home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- [Version]
- Signature = "$Windows NT$"
- [Optional Components]
- fp
- fp_extensions
- vid
- fp_vid_deploy
- [fp]
- ; FP code and remote admin utilities
- OptionDesc = %fp_desc%
- Tip = %fp_tip%
- IconIndex = *
- [vid]
- ; Visual InterDev RAD deployment system
- OptionDesc = %vid_desc%
- Tip = %vid_tip%
- IconIndex = *
- [fp_extensions]
- ; Core FP server extensions, plus SERK
- Parent = fp
- Needs = iis_www
- OptionDesc = %SDESC_Fp_Extensions%
- Tip = %LDESC_Fp_Extensions%
- Modes = 1,3
- IconIndex = *
- [fp_vid_deploy]
- ; If this subcomponent is chosen, we'll copy fp30reg.dll into the
- ; isapi\_vti_bin\_vti_adm directory, so Visual InterDev can use it to
- ; remotely deploy apps.
- ; *Not* installed by default.
- Parent = vid
- Needs = fp_extensions
- OptionDesc = %SDESC_Vid_Deployment_Dll%
- Tip = %LDESC_Vid_Deployment_Dll%
- ; Modes not set, because we don't install this by default
- IconIndex = *
- [fp_install_vid]
- CopyFiles = FPvid_deploy
- [fp_uninstall_vid]
- DelFiles = FPvid_deploy
- ;-------------------------
- [fp_install_r]
- CopyFiles = FPsystem_r, FPbin, FPisapiBin, FPisapiAut, FPisapiAdm, FPserk, FPserkImages, FPadmin, FPadminScripts
- [fp_install_d]
- CopyFiles = FPsystem_d, FPbin, FPisapiBin, FPisapiAut, FPisapiAdm, FPserk, FPserkImages, FPadmin, FPadminScripts
- [fp_install_w95]
- CopyFiles = FProot_servsupp_w95
- [fp_install_nt]
- CopyFiles = FProot_servsupp_nt
- [fp_install_core]
- CopyFiles = FPsystem32_Core
- [fp_install_w95_core]
- CopyFiles = FPsystem32_w95_Core
- [fp_uninstall_d]
- DelFiles = FPsystem_d, FPbin, FPisapiBin, FPisapiAut, FPisapiAdm, FPserk, FPserkImages, FPadmin, FPadminScripts, FPremove_servsupp, FPremove_temp
- [fp_uninstall_r]
- DelFiles = FPsystem_r, FPbin, FPisapiBin, FPisapiAut, FPisapiAdm, FPserk, FPserkImages, FPadmin, FPadminScripts, FPremove_servsupp, FPremove_temp
- [fp_uninstall_w95]
- DelFiles = FProot_servsupp_w95
- [fp_uninstall_nt]
- DelFiles = FProot_servsupp_nt
- ; ---------------- Start of file lists --------------
- [FPsystem_d]
- fp30weld.dll,,,32
- fp30txtd.dll,,,32
- fp30utld.dll,,,32
- [FPsystem_r]
- fp30wel.dll,,,32
- fp30txt.dll,,,32
- fp30utl.dll,,,32
- ; Core files don't get reference counted
- [FPsystem32_Core]
- msencode.dll,,,32
- ; Core files don't get reference counted
- [FPsystem32_w95_Core]
- msvcirt.dll,,,32
- [FPbin]
- fp30vss.dll,,,32
- fpexedll.dll,,,32
- fpsrvadm.exe,,,32
- fpsrvwin.exe,,,32
- fpsrvwin.hlp,,,32
- fpsrvwin.cnt,,,32
- postinfo.html,,,32
- _vti_inf.html,,,32
- nortbots.htm,,,32
- imagemap.exe,,,32
- htimage.exe,,,32
- fp30reg.dll,,,32
- [FPisapiBin]
- shtml.dll,,,32
- fpcount.exe,,,32
- [FPisapiAut]
- author.dll,,,32
- dvwssr.dll,,,32
- [FPisapiAdm]
- admin.dll,,,32
- [FPserk]
- a_bots.htm,,,32
- a_fpini.htm,,,32
- a_iisprm.htm,,,32
- a_spfile.htm,,,32
- a_uncnf.htm,,,32
- a_unperm.htm,,,32
- admin.htm,,,32
- appendix.htm,,,32
- banner.htm,,,32
- default.htm,,,32
- home.htm,,,32
- install.htm,,,32
- intro.htm,,,32
- security.htm,,,32
- trouble.htm,,,32
- nav.htm,,,32
- [FPserkImages]
- admin.gif,,,32
- appendix.gif,,,32
- architec.gif,,,32
- serkr.gif,,,32
- editor.gif,,,32
- explorer.gif,,,32
- home.gif,,,32
- i_conten.gif,,,32
- i_fpacls.gif,,,32
- install.gif,,,32
- intro.gif,,,32
- mslogo.gif,,,32
- publish1.gif,,,32
- publish2.gif,,,32
- security.gif,,,32
- serkl.gif,,,32
- trouble.gif,,,32
- u_conten.gif,,,32
- u_fpaccs.gif,,,32
- filler25.gif,,,32
- ; HTML admin forms, for remote admin of FrontPage server extensions
