home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //.
- //. Microsoft Windows
- //. Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995.
- //.
- //. File: txcoord.idl
- //.
- //. Contents: Transaction types and interfaces related to
- //. transaction coordination.
- //.
- //.--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /* File created by MIDL compiler version 2.00.0102 */
- /* at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- */
- #include "rpc.h"
- #include "rpcndr.h"
- #ifndef COM_NO_WINDOWS_H
- #include "windows.h"
- #include "ole2.h"
- #endif /*COM_NO_WINDOWS_H*/
- #ifndef __txcoord_h__
- #define __txcoord_h__
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"{
- #endif
- /* Forward Declarations */
- #ifndef __ITransactionResourceAsync_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionResourceAsync_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionResourceAsync ITransactionResourceAsync;
- #endif /* __ITransactionResourceAsync_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionResource_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionResource_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionResource ITransactionResource;
- #endif /* __ITransactionResource_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionEnlistmentAsync ITransactionEnlistmentAsync;
- #endif /* __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionExportFactory_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionExportFactory_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionExportFactory ITransactionExportFactory;
- #endif /* __ITransactionExportFactory_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionImportWhereabouts ITransactionImportWhereabouts;
- #endif /* __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionExport_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionExport_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionExport ITransactionExport;
- #endif /* __ITransactionExport_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionImport_FWD_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionImport_FWD_DEFINED__
- typedef interface ITransactionImport ITransactionImport;
- #endif /* __ITransactionImport_FWD_DEFINED__ */
- /* header files for imported files */
- #include "transact.h"
- void __RPC_FAR * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t);
- void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void __RPC_FAR * );
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: __MIDL__intf_0000
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [local] */
- /* size is 0 */
- /* size is 0 */
- /* size is 0 */
- /* size is 0 */
- /* size is 0 */
- /* size is 0 */
- extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL__intf_0000_v0_0_c_ifspec;
- extern RPC_IF_HANDLE __MIDL__intf_0000_v0_0_s_ifspec;
- #ifndef __ITransactionResourceAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionResourceAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionResourceAsync
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionResourceAsync;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionResourceAsync : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall PrepareRequest(
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall CommitRequest(
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall AbortRequest(
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall TMDown( void) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionResourceAsyncVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *PrepareRequest )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *CommitRequest )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AbortRequest )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *TMDown )(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- } ITransactionResourceAsyncVtbl;
- interface ITransactionResourceAsync
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionResourceAsyncVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_PrepareRequest(This,fRetaining,grfRM,fWantMoniker,fSinglePhase) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> PrepareRequest(This,fRetaining,grfRM,fWantMoniker,fSinglePhase)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_CommitRequest(This,grfRM,pNewUOW) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> CommitRequest(This,grfRM,pNewUOW)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_AbortRequest(This,pboidReason,fRetaining,pNewUOW) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AbortRequest(This,pboidReason,fRetaining,pNewUOW)
- #define ITransactionResourceAsync_TMDown(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> TMDown(This)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResourceAsync_PrepareRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResourceAsync_PrepareRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResourceAsync_CommitRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResourceAsync_CommitRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResourceAsync_AbortRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResourceAsync_AbortRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResourceAsync_TMDown_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResourceAsync_TMDown_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionResourceAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionResource_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionResource_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionResource
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionResource;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionResource : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall PrepareRequest(
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall CommitRequest(
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall AbortRequest(
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall TMDown( void) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionResourceVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *PrepareRequest )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *CommitRequest )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AbortRequest )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *TMDown )(
- ITransactionResource __RPC_FAR * This);
- } ITransactionResourceVtbl;
- interface ITransactionResource
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionResourceVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionResource_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionResource_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionResource_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionResource_PrepareRequest(This,fRetaining,grfRM,fWantMoniker,fSinglePhase) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> PrepareRequest(This,fRetaining,grfRM,fWantMoniker,fSinglePhase)
- #define ITransactionResource_CommitRequest(This,grfRM,pNewUOW) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> CommitRequest(This,grfRM,pNewUOW)
- #define ITransactionResource_AbortRequest(This,pboidReason,fRetaining,pNewUOW) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AbortRequest(This,pboidReason,fRetaining,pNewUOW)
