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Microsoft Windows Help File Content
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:Base BDE32.HLP>main
:Title Borland Database Engine Online Reference
:Link bde32.hlp
:Link bdecfg32.hlp
:Link datapump.hlp
:Link localsql.hlp
:Link sqllnk32.hlp
1 Introduction to Borland Database Engine
2 Introduction to Borland Database Engine=introduction
2 Features=features
2 BDE components=bdecomponents
2 Core BDE files=corebdefiles
2 Tools and examples=toolsandexamples
2 Initialization=initialization
2 Configuration management=configurationmanagement
1 What's New for BDE 5?
2 Overview of new features and enhancements=Whatsnewoverview
1 Basic concepts
2 Architectural overview=architecturaloverview
2 Shared services=sharedservices
2 BDE API functions=bdeapifunctions
2 BDE Objects
3 BDE objects=bdeobjects
3 System=system
3 Clients=clients
3 Sessions=sessions
3 Database drivers=databasedrivers
3 Databases=databases
3 Cursors=cursors
3 Query statements=querystatements
3 Object properties=objectproperties
2 Database entities
3 Database entities=databaseentities
3 Tables=tables
3 Indexes=indexes
3 Fields=fields
3 Queries=queries
3 Transactions=transactions
3 Callbacks=callbacks
3 Cross-database operations=crossdatabaseoperations
1 Application development
2 Introduction to BDE programming=introductiontobdeprogramming
2 Project setup=projectsetup
2 Basic procedure=basicprocedure
2 Improving BDE performance=improvingbdeperformance
2 The CHK function=chk>example
2 Template program=templateprogram>example
2 Accessing and updating tables
3 Accessing and updating tables=accessingandupdatingtables
3 Preparing to access a table=preparingtoaccessatable
3 Positioning the cursor and fetching records=positioningthecursorandfetchingrecords
3 Field-level access=fieldlevelaccess
3 Working with Blobs=workingwithblobs
3 Adding, updating, and deleting records=addingupdatinganddeletingrecords
3 Linking tables=linkingtables
3 Sorting tables=sortingtables
3 Cached updates=cachedupdates
2 Locking
3 Locking=locking
3 Session layer=sessionlayer
3 Database handle layer=databasehandlelayer
3 Table cursor layer=tablecursorlayer
3 Acquired locks=acquiredlocks
3 Table lock coexistence=tablelockcoexistence
3 Locking strategy=lockingstrategy
3 SQL-specific locking behavior=sqlspecificlockingbehavior
2 Transactions
3 SQL Transactions=sqltransactions
3 Transactions on Paradox, dBASE, FoxPro, and Access=transactionsonparadoxanddbase
3 Transactions and cached updates=transactionsandcachedupdates
3 Degree of transaction isolation=degreeoftransactionisolation
3 Using transactions=usingtransactions
2 Querying databases
3 Querying databases=queryingdatabases
3 Querying Paradox and dBASE tables=queryingparadoxanddbasetables
3 Querying different databases=queryingdifferentdatabases
3 Executing queries directly=executingqueriesdirectly
3 Executing queries in stages=Executingqueriesinstages
2 Getting and setting properties
3 Getting and setting properties=gettingandsettingproperties
3 Object properties=objectproperties
2 Retrieving schema and system information
3 Retrieving schema and system information=retrievingschemaandsysteminformation
3 DbiOpenList functions=dbiopenlistfunctions
3 DbiGetDescs functions=dbigetdescsfunctions
2 Creating tables
3 Creating tables=creatingtables
3 Integrity constraints=integrityconstraints
3 Modifying table structure=modifyingtablestructure
2 Using callbacks
3 Using callbacks=usingcallbacks
3 Data source independence=datasourceindependence
2 Filtering records
3 Filtering records=filteringrecords
3 Using an expression tree=usinganexpressiontree
3 Expression tree header=expressiontreeheader
3 Literal pool area=literalpoolarea
2 Database driver characteristics
3 Database driver characteristics=databasedrivercharacteristics
3 SQL drivers
4 Informix driver=informixdriver
4 DB2 driver=DB2driver
4 Sybase CT-Lib driver=sybasectlibdriver
4 Passthrough SQL=passthroughsql
4 SQL transaction control=sqltransactioncontrol
4 SQL connection=sqlconnection
4 SQL record caching=sqlrecordcaching
4 SQL record modification requirements=sqlrecordmodificationrequirements
4 SQL record modification behavior=sqlrecordmodificationbehavior
4 SQL record-locking behavior=sqlrecordlockingbehavior
4 SQL table-locking behavior=sqltablelockingbehavior
4 SQL asynchronous queries=sqlasynchronousqueries
4 SQL performance tips=sqlperformancetips
3 Standard drivers
4 Paradox driver=paradoxdriver
4 FoxPro driver=foxprodriver
3 Access driver
4 Access driver=accessdriver
3 Text driver
4 Text driver=textdriver
4 Field maps=fieldmaps
4 Binding external schema to text tables=bindingexternalschematotexttables
2 Error handling
3 Using DbiGetErrorEntry to access the error stack=usingdbigeterrorentrytoaccesstheerrorstack
3 Using DbiGetErrorString to get a detailed error message=usingdbigeterrorstringtogetadetailederrormessage
3 Using DbiGetErrorContext to get more specific information=usingdbigeterrorcontexttogetmorespecificinformation
3 Using DbiGetErrorInfo to get immediate information=usingdbigeterrorinfotogetimmediateinformation
2 Debugging
3 SQL Trace=sqltrace
1 Using the Function Reference
2 Using the function reference=usingthefunctionreference
2 Syntax conventions=syntaxconventions
2 Variable names=variablenames
2 Constants=constants
2 #Defines=defines
2 Typedefs=typedefs
2 Object definitions=objectdefinitions
2 Buffer typedefs=buffertypedefs
1 BDE Function Reference
2 Alphabetical list of all BDE functions=functionreferencealphabetical
2 Environment functions=environmentfunctions
2 Session functions=sessionfunctions
2 Error handling functions=errorhandlingfunctions
2 Locking functions=lockingfunctions
2 Cursor functions=cursorfunctions
2 Index functions=indexfunctions
2 Query functions=queryfunctions
2 Database functions=databasefunctions
2 Table functions=tablefunctions
2 Data access functions=dataaccessfunctions
2 Capability or schema functions=capabilityorschemafunctions
2 Date/Time/Number functions=datetimenumberfunctions
2 Transaction functions=transactionfunctions
1 Data Structures
2 Data structures: overview=datastructures
2 Callback definitions=callbackdefinitions
2 Paradox and dBASE physical types=paradoxanddbasephysicaltypes
2 Data type translations=datatypetranslations
2 Logical types and driver-specific physical types=logicaltypesanddriverspecificphysicaltypes
1 International compatibility
2 Character sets=charactersets
2 Sorting and uppercasing rules=sortinganduppercasingrules
2 Language drivers=languagedrivers
2 Date, time, and number formats=datetimeandnumberformats
1 Other Borland online guides
2 Borland SQL Links Guide=borlandsqllinks@sqllnk32.hlp
2 Borland Local SQL Guide=overview@localsql.hlp
2 BDE Configuration Utility Help=idh_idapi_configutil@bdecfg32.hlp