific
- applictions, or different users on a network.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [10]
- CTR - Center the letters identifying the spreadsheet columns.
- DIR=Path - Sets the Default Directory/Data Path
- The default data drive and subdirectory is the drive and subdirectory
- from which the program was started. This switch allows you to change
- the default drive/directory.
- DW - Highlight Unprotected Cells
- Highlight cells which have been formatted as unprotected (/Range Lock
- No), whether worksheet protection has been enabled or not. Normally
- unprotected cells are highlighted only if protection has been enabled.
- E - Enhanced Graphics Adaptor
- This switch specifies an IBM Enhanced Graphics Adaptor or equivalent
- available for graphics. The resolution on the EGA screen is 640x350
- pixels with multiple colors.
- EM - Monochrome EGA Monitor/Card (640x350)
- Specifies that your computer is equipped with a monochrome EGA
- monitor and adapter card, capable of displaying at a 640x350 pixel
- resolution.
- EV - VGA Monitor/Card (640x480)
- Specifies that your computer is equipped with a VGA monitor and
- adapter card, capable of displaying at a 640x480 pixel resolution.
- If your system is equipped with such a monitor/card combination and
- the /EV switch is not used, the program will most likely start up in
- EGA or CGA mode.
- EVM - Monochrome VGA Monitor/Card (640x480)
- Specifies that your computer is equipped with a monochrome VGA
- monitor and adapter card, capable of displaying at a 640x480 pixel
- resolution.
- H - Hercules System
- This switch specifies that you are using a Hercules Mono-Graphics
- board or clone. The resolution of the screen, when plotting
- graphics, is 720x348 pixels and will use the first graphics page at
- $b000. To force graphics to the second graphics page at $b800 follow
- the H with a 2, i.e., H2.
- H2 - Hercules Card, Page #2 (720x348)
- This switch instructs the program to use the second video page at $b800
- for graphics when using a Hercules Mono-Graphics board or clone.
- MONO - Monochrome (B&W)
- Change all colors to a white/black color scheme. This can be used on
- monitors which do not display all colors visibly, such as LCD
- monitors found on most laptops.
- NE - Don't Use Expanded Memory
- Do not use expanded memory, even if it is found on your computer.
- AS-EASY-AS will automatically use all the expanded memory it detects
- unless this switch is used.
- NR - Force Manual Recalculation
- Forces recalculation to be set to manual mode and disables Recalc
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [11]
- Linking when a worksheet file is loaded. This results in significantly
- decreased time for loading complex worksheets.
- NT - Non-Turbo Keyboard
- Cursor movement using the keyboard cursor keys defaults to a "turbo"
- mode. Turbo speeds up cursor movement on 286 ATs and above. It may
- not be compatible with some types of computers, such as the PCjr.
- Therefore, the turbo feature may be disabled by use of the NT switch.
- NW - Change Data Bin Boundary Values
- This switch changes the boundary values for the Data Bin operation.
- Without this switch, the criterion used for assigning a sample to a bin
- is LIMIT1 ≥ VALUE < LIMIT2, which results in the value being
- assigned to the LIMIT2 bin.
- If the command line switch /NW is used, the criterion for being assigned
- to the LIMIT2 bin becomes LIMIT1 > VALUE ≤ LIMIT2.
- P - Use Alternate Menu
- Use the alternate menu definition file that makes AS-EASY-AS
- menu commands compatible to version 4 of the program. Note that
- in order for this to work, the ASEASY.MN2 file NEEDS to be
- present in the ASEASY directory!
- RA - Round Absolute
- By setting this switch, the absolute value of negative numbers is
- used when rounding. If the RA switch is NOT used @Round(1.6,0)=2 and
- @Round(-1.6,0)=1. If AS-EASY-AS is started with the RA switch,
- @Round(1.6,0)=2 and @Round(-1.6,0)=-2.
- UK - UK Punctuation Switch
- Starting the program with this switch sets the pound as the default
- currency symbol and modifies the @DATEVAL function to accept
- arguments in the form: @DATEVAL(DD,MM,YY)
- V1 - CGA Mode
- Force EGA/VGA cards operation to CGA mode. This might be necessary
- for some non-standard EGA/VGA monitors and video card combinations.
- VM=XXX - Use Virtual Memory
- This command line switch instructs AS-EASY-AS to use a disk drive to
- emulate EMS RAM. XXX represents the maximum number of 4K packages to
- use as EMS memory.
- NOTE: XXX is limited to a maximum of 500 pages, which is the
- equivalent of 2,000K of EMS. This allows for even
- larger worksheets to be created, limited possibly by the
- size of your hard disk or diskette.
- VP=Drive\Path; - Path for Virtual EMS
- Specifies the drive and subdirectory to by used by AS-EASY-AS when
- the /VM switch is used. The default is the start-up drive\directory.
- You may specify another drive which has more available space to be
- used for the temporary files. Note the ";" at the end of the path
- name.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [12]
- XM-nnn - Limit the use of EMS
- Specifies the number of 16K pages of EMS to be used by the
- program (rather than using all available EMS. The limit is 500
- pages (8 Mb).
- Any combination of valid switches (depending on your system) can be
- used.
- As an example, ASEASY/E/NE/DIR=C:\DATA instructs AS-EASY-AS to start
- in EGA mode, not to use expanded memory, and set the default data
- drive and directory to C:\DATA.
- By creating individual batch files, you could start AS-EASY-AS on a
- number of different systems, without having to remember all the
- switches required.
- Math Coprocessor
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS will try to detect if a math coprocessor chip (8087,
- 80287, 80387,..) is installed in your computer and if so, it will
- automatically use it to speed up calculations.
- It is possible, however, that for specific applications, or if
- you are experiencing problems (with some generic coprocessor
- chips, under windows, etc), that you want to temporarily disable
- the math coprocessor.
- In order to do that, before starting AS-EASY-AS, at the DOS
- prompt, type
- SET 87=N
- and press [ENTER]. If, after running AS-EASY-AS, you want to
- enable the coprocessor again, then simply type,
- SET 87=
- and press [ENTER] at the DOS prompt.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS can be started from any drive/directory on your hard disk
- simply by typing ASEASY. To do so, you must make sure that the
- directory, where the ASEASY program files are located, is in your DOS
- path.
- Consult your DOS manual for more information on the PATH and SET
- statements.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [13]
- ~~~~~
- All AS-EASY-AS commands are accessed through menus which are invoked
- by pressing the [/] key. This key is usually located on the lower
- right side of the keyboard, just above the space bar. An alternate
- key may be specified, refer to User, Install, Punctuate, Menukey for
- details.
- If you use a mouse, command menus are invoked by pressing the right
- mouse button when the program is in the Ready! mode. The main command
- menu will drop down and provide access to all other menu commands. If
- the right button was selected in error, tapping the right button again
- will return you to the Ready! mode.
- In order for your mouse to be operational, your mouse driver needs to
- be loaded prior to starting AS-EASY-AS (see Section 2 on using the
- mouse).
- When the [/] key is pressed, the main menu will appear in the
- top left corner of the screen. As you will see later, window menus
- provide you with a useful trail through the different levels of menus
- in the program.
- The first option in the menu will be indicated by a moveable pointer.
- The command area line, on the top of the screen, will display
- additional information about the option or menu choice.
- The pointer can be moved by pressing the cursor arrow keys or by
- moving the mouse pointer, if your mouse is active. [HOME] will move
- the selection bar to the first menu option, while [END] will move it
- to the last one. Pressing [LEFT], [UP] or [BACKSPACE] will move the
- selection bar up. Pressing [RIGHT], [DOWN] or [SPACE] will move the
- selection bar down.
- To select a command or sub menu, use the cursor keys to highlight the
- command you want and press the [ENTER] key. An alternative way is to
- press the key corresponding to the first letter of the desired option.
- For example, when the main menu is displayed, pressing S gets you in
- the Sheet menu, or pressing R gets you in the Range menu, etc.
- Tapping the left mouse button will select the highlighted command.
- Continue the process until the desired command is reached. Tapping
- the right button once is the equivalent of hitting [ESC], and will
- return you to the previous menu.
- Once a selection is made, a new menu window appears in the same
- location. This window is actually made up of two parts. The top part
- displays the option you selected in the previous menu. The bottom part
- is a menu, with the last option selected highlighted. You can select
- an option from this menu either by highlighting the choice and
- pressing [ENTER] or by pressing the key corresponding to the first
- letter of the option.
- To facilitate repetitive tasks, AS-EASY-AS remembers the last sequence
- of menu commands used. If the main menu is selected a second time,
- you will notice the command last used is highlighted. To reuse the
- same command, simply press [ENTER] or click the left mouse button to
- select the command, and continue likewise through the submenus.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [14]
- The display menu window can be shifted between the left and right
- sides of the screen by pressing the period [.] key. Press period (.)
- again and it returns to its original position. Once the menu window
- has been placed either on the left or the right side of the screen, it
- will appear there every time the menu is accessed until it is moved
- again or until the program is exited.
- Both the width and the position of the menu window can also be
- adjusted by macro commands.
- When the number of selection items is too large, (such as filename in
- a directory) to be displayed on a single screen as may occur during
- /File Retrieve, only a single page at a time is presented. Viewing
- successive pages can be achieved by moving the cursor past the bottom
- row or using the [PgUp] and [PgDn] keys.
- As you can see, with this menuing technique, at any time you can tell
- exactly what you are doing. If you don't think that this is
- important, consider the following:
- Assume that your current menu is displaying the menu of cell FORMAT
- options. Unless you have kept track of all your previous keystrokes, it
- is very hard to tell exactly what you are trying to format. This is
- because the FORMAT menu can be accessed from a number of different
- menus.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [15]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS has the ability to open up to six windows or views of the
- worksheet at one time. Worksheet views can be arranged and resized on
- the screen according to your preference. When multiple views are
- created, only one window can be worked on at a time. This is called
- the active window and is identified by a blinking cursor. The [F7]
- key is used to toggle between worksheet views. The cell pointer
- identifies which view is active.
- The windows can be manipulated by using a mouse, or through the View
- menu command.
- With a mouse, to resize the window, position the mouse pointer on the
- character in lower right corner of the window. Depress the left button
- and drag the mouse to the desired size. Dragging the upper right
- corner of the window will move the window. Positioning the mouse
- pointer on any portion of an inactive window and clicking the left
- button makes that window active.
- The following View menu subcommands allow manipulation of the windows.
- OPEN - creates a new view based on the active window. If this process
- is continued, multiple views of the worksheet will be created. Up to
- six worksheet views can be created at one time. Worksheets will
- overlap each other (layer) when opened. If an attempt is made to open
- a seventh window, an error message will appear warning that the
- maximum number of windows has been exceeded.
- CLOSE - will terminate the current worksheet view. This command can
- be repeated until all views are removed. Closing a middle view will
- result in the windows being renumbered accordingly. For example, if
- six window views are created (1,2,3,4,5,6) and window number three is
- closed, windows 5 and 6 will automatically renumber to read
- (1,2,3,4,5).
- LAYER - will arrange all the open windows on the screen at once. [F7]
- is used to toggle between worksheets and is used to select the active
- window. Each time a new window is opened, it is layered below and to
- the right of the previous window.
- ZOOM - will expand the active window to fill the entire screen. This
- command will allow you to take a closer look at the worksheet.
- SIZE - changes the width and/or height of the window. The smallest
- view size is 22 character columns by 4 character rows. The number of
- columns and rows is dependant on the type of graphics text selected.
- The [up], [down], [left], [right], [home], arrow keys can be used to
- reduce and enlarge the worksheet view.
- MOVE - repositions the window on the screen. To move the worksheet,
- the size of the window must first be reduced to less than full-size.
- Use the cursor keys to move the active window.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [16]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- For keyboards with a combined cursor/number key pad, first make sure
- the NUM status indicator is NOT displayed on the status line. This
- means that the cursor key pad is active. Next, take a close look at
- the cursor key pad (usually located on the right side of your
- keyboard). Each key performs the following action:
- [HOME] Move the cursor to cell position A1 or the
- border boundary
- [UP] Move the cursor up one row
- [PGUP] Move the cursor up one screen page
- [DOWN] Move the cursor down one row
- [PGDN] Move the cursor down one screen page
- [LEFT] Move the cursor left one column
- [RIGHT] Move the cursor right one column
- [END] This key acts in combination with the next
- cursor key pressed. It causes the spreadsheet to
- scan in the indicated direction until a change of
- state occurs. For example, a column of numbers
- with a blank cell in the middle will result in the
- cursor stopping at the blank cell. Subsequent
- [END] [DOWN] will jump to the bottom of the
- column.
- [END][UP] Move to far top of range
- [END][DOWN] Move to far bottom of range
- [END][LEFT] Move to far left of range
- [END][RIGHT] Move to far right of range
- [END][HOME] Move to lower right corner of sheet
- Other movement keys:
- [TAB] Move one page right
- [SHIFT][TAB] Move one page left
- [F5] Go to specified cell
- [F6] When the /Sheet Window option has been
- selected, pressing F6 moves the cursor between
- the two windows. With only one window active,
- pressing F6 toggles between the current and the
- last position of the cursor.
- [F7] The F7 function key is used to toggle between
- worksheet views when multiple windows are
- created.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [17]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Smart Cursor will automatically move the cell pointer one cell in the
- direction of the last cursor movement after the [ENTER] key has been
- pressed. Smart Cursor is toggled on/off by pressing the [SCROLL LOCK]
- key. "SCR" displayed in the status line indicates Smart Cursor is
- active.
- When active, if a number is typed into a cell, followed by [ENTER] and
- a cursor key, Smart Cursor remembers the direction of movement.
- Subsequent input of data, followed by [ENTER], will place the data in
- the cell, and move the cursor one cell in the established direction of
- movement. If a cursur key is again pressed, that direction becomes
- the new direction of movement.
- For example, when you type the number 1 in cell A1 and press [ENTER],
- the cursor remains in cell A1. If you move the cursor to cell A2 and
- type the number 2, the cursor will automatically move to cell A3 after
- [ENTER] has been pressed.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- F1 - Help Function Key (when ready mode is active)
- To choose among the help topics, press the up/down cursor keys to move
- the highlighted cursor to the one desired.
- [HOME] brings you to the top of the list;
- [END] to the bottom;
- [PAGE UP] to the top of the screen;
- [PAGE DOWN] to the bottom of the screen.
- A letter key searches for a topic starting with that letter
- [ENTER] selects the topic.
- Once a help topic has been chosen and entered, use the up/down cursor
- keys to scroll through the file. The highlighted bottom boundary of
- a file disappears when the end of the file has been reached.
- To exit one help topic and return to the topics list, press [ESC].
- F1 - Help When Entering a Macro
- If you are typing a macro and the last key typed was the "{" key,
- pressing [F1] will open a pick window in the middle of your screen,
- displaying all the macro commands available to you. Move the cursor
- using the arrow keys, select the macro command you want and press
- [ENTER]. The macro command is inserted, at the cursor position, and
- you are ready to continue typing.
- F1 - Help When Entering an Equation
- If you have just entered a valid operator (+, -, *, or /), pressing
- F1 will display all named ranges defined in the spreadsheet. Select
- the one you want, using the cursor, press [ENTER] and the named range
- is inserted in your equation.
- F1 - HELP When Entering a Function
- If you have just pressed the "@" key, pressing F1 will open a
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [18]
- selection window in the middle of your screen, and will display all
- the @-Functions available to you. When the function list appears,
- move the cursor using the arrow keys, pick the function you want and
- press [ENTER]. The function is inserted and you are ready to continue
- typing. Pressing the [ESC] key, when the function list appears, will
- cancel the operation but still leave you in the edit mode.
- F1 - HELP When Entering a Printer Setup Code
- If you are in the PrintTo Printer Options Setup submenu and are
- trying to remember a printer setup code, all you need to do is press
- [\] followed by F1. A selection window displays the setup codes that
- you have placed in your printer set-up file (see section on Printer
- Options). Move the cursor with the arrow keys, select the setup code
- that you want, and press [ENTER]. AS-EASY-AS will insert the
- selected printer setup code and you can continue with your next
- operation.
- This is a great feature for those who have to use complicated lengthy
- laser printer setup strings.
- The F1 option is also available when embedding setup codes directly
- in a print range (see section on Printer Options).
- NOTES: 1. You can still manually enter the setup codes if you prefer.
- 2. The printer setup file has the name ASEASY.PRT and must
- be in the default directory.
- F2 - Edit Function Key
- Pressing the F2 function key places a copy of the contents of the
- current cell on the second line of the command panel area, and
- invokes the edit mode. For more information about the edit mode
- options, refer to Section 3.2.
- F3 - Macro Function Key
- The F3 function key allows execution of a macro by name or by cell
- reference. When F3 is pressed, a prompt appears requesting the name
- of the macro that you want to execute. The default address is the
- cell reference specified the last time F3 was invoked during the
- current session. You can either type the name of the macro you want
- to execute and press [ENTER] or press [ESC].
- Pressing [ESC] in response to the prompt will display a pick list of range
- names to choose from. Move the cursor to the desired macro name and
- press [ENTER].
- NOTE: This is the equivalent to the {JUMP NAME} macro command.
- F4 - Absolute Address Function Key
- Pressing F4 when in the middle of entering a formula, makes the
- address of the current cell absolute (both row and column). Pressing
- F4 once more makes only the column of the current cell absolute and
- pressing it for the third time makes the reference relative.
- NOTE: This function key is only active when entering an equation
- in the pointing mode. It is not active when editing a cell.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [19]
- F5 - GoTo Function Key
- The GOTO function key allows you to position the cursor on a cell
- indicated by name or by reference. When the prompt for the
- destination appears, pressing [ESC] will present a window of range
- names from which to choose. The default address is the address
- specified last time F5 was invoked during the current session.
- F6 - Window/Location Function Key
- The F6 function key toggles the cell cursor between the current
- location and the last location the cell cursor occupied. When the
- Sheet, Windows command has been invoked, pressing the F6 key will
- toggle the cursor between the two windows. When the Sheet, Borders
- command has been invoked, pressing the F6 key will toggle the cursor
- into and out of the border area (only if a border was assigned to one
- window).
- F7 - View Key
- The F7 function key is used to toggle between worksheet views when
- multiple windows are created. Up to six window views can be opened
- but only one window can be worked on at a time. This is called the
- active window and is identified by a visable cell pointer.
- F9 - Calculate Function Key
- When the ready mode is active, pressing F9 results in all cells being
- recalculated.
- Another feature of the F9 key is that it performs the calculation of
- any equation, at any point in an editing AS-EASY-AS operation. When
- editing a formula, pressing F9 replaces the entire formula with its
- evaluated result.
- Example: Cell A1 contains the value 1, and
- Cell A2 contains the value 2
- Place the cursor in cell B1 and press the following keys:
- /scsA1+A2 [F9] [ENTER]
- |
- Function Key
- This will set the width of column B to 3, i.e., the value of cell A1
- plus the value of cell A2.
- F10 - Graph Function Key
- Pressing F10 displays the currently defined graph. If no graph has
- been defined, a beep will sound and an error message will be
- displayed.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [20]
- ~~~~~~~~~
- This section provides information necessary to perform basic
- functions, such as entering text, values, and formulas, and editing
- data once it has been entered. It also describes basic skills and
- concepts, such as copying and moving cells, inserting and deleting
- rows and columns, creating and using range names, and file management.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A label is any sequence of characters which is not preceded with a
- digit or mathematical operator. Digits may be entered as labels if
- they are preceded with an apostrophe ['], a caret [^], a quote ["],
- a backslash [\], or a pipeline [|] character. These label prefix
- characters are special formatting characters which perform the
- following:
- ['] Left justifies the label within the column
- [^] Centers the label within the column. If the label is
- wider than the column, the result is left justified.
- ["] Right justifies the label within the column. If the label
- is wider than the column, the result is left justified.
- [\] Repeats the character which follows, the width of the column.
- [|] Sends the characters that follow to the printer as a setup
- string. (The "|" character is not displayed on screen).
- [«] (Alt-174 on keypad) Pad string with periods on the left side.
- [»] (Alt-175 on keypad) Pad string with periods on the right.
- The default prefix character is an apostrophe ['] which will
- automatically be inserted as the first character. Prefix characters
- are interpreted as text if they appear other than in the first
- position of the label.