- [FPadmin]
- fpbanner.htm,,,32
- check.htm,,,32
- contents.htm,,,32
- disable.htm,,,32
- enable.htm,,,32
- fpadmin.htm,,,32
- ipaddress.htm,,,32
- newserver.htm,,,32
- newsubweb.htm,,,32
- perms.htm,,,32
- recalc.htm,,,32
- uninstall.htm,,,32
- topleft.gif,,,32
- topright.gif,,,32
- fpcreated.gif,,,32
- deletesubweb.htm,,,32
- renamesubweb.htm,,,32
- setdirexec.htm,,,32
- setdirnoexec.htm,,,32
- footer.htm,,,32
- [FPadminScripts]
- fpadmdll.dll,,,32
- [FPremove_servsupp]
- servers.cnf
- [FPremove_temp]
- frontpg.lck
- [FProot_servsupp_nt]
- fp30msft.dll,,,32
- [FProot_servsupp_w95]
- fp30pws.dll,,,32
- [FPvid_deploy]
- fp30reg.dll,,,32
- ; ---------------- Directory Definitions --------------
- [DestinationDirs]
- FPsystem_d = 40000 ; WINDOWS\System
- FPsystem_r = 40000
- FPsystem32_Core = 40001 ; WINDOWS\System32 (nt) or WINDOWS\System (95)
- FPsystem32_w95_Core = 40001
- FPbin = 40002, version3.0\bin
- FPisapiBin = 40002, version3.0\isapi\_vti_bin
- FPisapiAut = 40002, version3.0\isapi\_vti_bin\_vti_aut
- FPisapiAdm = 40002, version3.0\isapi\_vti_bin\_vti_adm
- FPserk = 40002, version3.0\serk
- FPserkImages = 40002, version3.0\serk\images
- FPadmin = 40002, version3.0\admin\isapi
- FPadminScripts = 40002, version3.0\admin\isapi\scripts
- FProot_servsupp_w95 = 40002, version3.0\servsupp
- FProot_servsupp_nt = 40002, version3.0\servsupp
- FPremove_servsupp = 40002, version3.0\servsupp
- FPremove_temp = 40002, version3.0\temp
- ; If the fp_vid_deploy subcomponent is selected, we install fp30reg.dll
- ; to the isapi\_vti_bin\_vti_aut, from whence it gets propagated to all
- ; webs
- FPvid_deploy = 40002, version3.0\isapi\_vti_bin\_vti_aut
- ; -----------------------------------------
- [SourceDisksNames]
- 1=%K2_CD_NAME%,"fp30ext.cab",0
- [SourceDisksFiles]
- fp30wel.dll=1,,706832,,
- fp30txt.dll=1,,98576,,
- fp30utl.dll=1,,435984,,
- fp30weld.dll=1,,0,,
- fp30txtd.dll=1,,0,,
- fp30utld.dll=1,,0,,
- fp30msft.dll=1,,133904,,
- fp30pws.dll=1,,108816,,
- msencode.dll=1,,94208,,
- msvcirt.dll=1,,70656,,
- fp30vss.dll=1,,19216,,
- fpexedll.dll=1,,5904,,
- fpsrvadm.exe=1,,14608,,
- fpsrvwin.exe=1,,109328,,
- fpsrvwin.hlp=1,,25288,,
- fpsrvwin.cnt=1,,170,,
- postinfo.html=1,,2443,,
- _vti_inf.html=1,,1704,,
- nortbots.htm=1,,764,,
- imagemap.exe=1,,6416,,
- htimage.exe=1,,7952,,
- shtml.dll=1,,14608,,
- admin.dll=1,,15120,,
- author.dll=1,,15120,,
- dvwssr.dll=1,,6416,,
- a_bots.htm=1,,7754,,
- a_fpini.htm=1,,14972,,
- a_iisprm.htm=1,,31869,,
- a_spfile.htm=1,,16744,,
- a_uncnf.htm=1,,14752,,
- a_unperm.htm=1,,30589,,
- admin.htm=1,,99883,,
- appendix.htm=1,,1039,,
- banner.htm=1,,554,,
- default.htm=1,,2329,,
- home.htm=1,,1685,,
- install.htm=1,,44020,,
- intro.htm=1,,26411,,
- security.htm=1,,48735,,
- trouble.htm=1,,23174,,
- nav.htm=1,,2374,,
- admin.gif=1,,1469,,
- appendix.gif=1,,1373,,
- architec.gif=1,,6948,,
- serkr.gif=1,,15419,,
- filler25.gif=1,,103,,
- editor.gif=1,,52562,,
- explorer.gif=1,,29016,,
- home.gif=1,,1157,,
- i_conten.gif=1,,14197,,
- i_fpacls.gif=1,,12108,,
- install.gif=1,,1352,,
- intro.gif=1,,1374,,
- mslogo.gif=1,,9866,,
- publish1.gif=1,,6644,,
- publish2.gif=1,,5036,,
- security.gif=1,,1244,,
- serkl.gif=1,,7938,,
- trouble.gif=1,,1531,,
- u_conten.gif=1,,14451,,
- u_fpaccs.gif=1,,12814,,
- fpcount.exe=1,,107008,,
- fp30reg.dll=1,,103936,,
- fpbanner.htm=1,,391,,
- check.htm=1,,1719,,
- contents.htm=1,,2409,,
- disable.htm=1,,1846,,
- enable.htm=1,,1723,,
- fpadmin.htm=1,,875,,
