home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- create procedure msmq_check_existence
- (@DatabaseName varchar(255))
- as
- declare @DatabaseExists bit
- select @DatabaseExists = 0
- select @DatabaseExists = 1
- from sysdatabases
- where name = @DatabaseName
- if (@DatabaseExists = 1)
- begin
- return(184)
- end
- declare @DeviceExists bit
- select @DeviceExists = 0
- select @DeviceExists = 1
- from sysdevices
- where name = @DatabaseName + 'Data'
- if (@DeviceExists = 1)
- begin
- return(187)
- end
- select @DeviceExists = 1
- from sysdevices
- where name = @DatabaseName + 'Log'
- if (@DeviceExists = 1)
- begin
- return(191)
- end
- return(2)
- go
- create procedure msmq_create_device
- (@ISQLPath varchar(255),
- @DeviceName varchar(255),
- @DeviceDirectory varchar(255),
- @DeviceSize int,
- )
- as
- declare @retcode int
- if @@microsoftversion < 0x07000000
- exec @retcode = msmq_create_device_6 @ISQLPath,
- @DeviceName,
- @DeviceDirectory,
- @DeviceSize,
- else
- exec @retcode = msmq_create_device_7 @ISQLPath,
- @DeviceName,
- @DeviceDirectory,
- @DeviceSize,
- return @retcode
- go
- create procedure msmq_create_device_6
- (@ISQLPath varchar(255),
- @DeviceName varchar(255),
- @DeviceDirectory varchar(255),
- @DeviceSize int,
- )
- as
- declare @DeviceAlreadyUsed bit
- select @DeviceAlreadyUsed = 0
- select @DeviceAlreadyUsed = 1
- from sysusages
- where vstart between
- (select low from sysdevices where name = @DeviceName) and
- (select high from sysdevices where name = @DeviceName)
- if (@DeviceAlreadyUsed = 1)
- begin
- return(@DEVICE_IN_USE)
- end
- declare @DeviceExists bit
- select @DeviceExists = 0
- select @DeviceExists = 1
- from sysdevices
- where name = @DeviceName
- if (@DeviceExists = 1)
- begin
- return(@DEVICE_EXISTS)
- end
- declare @DevicePath varchar(255)
- select @DevicePath = @DeviceDirectory + '\' + @DeviceName + '.dat'
- declare @Command varchar(255)
- select @Command = 'dir ' + @DevicePath
- declare @DirectoryResult int
- execute @DirectoryResult = xp_cmdshell @Command, no_output
- if (@DirectoryResult = 0)
- begin
- return(@FILE_EXISTS)
- end
- declare @VirtualDeviceNum int
- select @VirtualDeviceNum = 0
- select @VirtualDeviceNum = (min(low)/0x01000000)+1
- from sysdevices SysDevices1
- where low/0x01000000 between 0 and 254
- and not exists
- (select * from sysdevices SysDevices2
- where SysDevices2.low/0x01000000 = (SysDevices1.low/0x01000000)+1)
- if (@VirtualDeviceNum = 0)
- begin
- return(185)
- end
- select @Command =
- @ISQLPath + ' -E -d master -Q "EXIT(' +
- 'disk init' +
- ' name = ' + @DeviceName +
- ', physname = ''' + @DevicePath + '''' +
- ', size = ' + convert(varchar(8), @DeviceSize * 512) +
- ', vdevno = ' + convert(varchar(3), @VirtualDeviceNum) + ')"'
- declare @DeviceCreated int
- execute @DeviceCreated = xp_cmdshell @Command, no_output
- if (@DeviceCreated <> 0)
- begin
- select @Command = 'del ' + @DevicePath
- execute xp_cmdshell @Command, no_output
- end
- return(1)
- go
- create procedure msmq_create_device_7
- (@ISQLPath varchar(255),
- @DeviceName varchar(255),
- @DeviceDirectory varchar(255),
- @DeviceSize int,
- )
- as
- declare @DeviceExists bit
- select @DeviceExists = 0
- select @DeviceExists = 1
- from sysdevices
- where name = @DeviceName
- if (@DeviceExists = 1)
- begin
- select 'device exists'
- return(@DEVICE_EXISTS)
- end
- declare @DevicePath varchar(255)
- select @DevicePath = @DeviceDirectory + '\' + @DeviceName + '.dat'
- declare @Command varchar(255)
- select @Command = 'dir ' + @DevicePath
- declare @DirectoryResult int
- execute @DirectoryResult = xp_cmdshell @Command, no_output
- if (@DirectoryResult = 0)
- begin
- return(@FILE_EXISTS)
- end
- select @Command = 'disk init' +
- ' name = ' + @DeviceName +
- ', physname = ''' + @DevicePath + '''' +
- ', size = ' + convert(varchar(8), @DeviceSize * 512)
- exec (@Command)
- if @@error <> 0
- begin
- select @Command = 'del ' + @DevicePath
- execute xp_cmdshell @Command, no_output
- end
- return(1)
- go
- create procedure msmq_create_database
- (@ISQLPath varchar(255),
- @DatabaseName varchar(255),
- @DataDeviceDirectory varchar(255),
- @DataDeviceSize int,
- @LogDeviceDirectory varchar(255),
- @LogDeviceSize int)
- as
- declare @DatabaseExists bit
- select @DatabaseExists = 0
- select @DatabaseExists = 1
- from sysdatabases
- where name = @DatabaseName
- if (@DatabaseExists = 1)
- begin
- return(184)
- end
- declare @DataDeviceName varchar(255)
- select @DataDeviceName = @DatabaseName + 'Data'
- declare @DeviceCreated int
- execute @DeviceCreated = msmq_create_device
- @ISQLPath,
- @DataDeviceName,
- @DataDeviceDirectory,
- @DataDeviceSize,
- 186,
- 187,
- 188,
- 189
- if (@DeviceCreated <> 1)
- begin
- return(@DeviceCreated)
- end
- declare @LogDeviceName varchar(255)
- select @LogDeviceName = @DatabaseName + 'Log'
- execute @DeviceCreated = msmq_create_device
- @ISQLPath,
- @LogDeviceName,
- @LogDeviceDirectory,
- @LogDeviceSize,
- 190,
- 191,
- 192,
- 193
- if (@DeviceCreated <> 1)
- begin
- execute sp_dropdevice @DataDeviceName, delfile
- return(@DeviceCreated)
- end
- declare @Command varchar(255)
- select @Command =
- 'create database ' + @DatabaseName +
- ' on ' + @DataDeviceName + ' = ' + convert(varchar(4), @DataDeviceSize) +
- ' log on ' + @LogDeviceName + ' = ' + convert(varchar(4), @LogDeviceSize)
- execute(@Command)
- if (@@error <> 0)
- begin
- execute sp_dropdevice @DataDeviceName, delfile
- execute sp_dropdevice @LogDeviceName, delfile
- return(183)
- end
- execute sp_dboption MQIS, 'trunc. log on chkpt.', true
- return(0)
- go