- NOTE: Digits that have been entered with a label prefix character are
- labels. As a label, the digits will be evaluated as having a value of
- zero. Therefore, it is not possible to left or center justify numbers
- and be able to use them in equations.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A value is any sequence of digits. AS-EASY-AS supports 11 significant
- digits. Large numbers are entered by using exponential notation.
- For example, the number 2.3x1015 would be entered as 2.3E15 [ENTER].
- All entries must be completed by pressing the [ENTER] key or one of
- the direction keys. If one of these keys has not been pressed, the
- [BackSpace] key may be used to delete the previously entered digit.
- If a cell contains only asterisks, "*********", it's an indication
- that the width of the column is insufficient to hold all the
- characters required to display the number. To make the value visible,
- either expand the column width or change the format of the
- cell.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [21]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The power of a spreadsheet stems from its ability to interrelate the
- contents of its cells. These relationships are set through the use of
- formulas that are entered directly into the cells. Once entered, the
- formulas may be saved with the spreadsheet, copied, edited, or moved
- etc. Relationships between cells are formed using algebraic,
- statistical or logical expressions. Once a formula is typed in and
- [ENTER] is pressed, it is evaluated and the result is placed in the
- cell. The following operators are available for use in cell formulas:
- [-] - negation
- [+] - addition
- [-] - subtraction
- [*] - multiplication
- [/] - division
- [!] - factorial
- [%] - percent
- [^] - exponentiation
- [>] - greater than
- [<] - less than
- [=] - equal to
- [<=] - less than or equal
- [>=] - greater than or equal
- [<>] - not equal to
- [()] - parentheses
- A formula must be preceded by one of the following characters:
- - + ( @ or a digit.
- The following examples assume that cell A1 contains the value 4.
- Type Result Comment
- ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
- 1.1+2*3+5^2 32.1 --
- +A1*2+5.5 13.5 --
- @SQRT(A1)+5 7.0 --
- (2*A1+3)*3 33.0 --
- -5.1+2 -3.1 --
- 2>3 0 Result is False
- 3>2 1 Result is True
- 5<>4 1 Result is True
- 6=5 0 Result is False
- Parenthesis are used to group calculations and force a specific order
- of evaluation. AS-EASY-AS will first evaluate the expression in
- parentheses, then continue in order of operator precedence. As an
- example:
- (2+3)*6 evaluates to 30, while 2+(3*6) evaluates to 20.
- Quotes must be used to indicate string arguments. For example:
- +"Hello"&" Tom!" will display Hello Tom! in a cell.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [22]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS permits entry of high bit ASCII characters (sometimes
- referred to as graphics or box characters). To create one of these
- characters, hold the [ALT] key down and enter the decimal code of the
- character you want using the numeric pad (on the right side of your
- keyboard). When you let go of the [ALT] key, the specified character
- will appear. For example, if you type 195 (while holding down the
- [Alt] key) the character ├ will appear on your screen.
- NOTE: Some graphics characters can be printed only if they are
- supported by your printer.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Changes to the contents of a cell may be made by retyping the contents
- and pressing [ENTER] or by invoking the Edit Mode, using the Edit
- Function Key [F2].
- Pressing [F2] causes the contents of the current cell to be placed on
- line 1 of the command panel. The mode indicator is changed to EDIT.
- The character cursor is positioned at the end of the line. Make
- changes by moving the character cursor to the desired position and
- start typing.
- When in the edit mode with insert active, text under and to right of
- the cursor will be shifted to the right as characters are typed.
- Insert can be toggled on/off by pressing the insert [INS] key. The
- opposite of insert mode is overwrite mode which is indicated by an
- increase in cursor size and the display of the OVR status indicator
- (text will be overwritten by new typing).
- The following keys may be used to edit:
- [LEFT] Move cursor one position to the left
- [RIGHT] Move cursor one position to the right
- [HOME] Move cursor to the first character position
- [END] Move cursor to the last character position
- [INS] Toggle between overwrite and insert mode
- [DEL] Delete the character underneath the cursor
- [BACKSPACE] Delete the character left of the cursor
- [TAB] Move 8 positions to the right
- [SHIFT][TAB] Move 8 positions to the left
- [CTRL][RIGHT] Move to the beginning of the next word
- [CTRL][LEFT] Move to the beginning of the previous word
- [ESC] Cancel all editing and leave original cell contents
- After all changes have been made you must press the [ENTER] key to
- insert the changes into the current cell in the worksheet.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [23]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- There are two ways to enter a formula into an AS-EASY-AS cell. One is
- to type the whole formula and the second is to point to the referred
- cells.
- For example let's say that you want to enter the following formula in
- cell B6.
- @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C8)
- This could be accomplished in two ways as shown below (assuming that
- the cursor is already in cell B6).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- @SUM( @SUM(
- [LEFT] @SUM(A6
- [UP] @SUM(A5
- (period). @SUM(A5..A5
- [DOWN](7 times) @SUM(A5..A12
- )+ @SUM(A5..A12)+
- [HOME] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1
- /( @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6
- [RIGHT] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6
- * @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*
- [RIGHT] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C6
- [DOWN] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C7
- [DOWN] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C8
- ) @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C8)
- [ENTER] @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C8)
- And the calculated value is displayed in cell B6.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- With the cursor positioned on cell B6, type:
- @SUM(A5..A12)+A1/(C6*C8)
- and press [ENTER]. The calculated value will appear in cell B6, and
- the above equation will show on the control panel.
- Cell references can be either absolute or relative. An absolute cell
- has the row or column to be fixed preceded by a '$', i.e. $A1 fixes
- the column portion of the cell reference. A block copy of a formula
- with this cell reference will not alter the 'A' portion of the cell.
- $A$1 fixes both the row and column portion of the cell. Without the
- '$' all copies of the cell formula will result in a translation of the
- cell reference which maintains the relative reference. Cell references
- must be preceded by either a '+' or '-' sign or a parenthesis.
- See the section on copying and moving for more information on relative
- and absolute references.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [24]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A range is defined as any rectangular group of cells in the
- spreadsheet. A range can be as narrow as a single row in depth or as
- deep as all the rows in the spreadsheet. Similarly a range can be as
- narrow as a single column in width or as wide as all the columns in
- the spreadsheet (256).
- A range is described by specifying the upper left cell and lower right
- cell of the range. The cells must be separated by two periods '..' .
- An example of this is A1..D5. This includes all cells in columns A,
- B, C and D and rows 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- The entire group of cells looks like this:
- A1 B1 C1 D1
- A2 B2 C2 D2
- A3 B3 C3 D3
- A4 B4 C4 D4
- A5 B5 C5 D5
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ranges can be defined by using one of two possible methods: pointing
- to the cell or range of cells, or actually typing in the range (upper
- left cell followed by two periods and then the lower right cell) or
- range name.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Pointing to a cell simply involves moving the cursor. It is best to
- use this method in response to COPY or MOVE commands. When asked for
- a range, move the pointer. Notice that the pointer expands on the
- screen. In the middle of the leading edge of the pointer you will see
- a small blinking cursor. This indicates the corner of the range which
- you can expand or contract. To switch to the next corner press the
- period [.]. If you press the period 4 times, you will return to your
- starting position. When the range has been completely highlighted,
- press the [ENTER] key. This fixes the range and allows any action to
- continue. For example, if the range was entered in response to a COPY
- command, the copy operation be initiated.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The mouse may be used when building ranges in AS-EASY-AS. The process
- of pointing with the mouse is similar to that pointing with the arrow
- keys. (Note that in order to use the mouse, your mouse driver needs to
- be loaded prior to starting AS-EASY-AS).
- When prompted for a cell range, position the mouse pointer at one
- corner of the range and press the left mouse button. Keep it
- depressed as you move the mouse until the desired range is
- highlighted. Release the button to signify the end of the range and
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [25]
- click the left mouse button again to confirm the selection (similar to
- pressing the [ENTER] key at the end of the range definition). To
- change the range a second time, hold the mouse button down and repeat
- the previous step.
- If you wish to cancel a range or stop the process, tapping the right
- mouse button will back you through the command.
- When using the right mouse in conjunction with AS-EASY-AS functions,
- such as @SUM, the function name and left parenthesis must be typed
- first,e.g., "@SUM(". To build the range, position the mouse cursor at
- the top left cell of the range, depress the left mouse button and
- build the range. When the range is completed, type the remainder of
- the function, in our example, this would be the right parenthesis")",
- and hit [ENTER]. Again, you can proceed back through the range
- building process by pressing the right mouse button.
- ~~~~~~
- Typing a range may be done by specifying diagonally opposite cell
- corners of the range. Each cell reference is separated by one or two
- periods [.].
- Example: A1..D5 defines the same range as D1..A5. When the entry is
- complete press the [ENTER].
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A powerful AS-EASY-AS feature is the ability to refer to a range of
- cells using a name assigned to that range. Such range names may be
- used anywhere a cell reference is expected by AS-EASY-AS. Since a
- range can also consist of a single cell, this naming ability can be
- used to create applications and formulas that are easy to understand.
- For example, let us say that cell A1 contained total income for the
- month and cell A5 contained total expenses. If cell A10 contained a
- formula to calculate the monthly balance, i.e. +A1-A5, then, when you
- placed the cursor on cell A10, the input line would display A10:
- +A1-A5. If, on the other hand, you had named A1 as INCOME and A5 as
- EXPENSES, when on A10, the input line would display A10: +INCOME-
- EXPENSES, which is much more informative.
- When entering the formula in A10, with the cells named as above, you
- could use either the named range or the actual reference. The
- keystroke sequences below would yield identical results (assuming the
- cursor is currently at A10):
- +A1-A5 [ENTER], or
- Ranges are assigned names using the /Range, Name, Create command
- sequence.
- Up to 250 named ranges may be defined in a single worksheet. Each
- range name can be up to 11 characters long.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [26]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Format refers to the appearance of a cell. There may be a big
- difference between the way the contents of a cell is displayed and the
- way the value of that cell is stored internally. It helps to keep
- that in mind at all times.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Imagine that a cell contains the result of a calculation where you are
- trying to figure out the monthly payments on a loan. Let's say that
- the calculated payment was 657.17625412 per month.
- Do you really want to see 8 digits after the decimal point? Most
- likely not, and that's where formats come in.
- A better way to format the payment amount would be:
- 657.18 (rounded to two decimals, cents)
- or better yet,
- $657.18
- NOTE: Even though the value is displayed as 657.18, the value stored
- in the cell and used in any calculations involving that cell is
- 657.17625412.
- Applying a format to a single cell or to a whole range of cells may be
- done with the /Range, Format command. Setting the default format for
- the entire worksheet is done using the /Sheet, General, Format
- command.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS does all the work required to keep track of the cells you
- refer to in formulas:
- If you move the cells referenced in a formula to another place in
- the worksheet, AS-EASY-AS automatically adjusts the references in
- the formula.
- If you move a formula from one cell to another, cell references in
- the formula remain unchanged.
- If you insert a column or row within a specified block, any
- formula that references the block is automatically adjusted to
- include it.
- If you delete a row or column within a block, any formula that
- references the block is automatically adjusted to exclude it. An
- important exception is if you delete a row or column that contains
- one of the corner cells included in the range reference, an ERR is
- entered in the formula cell. If this occurs, you must reenter the
- formula with the correct range.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [27]
- If you copy a block of cells that include a formula but not the
- cells referenced in the formula, the formula is updated to
- reference new cells which have the same position in relation to
- the formula's cell. (Cells viewed this way are called relative
- cells).
- If you want to copy a formula and maintain the original cell
- references, you must specify those references as absolute before
- copying the formula. This is done by inserting the dollar sign
- before the cell coordinates.
- $A$2 - Makes the entire address absolute
- $A2 - Makes the column absolute
- A$2 - Makes the row absolute
- Named ranges operate just like all references and will translate
- when copied or moved. To make a named range absolute, you must
- preface the range name with a dollar sign.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [28]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Using the copy command on a value duplicates the value in the "FROM"
- cell into the "TO" cell.
- For example, to copy the value from cell B5 to cell C6, simply enter
- the following sequence of commands (assuming the pointer is already on
- cell B5):
- /c [ENTER] [RIGHT] [DOWN] [ENTER] (Pointing Method)
- or
- /c B5 [ENTER] C6 [ENTER] (Typing Method)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Let's take an example of three cells containing the following:
- cell B1 contains +A1+A2
- '' B2 '' +A1+$A2
- '' B3 '' +A1+$A$2
- The value result in cells B1, B2 and B3 should be identical.
- Now copy the cells B1, B2 and B3 to C2, C3 and C4 respectively, and
- let's see what the new cells contain.
- cell C2: +B2+B3
- Copied from an original formula, in B1, that said: "Add the contents
- of the cell one column to the left (A1) to the contents of the cell
- one column to the left and one row down (A2)."
- cell C3: +B2+$A3
- Copied from an original formula, in B2, that said: "Add the contents
- of the cell one column to the left (A1) to the contents of the cell in
- absolute column A ($A) and one row down."
- cell C4: +B2+$A$2
- Copied from an original formula, in B3, that said: "Add the contents
- of the cell one column to the left (A1) to the contents of the cell in
- absolute column A ($A) and in row 2 ($2)."
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Moving values is a simple operation that relocates the value from a cell into
- another specified cell.
- For example, to move the value from cell B5 to cell C6, simply enter the
- following sequence of commands (assuming the pointer is already in cell B5):
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [29]
- /m [ENTER] [RIGHT] [DOWN] [ENTER] (Pointing Method)
- or
- /m B5 [ENTER] C6 [ENTER] (Typing Method)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The rules that apply to copying formulas also apply to moving
- formulas. Let's consider the same example of the three cells
- containing the following:
- cell B1 contains +A1+B4
- '' B2 '' +A1+$B4
- '' B3 '' +A1+$B$4
- '' B4 '' 5
- The values displayed in cells B1, B2, B3 and B4 should be identical.
- Now move the cells B1, B2, B3 and B4 into C1, C2, C3 and C4
- respectively. Let's see what the new cells contain.
- cell C1: +A1+C4
- Notice the translation of B4 to C5. This occurred because B4 was
- within the moved block. The reference to A1 remains unchanged because
- it was outside the block.
- cell C2: +A1+$C4
- Absolute symbol does NOT keep column reference from changing for the
- move operation because the reference was inside the moved block.
- cell C3: +A1+$C$4
- Moved from original location but the formula changes the same as in
- cell C2.
- As you can see, NO translation occurs for cell references OUTSIDE the
- block being moved. References to cells inside the block ARE
- translated during a move to reflect the new position.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Recalculation refers to the manner in which all formulas within a
- spreadsheet are calculated. As formula references get complex, the
- number of required calculations increases. If every cell within the
- spreadsheet were calculated each time a cell was updated, it could
- take a while just to make a minor change.
- An alternate method is to calculate only those cells which are
- dependent on the updated cell. Each dependent cell may have multiple
- dependent cells which must also be calculated, and so on until a root
- cell (a cell with no dependant references to it) is reached and the
- calculation sequence stops. This method is called AUTOMATIC
- recalculation, and is the default mode when AS-EASY-AS is first
- started.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [30]
- To activate AUTOMATIC recalculation press the following sequence of
- keys.
- /sgra
- Which stands for the following commands.
- Menu, Sheet, General, Recalc, Auto.
- In some cases, a linked recalculation sequence may require too much
- time to recalculate after entry of new data. Therefore, the
- calculation sequence can be turned off while a series of changes are
- being made to the spreadsheet. This method is called MANUAL
- recalculation. After the changes are completed, the spreadsheet may
- be updated by pressing the CALC function key [F9].
- To activate MANUAL recalculation press the following sequence of keys.
- /sgrm
- Which stands for the following commands:
- Menu, Sheet, General, Recalc, Manual.
- When manual recalculation has been selected, the indicator 'MAN' will
- appear on the status line.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To save the entries you have made in the worksheet, press the [/] key
- to bring up the main menu. Select the FILE command choice by pressing
- "F" or by moving the cursor to highlight that word and pressing
- [ENTER]. You will see a new menu of file command choices.
- If you wish to save the file to a drive or directory other than the
- default drive/directory, you must change the data directory to the
- desired drive. This can be done by selecting the FILE DIRECTORY
- command and typing in the new path. The path can be changed by typing
- in the new path at the "PATH:" prompt. You can also change the
- drive/directory when specifying the file name by including the path
- with the file name.
- If you are using a diskette to store your worksheets, make sure the
- diskette is in the specified drive. You should always have a
- formatted disk with room for extra worksheet files available.
- Select the STORE command. If the worksheet is new, you will be
- prompted for the name of your worksheet. A name is valid if it has up
- to 8 characters and does not contain any of the following characters:
- "," "*" "/" "?" "#" " " "'" "|"
- Confirm the typed name by pressing [ENTER].
- Examples of valid file name inputs:
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [31]
- SAMPLE1 Saves data in SAMPLE1.WKS in current path
- \DATA\SAMPLE1 Saves data in file SAMPLE1.WKS. in directory
- \DATA of the current drive. A beep will sound
- and an error message will appear if the
- requested directory does not exist.
- NOTE: The default path will now be
- \DATA of the current drive.
- D:\MINE\SAMPLE1 Saves data in file SAMPLE1.WKS in directory
- \MINE of drive D:
- NOTE: The default path will now be
- D:\MINE\
- If you try to save a worksheet that was previously retrieved from your
- current data disk, the name of that worksheet will automatically
- appear in the Name input field of the file window. Pressing [ENTER]
- instructs the program to accept that name.
- If a worksheet with the same name already exists on your data disk,
- the program will ask if you want to "cancel", make a "backup" or
- "replace" the old file (on the disk) with the contents of the current
- worksheet in the computer.
- If you choose to make a backup, the file on disk will be renamed with
- the extension .WKB and the new file will be saved with an extension
- .WKS.
- NOTE: This method provides only a single level of bakckup protection.
- If you desire additional backups, it is recommended that you
- save your files using a number appended to the end of the file
- name, i.e., WORK1, WORK2, WORK3, etc.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Sometimes it may be appropriate to save only a small portion of the
- spreadsheet. This may be achieved by using the /File Xport command.
- Once the Xport command has been selected, AS-EASY-AS will ask if you
- want to export to a WKS or a dBASE III file, and then it will prompt
- for the name of the file. Type the name and press [ENTER]. Do NOT
- add an extension when you type the name as this is performed
- automatically by AS-EASY-AS.
- After you have specified the name of the file, the program asks for
- the range to be exported. The range can be specified by either
- pointing or typing, or a range name can be used.
- The specified range will then be exported to either a .WKS or .DBF
- type file.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [32]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To retrieve a worksheet select the /File, Retrieve command.
- A window will open in the middle of the screen displaying worksheet
- files present in the default directory. Only one page of names is
- displayed at a time. To view subsequent pages press the [PGDN] or
- [PGUP] keys.
- Select your file by moving the pointer to highlight the file, or type
- the file name at the name prompt and then press [ENTER]. To change
- the path, you may type in the new path in the "PATH:" field, or
- include the path as part of the file name. This new path will become
- the default path.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The /FILE MERGE command will combine any designated worksheet file
- with the current file starting at the position occupied by the
- spreadsheet pointer. The information merged from the new file will
- overwrite any information present in the cells.
- WARNING: Information in cells overwritten cannot be recovered.
- When /File Merge is selected, choose either to merge the whole file or
- a named range from a specified file. Once this choice has been made,
- you are asked to specify whether to merge the formulas in the named
- range or file or just the calculated values in the range.
- NOTE: When the Merge-Range-Formulas is selected, the cell
- relationships are retained in the new worksheet.
- If a cell of the file being merged (from disk), contains a formula,
- and you selected /File, Merge, [All/Range], Value, then the last
- values contained in the cells when the worksheet was saved will be
- used in the merge operation.
- If you selected /File, Merge, [All/Range], Formula, then for cells in
- the file on disk that contained values, those values will be used in
- the merge operation. For cells that contained formulas, however, the
- contents of the current cells will be replaced with the formulas from
- the file on disk.
- You will now be provided with three options for the merged
- information; SUM, DIFF, and REPLACE.
- SUM - will cause the cell contents of the file being merged to be
- added to the contents of the current file cells.
- DIFF - will cause the cell contents of the file being merged to be
- subtracted from the contents of the current file cells.
- REPLACE - will cause the cell contents of the file being merged to
- replace the contents of the current file cells.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [33]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The File, Import command is different than the File, Merge
- command in that it allows the user to import data that is not in
- worksheet (WKS) format.