- ipaddress.htm=1,,2675,,
- newserver.htm=1,,2079,,
- newsubweb.htm=1,,2126,,
- perms.htm=1,,2565,,
- recalc.htm=1,,1691,,
- uninstall.htm=1,,1851,,
- topleft.gif=1,,7938,,
- topright.gif=1,,15080,,
- fpcreated.gif=1,,9866,,
- deletesubweb.htm=1,,1852,,
- renamesubweb.htm=1,,1710,,
- setdirexec.htm=1,,1915,,
- setdirnoexec.htm=1,,1925,,
- footer.htm=1,,741,,
- fpadmdll.dll=1,,9488,,
- [lang_dep]
- ;
- ; Language-dependent strings loaded explicitly by the FP OCM code
- ; Localize all strings in this section and the next.
- ;
- FrontPageLangID = "0x0409"
- UILangAbbrev = "enu"
- ;
- ; next 2 strings must be valid filenames
- ;
- FrontPageRoot = "Microsoft FrontPage"
- ServerAdminDesc = "FrontPage Server Administrator"
- ;
- ; status strings, displayed during install/uninstall
- ;
- ConfiguringExtensions = "Configuring the FrontPage Server Extensions..."
- RemovingExtensions = "Removing the FrontPage Server Extensions..."
- ;
- ; The following is a security warning displayed when the user does a Custom
- ; setup and chooses to install the VID RAD deployment support DLL.
- ;
- ; The four VidWarningX strings are simply concatenated together. There should be
- ; a single space at the end of each. The max length for each individual string
- ; is 512 bytes.
- ;
- VidWarning1 = "You have chosen to install Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support. You should do this only on development servers, "
- VidWarning2 = "because RAD lets authors register server components and modify the Microsoft Transaction Server settings, affecting the state "
- VidWarning3 = "of the running server. If you install RAD Remote Deployment Support, you should regularly review the permissions settings of "
- VidWarning4 = "your FrontPage webs to ensure that no unwanted authors have obtained authoring privileges."
- VidWarningTitle = "Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support"
- ;
- ; The following are command lines used to install/uninstall/upgrade the
- ; server extensions.
- ; Do Not Localize!
- ; Do Not change the order of the substitution parameters!
- ; Note: the %%s in New/DelFPWebCmdLine is intentional - this string is sprintf'd
- ; into twice, the second time by K2's MMC.
- ;
- NewFPWebCmdLine = "%s\version3.0\bin\fpsrvadm -unattended true -o install -t msiis -m %%s -u ""%s"" -pw p"
- DelFPWebCmdLine = "%s\version3.0\bin\fpsrvadm -unattended true -o uninstall -m %%s"
- FpCmdInstall = "%s\version3.0\bin\fpsrvadm -unattended true -o install -t msiis -m %s -u ""%s"" -pw p"
- FpCmdUninstall = "%s\version3.0\bin\fpsrvadm -unattended true -o uninstall -m %s"
- FpCmdUpgrade = "%s\version3.0\bin\fpsrvadm.exe -unattended true -o upgrade -m %s"
- [Strings]
- ;
- ; Localize all strings in this section.
- ; These strings are used directly by OCM.
- ;
- fp_desc = "FrontPage 98 Server Extensions"
- fp_tip = "Enables authoring and administration of websites with Microsoft FrontPage and Visual InterDev"
- vid_desc = "Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support"
- vid_tip = "Enables the remote deployment of applications on your web server"
- K2_CD_NAME = "Microsoft Internet Information Server"
- SDESC_Fp_Extensions = "FrontPage Server Extensions files"
- LDESC_Fp_Extensions = "Enables authoring and administration of websites with Microsoft FrontPage and Visual InterDev"
- SDESC_Vid_Deployment_Dll = "Visual InterDev RAD Remote Deployment Support"
- LDESC_Vid_Deployment_Dll = "Enables the remote deployment of applications on your web server"