home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "CkyPch.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "utils.h"
- #include "notify.h"
- //
- // ctor
- //
- CNotification::CNotification(
- LPCSTR pszCookie)
- : m_nState(HN_UNDEFINED),
- m_pszUrl(NULL),
- m_pbPartialToken(NULL),
- m_cbPartialToken(0),
- m_pbTokenBuffer(NULL),
- m_cbTokenBuffer(0),
- m_cchContentLength(UINT_MAX), // not specified for .ASPs
- m_fTestCookies(false)
- {
- // set the eat cookies and test cookies based on the munge mode.
- // Here's how the flags will affect output of this session
- // if EatCookies is true, cookies will be stripped and URLs will
- // be munged with the cookie
- // if TestCookies is true URLs will be munged
- switch ( g_mungeMode )
- {
- case MungeMode_Off:
- {
- m_fEatCookies = false;
- } break;
- case MungeMode_On:
- {
- m_fEatCookies = true;
- } break;
- // always default to smart
- default:
- {
- m_fEatCookies = false;
- m_fTestCookies = true;
- } break;
- }
- *m_szSessionID = '\0';
- if (pszCookie != NULL)
- {
- if (!Cookie2SessionID(pszCookie, m_szSessionID))
- {
- TRACE("CNotification(%s): ", pszCookie);
- CopySessionID(pszCookie, m_szSessionID);
- }
- }
- TRACE("CNotification(%s)\n", (*m_szSessionID ? m_szSessionID : "<none>"));
- }
- //
- // dtor
- //
- CNotification::~CNotification()
- {
- TRACE("~CNotification(%s)\n", m_szSessionID);
- }
- //
- // Create a CNotification for a Filter Context
- //
- CNotification*
- CNotification::Create(
- LPCSTR pszCookie)
- {
- ASSERT(pfc->pFilterContext == NULL);
- TRACE("Notify: ");
- // placement new, using ISAPI's fast allocator
- LPBYTE pbNotify =
- static_cast<LPBYTE>(AllocMem(pfc, sizeof(CNotification)));
- CNotification* pNotify = new (pbNotify) CNotification(pszCookie);
- pfc->pFilterContext = static_cast<PVOID>(pNotify);
- return pNotify;
- }
- //
- // Cleanup
- //
- void
- CNotification::Destroy(
- {
- CNotification* pNotify = Get(pfc);
- if (pNotify != NULL)
- pNotify->~CNotification(); // placement destruction
- pfc->pFilterContext = NULL;
- }
- //
- // Set the filter context's session ID, creating a CNotification if necessary
- //
- CNotification*
- CNotification::SetSessionID(
- LPCSTR pszCookie)
- {
- CNotification* pNotify = Get(pfc);
- if (pNotify != NULL)
- {
- if (!Cookie2SessionID(pszCookie, pNotify->m_szSessionID))
- {
- TRACE("SetSessionID(%s): ", pszCookie);
- CopySessionID(pszCookie, pNotify->m_szSessionID);
- }
- }
- else
- pNotify = Create(pfc, pszCookie);
- return pNotify;
- }
- //
- // Sometimes the data in OnSendRawData ends in a partial token. We need
- // to buffer that partial token for the next call to OnSendRawData. In
- // some cases, it may take several successive calls to OnSendRawData to
- // accumulate a complete token. This routine builds the partial token,
- // taking care of memory (re)allocation. There's always SPARE_BYTES bytes
- // unused at the end that callers (esp. OnEndOfRequest) can write into.
- //
- void
- CNotification::AppendToken(
- LPCSTR pszNewData,
- int cchNewData)
- {
- ASSERT(pszNewData != NULL && cchNewData > 0);
- // if there's room, append new data to the currently allocated buffer
- if (m_cbPartialToken + cchNewData <= m_cbTokenBuffer - SPARE_BYTES)
- {
- m_pbPartialToken = m_pbTokenBuffer;
- memcpy(m_pbPartialToken + m_cbPartialToken, pszNewData, cchNewData);
- m_cbPartialToken += cchNewData;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- m_pbPartialToken[m_cbPartialToken] = '\0';
- #endif
- return;
- }
- // We want to allocate some extra space so that we have room to
- // grow for a while before needing to allocate more space. If we
- // allocated only exactly enough, we'd see O(n^2) memory usage in
- // degenerate cases because AllocMem doesn't return memory to its
- // pool until the transaction is over.
- DWORD cb2 = max(1024, 2 * (cchNewData + m_cbTokenBuffer) + SPARE_BYTES);
- if (cb2 > 10000)
- cb2 = 3 * (cchNewData + m_cbTokenBuffer) / 2 + SPARE_BYTES;
- m_cbTokenBuffer = cb2;
- LPBYTE pb = (LPBYTE) AllocMem(pfc, m_cbTokenBuffer);
- LPBYTE pb2 = pb;
- // Already have a partial token buffer? Copy contents, if so.
- if (m_cbPartialToken > 0)
- {
- ASSERT(m_pbPartialToken != NULL
- && m_pbPartialToken == m_pbTokenBuffer);
- memcpy(pb, m_pbPartialToken, m_cbPartialToken);
- pb2 += m_cbPartialToken;
- }
- else
- ASSERT(m_pbPartialToken == NULL);
- memcpy(pb2, pszNewData, cchNewData);
- m_pbPartialToken = m_pbTokenBuffer = pb;
- m_cbPartialToken += cchNewData;
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- m_pbPartialToken[m_cbPartialToken] = '\0';
- #endif
- ASSERT(m_cbPartialToken <= m_cbTokenBuffer - SPARE_BYTES);
- }