- Dbase
- ~~~~~~
- This command invokes a unique menu of commands that allow you to
- directly access database files created with dBASE III/Iv program
- (DBF). The DBF operations that are supported in AS-EASY-AS are
- described below:
- ALL - Import ALL the data contained in the database file into
- the current worksheet, starting at the current cursor
- location. Once this command is invoked, a file
- selection menu appears, similar to the File, Retrieve
- command. After the file is selected, a status window
- appears that reports the status of the file import
- operation. The data is imported in AS-EASY-AS database
- format. The field names become column headings and the
- data in each record is placed below the corresponding
- heading, one record per row.
- RANGE - Import a range (portion) of the database by specifying
- the first and last record number of the desired range.
- BROWSE - This command allows you to look at all the records in a
- specified dBASE data file. After the desired file is
- selected, the program enters the dBASE browse mode. The
- field names are displayed as column headings and the
- data in each record is placed below the corresponding
- heading, one record per row. While in this mode, the
- following keys are active.
- [F2] - Find Find the first record that contains the
- specified search string. Note that the search is
- performed only on the field that the cursor is currently
- located in.
- After you specify the string to search for, you are
- prompted to confirm that the search operation will be
- case insensitive (U). If you want the search to be case
- sensitive, make sure you delete the U when the
- confirmation window opens.
- A sequential search is performed until a record is found
- that contains the specified search string in the current
- field. The cursor will then be placed on the record and
- the search will stop.
- [F3] - Find Next Find the next record that contains the
- specified string in the current field.
- [F4] - Mark Mark a block of records to be imported to
- AS-EASY-AS. Move the cursor to the first record to be
- imported. Press [F4] to mark the record. The marked
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [34]
- record will appear highlighted. Move the cursor down
- to mark (highlight) the records to be imported. When
- completed, press [F6]. The marked records will be
- imported with the first record placed at the current
- cursor location.
- [F5] - GOTO Move the cursor directly to a specified record
- number specified by the user.
- [F6] - Import highlighted block
- [HOME] Move the cursor to the first record in the
- database.
- [END] Move the cursor to the last record in the database.
- [Left, Right, Up, Down] Move the cursor one field to
- the left, right, up, or down, respectively.
- [PgUp, Pgdn] Move the cursor 20 records up, or down.
- CRITERION - This command allows you to selectively import those
- records in a dBASE III data file which match a specified
- criteria. Once the command is invoked, a file selection
- menu appears, similar to the File, Retrieve command.
- After the desired file is selected, the program displays
- a window of the dBASE field names. Use the cursor keys
- to select the desired field name for which the criteria
- is to be applied. Pressing the first letter of a field
- name will move the cursur down the listing to field
- names which start with that letter. Press [ENTER] to
- confirm the field name selection.
- If the field selected is a numeric field (signified by
- an N next to the field name), then a secondary selection
- window will appear with the following match options:
- 1) Querry<=Db - Import files where field data is less
- than or equal to the match criteria.
- 2) Querry<Db - Import files where field data is less
- than the match criteria.
- 3) Querry=Db - Import files where field data is equal to
- the match criteria.
- 4) Querry>Db - Import files where field data is
- greater than the match criteria.
- 5) Querry>=Db - Import files where field data is greater
- than or equal to the match criteria.
- 6) Querry<>Db - Import files where field data is not
- equal to the match criteria.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [35]
- Highlight or select the appropriate match option and
- press [ENTER]. You will then be prompted to enter the
- match cirteria. For string matches, you will be given the
- option of an exact, appear anywhere, or case insensitive
- match. For numerical matches, enter the appropriate
- number or valid formula. For date matches, enter the
- date using the @DATE(YY,MM,DD) function.
- Press [ENTER] to complete the selection. Records
- which meet the criteria will be imported with the field
- names placed at the current cursor location.
- If the selected field is a character field (signified by
- C next to the field name), then a secondary window will
- appear with the following two options:
- 1. Include - Import all records where the specified
- string exists ANYWHERE in the selected field. For
- example, if this option was selected and the specified
- string was "ic" (without the quotes), then records
- that contained Michael, Nick, Michelin,... would meet
- the criterion.
- 2. Exact - Import records ONLY of the specified string
- matches the selected field EXACTLY. For example, if the
- specified string was "First" (without the quotes),
- then a record that contained "First", in the respective
- field would meet the criteria, while a record that
- contained "First Street", would NOT.
- List
- ~~~~
- Loads all files matching the search specification and present
- in the current directory. The information includes filename,
- extension, size and date of creation, and is similar to the
- listing provided by the DOS DIR command.
- Text
- ~~~~
- Load a text file into the worksheet as text. All digits and
- characters will be entered as labels (text).
- If no file extension is specified, the program assumes that the
- file that you want to import has the extension PRN, therefore,
- if you specify the name of the file without the extension, and
- the extension is other than PRN, it will not be found.
- Example: The line 1,2,3,4,5 imported from a file as text would
- be stored in the corresponding cell as the string '1,2,3,4,5.
- Values
- ~~~~~~
- Load a text file into the worksheet and parse each line as
- values or as text. Valid delimiters are spaces and commas. To
- keep a text string intact, enclose it in double quotes before
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [36]
- importing it into the worksheet.
- Examples:
- Lines Imported Stored in Worksheet as:
- 1 2 3 4 5 Values 1 through 5 in 5 consecutive cells.
- 1,2,3,4,5 Values 1 through 5 in 5 consecutive cells.
- 1/2/3/4/5 Value 0.008333, i.e., the expression was
- evaluated.
- 1,A,2,B,3 Values 1, 2, 3 and strings A, B, in
- consecutive cells.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You have just completed your masterpiece spreadsheet and are now ready
- to call it quits for the day. FIRST, MAKE SURE THAT YOU SAVED YOUR
- LATEST VERSION OF THE WORKSHEET (see previous section on saving your
- worksheet).
- Access the command menu by pressing the [/] key. Select the EXIT
- command. You will be given a second chance to change your mind when
- AS-EASY-AS asks if you want to quit, YES or NO. Highlight the word
- YES or type the letter "y". AS-EASY-AS will prompt you one last time,
- asking if you have saved your worksheet. If you wish to return to the
- worksheet, press [ESC], otherwise press [ENTER]. The program will now
- return to DOS.
- If you performed the above keystrokes by accident and did not intend
- to leave the spreadsheet, you are out of luck because all spreadsheet
- information in the computer memory has been lost.
- Remember, save your data frequently as you work, and make back-up
- copies of your files!
- You can print any portion of the spreadsheet to either a PRINTER or a
- print FILE (on your disk) or append to a print file by selecting the
- "PrintTo" option from the main menu.
- If you are printing to a printer for the first time, you need to
- install your printer type. This is done by the /User Install Printer
- command. Once the selection is made, make sure to save your
- configuration file (see User Install for more information).
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [37]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To get into the printer menu, press the following sequence of keys.
- /pp
- Which stands for /PrintTo Printer.
- You are now in the print menu where all the print variations are
- defined. You will see the following selections on the command line:
- Range Border LineFeed PageAdv Options Adjust Go View Quit
- Range Stands for the rectangular area of the spreadsheet which
- is to be printed. This must be defined prior to printing.
- Border Print specified row(s) and/or column(s) on every page of
- the output.
- LineFeed Advance the paper in the printer a single line.
- PageAdv Advance the paper in the printer to the top of the next
- page.
- Options Allows access to Sub-menu of printer options; margins,
- pitch, header, footer, format type and printer setup
- string. (See print menu explanations for further
- details).
- Adjust Synchronize the program's top-of-page with the printer
- top-of-page. The page and line counters are reset to 1.
- Note: If this synchronization is not done, you may get
- several blank lines in the middle of the printed page.
- This is the gap allotted to skip over sheet perforation.
- Go Starts the printer printing.
- View Preview the selected range before printing
- All print output is directed to the printer attached to the parallel
- port LPT1, or LPT2, as selected under the User, Install, Device
- menu. To direct information to be printed to alternate ports
- use the Print, File command. As an example, to send output to serial
- port #1 (COM1), type:
- /PrintTo File COM1. [ENTER]
- and execute the Adjust Go commands.
- NOTE: You must preset the Baud Rate using the DOS MODE command.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [38]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The PrintTo Printer Borders command allows you to select row(s) and/or
- column(s) from your worksheet that you wish to have printed on every
- page. This is especially useful for large multi-page spreadsheets
- where you need to have column headings or row descriptors printed on
- your output. The Printer Borders command operates similar to Sheet
- Borders.
- The print range need not be adjacent to the borders you've selected.
- This allows you to print part of a ledger complete with row and column
- headings.
- When Printer Borders is used, you must be careful when specifying the
- ranges. The rows and columns specified as your print border SHOULD
- NOT be included as part of your print range: you may end up with
- duplicate rows or columns in your output.
- To clear Printer Borders, select None under the Borders menu.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS default margin settings are 0 for the left margin and 80
- for the right margin. Both margins are measured in characters from
- the left edge of the page. Using the default settings, you are able
- to print a range of up to 80 characters wide. Setting the left margin
- to 10 allows you to print a range 70 (80 minus 10), characters wide.
- If your spreadsheet will not fit across a page, AS-EASY-AS prints the
- left part (on a page) then prints the next section on a new page, and
- so on until the entire spreadsheet is printed. You can combine these
- printed pages to create one wide spreadsheet.
- If you are using wide paper, or other than 10-pitch print, and you are
- printing more than 80 characters wide, you will need to change the
- right margin.
- If you've selected condensed print and your output continues to print
- additional pages while leaving a large right margin, chances are your
- right margin needs to be increased to accommodate the width of your
- print range.
- The print margins that can be set in AS-EASY-AS are described below:
- Page Length (0-1024) determines the number of lines printed on each
- page. The default, 66, is the correct setting for a printer that
- prints six lines per inch (the standard setting) on 11-inch paper.
- If your printer is set to a different lines-per-inch value, or if
- your paper is a different length, change this setting accordingly.
- To calculate the page length, multiply the lines-per-inch value by
- the number of inches on a page. This setting is unaffected by
- headers, footers, or top or bottom margins.
- Left (0-240) determines the amount of space to leave between the left
- edge of the paper and the first column of data. The default, 0,
- leaves no left margin. Depending on the width of your
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [39]
- spreadsheet, you may want to lengthen this margin.
- Top (0-30) determines the number of blank lines to leave at the top of
- each page. The default, 2, leaves a margin of approximately one-
- half inch. If you include a header in your printout, it is printed
- underneath this margin with one blank line between it and the
- spreadsheet data.
- Right (0-240) determines the amount of space to leave for a right
- margin. spreadsheet data. This value is the number of spaces
- between the left edge of the paper and the beginning of the right
- margin - like the margin settings on a typewriter. The default,
- 80, begins the right margin at the 80th character space, leaving
- no right margin.
- Bottom (0-32) determines the number of blank lines to leave at the
- bottom of each page. The default, 2, leaves approximately one-
- half inch. If you include a footer in your printout, it is
- printed above this margin with one blank line between it and the
- spreadsheet data.
- In setting the correct page length for your printer, please note the
- following pointers:
- The default page length is set to 66 lines. Most dot matrix
- printers default to 6 lines per inch, so no changes are required
- if you are printing on 11 inch long paper. If you wish to change
- the lines per inch spacing to 8, you must also change the lines
- per page to 88 (8 lpi X 11 inches) for headers, footers, and page
- breaks to work properly.
- Most laserjet printers default to a value of 60 lines per inch.
- If this is the case, you must adjust the page lines accordingly.
- If you have set your top and bottom margins equal to 0 and your
- page length equal to 66 lines, you are able to print a range of 60
- rows on a page before the program will skip to a new page. One
- line at the top and bottom of the page is reserved for the perf-
- skip feature. Two lines each are reserved for headers and
- footers; one for the line of text and the second line serves as a
- spacer between the header or footer and the body of the text.
- To figure out the correct number of lines that will be printed by AS-
- EASY-AS on a single page, do the following:
- Get the lines per page setting of your printer (for the current
- pitch and line spacing). Note that this setting should match the
- page length setting specified in AS-EASY-AS.
- Subtract the AS-EASY-AS settings for top and bottom margin
- Subtract 4 lines (header, footer and lines between the header, the
- footer and the text body).
- Subtract 2 lines (top and bottom skip perforation).
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [40]
- In other words, the number of text lines that will be printed on a
- single page is given by:
- Page Length - Top Margin - Bottom Margin - 6.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS automatically inserts page breaks where needed (as
- specified by the Pagelength command setting). You may also specify
- "hard page breaks", i.e., force a page break, manually, using one of
- two methods.
- By typing a hard page break into the first cell of a blank row.
- The hard page break is the vertical piping character, followed by
- two colons (|::). If there is any other data in that row it will
- be ignored.
- By using the /Sheet Insert Page command while in the left most
- cell of the print range. This command sequence automatically
- inserts a blank row and the "|::" character sequence for you.
- NOTE: The hard page break character sequence must be placed in the
- left-most column of the print range in order to be recognized by
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Centering headers and footers can be performed by separating pieces of
- text with the "|" character. i.e., if you have the following in your
- header line:
- This will be translated into:
- The first word, "PAGE", is left justified since it is not preceded by
- a "|" character.
- The second word, "TITLE", is centered since it is preceded by the
- first "|" character.
- The third word, "DATE", is right justified since it is preceded by the
- second "|" character.
- - Sequential page numbering can be achieved by placing the "#"
- character in the header/footer line.
- - Placement of the current date on the top/bottom of a printed page
- can be achieved by placing the "@" character in the header/footer
- line.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [41]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You can place text enhancement printer control codes directly into a
- print range. This can be achieved by placing:
- |\xxx\yyy
- in the first column of the print range, where xxx and yyy are your
- printer's control codes.
- For example, if your print range was A1 to H20, by putting the
- following in the FIRST column (A1) of the print range,
- |\027\069 (This is the setup string for emphasized print on an EPSON
- printer. Note that the prefix character [|] will not be
- displayed).
- the result is emphasized text on an Epson printer.
- NOTE: Any remaining data on line containing the printer control
- codes will not be printed. An entire line may be hidden
- during printing if a single "|" is placed in the first column.
- If you try to enter text-enhancing control codes inside a label,
- you'll find that when you enter Alt 027, you exit the edit mode.
- That's because control characters (ASCII less than 32), are translated
- by the program into special editing keys such as Arrow keys, [ESC]
- key, etc.
- To enter control characters, you need to use the Edit Bypass Function
- key, [F3]. The sequence is: F3 Alt nnn. F3 is only active for one
- control character and must be pressed every time additional control
- characters are to be embedded.
- For example, if you want to print "This is a CONTROL code sample" on
- an EPSON printer with only the word "CONTROL" in condensed mode, the
- following keystrokes should be used:
- This is a F3 [Alt] 015 CONTROL F3 [Alt] 018 code sample.
- The 015 code turns the condensed print mode on and the 018 code turns
- the condensed print mode off.
- Page breaks can be forced by placing a single "|" followed by two
- colons "::" in your text. This must be placed in a cell that is in
- the left-most column of your print range. Information in cells to the
- right of the page break command will not be printed.
- A page break can also be inserted into your worksheet by using the
- following command:
- /Sheet Insert Page
- This command will insert a new row and place "|::" in the cell at the
- current cursor location.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [42]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The output can be printed (to printer or file) in one of the following
- formats.
- AS SEEN Prints the output in row and column format (as
- displayed on screen) with headers, footers, and page
- breaks.
- CONTENTS Prints a columnar listing of all non-blank cells and their
- contents. Useful for printing cell formulas and
- documentation of calculation templates.
- NOFORM Prints the output without header and footer information
- and suppresses page breaks.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Most printers can be controlled by sending a sequence of ASCii control
- codes to your printer. (For details and control codes, refer to your
- printer's user's manual).
- Commonly used codes for the EPSON series of printers are:
- \027\069 Turn on Emphasized text (or \027E)
- \027\070 Turn off Emphasized text (or \027F)
- \015 Turn on Condensed text
- \018 Turn off Condensed text
- The three digit number 027 stands for the [escape] code and the three
- digit number 069 stands for the capital letter 'E'.
- Printer codes may be entered by selecting PrintTo Printer Options
- Setup. The spreadsheet accepts codes only if they are separated by the
- back-slash character [\] . To select the emphasized text mode, type
- the following in response to the prompt for the setup string (remember
- to use 3 digits):
- \027\069 [enter]
- To change the string, re-select the SETUP option.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- To make life easier so you don't have to manually enter printer setup
- codes or look up an infrequently used setup code, simply type the [\]
- character when entering a printer setup code and press F1.
- A listing of predefined setup codes from ASEASY.PRT will pop-up in a
- pick window on your screen. By highlighting the desired function, the
- appropriate printer code will be entered into the setup string.
- Any control codes supported by your printer can be incorporated in the
- file ASEASY.PRT, an ASCII text file, which has the following
- structure:
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [43]
- - Each control code consists of two lines.
- - The first line contains a description of the print enhancement
- (eg. Emphasized, Underline, ....). Description names should not
- be separated by spaces, e.g. 'Dbl_Strike' NOT 'Dbl Strike'.
- Note that this description name must not exceed 11 characters.
- - The second line contains the decimal setup code for the described
- print enhancement.
- e.g. 027\015 - condensed for EPSON printers
- NOTE: There is no leading backslash in the setup codes in the
- ASEASY.PRT file (i.e. 027\015, NOT \027\015)
- You can create or edit ASEASY.PRT with any word processor/text editor
- that generates ASCII files.
- Let's say you want to incorporate the following codes supported by
- your EPSON compatible printer in an ASEASY.PRT file:
- Decimal Control Codes Print ASEASY.PRT
- From Printer User's Manual Enhancement Code
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
- 27, 77 Elite Pitch 027\077
- 27, 72 Double Strike 027\072
- 27, 69 Emphasized 027\069
- The ASEASY.PRT file generated for the codes should look something like
- the one presented below:
- Elite <----- First line of the file
- 027\077 . (Up to 240 characters long)
- Dbl_strike .
- 027\072 .
- Emphasized .
- 027\069 <----- Last line of the file
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To create an ASCII file (which contains the print range) for transfer
- to other programs (like databases or word processors) use the
- following procedure.
- Type: /pfTEST [ENTER]
- Which stands for /PrintTo File. At this point the program asks for
- the name of the print file. Type the name of the print file (in this
- case TEST) and press ENTER. If no extension is specified, an
- extension of ".PRN" will automatically be attached to the file name.
- If you have already sent output to the print file during the current
- AS-EASY-AS session, the name of the print file will appear at the
- prompt line. You can select it by just pressing ENTER.
- If you wish to append an existing ASCII print file, select /PrintTo
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [44]
- Append. This command will print the selected range to the end of the
- specified print file.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS has the ability to print combined spreadsheet data and
- graphs on dot matrix and laserjet printers. To print a graph from
- spreadsheet data, you must have first created the graph and formatted
- a range to display the graph (see Section 5.4, Combining Text and
- Graphics).
- To print the combined data graph, first select /PrintTo Graphics.
- Select Range and highlight the area you would like to print. Make
- sure the entire graph is contained within the print range.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- It is possible to preview the layout and organization of data, page
- breaks and margin settings in the spreadsheet through the use of the
- view command. AS-EASY-AS will display either a full page of text (by
- pressing [F2]) or a 200% zoom of a half page (by pressing [F1]).
- To advance through the print range use the [PGUP] or [PGDN] keys. Any
- graphs inserted will be displayed in their correct position on the
- page.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [45]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS provides you with the capability to create high-quality
- graphs from your spreadsheet data. Hardcopy output can be generated
- on 9- or 24-pin dot matrix printers, laserjet or Postscipt printers.
- A .PIC or PCX file can be created for use with your word processing
- or graphics programs.
- Fourteen types of graphics can be created:
- X-Y Bar Delta Area
- Line Stacked Bar Cumulative HLoc
- Polar Strip Wall Pie
- Radar Contour
- Many options are available to customize graphs for business graphics
- as well as for engineering and scientific analyses, etc. Titles and
- legends can be added with user-specified type size. The user can also
- specify fill patterns, colors, line styles, and tick mark styles.
- Graphs can be scaled on both the X (horizontal) axis and the Y
- (vertical) axis so that the entire graphed range (or a portion of the
- range) may be displayed. A logarithmic adjustment to either or both
- of the X and Y scales may be performed to produce semi-log or log-log
- graphs.
- All data points are specified by ranges in the spreadsheet. Up to six
- curves may be displayed on a single graph, with an additional six if
- two graphs are merged.