- #define ITransactionResource_TMDown(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> TMDown(This)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResource_PrepareRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fWantMoniker,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fSinglePhase);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResource_PrepareRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResource_CommitRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ DWORD grfRM,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResource_CommitRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResource_AbortRequest_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason,
- /* [in] */ BOOL fRetaining,
- /* [in] */ XACTUOW __RPC_FAR *pNewUOW);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResource_AbortRequest_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionResource_TMDown_Proxy(
- ITransactionResourceAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionResource_TMDown_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionResource_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionEnlistmentAsync
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionEnlistmentAsync;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionEnlistmentAsync : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall PrepareRequestDone(
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr,
- /* [in] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *pmk,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall CommitRequestDone(
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall AbortRequestDone(
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionEnlistmentAsyncVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *PrepareRequestDone )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr,
- /* [in] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *pmk,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *CommitRequestDone )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AbortRequestDone )(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr);
- } ITransactionEnlistmentAsyncVtbl;
- interface ITransactionEnlistmentAsync
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionEnlistmentAsyncVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_PrepareRequestDone(This,hr,pmk,pboidReason) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> PrepareRequestDone(This,hr,pmk,pboidReason)
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_CommitRequestDone(This,hr) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> CommitRequestDone(This,hr)
- #define ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_AbortRequestDone(This,hr) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AbortRequestDone(This,hr)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_PrepareRequestDone_Proxy(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr,
- /* [in] */ IMoniker __RPC_FAR *pmk,
- /* [in] */ BOID __RPC_FAR *pboidReason);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_PrepareRequestDone_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_CommitRequestDone_Proxy(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_CommitRequestDone_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_AbortRequestDone_Proxy(
- ITransactionEnlistmentAsync __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ HRESULT hr);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_AbortRequestDone_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionEnlistmentAsync_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionExportFactory_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionExportFactory_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionExportFactory
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionExportFactory;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionExportFactory : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetRemoteClassId(
- /* [out] */ CLSID __RPC_FAR *pclsid) = 0;
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall Create(
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppExport) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionExportFactoryVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *GetRemoteClassId )(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ CLSID __RPC_FAR *pclsid);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Create )(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppExport);
- } ITransactionExportFactoryVtbl;
- interface ITransactionExportFactory
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionExportFactoryVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionExportFactory_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionExportFactory_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionExportFactory_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionExportFactory_GetRemoteClassId(This,pclsid) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> GetRemoteClassId(This,pclsid)
- #define ITransactionExportFactory_Create(This,cbWhereabouts,rgbWhereabouts,ppExport) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Create(This,cbWhereabouts,rgbWhereabouts,ppExport)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExportFactory_GetRemoteClassId_Proxy(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ CLSID __RPC_FAR *pclsid);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionExportFactory_GetRemoteClassId_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExportFactory_Create_Proxy(
- ITransactionExportFactory __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppExport);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionExportFactory_Create_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionExportFactory_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionImportWhereabouts
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionImportWhereabouts;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionImportWhereabouts : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall GetWhereaboutsSize(
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWhereabouts) = 0;
- virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT __stdcall GetWhereabouts(
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionImportWhereaboutsVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *GetWhereaboutsSize )(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWhereabouts);
- /* [local] */ HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *GetWhereabouts )(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed);
- } ITransactionImportWhereaboutsVtbl;
- interface ITransactionImportWhereabouts
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionImportWhereaboutsVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionImportWhereabouts_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionImportWhereabouts_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionImportWhereabouts_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereaboutsSize(This,pcbWhereabouts) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> GetWhereaboutsSize(This,pcbWhereabouts)
- #define ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereabouts(This,cbWhereabouts,rgbWhereabouts,pcbUsed) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> GetWhereabouts(This,cbWhereabouts,rgbWhereabouts,pcbUsed)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereaboutsSize_Proxy(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbWhereabouts);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereaboutsSize_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- /* [call_as] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionImportWhereabouts_RemoteGetWhereabouts_Proxy(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionImportWhereabouts_RemoteGetWhereabouts_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionImportWhereabouts_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionExport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionExport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionExport
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionExport;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionExport : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall Export(
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbTransactionCookie) = 0;
- virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT __stdcall GetTransactionCookie(
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionExportVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Export )(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbTransactionCookie);
- /* [local] */ HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *GetTransactionCookie )(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed);
- } ITransactionExportVtbl;
- interface ITransactionExport
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionExportVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionExport_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionExport_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionExport_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionExport_Export(This,punkTransaction,pcbTransactionCookie) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Export(This,punkTransaction,pcbTransactionCookie)
- #define ITransactionExport_GetTransactionCookie(This,punkTransaction,cbTransactionCookie,rgbTransactionCookie,pcbUsed) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> GetTransactionCookie(This,punkTransaction,cbTransactionCookie,rgbTransactionCookie,pcbUsed)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExport_Export_Proxy(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbTransactionCookie);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionExport_Export_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- /* [call_as] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExport_RemoteGetTransactionCookie_Proxy(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionExport_RemoteGetTransactionCookie_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionExport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- #ifndef __ITransactionImport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- #define __ITransactionImport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
- /****************************************
- * Generated header for interface: ITransactionImport
- * at Wed Jan 24 15:45:40 1996
- * using MIDL 2.00.0102
- ****************************************/
- /* [unique][uuid][object] */
- EXTERN_C const IID IID_ITransactionImport;
- #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
- interface ITransactionImport : public IUnknown
- {
- public:
- virtual HRESULT __stdcall Import(
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [in] */ IID __RPC_FAR *piid,
- /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvTransaction) = 0;
- };
- #else /* C style interface */
- typedef struct ITransactionImportVtbl
- {
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *QueryInterface )(
- ITransactionImport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ REFIID riid,
- /* [out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvObject);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *AddRef )(
- ITransactionImport __RPC_FAR * This);
- ULONG ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Release )(
- ITransactionImport __RPC_FAR * This);
- HRESULT ( __stdcall __RPC_FAR *Import )(
- ITransactionImport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [in] */ IID __RPC_FAR *piid,
- /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvTransaction);
- } ITransactionImportVtbl;
- interface ITransactionImport
- {
- CONST_VTBL struct ITransactionImportVtbl __RPC_FAR *lpVtbl;
- };
- #define ITransactionImport_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)
- #define ITransactionImport_AddRef(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This)
- #define ITransactionImport_Release(This) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This)
- #define ITransactionImport_Import(This,cbTransactionCookie,rgbTransactionCookie,piid,ppvTransaction) \
- (This)->lpVtbl -> Import(This,cbTransactionCookie,rgbTransactionCookie,piid,ppvTransaction)
- #endif /* COBJMACROS */
- #endif /* C style interface */
- HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionImport_Import_Proxy(
- ITransactionImport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][in] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [in] */ IID __RPC_FAR *piid,
- /* [iid_is][out] */ void __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppvTransaction);
- void __RPC_STUB ITransactionImport_Import_Stub(
- IRpcStubBuffer *This,
- IRpcChannelBuffer *_pRpcChannelBuffer,
- PRPC_MESSAGE _pRpcMessage,
- DWORD *_pdwStubPhase);
- #endif /* __ITransactionImport_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */
- /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */
- /* [local] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereabouts_Proxy(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed);
- /* [call_as] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionImportWhereabouts_GetWhereabouts_Stub(
- ITransactionImportWhereabouts __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbWhereabouts,
- /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbWhereabouts);
- /* [local] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExport_GetTransactionCookie_Proxy(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed);
- /* [call_as] */ HRESULT __stdcall ITransactionExport_GetTransactionCookie_Stub(
- ITransactionExport __RPC_FAR * This,
- /* [in] */ IUnknown __RPC_FAR *punkTransaction,
- /* [out] */ ULONG __RPC_FAR *pcbUsed,
- /* [in] */ ULONG cbTransactionCookie,
- /* [length_is][size_is][out] */ BYTE __RPC_FAR *rgbTransactionCookie);
- /* end of Additional Prototypes */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // IID definitions for interfaces defined in this header file
- //
- #if !defined(_txcoord_iid_) && defined(INITGUID)
- #define _txcoord_iid_
- const IID IID_ITransactionResourceAsync = {0x69E971F0,0x23CE,0x11cf,{0xAD,0x60,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0xA7,0x4C,0xCD}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionResource = {0xEE5FF7B3,0x4572,0x11d0,{0x94,0x52,0x00,0xA0,0xC9,0x05,0x41,0x6E}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionEnlistmentAsync = {0x0fb15081,0xaf41,0x11ce,{0xbd,0x2b,0x20,0x4c,0x4f,0x4f,0x50,0x20}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionExportFactory = {0xE1CF9B53,0x8745,0x11ce,{0xA9,0xBA,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x6C,0x37,0x06}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionImportWhereabouts = {0x0141fda4,0x8fc0,0x11ce,{0xbd,0x18,0x20,0x4c,0x4f,0x4f,0x50,0x20}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionExport = {0x0141fda5,0x8fc0,0x11ce,{0xbd,0x18,0x20,0x4c,0x4f,0x4f,0x50,0x20}};
- const IID IID_ITransactionImport = {0xE1CF9B5A,0x8745,0x11ce,{0xA9,0xBA,0x00,0xAA,0x00,0x6C,0x37,0x06}};
- #endif
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////