home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [Version]
- Signature="$Windows NT$"
- Platform = NTW
- [DestinationDirs]
- CPSAD_Root = 33000,%CPSADDIR%
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- [CPS]
- Parent = RASICS
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- Tip = %CPS_TIP%
- IconIndex = *
- Bitmap = CPSICO
- Parent = CPS
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- [CPSDOC_VRoots]
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- "HKCR", ".pbk", "", "", "CMPBKFile"
- "HKCR", ".pbr", "", "", "CMPBRFile"
- "HKCR", "CMPBKFile", "", "", "%PhoneName%"
- "HKCR", "CMPBRFile", "", "", "%RegionName%"
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- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\vbdb32\clients","%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe", "", ""
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\vbr40032\clients","%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe", "", ""
- [CPSAD_RegUninst]
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- "HKCR", ".pbr"
- "HKCR", "CMPBKFile"
- "HKCR", "CMPBRFile"
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\DAO\clients", "%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe"
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\mfc40\clients","%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe"
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\olepro32\clients","%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe"
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\vbdb32\clients", "%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe"
- "HKLM", "%SharedPath%\vbr40032\clients","%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe"
- [CPSSRV_AddReg]
- "HKLM", "SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\ODBC Data Sources","%KEY_NAME_DSN_Name%","","" ; creates the key
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%","DBQ","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\%DB_PATH_SERVER%\pbserver.mdb"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%","Driver","","%11%\%KEY_NAME_ACCESS_DRIVER%"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%","FIL","","MS Access;"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%","PWD","",""
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%","UID","",""
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Data%","ImplicitCommitSync","","Yes"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Data%","UserCommitSync","","Yes"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_WWWRoot%","%PBS_SCRIPT_VROOT%","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\Bin,,4"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_WWWRoot%","%PBS_DATA_VROOT%","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\Data,,1"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_FTPRoot%","%PBS_DATA_VROOT%","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\Data,,1"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_Events%","EventMessageFile","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\Bin\pbsvrmsg.dll"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_CPSMON_ROOT%","","",""
- "HKLM", "%KEY_CPSMON_PERF%","Library","","%43100%\%APP_PATH_SERVER%\Bin\pbsmon.dll"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_CPSMON_PERF%","Open","","OpenPerfMon"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_CPSMON_PERF%","Collect","","CollectPerfMon"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_CPSMON_PERF%","Close","","ClosePerfMon"
- [CPSSRV_RegUninst]
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Name%"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_ODBC_ROOT_Data%"
- "HKLM", "%KEY_Events%"
- [CPSAD_Shortcuts]
- "%RASICS_DESC%", "%CPPRODNAME%", "%33000%\%CPSADDIR%\pbadmin.exe", "%33000%\%CPSADDIR%"
- [CPSAD_Root]
- base.ddf
- country.txt
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- pbadmin.hlp
- pbadmin.chm
- ;pbadmin.hhc
- ;pbadmin.hhk
- pbserver.mdb,,,16
- diantz.exe
- dta.bat
- dta.ddf
- empty_pb.mdb
- full.bat
- full.ddf
- usstates.pbr
- hhwrap.dll
- hhctrl.ocx
- [CPSAD_Root_Uninstal]
- base.ddf
- country.txt
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- pbadmin.exe
- pbadmin.hlp
- pbadmin.chm
- ;pbadmin.hhc
- ;pbadmin.hhk
- ;pbserver.mdb - don't erase this file, needed by pbserver
- diantz.exe
- dta.bat
- dta.ddf
- empty_pb.mdb
- full.bat
- full.ddf
- usstates.pbr
- hhwrap.dll
- hhctrl.ocx
- [CPSSRV_Root]
- [CPSSRV_Server]
- pbserver.dll
- pbsvrmsg.dll
- pbsmon.dll
- [CPSSRV_data]
- pbserver.mdb
- [CPSSRV_system]
- regsym.ini
- regsym.h
- [CPSAD_system]
- ;comcat.dll,,,32
- comctl32.ocx,,,32
- comdlg32.ocx,,,32
- ctl3d32.dll,,,32
- dao350.dll,,,32
- dbgrid32.ocx,,,32
- ;mfc40.dll,,,32
- msinet.ocx,,,32
- ;msjet35.dll,,,32
- ;msjint35.dll,,,32
- ;msjter35.dll,,,32
- msvbvm50.dll,,,32