- The user should keep in mind that the Contour graph-type is
- drastically different than the other graph types. This unique
- graph uses a different type of data range definition. When
- requested for the X-Range, you need to specify a block of data
- (i.e., more than one row or column). Each row of data is
- displayed as a contour of relative data, using a different color
- and/or fill pattern. The Z-Scale Step parameter may be used to
- set the number and range of contour lines.
- To create a sample pattern, enter the data below in your
- worksheet (one value in each adjacent cell), highlight the whole
- block as the X-range, select CoNt type graph and then VIEW.
- 100 100 100 100 100
- 100 93 87 93 100
- 100 87 60 87 100
- 100 93 87 93 100
- 100 100 100 100 100
- The data presented above represents the temperature profile of a
- metal plate. When the data is plotted, each color contour
- represents a given temperature range. It is very clear, for example,
- that there is a low 60 degree temperature core, surrounded by an
- isothermal area of 87 degrees, which is surrounded by an isothermal
- area of 93 degrees, which is surrounded by the outer isothermal area
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [46]
- of 100 degrees.
- To demonstrate the effect of the Z-Scale Step parameter,
- set the Z-Scale Step value 10 and view the graph again.
- The following section provides details on the graphics commands to
- allow you to create customized graphs.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Specify the X range and up to six Y ranges (A through F) for the
- graph. Ranges can be specified either by the pointing or typing
- method, or by using a predefined range name.
- A basic difference between X-Y type graphs and other types of graphs
- should be remembered. Line graphs and bar graphs represent a set of
- values as vertical distances. The only numeric scale in this type of
- graph is the one along the vertical axis. The horizontal axis
- displays all items in the X range in a non-numeric, equally spaced
- sequence of text, (e.g. dates, names of cities, etc.).
- The X-Y type graphs are two-dimensional. They represent pairs of
- values as a function of their horizontal and vertical coordinates.
- Note that there should be a one-to-one correspondence between the
- elements of the X-range and Y-range(s).
- ~~~~~~
- Define a range of labels that are to be used to mark each of the data
- points on the specified graph range. A one-to-one correspondence is
- needed between the range being plotted and the labels for that range.
- The data labes may be placed Above, Below, to the Left or to the Right
- of the data points.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Customize the colors of the graph series, and the inner and outer
- portions of the graph in one of 16 colors. The following colors are
- available (on monitor/card combinations that support them): Black,
- MidBlue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, Gray, Smokey, Blue,
- HiGreen, LightBlue, Scarlet, Violet, Yellow, and White. Each data
- range may be assigned a color. In addition, the following colors may
- be specified:
- INNER: Color of the graph screen.
- OUTER: Outer color of the graph screen.
- TITLE: Title color of the graph screen.
- VALUE: X- and Y-Axis scale labels.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [47]
- ~~~~~~
- Set the graph legend and its location. An input window is used to
- display the legend options. The Legend option allows the user to
- enter text which describe the ranges of A through F. Legends may be
- placed below the graph (Line) or to the right of the graph (Box).
- ~~~~~~
- Specify the title strings on graph. The Main title, Second title and
- X and Y axes titles may be entered. Preceding the main title with the
- "#" character will create a framed title box.
- ~~~~
- Select a horizontal and/or vertical grid at each scale division on
- your graph with a solid or dotted line. Other options include
- specifying a dotted or a solid grid line, and whether or not to use
- grid lines for the minor axis divisions.
- ~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 gives you the ability to use either a bitmapped, or a
- stroked font in the graphs created by the program. Which one to use
- will probably depend on your output devise. Note, however, that
- stroked fonts generally have better definition at smaller sizes.
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Relative size of the font used in graph titles, legends, values, and
- labels. The available sixes range from 4 to 36. These are
- internal point sizes. Once you select the entity to change, you
- are presented with a pick window contain all available sizes.
- Simply move the pointer to the desired point and press [ENTER].
- Alternatively, press [ESC} once and then type in one of the
- allowable sizes and press [ENTER].
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [48]
- The text sizes which may be changed, along with their default values,
- are listed below:
- Y-AXIS 14
- ~~~~~
- Reset all the options for the entire graph or for a selected range
- back to the default settings.
- ~~~~
- This option allows you to define multiple graphs and associated
- settings and titles in a single worksheet. One named graph may be
- superimposed on the main graph, or they may be displayed as two
- separate graphs, one above the other. You may also insert a graph
- into the worksheet.
- Place either the MAIN or a named graph into the spreadsheet. The
- range enclosing the inserted graph appears in a highlighted color.
- The upper left cell of the range contains the graph name and the
- size of the display in columns and rows. For example, "MAIN:2,7"
- will display the main (or current) graph in a range 2 columns wide
- and 7 rows deep. The cell may be edited to change the name and size
- of the graph if desired.
- If you are currently in one of the graphics video modes, the
- inserted graph will be visible immediately, in the highlighted
- block.
- If you are not in a graphics video mode, The inserted graph
- will only be visible when it can fit entirely on the screen
- when previewing a print range with (PrintTo, Printer, View) and
- the page contains a graph.
- To print combined worksheet text and graphics see Section 5.4,
- Combining Text and Graphics.
- If any of the data ranges are altered, the inserted graph will
- reflect the changes next time the screen is updated (e.g., when
- PgUp, or PgDn is pressed), or when manually recalculate the
- spreadsheet by pressing the [F9] calc function key.
- Select one of the previously named graphs and make it the current
- graph. All current settings are replaced with the named graph's
- settings.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [49]
- Create a named graph which saves the current graph settings.
- Delete one of the previously named graph settings.
- Merge two graphs (a NAMED graph and the currently defined graph).
- The NAMED graph will be superimposed on top of the MAIN graph and
- it will be scaled on the right side of the graph. It can have its
- own set of scaling factors, limits, formats, etc.
- To disable the merge feature select /Graphics, Name, Merge, Reset
- Shows two graphs on the same screen [Viewing ONLY!]. The top
- graph is the graph currently defined (MAIN). The second, named
- graph, occupies the bottom half (similar to the Graphics, Name,
- Merge Option). Each graph will have its own set of scaling
- factors, limits, formats, etc.
- NOTE: To disable the split feature select: /Graphics,
- Name, Reset
- Reset the merge or split option so that only the main graph will be
- displayed.
- ~~~~
- View the graph currently defined. The resolution depends on your
- graphics board:
- CGA 640 x 200 pixels, 2 colors
- Hercules 720 x 348 pixels, 2 colors
- EGA 640 x 350 pixels, 16 colors
- AT&T 640 x 400 pixels, 2 colors
- VGA 640 x 480 pixels, 16 colors
- SVGA 800 x 600 pixels, 16 colors
- NOTE: Graphs cannot be viewed on a system having a non-Hercules
- monochrome display adapter. If a message is received
- indicating a graph cannot be displayed because of an invalid
- monitor type, and you have one of the above graphics
- boards, AS-EASY-AS may not have auto detected the
- graphics card properly.
- Save your worksheet and restart the program with the
- appropriate command line switch found in Section 2.3,
- Starting the Program.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [50]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Specify the height and width for the graph. Dimensions are in inches.
- Specify the vertical dimension of the graph to be generated on the
- printer.
- Specify the horizontal dimension width of the graph to be generated
- on the printer.
- NOTES: 1. To adjust the left margin, which is the
- distance between the left side of the paper and
- the Y-scale title, use /PrintTo Printer Options
- Margin Left.
- 2. To create a top margin, you must use
- /PrintTo Printer and select LineFeed several times
- until the desired top margin has been created.
- Print graph oriented at zero degrees.
- Rotate output of the graph 90 degrees.
- Specify single pass or low density mode for the printer. Selecting
- this option is recommended for plotting draft graphs because the
- printing speed is about twice as fast as NLQ.
- Specify a high resolution print option. This option will produce a
- dark, high quality graph.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AS-EASY-AS can include graphs within your spreadsheet for printing
- combined data and graphics. Create a graph as discussed previously.
- Select /Graphics Name Insert, and highlight the area in which the
- graph is to be placed (see Graphics Name Insert in this Section for
- more information).
- The formatted range appears in a highlighted color. The upper left
- cell of the range contains the graph name and the size of the display
- in columns and rows. The cell may be edited to change the size of the
- graph if desired.
- The graph will appear when previewing (PrintTo, Printer, View) the
- page containing the graph. To print text and graphics together, see
- Section 4, Printing Text and Graphics.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [51]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- When a spreadsheet is saved, the current graph settings and named
- graph settings are saved with it. When the file is retrieved, those
- graph settings are retrieved as well. The user can then view the
- current graph by either pressing the [F10] function key from the ready
- mode, or by selecting the /Graphics, View command.
- Sometimes more than one graph might need to be created from the data
- in a worksheet. That's no problem. Instead of having to re-specify
- the settings every time you want to look at a previous graph, you can
- use the /Graphics, Name, Create and Use commands.
- When the /Graphics, Name, Create command is invoked, the program saves
- the current graph settings under the user specified name. To select
- and view a named graph, select the /Graphics, Name, Use command and
- select or type the desired graph name. The selected graph becomes the
- current or MAIN graph.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [52]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- In addition to the typical spreadsheet format, AS-EASY-AS includes
- powerful DATA commands which enhance your ability to create
- sophisticated data management applications, what-if tables, etc.
- ~~~~~~~~~
- The Data-Fill command allows you to fill a range with an arithmetic
- sequence of equally spaced values.
- For example, assume that you want to fill a range of cells with real
- values that range from 3 to 43 in increments of two.
- Move the cursor to the beginning of the range. Invoke the Data-Fill
- command (/df), enter range to fill, the starting value (in this case
- 3), and the increment value (2).
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Data Table-1 Input command permits you to do 'what-if' analysis by
- generating a table based on substituted values in an input cell.
- This command takes the input value from the first column, places the
- value in the model, calculates a result, extracts that value and
- places it in the table to the right of the input value. The process
- is continued until the bottom of the table range is reached.
- For example, suppose that you want to borrow $1 million to start a new
- business. Since you could borrow money from a number of different
- institutions with different interest rates, you want to compare your
- monthly payments for different interest rates. The payback period is
- 10 years.
- To generate the comparison table, follow these steps:
- Enter the amount you want to borrow in cell B1
- Enter the starting interest rate in cell B2
- Enter the term of the loan (years) in cell B3
- Generate the following labels (using the /Range, Name, Create
- command) to help you identify the various inputs:
- Cell B2 - INTEREST
- Cell B3 - TERM
- Enter the payment equation in cell B4:
- NOTE: INTEREST/12 and TERM*12 are used to obtain payments
- on a monthly basis.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [53]
- Generate a column of interest rates in this example ranging from 9% to
- 10.1% in cells A8 to A19.
- Tell the program which value to extract and place in the table by
- entering a reference to the payment formula (cell B4) in cell B7
- (+B4).
- Now you are ready to generate the desired table using the following
- commands:
- /dt1 - Data, Table, 1-input
- A7..B19
- [ENTER] - The table range (it includes the input values that you
- want to vary and the locations that you want the
- calculated result to be placed in).
- B2 - The input cell. This will be the value that will change
- after each calculation, and it is the value that we want
- to extract.
- NOTE: Multiple extractions are allowed providing each output
- column has a cell reference at the top.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Now, let's say that you want to generate a comparison table varying
- both the interest and the term of the loan.
- Leave the column containing the interest rates (A8..A19) unchanged.
- Place the different terms (number of years) that you desire in row 7
- (one entry in each column). Place 10 in cell B7, 20 in cell C7 and 30
- in cell D7. Enter the formula +B4 in cell A7 (this tells the program
- what cell you want to extract values from). Now enter the following
- keystrokes:
- /dt2 - Data, Table, 2-inputs
- A7..D19 [ENTER] - Table range
- B1 [ENTER] - First input (Interest rate will vary)
- B3 [ENTER] - Second input (Term will vary)
- ~~~~~~~~~
- The Data Sort command is used to rearrange the information in a
- worksheet in alphabetical or numerical order. The sorting process
- operates on rows. Let's look at the following example.
- Assume that the range B4 to D15 contains some student informations as
- follows:
- column B - last name
- column C - first name
- column D - grade
- It would be nice to sort this information by the students' last name
- or by grade.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [54]
- The following steps will sort the information by the students' last
- names (only). Four sorting criteria can be specified (i.e. four
- different columns). This would be very useful in cases where, for
- example, two students had the same last name or two students had
- the same grade, i.e. a tie-breaker.
- 1. /ds - Invoke the Data, Sort menu
- 2. d - Invoke the D-Range command to specify the
- range to be sorted
- 3. B4..D15 [ENTER] - Specify the range to be sorted
- 4. p - Invoke command to select the Primary sort key
- (column)
- 5. B4 [ENTER] - Select Primary sort key. Any cell in column B
- would select Last Name as the primary sort key.
- 6. a [ENTER] - Accept the default, ascending order. Typing d
- [ENTER] would select descending order.
- 7. s - Invoke command to select the Secondary sort
- key (column)
- 8. D4 [ENTER] - Select Secondary sort key. Any cell in column D
- would select Grade as the secondary sort key.
- 9. a [ENTER] - Accept the default, ascending order. Typing d
- [ENTER] would select descending order.
- 10. g - Select Go to perform the sort.
- To sort on any other field (column), simply type in a new primary/
- secondary column.
- ~~~~~~~~
- The Data Bin command creates a frequency distribution table displaying
- the count of values in a range that falls within given ranges, bins,
- as well as the frequency of values within that range. The bins are a
- block of values, in ascending order, placed anywhere in the worksheet.
- The requirements for setting up the bins are:
- 1. The bin values are contained in a single column block, and
- 2. There are two blank columns directly to the right of the bin
- range. (This is the area that will be filled by the /db
- command).
- Once this command is invoked, the user is prompted to supply the
- "Analysis" range and the "Bin" range.
- ANALYSIS range, as the name indicates, is the range containing the
- values that the user needs to perform the frequency distribution on.
- BIN range is the column containing the bin (group) values, with two
- blank columns to the right.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [55]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Data Goalseek command allows you to search for the input that
- would result in a desired output from a model. Specify the INPUT
- cell, the OUTPUT cell and the DESIRED goal and AS-EASY-AS modifies the
- input cell by using a NEWTON-RAPHSON convergence technique until the
- specified output is reached. If the desired result has not been
- reached by 25 iterations, the process stops, and the value plus @ERR
- is placed in the input cell. If this happens try choosing an input
- closer to the desired input.
- When prompted for the desired goal, AS-EASY-AS requires you specify
- the tolerance limit. You should be aware that the more restrictive
- (smaller) the tolerance is, the longer it will take the program to
- converge to the correct answer.
- For example try the following situation:
- You want to borrow $100,000 for 30 years, and you don't want your
- monthly payments to exceed $1,028.61. You want to determine the loan
- interest rate which would meet the above restrictions.
- The steps required to solve this problem are presented below:
- a. Enter the Loan amount in cell A1 --> 100000
- b. Enter a reference interest rate in cell A2 (i.e. if you start with
- an annual interest of 18%, enter 0.18)
- c. Enter the term of the loan (30 * 12 = 360 months) in cell A3.
- d. Enter the Payment equation in cell A4 - @PMT(A1,A2/12,A3)
- e. Invoke the DATA, GOALSEEK command
- f. Specify cell A2 as the INPUT cell
- g. Specify cell A4 as the OUTPUT cell
- h. Specify 1028.61 as the DESIRE
- i. Specify a tolerance of 0.001
- Cell A4 will display the amount you specified as the desired monthly
- payment (if solution convergence occurred), and cell A2 will display
- the interest rate required for the load to meet your restrictions,
- 0.12 (or 12%).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Data Regress command allows you to determine the coefficients
- which correspond to a least squares fit of a line to a set of
- X and Y data.
- Assume that you have a range of data as follows:
- A4..A9 - X-Values
- B4..B9 - Y-Values
- Now follow the sequence of keystrokes presented below:
- /drxA4..A9~yB4..B9~oD4~
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [56]
- This will invoke the Data Regress command. The program will prompt
- for the X (or independent) range, (A4..A9), the Y (or dependent)
- range, (B4..B9), and the location that you want the output to be
- placed, (D4).
- The Y-Intercept and slope of a straight line going through the data
- points will then be entered in cells D4 and D5. Additionally, values
- for R squared, the sum of the X squared values, the sum of the Y
- squared values, and the sum of the X*Y values, X and Y standard
- deviations, Slope error, and count sample are also entered.
- Note that the above sequence of commands assume a linear regression
- model, i.e., the calculated coefficients assume that the function is
- of the form:
- Y = a + b*X
- where (a) is the intercept and (b) is the slope. AS-EASY-AS,
- however, provides you with the tools to perform much more
- sophisticated regression analyses by controlling the assumed
- function. Under the /Data, Regression, Coefficients menu, you may
- select the type of function to use for the regression.
- For example, if you select the second (square), third (cubic) and
- fourth degree coefficients, the assumed function will be of the
- form:
- Y = a*X^2 + b*X^3 + c*X^4
- where a,b,c are the calculated coefficients. Details about the
- Least Squares Fit topic are beyond the scope of the user's manual.
- You should be familiar with the Least Squares Fit and
- regression concepts before using these capabilities.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This powerful command is mainly for those who develop applications to
- be used by other individuals. Once this option is invoked and a range
- is highlighted, cursor movement is restricted to the cells that were
- intentionally unprotected by the user using the /Range, Lock, No
- command.
- Example:
- /rlnC2..C4 [ENTER] [Unlock Cells C2, C3, and C4]
- /sgpe [Turn On Protection]
- /dirA1..D8 [ENTER] [Input Restricted Cells]
- would turn the global protection on and would only allow the user to
- move the cursor to cells C2, C3, and C4 (those specifically
- unprotected by the user).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This powerful command allows a user to define a form that can be used for
- entering records, editing records, etc. To create an input form:
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [57]
- 1. Define a number of cells (in the same row) that contain the field
- headings for your database.
- 2. Format the field headings for the type of data each cell will
- contain/display.
- 3. Select Data Input Form, and highlight the range of field headings.
- AS-EASY-AS automatically takes the format of each field name cell and
- assigns it to new data input into that particular field. It then
- creates an input/edit form, and locates the data base pointer at the
- first record of the database. The user now has the option to enter a
- new record, edit the current record, move to the record ahead or
- before the current one, etc.
- 1. All field names are left justified. If the field names are to be
- right justified, they have to be padded with spaces.
- 2. A maximum of 15 input fields are supported.
- 3. The width of the column is used to set the data input field
- size.
- Example:
- Cells A2 through D2 contain the desired field names of an address
- database (First, last, Address, etc.)
- The keystrokes /difA2..D2[ENTER] will produce an AS-EASY-AS dtabase
- input form screen .
- To prepare the database to display the input data properly, the field
- names must first be formatted. Since Name and Address will contain
- text, format these field names as "Label" (/Range Format Label). This
- ensures that when a street number is entered, followed by the street
- name, the contents will be a label, rather than a value.
- Phone could also be formatted as "Label" in which case the user would
- need to provide the parenthesis and hyphen each time a phone number is
- entered.
- Format last call as date (/rfd) and select one of the date options.
- When entering the date, simply type "8/29/91". AS-EASY-AS will
- convert the string to its date equivalent.
- If cell D2 had not been formatted with a date format, and the number
- was entered as 08/29/91 (no apostrophe), cell D3 would display
- 0.0030315, i.e., the indicated division would have been performed; an
- action which was not intended.
- Note the description of the keys available in this mode displayed on
- the top line of the screen:
- PgUp - Go to the previous record
- PgDn - Go to the next record
- Ctrl-PgUp - Go to the beginning of the database (record #1)
- Ctrl-PgDn - Go to the end of the database
- The user can freely move up and down the fields using the arrow cursor
- keys.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [58]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A database is information stored in a range of one or more rows and
- columns. The information that can be stored in a database is almost
- anything that one normally keeps track of.
- Let's see how you might use database commands to keep track of a list
- of your customers, their addresses and telephone numbers (a function
- that is normally performed by a stack of index cards or a Rolodex).
- A spreadsheet, for example, holds a small database of customers.
- The database of customers is stored in the range A1..G7. For each
- customer, you intend to keep track of the first and last name, street
- address, city, state and telephone number. Each row (all the
- information for one customer) is called a record of the database.
- Each column has a heading identifying the information stored in the
- cells beneath it. Each heading is called a "field" of the record.
- Once the information is stored in this database format, you can look
- at it many different ways and gain valuable information from it using
- the AS-EASY-AS database commands.
- There are three ranges in the Database Menu which must be defined. The
- INPUT range, the CRITERION range and the OUTPUT range.
- The operations that can be performed, based on the above ranges, are:
- FIND - Highlight records that match the criterion range.
- EXTRACT - Copy records that meet the criterion range into the
- output range.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The input range is the entire area where the database information is
- stored. When the input range is specified, you must include the
- headings as the top row of the range.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The criterion range contains the criteria that will be used to perform
- the FIND or EXTRACT operations on the Input range of the database.
- The minimum number of rows that can be used to define the criterion
- range is two.
- The top row ALWAYS contains the field headings exactly as they appear
- in the database. It is good practice to copy these headings from the
- database itself to assure that they are exactly the same. Subsequent
- rows contain the actual criteria. Criteria fall into two categories,
- character comparisons and numeric comparisons.
- Character comparisons can be performed by looking for an exact match
- or by using wildcard characters.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [59]
- ? Substitutes for any single character in the comparison string.
- * Will match all characters to the right of the asterisk position.
- ... Ellipsis (3 dots) preceding a string will search each record for the
- occurrence of that string anywhere within the string.
- Numeric comparisons can be performed by using all of the logical
- operators defined in the Logical Operators section.
- Criteria placed in adjacent columns are treated as logical ANDs, while
- criteria placed in adjacent rows are treated as logical ORs.
- AS-EASY-AS provides you with the option to facilitate the inputting of
- criteria. The command / Data Input Criteria operates similar to /
- Data Input Form described earlier. After the criteria range is
- selected, a criteria input form will appear in the middle of the
- screen. The user can then enter the criteria for each field heading.
- If multiple matches for the same heading are desired, AS-EASY-AS will
- generate a second form once the first form has been completed.
- Although this might sound complicated, an example later on will
- demonstrate how all these rules work.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The EXTRACT command causes records that match the criteria to be
- placed in the output range. The output range should contain the
- headings of the fields from which information is to be extracted.
- ~~~~~
- The RESET command resets the data input, output and criteria ranges.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [60]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Matrix is a notation that is commonly used in the field of mathematics
- to describe a table of numbers. When dealing with matrices you should
- be familiar with basic terminology and rules for matrix manipulation.
- A matrix is an array of values with a number of rows (i) and a number
- of columns (j). Mathematically, a matrix is denoted by an uppercase
- letter enclosed in brackets.
- [A] - Matrix A
- The elements of the matrix are denoted by the equivalent lowercase
- letter and two subscripts referring to the position of the element
- (row, column).
- a1,2 - the element of matrix [A] located in the first row and the
- second column
- The transposition of a matrix [A] with size i,j (i-rows, j-columns) is
- a new matrix [A]T with size j,i (j-rows, i-columns). After the
- transposition, the first row of [A] becomes the first column of [A]T,
- the second row of [A] becomes the second column of [A]T, etc.
- Example:
- 1 6 8 1 5 9
- 5 7 3 6 7 1
- 9 1 4 8 3 4
- In operations involving two matrices, [A] (i,j) and [B] (k,n), the
- following rules must be observed:
- 1. The matrices can be added or subtracted only if: i=k and j=n
- 2. The matrices can be multiplied only if: i=n and j=k
- The inverse of a matrix [A] is a second matrix [A]-1, such that:
- [A] x [A]-1 = Identity matrix
- The identity matrix is a special matrix whose elements are:
- ai,j = 1.0 for any i=j
- ai,j = 0.0 for any i<>j
- That is, 1s appear along the diagonal of the matrix and all other
- values are zero.
- A matrix can be inverted only if the number of columns and rows are
- equal. This is called a square matrix.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [61]
- AS-EASY-AS supports the following basic matrix operations:
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Inversion, Transposition,
- Equation Solve, Determinant
- In addition to those, the program has a built-in option for solving a
- set of simultaneous equations with an equal number of unknowns. Note
- that prior to solving such a set of equations, the constants vector
- should be placed in the column immediatelly to the right of the
- coefficients matrix.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [62]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A function is denoted by an @ (at) character preceding a function
- keyword. The following functions act upon the argument (represented by
- 'x') contained within the parentheses. The argument may be a value or
- formula which refers to other cells within the spreadsheet.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- +Cell (Where Cell contains a String)
- Syntax: +Cell Address
- The addition sign has the same effect as when used with values. The
- above entry indicates that the current cell will always have the
- same contents as Cell, whether Cell contains a string or a value.
- & - Concatenation
- The ampersand (&) is used to add two string expressions together.
- Note that using the plus sign (+), when adding strings, would give
- erroneous results.
- Example: +"Abc"&"D2N" will produce AbcD2N
- @@
- Syntax: @@(Cell)
- The @@ function is used to indirectly address the location
- described by the string in Cell (another spreadsheet cell).
- Examples:
- Assume the following cell contents:
- Cell A1 contains the string "Sample"
- Cell A5 contains the string "A1" (Note that it must be
- uppercase)
- @@(A5) = the contents of the cell described in A5 = Sample
- NOTE: If the indirectly referenced cell changes, you must
- refresh the value with the F9 key or the {CALC} macro.
- Syntax: @CELL("Type",Cell)
- Operates the same as @CELLPT, but returns information about the
- referenced Cell. See @CELLPT for "Type" descriptions.
- Syntax: @CELLPT("Type")
- Type = One of the predefined words described below. Type
- MUST be enclosed in double quotes (only the first three
- characters of the type are required).
- Returns information about the current cell (i.e., the cell where
- the cursor is currently located). The information returned depends
- on the function argument, as described below. The function will
- return a value or a string, depending on specific Type.
- NOTE: A cell containing an @CELLPT command will only be
- updated when the sheet is re-calculated either with [F9]
- or a {CALC} macro.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [63]
- Type = "FORm" (String)
- Returns the format of the current cell (see Range Format for
- format descriptions). The string returned is of the following:
- blank = Unformatted cell
- Sn = Scientific with n decimals
- Fn = Fixed with n decimals
- ,n = Comma format with n decimals
- Cn = Currency format with n decimals
- Dn = Date format, type n (see date formats)
- %n = Percent with n decimals
- + = +/- format
- T = Text format
- H = Hidden format
- G = General format
- bn= Engineering format with n decimals
- L = Label format
- X = Box or line character format
- Type = "ADDress" (String)
- Returns the address of the current cell, in the form of a string
- 'ColumnRow' (e.g., A1, C12, AF321).
- Type = "CONtents" (String)
- Returns the physical contents of the current cell as a string.
- e.g., if the current cell contains +A1+1, the string "+A1+1" is
- returned.
- Type = "ROW" (Value)
- Returns the row address of the current cell.
- Type = "COLumn" (Value)
- Returns the column address of the current cell as a value,
- (e.g., A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.)
- Type = "WIDth" (Value)
- Returns the column width of the current cell.
- Type = "TYPe" (Value)
- Returns one of the following values depending on the contents of
- the current cell:
- 0 - String Formula
- 1 - Value Formula
- 2 - Real/Value
- 3 - Integer/Value
- 4 - String/Label
- 5 - Blank Cell
- 6 - Virgin Blank cell
- 8 - String formula error
- 9 - Value formula error
- Type = "PREfix" (Label)
- Returns the first character of the current cell's contents (',
- ", ^, +, -, i, @, P). If the cell contains a value, the left-
- most digit will be returned. e.g., 456 will return the label 4.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [64]
- @CHR
- Syntax: @CHR(Num)
- Num = a value, or calculated variable, between 0 and 255
- Returns the ASCII character corresponding to Num (fractional
- values are ignored). Refer to Appendix E of the AS-EASY-AS manual
- for a table of the ASCII character codes.
- Examples:
- @CHR(36) = $
- Syntax: @CLEAN(String)
- Range = Any string
- Removes all high bit ASCII characters (>127) and control code
- characters (<32) from String.
- Example:
- Syntax: @EXACT(String1,String2)
- Compares String1 to String2 to see if an exact match exists. If
- the strings are equal, the function returns the value 1 (true),
- otherwise it returns the value 0 (false). Please note that this
- function is case sensitive so characters in the two strings have
- to match exactly (e.g., A=A, A<>a).
- Examples:
- @EXACT("This is an Example","This Is An Example") = 0 (not
- equivalent strings as "an" is different from "An")
- Syntax: @FIND(String1,String2,Start)
- Returns the position of String1 in String2; Search starts at
- position Start of String2 (first character is assigned an index of
- 1).
- Examples:
- @FIND("hello","Dave says hello",1) returns the value 11
- @FIND("e","Dave says hello",1) returns the value 4
- @FIND("e","Dave says hello",5) returns the value 12
- Syntax: @LEFT(String,Num)
- String = Any string,
- Num = Numeric value or value formula
- Returns a substring starting with the first character of String,
- Num characters long.
- Examples:
- @LEFT("This is an example",6) = This i
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [65]
- Syntax: @LENGTH(String)
- String = Any string
- Returns the number of characters in String. Please note that
- spaces are also characters. References to labels ignore the
- prefix character.
- Examples:
- @LENGTH("abcdefG") = 7
- @LENGTH("ABc"&"123") = 6
- Syntax: @LOWER(String)
- String = Any string
- Converts all characters in String to lower case.
- Examples:
- @LOWER("This is an Example") = this is an example
- @LOWER(@LEFT("This is an example",4)) = this
- @MID
- Syntax: @MID(String,Start,Num)
- String = Any string
- Start, Num = Numeric values or value formulas
- Returns a substring from String Num characters long, starting at
- position Start (from the left).
- Examples:
- @MID("This is an example",2,3) = his
- @N
- Syntax: @N(Cell)
- Similar to @S. This function inspects Cell, and returns the value
- contained in it. If the cell is blank, or contains a string, then
- the function returns zero.
- Examples:
- @N(C9) = 0 if C9 contains the string "Test"
- @N(B9) = 28 if B9 contains the value 28
- @ORD
- Syntax: @ORD(String)
- String = Any string
- Returns the decimal ASCII code of first character of String. All
- other characters in String are ignored.
- Examples:
- @ORD("215") = 50
- @ORD("┴") = 193
- Syntax: @PROPER(String)
- String = Any string
- Converts the first letter of each word in String to upper case,
- such as in a proper name. Characters already in upper case are
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [66]
- left unchanged.
- Examples:
- @PROPER("This example") = This Example
- Syntax: @REPEAT(String,Num)
- String = Any string,
- Num = Any number or value formula
- Repeats the string argument Num times.
- Examples:
- @REPEAT("Sample",3) = SampleSampleSample
- @REPEAT("This"&" Sample",2) = This SampleThis Sample
- Syntax: @RIGHT(String,Num)
- String = Any string
- Num = Numeric value or value formula
- Similar to @MID and @LEFT, this function returns a substring, Num
- characters long, starting from the right of String.
- Examples:
- @RIGHT("This Example",6) = xample
- @RIGHT(@MID("Example",2,3),2) = am
- @S
- Syntax: @S(Cell)
- This function inspects Cell, and returns the string contained in
- it. If the cell is blank, or contains a numeric value, a null
- string is returned.
- @S acts as a filter and will only return a string reference. It
- may be used in cases where a referenced cell may contain either a
- value or a string, without generating an error condition.
- Examples:
- @S(C9) = "Test" if C9 contains the string "Test"
- @S(B9) = Null string if B9 contains the value 28
- @STR
- Syntax: @STR(Value,Num)
- Value = Any value or calculated variable
- Num = Number of decimal digits to retain
- Returns a string made up of Value with Num digits after the decimal.
- Example:
- @STR(1234.12345,3) = "1234.123"
- Syntax: @TRIM(String)
- String = Any string
- Trims multiple blank spaces from String and replaces each
- occurrence with a single space character. The effect is evident
- when such strings are used in subsequent string operations.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [67]
- Example:
- @TRIM(" This is an example ") = This is an example
- Syntax: @UPPER(String)
- String = Any string
- Converts all characters of String to upper case. Numbers and
- special characters remain unchanged.
- Examples:
- @UPPER("Example") = EXAMPLE
- @UPPER(@LEFT("+example$",9)) = +EXAMPLE$
- @VAL
- Syntax: @VAL(String)
- String = Any string
- Converts String into a numeric value. String may also be a string
- function, but you cannot embed value formulas in the String. If a
- value formula is embedded, then the value of zero is returned.
- Note that this function will accept the decimal separator
- specified with the User, Install, Punctuation command. The
- examples below assume that "." is the decimal separator.
- Examples:
- @VAL("123") = 123
- @VAL("1.23") = 1.23
- @VAL("4/2") = 0
- @VAL("2..34") = 0
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [68]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. The arguments for all trigonometric functions must be in radians.
- 2. The arguments for all hyperbolic functions must be in
- hyperbolic radians.
- 3. An out of range argument will result in ERR being
- displayed.
- @ABS
- Syntax: @ABS(x)
- x = any value
- Returns the absolute value of the argument.
- Examples:
- @ABS(-10) = 10
- @ABS(5) = 5
- Syntax: @ACOS(x)
- x = any value where -1 < x < 1
- Arc cosine of value, returns radians.
- Syntax: @ACOSH(x)
- x = any value where x > 1
- Arc hyperbolic cosine of value x, returns radians.
- Syntax: @ASIN(x)
- x = any value where -1 < x < 1
- Arc sine of value x, returns radians.
- Syntax: @ASINH(x)
- x = any value
- Arc hyperbolic sine of value x, returns radians.
- Syntax: @ATAN(x)
- x = any value
- Arc tangent of value, returns radians.
- Syntax: @ATANH(x)
- x = any value where -1 < x < 1
- Arc hyperbolic tangent of value x, returns radians.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [69]
- @COS
- Syntax: @COS(x)
- x = any value in radians
- Cosine of angle x in radians.
- Syntax: @COSH(x)
- x = any value in radians where -88 < x < 88
- Hyperbolic cosine of angle x in radians
- @CSC
- Syntax: @CSC(x)
- x = any value in radians where x <> 0, π
- Cosecant of angle x in radians.
- @CTN
- Syntax: @CTN(x)
- x = any non-zero value where x <> 0, π
- Cotangent of value
- @EXP
- Syntax: @EXP(x)
- x = any value where -88 < x < +88
- Exponential of x (raise 'e' to the 'x' power).
- Constant which has a value of 0.
- Syntax: @GAMMALN(x)
- x = any positive value
- Returns the natural logarithm of the Gamma function for the value
- x. The Gammaln function is the floating point equivalent of the
- factorial function, and is related by:
- (N-1)! = @EXP(@GAMMALN(N))
- Example:
- @GAMMALN(6.5) = 5.662562
- @INT
- Syntax= @INT(x)
- x = any value
- Integer value of argument. The fractional part of the number is
- truncated and the integer remainder is returned. (See also
- command line switch /RA)
- Examples:
- @INT(10.60) = 10
- @INT(0.156) = 0
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [70]
- @LOG
- Syntax: @LOG(x)
- x = any value where x > 0
- Returns the logarithm to base '10' of the argument.
- @LN
- Syntax: @LN(x)
- x = any value where x > 0
- Returns the natural Logarithm (base 'e') of the argument.
- Example:
- @LN(6)= 1.7917594692
- @MOD(x,y)
- x = any value
- y = any non-zero value
- Modulo division, returns the remainder of x divided by y.
- @MOD(10,3) = 1
- @MOD(8,2) = 0
- @NA
- Constant which has a value of -1.
- @PI
- Constant which has a value of 3.1415926536
- Returns a new random number with each recalculation.
- @ROUND(x,y)
- x = any value
- y = any integer value where -11 < y < 11
- Rounds the value of x to y digits right of the decimal. Negative
- numbers round to left of decimal.
- @ROUND(10.1234,1) = 10.1
- @ROUND(123.123,-2)= 100
- @SEC
- Syntax: @SEC(x)
- x = any angle in radians where x <> pi/2, -pi/2
- Secant of angle x in radians.
- @SIN
- Syntax: @SIN(x)
- x = any value in radians
- Sine of angle x in radians.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [71]
- Syntax: @SINH(x)
- x = any value in radians where -88 < x < +88
- Hyperbolic sine of angle x in radians
- @SQRT(x)
- x = any value where x ≥ 0
- Returns the square root of argument, (a negative argument will
- result in an error).
- @SQRT(2) = 1.4142135624
- @SQRT(36) = 6
- @TAN
- Syntax: @TAN(x)
- x = any value in radians where x <> π/2, -π/2
- Tangent of angle x in radians
- Syntax: @TANH(x)
- x = any value in radians where -88 < x < +88
- Hyperbolic tangent of angle x in radians
- Constant has a value of 1.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. For financial functions, all interest rates must be expressed
- in decimal fractions, or followed by the % operator. For
- example, 0.08 = 8%.
- 2. The interest rate must be in the same units as the payment
- period. If a monthly payment is desired, the interest rate
- must be expressed as a monthly rate (equal to the annual
- rate divided by 12).
- @ACI
- Syntax: @ACI(Principal,Interest Rate,Period,PmtNumber)
- Principal = Principal amount
- Interest Rate = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- PmtNumber = Payment number
- Returns the accumulated interest on a loan after the
- specified payment has been made.
- Example:
- @ACI(10000,0.01,48,36) = 2444.07
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [72]
- @BAL
- Syntax: @BAL(Principal,Interest Rate,Period,PmtNumber)
- Principal = Principal amount
- Interest Rate = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- PmtNumber = Payment number
- Returns the unpaid balance on a loan after the specified
- payment has been made.
- Example:
- @BAL(10000,0.01,48,47) = 260.73
- Syntax: @CTERM(Int,FVal,PVal)
- FVal = Future Value
- Pval = Present Value
- Int = Interest Rate per compounding period
- Returns the number of compounding periods required for a present
- value (PVal), invested at an interest rate (Int) per compounding
- period to reach a future value (FVal).
- Examples:
- @CTERM(0.1,100000,10000) = 24.2
- @CTERM(0.08,400000,60000) = 24.7
- @DDB
- Syntax: @DDB(Cost,Salvage,Life,Period)
- Cost = Cost of a purchase
- Salvage = Value at the end of the depreciation
- Life = Number of periods for full depreciation
- Period = Current Period
- Returns the amount of depreciation allowed during the specified
- period, using the Double-Declining-Balance depreciation method.
- Example: 5-Year Depreciation Schedule
- @DDB(5000,1000,5,1) = 2000.0
- @DDB(5000,1000,5,2) = 1200.0
- @DDB(5000,1000,5,3) = 720.0
- @DDB(5000,1000,5,4) = 80.0
- @DDB(5000,1000,5,5) = 0.0
- To Date Total 4000.0
- @FV
- Syntax: @FV(Annuity,Interest Rate,Period)
- Annuity = Periodic payment amount
- Interest = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- Returns the future value corresponding to an annuity occurring
- over the specified period.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [73]
- Example:
- @FV(700,0.0925,30) = 99979.77
- @IRR
- Syntax: @IRR(Guesstimate Interest Rate,Range)
- Guesstimate Interest Rate = Best guess at internal rate of return
- periodic interest rate
- Range = Cell range which contains the cash
- flow return values
- Returns the Rate of Return per period associated with a cash flow.
- The solution is iterative and may result in more than one correct
- answer, so a good guess is important.
- Example:
- A1 B1 C1 D1
- -1000 300 400 500
- @IRR(0.1,A1..D1) = 0.088963, or 8.9%
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [74]
- @NPV
- Syntax: @NPV(Interest Rate,Range)
- Interest Rate = Periodic interest rate
- Range = Cell range which in which the series of cash
- flows is to be stored
- Returns the net present value of a cash flow over interest period.
- Example:
- @NPV(0.0925,A1..A5)
- @PMT
- Syntax: @PMT(Principal,Interest Rate,Period)
- Principal = Principal amount
- Interest Rate = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- Returns the amount of an annuity equal to the principal amortized
- over the period.
- Example:
- @PMT(75000,0.0925,30) = 7462.606
- Syntax: @PMTP(Principal,Interest Rate,Period,PmtNumber)
- Principal = Principal amount
- Interest Rate = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- PmtNumber = Payment number
- Returns the amount that, for a given loan payment, is used to
- reduce the principal, i.e, does not include the interest
- portion.
- Example:
- @PMTP(10000,0.01,48,5) = 169.97
- @PV
- Syntax: @PV(Annuity,Interest Rate,Period)
- Annuity = Periodic payment amount
- Interest = Periodic interest rate
- Period = Number of periods
- Returns the present value corresponding to an annuity occurring
- over the specified period.