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- ;odbctl32.dll,,,32
- ;olepro32.dll,,,32
- stdole2.tlb,,,32
- tabctl32.ocx,,,32
- vb5db.dll,,,32
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- cps_ref_001j.htm
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- pbsop02.gif
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- cps_ops_000v.htm
- cps_ops_000w.htm
- cps_ops_000x.htm
- cps_ops_000y.htm
- cps_ops_000z.htm
- cps_ops_0010.htm
- cps_ops_0011.htm
- cps_ops_0012.htm
- cps_ops_0013.htm
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- cps_ops_001h.htm
- cps_ops_001i.htm
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- cps_ops_001l.htm
- cps_ops_001m.htm
- cps_ops_001n.htm
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- cps_ref_0008.htm
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- cps_ref_000c.htm
- ; End of spider generated docs
- cpsread.htm
- bar.htm
- legal.htm
- gnicimpo.gif
- gnicnote.gif
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- pro.gif
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- whfigs3.gif
- whindex.gif
- whnext.gif
- whprev.gif
- ;[CMAK]
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- Needs = iis_common
- Parent = RASICS
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- CopyFiles=CMAK_Root,CMAK_Cmlang,CMAK_CmHelp
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- "HKLM", "%CMAppPath%", "Path", "", "%33000%\%CMAKDIR%"
- "HKCR", "%CMAppName%", "", "", "%CMAppName%"
- "HKCR", "%CMAppName%\DefaultIcon", "", "", "%33000%\%CMAKDIR%\CMAK.EXE,1"
- [CMAK_RegUninst]
- "HKLM", "%CMAppPath%"
- "HKCR", "%CMAppName%"
- [CMAK_Shortcuts]
- "%RASICS_DESC%", "%CMPRODNAME%", "%33000%\%CMAKDIR%\cmak.exe", "%33000%\%CMAKDIR%"
- [CMAK_Root]
- cmak.exe
- default.bmp
- defaultl.ico
- defaultp.bmp
- defaults.ico
- defaultt.ico
- empty.pbk
- empty.pbr
- iexpress.exe
- cmakeula.txt
- makecab.exe
- oleaut32.dll
- showicon.exe
- swflash.ocx
- urlmon.dll
- wextract.exe
- [CMAK_CmHelp]
- cmtrb32.rtf
- cmctx32.rtf
- cmmgr32.h
- cmmgr32.hpj
- [CMAK_Cmlang]
- advapi32.dll
- advpack.dll
- cmdial32.dll
- cmdl32.exe
- cmmgr32.exe
- cmmgr32.hlp
- cmpbk32.dll
- cmstats.dll
- comctl32.dll
- ccfg95.dll
- ccfgnt.dll
- icwscrpt.exe
- cnet16.dll
- cnetcfg.dll
- mbslgn32.dll
- msdun12.exe
- readme.txt
- rnaph.dll
- template.sed
- template.cmp
- template.cms
- template.inf
- uninstcm.inf
- w95inf16.dll
- w95inf32.dll
- wininet.dll
- wintrust.dll
- cmcfg32.dll
- [CMAK_Webdocs]
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- cmak_000b.htm
- cmak_000c.htm
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- cmak_000i.htm
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- cmak_000m.htm
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- cmak_000s.htm
- cmak_000t.htm
- cmak_000u.htm
- cmak_000v.htm
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- cmak_000x.htm
- cmak_000y.htm
- cmak_000z.htm
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- cmak_0011.htm
- cmak_0012.htm
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- cmak_0015.htm
- cmak_0016.htm
- cmak_0017.htm
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- cmak_001b.htm
- cmak_001c.htm
- cmak_001d.htm
- cmak_001e.htm
- cmak_001f.htm
- cmak_001g.htm
- cmak_001h.htm
- cmak_001i.htm
- cmak_001j.htm
- cmak_001k.htm
- cmak_001l.htm
- cmak_001m.htm
- cmak_001n.htm
- cmak_001o.htm
- cmak_001p.htm
- cmak_001q.htm
- cmak_001r.htm
- cmak_001s.htm
- ; End of spider generated docs
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- bar.htm
- legal.htm
- gnicimpo.gif
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- navys.gif
- pro.gif
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- Parent=RASICS
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- IconIndex = *
- Bitmap = CIASICO
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- DefPath = "%24%\%PROGRAMF%"
- DefProgramGroup = "%CIASPROG_GRP%"
- Uninstall= CIAS_Uninst
- AddReg= CIAS_AddReg
- AddShortcuts= CIAS_Shortcuts
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- Uninstall= CIASDOC_Uninst
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- [CIAS_Uninst]
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- [CIAS_VRoots]
- "IISHELP/ics/I_ias"="%18%\%CIASHELPDIR%"
- [CIAS_AddReg]
- [CIAS_RootNoDel]
- _adminui.mdb,,,16
- [CIAS_Root]
- actlapi.dll
- adminui.cnt
- adminui.exe
- adminui.hlp
- adminui.chm
- ;adminui.hhc
- authdll.dll
- authodbc.dll
- authperf.dll
- authperf.h
- authperf.ini
- authsam.dll
- authsrv.exe
- dbcon.dll
- dictionary
- iasconf.dll
- radcfg.dll
- radlog.dll
- radstp.dll
- hhwrap.dll
- hhctrl.ocx
- [CIAS_WebDocs]
- ; Start of spider generated docs
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- iasop18.gif
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- ias_ops_0002.htm
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