- Example:
- @PV(700,0.0925,30) = 7035.075
- Syntax: @RATE(Fval,PVal,Nterm)
- FVal = Future value
- PVal = Present value
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [75]
- NTerm = Number of compounding terms
- Returns the interest rate required for a present value PVal,
- invested for Nterm number of compounding periods to reach a future
- value FVal.
- Examples:
- @RATE(90000,20000,20) = 0.078
- @RATE(190000,50000,20) = 0.069
- @SLN
- Syntax: @SLN(Cost,Salvage,Life)
- Cost = Cost of a purchase
- Salvage = Value at the end of the depreciation
- Life = Number of periods for full depreciation
- Returns the amount of depreciation per period, using the straight
- line depreciation method.
- Examples:
- @SLN(5000,1000,5) = 800.0
- @SLN(11000,1600,10) = 940.0
- @SYD
- Syntax: @SYD(Cost,Salvage,Life,Period)
- Cost = Cost of a purchase
- Salvage = Value at the end of the depreciation
- Life = Number of periods for full depreciation
- Period = Current Period
- Returns the amount of depreciation allowed during the specified
- period, using the Sum-of-Years depreciation method.
- Example: 5-Year Depreciation Schedule
- @SYD(5000,1000,5,1) = 1333.3
- @SYD(5000,1000,5,2) = 1066.7
- @SYD(5000,1000,5,3) = 800.0
- @SYD(5000,1000,5,4) = 533.3
- @SYD(5000,1000,5,5) = 266.7
- To Date Total 4000.0
- Syntax: @TERM(Pmt,Int,FVal)
- FVal = Future value
- Pmt = Periodic payment
- Int = Interest rate per compounding period
- Returns the number of compounding periods required for some
- periodic payment (Pmt), invested at an interest rate (Int) per
- compounding period to reach a future value (FVal).
- Examples:
- @TERM(100,0.15,1000) = 6.6 periods
- @TERM(850,0.07,100000) = 32.9 periods
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [76]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- #OR# & #AND# Operators
- The #OR# & #AND# logical operators are used to combine simple logical
- criteria into complex logical expressions. These two operators are
- evaluated according to the following logical table:
- ==============================================
- Test1 Test2 #OR# #AND#
- ===============================================
- True True True True
- True False True False
- False True True False
- False False False False
- ==============================================
- Examples:
- Expression Result
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- +(0=0)#AND#(0=1) 0 (False)
- +(0=0)#OR#(0=1) 1 (True)
- @IF(@MOD(5,2)=1#AND#@MOD(6,2)=0,1,0) returns 1 (true)
- NOTES: 1. Spaces between the values and logical operators are
- not allowed.
- 2. Use of parentheses is recommended for clarity.
- @IF
- Syntax: @IF(Test argument,arg1,arg2)
- If the test is true, Arg1 is returned, otherwise Arg2 is returned.
- TEST can utilize logical operators '>,<,=,<>' etc., or refer to
- the result of a cell with a logical result in it.
- Examples:
- @IF(10>2,3*2,4+5) = 6
- @IF(10<2,3*2,4+5) = 9
- As an example of using a logical operation within a formula try
- the following:
- +(a1>2)*3+(a1<=2)*4
- This formula will yield a result of 3 if the value stored in cell
- A1 is greater than 2 and will yield a result of 4 if the value is
- less than 2.
- NOTE: Up to 10 nested @IF statements are allowed providing
- internal limit of 240 bytes per formula is not exceeded.
- Syntax: @ISNUM(Cell)
- This function is similar to the @ISSTR function. It will return 1
- for TRUE if the cell contains a number or a formula, 0 for FALSE.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [77]
- Syntax: @ISSTR(Cell)
- This function checks to see if the specified cell contains a
- label. It returns 1 for TRUE if the cell contains a string or a
- label, 0 for FALSE.
- NOTE: A blank cell is neither a string nor a number.
- Syntax: @ISNA(Cell)
- Tests for the special value of NA in cell. If the cell contains
- NA it returns 1 (true); otherwise, it returns 0 (false). Please
- note that if a cell contains the label "NA" (not produced by the
- @NA function), it is not recognized by the @ISNA function.
- Syntax: @ISERR(Expression)
- where expression can be a cell reference or any other valid AS-
- EASY-AS expression.
- This function is used to trap ERR displays and prevent propagation
- through the recalculation sequence. A value of 1 (true) is
- returned if the cell contains ERR or the expression evaluates to
- an error condition. A value of 0 (false) is returned otherwise.
- Examples:
- @ISERR(10/5)=0 (Not an error)
- @ISERR(10/0)=1 (Error in Expression)
- @ERR
- Syntax: @ERR
- Returns the value ERR in the current cell and in any other cells
- that reference it directly or indirectly. The ERR value returned
- by this function is the same ERR value produced by AS-EASY-AS when
- it encounters an error.
- @NOT
- Syntax: @NOT(Cell)
- Returns the value 0 if cell contains the value 1 and the value 1
- if cell contains 0 or any other value. If cell contains a string,
- then the string is returned, unchanged.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [78]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- These functions operate on a range of values. A range specifies a
- rectangular block of data in the spreadsheet, i.e. Range = A1..B10
- defines the block of data from:
- a1...b1
- . .
- . .
- a10...b10
- Presented below are the statistical functions. To illustrate the use
- of each function, simple examples are provided.
- All examples will operate on the numbers contained in the portion of
- the spreadsheet duplicated below, A1..C3
- ........A/.......B/.......C/
- 1 1.1 5.6 8.2
- 2 2.3 7.5 10
- 3 3.5 4.4 2
- @AVG
- Syntax: @AVG(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be averaged
- Returns the average of the range.
- Example:
- @AVG(A1..C3) = 4.955555
- Syntax: @COMB(N,R)
- N,R = any integer value such that N ≥ R
- Number of combinations of N distinct items taken R at a time.
- Example: @COMB(6,2) = 15
- Syntax: @COUNT(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be counted
- Returns the number of elements in the range, (blank cells and
- cells containing text are ignored).
- Example:
- @COUNT(A1..C3) = 9
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [79]
- Syntax: @FACT(X)
- X = Numeric value where (0 < X < 33)
- Returns the factorial of X. (See also @GAMMALN for floating point
- related function and "!" operator).
- Example:
- @FACT(6) = 720
- @MAX
- Syntax: @MAX(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be analyzed
- Returns the maximum value in the range.
- Examples:
- @MAX(A1..C3) = 10
- @MAX(A1..A3,15,C1..C3) = 15
- @MIN
- Syntax: @MIN(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be analyzed
- Returns the minimum value in the range.
- Examples:
- @MIN(A1..C3) = 1.1
- @MIN(A1..A3,1,C1..C3) = 1
- Syntax: @PERM(N,R)
- N,R = any integer value such that N ≥ R
- Number of permutations of N distinct items taken R at a time.
- Example: @PERM(6,2) = 30
- Syntax: @PSUM(Range1,Range2)
- Range1 = Cell range to be evaluated
- Range2 = Cell range to be evaluated
- Returns the summation of the product of Range1 and Range2.
- Every element in Range1 is multiplied by the equivalent
- element in Range2, and the products are then summed.
- Range1 and Range2 must be the same length or an ERR condition
- will be returned by the function.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. The following .... functions require the criterion be a string
- argument. References to string arguments are permitted.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [80]
- 2. @X represents reference to cell in range upon which
- criterion is applied (required).
- Syntax: @QCOUNT("@X=Criterion",Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula to be used for match
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the number of those cells in the range that match
- the criterion.
- Syntax: @QMAX("@X=Criterion",Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula to be used for match
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the maximum value of those cells in the range that match
- the criterion.
- Example: @QMAX("@X<2.5",A1..A3,1) = 7.5
- @QMAX("@X<2.5",A1..A3,0) = 2.3
- Syntax: @QMIN("@X=Criterion",Range, Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula to be used for match
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the minimum value of those cells in the range that match
- the criterion.
- Example: @QMIN("@X>2.0",A1..A3,1) = 4.4
- Syntax: @QSTD("@X=Criterion",Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula to be used for match
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the standard deviation of those cells records in the range
- that match the criterion.
- Syntax: @QSUM("@X=Criterion",Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula to be used for match
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the sum of the records in the range that match the criterion.
- Example: @QSUM("@X>5",A1..C3,0) = 31.3
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [81]
- Syntax: @QVAR("@X=Criterion",Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value or formula be used for match in top of row
- Range = Cell range
- Offset = Number of columns to the right/left on which to operate.
- Returns the population variance of the records in the range that
- match the criterion.
- @STD(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be evaluated
- Returns the standard deviation of the elements in the range.
- Example:
- @STD(A1..C3) = 2.904827
- Syntax: @STDU(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be evaluated
- Returns the standard deviation of the elements in the range,
- based on the sample size, i.e., N-1 weighting.
- Example:
- @STDU(A1..C3) = 3.081035
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [82]
- @SUM
- Syntax: @SUM(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be evaluated
- Returns the summation of the range.
- Examples:
- @SUM(A1..C3) = 44.6
- @SUM(A1..C3,R3,D9,X3..Y9) = 255.5
- @VAR
- Syntax: @VAR(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be analyzed
- Returns the population variance of the range.
- Example:
- @VAR(A1..C3) = 8.438024
- Syntax: @VARU(Range)
- Range = Cell range to be analyzed
- Returns the population variance of the elements in the range
- based on the sample size, i.e., N-1 weighting.
- Example:
- @VARU(A1..C3) = 9.492777
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Syntax: @AUTO (no arguments)
- Checks the status of the recalculation mode. Returns (1) if
- the recalculation mode is set to automatic, or (0) if the
- recalulation is set to manual.
- Syntax: @CASE(Num,Arg2,....Argn)
- Num = Any number or calculated value where Num > 0
- Arg1...ArgN = Any number, string, character
- Returns the Numth argument from the argument list.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [83]
- Examples:
- @CASE(2,"A",17,"ABC",4) = 17
- @CASE(3,"Abc"&"d",129/4,@LEFT("Example",5),123) = Examp
- |.........||....||......................||..|
- : : : :
- : : : :
- First : Third :
- Argument : Argument :
- Second Fourth
- Argument Argument
- Syntax: @COLS(Range)
- Range = Any cell Range.
- Returns the number of columns in the specified range.
- Examples:
- @COLS(A1..E121) = 5
- @COLS(AA11..BB32) = 27
- @COLS(TEST) = 6 where TEST = named range of (C5..H21)
- @DEC
- Syntax: @DEC(String)
- String = Any text string up to 10 characters long
- Returns the decimal value that corresponds to the hexadecimal
- String. The string is limited to the hexadecimal values 0000-
- FFFF. If String is longer that 4 characters, then the four
- rightmost characters are used for the conversion. If String
- is longer than 10 characters, ERR is returned).
- Examples:
- @DEC("12") = 18
- @DEC("0012") = 18
- @DEC("0123AB001A") = 26
- @DEC("AB1232GA1202") = ERR
- Syntax: @DOSVER (no arguments)
- Returns the current version of DOS running on your system.
- Syntax: @FILEINFO(String,Mode)
- String = File name specifications
- Mode = Type of Information Required
- Returns information about the specified file. String can be
- any valid DOS file specification (it can include Drive/
- directory information, etc.) Mode, is an integer 1-3, as
- shown below:
- Mode = 1 - File Size (bytes)
- Mode = 2 - File existence. Returns one of the following
- values:
- 0 - File does not exist
- 1 - File exists
- Mode = 3 - File Attribute. Returns one of the following
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [84]
- values:
- 1 - Read Only ($01)
- 2 - Hidden ($02)
- 4 - System File ($04)
- 8 - Disk Label ($08)
- 16 - Directory ($10)
- 32 - Archive ($20)
- @HEX
- Syntax: @HEX(Value)
- Value = Any numeric value x where -65,535 ≤ x ≥ 65,535
- Returns the hexadecimal representation of Value as a string.
- Note that value is rounded and only integer hex numbers are
- returned. Negative values are returned as hex compliments of
- 2. All hex values returned are preceded by the dollar sign
- which signified hex value.
- Examples:
- @HEX(12) = $000C
- @HEX(1125) = $0465
- @HEX(-2) = $FFFE
- Syntax: @HTABLE(Criterion,Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value to be used for match in top row of range
- Range = Cell range which contains criterion range as top row
- and includes data value table
- Offset = Number of rows down in data value table from
- which to return a value
- Returns the value at a vertical offset in the column that matches
- the criterion.
- @HTABLE(5.6,A1..C3,1) = 7.5
- The @HTABLE function operates as follows:
- Search starts at the upper left cell and proceeds until a value is
- found which is greater than the criterion. The position of the
- previous value is then used as a starting offset into the table.
- The offset is added to the top row and the value at the offset
- position is returned by the function.
- Syntax: @HTERP(Cell,Range,Offset)
- Perform a straight-line interpolation based on table specified by
- Range. It operates similar to @HTABLE function, but returns a
- result based on the following:
- (Xv - Xi)
- Yv ----------- x (Yi+1 - Yi) + Yi
- (Xi+1 - Xi)
- Where X is the first row and Y is the offset row in the table.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [85]
- Syntax: @INDEX(Range,Col,Row)
- Range = Any cell Range
- Col, Row = Numeric value or value formula
- Searches the specified range and returns the element located Col
- columns to the right and Row rows down from the top left corner of
- the range. Element may be a string or a value.
- Examples:
- /........A/........B/........C/
- 1
- 2 22 RR HH
- 3 A 1 2
- 4 21 23 9
- 5 b F 3
- @INDEX(A2..C5,2,2) = 1
- @INDEX(A2..C5,3,1) = HH
- @INDEX(A2..C5,1,3) = 21
- Note that Col and Row have to satisfy the criteria:
- 0 < Row < 8,192
- 0 < Col < 255
- Syntax: @IORESULT (no arguments)
- Returns a value indicating the status of the last file I/O
- operation. If 0 is returned, then the last file I/O
- operation worked as expected. If any other value is
- returned, then an error occurred during the last file I/O
- operation. Please, note that this boolean function is reset
- to 0 when it is used.
- Some of the error codes that may be returned by @IORESULT are:
- 2 - File Not Found
- 3 - Path not found
- 4 - Too many files open
- 5 - File Access denied
- Syntax: @LENGTH(Cell)
- Returns the length of the string in the referenced Cell (if the
- contents are a label), otherwise it returns zero if cell is empty.
- Note that the prefix character of a label is not considered in the
- length calculation.
- Syntax: @LINK("Drive:\Path\Filename>Cell")
- NOTES: 1. Double quotes and the '>' character are necessary.
- 2. If Drive:\Path are not specified, the search defaults to the
- the directory specified by the /Dir= command line switch,
- or with /File, Dir command.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [86]
- As the name indicates, it links cells in the current worksheet to
- cells in a worksheet on disk. Once this function is entered, a
- link is created but it is not updated. As a result, as soon as
- this function is entered, the cell frequently displays "N/A". Do
- not panic, a newly created link is not updated until the /File,
- Uplink command is executed. At that time, any value or string
- variable in the referenced cell of the indicated sheet on disk is
- retrieved and placed in the calling cell.
- Updating occurs automatically when the spreadsheet is first retrieved.
- Syntax: @MEMAVAIL(X)
- X = Value representing type of memory to report, 0, 1 or 2.
- 0 - Total Memory
- 1 - Conventional Memory
- 2 - EMS/VMS Memory
- Returns the amount of total, conventional, and EMS/VMS memory, in
- bytes, available at the time of call.
- Examples:
- @MEMAVAIL(0) = 864315
- @MEMAVAIL(1) = 205088
- @MEMAVAIL(2) = 659227
- Syntax: @PATH (no arguments)
- Returns the current data path, i.e., the current drive and directory.
- Example:
- Syntax: @PROTECT (no arguments)
- Checks the status of Global cell protection. Returns (1) if
- Global protection is ON, (0) if it is not.
- Syntax: @QVIEW(N)
- N = 0 = Number of open views
- N = 1 = Number of active view
- Returns a numeric value (1-6) that indicates either the total
- number of views open (if N=0), or the number of the current
- active view (if N=1).
- Example:
- @QVIEW(0) = 1 (when you first start AS-EASY-AS)
- Syntax: @ROWS(Range)
- Range = Any cell Range.
- Returns the number of rows in the specified range.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [87]
- Examples:
- @ROWS(A1..E121) = 121
- @ROWS(AA11..BB132) = 122
- @ROWS(TEST) = 17 where TEST = named range of (C5..H21)
- Syntax: @USER(Arg1,Arg2,Arg3)
- USER = User provided name of function (any unique name)
- Arg1,Arg2,Arg3 = User provided numeric arguments
- This is a special function, defined by the user, which can have up
- to three numeric arguments. The user specifies the formula which
- relates the arguments and creates a unique range name which
- includes the cells containing the formula and the arguments. The
- function may then be used in the worksheet just as any other
- internal @ function. To set up the function, perform the
- following steps:
- 1. Place up to three numeric arguments, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, in a
- single row in adjacent columns.
- 2. Place the formula which relates the numeric values in the cell
- below Arg1, the leftmost argument.
- 3. Give a unique range name to the block which includes the
- arguments and the formula. This range name will become the
- function name.
- 4. Use the newly defined function.
- Syntax: @VERSION (no arguments)
- Returns the current version of AS-EASY-AS running on your system.
- Syntax: @VTABLE(Criterion,Range,Offset)
- Criterion = Value to be used for match in left column of range
- Range = Cell range which contains criterion range as left
- column and includes data value table
- Offset = Number of columns to the right in data value table
- from which to return a value. The first criterion
- column in the range has an offset of zero.
- Returns the value at a horizontal offset in the row that matches
- the criterion. The @VTABLE function operates as follows:
- Search starts at the upper left cell and proceeds downwards row by
- row until a value is found which is greater than the criterion.
- The position of the previous value is then considered as a match.
- The offset is added to the left column and the value at the offset
- position is returned by the function.
- NOTE: Table values outside the search region cause an error result.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [88]
- Syntax: @VTERP(Cell,Range,Offset)
- Similar to @HTERP, but scans vertically (row by row).
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The functions below are based on the number of days elapsed since
- January 1, 1900. In order to have the value displayed in a date form,
- the cell(s) have to be formatted with one of the date formats (see
- formatting section).
- Syntax: @DATE(Year,Month,Day)
- Year = Value corresponding to last two digits of year
- Month = Value corresponding to month of year, 1-12
- Day = Value corresponding to day of month, 1-31
- Returns a unique integer for each day since January 1, 1900.
- Example:
- @DATE(91,11,1) returns an integer of 33543. If the cell is
- formatted as Date MM/DD/YY, then the date 11/1/91 is displayed.
- Syntax: @DATEVAL("MM/DD/YY")
- Convert the string argument to a date number representing the
- month(MM):day(DD):year(YY). Note that the cell can be formatted to
- display the above VALUE in a date format.
- Examples:
- @DATEVAL("6/15/89") = 32674 (Unformatted cell)
- @DATEVAL("6/15/89") = 06/15/89 (Formatted cell)
- @DATEVAL("7"&"/6"&"/89") = 07/06/89 (Formatted cell)
- @DATEVAL(A6) = 10/13/89 (Formatted cell)
- where cell A6 contains the
- string "10/13/89"
- NOTE: Spaces, colons, semicolons, and other non-numberic
- characters are acceptable delimeters.
- @DAY
- Syntax: @DAY(x)
- x = the number of days since Jan. 1, 1900.
- Based on a unique day assigned to 'x', computes the day in the
- month of that date.
- Example:
- @DAY(33543) returns the number 1
- (The date number is equivalent to November 1, 1991)
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [89]
- Syntax: @HOUR(Value)
- Value = Any number or calculated value in fractional days
- i.e., 1 day = 24 hours, 0.5 day = 12 hours
- Returns the hours corresponding to the fractional portion of
- Value. The integer portion of Value (representing days) is
- ignored.
- Examples:
- @HOUR(0.5) = 12
- @HOUR(3/4) = 18
- @HOUR(0.25) = 6
- @HOUR(9.25) = 6
- Syntax: @MINUTE(Value)
- Value = Any number or calculated value in fractional days
- Returns the minutes corresponding to the fractional portion of Value.
- The integer portion of Value (representing days) is ignored.
- Examples:
- @MINUTE(0.51) = 14
- @MINUTE(0.33) = 55
- @MINUTE(3.33) = 55
- Syntax: @MONTH(x)
- x = the number of days since January 1, 1900.
- Based on a unique day assigned to "x", computes the month in which
- that day occurs.
- Example:
- @MONTH(33543) returns the number 11.
- (The date number is equivalent to November 1, 1991)
- Syntax: @SECOND(Value)
- Value = Any number or calculated value in fractional days
- Returns the seconds corresponding to the fractional portion of
- Value. The integer portion of Value (representing days) is
- ignored.
- Examples:
- @SECOND(0.511) = 50
- @SECOND(0.541) = 2
- @SECOND(9.541) = 2
- Syntax: @TIME(Hr,Min,Sec)
- Hr = A number between 0 and 23, Hours
- Min = A number between 0 and 59, Minutes
- Sec = A number between 0 and 59, Seconds
- Returns a fractional time serial number represented by Hr:Min:Sec.
- Note that in order to have a cell display in time format, you have
- to format it using /Range, Format, Date 6 or 7.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [90]
- Syntax: @TIMEVAL("HH:MM:SS")
- HH = Value representing number of hours
- MM = Value representing number of minutes
- SS = Value representing number of seconds
- Convert the string argument to a real number representing the
- hour(s):minute(s):second(s) as a fraction of a day. Note that the
- cell can be formatted to display the above VALUE in a time format.
- Examples:
- @TIMEVAL("1:2:3") = 0.04309027 (Unformatted cell)
- @TIMEVAL("1:2:3") = 1:02 (Cell formatted for time)
- @TIMEVAL("1:2:120") = 1:04 ''
- @TIMEVAL("1:70:120") = 2:12 ''
- @TIMEVAL("25:2:120") = 1:04 ''
- NOTE: The time value is calculated using the following formula:
- Hour + Min/60 + Second/3600
- --------------------------
- 24
- Returns the unique number corresponding to today's date and time
- referenced to January 1, 1900.
- @TODAY returns the number 33543 if today is November 1, 1991. If
- the cell were formatted as Date D-M-Y, then the date 1-Nov-91 is
- displayed.
- If the cell were formatted as Date 6 (H:M:S), then the time
- associated with the fractional part of the date is displayed.
- NOTE: @TODAY is NOT automatically updated when a spreadsheet
- is retrieved, even if the recalculation mode is set for
- automatic. You must recalc the spreadsheet by manually
- pressing the [F9] function key or by macro command.
- Syntax: @YEAR(x)
- x = the number of days since January 1, 1900.
- Based on a unique day assigned to 'x', computes the year in which that
- day occurs.
- Example:
- @YEAR(33543) returns the number 91.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [91]
- 10. MACROS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A macro is a sequence of keystrokes which may be activated by pressing
- the combination of the Alt key and a letter key or by using the [F3]
- key -macro execute. An example macro would be the following:
- {RT}{RT}{DN}
- The words/letters in braces represent an action keystroke. The above
- macro will move the pointer two cells to the right and one cell down.
- A macro may be placed in any cell.
- To activate a macro with the [ALT] key, it must have a special type of
- range name assigned to its location. The special range name is the
- backslash [\] followed immediately by any letter from 'A' thru 'Z'.
- For example:
- \A
- This specific macro may be activated by pressing the [ALT] key and the
- letter 'A' simultaneously. Therefore, even though the backslash is
- used to define the range name it actually represents the [alt] key.
- If you desire a macro to automatically execute upon retrieval of a
- spreadsheet, name your macro "\0" ( Zero). When AS-EASY-AS retrieves
- your spreadsheet, it searches for a macro named "\0". If one exists,
- it is automatically executed. You can have only one auto-executing
- macro in a spreadsheet.
- NOTE: To edit an auto-executing macro, it may be necessary to use the
- /File Merge command to keep the macro from auto-executing as
- it would if /File Retrieve were used.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The powerful macros that are supported by AS-EASY-AS provide a
- complete programming environment for most applications. Macros can be
- chained together to provide self running applications that do
- virtually anything that can be done manually through the command mode.
- Macro commands can be typed in directly from the keyboard. This
- requires that you know the exact sequence of macro commands to perform
- the desired action ahead of time.
- For short macros, this method is acceptable. However, if you have a
- long macro to create, or if you are unfamiliar with the sequence of
- commands needed, AS-EASY-AS provides an alternative method for
- creating macros.
- AS-EASY-AS has the ability to learn by example, it records your
- keystrokes as you perform the desired task, and writes them out to the
- sheet as macro commands. To access this macro recording ability,
- select /Sheet, Macro, Compose.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [92]
- When you first select Compose, AS-EASY-AS starts recording all your
- keystrokes. The macro compose buffer is capable of storing 2048
- characters. When you have completed your macro, reselect /Sheet,
- Macro, Compose a second time.
- AS-EASY-AS will prompt you for the cell location in which to place the
- macro commands. Simply point to a vacant cell or type in the cell
- location and hit [ENTER]. The macro commands will be entered,
- continuing to the next rows below as necessary, writing over any
- information currently in the cells.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- There are several ways to execute your macro. The first step is to
- name your macro. To define a range name, type the following: /rnc
- which stands for /RANGE, NAME, CREATE.
- After you press the letter 'c'(for Create) the spreadsheet will prompt
- YOU for the name of the range. Now type the range name and then press
- the [ENTER] key. (Be careful, don't include any spaces in the range
- name).
- The next step involves typing (or pointing) the cell which the macro
- occupies. If the macro was in cell A1, then type A1 [ENTER]. The
- simplest method of executing macros is to name your macro using the
- special range name character \ followed by a single letter as
- discussed previously.
- Pressing the [ALT] key and the letter name of your macro
- simultaneously will execute your macro. Naming your macro \0 (zero)
- will create a macro that will auto execute each time the spreadsheet
- is retrieved.
- A second execution method is to press the [F3] Macro Execute function
- key. Type in the name of your macro and hit [ENTER], and AS-EASY-AS
- will execute your macro.
- If you can't remember your macro name, press [F3] then [F1]. A pick
- window of all the range names will appear in the middle of your
- screen. Highlight the name of your macro and hit [ENTER] to execute
- the macro.
- A third method to execute your macro is by selecting /Sheet, Macro,
- Execute. You are allowed to specify a cell address, a named range,
- etc. Again, pressing [F1] after this option has been selected will
- display all named ranges in a pick window on the screen.
- Because of its execution speed, it may be difficult to follow your
- macro commands to determine if your macro is performing as planned.
- To assist you in your debugging efforts, AS-EASY-AS provides the
- ability to execute your macro one command at a time.
- /Sheet, Macro, Step toggles the macro step execution on and off. If
- the option Yes is selected, you are asked to specify the number of
- msec of delay between macros ( 0 < D < 5000 msec). If a delay of
- zero, (D=0), is specified, the program will pause after each macro
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [93]
- command, until you press any key to continue. The currently executing
- macro command will also be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All menu commands in AS-EASY-AS can be invoked from within a macro
- with the key-letter (the first letter in the command). In addition,
- the following cursor movements have macro keywords:
- ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- {LT X} - Move cursor X cells to the Left
- {RT X} - Move cursor X cells to the Right
- {DN X} - Move cursor X cells Downward
- {UP X} - Move cursor X cells Upward
- {PGUP X} - Move cursor X pages Up
- {PGDN X} - Move cursor X pages Down
- {PGRT X} - Move the cursor X pages to the Right
- {PGLT X} - Move the cursor X pages to the Left
- {DEL X} - Delete X characters to the right of cursor
- {BS X} - Backspace X characters to the Left of the cursor
- {INS} - Same cursor as the [INS] key. Toggles between
- Insert and Overtype modes
- {HOME} - Move cursor to cell A1
- {END} - Same as the [END] key
- {EDIT} - Places the current cell in the Edit mode [F2]
- {NAME} - Name, show matrix of names same as [F3]
- {ABS} - Make cell reference absolute [F4]. Toggles
- between ABS modes.
- {GOTO cell} - GoTo a specified cell, [F5]
- {WINDOW} - If window active toggles the cursor between
- windows otherwise toggle the cursor between
- the current and previous cursor locations, [F6]
- {VIEW} - Toggle the current view between the opened
- windows, same as [F7]
- {CALC} - Recalculate all cells, [F9]
- {GRAPH} - View the specified graph, [F10]
- {ESC X} - Represents the [ESC] (Escape) key (X is
- optional).
- ~ - Tilde (~), same as the [ENTER] key
- The keystroke [ENTER] in a macro is represented by the
- tilde (~).
- All macro commands MUST be enclosed in curly braces {}.
- The X in the above listing is optional, i.e., {RT 5} moves the
- cursor to the right 5 cells, whereas {RT} moves the cursor
- to the right just one cell.
- Macros are executed from left to right in a given cell and proceed
- downwards row by row until either a blank cell is reached, the [ESC]
- key is pressed, or the {QUIT} macro keyword is executed.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [94]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The advanced macro capabilities of AS-EASY-AS complete a powerful
- programming environment. Using these macros, you can set up your own
- custom menus, set up programming loops, branching and execute sub-
- routines.
- NOTE: All commands below may ONLY be used in an executing
- macro.
- {?}
- Pauses macro execution and awaits keyboard input. Useful for
- interrupting macro to allow movement around sheet or entry of
- data. Macro execution continues only after [ENTER] or [ESC] is
- pressed.
- NOTE: [ENTER] and [ESC] characters will not appear in the macro
- stream. You must provide them where required to terminate
- input in response to a prompt.
- {APPEND F#, "FileName"}
- F# - File Number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
- Filename - Name of File, may include drive and path information
- Open FileName in Append mode. See {OPEN} command. Subsequent
- WRITES to the file will cause text to be appended to the end of the file.
- NOTE: Any file which is opened with {APPEND}, must be closed
- with the {CLOSE} macro command before exiting from AS-
- EASY-AS. Failure to do so will result in the file information
- becoming corrupted and unusable.
- {BEEP X}
- Produces a beep sound. This macro could be useful at the end of
- unattended macro(s) to signal the user that some task is
- completed, or to get the user's attention when a prompt for
- information is introduced. Also see {TONE X,Y}.
- {BLANK Range}
- Erases the cells in the range defined by 'Range'. The effect is
- the same as when executing the /re command. This method is
- sometimes more desirable than /re since it will not display the
- menus as does /re when it is used in a macro.
- This macro command is used to turn the column and row borders off.
- It's function is the same as the /sbs menu command. Once this
- macro is invoked, the borders of the sheet, i.e., the portion
- containing the row numbers, become invisible until a {BORDERON}
- command is invoked.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [95]
- This macro command cancels the {BORDEROFF} macro. You might note
- that the screen needs to be updated, using the {UPDATE} macro
- after {BORDERON} is invoked.
- {CALL Location} or {RangeName}
- Call the subroutine identified by 'location'. This is different
- than the {JUMP} command. {JUMP} transfers execution of the macro
- to a given location but 'forgets' its current position. {CALL},
- on the other hand, transfers execution to another location.
- When a {RET} command is encountered, it returns execution to the
- next command following the calling cell and continues with the
- macro. Subroutines may be nested (they can call more subroutines)
- up to 20 levels deep.
- {CHDIR "Path"}
- Change the current Data path to that specified by "Path".Its
- operation is similar to the RMDIR command in DOS. Check your
- DOS manual for details.
- {CLOSE F#}
- F# - File Number (1, 2, 3,...)
- Close disk file F#. See {OPEN}, {READ}, {WRITE}, and {APPEND}
- macro commands.
- As an example, {CLOSE 1} will close disk file #1.
- Clears the screen, so that a messages can be written for
- presentations, etc. The screen remains in this mode until an
- {UPDATE} macro command is executed or the macro terminates.
- This variable may only be used in edit or macro modes and refers to the
- cell occupied by the current position of the cursor.
- Example:
- Assume that cells A1 through A100 contain the values 1., 3., 4.5,
- and 8. randomly distributed. Let's say that you want to replace
- all occurrences of the value 8. with 1.25.
- The following macro would do the trick for you:
- Cell Contents Explanation
- ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
- B1 0 Set a counter cell
- B2 {LET B1,0}{GOTO A1} Go to beginning of
- range
- B3 {If CURSOR=8}{LET CURSOR,1.25} Set the criterion
- B4 {LET B1,B1+1} Increase counter by
- 1.
- B5 {IF B1=100}{JUMP OUT} Check if all 100 cells
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [96]
- have been processed (if
- the counter cell reached
- 100). If yes, jump out of
- the loop.
- B6 {DN} Move the cursor down
- one cell.
- B7 {JUMP BEGIN} Repeat the loop
- B8 {QUIT} Stop executing macro.
- ** Don't forget to define the following range names:
- Range Name Cell
- ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
- OUT B8
- \A B2 <-Press Alt-A to start macro
- This macro command will halt program execution for the specified
- (X) number of thousands of a second within a macro, ONLY while
- displaying a graph or the Sheet Status screen. A delay of X equal
- to 0 resets the pause mechanism to wait until a key has been
- pressed. This could be useful in displaying a graph for a given
- amount of time, before continuing execution of the macro.
- {ESCON} and {ESCOFF}
- Disables/enables the escape key which would normally permit a
- macro to be aborted.
- CAUTION: {ESCOFF} should be used only if other provisions for
- exiting a macro have been made. If no such provisions
- exist, you are liable to end up in an infinite loop, with
- the only way out being to reboot your computer.
- {EXIT}
- Cancels one/top level of subroutine calls and allows macro
- programming to continue. This macro command was built into AS-
- EASY-AS to allow the user flexibility when a forced exit out of
- subroutines and loops is desired.
- Counter = Cell location which keeps track of the number of macro
- iterations
- Start = The beginning value for the counter
- Stop = The end value for the counter
- Step = The incremental value to be added to counter after
- each iteration
- Executes the macro commands which follow until {NEXT} is
- encountered. The counter is increased by the value of step. If
- the new counter value does not exceed the step value, the macro
- loop is repeated again. This continues until the counter exceeds
- the stop value at which time execution transfers to the macro
- command cell below {NEXT}.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [97]
- NOTES: 1. If Stop is initially less than the Start value, the macro
- loop will be skipped and execution transferred to the cell
- below.
- 2. If Step is set equal to 0 (zero), an infinite loop will be
- created as the counter will never exceed the Stop value.
- 3. A maximum of 4 nested {FOR}{NEXT} loops may be
- created.
- This command accepts the next character from the keyboard and
- places it in CELL. (This occurs as soon as you depress a keyboard
- key you do not need to press [ENTER]). For example, {GET A13}
- stops and waits until a key is pressed. If the Key "A" is
- pressed, then "A" is placed in cell A13.
- {GOTOXY A1,A2}
- Places the character cursor at the column and row screen
- coordinate specified by A1 and A2. A1 is the column (1..80) and
- A2 is the row (1..25) of that coordinate. Subsequent use of the
- {WRITE} macro will place text at the current cursor position.
- Example: {Gotoxy 20,12}
- {Write "This text is in the middle of the screen"}
- {IF Condition}Action...
- If the 'condition' is met, then proceed with the identified
- 'action' in the same cell, otherwise continue with the macro in
- the cell below this command. This macro command is very similar
- to the if-then-else structure found in many programming languages.
- It is important to remember, however, that the "then" action must
- follow in the same cell as the IF test.
- Example: {goto A1}~Macro Example~
- {IF Test>2}{JUMP A50}
- {calc}
- Explanation: Position cursor on cell A1. Place the string 'Macro
- Example' in that cell. If the value of the cell named 'Test' is
- greater than 2, go to cell A50 and start executing the macro in
- that cell. If the value of 'Test' is less than 2, then
- recalculate the spreadsheet.
- {INDXY m,n}
- Sets the location of the mode indicator, to line (m) and column
- (n). (This is the area displaying the messages "Ready, Macro,
- Wait, etc.). The value for "m" must be 1-24 and that for "n" must
- be 1-80.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [98]
- Pauses execution of the macro and stores a single typed character
- in CELL. Macro execution continues after the key has been pressed.
- {INLABEL "Prompt", Location}
- {INVALUE "Prompt", Location}
- Display the text 'Prompt' on the control panel and pause for
- input. The user can type a label (text string), or a value, and
- when [ENTER] is pressed, the label, or the value, is placed in the
- cell identified by 'Location'.
- Example: {INLABEL "Enter Your Name",A5}
- Explanation: Display the prompt 'Enter Your Name' in the
- control panel and pause. When a user types his name and
- presses [ENTER], the name is placed in cell A5.
- {INRANGE "Prompt",Cell}
- This macro command prompts the user for a cell range. The range
- can be defined using the pointing method (or the typing method)
- and the result is placed in cell.
- Example:
- The Macro {InRange " What is the Erase Range", d2} would place the
- prompt 'What is the Erase Range' in the panel area and wait for
- input.
- If the user presses:
- [HOME]
- . <----- (Period)
- [DOWN]
- [DOWN]
- The text A1..B3, representing the highlighted range, would be
- placed in cell D2.
- Initialize the serial port COMn where n=1,2,3,4.
- Baud = Baud Rate (300, 1200, 2400, .....)
- PA = Parity (E, O, N, ...)
- DB = Data Bits (Normally 7 or 8)
- SB = Stop Bits (Normally 1 or 2)
- LEN = Maximum length of string that will be transmitted or
- accepted as input (Default is 80)
- DL = Delay in units of System Cycles.
- This macro command is used to initialize one of the computer's
- serial ports for subsequent use of the {IOVALUE} and {IOLABEL}
- macro commands.
- Example:
- {IOINIT "COM2:2400,N,8,1,80,2000"}
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [99]
- Initialize serial port 2 for 2400 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1
- stop bit, a maximum string length of 80, and a delay of 2000
- system cycles.
- {IOLABEL "String",Range}
- Transmit String to the initialized communications port and store
- the received information, as a label, in Range. You may leave
- String blank ('''')if you just want to get information from the
- port without sending anything. Conversely, use the range name NUL
- if you are just sending information to the port.
- Example: {IOLABEL "ATDT12345667&@CHR(13),NUL}
- Send the dial up sequence ATDT1234567, followed by CR to
- the initialized serial port. No information expected to come
- back to AS-EASY-AS, Range = NUL.
- {IOVALUE "String",Range}
- Transmit String to the initialized communications port and store
- the received information, as a label, in Range. You may leave
- String blank ('''')if you just want to get information from the
- port without sending anything. Conversely, use the range name NUL
- if you are just sending information to the port.
- Example: {IOVALUE "",A2}
- Receive information from the serial port (in this case from
- the other computer), and place it in Cell A2.
- {IF @FIND(":?",A2,1)>0}{IOVALUE +F1,NUL}
- Check to see if the string that was received from the serial
- port, and placed in cell A2, contains the substring ":?". If it
- does, then transmit the value in cell F1 to the serial port.
- {JUMP Location}
- This macro instructs the program to continue executing at a new
- 'location'. The 'location' can either be a cell location (A1,
- B345, AG5) or a range name that was created with the /Range, Name,
- Create command.
- Be careful, this command is different than the {GOTO} macro
- command. {JUMP} simply tells the program which macro to execute
- next, whereas, {GOTO} transfers the cell pointer to the specified
- cell.
- Example: {goto A1}~Macro Example~
- {JUMP A50}
- Explanation: Go to cell A1, place the string 'Macro Example' in
- that cell and then jump to cell A50 and execute the macro in that
- cell, while the cell pointer is still at A1.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [100]
- Evaluates the formula "EXPRESSION", and places the value in A1.
- Use of this command does not require that you physically move the
- cursor to A1 before entering data, therefore, it can reduce
- moving back and forth between various portions of the worksheet.
- EXPRESSION can be any valid mathematical or logical expression.
- Example: {Let A3,A3+1} increments the value in cell A3 by one.
- NOTE: There is no space between the "," and "Expression".
- {MENUCALL Location}
- Transfers execution to macro menu at "Location". Allows the user
- to make a menu selection, and then CALLS the macro identified by
- that menu selection. When {RET} is encountered, macro execution
- continues with the command following the {MENUCALL}.
- See {MENUJUMP} for instructions on defining your own menu.
- {MENUJUMP Location}
- Transfers execution to the macro menu at "Location". Allows the
- user to make a menu selection, and then executes the macro
- identified below that menu selection.
- The macro menu has to follow the guidelines given below:
- - Two rows are used for the creation of the menu. Each menu
- option can be up to 30 characters long.
- - The cell to the right of the last item of the menu must be empty
- to indicate the end of the menu.
- - Each selection is placed in an individual cell in the first row.
- - Each cell in the second row contains the explanation of the
- command in the cell above it. Whenever the user moves the
- cursor highlighting one of the menu options, the control panel
- displays the explanation for that menu selection.
- Disables the screen update of the panel and pop-up window menus.
- Invoking this command will speed the operation of macros that
- frequently update the screen.
- Restores screen update of the panel and pop-up window menus. This
- command should be invoked at the end of a macro that used
- Specify a width of x (up to 28 characters) for the menu window.
- Once a menu width is specified, it stays in affect until a new
- {MENUWIDTH x} macro command is issued.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [101]
- {MENUXY x,y}
- Specify the x,y coordinate of the upper left corner of menu
- window. If the period key [.] is pressed while a menu is
- displayed at x,y, the menu position will toggle between the left
- and the right side of the screen, i.e., the x coordinate above
- will be overridden, but the vertical position of the menu will not
- change until a new {MENUXY x,y} macro command is used.
- {MKDIR "Path"}
- Create a new directory/sub-directory specified by the string
- "Path". Its operation is similar to the RMDIR command in DOS.
- Check your DOS manual for details.
- {OPEN F#,M#,"Filename"}
- F# - File Number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
- M# - Mode (1, 2 or 3)
- 1 - Read - Allows the file to be read.
- 2 - Write - Opens a new file. If the file exists, current
- information will be erased.
- 3 - Append - Opens an existing file and places the file
- pointer at end of file.
- Filename - Name of File, may include drive and path information
- Open a disk file which is to be read, written to, or appended.
- See {READ}, {WRITE}, {APPEND}, and {CLOSE} macro commands.
- As an example, {OPEN 1,3,"C:\DATA\TRIDATA.DTA"}{WRITE...} will
- open TRIDATA.DTA located in C:\DATA, which is to be appended. If
- the file does not currently exist, it will be created.
- NOTE: Any file which is opened with {OPEN}, must be closed with
- the {CLOSE} macro command before exiting from AS-
- EASY-AS. Failure to do so will result in the file information
- becoming corrupted and unusable.
- {PICK Range,Outcell}
- Range = Cell range which contains listing of labels to appear in
- pick list.
- Outcell = Cell which will contain picked selection
- PICK will create a pick window comprised of the labels contained
- in the specified RANGE. Using the cursor keys, the user can move
- through the list and highlight the desired label. When [ENTER] is
- selected, the highlighted choice is placed in OUTCELL.
- PICK is useful for situations where the user is to be prompted for
- data input, and there is a limited selection of valid or desired
- responses.
- Example:
- {PICK A1..A10,C1}
- When an executing macro encounters this command, a pick window
- will appear in the top left of the screen which is comprised of
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [102]
- the labels in the range A1..A10. The user will select a label
- by pressing [ENTER] and the result be placed in cell C1.
- {QUIT}
- Stops execution of the macro and returns to the 'Ready' mode.
- {READ F#, CellAddress}
- F# - File Number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
- CellAddress - Worksheet cell location (column & row) where read
- information is to be placed.
- Read one line from disk file #, from the current pointer location
- up to the carriage return, and place it in CellAddress.
- Subsequent {READ}s will continue to read in one line at a time,
- until the end of file is encountered. At that point, execution
- will continue with the macro in the current cell, or if
- unsuccessful, the macro command in the next row. See {OPEN},
- {CLOSE}, {WRITE}, and {APPEND} macro commands.
- As an example, {READ 1, D10} will read a line of information from
- file #1 and place it in cell D10 of the worksheet.
- {RECALC Range}
- Calculates only the specified range.
- This command clears all levels of the subroutine stack and
- continues execution of the macro commands. If {RESTART} is
- encountered, AS-EASY-AS continues with the instructions that
- follow. Upon completion of the subroutine, it will terminate and
- WILL NOT return to the calling routine.
- {RET}
- When this command is encountered, execution is returned to the
- cell just below the last {CALL} command, i.e., to the macro that
- called the subroutine terminated with {RET}. If no {CALL} command
- exists, and a {RET} command is encountered, a macro error occurs.
- {RMDIR "Path"}
- Remove the disrectory specified by path. Its operation is
- similar to the RMDIR command in DOS. Check your DOS manual for
- details.
- Disables the update of the screen. Invoking this macro command
- will speed the operation of most of your macros since screen I/O
- is time consuming. Remember to restore screen update after your
- macro is completed.
- NOTE: When this macro is used, it will seem that your
- computer is not doing anything, i.e., the screen will not
- be updated until {SCRNON} and {UPDATE} macros
- are executed.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [103]
- Enables the update of the screen. This command should be invoked
- at the end of a macro that used {SCRNOFF}.
- {TONE A1,A2}
- Generates a sound of frequency A1 (Hz) and duration A2 (milli-
- seconds). A1 and A2 can be values, results of a calculation or
- cell references. This macro can also be used to cause a delay in
- macro execution without generating an audible tone, if desired.
- i.e. {TONE 0,5000} will create a silent delay of 5 seconds.
- Refreshes the screen. Useful after a {SCRNON} command.
- {WHILE Test,Action}
- Perform a subroutine call to the "Action" while the "Test" is
- true. The subroutine must have a corresponding {RET} statement.
- Once the result of "Test" is false, continue execution of the
- macro command in the cell below.
- {WRITE "String"}
- Print the content of 'String' at the current character cursor
- screen coordinates, and leave the cursor at the end of the printed
- string. It should be noted that this is only a temporary screen
- write. If this was the last macro command in a sequence, it would
- disappear as soon as it was printed since the screen would be
- updated at the end of the macro sequence.
- {WRITE F#, "String"}
- F# - File Number (1, 2, 3,...)
- "String" - Information to be written to the file.
- Writes "String" information to open disk file F#, starting from
- the current pointer location. Subsequent {WRITE}s will continue
- to be appended to the file.
- If the {WRITE} fails, execution will continue with the macro
- command in the next row. See {OPEN}, {CLOSE}, {READ}, and
- {APPEND} macro commands.
- As an example, {WRITE 1, "Test Data"} will write the string "Test
- Data" to file #1.
- {WRITELN "String"}
- Same as the {WRITE} macro, above, but places the cursor at the
- beginning of the next character row.
- {WRITELN F#, "String"}
- Same as the {WRITE F#, "String"} macro above, but writes String
- information to the file, starting from the current pointer
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [104]
- location, as a single line, followed by carriage return and line
- feed characters.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [105]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Certain system and user configuration parameters are stored in an
- external, binary file ASEASY.CFG. This file is not present when you
- first install the program, it is created by the user, if desired, when
- some of the configuration paramters are modified.
- The parameters stored in the configuration file are accessed using the
- /User, Install command. Here is a brief description of what may be
- modified/installed using the options under /User, Install.
- DO NOT forget to save the installed options if you don't want them to
- be lost when you exit AS-EASY-AS (/User, Install, Save Config).
- ~~~~~~
- Create (install), or Delete an AS-EASY-AS add-in. Add-ins are
- separate programs that may be used from withing AS-EASY-AS. Note
- that any .EXE or .COM program may be installed as an add-in,
- provided there is enought RAM available to run it from withing AS-
- EASY-AS. This option, however, was primarily developed for special
- add-in programs, created using the AS-EASY-AS Developer's Package,
- that may access the AS-EASY-AS data currently in memory.
- For more information on the AS-EASY-AS Addin Developer's Package and
- distribution of Addins you develop, please contact TRIUS, Inc.
- NOTE:Addins written for other products will not work with AS-EASY-AS.
- ~~~~~~
- Allows the user to specify a string containing any command line
- switches that should be automatically invoked next time the program
- is started, (e.g., /VM/E/NT). These command line switches are saved
- with the user's ASEASY.CFG file, and are used every time the program
- is started.
- NOTE: Any command line switches specified when starting the program
- from DOS are ignored if a CMdStr string has been defined. The only
- exception is the /CFG command line switch (which is ignored if it is
- placed in the CMdStr parameter string).
- ~~~~~~
- Customizes screen colors. When a color option is selected, a matrix
- of colors appears and the cursor is located on the current color
- selection. The panel area displays which color attribute you are
- changing (e.g., text, menu, border, etc.) and the current color
- number.
- As you move the cursor around, you can see the color combination
- selected the color number in the command panel area. When you find
- the combination you want, press [ENTER] and the desired color is
- selected. As soon as the selection is made, the appropriate color
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [106]
- changes take effect.
- Alternatively, you can enter the color number directly in the command
- panel area (e.g., 23 = blue background and white foreground.
- CAUTION: Remember to save the config file if you don't want your
- color changes to be lost when you exit AS-EASY-AS.
- ~~~~~~
- Select a printing device; LPT1, LPT2, or select to send the print
- output to a file (you will be prompted for a file name when you
- attempt to print, later).
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Divide the worksheet into a number of pages simulating a third
- dimension (depth).
- Each of the pages is identified by a letter A, B, C, ......, which
- appears on the top left corner of the worksheet, above the row
- numbers. When the Dimensions command has been invoked and more than
- one page is specified, reference to cells in each of the pages is
- made with the addition of a page letter. (i.e. A:A1, AC:FF1 rather
- than A1, FF1, etc.).
- Each generated page is 256 columns wide and 8192/N rows long, where N
- is the number of pages specified.
- Movement from page to page can be accomplished by a number of
- different ways:
- 1. Using the [F5] (GOTO) key and the cell address.
- 2. With the arrow and the PgUp, PgDn keys. (The first row of
- panel B follows the last row of panel A, etc.)
- 3. Using the combination of the [Ctrl] (control) and [PgUp],
- [PgDn] keys. [Ctrl] [PgDn] moves you to the next page, and
- [Ctrl] [PgUp] moves you to the previous page.
- When the multidimension option is canceled, the information contained
- in all other pages is retained in their relative positions in the
- worksheet.
- ~~~~~~~~
- Select output device for text and graphics. Note that if all you are
- printing is text, and you have not selected any special pitch, then
- your output should be fine. That's because AS-EASY-AS sends simple
- ASCII output to the device. A printer device option SHOULD be
- installed, however, if you are trying to print graphics information.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [107]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Enters the Punctuation Installation menu. Through this menu, the user
- can set the ASCII characters to be used for separating decimals, the
- thousands delimiter, separating function arguments, prefacing
- currency values, etc.
- CAUTION:Do not forget to save the punctuation options, or they will
- be lost when you exit AS-EASY-AS.
- ~~~~~
- This menu allows the user to specify the video mode to be used by AS-
- EASY-AS. Note that in order for a video mode to become active, it
- has to be supported by the user's hardware, i.e., the video adapter
- and monitor. The designation [Text]/[Graf] next to each mode below,
- refers to the main spreadsheet mode, not the mode when a graph is
- displayed.
- A:[DEF25x80]:Text
- Set the default text video mode, 25 lines by 80 columns.
- Selecting one of the other special modes might result in a
- scrambled display (if the selected mode is not compatible with
- the hardware). If that happens, then you may immediately select
- this option to reset the video mode.
- B:[EVGA 43/50]:Text
- Depending on your video adapter/monitor combination, this option
- will set the monitor to 43 lines (EGA), or 50 lines (VGA).
- C:[CGA 25x40]:Text
- Set the 40 column by 25 rows CGA video mode. When displaying
- graphs, only two colors (foreground and background) are
- available, since the high CGA resolution mode is used.
- This mode is very useful for individuals with visual impairment
- (very large characters).
- D:[X User Supplied]
- This is a special mode that requires some input from the
- user. Note that in order to use this mode, you have to be
- familiar with the various modes available for your hardware,
- i.e., you need to consult your video adapter card's user manual.
- When this option is selected, the user is asked to supply the
- hexadecimal value that the AX register needs to contain when the
- interrupt $10 call is made (consult your adapter's manual).
- Once the value is supplied, the user is asked to specify the
- number of rows and columns for this mode. Note that such special
- modes might not be available on your hardware combination.
- E:[EGA 25x80]:Graphics
- Set the 25 row, 80 column EGA graphics mode (640x350). If your
- video adapter has at least 256K of RAM, then up to 16 different
- colors are supported in this mode when displaying graphs.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [108]
- F:[EGA 43x80]:Graphics
- Set the 43 row, 80 column EGA graphics mode (640x350). If your
- video adapter has at least 256K of RAM, then up to 16 different
- colors are supported in this mode when displaying graphs.
- G:[VGA 60x80]:Graphics
- Set the 60 line by 80 column VGA graphics mode. If your video
- adapter card contains at least 512K, then up to 16 colors are
- available when displaying graphs.
- H:[HERC 25x90]:Graphics
- Sets the 25 row by 80 columns graphics mode for a Hercules
- monitor and video adapter combination.
- I:[HERC 43x90]:Graphics
- Sets the 43 row by 80 columns graphics mode for a Hercules
- monitor and video adapter combination.
- J:[MGA 25x80]:Graphics
- Set the 25 row, 80 column monochrome EGA graphics mode (640x350).
- K:[MGA 43x80]:Graphics
- Set the 43 row, 80 column monochrome EGA graphics mode (640x480).
- L:[SVGA 50x100]:Graphics
- Sets the 50-line Super VGA graphics display mode (800x600)
- resolution. The default screen colors are set automatically when
- this mode is selected.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Save the defaults set through the Install menu in a file called
- ASEASY.CFG. When AS-EASY-AS is first started, it looks for this file
- in the current directory. If not found, it uses the internal
- defaults for the various options.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- This command allows you to temporarily exit to DOS, while AS-EASY-AS
- remains resident in memory. When the command is executed, another
- copy of the command processor (COMMAND.COM, or other command
- processor you might be using) is loaded, and the system behaves as if
- it was just booted up, with the exception that a portion of RAM is
- occupied by AS-EASY-AS. The amount of RAM retained by AS-EASY-AS
- depends on the amount of information in the current worksheet.
- The user can return to AS-EASY-AS by typing "EXIT" (no quotes) and
- pressing [ENTER] at the DOS prompt.
- If you are using a different command processor, e.g., 4DOS.COM, then
- simply type in the appropriate path and file name when prompted
- (after /User, Shell). The new command processor file name is
- retained if you save the configuration file (see command above).
- CAUTION: Although AS-EASY-AS can in no way harm your data or your
- system while you have shelled to DOS, the programs you execute during
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [109]
- that time might. We recommend that you save your data before you use
- the /User Shell command. This way, even if the programs you run,
- while in the shell, crash your system, you will not lose any of your
- valuable AS-EASY-AS data.
- If AS-EASY-AS was started with the /vm command line switch, you will
- see a file named ASEASY.TMP if you execute a ODS DIR command,
- when shelling to DOS. DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. Deleting the temporary
- file will destroy your spreadsheet data.
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [110]
- ~~~~~
- ADD-INS 106
- ATT2 - MODE 10
- CGA MODE 108
- CMDSTR 106
- COLORS 106
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [111]
- EDIT 23
- EMS 7
- EXIT 37
- F1 18
- F1 18
- F2 19
- F3 19
- F4 19
- F5 20
- F6 20
- F7 20
- F9 20
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [112]
- HELP 18
- LABEL 21
- LSF 56
- MENUS 14
- NAMED GRAPH 49,50,52
- NAMED RANGE 18,26,28,33,84,93
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [113]
- PANELS 107
- RANGE 26
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [114]
- VALUE 21
- VIEWS 16
- WINDOWS 3.0 7
- @ABS 69
- @ACI 72
- @ACOS 69
- @ACOSH 69
- @ASIN 69
- @ASINH 69
- @ATAN 69
- @ATANH 69
- @AUTO 83
- @AVG 79
- @BAL 73
- @CASE 83
- @CELL 63
- @CELLPT 63
- @CHR 65
- @CLEAN 65
- @COLS 84
- @COMB 79
- @COS 70
- @COSH 70
- @COUNT 79
- @CSC 70
- @CTERM 73
- @CTN 70
- @DATE 89
- @DAY 89
- @DDB 73
- @DEC 84
- @DOSVER 84
- @ERR 78
- @EXACT 65
- @EXP 70
- @FACT 80
- @FALSE 70
- @FIND 65
- @FV 73
- @HEX 85
- @HOUR 90
- @HTABLE 85
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [115]
- @HTERP 85
- @IF 77
- @INDEX 86
- @INT 70
- @IRR 74
- @ISERR 78
- @ISNA 78
- @ISNUM 77
- @ISSTR 78
- @LEFT 65
- @LENGTH 66
- @LENGTH 86
- @LINK 86
- @LN 71
- @LOG 71
- @LOWER 66
- @MAX 80
- @MID 66
- @MIN 80
- @MINUTE 90
- @MOD(X,Y) 71
- @MONTH 90
- @N 66
- @NA 71
- @NOT 78
- @NPV 75
- @ORD 66
- @PATH 87
- @PERM 80
- @PI 71
- @PMT 75
- @PMTP 75
- @PROPER 66
- @PSUM 80
- @PV 75
- @QCOUNT 81
- @QMAX 81
- @QMIN 81
- @QSTD 81
- @QSUM 81
- @QVAR 82
- @QVIEW 87
- @RAND 71
- @RATE 75
- @REPEAT 67
- @RIGHT 67
- @ROUND(X,Y) 71
- @ROWS 87
- @S 67
- @SEC 71
- @SECOND 90
- @SIN 71
- @SINH 72
- @SLN 76
- @SQRT(X) 72
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [116]
- @STD(RANGE) 82
- @STDU 82
- @STR 67
- @SUM 83
- @SYD 76
- @TAN 72
- @TANH 72
- @TERM 76
- @TIME 90
- @TODAY 91
- @TRIM 67
- @TRUE 72
- @UPPER 68
- @USER 88
- @VAL 68
- @VAR 83
- @VARU 83
- @VTABLE 88
- @VTERP 89
- @YEAR 91
- {BEEP X} 95
- {CHDIR "PATH"} 96
- {CLOSE F#} 96
- {CLRSCR} 96
- {DELAY X} 97
- {EXIT} 97
- {GET CELL} 98
- {GOTOXY A1,A2} 98
- {INDXY M,N} 98
- {MENUOFF} 101
- {MENUON} 101
- {MENUXY X,Y} 102
- {MKDIR "PATH"} 102
- {OPEN F#,M#,"FILENAME"} 102
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [117]
- {QUIT} 103
- {RESTART} 103
- {RET} 103
- {RMDIR "PATH"} 103
- {SCRNOFF} 103
- {SCRNON} 104
- {TONE A1,A2} 104
- {UPDATE} 104
- {WRITE "STRING"} 104
- {WRITE F#, "STRING"} 104
- {WRITELN F#, "STRING"} 104
- @@ 63
- {?} 95
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [118]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Name:________________________________ Title:________________
- Company:_____________________________________________________
- Address:____________________________ City:___________________
- State:___________ Zip:_____________ Country:______________
- Date:_____/_____/_____ (Fill out form completely)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Product # Price/ea S&H Total
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- AS-EASY-AS 5 (Spreadsheet) ___ _$69.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- DRAFT CHOICE 2 (CAD) ___ _$69.00 _$6.00_ _______
- PIVOT (Sideways Printing) ___ _$15.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- ALITE (Spreadsheet) ___ _$20.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- DCLIB1 (Symbol Libraries) ___ _$19.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- XTRAN (File Transfer) ___ _$19.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- PRINT-GL (Plotter Util.) ___ _$50.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- ODYSSEY (COMMUNICATIONS) ___ _$89.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- ProtoCAD 3D (Rendering) ___ _$59.00_ _$6.00_ _______
- -------------
- * Canadian Orders, Add $2.50 per copy _______
- * International Orders, Add $6.50 per copy _______
- * Mass Residents add appropriate sales tax _______
- TOTAL ENCLOSED __________
- Disk Size: [ ] 5-1/4" [ ] 3-1/2" [ ] Check [ ] Visa [ ] MC
- Card# __________________________________ Exp. Date ________
- Signature ______________________________
- How did you hear about our Products? [ ] BBS [ ] Friend
- [ ] Other _____________________________________________________
- Mail Completed form with Payment to:
- TRIUS, Inc., P.O. BOX 249, N. Andover, MA 01845.
- Orders ONLY, Call 1-800-GO-TRIUS
- Prices subject to change without notice [Not Valid After Jun 1993]
- For latest prices and information you may call: (508) 794-9377
- AS-EASY-AS 5.5 User's Guide - Copyright 1992, TRIUS, Inc. [119]